- .-' :v" 1 7i . i i - ' r A 1 ' ... t 4 4 s ii i i r In i I -! H f i 3 I 1 -fi- i; t y ' ' v: ! J .J .1. t Tfe Beaufort News PubUied every Thursday at Beaufort x- . Carteret County, North Carolina. ? WILLIAM GILES MEBANE. "7 Editor aad Publisher ;. ' One Year:.,. ..$150 a lonth - .75 Three Month. 40 Entered as second-class matter February 5, 1912 at the postoffice in Beaufort North Carolina un der the act of March 3, 1879 Past And Future. There" is no disputing the fact that iri the year which has just ended Carteret county made a very considerable advance in its development. " The record is here to speak for itselfand while it is not as good as we desi re, yet upon the whole it is satis factory. . A sure barometer that the bu siness of the county is on the in crease is to be found in the de posits ipi the five banks that serve the people. Ever one of these institutions shows a sub stantial. increase in bnsiness and some of them have made treman dous gains. - The banks could not grow unless the people cannot put it there unless they are mak- ing more. We jiave no; exact figures at hand but we belive that the big jest growth iu the past year has been the farming industry of the county.. The " high prices that cotton and tobacco have .brought hsve been the main , element iii the farmers' prosperity although other products like corn, pota . toes and live stock have also cohtributed. The menhaden fishing this year has proved a disappoint ment but' the catch of food fish has been large and has; bee i of great value to tUr pe"p'e- There are not many man-ifactuiintr concerns in the cour-ty excent the fish scrap and oil fcctories but the ones that are tere liavi in the main done very-well.. The outlook for ano'her yea looks encouraging. The ywng men are all back from war. Work is plentiful and wsges are high. Farm prod;ic s will probably be high ajiin. ,Tner are, many houses to be bu I, roads to be constu:te1, cops to be cultivated ?nd fish to be caught. The only thing needed is "the win to win" as the Ger mans used to sn.y, If we , have that we rai get oir-share of the prosperity whic l . will prob ably sweep over the country this year. Lets do it. Fariwell Ueds. Some vere cursing, some sing ins? and so ne weeping when the f hip lor.d of anarchists were sarted on their ship back .-to Russia from th port of New York not long since. These rapcals who would' overthrow the American government and Who like to denounce " it, like Well enough to live here. Thev cannot pick up a good living in Russia as easily as they did here and down in their hearts they are no doubt sore at the pros pects of going back to their pwnJ aisrractea ana demoralized coun try,4 We are well ridjpf Jhem "thougfi'and there are a good many left here yet who ought either to be jailed or deported. . The News cannot either think of or hope for any. thing better for Carteret county during the year now 'beginning than the 'Improvement T of f our " public schools." This matter is funda mental in the developrheilF and of pur country. ' Good attend ance, good buildings and equip ment - and particularly 4 good teachers . are the objects for which we should strive this year ' The' News acknowledges the ceefpt from the Releigb Time tf urhersAlmanacThis' al manac has been published since 1828 and it is as interesting ' as ever. It contains a lot of infor matiori and is well worth -the tifteen, cents as kedfo-i it. , 4 "GOOD FO& i HOEY-From all indications the Soutlfi3 still able t6 do its own voting" States- fville Sentinel". . Yes stijl voting Trigger". ; : To . our . readers: May all your wantswduring the New Year be good ones and may they all be; realized- protect' " t he song biros Sound Advlca, Whlci la as Applicable . to United State to Cana- dian Farmed . y Our songbirds are now on their way to their Canadian haunts, and some of them may have arrived when these the old admonition- protect them In every way possible, because they are itors now own 1U).573,71,000 of eav the best protectors of our gardens, our Inga. - r , garden crops and our orchards. With- This Is the moneywbich has built oul these birds the Inserts would "eat up the . railroads, municipalities, Aut of house and home." 1 , . . homes and industries of the nation. In an article On th protection of Thesa savers financed the war sue wild Ufa Jack Miner condenses the ceastuUy. and on their continuation whole case into a single paragraph. tt production of new capital. He takes the robin aa the represents a,. sayings, testa the T aoratkm Uve of oor winged aUlea ta the war- fa, fnanolng reconatruotioi and for fart against Insects and worms, and he he increase of produotloa eeesaary states hU case In this fashloa: l i..w v t,.i. ,M. .i im.. , "Now what good la the robin t Ev erybody knows the robin. A boy came Along the road with a 22 rifle, saw a robin sitting there, and killed It I wnavvrand picked l!h: robro up. f,wo cutworms were Hnlnnlng on the ground rtho robin had had them in his Vbt. I held the bird up, and rwe mora fell out of bit mouth. Remem ber, eao eat worm will cut down flvs tomato( plants M a Wght ' The cat worm doea his work and then hide coder the soil ; Mr. Robin eomea hop ping along, picks in there and pulls hint out and then turns him Into a robin" If ; anyone tell ' yon that ' a robin will destroy "one hundred 'cut worms. fn"a dat take It from him that ft la true."' Montreal Herald. ... iirtstry of Mirth. An ex-member of the London county council, tht Rev. H. B. Chapman, vicar of that quaint relic of old London, the Savoy chapel, marooned lt a back water of the Strand, hn -emerged Into print. In the columns of the Morning Post, on the great amusement ques tion. Mr. Chapman Is convinced that all is not well In the theatrical state of Knglond, and therw are nmny wlio ngree with him. Still he Is no mere Iconoclast. -He litis his remedy. It Is a verysimple one--a ministry of mirth, headed by an Ideal' chief, and established without delay. Hut then Mr. Chapman admits that be Is aD."iii eoiriKlble optimist." Perhaps Sir. Chapman might add to the gayety of nations by editing a new edition of the works of !eniokrt08 of Ahdera, th! Lsugiiing Plilhinofiher; onles. as ii quite- tosKible, nnl not -lttout7 rea son.'he rK8rls Demo!;ritos as t be first of pessimfsts. . Far Home Cardeners. Home food product !ou will continue because it has found worth. . , . ( . Tf ... T 1 .. K..J wniie, IS me rini-inui ,n.iui- in iiijytj War Garden VictrniiJ. a nwtory ojKjj the war" careen movement in the Lslt-f,; ed State which hn Jum been iiwued. The book, which gives a complete rec ord of the campaign. deHares that "there Is no question that the eultiva tors of our wnr gardens, now become victory gardens, will continue their labors." The volume is not for sals mt U being sent to libraries, garden coiimilttees and other Istirested In keeping a permanent record of this wok. The author Is Charles Laftrop Pack, president of the National "Y.'ar Garden commission, with whose coo ailments the book la distributed. PRSGES ARE educed -We have a few SKIRTS and" Hats which we wish to close out and are offering them at Come early before they are all gone and get a good bargain . Mrs. C- A. Moore tmilOXSARE SAVED Banks of Country, Havo Twonty-Soven -. Hundred Thousand Accounts' Flgi uroa . Announced- at Convontioft ".Show. TBer re X7.000.000 satlnti bank depositors in the United 'States, ae cording tOf i!gurg published at the cqnYenMjW the American Bankers' Ansoclatlotf here. In compiling these' flgttres due allowance was . made for duplications. v Investigation by , the bankers has prored that these say- wptlons. people of small means. butftoP thla Abgusand, September there they are the people who absorbed In large measure the war Issues of gov ernment securities. Thrift and War Savlnga Stamps, Sayings Certificates and Liberty Bonds AND ARE KEEP ING TKEM. - : - w Not only did they buy and hold gov ernment securities, but those invest ments led to additional savings, con iplidated the habit of thrift and in creased bank deposits throughout the entire nation. These 27,000,000 depos bankora agree. " i , The goverameat savisgs aocnrltlM and Liberty Bonds offer -ideal Beans for tbo productloa of tnja Hew capital. They are adapted far lavestntent of nil sums no aaatter how great or amall. They are the safest secnrfty nossiblo. They are profluble aaa readily .ooa yertlblo into . cask should naesoaity arlaa.. ' . r . , CHARGE OF THt STAMF BKISAD&i V ' " '" r ' ' Just n stamp,. st. stamp. Just n stamp onward;,, Into tie. ralley of Jlfd f . , Go many hundred. -i Stormed at by eosU and hllla. Boldly, they faced their 'Ilia," Hrayely cut out all frttla. . v And bought a hundred'' ' "'. Higb.cost tq right btthem. high cost! to left of them, High coat behind them. 'volleyed and thundered. But they kept saving on. Just as they had begun Tltl they'd a hundred.- -: When will the high cost fade? O. the wild cbarg they mada! ' All the world wondered. - So let us fight the scamps With more War Savings Stamps, Stamps by the hundred. The armistice cleared the sea of XT boats but your financial craft can be Jast aa effectively sunk without tnce by foolish investment 'in wild-oat stocks. Government securities. War Savings Stamps and Liberty Bonds are safe. Tbo armistice ended the war but lo typhoid.- the after effects muut tgiven close care and attention. ; financial physicians preicribe strong tonic of tbriftSanl th & regulai absorption of War fiiylnp International Courtesy Torelgn vewels entering United StaJrports ore obliged to display only the flag of the country to which they belong. It Is customary, how ever, for Eteamers to carry the Unit ed States flag at the forepenk when entering United States ports, but this la, merely p matter of . international roorteey and is not cotnpnlsoix B V l 3 .f EmberW Winter fuel being gathered up wherever It may be foundthis autumn. In Paris the coei carta which nil day lumber along the Avenue do, VereaHlea on the edge of the Seine are followed by n troop of women and1 children armed with sacks- and baskets. '. The road Is worn, there are many, boles. the Jolts are frequent and bits- of coali S' i . . . . . mm r or coks ' come a lumoung . oown. xnere Is a rush and 'eager hands thrust the black .treasure Into grimy basket and gaping aacks. The gleaners organist themselves Into shifts It's, worth do-frgv-ttiey get as much as a sackful ooe hundredweight In- one quarter of Jan hour.'- Thus Parts Is taking In its coal "In good time., In. London where n the streeajof pearly all, have been has been a harvest of half-worn tarred woodbiocktf little heaps" -(" them along the side of the road. , ,No lack of customers either, and In areas and back yards tidy little stores of blocks have been put by tor use in ths com ing winter. ' '' ; I ' Paternal .Wisdom. Pa,.(what la an Impresarlot" "An impresario, my son. is I er -r a man wha runs a re8turant" ... "But, pa. il thought he had 'some thing to do with a theater." ."That's rlghr, my son. .'He's a -man who nins a restaurant In connection with", a theater."f-Blrmlngham Age Herald, . . . Faahlona Power. J - "Soml of the most fashionable peo ple are going to wear old dothea." ... . "TJars , terrible news." , walled the man' with ablny nleeyes. -;, .Z - "fir teribler, ' ;- :-:;-tuiJc' "If old clothes become fashionable ihell cost so mach that nobody can jfcfford to bay a second-ban sulU'. Fathers Punlslwwtrrt. "dot .After nears agaiov ebr satd tbejsther. "Oi uly'teB urtaulen, levied the son. "Well, go at eace to your room, air, lockj yourself ta, and bring me, the key.' This , tboogbtlessnesn mast be cekeLn Iae7 Ttt-Blts. . ; : Pertitizer. dgh value as ternUser is foaad In the wkter iris.-' Tbw Material Is par tially dried before stacking, and after becoming jvell rotted K provesto have about tba-sama composition 'aa-farm yard manure, except that K la richer In potash. ;.-- C " .' v . Only One Thing to .Da, w to K-fomr a' meow h'aa taara- adlto deal off the boeioaa la.ta hirA g'Kxl and' KareaV keep ' Irolalfd Again. m irisnmen were waikmg t'ong one of the main thoroughfares in GmUgow whan they noticed a lni-ge placard in the Window of a shop with the words: "Butter! Butter!! Put ter! ! !" in large type written on It. "Pat." said Mike, "what Is the meaning of them big strokes after the words?" Wch. ye Ignoramus." says Pnt. "sure they are meaat for shiltelahs. to.shojv ttii Irish butter," London Ideas. Cam are 6ld riy whan in cimtttiHotlty ' hd packtgf of 30 eiirtl or tan pack taa (200 aigarattaa) In a glaaaina-papar eorarad carton. W, tironglj rmoommtnd thta carton for the home or offio aupply or whan you travail 1 i J77 I ft oor and carton. Wa 'hatA J- yMTkc.c.. I "WiBM-Wm, N. C. OA ; y S. : ' ' " ......,'f-..rri..;f..l,T!;. ', . The Friendly tight The companionable Rayo lampt A A r vnur elboy-5teadfastshcd ding a steady stage. Tke Ravo is nickel plated, made to burn a. , lifetime. It is lighted without , removing shade or chimney iss -easily filledr re-wicked and cleaned. Scientifically builtr. it, diffuses the most economical light most efficiently.- . -f - Aladilm Security OH tve riifj. STANDARD OIL COMPANY JEST.' T - Human beings were mad to sue teed and to bo happy when they work iogether on the "each for all and all tor. each" basis. Put them together any other way. ..and they "won't geTon at 11L And Succeeding. Most of the economic sorrow which a, nation suffers b rises from the greed of men trying to snenk set flub adva&v tages over others for profit Making a Stand. Cactus Joe announces that be will not play penny ante, believing as he do.-s that tlie game ouslit to be big emnigh co keep people's minds' on Jt o they won't quarrel. Subscribe For The News Clampldl arm mm flavor it providesi CanTare eattciCarerodor! a. Com Dare Campio i .v. ",B or,a ny Price! You'll glov upon work of .4 a solid brass lamp "ALT.MORB. ,0, "North CtriRtaJjv - .'r. '4r'?fe Carteret County. " , 'j Having qualified asf administrW JTf Z trix of the estateof -Uiam'KlSC watson, jr., aeceased late of Carteret County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against, the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Wildwood N. C. on or before the- 5th. ' day of December 1 920, or this notice will be pleaded in bsr of recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi , ate payment. This 5th day of December 1920. P. E. Watson. Arkninistratrix of the estate of William M. Watson, Jr, Deceas- ClEamty or un' "l,y cigarette led. f : 1-21 -.,. ..... K -' "( -(' - .i v .., )' --'.-rsM t ram h h.-r, v i 17 1 XVW - i ' ..'. ..... V. m : - . ; 1 1 ; j -I .'., . ', ' . ; .".:V; i": f . .., 0

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