Peace, Prosperity and Hapuiness. Equaland exact iustiee to all mea Jefferson. VOL. BAYBORO, PAMLICO COUNTY. C. THURSDAY APRIL 20, 1905 No. Does Prohibition .Prohibit. The Durham Herald takea a shot at the situation therein regard to whiskey drinking as follows : "There is perhaps more 3anday drinking in this town now than before we had prohibition for the reason that the man who violates the law everyday in the week cannot be ex pected to have any regard for the Sab bath." If the lavabiding seiititneut iu , town is uot strong euougti to cpo with those who pe.sist in breaking lts it looks like serious proposition. Raleigh Pose. This is the treueral result of all prohib itory laws in all stoiiims, everywhere so f a-r as we have been able to see, hear or kuaw of tneir workings from che birth of prohibition up to the present date. Prohibition does not prohibit or has not so far, up to the present date at any place where it has evr been u law and we do n.)t b lieve it ever will. This is our opinion publicly expressed, not only now but on a goo 2 many other occasions and we hav never yet seen, &, place un der prohibitory laws, where drinking was stopped, or 1-ssened wh le the drunk bibitisan evil, so is prohibition and which of tho two U the least ; or which of the two is tbe greatest, are both de feat eabl-propositions.'- memorial struggle by the Gonfedf rate or Southern Soldis to go around, and give all the living ones all that they wereVn titled to, and a bounteful supply left for future distribution, without detracting from the dead oi any, or impeding the progress of truthful history. Sally has got to the bead of the cotton farmere organization, and says to them hold your cotton, and reduce your acre age, and vou will win the fight that ten cent cotton is now in flight, or words to that effect" Card Players Fined. Goldeboro, N. C, April I5thv Special Before the grand jury adjourned this weHj warrants were is-$uei against a number f promineut people f.r playing cards. The case attracted quite a dehl of attention and baa caused considerable comment. Tne parties were all reputa ble business men who had be-n i dulging iu social game, The cases came up be fore Judge Moore yesterday, and the de fendants all submitted. A fine of $50 and costs was imposed. Raleigh Post. This Pems to mean that the people are beginning to tfrako up to the impor tance of enforcing :he law, this i9 a it should be, the law let it be eitter a good or a bad law should be enforced so long as it remains the law of the land, aud the sooner grand jurors and jus:ics of the peace get to doing their duty, observ iug th ir oaths and euforci.ig the Criini rial law of the laud, the quicker it will be seen thai the morals of the country are improved and improving. This law agaiust gambling ir? an old on, and has been openly violated in some places ever since its passage. Even young boys, who have ever think themselves men have engaged in thia sport for past time until the midnight cock gave warning to them to disper.-e. We . suspeet right in this town it has been done, break it up by enforcing the law. Let non escape. No man r boy who is not too good to break or violate laws should be consider ed too good to be punished. Punish all, treat all alike. In Jail. Sheriff Campen with a warrant to ar rest one ; King, a colored man, upon a warrant of false preiense. The negro was at work on the PO&WKR when the Sheriff made the arrest, K'ng's broth er came to his rescue with a drawn axe, one got away while the Sheriff was tie ing King. In making the arrest the' ne gro bit the Sheriff severely on the arm when-he h-d been vaccinated, and on the hand Mr. Herbert Riggs who came to the rescue of Sheriff Campeo, was bitten by the negro. King is now in jail under two charges, false pretence and resisting an officer. i Eleetion to be Held May ist. At a meeting of the Tow n Board the foJlewing men were appointed to hold the Town Election for the Town of Bay boro to be. held the 1st Tuesday In May for the purpose of electing Town officers. J. Will Miller, Registrar; E. C. Hooker and E. F. Miller, Poll holders. This 5tb day of April 1905. E. F. MILLER, Clerk Town Board. We see from an exchange where a man out West killed 46 snakes in one day, last vteek. It is a little loo soon for us to beat that now but we wiil do it be fore.long. Judge Farnell and Major Z. V. Rawls, Register of Deeds was trying to smoke one out from under their offices last Monday. Zeb said he was a red oak snake, Appomatox. The Appomatox affair is all over and petce and happiness prevailed ; every body who went eojoyed the trip nothing was done to mar the hapr.iueas of any. one. It was found that tjbre was elorv enough W02 upon the battlefields of that Notice Rail Road Meeting, Pursuant to an adjournment of the P. 0, and W- Rail Road Company, held at tbe office or its Pr -ident in Ba3boro, March 22od 1905, There will be neld a meeting of the Stock Holders of said Company at the office of its president at the Court House in Bayboro on Thurs day April 27 1 h 1905 at 12 o'clock noou For the purpose of transacting euch bus iuess as may come before it. All Stock-holders are requested to be present either in person or by proxy. Business of importance will be transac ted . , -By order of the Presidpnt, W. T. CAHO, Pres't. GEO. T. FARNELL; Sec'y, and Treas "There will be held a meeting of the Directors of said Company immediately after the adjournment ol th Stock-holders Meeting on the" same day and at the same plat e. By order of the President, ' geo. t. farxell; Sec'y. and Treas. Bayboro. N; C April 17th 1905. " ffiS!Fa EarSy Risers The famous !2tie pills. Clotliing JJepartment Is Immensely Suppled With MEN'S, YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S Something of fresh intertst at every turn. Have no care "except to find the SUIT you want, and that easy enough. The Styles art just as you'd have them for Spring and Summer. PRICES will DE LIGHT YOU in exact proportion as you know what they usually are. Men and Boys in shabby suits are not pretty pic tares. We are waiting to fit you out . with Spring-time Clothing. Suits, Hats, Shoes, Underwear and NeckwearAnything, Every thing. Our quality and prices have no equal. W. 1MB0IG, NO. 67 Middle Street, NEW BERN, N. G. 11 When in Bayboro Calf to See n in u; i . i n m V P.,PJLt .M4 -He has the Nicest Line of- aster and Spring Goods ver displayed in SayboFO- He also has a Fine Line of- -He Has Blood in His Eyes . as To- FHIGES QUALITY his Motto is Small Profit and Quick Sales. Be sure toJ see Him early and get your choice of what you need. 0