i. , J J f ! J1 .-r ' v- -; '7' ' ,- (- ' f4 :.t-A ........ . iT?-. -h : p . - 'L- ;;t r I.- r ',; j i. -" -S - f A f : i (fori if) I luble. MICKIE SAYS OEST U6SCN T NUKt IfOUNB N f Y1NASf E BASKET 1 IT 6VN8, I OOlsifyNAKt "TO SEE TMM" tiff LE IMP Kt&UT BEFORE ENE8 6VERV TttAE PtCK UP -THE PPPERl ' . 1 J KSCfi - vjss!Kb CMMUS An. Interesting: interlude at Wash-' Ington was provided by the visit of the king and Queen of the Belgians. J Albert was given an enthusiastic we come by. congress, and in addresser, before both the senate and the honsf gave formal expression of the gratl tude of his country to America. ,. Tin royal couple called Informally at tta White House. v Before leaving the United State King A!iert took wcaslon to make a pilgrimage to. the tomb of Theodors Boose? elt and to lay apon it a beautl- ' Immensity of Oceans. So vast are the contents of the oceans that it would take 2,000,000 years for ail the, sea water in the -world to flow .over Niagara. "RESULTS MORE THAN CLAIMED" mi ftiflmm Mr. J. rt AHmNDT, Box 4, H0mllg, Tmxm TRE IEMEDT FOB EVEBTPAY ILLS ' "I have used Pe-ru-na for . years in cases of colds, and catarrh. Theresults have been good, in fact, more than you claimed. : Have J also taken Lacupia and ean easily say it is one of the best blood! puri fiers I have ever used." 1 Mr. J. F. Arendt ,. . ' v s " For Cat$rrh and Catarrhal Conditions The evidence of one man tike Mr. Arendt is more coavinciac sroof to you of the merits of Pe-ro-ns thsn any written words of oars. For fifty year Pe-ra-aal has been the standby of the American .family for disease doe to catarrhal Inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the organs ofthebofly. Thousands, like Mr. Arendt, nave proved the effectiveness of Pe-ru-na for coughs, colds, nasal catarrh, stomach, bowel and liverjdisorders or any disease characterised by a catarrhal condition. " U your suffering Is the result Of rcatsntardisoTder try Pcrs mtr tt is a.lrae, tried medicine. 1 ( ) ) : r I . 'in J Qbld Everywhere Tablets or Liquid lunsiyssvse per sew. sr mt peopis swvassmrra m Peptd-Mahgan For Pale : . - ol WreiT. ; WE WILL pay a straight salary $35.00 per week and expenses to. man or woman witb rig to intror duce EUREK EGG PRODUCER. Eureka Mfg. Co. Ea?t Louis HI Welprint wedding invitations, ladies and gentlemen's -visiting cards and business cards. FOR- SALE. Saturday Dec. 27 in front of the Beaufort Banking and Trust Co, Beaufort, a good young farm horse broken to all harness. Weight 1000 pounds. Also buggy and harness It. In order hot" to miss getting your News regularly send " in your renewal promptly. The label tells you when your time is out. Pepto-Mangan Gives -the ' Helfi. , the Body JNeedsto Make c Rich, Red Blood Namel'GudVs'bn Every Package Sold by Dsuggists in Both Liquid and Tablet Fbrm-Medicihal Virtues are the Same The lessons are hard and the children are growing. Watch their health and if want to wora or play consult a good phylcin once if you suspect any serious aifment . The splendid tonic, Pento-Mai gan, if given dally for a few weeks, will in most cases restore the strength and start the young folks on the road to Hood health again. Yputh re sponds quickly. You can buy Pepto Mangan in tablet or liquid form of your druggist and can always be sure of the tfennine by looking for the name ' Gude s on the package. Without the name "Glide's" it is not Pepto-Mangan. It is svi fins tonic and blood-mak r for the, whole ffamily. Physicians ..everywhere have used it for nearly thirty years. . FOUNDTwo barrels Standard gasoline oil. Owner ,p!ease ap ply for same within ten days and pay compensation required by aw. . James A. Guthrie, Markers sland, N. C. SOY BEANS WANTED-Write us quantitp, yariety and Price Hickory Seed Co. Hickory, N. C. Jan; 8th. FOR SALE-One 6 year oid horse kind ana gentle. Alscu new top win seuto- Duggy ana Harness, gether or separately to suit Che purchaser. K. J. Respess, . Beau fort, N. C. " To The Public In: We wish to announce that on and aster JAN. 1. st. we - , . "':-' a-e compelled under existing circumstances to make ou" business.. ; ' STRICTLY CASH We are direct dealers with Manufacturers Miljers etc. ari n i will b j ii p i fit! or. at all times to make lhe PUBLIC the 1 Very Cheapest Prices $ We wish to announce also that our Cnstomers keep in touch . with us and we' will endeavor adjust matters of all kinds WITH BEST WISHES FOR A PROSPEROUS WW Respectfully, ; "STANLY A1, x . . ... . rrr ' '. r tii jnv ir.u Jirw Tiif i,wrr.ti7'.uv swu ij.uua. ii i 11 n riLsmiuLYL NOTICE To the TaxpayersWlCarteret County U91d State and county taxesf are now'due, Penalties for nonpay ment are as follows: December net; January 1 per cent will be added; February 2 per ct. March 3 per ct. Aoril ' 4 per ct May 5 perct. Pay now and save extra costs T. M. Thomas, Sheiff U-20 United States Railroad Ad- ministration 1 V Norfolk-Southern Railroad .. . . Will effective 12;01 . ra. December 21st. be Restored to schedule in effect prior to December 9th. For time of arrivals and departures of Passengei; trains see News paper schedules or consult Ticket agent, 'VAX. SB 71 Wi v roc ; ) t .Jr I ' Your Mer chant Is Your Jr rien d A farmer walked into a small town store and asked the price of a pair of shoes. The price of a pair of shoes- The merchant showed him' a Solid Leather, Full Vamp, Standard Brand Shoe, telling him the price was $6.00. "Why you're a robber"-said the customer, "I can buy a shoe likelthatlfrom a moil ordei house for $5.79. ' ' . . - '.",- "IiwilCmeet your mail orner price said the merchant." Tp customer counted out the $5.97 "Now," said the merchant, "pay me two cents for your stamp, 3 cents for your money order and 20 cents for postage and insurance. That ... if : - j makes $6.04. Come around in two weeks and I will let you have the shoes.". We have a few nice stylish Coats and Coat Stiics which we will sell at a 20 per cent, reduction. Only a few left Come and see them. . " - " " 4. . i i 4 . . . , ' .... i P. Smitli ; ' ; ',.'., . , r . . , Ml.. , ' , ... . . . , ' ' ' N - - - " ' ..!'' ' '! ' ' ', ., ' '. .. ' ' ' " . ' , "i.'i v ....... 'v- 'ti'v T 5ftf SROTffJ? :- m - V- v 'Jh f t9 J ( a r a . r "1 T T i I' " ! x- f. 4' "1