lilE a 'J ir i" ft Ik tail . . . W. T, OAHO, Editor. Ptbljhed Tery Thursday morning by W. H. Miskell & Co., at the following Salwreription price. Subscription Rates; 1 year, . - - - $ aoalhs, - -$ tnenths, - . ; -I xaenth. - - $1.00 60c. 25c. 10c4 p5 Advertising rates reasonable and will be furnished on application. We desire Agents and News Cor respondents at every Post Office in the ounty, -Wv' . (Oar friends will help us by sendin ui the news.-EDiTOR ) " ."Notices of dea hs and marriage published free of charge, Bntered at the Post Office in Bayboro . G. as Second-Class matter. Not Glad- But Sorry The Pco pie Were Fooled There are, scores of cotton growers in t ...... - North Carolina who were footed by thp Republican claim that if Parker should be elected, the price of cotton would go doirn. Some of them listened, to the Republican 'cry ' Roosevelt and High Cotton! and voted for Roosevelt, Oth ers' were partly persuaded by the Soph istry of Republicans and did not . vote at fill. These men have found that the Re pabliaacry was all ; a lie by-seeing cot ton go down to six cekts very shortly after Roosevelt was elected by an nn pr cideated large majority, and because the Democratic papers have sailed at tention to the exposure of the deception practiced by Republican speakers, the Hiefcory Times Mercury,5 is - moved Uo make this statement : i 'Since Roosevelt was elected many two-by-four politicians are glad farmers ,re loosing on their cotton. That shows ft bad spirit, since a majority of the far mers South voted for Parker. VV - . We have seen no politician two by four or other kind - who are "glad far mers are loosing on their: cottonj" On the contraryrthe- politicians, like, other folks, are sorry that the. price jof cotton has, gone down belew the cost of produc tiCn. They have properly called their 5 attention to the (act that the Republican promise of "Roosevelt and fiigh Cotton,, stands exposed as a naked falsehood and wicked deception. That's what hurts the Radical organ ! "" Just suppose Parker had been eleGted 1 The slump m cotton would have been deelared to be the'immediater resold and the Democratic party would have . been abused by every Radical, paper iu A mer-; ica as the author of the starvation pri ces of cotton, Raleigh News-Observer. , ; ' : - , White Girls For Hotel' Help. It was learned here last night that 25 white girls from Boston bag passed through Nortolk on the way to Pfnehiirst where they will take placesin a hoJei, snpplanting the negroes employed there. It is understood that the chengewas made on account of bbjectioa' to colered help on the part of the gnests of the ho tel. . . .... J. . This brings us up to the point to ask why do the guest of the hotels object to colored lelp. Pinehurst" is a place of Winter resort for Northern p'aople- a'nd the negro is migrating from the South to the North especially the negro women looking for aad obtaining positions as J hajp, yt we 8 '6 the Northern gas 1 !.... ... c.i.iu ... i ' .... , , A I klQd Of hPln flHll nnmnelllnir htt nrnnria. ' . .U-W ftVpiIU tors of this hotel to get Northern white help in their places instead, what is ihe cause of it ? We are no prophet nor the eon of a profit but it does nob take po phetical knowledge to see, that the time is comrniog and commiog fast wheu all over the South white labor will ba here taking the place of the oegro labor, es pecially the female branch cf labor, tbe cause or causes are plain aud every day and year presents the case plainer and plainer to a careful observe r. There is !more than one cause for this, The sons ana aaeghteri or nam are rast becom ing Ishmat lites in the land both North and Sooth, East and West, The South has got to hav j reliable labor and all- ready several State have established em igration bureau looking to sup plying the cou try's wants, emigration once turned 8uth vard, it will continue until all demands are supplied. The Grand Jury Abolished. a.i.inesoia oas aooiisnea tae grant r j ? t ' '' jury by constitutional amendment and ha-s i.'st ucted tbe Leisl ,ture to pro vide nom metho . of fer n -i;g to trial accus3l proMHi rht-r than by Indict- u.enl a. ihe hands of g- yn- j -u y- The plan thht will beevelved 2il u- etched with interest. If it can U improved upon, let us have the imprevemcut, but it still require the exercise of the highest wisdom to devise a better system than the grand jury system. Executors Notice; Having Qualified as Executor to tlit. last Will and Testament ot Nancy A. Needbam, N'tice is' bpr-by" given - to all.perFOus boldifig -claims - againt-t the said estate to present them to the under signed for pa.vnieut on or berore Jan uary 1st 1906 or thib notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. . All . persons indebted to tb decead will make ,im mediate pay men o; v- Tnis January 5th, 1905. LAURA A,HASSEL, ) " -J' Executrix". NQRTH CAROLINA, i Pamlico County. J - To Z. V. Raw Is Entry Taker for Pam- lico County, ; The undersigned O. C. Daniels of Pamlico Couny North Carolina, Enter arid lays claim to the following describ ed piece or Parcel of land the same 'be ing vacant andx unappropriated laud and sublect to entry, viz : Lying in the Percosin between the head of Smith's Creek and Trent Cre k in No. 5 Town ship described as follows to wit : j - Beginning at the South West Corner of P. J. Daniels land kno vvn as the Ca.on Fulcher Patent in the ' Wm. Sparrow line and runs with said line S. 59 de grees W. 574 poles thence North dl de crees, W. 205 poles, thence N- 59 tlegreee E. 50CLpoles, thence S. 31 ,E 175 pole?, thence adirect line to the beginning cot. taining 640 acres. Being entry No. 245, Entered this: January 1st 1905." Z. V RAWLS; Entry Taker.' - O. C. DANIELS, M. D, ' - . - ' Claimant. NORTH CAROLINA, ' Paiu lico Cou u ty . 4 Td Z. V. Ra wis Entry Taker . for .Pamli co County. ; , v-'-,v The und rsinKl Richard Gaskins of of Pamlico County, North G irolina En ters, and lavs claim to to fnir-wing des crii tftc o 1.i?h1 the BHiue bftMg va caiii ami u .yppro; riated .land and bub ject ior. nfr5 viz :! L in.ij; in the Swamp ar the bead of C iad i'.'&'s Branch and sid Branch lea- i g i-.o Trent Creek, B ginning at Wi'li;-. W Daninls Ehh: Corner of h s pHetit'aiid ru s vvith his ii ie Went 25 92 n les '-b . stake nenv W ter Oak Blac k ,G:i aud Mapl- as .pointers in T. J Sf-:y. line, t. - ch iih his line N( rlh 44 uefei ea Ho West 15 pols to T. J. Sawyers - Cornr. then vMh bi oiher liue South 26- degrees MVst GO poles t y his other corner, r-thence North 20 poles to Mrs. Anna Davis' S. W. ror ntr, thence with her third line E. 260 poles, th nee a direct line fo the b?gin 1 ing containing 200 acres more or less. Entered this Derembfr 24th 1904 Z. V. ."BAWLS Entry Taker. RICHARD GASKINS, Claimant. U PR E AT ;CXiOSlN6r 3 - We have made the room and have filled the spice with au entir ly New Stock of FALL and WIN PER GOODS which can't It mi mcd iiality Call and Examine our Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Boots, Shoe, Hats Gaps, Gent's and LadiesVUnder wear, Fine Dress Goods, Cottons. Flennpls Prints, all in great variety and at lowest prices for same class of guod.. an where. , Remember We Are Headquarters For The Douglas Shoes, The Grossett Shoe for Gents, The Quean Qualy anl The Reed Shoes for Ladies.' Ho. MIDDLE , r nL' ;1 r j ; I,' r ri-ni ifi 'f C- - - - f New Bern Military Academy. (INC 0 R P NEW BERN, N. C. JtH - 'New Bern's Great Military School.' Raleigh News and Observer. A Few Points of Excellence: 1 Superior Equipments, Beautiful Grounds, Pure Water, and large elegant Iv furnished buildings, lighted throughout by electricity. 2 Superior Faculty. A Specialist at the hpad of every dppartment. 3. Cadet Barracks and Girl's Dormitory located at different points eack under competent disciplinarians. 4 Lowest rates for the advantages. Write for Catalogue. Spring Term Begins January 2nd. S J HOLIDAY MMaaMaHB-BHa--B----H-i i Has The Eifect of MADE YOU SICK ?, We Have a Remedy for Every One. 'Call On Us. IATB0R0 D HUB GO. I nce, ST., NEW BERN, N. C. - - r& - - - .. -,.-Li--, w-. ORATED,)? A- B. LL. B, - w - r . -, , , , President. TO MY FRIENDS AND THK- GENERAL PUBLIC ! Having purchased the Stock of J. W. Miller & Son, we will continue the busi ness on at the Turney Store. We will keep constantly for sale a weli selected stock of FIRST CLASS Fresh Meats, Can Boods, Hard-ware, China-Wars, 'Can dies, Nuts, Fruits, Etc. ' My Prices will be Low, and wa will endeavor to please all. Reepeolfnliy, , J. L. RIGGS & SON BAYBORO, N.. O. V V4, rSi C?mjrt :.-v-vj Groceries r ' 1 J

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