1 USTCiG PERSONAL PROPERTY : K;CHR llEVAUJATION ACT -Taxpayer Must Swear lie lias ?Tbt 'ConVerted Prop ; t crtir iaf Purposes oi Evar sion -Some Kind of Eva- eions Made Criminal--Au thority of Supervisors to Inst'tute Investigation and' Require Full Disclo- (By State Tax Commission) Every; taxpayer, in giving in his list of personal property, is 1 required to snbscribe to an oath " precscribed in the rava'uation - act, which provides affirmation , toat the taxpayer has not "converted any of his property V for purposes' of evasion. This strikes at,, a practise that was known to exist, to some extent, and which the present . tax laws' do not intended to tolerate discovered. when it can be 1 ' Certain forms of "conversion for purposes of evasion" are made crimuul and punishable, such as fictitious exchange for nontaxable securities, to be re- exchanged after taxlisting day, the giving of fictitious notes to be used as deductions from t credits, etc; , There are a number jof .othe,r ii subterfuges ualiysaf!' Humoral ' . and illegal. Some f them are: Sending .money for deposit in in banks out of the State and sending notes and mortgages out of the State over .the period for laxJtt ing, p . m - A resident of the tate is jnst as liable under these circum stances as if the property had remained in thr state, and is yuil ty of a most palpable evasion. Some people have been able to . satisfy their oinciences'.b? ,tak ' itig certificates of deposit tiorti their-;, favortle bank endorsed "Payable in U. S. Treasury Cer tificates. That was entirely to clumsy to have gotten by on . even on a 4 per cent tax rate, : ' ;. and of course cannot be tolerated , . 'under a tax system'that gives everybody a fair chance to be rhoiiast The tax supervisor in each . county is given extraordinary .power to require full diadorure - - as to ownership of intangible property-not only the power to , isue summons for, and examine i under oath any persob whom t 'hat any reasonlo believe has est " k made4 a full disclosure, but in 1 any such case to summons and . .examine under oath any third . ' party .whom he may have reason ' to believe tin sny information as to the affairs of pm parf y 4in , ZW favt3U0tv This extra- batt which the sup- ; "eniaort have beerifui.'Wto uss orjy van care srxr cauuon, - but nevertheless to cat in any cast trhere they, have fubsua- tial reason, to believe that any taxram hs not mide a full and " fair, 'disclosure, of hit taxable ! proferty. . ' " ' . . ..The irur value of. targibJt property b being foend. ,' The owwrship of intangible .1... must be disclosed. '. 'Church Services If the authorities will permit the services will be held st the St Paul's church Sunday. IWy communion st 8 o clock, Sunday Dcnooi at lu o clock tnonung services at 11 and the evening emcei st 7 o clock. C.W.Uy Rector. UD is still on ; . ' " II". ' ' ' rdinance Number 30 la Force For A While V ,1 At a meeting of .' the Board of Commissioners held at the City Halt Monday morning it was de cided that the health regulations known as ordinance number 30 should be continued for mother week There were present! at the meeting Mayor Bushall, Commissioners, Doane, Mace, Potter, and Whitehurst. A few citizeus were also an hand. Dr. C L. Swindell told the.commiss ioners that he thought ' the clos- J'ng regulations had done consid erable good and that they should continue in torce untiu the si tuation had cosiderably improv ed. There was a ' discussion of the matter and then on motion of Commissioner Doane the or dinance was kept in effect. An other meeting of. the board will be held Saturday evening, at 1$0 and it will be decided whether or not the restrictions shall end or continue for a while longer. According to th report from several sources the epidemic is still prevalent in most parts of of the town except that the colo red populaon has not suffered to any extent from it. . "Y good many new cases have deyelcped since last week but most ot the first ones lo get it are now up and'iiUTThetdiseasje this year is of a milder type than last year but there is'always a possibility of its getting severe John A. Duncan; V Captl Jack Duncan as 1 hewwas generally known in Raleigh, died t his home th2ra la3t f ri .day after an illqess of about two nvmtl:s. ' He was a native of lieaufort but had made his home in Raleigh for nearly fifty yeais. He was the son of Thomaslarid Alice Duncan.- Mr. Duncan is survived by his twj daughters Mrs. II. d Gregory of Kenbridge Va. and -Miss Dee Duncan of Raleigh and a sister Mrs. las'. C. Davis of Beaufort as well as a number of nephews, and nieces and cousins wq j live here and in Raleigh. Federal Income Taxes. The time for making returns of Federal income taxes is now at hand. The period covered is the year W.9. and returns must be made before? the l5tli day of March. Single persons r who It UT'C (.VCt HH JCI IC IW quued to make report and pay tax on same, Married persons are allowed an exemption , of $200a Women art' subject: to the income tax as wcS Mt jnen; For collecting the hicome Ux$ North .Carolina has been &riki into ten diifricts. Carteret coun ty Is in thaV New Bern district and WT..ivondieY with head quarters in that city is the Chief of the district. Deputy collectors will be sent around to,hdp those wno wisa tc in mating out their returns. Information and bUnk forms can be had ; ftom W T. wootuey, New Bern. .;- New Candldatee Out - Political bees are beginning to butt around with considerable activity now. The latest csndi. dates to enter the field sbout here are renounced in the Hews today. They were W. a Rouse of New liem 'who desires to win the Republican nomination. for ronfrress and E . D. Mtrtln of Ikaufort who aspires to the Re rjubjican rvrVinatlon for ..county treasurer. nhMonrpry UUiMLOJ W. D Rpuse Of Newfleritf Enters l&ce For RepubZ r-j lican Nomination .iThis. issue ojf jtheews carries the announcmentof W.B. Rouse of New Bern for the Republican nomination for Congress m-the . . . .. .''.'..." .' 4 ' ' 'i '. LI tnird district. Mr, Kouse is practicing attorney in the city INkw Rem and emnvs the resn and friendship of those whd know him there and elsewhere1 As he is a candidate for an im portant office it is not amiss to present to the public a short sketch of his career. i Mr. Rouse was born in a-San- hill section of Craven county His parents died when he was torteen years ot age and ne nas since that time made his way practically on his own resources. He prepared himself f or,college and entered , the University of Nof th Carolina in 1912 and gradu ated from that institution in law in 1916. That Fall he began the Dractice of law in .New Bern andthat city has been his home since then. In May 1913 he joined 'the army and in 100 davs' after that be was on the firing line in France He took part in . the ; famous battle of St.Mihiel and was wond ed on the 23rd day of September and yas sesback to the United Stafea-ior'lupitalrUeaunent Z Ift 'January 1919 he-was-dis- cbarged- frem the hospital and immediately returned to New Benrand resumed the practic of iawr:ir".: - v ..v .... jrPftewseaa ardent tnfent of the principles of poliiical economy and government: He believes that America can stand only so long as it remains free from foreign interference both within and withcut. He is a firm believer in the . constution of the United States as the fun damental basis of our liberties and our institutions ot govern ment. Since his early youth he has has been an admirer and suDDorter of the principles ot the Republican party. (Political Advertisinz.) Mrs J C Delarasr Dies Suddenly The Wt of Mrs. Etta Pearce belahiar who died In Salisbury Tuesday night arrij ed here' last night accompanied' by he hui band aatt aoa. Mrs." Delamar had boen in rathd-t poor health for some ssosthsj but the ' end came suddetiTytpe having been taled'sick si'thebe o'clock 'and passed away at ten the' even? inz;- bhe.nadjrn attack, of' in fluehzalast Wihter from which the never fully recovered and tht death oi k ton tot yeaj' WaJ also a great slock br her. Be sidest beT-Usband1 Mr." V C ucumar anqjier son vlu j. i: Delamar there are surviving her father Mr4.: RicVard Pearce .and and two sisters Mrs. Oscar tfo snd Reubcd Atkins. f ', The funeral eeiYicel ..were conducted fthU afternoon : by Dr. C. W. Lay rector, of, St Paufs church anJ the inurement was in the Epfjcopal c:nwury. irth Of Hoy Bom to Mr, and Mrs. M. Leslie Davis last Friday a son. The Infant has been named Thomas Keil Ivey for his. grandfather Dr. T. N. Ivey 0 Nashville, Ten Sduihern Clergyman Known At ChUrch's' 'Adding Machine" This Man's Sermo? U Figures Liunchcet t:EplSC?alians " 7 " Upon Greatest Mow-; ' !V- teat in Its ' t " , r '- tlr4 tht 'tuper-Aadlas-mMTitne'' Of Ui lEplscppal Chutcil. ' ... , . ' f Mm nam , it . the Rt. ft. Bland llUchftll, and l baa compoeod a aer- ' ;' 1 U ' I . . . m -4. .. l a. m Bon ta autiatica uai naa aurrea if tOO.OOO men and women to the tak ot tiTlnt M2.000.000." , , Mr. Mitchell baa Just emerged from barrage ot figures that "came over" j itrom every city,, town and .rural die-, irict in the United State, from 'Alaa' ka and Latin America; from the Island territories and the Orient, , From these' figures be bas nude -bi sermon-the survey ot the needs f the Episcopal Church In the period of reconstruction, upon which has been based the budget of the Episcopal Nation-Wide Campaign. ' " VLt. Mitchell once preached in worda. from a pulpit In MftsiBsippL' .'Not inany months' ago he was preaching thrtfugh the "mail.- as corresponding; secretary of the Episcopal Board of i Missions in tJew York. And how, soem- lngly aot preachlnj at all, he has, . In the executive office of tb Natlon , WideyCampalgn.aeliverea' to Episco " pallans throughout the- coantry ' thie , sermon in atatietics. which churchmen pronounce one of the most inspiring- ever deUvered in the Church. V , - It all came about through the Na--1 Moo-Wide Campaign. By. it the r. Church was to be inspired to meet the obligaUons ot reconstruction. New "workers were to 1 enlisted and inU - Hori Mis4. to increase the. efficiency. mxtuni -the inQuence of the Church's work. '" Then someone akked, wnai aoes the Church needt". Tat Question wt$ translated into Vii40lMiM''w ejfcaau4thywiW' cam paigff-byjwhlch the .,mt Binnn-r tba musiona ana rarishes of the-naUon, to the stations in Ue tor corners where missionaries were Ml w -rk. And wcile.men were busy,-everywhere, writing their part of the Church's story en ttese blanks. Mr. Mitchell was drafted from the Board Millions, marie mannger ot the taign otfice aiid given the Job of tUjc th results of this etu ly and DO YO'J KWOWf Do yon knot, the youns fellow i ho works for IZ a week and i ho Is' wearing now winter suit that cost S4T Do yea know wage earner who loafs btcaue he la afraid If -I ae doe too much hell 'work kin self out of jobt Do yon know the housewife wke to aahaa4 t be I with a rcar ket baaket oa her ara or to tarry atMea brown paper baadle? D yaw know tae aiagafaetarei wha,,wkes tk-ar!ce of raw nia la rval a4 vorkeetar gees I per want ad tW tw( e4 labor ae vaaeear an ewaal aaseaat. add U per, eemf t tao pre f bis go4s? D'ywi kaww the Mia wV Its rrwtk etovs a? Ill ket Nr fear SVn msa "ah tap" wiaa. be tea by a eau. 4 I""' W y hmew Ue iaveeter wta kaa.tr44 bia Uberty . Jar a varae praeaaM of ft baadrad per nl treat lav a suck Maaaajr ye knew la amrrU4 apW wbe a UUk bsr Mldteei la aab tfteea U aave? f eej lut tka aftoppw wi eye"W-a H sip aaeasehi e "We t rev.karv (b M etr aM aaset taa rvWto el iay aa4 weeka wf a HA a ewvaagf ? J leyniawiMsM4lMab tl a a amiaary fs. saver X ywa kaww saft wbe tape astal fa ttfwesMNl svta etttft-Ubertr -4M tHeaena M Vaaaa. Wa k Sv ft4 Ttwaaarf t CerVUtae w saw aa wrf be jetl m art taabtasiei law baa 'vttaU? ., lirTODO tots KKOW ratr w rl.f, WMT IS TM btST- with run rj. a .4- . Had tbe , Alt P , TeifbT a-rtiwl Hrrranif. If knew tb .ffri. imr.i "nia" and men. ."S U atao end ) hi H a SMiRf tb rnil twvtm tnms Wm uov.;i - J m tisj eejte avo) tMaet 4iaw j 1 I I ill ii i : I 3 W ii II? SI Jl REV. R. BLAND MITCHELL piecing tnem together into a compos ite, picture, a complete romance . In figures., ' -. ' , - i Month after month' of Ibor follow ed. The "snperaddlnr-machlnK" oi the Church completed hie work, i And that Wjf.rk is credited with having sat the entire Episcopal Church upon what history. , , CliUKi H will, attempt, RURAL WELFARE WORRh, .ft F.Dickinson and . others jta Systematlc welfare work in rural and mountain districts of the South, never attempted on an effective seals before, will be one outrrowth of thf ness. In every Southern state the th Mon of ita- artlvitlaa mnd campaign budget for permanent f The decline of tbe rural church, as disclosed by careful surveys of th Poiu'.er.i states, k a problem to re reive gerlous consideration of leaden of the cttnrsisn. William McKinley Today is th birthday of 'William McKinley. Presi dent McKinley was a good rran and a good American moreover he was a states man of great ability. His administration came after a period of unrest and fi nar cial trouble and inaugu rated an era of national prosperity and progress. He was the victom of $ bullet fired by an anarchist, , one of the same stripe as those who hae been recent ly planning to overthrow the American government President McKinley was one of the foremost men of hit dav and . his character ad career may be studied wkhprrfitby his country - men for many generations to come. ( ' Ma iris e License Five cermlw to enter the f state of matrimony were granted this week by assistant Register of Deeds J. R. JinnetL FouVofthe fortunate couples were colored ana one w&ue. iiy ere as ioUows; Berry Sutton(col) and Lucy Fuller of Newport, Wm. F. D. Jones (col) and Lena Hill of Stella. J.li. I'arker (col) and La -ra A. Parker of Stella, David Horton (col) and Effie Moore of Morehead City. C, D. Cannon and Essie Mundine of Newport. Atrs. Earle Schneider went Norfolk Friday to vis fr'icndi.' 80o;;d over -to court, Sea Level Hoy To Be Held On Homicide Charge. ' 4 On last Saturday ia the Juve nile Conrt Judge J. : Kespess bound. -.Mitchell. Willis of Sea Level over to Superior Court on the charge of manslaughter," A bond of $1000 was required ' and ' given. : Attorney C. R, Wheatley represented the State and J, F. Duncan appeared for the defense As related in this paper some weeks ago this was the case where Mitchell Willis fifteen years old shot and killed a' nine viar . nlrl rvw namArt liraham Willis. 'It was claimed by the. older bay that the shooting, was.; accidental and many people tfcjnk that it was,. A, Corner's jury -investigated " the. matter,. some time ago and made a mis trial of u Judge -Respess-took. the view that it, was best for both ' sides tq let the case go to the higher-court for tinahaction. and therefore bound Mitchell Willis over. . . ' y Real Estate Transfers Lizzie Belango and-others to L. F. McCabe and Miles . Jpnes, 100 acres in Mernmon- township consideration $10.00 and feet. . W. J, Doughtery;and others to- Ranbolph Roberts; tract in New port township con. $750.. w, w. Koberts a) acres m More- hf ad tnwnshin rem ftiWi I n u ur kt . j i ' : U' WebD and Wife to A J. I Fhilhnq it-rmr-fa con. $2200 I WadeJ loli No. 8 and 10 in More . ll"IWUd a. rfiiua J v.. head COn. $1500. , J. W. Sanders and wife to Daisy y, Koorce tract of 640 acres in Morehead township con $1QQ and ect. R. T. Willis and wife to R. F, Eborn, lot 14 in block 1,3 More head City con. $185. . E. A. Haskett to J. D. Swain 21 acres in Newport township con.$S00. k . : ... J. Davenrort and wife to E. A. Council lots 2 and 16 in. square Sv Morehead cjty conf $2450. ' W.R. Gaskill and, others to Chas. B. Parker lot on Queen street Beaufort 50 by 110 con. $1500. - Jas. 1L Mason and wife to F. M. Lawrence 8 acres in Straits township Con. ' - M. II. Gardner and wife, to R. M. Kelly 20 acres in Newport ownship con. $1250. E A- Haskett to J, D. Edwards tot in Newport con. $800, Jno. Boone and wife to Jas. W. Boone Sr 9 acres in Morehead township con. $450; Herbert Hancock and wife to Edwin T, Finer 1-2 interest in tract hi Smyrna township' 56 aciescon. $150, J F. M. Salter and wife to Chas. R. Pake 40 acres, in Straits town ship con, $3500. W. W. Lewis and wife to Hat- tie D.Killingsworth' part of lots 93 and 88 old town Beaufort con. $1000. , ,i ttS. Oglesbr and wife and lots 8 and 10 in sduare 23 More head city. $700. J ... v Koot. Jones and wife to James Wtngate 1-2 acre in Newport township con. $200. E. J. Gamer snd wife to R. S. I ones 25 acres in Newport town ship con $355. 7f Willis Pake and others to Charlie Pake 5 1 2 acres in Str-iti township con. $20 l Pearl Blades and others Id L,, C Blades part lot 11 in square 3 Morehead city con $5 v a P. Hancock snd-' ife to to Mo Ireland tot 203 old town Beaufort con $500 . t. r t L ; . f 1 f 7 1 . : 1 ! -1 Wiirtmi ! m wWl 11, .frnap'-'l'

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