-.1 77' - iff- A v.i 1. ncan of Greensboro to WW) nas oen spending the- holfc f 0ays nere on a visit to his mother l S?? Hrnsboro Monday. f H Wheatley's parents in; Newport, tJp'Jno- ri. ReTpess ofishinon was here this week on a tiat-to V ! his brother ? Judge K: T. Resn : f-'X. -Ferkms has been 'auuu.u u.iwuo lanci Mur Deauiori. h The work of taking the .census begins on the second day .of Jan? tuaryjr'j '' :! Reverend W. 0, Hawkjjis pas tor of the colored Qpngregationat ' churches in Burlingfoft-smd Haw River is here on a visit to ' his , relatives; Reverend Hawkins is i native of Beaufort Buell Cooke of Norfolk spent the Christmas holidays "here with his parents Mr. afict Mrs. A. J.Cooke. . ' Jno.A. Royall Jr who is a .student at the University of Nl C spent the holidays with- his parents at their place tn North River Mr. and Mrs. W. L Bell of Dover spent Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Sanders. JL L. Garner who is a Student of Oak Ridge institute was ; in 1 Beaufort' Monday. He ls.spending the holidays, ith his parents near Newport - k- J. C Gardner has returned frym Macon where he spent the noli days on a visit to liis parents. Congressman ! S. " M. Brinson was in Beaufort' last, Saturday shaking hands wjth his . friends .and constituents. ' Chas. Mc Taknadge formerly manager of the Virginia Caro lmx Farms Company and who nude his home here ff r..' while is now located in Salem, Oregon wheoe he has gone inta business. Mrs. Talmadge and - little daghter Ruth are with Mr. Tal madge in Salem. They made quite a number of friends while they were located in Beaufort .and it is a matter of general re ' gret that they did not stay here permanently. " Wallace Willis of Sealevelpass--d thro ugh town Tuesday from a trip to New Bern. Wm. H. Bell of Newport spent Monday here on business' James Hutton of Mea'polis Minn, spent the holidays nere ith his mother 1 Mrs, I E Hellen bf Vanceboro who hasfBeen' visiting Mrs. C. W. Mansori foif-several daysHeft this nwrmnir for her home.- Notife of Re-Sale of Land MmIi If . . "ui vinuiM, vHrcerei cowtr a Pursantto 'an nrrfM 7nf tha Annorlnr Court of Carteret county. In ipecial pro deeding No, 421. titled Mace, apministr. tor etc vs. Thomas Thomai. et at, direct. iu re-taie ,oy reason or raised . bid thereon. unDersirfned t tommiaxicmera wilt W Monday, the 9th Av of JannarvT 192fl t 12 M. o'clock, at the court-bouse door Beauron. ft ft. offer for re-sale to the highest bidder or bidders for cash or on security te be be approved By the Court as.auggested at the sale hour, for aucjt approval, the fblloWiug described lands First Tracu Kupwn as St Elfeo Farm, beginuina at theroduth of a branch or creek, 'the dividin line between the Xbomas land and the -David Dickinson decelsedUnd,ruhning up and with the bronch to the main soad, thence with an old marked line north 18 1-2 degrees East 122 poles o a corner post and stone, thence north 72 1-4 Agrees east 55 poles to a corner pant, thence north 37 S-"4- de crees west 28 poles to- a corner pout, then north 65 1-2 detfraea eaas.78 K3 iwJmi tn large corner pine id the back line of the nmgnt patent or West Russett line, ihen north 37 1-2 dtfreei weal 8ft J S nW 4n Russell's and Dickinson's corner,, thrace nunn w degrees cast 148 poles to a cor ns bay In a email noni) 'thence north 48 degrees west 90 poles to the Henry Stan ton patent 'tine and Nicholas Bryant's patent line, thence with the same south SO degree west 143 poles to Knight's and Stanton's corner, thence south 40 degrees East 30 pols to theorner of the David Davis land, thence with the line of David DavUv landto the Main public road, thea With the lailt HllkA Mnffllattiai-nlw a a Rule creekuthf dividing Une between the i nomas tana ana tne I nomas Lewis land, thence down said creek to Newport river, thence down laid Newport river's waters to the mouth of the beginning branch or pttotrt bedaatot. ' v ' V1 Second trace .Known as Dowid Davis lands,, adjoining the lends of Alonzo Thorn arst oh the eest side of Newport rivhr end east side of Bsufort-New road beginning at a black gum on the east side of New Bern-Beaufort road. 'fhomaa corner, run. n tag north .7 degrees east 111 poles to three white beys, thence north 40 degrees west 24 ioiOLte. Josephus Merrill's corner thence Muth 07 decrees west to the main ryad. thence with said n te the begin ning, containing ZU acres n ore or less. Both of these ttacts are inclnded in 1 survey, a plat of which is Wed with the original report' of seje Jn this proceedings, in Clerk of Soperios Court's. offlce.-whkcb plat wiltpe used et thMfe-sale . ' lenu cracc ' low ; 41 ana. part Zf2 Id Town, water lots, on the south aide of Front saeerernd east side Orange' strert extedded bounded on the eakt by line f property tnown as -"Jerry. Flshft Black smith-shop" OS feel en Front street .Bidding to start-on tracts one' and tm to be sold as oce tract at t28.350.iand of. tract Tenths et $3,300: All sales subject to Courts csnrinnation. . This December 29th. 1919: , C R. WHEATLY. y ' JULIUS F CUNCAK. , ' Commiesionert of the Court 1-15-20 . . Notice of Sale . Under . Ex1 . ecutioo NorUi Carolina, Carteret county 4 mine supenor courts w S.P.ancockanjcl Geo. W; Hunt- ley, i.rading as Hancock Huntjey Company . w -,k va PILE UP. YOUR DOLLARS SO THAT NO ONE CAN KNOCK THEM DOWN. - ii . Mrand Mrs. 15. t. bmau pass ed through Tbesday enroute to New, Bern for a few days visu.. K. j. Respess and David Dun .can went to.New DerntTuesday .to attend the Shriners; meeting .there this week. - C.H. Bushall spent Wednes day in New Bern attending the ghriners meeting. Misses Lutie Jones and ; Emily einr Wednesday w New Bern aUendingJoe) bnnn .ers meeting. MissSsllie Bushall who has !W,in New York City for some -time is spending several days j .here with her parents. D E. Langdale went' to Cedar Point yesterday on a duck shoot, ing trip. ' Miss Emma Hill of Marshall .burg who has been at Moie s head City hospital for seyeral As being treated passed through Bswfort Siturday very 'X much improved The Elfenheiri-Moori Plantation, "Inc., a Corporation r W-r By virljie of an executidhdi rccted to the undersismed from the Superior Court of , Cartere,! county. In the above .entitled ac tion, I will on Monday .the' 2nd. day of February 192ft at 12 o' clock M.,J at the rourt-house door ot Carteret county sell to the highest bidder for cash to satis fy sid execution; all right, title and interest whicftT the-said Kl-fenbeln-Moon Plantation Incor porated, the f defendant has in te-fellowuie-described real es tate and personal property, to win 1st Tract Lying at the head of Nelson's Bay on the west side beginning at a rock in the mouth ot the Creek and . running with Robinsons line, to the back , line of the Salter land,- thence with the back line to the land known, as Tyson Salter old home-steady thence with that line to Salter's Creek; thence with the -various' courses of the' creek to the be ginning,'' . containing 30 acres, more or less, being that same land described in a deed from Tyson Salter to John and B. P. Salter, Book CC page 304, office Roister of Deeds for tarteret county. . ; 2nd, Tract-Lying at the head of Nelsons Bay, beginning at a stake stake at the side" of Salter's Creekat the mouth of a ditch and running a welvraidly tumse with with James baiter s to the back line of the Henry Smith patent; thence a 'scuthwardly course with the" Smith : line to Hannah Tiylor'S . line; thence with said line to the side of Sal ter's Creek and with" the Creek to the beginning, containing 5 acresV more or less See deed Al onzp Salter to-Elfepbein MOOn Plantation Inc. Book 24 page 375 w3rd. Tract; Lying in Hunting Qt&rtcr Townsnip,: beginning beginning at a nir.e sapling at the side of an bid path leating trjom Ruddy Pond to Martin Sal- 1.1 i : xt cv j ici s piaic tinu lumiiiiji in. viv tie-. E. 2087 feet to a lightwood knot and a small marked sapling: therice N. 40 degrees . . W. 207 feet to a pine in a slash; : thence" 5. 50 degrees W. 3000 teet to a small long leaf pine; thene S. B4 E. 2285 feet to the beginning, con taining iOO acres, more or less. Known as the Wicker Davis pat ent. See deed from Jas. Ewell, re corded in Book 21 page 132, Of fice Register of Deeds for Cap teret County. 4th tract: Lying in Hunti quarter Tjwjsayp. beginning back in the wooasTivpr near the back line of the Thoma'Gould- ing patent at a short 'leaJ)ine sanliri and running WestN.00 poles to a tree; thence "orth &ftJ poles; thence east , 100' poles; thence soutH 80 jwJes to the be ginning, contay Ingv 5Qiacres, more or less? trt'H Together 'wftrVie3 ing articles of personal property: . One mule, cme horse one planter; two plows, one harrow, one mowing machine, one planer one edger and saw and two carts. This 26th.day of December my. 1. M. Thomas,.Jr. . 22 . Sheriff of Carteret Couny. - Many s tired lad . has slipped his coat on when the whistle blew end said derisirely: "Another day. estoth erdollar. A million days! a million aire." He has said a mouthful W bit ter )est and without knowing it. Fot tr nest and without kaowlnf 't For. the doUars do pile up It the stck, i ot knocked oej.- 8ome financial sharpshooter t''e wars icunnlnf foA dollsrs. They eal Tlck them off at e mile like Annie T Oakley cracking clay pipes In a shoot (ni gallery. But If you put" some , of your doKars under coyer before any one can draw a bead on them, yon leare a slim score for the profiteer and the grafter.-. The safest, protection from those sharpshooters Is War Sayings Stamps bought ereYy payday. If you fire them your whole bank roll to sheet st ther will hit It for a perfect scete, i Make them waste a little ammunition. f , ly safe. They psy a high rate ol in-1 . . - terest and you can get your money . , ga Yield of Bone. In full when, you need It When they ' xj,, nrftest yield of bone from a sln plle up. nobod c4 nock the stack gje whaie was taken ,n 1883 oyer. amounted to 8,110 pounds. BBS 1 t To get Some Merchandise at Reduced 1 v- FMGES Notwithstanding the fact that the Dry Goods Market is ery '.. ' strong we have decided that rather than to carry . over till'Fall certain lines, we will sell' them at'& very low" figure Is Your Jme To Buy 'fa Blank Sweaters Underw ear and all Knit Goods X ' " V'-' -' - unt. RICHARD FELTON ':&:$SBM A F. R. BELL, Druggist. . Phone 89 Will Ifou Lend a Hand to llieve Beaufort's Present Distresses Housing PROBLEM We MustBui Id If Beaufort i3 to grow and prO)fress-If our community is to realize on jsl gigantic industrial opportnnity presented by the most wonderful wave of prosperity ever presented itwe must have more Moines to take care of a population clamoring for citizenship. , THE BEAUFORT BUILDING 8c LOAN ASSOCIATION seekjng to Render this service iey toWd-and m want you to Furniss It at ret. - Interest. Tax-Free Is that Fair? 7 ' . ' , ' ' 'r " TSeoltrindlngVand LoanstocTc'sHolTctpay a "rnlhTmum of 6 peT ce "iT;tfr , terest on the investment; and this stock is ' totally exempt from. Federal,'-1 -State, County and City taxes. Thatssl ow3 what our government thinki of ' it as a community builder. . As to safety of this stock, ask your bankerHf5ur are not being asked to give anything; Serely o fnvest! And you"are3o4;Wf ; We must Ifayi fered the safest, sonndest and highest interest bearing investment Jknown. W believe our business men will respondthnsiasticaily;' ' W'CGnceivf of no citizen bf Beaufort so devoid of civic pride-to 8y nothing of a reali Nation of personal advantage, finapciallyas to turn a deaf ear to a propc Ition ol this nature. k . " ;.;ri;vCVA:; - - f. 'V 2nd SERIES OPENS FEBRUARY . i-1 " , . y 2nd. H A' 'f ; 7 r

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