:,:;;;-7o k - J I ' i . : " -1 - I- W - - II . - - . . a 7 - - -" -I ' 4 EVERY THURSDAY Reading Is To The Mind Whai Fxercise Is To The llody VOL. XV BEAUFORT, N. C. THURSDAY "march 4 1920 n n I i I I i 1 " I I'll I 7,.-rvv- - y ', I .. - : ' - 1 1 - BY W. .0. MEBANE. 1 . ' r 1 . r- -, ,,; J .. - f-. ' lr . ; 1 . E .Other POST-OF AMMAN - -LEGION TO BE ORGAN Important Matters Are Transacted The Board of County Commis sioners met in regular session her&Monday, and were called to order by Chairman C. S. Wallace with the , following members present: J. JZ. Gillikin, Joseph PigottW. W. Lewis and W. F. Taylor. ' y ; The 'committee appointed to meet with a similiar committee from Onslow county relative to building a hew bridge across White Oak river at Stella, report ed that it was. sense of the, com mittee, to have the old bridge re paired which isas ordered done, the matter of abolishing the treasurer's office came up as per previous Drder at last meeting. Petitions from Cedar Island, At lantic an4' Stacy were presented to the board opposing the abolish merit Of the office. Messrs. I F. Duncari, (Z- R. , Wheatly, R. -T. waaeanoA. l. uaraner spoKe in favor of its abolishment, while Messrs. M.' L Davis anli .Jaiijies R'Morris spoke in opposition . to iUvabolishment The resolution being" put to a vote was adopted follows: -v. North Carolina, Carteret County, Beitrememteredthat on the nrkciay'MarcnTl.Tesame being a regular meeting, the beard of commissioners of Car teret,C)untyf duly assembled by the following vote, did adopt the resolution hereinafter set out: Ayes 3. Nays 1. ' , The commissioners voting aye being W. w.LewiTsE. XJillikin and J. S. Pigott. . The commiss ioners voting Nay being w. F, Taylor, which resolution' is in words and figures as follows; "whereas in the judgment and discretion of this board of Com missioners of Carteret county is an.-economic necessity;- and to the best interest of all the citizens of the countv. . Now there be it .resolved and it is hereby resolved that, in dis cretion of this board, tr office of Carteret Treasurer of Carteret countv is abolished. And be it further resolved that the appointment ' of a-financial agent, or agents, for said county is lieu of said Treasurervthe -office of which b" hereby abolished he taken ud and disDosed of at the. next meetina oL this board or at such other meeting of said board n may be designated. Rad. passed, aopreved, and adopted by the hoard of Com mission rs of Carteret county North Carolina this March 1st 1920. Another matter that attracted considerible attention was a mis understanding relative to the road construction for Carteret county. J. F. Duncan, Jwho was appointed by the board to go be- fore the the State Highway com. mission with the Chairman of the JJoard of Commissioners made.a very full report. The main contention was relative to the matter as to whether or not road should be built from the Craven line to Morehead City or from the Craven line to Beaufort The report shows that it was , the real and original intention of 1 the Chairman and the board as whole to have the" road built from the Craven line to Beaufort and this will, in all probability. b done. A number of smaller resolu tions and bills were given due consideration. AGE-OLD , BUILDING MATERIAL Miss Jones Entertains r T3rr .Real Estate Transfers Beaufort, N.C March 2, 1920. Editoi Beaufort News: - . The purpose of . this letter througfi the columns of your very valuable paper to' invite all white persons who were ' in the military or naval service, of the United States at any time during the period between April. 6th, 1917, and November,. 11th, .191$, both dates inclusive, tpv partici pate htthe organization of a lo cal Post of the American Legion. The American Legion is a post war -organization national in its scope thi objects of which ' are "to uphold and defend the con stitution of the United States of America; to maintain law d order; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred per cent .American ism; to N preserve the memories and incidents of our association in the Great War; to mcuite ahmifit t0 m period? .!J!..:j..-r".l.L,-.'.- aI r sense ox inumuuai vuuzi'avii iu the.Cmtiitjr, State ani Nation; to combat the autocricy of botfi the classes and the masses; to make right the master of Might) tp promote Peace and Good , wH on earth; to safeguard ati' trans mit posterity the princinles of jusuc, ireeaom ana- aemocracy; to consecrate and sanctify .our comradeship by our devotion) "to nmrnalbelDfulness.'' f ' ' '- -: aic auTiscu uhi uic umitu msis i in dim Ilrinr in soutiv ikoti. - v, . Ot membership Will be $1X4 -Aoronllng to M'ladlia rutom..lhe PIm," In Um for Many CentuHet, Is Merery a Simple Fcrm of Concrete. " What Is pise? The woMr" whfch fa Ha complete form Is written pis de terre. betrays a French origin, and, from Its gTucral appearanre, might well suggest some affinity with the world of art. These preliminary Im pressions, however, will "be found, mla lefldhig. There is nothlngL-PWUlJorly French In pise dwellings, (hough they are romraon enough in some ports e-f Prance, ond reference to them abounds In French literature, of the eighteenth century. TKa irtwA itcrnlf i f l ti Um T f In origin, apparently means nothing more I untftV eleven thirty artistic than "battered. Perhaps the Implest definition of pise is provided by , Pliny the Elder, who calls it "earth, battered between ' boards," ineanlntc by boards a form suchs may b used for concrete in construction work. .4 . "Y; The Roman sage adds that It was an old and well-tried system of building and remarks -that Hnnnlbn! used this material for watch towers on the tops. of hills in Spain during bis campaign .Who kpows. whether It was notso la use when Cheops .built bis Great Pyramid f or . there are prehistoric nine huildlnn In New Mexico and Art- zona wnlcn, . some say, oaie. oacn oi-. Miss Dorothy Jones1 home i Deeds recorded bV-Reflister of tront btreet was a scene or love- Ueeds are as follows: v r lincss when the vounisr ladies of I M. D. McCain and wife to JHoVt fh. : I im .nni mnit .v nimv h iii ii n in iHi .'V r An 1 1 . e town took advaft&ge of . leap fL- Garner, 10 acfes m, Newport around to play Rook. - ,n, n - ; An cn Kw ift At nine o'clock many games feet;con "$1000 were started which were enjoy- p H. fiorham and'wife to ed by all. Later in the evening Noah Vick lot no. 8 in square sandwiches and h6t chocolate 40, 50 by 100 feet ? in Morenead were served .by. Misses porbtby cop, $250 ' ' .J Jones and Helen Morton after :;rT. OT-W"e which threerooms were; thrown Sr&frfi? . opeii, for a dance which lasted L, F. McCabe and wife to Jna ?n I Warrl Inr ' in trwn ; nf . Npwrvrrt Those who ynjoyed the even- con. $150 ' , 4 ' r: ing vere: Misses Dorris Moore, UJP. McCabe and wife to Nellie 'Jones, Helen Morton, Mar. Ernest - Gray, lot in, Newport, garet and ' Carrie ? Lee Skarren, ' , 1 Vj ;7 K tUU niib Certalnlv. Alston cannot trace the system . to It's orlginv and the pise dwellings now Tlalble In France, Spain, America," the British : colonies Tpod elsewhere' nftiy 'give no complete Indi cation of the ! extent to which this V' Wrlar was enjoyed In; other cenUirie INDIAN'S TRIBUTE TO MOTHER RLEklnn fiohUr In WlHi War FrevW'Werthy Deaeene'ant ir : IS - Will Put ticket In This State This Year- '- .i'::' 'J . Mona, Way,', 1 ay . Belle ; Neal, Paul tract - in Hunting Quater and Dorothy4 Jones,- Messrs- Ai con. $600 Vf-i it-jiv. V ? onza Foeman, Jeff i Sabiston, IlaU La i Rr Riiratid wif-trt"J.t R sey ifid Grayden Paul, Elliott pfiretoy half of lots' l apd'Tin anu iames tweiy james .pauey, i square. oj, in Moreneaq con4 i w Charles Thomas. Harlot 6haoin. I George L. xWillia toiThos. :.'CI Psfnk and T5m NaJ. Hubert' and Willis 4 1-2. acres in s bmyma "" - Tl Mft. , . arr.es Fpdrie ?red;imRf -V- XZ'aZ CHu (MA vi ii is i .nit a.- si a: .t ,v . t r . - . a rtalrf ei.pn.nf : T ffi1 iM.'-:. :. t-. :.. u : - ,t.i:t ft i nomas rnui:cii- w iw 'jl?! Y " v3 and' lOglesby tract in New iiiMUiuimim wrrrvurrwi irwm fla port township com $2500 ' ' j ? uitvia ,w i try Grounda. I) many cases, grew long. . So th elt phxat's forefathers hddt-loni; balr but. as me worm cuangeu wnu .res i ' T..Mi,.ji-,Hj1 ieutteV coiuniioifs. from the bitter n gfoundi lands were fhwiy 'glaciers- that lefe 'WiloUDTere looked Over last WeeiC VV a paX Wen" his overcott; me nair aom- . - , - Th- at were 'fltoumere loOKeu over iasi wccjv yy a pui iy mate of eitreme beat of capitalists and land 4dwners Of this amount S1J25 eoesio the t thing, an ImiM, n.wivr p ur tnis amount goes jo ine . bw rWM . w State and National organization - h-infars'.iiaw th or a-charter and 2S cents Js. re-1 night of his birth, in iAprn-.imn. u BaethfrfMW. s.fW"rta wa.Mi wouadH by many arrows; hence tne name giiea to the new-bora child. ? i" I Entering rbe world war In the armies oP the great white father at Wanhlngtun, tne first thought or this eopper-skinned desremlant of ;racf of cltlefs waf of bis mother,, whom he named as the beneficiary "Is 1H 0Q0, government ,ir policy. .. . . v . Tbe WoMier s name is jMian-i"T-w tbe-Wari ant she 4fv tV Wakda. R. D.- be'iws'prou4 thit her . among .te fjrt- te reip.nd tothe call of tbe .llred States for soldiers to she wss giaa i lime ecn on' the"' top of his 'n reinnlhs as a reminder." v beal V men. were Messrs. Treadwell, Melenarr Ctrm Rtmin and Sfrieder. Thev are large land dealers' and far- famed by thekKaJ'Postito'lpait the incidental expenses of the or- ganization- and for such other purposes as the local Post may direct. 'I " , Any pne desiring, rnembership are requested to call at tlie'Jaw office of E. W. Hi! Beaufort. N. C for the purpose of signing the application for a Charter. He will also give them any further information regarding thev ob jects and purposes of the organi zation that they.nay desire. Insurance Rtjscting a Cempl.mart eii known lueMiuer if the lmers and came here to see what M.1 lilt, l- iuia jit a .ImniAiK Ufa wv vn.B . .11 w . i.hiittuiirVpk-,err.,rt, ssJn his hey. Ii hey seemeo? very iavorawy in I ly a irewcudims gsmUer In atocke, Drtssed artd'fine-of 'thetn Closed 'r'i'V"-hru.!r a deal oVmeof tU lana. of making eueinles. ine of thf ac- rorieti blm with the pleasant remark: 'U'wlj hereyou are Ihe biggest thief the; stock rachange.'.-- Ah. was Hie answer. "It Is evUI-n you do nof Inw my partner." lvndou Tli-Hlt. In accordance with plans made at St, Louis in : Decernbr an ef ; fort is beingmade toTorganize a political , party in "the ".United States. A committee of forty eight representing the forty eight states in the Union have tharge1 of the enterprise;"; and are push-) fiifi -. ii- I nit js.vjm. - 4-V a - MS V : .::l-iVB LUC VUUUUJ.r Headquartefs have been ' opened11 in Raleigh and. according 1034 iormaiion sent, out .' irom wnerei the work of organizing the State - . is proceeding I'xaDXcJliri.AAitf ' ticket will be placed in the -field, Ij. i'-i A . T t .. ' .. ''tis' a m ume ior xxovemDcr 'eiec- 10ns: , The'platforrt adopted: br;:4 the St. Louis convention is given 'Pubfic; owhershipr of trahsppt-f: ' talKxv including ; t stock, yards' arge abattoirs, grain elevatois P', terminal warehouse pipe k firi&r? x and ianlCpublic pmershlp,- bf; otherpublic utilities and of ithe . principal natural resources, such -as coalJoil' natural feas.r' miriefaf i opositsjarge water rx)veVaj?d , r large commercial, timber tractse v ' "No Jatitf (lncludinsf natural 're 1 ' spwqesj, anq no patents (q oe.neiq out of use for speculation to aid mohopoliesr' We favor taxes 'to fnrrii iHl4 li.nH .nta "Equal economic political4.an4 legat fights or alii irrespective oliekZJJxMe solute restoration of free speeplv free press, v Peaceable assembly v arid all civil rights guarauteed bv ; the CbnsatatiorC I We Remand -the abolition -of f injunctions m k labor cases; - We endorse the eftv fort of labor, to share jn the man-,' agement of industry and .labor's- . right to organize and bargain ' One of -the men connected collectively through' representa- This hrm paid out tnis year .'f , for seed onions- alone, f Archie.. B. Uooten Dead firht for Uieli.eDimtryt wlieg e-amr pack, anltai-Hied. full-of . r.Alfnf . afirtM f tlia ailvMilnre We hope- tp feegirr"tne local jhrough i.h h be' bad tni. AnJ Post With a hundred me nbers. she resllied thst He had. by allotment t..Mb. .11 K I of pny and by his Insurance policy sum wu. uu, ... iuuk -- flenvmt-B that all he h.d w.s hers. to unite witn me iccai iw w twrt,mir i.e be owed to her. make their wishes known with- -Wohw-vwHa-Wsnr-Arrows might, out delay. I be rafted lndiin Ooml tHln Uther. Very truly yours. E;W. Hill. I TURNED THE LIGHT ON HEM "Jessphlne's Herosceps. la there Mi-h a thing as erlng !n't the fotureT '. Here la one of lbs Baaay'teilmnii'litl''ii lnnu gift Wlwii the i rrance wus old rulorcd oimiiii, iaiiH-d'Ktiil)eiiila, "tidd lu'f fortune.''. -foil will lu'srry a fair man. 'Your itnr proiilw I we sllimio-s. )ur ttrxt lml.ud rou will hurt- u trugiHl luxuit. lour mi huiii!l. ii iiurk uiuu i slen der meiWM. will nil the vrl'l with hla fame aud xry. Vu will he greater ibau -quern.' Yntl will die unhn,pjr." The entire predli.tlun (-sine true. List Your ' rnperty-ISow "Newhas been received here .: ' rioXtbe'atb.of Archie B-Hojten The time for listing phonal L 1 Pasa Texas, He' vUl be ... mi . - i . i property in this . county is siotit remembered here, as -connected K:niri'' Jusephlne of Idrawing to a close; Marchr the witK tW Western Union Tele a Birr in Martinique-. 30tlv. Wing the IaM ay ..as pre; graphVompanyl .He. isnrvive scribed by- law, -tacn iaxpaver by m8, widow, : who wa Mis should realize that in tbe evenl Blanche ; Albright, of Albuque that he failitolistis 'prbperry que(;M;', b. father, W. t. iaoiLi i i rlvlZA Hootersof Washington, N.- IS&S&i" two- sisters, irs. Armstrong Delafates Iave For State ' Convcn ton The RepublicaivState Conven tiop meets in Greensboro Wed nesday was very largely .attend ed by Carteret county citizen. Those who left here to attend the convention were Messrs, C K.(Wheatly, Stephen Gaskill. T. L: Piver, W. O. Noe. W, G. Me- bane, G. W. Duncan, J. F. Dun can, K.J. Kespess and IX M. oihts. Chairman Frank Linney is not expeciea to pe present on account of sickness. These gen tlemen will also attend the Re publican Congressional conven tion which meets in Goldsboro Thursday. Ill-Timed Illumination Thst Was at Alt lsale.) t the Can, tral Flurs.- , Net -' A few years .age we Vfvre te Cast and ramped slur (he way The trt sight' esii o was msde la a Held elrg side rM, far enogb from 'the mala road te avoid mat petoerar,.- r . i However. ) the mldt ef ear time preparathms- ft ear wlla bngwf Itghts turned off (he mala road and rsate iawsrd tis, iy wire. tw wa as'ns tbe rer seat ef eer ear for her beudnir. gathered her klnK.se sial her and -ran srouixl la fmot of oar mar-nine la raae Ihe sewtltghl from tbe ether esr hald He rarnel la oar di rect Wm. At the Time ift.it tw meiaher ef ear psrir reached fr tWe lira barton t etUstalb mis sll Itcbt hick, we were atng. Iiesglae bli eoaaieeitsil.Mi. my alfe's hmroe. aad the hiut ftf IssfDlee from the psse- ls( car. be Malted the wrf nulla srvrl teraH the Nrrfiil 1lMs ef m4t csr full m wlfe'e ihlnlr clsd fem. he i. liable tine imt save yourself, embarassment. Caught Fish With Clam Rake 1 . Fergsd Camees. Iiumired trrs.ur.-d .s:neos tad 1 David F. Willis of Beau- :ti:lka. f-r which lore sum nsre . . ubm K rrA em wh an ell.-nt hnr rame, . Inst battiraay morning - nunuilK forged that, sffr s .-.rfsiw r r. m m cjam9 afXJ instead Ot hnding ! bs.i !" - " r"...i .iam h. find aichoolof roeck led trout. He caught fifteen with his rake that weighed 60 furiiilliK a Cdlr tlA. ritrr-rr rrt faand annus i l-ri ilmi. In di-jMiir -r rmirstlnc lb fl frti'i ,hr parted wlih i- l-t ir bat tbejr hd iwi a.m. fr:t-tla ef Dr. Stski who has been in Jamesviile.N.Cforthe past ten davs returned home Wednesday morning. , He went there by the direction of the State Board of I lealth to ai&isf in fighting the flu v. Moves Into New Home Mr. Richard Felton moved, in. to hit new home on . A nn t Street ihisweck. While the building has not yet been completed in every detail, yet is practically ready for occupancy. The paint I f .a crs nave mx yci nm&nro, ineir a i . a . tit woik ana mere still remains tome work for the.carpentert to finish. WliArt rftmnWeH It tuitl eatily be one of the prettiest! t. r. larger u.s .ad etues tw nomcs in Mem OIth Carolina are aeterau farbtte la China. -bins la a laud ft markets. T1es sre M4 la ftery rltjr sad tewa, aad eiea la the mmA kllsga.'4 Where there la ae regular market place, anb ef the bsylsg sad setting te doae eat , tf oWe, Bat there U hardly a slUeg , i SfMil . 0r sliUh 'mi e of pwl elice. t.blily f duk. M larf ni'-SMire -t tai l Ina ere lh ihrre rnH.il Miisllll'- tHM motrlt In !.Miih Aiurl.-a ) lii'.tm, piil'ilarlt l"n traveling mrr Hraslllau roa-l. Is miVmi I'rv til, rsda are n s'iui i sable WH(-..f ihe tin.. ersllr bevel"'1 iim-th'- ir-m i' s4sdiiil t lnuri. ..inf.'-i Ii eerslag tbern Ht im f jMersriee li '" niil l f 1 ad tires n l Fkawus Amancas Jtw'nt i t. OS ibe thled f vi.ih. r!l llis-e Or- tcrr Imm st AmUr.t. S. II. H- mm .r"l farmer. '!'"" l.J .11 it.. u ,.il e.liKull 'ii h bad at the tillage pMM- ft the age ef a pelade, Johnson, oi Ocean View, Va., and ' Miss Mildred HootenT of. Wash' ington, N. C and two brothers, W. J. Hooten. of El Paso, Texas, and C M. Hooten, of Toled Ohio. Washington News W.T.'WaiorCPead. C ... Wrn. T. Mason a wll known V I . . t . . L I poumls. and sold .for 59.G0 and citizen oi acy oieo nanornc virw v.. ... ... - . I . . . . . i - - l. Mr. Willis savs if he hiJ a fish had wn ikmw wi oia lie would have caught $50 wonh. Serrlcts At SU l'nul's Church ' Services at St. Paul's Church i Sunday. March 7th. 11 A. hU iHolv Communion an - . i m v " . ann II II C.nivxr nnir Ml..:. .! I I.:- ilia USU t . sci"e'. f I VI VCQ ur nil iihaikii tli" M-h.r.1. sim gfiea aa aHeetM.! OreHef f.-nn'1-l h bew Tt-rb Tribune, sad frei I" Itia Whs. ae retired b- waa the ssest toleeadal edUer la Stares. He died St meaaaatfllle, N. T, to ltn. . with what s-emed to be stomach imi.Mit f n the naviCP tit nnvu k I WWW-. .v-w v T 4 dan on Monday he was taken to the hospital at Morehead to De nrnted on. At the hospital Mr Masons oisease vas pronouncrsr tuherculoKis of the luncs and stomach. lie was taken back to his home Satuny and died shortly afterword. Air. Mason It Stir . .: A U.. k m iMitiir wif a rj -. . I V I f CU UT IIU UIVHHIi TMV sermon. , ine serriro - fiaivn inree children. ine lunenu .r ih m llih will be omitted on ac- conducted by Revet- i-ount of the Rwrtor absense at gndW.Ii Lverett at tne tree k. fWerrrue of the Inter 1 will Bantist church of whkh the rhurch movement in Charlotte, deceased was a faithful member, tv- t.anl service Will EC nciu I " . I tmmbmm mwi Fridav. March um. anu ir . .mv. .vbeugkf t:n vU-r iill lie the RcV. D. Cl a hweur staled sfterwsrsli kVKinnon. D. D.. rector of Chrut tbet . wbiak ;w.s Church New Bern. 'MieeTYakv Morris of Motel head wasi vWtofrxre Wednes day between trains eeeaNtf ef kla raTlnc. l that U bier be awamblaf te h argastevt. We raa?f UMglee a steaseoee BMlWraeel walktof ae ft g , I r-i'-nrir . , ,. , .' . t ' ' t '- " 'A 6 f- J- fl 4