CLV.ETEHY OF THE FUTURE LEADS TO CCD REUTlCriSHIP ( , 1 Government Scientist Draws Plaaaing , - - Picture of . Ratting . Place of ' Loved On Con Before, -f - Cemeterle are not cheerful place. : Burial lota are cared. -for during two ; or three generations l and then, too commonly are neglected.. Weeda cover - tlie graves and fallen tombstones are allowed to He. ' The long-dead are for- j Dr. David Fairthlld, a distinguished - government scientist, urges a new de?. partore. He thinks that cemeteries should be made attractive and that ' the principal feature of a great city burying ground ought to be a beautiful building somewhat resetnbllng a U 1 brary, "with alcoves and quiet nooks. ; r ' Instead of book-stacks it would have fireproof -waulta containing personal records of members of thee families . whose, lost ones are burled under flat , stones amid the charming surround-. tags of a vast garden. ..These records ': would include all .kinds of data reiat- , . log to tho dead accounts of their most noteworthy doings, photographs. etc. ':(H i;-'."v: " :. ? 1 .? i' " : "Cannot you Imagine," says Dr Fairchiia, "strolling Into the baa of . the dead, to find there, In tbeir proper place, aU f the personal records of t your family for generations backt i There. are . the photographs of your crandnarent. of departed uncles and " aunts, or little ones who did not live ;: 'to grow up, all with stories of their lives Attached and letters and anee - "With these might be preserved phonographic records of the voices of the dead, so that they could be heard to talk; and rooms might bo fitted up '; for privately viewing moving pictures ' of the departed, , who would ttiusly be made to come alive again.' " , - , JtThto dead could thus be 'made. In a sense, to live on Indefinitely. . Between i - the living generation and the past would be established , a definite and permanent tie.'- y ; " , 4 Chrlatmae Eve Calamlt; lie had been spending Christmas ere with his brother in London, and when, late that nme night, he re turned to Ms wife ;Mra. Brown his face "was irrnny pule and haggard, "What Is It, doarr exclaimed the wife. ' - r '"'". ' "I will tell you. ' It happened while we wore" at dinner. ; We. were, all ent lng id "quite ordinary fashion when .SUienJx,HJ.Jtiny-utteM'J a- -r od8tWs:iBifdc1ft fVyei;5 Al most at the name Instant my sUter in law pressed her hand to her forehwid and tears streamed down her face. As I gated at her in alarm, my brother John threw up his anna with an eicla nation of Intense pain and tueei buried . his face, 'over which a -eharp apoarn appeared to be passing. la tils napkin." Poisoned r gasped ' lira. Brown, with hysterical symptoms. "No, my dear," replied Mr. Brown, with ghastly calmness. "Hot-sera Ub London Tit-Bits, - Hawaiian Custom of Adoption of Chll. ran Has Boon the Cauee of ) ' :i t: Z Amusing ' Compltoatlona. s The very "bid custom of legal adop tion in the Hawaiian islsnds. which originated when there were many tribes often at war with one another, was Intended to bring peace among them. The cause b long since dis appeared,; but the custom still persists. When child Is "spoken for" by some relative or friend, the little baby, as soon as It can leave ita own mother, will be given to the foster mother, and will be regarded as a sacred trust, A Youth's Companion 'contributor' tells of nev woman who was the mother of eight children, seven of whom had been adopted by friends. , When she was asked why. she gave Viera away, she replied sadly, "It Is a superstition, I know, but if they are asked for and refuse I fear aoraeJbarm might come to them." The poor soul let them go just because she loved them so much The custom, leads to very amusing complications.' , One of the native princesses now living has given her baby to her own mother. The little girl 1 legally adopted, and therefore has become the grandmother's daughter. WORK DIDN'T SHOW FOR MUCH Lecturer's WlfoMay Have Had .the Idea That Perhaps He Was Wasting His Tims. 7 The steel andxsoal strikes were on; the reds were busy in thousands of American communities stirring up an archy ; the civilised world was literally broiling with discontent ; the profiteers were piling up their guilty millions un restrained, f And Fred Warren, former 1, hi E9- 1 IQI 1 IT I I 0 0 fl 1 I 9 I 3 1 editor of the Appeal to Reason at Ul rard, Kans' a socialist lecturer of na tional renown, was starting out -from home with his traveling, bag In hand, to fill speaking engagement. .' A . .Where are you going.' nowf In quired Mrs. Warren. t . Is "Out to save the world.' he replied. - "How long have you been engaged In saving, the world?" she nsked re trospectively. . . "About fifteen years," was hW an twer. j-t - r-r "And now look at It!" f-Fcrt Scott Tribune. she lamented. Tale of ths Olden Oay In a five and ten-cent store a wob- . bly Individual stood In front . of counter en - which' wss d'sptayed umber of mechanical toys. Picking up a large bug. ha asked . the gtr! behind the counter: v 'How much la thlsT , ( , "Tea cents." tbe girl replied, and . then ane asked, curiously I ' Taking U home to your little beyr 430." the man returned. tber uaea for tL" ' - ' r . "I wonder whatT -I waat Uk it with t to - klmawJoMt . To baaqaetr : "Toa. - A wine sspper," V Whafs rhe Wear "Every time I take a drink t am go trg t pot this hag a the table vl fronfof TJh. V "And wkea I aee two hsga HI know "f time to go hoate." ToeoglB -TeUgrsa. ; Wealth in' North. DakoU. Accord'nR to United States govern :nicU.:jMjntijawt.Jb(jarrrciu?ii wts ofortti- PniJtiaXeTtreasM about $2T3.tX)0.(XK) Kln-e 1015.' wnklnr s per capita wealth' In Hie state of $2,000 at the cbwe of 1018. The.Vnltel States cefinuii hnrau estimates, the per capita wealth of the entire Union at. $1,000. m that the averaee wealth In North IhiVia U more tluml fyK treater than the avers; for the wbolf Tnloii. Including Imrne. enttle. hojrs. iH-ettand rreaniery pTiMlucts. the SgrV mltural priNliMtiun ft tbe state at the dime of , 1918 was valued at about ftn8.0tt0.00t). The same production at the 4'lime of 1913 waa valued at about $UfltUSO.OtKt, - . The Baiik of B ea V .; .. 1 Is the Oldest Bank in Carteret i!Immty ufort I J J Established in 1901 we have had a steady growth for nineteen years and our resources how are larger thah ever before ' . v a;Wc appreciate thatloyal patronage that had made possible our steady growth through "Thick and Thin" and we invite a continuance of that con fidence and support that has made us what ve are v . It is" our pleasure ta' sera1! His people of. Carteret County, let us serve you. L THE BANK (OF BEAUFORT I 4 per cent on time deposits Compounded quarterly "THE BANK FOI THE MAN WHO WORKS" . . Our Certificates of Deposit Are a Sound Investment yielding 4 percent I r I I Mary: Public Want .v Ads, i TOR SALE-Gas Boat Clifford : Perrin.' Custom Ilou&e measur iment: Length 52 ft beam 14 ft. i depth 3 1-2 it. -19 tor ceppcitjy iM. u tioiiana f I wish to notify thefpublic that I : -will be glad; to . attend to any lqST a a notary public. ' " ladies fteek piece of black fur. A liberal reward willJ ! be paid for its return to this of NOTICE tw DowflliMiita. ' Know lo(tiuaia are now to BO rpMH) with wind formed anow-rullert among !( nataral atmwatma of wnter. W. A. Wet of I He Weet Tli f 'nla feologtcal pnrvry. recerda thai l j lavv BMW fall of 1914-17 aoi rnadaldo ffoeea were revered wlta tie-walled drlfta, br1nKeveraanr lrf tope la plaert. rron man el ltixie top onmtm.of anew rtnga, rw rtshllng dvngbnata, aid beeaoM tarfard and rollrd dawn (We drift, kev lng thHr trarte Nlnd. Too riaga ' were two to fuar Inrhee In diametrt and naif an Inch thlrfc. The tongue t4 enow had bowed over from tbe top ntQ tbHr tw eada met and tbe conv ltriiaa of thrf ring aema to have berm m maUer of balaiwn during tbe bind ing forward and rolling dawn. Come ; fragiamu had brokeo avtv and rallad a their alo witboat foraalag ring. i. SiMplelova Vownoatar. ' 'I gm ! admit," aald Kul Mannbrh tnr, tneatrh! maaagvr, "tlitt rve btiu banded uo." 1 -lluw ihatr s . ,1 - . " pave a hundred bItar aplrre to my bree nrilirwa tfy. Tlwjr In- tMritnl It umlrr a will that t waa eaecui'ir f. I took 1 mn up I thnt In nl-e new bill, and aftr I'd paaed II out, I eabl: fjtow, toy. rvr.Klrm narhj nf yo C bnndjvd unllara, Mh'rk la ynar own. I do a yea pbMae whb. I want yoa la tell ne wbat'a tb fl'rat It'ng yv're going to dw with It." And thrynlfMld: 'Coont lt.""-Aaitrlnnatl Tlatw-Mtar. Tj the.Taknsvers'of Carteret ' County 191) .State and county t6s are now. Que. renames, ior non payment are as follows Decem ber net; January 1 per cent will added, February 2 per ct. March 3 per ct April 4 per ct. May 5 per cti ray no and save extra costs. T. M. Thomas. Sheiiff. HOUSE FOR RENT-Two rtoo residence ' cornier o ' Ann anc Turner Street.' eauiDDec ' .With electric lights and water. A conv fortable home. C T. ChadwicK'. 'r ' ' ' US! WET P0TAI . . . . . : ' ' . . . ... nil :ll 1 1. tfTft'hiitii'n'll ilill i'fi?'IIH"'i' ii;iinViriViVtiKit'ni:ii-i-iiii'iii Are worth what they will bring in the open market, but the money you receive for your crop will not be worth much to ycu if vou spend it for things ' you do not . need ijlowJsthe time tesave money whtleTrices: Sre -hich' f6r" ,5aves now .will be rJiei'Ltckmah" later ort "a-.-awriW.'; NOTICE-.To the Readers of the Readers of The Beaufort News We pay the best market prices for your chickens, eggs, and market produce. Get our prices before you sell or ship. Garrard & Mann, West Durham, N. . c Box 291 feb. 12 2t. 3 ,J Thf tad Otd Day. Jalin ft. tJonjh Ryaa of RorbMtn aald la a ivatpiraoce adtlnra: , "Sm Mire of tbU reaaoa tuatng. glory hel , , .. "A dabnaa In tbe bad aid day aald lo another ctabmaa during Ike high bN boar: . "LU loM bl Tm 'jtM night,' How rout.' aald the' an-ood club- aMa.wltb a fiightrned look. . lrar knowaT aald the Brat Hab- ataa. lie had one, and a good oo. wbn be fl brre at S a. , bat be tn . w u-v wmg Nw inevlatlaf MatarlaU ( A nw predad aaltable fee ate etrrtrtral Inaalatloa hi bring obulnH ' trrm tb treernmit of ketn 1n-Ae- tralta. The motat prertpltau I axib )t4 to or are and fanned andar prtnra. after klb labordrnd ' if troalMrnt with faraialla. The -, lb4 article la made by lamlag a the lathe, a prw-r whtrb la aatd la b p-rfarr)y Mtlafaetory, and 0 ktgb rlub I apptlad. Tbe raw materttl la to bo fod la large auaotltt armmd the raaal f AtrJt n4 pf. tlmlarty aw Ifce TwMaiilaa horta. IWfBtiet Awrtraa, . . ' 0 Antlellma. . . 8b dung to him. II rould fref the ubtl warmth of brr burning Into hi not. Bumetblog wltbhi blra atlrrwd. lie tourtml brr bar ahouldere with the Upa of hla finffrra, brr hot brrath In hla face. " ' "My goahr b aald. trrmbllag. "H'bal would yna have hm dot . She llflrd brr rjut la h! y la blrh buroml an fnarrutabl flm. "ltck op your H, yoa boor fah. and don't trp oa any gowa again ntll ibla daora to ever." ah murmured- California Prllran. ' .t. la tmtn'.f si lu be.tMnO 0 t'-r fm't. . HAVE YOUR II Films Developed at'. TOTTBv-MOOLTEN Ne wJOerrj, N. C. IX)UR BURNER OIL' Stove for sale at Mrs. Thomas Duncan Jan28tf. Do business with the largest and strongrst bank in Car teret County. Your business, large or small, will be handled with the same care. , syiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiinmiiimmiimiimu IBtaiifhrt Sattktnn anu mat "REWARDof ($2.00) two donars for return to T. G. Willis, Beau fort, short1-grey overcoat' with velvet collar.- "IbtfStern Bros Norfolk, Va." Lost on Beaufort train Dec 31st 1919- Sam Lip- man and Son. feb, 12. 3t FARMERS! ... . l aice iNotice Wc arc in pos;tion to obtain for you the highest market prices for your'S weet Pota toes Sec us before yhu sell it will make you money V Beaufort Produce Co a"aanaaaaBBBana . , - Sam'l ' A-' Ttiom' Manager Let your rent morey buy you home. Start now by buying some Building and Loart Stock JUST RECETVED-Car bad each Lime .and Cement. Get our pnees on tame. uaskul-Mace Company. OMmllar TaMa . Trofraaor DKp li going to vUlt lb alio of an.Mit Babylon for lb eJttM-nth tlm." "That'l the dlffrrvnr betwr an arhrtotlM aad a 'J boaad.'" ' "What do yon nr , Tbe errbolcgit 0illgbt In a dmd rtfy. bat htt the ta bound la look lag for In a live . Dirniobi Ag-lrld. . . . . 4 tay to Aoeemptlab, lUak CaihW Ten wilt bat to be tnVfifitod. tnttut. Udy liy frlr4 bm wll IdMO aVaa m , pa w.' , A CV-nn I dont know brr, , Lady-Oh. wait ill introduce bar. -lit. txmW Olobe-Drmorrat. FOR SALEOne 6 year oid horae kind and gentle. Also new top ouggy ana namest. r m seu to fether or separately to suit the purchaser. K. J. Respesa, . Beau fort,N.C. ' Mia wifra Lefi. , And tbe bam reaaoa why a nun's wif think be teat getting all tb aalary ha deawve U becana It Iran than ah thiaka ah noeda. Dtll IJewa.: , U. S. . Railroad Administration Announces Winter Excursion Fare to Winter Renorti In North Carolina. Georgia. Florida Cuha. Bahamas. Tickets on wle daily witK.firallimit Mav. 3lt 1920. Sto 0.overs permitted at all points CU on your revest ticket azent for full information ir writa trf ' J. Ft- D ALTON- Noolk So'ithern Railmad , ; Norfolk, Va. Million Packets Of Flower 8ocd Freo - Wa btlv la flowr around th boa of Ut South, rioware bright p th bone urroadig aad giv piaaaaro aad aatltUetla to tboM wb aav tuvrn. " , W bav Mt-oaid mora Ihaa mm tnllto) PMkt f d of beautiful yet grown rtowara't bo it to onr cuuanr thll apriag for the vuur7iB at i r aeajM. llMtlat' ill ft4 CataWua b now rr. RmiUat evr la nataral eolora. IM peg of gkrdn mud farm tatorwauaa. profuatly inaitratad. It'i Uw sm erth wbU aM baek fot aonthena gariara aad ftraur. TbU caUlagne U ebeolauly tr0 to yon M rU Tour aaa aad adlrM m a awul card or in Mur, wul brtog u m yw ay rat ara atau. Thl lJt Catalogu will ahow yi fuat bow y oa gat five aeketa rtowar 4a (na diffireat aorui ah oluttlf fr f coat thla eprlag. tni tor u i tauii intr wvnout ua, tm waul to H. Q. MAgTINOS CO.. IMHtrntd, Atlanta, QavCAdvL) Lin A Beautiful ,- of : . Ills, SMS; CREPE llE OCiES' GEMIS, POPLCIS, : SOIKLTTES. - Mrsl C. A. Moore f 1. lvlViUUK. Hcwvy and Fancy Groceries. Fresh Country -ui rt- -m fxVefttiblei each day, X' Coffee, Special Price and Good quality 435c. lb. .it..mtt..ntttt.tt1tttttntttttnt1t)tt)()tM l! 0 0 Ifll D;M. 'JONES Dealer in ti Kisl Cash Prices Paid . 'I I 2 fii it

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