mm- :: - Potash :-t'"' , -V thaoi hark) i' " : !" tr T t-y-fjA hj-i . i'HWtP.ft !" : . v I rr ' . , , We have ample supplies of Gertnan! Potash Salts to enable us to say to the trade we are preparedjto furnish all of mixed goods with foreign Potash 'Saltsv EXCLUSIVE! and, in addition we are prepared to' sell Genuine aiuit and other grades of foreign potash Salts KAINIT . . - . KAINIT - . . MANURE SALTS -MURIATE OF POTASH 12.40 per ct. Potash 14t00 per ct. Potash 20.00 per ct. Potash 50.00 per ct. Potash ter dealer and pllatc your" order 6w See your F. . Royster Guano Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. G. Charlotte, N C Wash ington, N. t Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio . ; Company ASK 10 HAVE The Wonderful Sweet Toned Path e- Phonograph Demonstrated You Will Like It..' Then You will Buy It. R1C!ARMY OF WOMEN - ; BATTLES WITH H. C L CAN REDUCE COST BY AND SAVINS la All Parte of District . They Arc . Forclr.g tf) Fight to Rrfue Cotta, '; ( Budgat Plan Popular.: Organira Now Imparatlvtly , Nacaaaary If Na tlon la to ba Staarad Fram oala 1 "Partaaj)a at no ether time irfthlt nation's history la the apeal Work and Sara' ad neeeasary as at prasfnt. Manufacturers,' financiers, economists and many others, Includln the conaer ratlTO labor leadera,' realise that uh- less we work and work. hacd, and aava and eare hard, wo are headed for a period ot unprecedented hardship' "This Is not ihe mere mouthing of a Jingo or professional pessimist.. ': it Is a fact, and la supported y inn marable. signs ererywhere. Every hour wasted and every ' dollar pent needlessly is like a dagger thruat at the heart ot this country. Enough of tbeie dagger, thrusts., will finally reach the. hear). itaelf. r ; ' "The fact thafwV ar extraordinar ily rich furniahes no immunity from ultimate dlattster if we waste these riches. The thing to do is for each and torery , one of ua to pull in the name dlrectloB, towarda national economf. Without It we are loat. With It we can aa'kure'our national future." Odd Lot Review. "- Nearly one thousand women in tho TifthFoderal leerva platrict ar today acting as chairmen ot . clubs and groUps ot women 'who are plan ning to fight to a finish the H. C. 1 ill over the states of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Maryland and the District of Columbia, women's or ganizations are up tn arms against high prices, and are working on defi nite programs for aevfng In house hold and Uving expenditures In prac tically every Instance' the . war-time Slogan of "Buy Only What You Need" has been adopted by these women, as js shown by reports and letters piling bp at' headquarter of the Woman's Division of the War Loan Hon at Richmond, Va" Savings programs that are popular among these organizations Include .discussions- of the leaflets issued by the Woman's Division, a series ot sheeta' giving suggestions 'for-saving materials and meney by special clean ing, taking care of clothing, thrift In the use of fueland others. The divi sion has also distributed a model budget for regulating household ex penditures that fhas excited a treat "I thought at first that I could never persuade my husband -Jk try .the budret svslem." on woman reoorter! recently at headquarters, "but I show-! "" National Aeaoeiation of WastS A Mm thnr,M,rhw h,,.ina it Merinl Dealers estimates that Amei looked, and now he is a more ardort throw way 1700,000,000 worth budget eer even, than I am. fjist-ad o' ?f food ch V on ounc merely putting the amounts allotted of food ,9 waited or spoiled in each for tcoil n Parh hP ini'st tn 0.000,000' homef of America, on tabulating thr kinds of h? total loss is 1.300.000 pounds food we ouirht to eat in order to be day. As much ccal is wasted an, fio-irWied proprlv-he-s as mii(?i J-,-'nally as all the mines of the coun. terest-d as If It were a baseball ; nr could produce In two weeko. TTirift and saving are needed not only in materials but In iabor and money. "Each added individual effort will tend toward the increase of pro duction and consequent fall tn price of necessities, but physical ' Idleness ' no less an obstacle to the reduction of living costs than financial Idleness, Ttyre are millions of dollars Idle la the United States through lack of proper Investment which should be working for the common good. Thess sums If put to work would constitute the new capital so urgently .needed to tide over the period of reconstruction. Tremendous Food Waste game." The Woman's Pivlf'on " h?.s ' an nounced that. It will be f'd to nt--"l fJrrlft literature to any clubs or lndl-. V.duals dslrlng it. ! BSE CM Gaslilll-yace CQmpany h High Places Ey Walt Masoa. I hsve bought a grand piano and a aumptunun, ifdan. and a lot of other doodads, en the monthly pay ment plan. On each thing -I paid a dollar, and I'll ' pay a monthly bone, t!l I'm laid away and sleep ing underniith a aasginf stone It Is true. I didn't ned 'them, and I hevVt coin to burn, but I see my neighbors blowing every ko peck that they -em.. and It they caa have planoa and fine motors and sueh stuff. I will go aa far aa thay do though It snakes the tied-, ding tough. Every asonth I'll pay a dollar oa the Juak I do not need, till I Hasp around oa crutches and say whiskers go -to seed; and wea I have crossed the river to the shiiraioidsnniSorirrrnr-itttt' ho owing anoney te.lhe Jlax Iastsll ment Stire. Aad I fear the recol lection, will deatrev 'say peace of of snlnd. whoa I have a harp he fore me and a pair of wlnga be hind. Bf t tar neighbors, they keep blowing every rouble, every red. and I'd be a ecsrt of piker If I let them get ahead; ao I'm huylnf rircue wagona. aad I'm buying cost' ty (terns, as my w'fe Is wearing sables and d amend diadems, aad I bought the wbole caboodle on the loathly payment plaa. and I'm rid ng to the poorhouse In a super tight sedaa. rcnerHsat' ml - r per. rMtoe te U leg' D, Trasr taeMme.t. ) Keep Your Liver Active, Yotir Bysxem runnea ana itco rxovx, . Colds by Taking Calotabs, , - V the Natuealesr Calomel ' ?( ; Tablets, that are De- t " v ' ' :, liejhtfal, B?ia and yHX-i. Sore. Physicians and Druggists are advU r ing their friends to keep their systema purified and their organs in perfect working order aa a protection against ' the return ' of 1 influensa. .Thej Jinow arJu that a clogged system" and a) laiy liyer favor colds, influenza and serious . complications. 'To tut short U cold overnight and to prevent serious complications tke pno Calotab at bedtime wfth, a swallow of water thaV njl "No salts, no, nauaea, no griping, naeiciening afterf effects. Next morning your eold has Vanished your.liyejr s active, your aystora ia puri fied and refreshed and yon are feeling tine with ft hearty appetite for break fast. Eat what you pliase no danger. ciaiotaDs are sola only in original sealed packages, price thirty-five centa. Every druggist is authorized to refund your money If you are not 'perfectly delighted with Calotabs. (Adv.) -r- ' . . 'i. I. i' :. H.IH-' 'v.. re ' -i Vim a "A"'"r'v rouow the use of He MILES Heart Treatment ? If rjrou i are s suffering from any; vreakness; ir tegulaty or .distress, of the heart., you. shoula. trjr this' reliable ftiedicine." - . .... . .... . ,,,, y.'f Thousands have ' teen benefited by its use. MrtkMary E. Sheaf er,' West Phaadelpiia. Pa4 found great relief;-.-' She writes: J ;.. ; ' "l believe if It had not Veen of Dr. t Milts'' Heart Treat ment I would have 'died, and I owe my- recovery' to, this' Medicine." . ' , .l Suppose you get a.bottld of this medicine tddajr.anj tr it. Honey back if firsf bottle fails to relieve or satisfy,- SOLO BY ALL DRUCdlSTS 'J ..J. GHOSTS OF LOST FORTUNES IN SAFETY DEPOSIT BttXES If the safety deiosJt boies of the United Statea could give up ihe! dead stores of fake securities enough 1 wasted money would be disclosed to stagger the Imagination. If a man 'expects his financial barrel to fill up he must step the leaks la It. ' v Untold number! of fake scheme 'promoters and reglmeats of laveefc meat sharks, because of this pope, ilar Ignorance, are polating out "abort reads" to big fortaaes to these whose Libeity Boada and War Savings Stamps they hope to secure la as- change tor beau nf illy esshosse4''bCl absolutely worthless stock cert lft. rate-. These falera kaew the-value uf government aocurltles. yey are aailoMS to get them, for they St irs that they will aeoa be selling at par and above. But their vlctlsaa de not kaow theae facta, aad so they trade the beet securities la the world fur some wildcat propeeRlea that promises a high rate of Interest, but rarely pays. Sga ganee. ItaauM tarlUea.' lettee with eitrava- Keep e beylag War Savlags aad the weeMt ehhtteai . lihartf Beaae. In the yssr since thf annlstlee waa signed the Tressury Depsrtnaeat hae retired nearly a hlllloa dollars worth of Liberty Bonds. Bay Usee new. while erlces are, favorable, at aay haaklag laatltetl. S'ga ae armistice with waste. ltlg priced elothee aad feed are higher whoa waste rata taetr aee la thalf. Oet year asoaey's worth aad Wi yoaf aavlags 'Ute War Bat laaa lusapa, A Kcrvoub Wreck For the woman who baa be come "a nervous wreck",' be cause of the physical Ills pecu liar to women tnere'e relief and restoration to health and hap piness tn an old family doctor rrrsorlption used In his prao ioe for half a century to hsle sulTerlns women and safeguard young jirla, . . . . j - r . 1 i . is 1 1 S , ttrs. Ptnle Tntitt, tanerbW, MiJ oi a t v iT.u.': -i mr too ni :r'l tor tWt Wishbrtul nillctss. I knd tuUe sIhv tonal BtM Iims lor two rru- wi.h so trxl ivsuitf I aa tnly g-alrt d for ST XLA Mrs. i. V. V. MilsUsd. ii.: hsd ftrnls eom -tiHr.t tn? farm, Tre Miles of t?:.U. VITAB-a lit MM, simI "i ass Ibsskhil tut Ui treat t tvrtilmrr SsasUe ktele.' a f druKB-tet. tmmT l tiff errwreentthaMf the V' I rlrtt Settle faUst bnV ' I tt, money will' be reirr.4eV I TuifHTt itPnfr'tNfr rri. u arrment bit rattle falls ta money Ul be reirr4eV attaauSesvUJl. M , Beaufort Drui Company .. ... i t i Beginning Another Cba A woman waa m fond of when deetlt ftrertook her r?e t she was not long tn gett , kitten to Bll the apoa her ried the news wocnaa puteej small ne i - i. i L. -S t V C J I . . iir , - t