s f 'i V K .J .-.. I '.') J' ' ? fUv'v'.Niv;V, w. r 4 '.yv.';:.-l . V r im; v . ---; - - . '- r 'V.-'i I I - A VJ-j" -r - s. I . EVERY THURSDAY : u , ; Reading Is To The 'Mind What tfxercim ( To The Hody BY W. G. MEBANE ,.), i. t.t, f 0 i VOL XV BEAUFORT, N. C THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19 1920 NUMBER i t i i i i lit s.y.t "v-'.:2 SECRETARY LANSING IS OUT President Wilson And fir, ' Lansing Unable To Get' ' Along In Harness XrC Together Miss Jones Entertains V On last Friday evening it was officially announced by the De partment of State that Secretary f Cbbert Lansing had resigned kfs yuMx, ocvcioi icucrs wmcn naa ' passed between President Wilson and Kir, Lansing weie published which purported to give the tea son for the Secretary's resigna tions President Wilson it Seem- ' ed took Mr. Lansing to task ; for having called meetings of the "Cabmerwithoirt;? his"knowledge or consent . This Jwas the speci fic charge against the Secretary, ' but the President further stated tnat the secretary s course ever since they went to Pans last Win ter had not been at all satisfac tory to him. Itappears from the .correspondence between the two officials that they had not been working together in harmony. For several months , there have been rumors that a SDlit had ' oc cuhe4 tween Messrs, Wilson and Lansing but most -people gvert surprised to know that their differences were strong enough to cause the SecreUry to get out of his office. Secretary Lane ; of the Interior Department resigned known there was no rupture be tween him and Mr. Wilson: As sistant Secretary of State Polk ' was put in charge of that Depart ment until a Secretary could be , appointed. y. OnJMonday evening between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 Miss Annie Neal' Jones, and her sister Miss ; Nellie delightfully enter tained a few of their friends in their , spacious home on : Queen street in honor of the Valentine season; aoon aicer. amvai uie guests were ushered into the dining-room, where an enjoyable four-course supper was ; served. This roorp was tastefully decor ated in hearts and Cupids. Af ter supper the guests were . invit ed back into the parlor where the "Penny" contest was indulg ed in. Miss Laura Thomas and Mr. James Rumley were the lucky prizewinnerS-in this pennv-guess mgigame. ; Miss Nellie Jones added great ly to the enjoyment of the ; even ing by her excellent rendition of the latest songs on the piano. Those enjoying the hospitality of the Misses Jones were: Misses 'Laura Thomas, Mamie Sanford and t Dorris Moore, Messrs. Otis. Moore, William Hatsel, ; James Rumley, Eluot Ewell and J. C Gardner. . , V Storm Did Damage . ' Lent 19 2d ,! - - " , r " ' K ' " " ' GEO. W, LAY. flcerON ' CALENDAR THE IIBirPROGRESSES. Beaufort Newt To Be In corporated And New ; ' Equipment Installed Ash Wednesday"; ' - February 18th. First Sunday in Lent February 22nd. Saint Matthias' Day February 24th. Second Sunday in Lent ebruary 29th. Third Sunday in Lent March 7th ! Fourth Sunday in Lentf Marcn 14th i , , Fifth Sunday in Annunciation B, Palm Sunday Good Friday .'Easter Day Lent F . V.Mar Match 2lst. Marchl25th.; March 23th ' , April 2nd. April 4th. .; FREITEETHiEEiMIOiiS' School Children Can Get DentarWork Done If ;.' They Want It ! Real Estate Transfers .i y; ; - SurpriseParty .' ' V .'" ' . On Wednesday night of Feb 11th a sunrise natty was given to Mr. James Ewell by several girls, at his home on Ann Street After many interesting games were played a delicious ice course was served. . 1 " ; Those enjoyed the hospatality of Mr. Ewell were: Misses, Doris Moure. Carrie Lee and Margaret Skarren, Nellie Jones, Anme Clyde Ewell, Clara Col lins, Thela Garner, Helen Morton and Ruth Noe. Messrs rreq King, Grayden and Halsey ' Paul, . Eliott" Ewell, Sam Chadwick, ' 4hnmv Fodrie. James and Julian Collins of Richmond Va, Misses Emily , Loftirv, Thomas, and .Lillian Vl orris chaDorrned the party . ' A atM study rTltd t gala dB tac Urrt 1 oo-tial( maoUu at Um -moo bUmI iray rvcralta .f 14 poundt tplM alBKwt tattr!? la mmlir Umv, id4 33 pr Mat hmm la ehMt hmhI. A almllar lrvMtifitloa la tk mij hotl l Mat Uit MB trmt InrrMM, lodl tUiil ranolDC Bp U M poo(la IndlrldBBl bcnaarlml mcbtaf S3 poandt and lb iw fry lttAMWf rtcnrdlo 'tat BoorBiABB tnfll l . . Ufa . . . Bit tfoo t BMO H7- tm fart. Ih rtB flW r A severe electrical and wind storm jpassedthreuch this sec tion last Friday about two o'clock and while it did "no "dairnage ' in the immediate vicuiitrbf "; Beau fort it did considerable harm in i the New Bern road section out near the inland waterway. The home ot Mrs. MarySpringle and Wm. J. Fodrie were struck by the full force of the wind and completely demolished. , Th houses were. blown down and parts of. the weatherboard- ing and shingles carried to con siderable distance. Both .houses were occupied by a number of persons but fortunately none of them were badly injured although several were considerably bruis ed. It is reported that in oneof the houses the sum of $1400 had been put between the leaves of a Bible. T After the storm the Bible,and the money were found unharmed. . Teachers Hold Meetting. the direct'on of Coun ty Superintendant L. B, Ennett a meeting of the public school teachers was held here last Satur day. . The meeting which was conducted by Superintendent Ferguson of the Beaufort Schools was in connection with the read ing circle work which is being earned on throughout the btate. X Valentin Party On Friday Feb. 13th, a number of friends were entertained by I Misi Clara Collins at the home 'ftf hjr lister. Mr. Sam Ambrose! , tu b4i-.i dBpa'rtiBMt .mpr4 r J conHmentary to hr two brotb- B laok or PtBUBtlCBi ctn iPttw ctB ivii. jiuuhi situ jaiuvs vuiiiih fi.000 i iijoo a rti) r''of Rkiimond. JV1J1 The.home was beautifuly deco- .- bb- t. ouiratedforthepecasthe Valen- MtbMiiatlrBlIy last pt H Tm OrMt CMnfa, . WW Qvn KtlcaUta wa ptmbM la ttk bill It UlddlB IbbsbIb, la L). ina. mi lb cxtBtloa of tb Brat pr fofBBB af BViktBBWi "Twrtfta 0t." It wwld aivt a rata tas ao woald drH ta pradlrt Vtt BTBOld U IBB BIt OfTBMoa SB) Mra vbbm wbI4 aa pnnltl4 la t4 aalt la official rspalif. Sorli a M would, la fart, hav kid t loak fnnrard mart lhaa SUO raara, for U aiifancal rrr0 ara t aa dpo4Bd i 'Bpua. Iht lattar actatlBa waa bbbi J Ua fwr woaa, bHo tmaUj adaitttad aa aiBdaU ta Ua t'tnpta. formall "dlA4 la Ia4 kaU Brlia tb aaachBra. J . " tine effect being.carrWI out in decorations and refreshments. Games were indulged in until ten thirty after which dancing followed until twelve o'clock. Those enjoying Miss Collins hospitality were Misses Annie t lyHe EweU.-M-DcAis Moort, Margaret. Lillie BelL and Carrie Leebkarreit Messrs J bam Chad wick. Jamev and Eliott Ewell Jim and Ralph Neal. James and Julian Collins. Swo'a WBBdBffiM Mai Taa BMtVdH4 k a gtva faca of Ua aaa U u Hbh iraatBr taaa taat aialrk U ia4 aff i U arfac Of Rxmim Irva. : Deeds filed for record with the Register of Deeds are as follws: Mary. Je- Dennis to D. B. Oglesby and Jna-W. Boone, 400 acres ; in' Morehead townslup consideration $10. ect V. v k V F. McCabe and wife to Jas. H. Bell lot no 116Uewpoirt, con sideration $100, j ' W. L GiUikinlO acres in Beau ort township consideration $5. u. B. Duncan and wife to W. E Currier 6 acres in Harlowe township consideration -$100. W. L. GUlikin to D. J. Simpson 30 a3res-tn- Beaufort township consiaeration . J.UDelamar and and , wife to Mrs Daisy Noe, lot corner I TV Oi i , unicr ana nnc otrecis, con sideration $500. ' ; , Frank Willis and wife to B. H. Day lot no 15 in square -105, Morehead uty con. $IU00. Daisy Willis - and husband to Leo. GUlikin lot no, 5 in square 67. 50. bv 120 ft, con $275. , LK. Piper and wife and M. LPiner to Daisy Willis lots 14. 5. 16, in square 113, Morenead City, each lot 50 120 fU con $150. Harvey Lawrence and. wife Wm. T.'Lawrence2-2-5 acres in Straitsttownship con. $100 - - J.W. AlfordandwifetoR T. Willis 1 acre in Morehead - town ship con. $150" -v J. D. Swam and wife to C A. Bell 2 acres in Newport town ship con. $200. ' v Wm.B. Davis fo L-T. and Alex. Graham 25 Wes in liar- lowe township con. $1200 Cornelious Fulford and, wife o Mamie M. Davis lot on Pol lock street, Beaufort con. $250 Easter Jordan to J no. Riddick half of lots 9 and 10 in square 154, 50 by 100 feet Morehead con. $250 ; - Edward Munford and wife to Jas. 1L Vann lot on Pine street Beaufort. 36 by 100 feet con. $450 M. B.McCain to A. D. Garner an his Interest in the Y, V. Mc Cain estate con. $100 . G. H. McCain to A. D. Ca-ner all his interest in the Y. V. Mc Cain estate con. $100 D, M. McCain and wife to A D. Garner 2-5 of 45 acres in Newport township con. $100 An Advantage. - Jot) was tliltlnt at rrandmotftert knnaa and wia being pat to bed hea ke recalled that he had almost to xottei to aar hla prayera. Be then aald them at grandmother' knee- kin aiual ."Now I lay me," ehdlnf by asking a apeclal bleealng for father, mother and hla two little alatera. ; At it elosa.he realiaed ha bad not .reraetnbered hla grandmother. "Why, I forgot you. grandma," be. said and then stiUef eBoaragingly-"bat dost yoa mnA tha) Pretty aooo 111 bo big M" to tnaka n mm nravara Bad then I eoa prar for ererybody." ' ,Tho Vegetarian Airman. V Hoaey Baker, the young Philadel phia athlete an4 airman, who made a brilliant Bying record during the war, wa tatklag at the Philadelphia Conn- , tryeteb; aboat-.1Uav ieihraBj Fraaee. ' "; ' ' : T knew oao chap," ke aald, "who 'eraabetf la Germany, and tramped 120 Bailee back to odr lines, It took hUa a month, and ho lived the whole time oa raw turnips aad carrot that aa do pat night" " ' " "OeeT aaid a young lady. "I woodot how rich an experience Mtr The poor guy," aald the airman, "told me It felt like a root march." Before He TbewoM. When I was going to high school my money waa limited, but I managed ta take my beat girl to a play anca or twice a week. ' One evening aa wa were about to start for the movie, my girl, not wanting to leav her mother alone, asked her to gow.. , Before I thought I said. "Surety, hire, . go with as; re only got 20 cents, but I can barrow a dime uptown."- Need less to say. she declined the Invitation, and I felt like the 20 cents ta my poeket. Chicago Tribune.' , - , H Said Nothing. -I think the Boost emharraaalng Bleat of my life occurred the other evening as I was walking with- ray boy friend. We walked dewa the avo Bee admrrlag aoaae of the new buaga Iowa.. (Mae la particular I aotlced aad remarred. Hf, fcw nnmHy tnla one Is." tie oald aothlng. nnt Balked ea. Abeat a week after I fouui going to be lhlr new Hnme aalta-wera. I Mvcat had a date with aim alaco f:a hanfe. dthl aa ie-The ra Sarvtee, " Jo. ftiBk and Wimo w-re raii Cnrlaitaaa la Kaatrra avenue. "Tvo been working all day de-nrat log eur Mum for nVjiia 1aM.7 said Warren, with a knowing wtok at rrsnk. : "Tea. air." o'chly eiclaleaod Jee, Ihe fH'a, f the three. XasU wW fli Mir irre, We've rat eervtee at oar hew-."-ltrat fro In . response td crowing de mands if has been found necess ary to enlarge the mechanical, e quipmentof the Beaufort News. Considerablejimprovmehts have already been made. New and larger quarters were secured and a first class cylinder newspaper press was installed in November! Other equipment is needed how ever such as a typesetting ma chine, a job pressa folder, a pa per cutter and some other small- ermatenaL wnen this i: equip tnent is secured the News will be ai Well provided for in a mechan ical way as most any of the bet ter class weekly and job offices in the State. . : . The present management, took hold of the News'three years ago and found that it consisted main ly of a name and a lot of old, worn ' out material with which was utterly impossible to get out a first class newspaper, '. With such a .handicap of course it has been up hill work to publish newspaper in keeping with the publisher's ideas and with the needs of the community Now these conditions areZto be chang ed and it" will " hot be riT'grea while before the people of Carter et county .will have a newspaper in which they - may ' take some pride'and which will be of some real benefit to them. ; In order to be useful a newspaper must be able trrmeet thetii& nTcfi come to it from the field in which it lives. Carteret county is the field of the ' Beaufort News and if it proposes to justify its exist ence it must fill this field. A sincere . attempt to do this is going to be made and for that reason the. business is to be in corporated and better facilities provided. In order thit any riends and well wishers who de sire to participate in this enlarge ment of the News may have chance to do so a limited amount of preferred stock is offered,' to the public This stock will be sold at fifty dollars a share and it will pay a guaranteed dividend of seven per cent a year. About half of the amount to be sold has already been subscribed for by some of the leading citizens of Beaufort and possibly all of it could be placed In the town. It is obviously desirable that some of this stock should be allotted to individuals in other parts of te county. Any persons there fore who may feel inclined to do to, have the'privilege of subscrib ing to this Dreferred stock. Sub scriptions for -the stock should be Lsent toAttornies J. r. Duncan and C K. Wheatly. Applicants for stock will be notified as to when payments for it are to te made. - - An opportunity is being given this week to the school . children . " of Beaufort to have their , teeth examined, cleaned and repaired ree of charge. 1 This work 1 is beinf done by Dr. S. L Bobbitt who is one of a number .'dentists sent, out by the ; State Board of . Health for ; this ' purpcseT' It. ja' generally regarded now as a. fact ;hat sound teeth are necessary to good health. - They also are an aid to the mental as well as the 1 1 physical development of a child. Besides actual repair work (Dr. Bobbitt' services have ah educa- tional value because he instructs 1 the children in the care of their; teeth and thus if they carry nut his uistructions ; will be. saved much pain and trouble as ' they grow older; Children between the ages of six and twelve are the only ones who can get this free treatment 'This dental work is not compulsory, - That is if , parents prefer that ' their children 6hall have bad teeth in stead of good ones they can have thdr way about it The service is free but it is not going to be forced on any one. Dr. r Bobbitt expects to go to all parts M the county, and wulrbrobably .be in 1 ' - f. 'at - .... - Uie coumy uugui stf. vrccaja will be in Beaufort a ; few days longer and then will go to the rural districts. - 7 MarrirUcenst Permits to enter the state of matrimony were granted this weik to the following couples:" M. L Finer and Mabel E. Teas ley of Morehead City. Fletcher R. Taylor, Uachdor and Ludie P. Eubanks, of Beaufort; J. W. Al drkUe, Beaufort and Mrs. Fran ces Rose of Morehead City. .:. '. HeveJ Itr'ka. . There ta a trm-t stHke hi progma la a paetloa of Victoria, Australia! Aagen4 by the high prtcs charged f or rhlldrea't ahoea aad boot a, pareata have bat oestBg their bora aotl alrU barefooted to arboai. V ThU aBU-peoiaerU b uro baa bee entkualaaUcall SB- plaadod by the, ehltdrea. who eajoy the novelty, aad Ja ressy eaan, where pareata hava bet joined to, boots have bora dlarardrd befre Ue noaj eat of aigmt. Aa amaaiag fratare has beea the actls of a torsi bootaeli mt U BMtdlng lti;B ehlldrv baro- feoted. Aa there Is ao orhoot rule bich preerrfbee i-otweaf, ssJ a the dais ate baat bbI ware. t strike la ruaalng U Bterry eotre. v-:. Vi. REFlTuUC:i CCuKI Meeting Called For Satur urday Here. Big Crowd ' .. . Expected Notice There will be a business meet ing of the members of the C Id Topsail Club in the Club-rooms on Friday night Feb, 20. After the meeting a Smoker will be indulged in. All members are urged , to be present at eight o'clock.. . ... Quite a number of . Republican - - omventions ere about to be held now in all parts of the State. -The . State convention is to meet in Greensboro on the 3rd of March and many of; the counties have, already held conventions for" the , purpoae of sending delegates to the State gathering. The Re publicans of Carteret county are to meet in the court house here Saturday at noon and it is expect ed that there will be a large at tendance from ail parts of the county. " '7 .'. - ' r L.J. Noe precin chairman has issued a call for a meeting Friday night of the ' Republican voters of Beaufort. This meet-, fng is to be held in the Republi can club rooms over the store of . Richard Felton and Son. Dele- gates will be chosen for the. county. : ' ' Chairman . W. F. Seasons of the 3rd congressional district has sent out a call for a convention of Republican voters to be held in Goklfboro . on .March. the 4th, . which is the day after the State , convention in Grernsbonx chair . man Wade requests that every Republican who can be present at the convention here Saturday It b the" beginning of the campaign of 1920 and business of importance is to be transact. ed. . Odd Fellows Meeting State Drainage Convention A convention will ' be held in Washington next Wednesday - of -persons who are interested in the , matter of draining the wet (ands of eastern Carolina. The meet- The regular meeting of fe . ing will Uit for two days and kxIjeofOdd Fellows will take there .will bt discussions of the place' at . their hall hero next drainage question in.sll its phases Thursday night. An oyster sup! Landowners who art, interested per and smoker will be given af in this nutter are urged to attend ter the regular business is over the convention. , ' J-1 V . ' M-kar'n'-vw turn tt M t mr 7 0 e

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