VOLXV BEAUFORT, N. C. THURSDAY , MARCH 11 192D NUMBER 11. ;to dim Richard Herring Chosen ; -To Make Race For Con i tfress By Republicans The Republicans of the Third Congressional district held their ' convention in . Goldboro , last Thursday. The r object;, of the meeting, was to elect delegates to , the National; convention; choose an elector and perfect the dis trict organization. All of these matters were attended to. - Chair- man F. Sessoms of. Clinton , called the meeting to order, stat- - ed its object and ; called C- R: tWheatly of Beaufort to the chair. On motion of Major Geo. E.. But JerMr..- Wheatly was , elected permanent chairman of the con vention and also chairman of the "district organization for the next two' years. He was authorized . to-select a secretary, ; The . foH . : lowjrig were chosen 3 embers the mstrict executive committee: W.D. AllenXarteretJ. D. Fish ier. Craves, C. C. Vann,' Duplin,' A. K: Brock. Jones, J. L. Dixon, .Pamlico, B. F, Keith,, Pender, V 0 IL Fisher, Sampson, A, T. Uzzel Wayne. 1 ", .Three names were presented as the- nominee - for f Congress. They were Richard Herring, 01 Clinton. W. B. Rouse of New ' Bern, and RiOMaxweH of ' Sev enSprmESj t MrHerring.receiv ed 511-2 .votes which was the - ' highest, and . was declared" the nominee Delegates to the Nat ;ionj4 convention selected, arenas fo'lows: ; Geo. E. Butler of Samp son, t. M . Jones of Carteret; al- ternates H. J.Faison of Duplin and A. L, Wilson' of 'iCarteret W, B. Fouse ws unanimously chosen as district elector. I " A resolution was passed en dorsing the Clinton News-Dis-- patch and the Beaufort News.- : ilot Doei Well Captoin Gea . W. ' SmitJi the well known pilot has had a (very nrr5ful business this season aking yachts to th South. - He us made twelve trips, taking wo boats at a time on five trips. '.. iTa trcjt thmuch without any mishap and made over $800 for the season, captain jmim wno is over seventy of age is quite a remarkabie character, Be- KinM heMnff a pood Diioc ne is as livlv as a cricket on lus leet farid b very, popular with the ladies. : V ; , Maritrtt E,Vlntdale. Arter iworlavsof Intense suf ferring from pneumonia little Marcaret the three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C I-afwdniedifd on February the gth. Tne htt'e girl was a bright and affectionate child and .her tath was not only - a. great af fliction to hef parents but was preatly rejrrttted by anho knew her. Mr. and Mrs. Lang- : rfbiiivA in the id r r a few 1 miles out of Ueaufort and have Imany Iriends who u'ropathue Iwith them in their great kut. v With Y i:nr, ; On February the 25h Miss rfith Eulcher daughter of Mr. and Mrs, C C Fulcoer of WUlia ton passM Into the beyond. I Sh had been a delicate child - W'l nf hrr life but was of cheer r . . . . , I lul ana nappy uisputuun nu Was greatbly beloved by all Who knew her. Tnrir many VtenAi creaUy svmDathize with At. and Mrs. Fukher ia their (diction, ' " . 1 Frink Tnompaon s well knosvn tomey of Jacbt ille wis here tMerday. Marshallburg News . "V Mr "and Mrs. Sam Harris who have been making their home in Florida the past year have je--turned to the Berg, this time to stay, as long as the present sea son of prosperity continues. Mr. Harris has been .." quite ill since his return but is now able to come to the "corner.": . ? rffcEveritt Lewis is reported as having is reported as having the Flu.. ? We hope he .will -soon be-out again and help brighten the "corner" with hi? presence. Mr: Clavto MurDhy who has been reported seriously ill for ov er a month is reported as"better today. 'We sincerely ' hope that this true and that tne Doy win soon be fully recovered. There-are a number oPothtr cases of the influenza m the com munity but all seem to be - get ting' better,:' 'CW The neoDle of this' community are rejoicing over the coming of the heW'castor-to the Methodist church. Rev. Willard F, Gra ham has been assigned to this work- and eoters the new year with nromise of 'irrear success. He has been -for the, last .three years serving a charge in the Baltimore Conference, we ' are lad to welcome him back to is home town, and home churcn a, 0Vt :V A men's Bible Class has ; been Ru-ranged at the Methodist bun dav SchooL - and about twenty vounz men have been enrolled This promises to be aft interest workthe young Tmen seems to enjoy Pastor Graham's lectures, Everv tounfi niaa, -or 01a man 1 or urn. niaucr, snuuiu juiu 1 r . . !, J j - I class, Its worth while,-' Services At St PauVa :f '. Church.'; ..'- J, The Rev. D. C Mc Kinnon, D. D. will preach at the 7:30 P. ; U. service at St. Paul's Church, tn: day March 11th. -r-': ... Minstrel Show . . . A big amateur Show is to take '"Jrn ud of the Graded School and isfor a. 1 .i ..luuj Kfwt aiaiiu misa uummii iiau vu.uuicu good program has bn provided an evening .. wh promuseq au rvno aueno. The show , will Uke place at the Sea Breeze theater. vt v - . I not In his testimony Mr. Schnet r' itwt.v..i dersutedthat he and his little ucinunu, wuiv.i.uu1r. , I r-j ..." U - . On last Friday evening a par - BBMPSW A - ty of young men' entertained in honor oi a lew oi mcir menu. The entertainment was in the form of a Theatre party, follow- tor R. A. Nunn appeared ass Ahv a fivronr dinner. The ted by J. F. Duncan and. C R. decorated In yellow 'Jonquils, white. Narcissus and ferri, cut flowers, as lavors, rendered tne table even more attractive. To- ward the Utter pan of the en joyable evening one ojl the- boa o-ary guests gracefully Jcasted tnecenerous no)i"uMiy w uk hosts. Those enjoying the deli(h f al d oner; err. Miwca . Calloway, . ' -i 'i-.. - rjner, V1L mie SanfQr.tvelUeJone, Dorns mootcv wj-ixik: Tboma , LUlian K'orris, and ntV w,!Kim- Mm u,i, n,;w ,;m KVL finr. den Paul, Elliott Ewelt, Guy D. Putcr, John Chad wick, Otis Moore, James C. Gardner, and P. Roland Pea-- So Drivoe Weal Mia M e so. A ov welf b that he V loveoied for tho latefler of a ld aoiiwwnMli Is olectrKolty eoer4 to ooo no tho loHrooMOl bord to reaatod tho rhanfr fooe o ea e-ptit. Criminal Docket Takes 'Up Most Of. The Courts -Two Homicide Cases A one week's term of Superior Court convened here, Monday. .,', Judge Geo. Wi Connor, of Wilson is presiding over the -court. Son licitor Horton was unable to be present on account of illness in his family and Mr. Rom. A. Nunn of New Bern was appointed by Judge Connor to prosecute for the ; State; i Court : opened Mon day morning : at 5 ten o'clock, 1 The grand jury was iswornSand lM R Springle of Beaufort made toreman. Judge Connor deliver ed an able charge to the jury After ; referring ; to the great changes that had taken place -iri woria anairs since ne neia couq here five years ago he proceeded to discuss the fundamental; pr in ciples of the Government show ing the relationship and thefuiic 10ns of the legislative, , executive and judicial , branches.' He ex pressedhe hope.jfhat;'some day capital punishment might be'aboj ished .The duties of the- nirors wre-hilly explained to "them.r ' yj.ttC Johnson , was 'appointed Special Officer to the grand jury, Monday afternoon a , number pf I Mnau matters on , me- cnminai docket were dispxdby'brnis-: sion. or' other wis'The-case which Jias excited mbxe. interest tWs .week tha aw thatof Mr, and Mrs, Earl Sch. hciuct ww were - tnargcu wiui iuvuis, .. wauticicu mis . came . , BushalL The -case was- for Tuesday morning and a, large crowd was present to heah it. ' It took all the morning to get the jury and in the afternoon the trial' proceeded. "Witnesses .ex amined were Miss Sallie Bushall, Harvey Ramsey, Mrs. Bushall, Earl, Schneider Jr Mrs. l. Earl Schneider jind Mr. Earl Schnei der." ; i Theiuontention of the procecut ion was tnat : Mr. and .Mrs. Schneider had 'slandered Ms JWVw VrT o Nor. foikT Miss Bushall's testimony was that she and the little Schnei- oerboydid ocaiDythe drawinc room but that M r. Schneider did occupied the.' I .... N. . ... " F and Miss iiushaH the lower one 1 , n mlnvl hnth Rid wer wt represented and each side ot the case was we'l presented it- or the prosecution acting to'tc fort and A. D- Wrd, Gea . WilhVand A. HTolson of New B:rn. Uoit of the.marnin was taken up in argument of the counsel In the afternoon Judze Conner Rive an exhxtil.ive chaze of the nit'er aid turned the Use tvr to the Jury, b ut three uurtr. ' . ai rxt uimy ine jury IrTOtxtutthycouklnoazzTee and tne Judie told them to go to inetr non ior ine nignr. I Alien inirry ino nwrnuui use Jury was calkd inlo the court room $nd !he inar iney. were unaic to ajrrrc and uw no rrasoa to beleire that Irver would asrree wherrupon a jun was withdrawn and a muV trial ordered. The defendants were held unJ.'r the umi bonda as beretulore and ordered to ap prar at the June term of rod it. The next case taken np was that of Mitchell Wil is of Sea Level theaixteen year old boy who killed another toy named ora hjtm Willis acme months isto. A Dlea of involuntary inanlauKh trr wai offered and accerXed the State. The Judge turned the SAY , AND POPULAR RESORT Biarritz, In Southern Franct,- Notd . thd Scan of European Frl- .v. -ivolity and Fashion, v, -.,.. .t- : i .... , - ; j. , ' . '. f V'- . p- ,J - J'.'';.Vt,y!.-;-v;-'..!1 . One of the gayest and tnort popu lar watering resorts vt Europe Is Blar- rlU In France, pbout forty mile frohi the Spanish border. - Its nearness to Spain luia colored Its language and ar chitecture somewhat, jiving It the pk- tvresqueness of, both countries. . It Is beautiful place, with. It fcream-coV wmV red-roofed tillas, jflark pine trees. winding , wains' and crescent of white sandy beach guarded at either end by high, rocky bluffy rising abruptly Xrom .the, sen. ',p.efore: the war; lr was the scene of frivolity and fashion.; rlfal- Jng Monte Carlo JioJtignnibllnz, tlonc- Ing and display. It was a, fnyorlte jsort with ; one . of .'JEnglnnd's more Dlnsful Jtlnes In his llchter moments, Imleed.Jt Wain, street Is called-, line Eiloiinriljni lna honor of Ulin. . ... . i .The war, brought, a sudden' change of niood,t'o Rln.rritj.1 Ttsgaml)1ing, ca sinos and hotels were uinecl Into hos pitals for wounded French and" later American ' soldiers. 'Grim convoysof warships jiassed jcloe J Its ndrerf oil their , way jfhrougb ibe. Bay: of Biscay. Nutoertus ships wer e" tonJedoed -in' sfght of the shore by the Oermart sub- sight .or tne snore y tne uerman mix mrlnes: rurkmg fllonft'he'-Spuhish const. - The coast 'wrs heawy mtneu, and from time to tlmethe drtonotloo of i mine, would shake the! town.';,' , r - volubility , Not waniea. . ,r ;- , 'Wlien you find people who can say volumes bout nothing you can nual' ly put Jt down, they are short, some where A juau wlth .Weas mat count seldom wears. out his vocaiHiiirytcy- Ing to advertise the Jdea. He lets the Ideas stand n thelc' own : feet. .Tl.if fact Is he 4oe'i nuefl to so mucn for a thing .that can jtand. alone. And What'a more, Wens havf. a way of being able tq deliver. pretty, strong sr rument. When., tlier art: founded .qn twth' there Is n wey I gemng.bftck. L-ef jie,u. T1k ficl' tjiat others Effuse to accept ..them does not dlsconnt itw. -They stand on ibeir ewn- ner1tSi te Te recognised And. s4!,whn peoplerl learn terprecuf -tnetr -vatue nis- try reveals 4 be 4ri. that her biggest j aen -wrfeisaen f small speecn.. '-- Ptik4 His Oeep Uve. A remarkable will has Just heen ad- btltted' to probate ln England. It Is Waf of a .British soWler, tJewt. Frank K. Klrkley, wounded In - action, and .ba died at the -Twenty-fourth cas ualty station, Italy. The will Is writ tea upon the hack of small photo graph, autographed "Jfurlel," and con tains enly lie words: "I leave all to her. i- Frank E. Klrkley. 13th July. 1OT7." The Identity of -Muriel" was ally established as Mis Annie Un- rlet Kyrke Smith of trkhlll. Halls ttsry I'tsfa. Tle value of the property was about ftat, hut ft causes a heart throb to realise Ihst (lie Ut tlimiglit ef the drtnr hntensnt was for the woman of his heart. ' roe4 Looked Queer n Meoo.' Aa' American S4ldler went Into a reotasrant In France and fonnd a- other "dougliboy" Mniggilug with, a hlll-of.faro that w In -Kngll-h." H-o-u-t- n-1-l-l-e." ho was milling out ll-a-n-t-o m l l i e! What In tne dickens Is tbatr ' Tho first soldier took the card and began to struggle, too. Hut t until ho bad said the words eltmd three times eoold ho make heoil wr lall of them. Then ho threw hark his head and shouted:. " "Why. buy. Irs ootnial. upelie! a 1o rrancalso. 'II s o I e ss-M U.VOet ssoall Seoy Touili's roo.polo. , Caot Aaro Toll Chsrloa came Ma rrylog aod npoo qootoolng him be mM mo tkot Jlm oty. a small friend f bio. had khkrd him. - Tm aurprt-ed." I soM: 1 dWo't know that ilmoiy osa that kind of hoy- - Nettber did I aulo-red Charteo. ,"'rooo to ltB at his face ,ysj wooldat think hi fort could be so weeo," tlchoago. Feiot We Wee of Mwoata. Th 'e W Mslo or Ike roooo of death It hondrmte mt rh!Mreo.ao4 reveler ooey H l"". i boy over to the cvstodyof the Suoerintendent of-lubl'c Wel fare with instructions -that he So back home sod that-he con uct himself weU from now on. After this case wa aettlcd the ca ajrainst Joe TaftJcharged with killing Trank. Sugs i taken un. Through hta counsel E. W. Hill Taft entered a plea of cruutv oi muruer m ine tecor-a m o .a . rWree. The Judwie sentenced two to fiveyearf- JUST THE THING FOR PRINCE Condition! : Being In Europe ' " They Are, Frees Agent Had cidedly Good Idea. What Do I assisted the other day at what nay prove to be the springs and origin of the next great international mar rlage. The press agent for an organi sation which deals in philanthropy for Europe wns talking: r ; ' . : "I want to bring Prince Doalotskl oVer here next year," said he. "I Ihlnk I can marry him to .some nice Ameri can glrl.",';'-'? ;-3::ny:'ir' - That'll be nleeM said, "Especially for the prince.' - ; "That's' right, said the press' agent, seriously. "There Isn't a royal family tniLEurope Mhnfis open to him Just now. lie could not get Into' some of theluVhe 'ain't ;-S such, " a much 'of : prince; you know- and It would not pay hi in to marry Into some of tht others, "They have no money or thrones or palaces or auy thing lefC'i' r "So 'yoa think It would be-n good Ideff for him to marry' into some well- to-do factory family ovei here'V " t ;' "Sure," snld the press1 'agent. New- York orwpondcnoe'! of 'the : Kansas City Star, --..r ' -v (:"::.: ..i-i Aii.k1.; MUX' USES. FOR QOlCKSlLVtR Semiprecious. Metal,. Much In Pean., Is Beeeming, $crce-r-Somtjmea , Employed , as Drug. ,. $ I Quicksilver Is one .of the seml-pre- elous mtals, and- i graduallyr beconv Ing searcft'Thermetal Is-cqteA iomlts many - use: besides tho. familial, pne In the thermouieteri Its tendency to unite r with geldt Into an -aiealgara eane Its chief , -The oiereury-,is Spread ovei a copper. piste oyeri which ,!fie gold ore IS' washed. The.gold from Jts weight comes In.coataf with the plate and. Is promptly amalgamated with the quicksilver, from whlchsjt Is , 'sepa rated by heat. ' ' ' ' 4 J.V 5uUlUliver.U. also awn for its use as a, medlclno nrhen mbboa to tins globulsr - powder ' wlth rose wa- ler,TuBder'the- klue ot hrte mass. AnvWg ' the " cheinlcol c-mpounds of qnlrksllver Is bichloride of .mercury made -by heating a1 mliture of N eurk' sufphate aiHT'eomaoo salt. This Is sotnetfroes- taken' as poison and results Is painful and .lengthy suffer ing, and In death. Quicksilver Is also very Yssentlal ' to 'the mssufacture' of high-class mirrors, 'A Far Journey. The Utile boy who thought his fa ther bad gone to heaves because ho had gone to Rkye Is matched by an aged cottage body of whom the Lon don Morning Tost letls. One morning tho old lady asked the Tost'o eorre pon!ftt. oho lodged wills' her. If It was far to RusmIs. Ho said some of It was much fsrtbcr away than other part and asked why she wsnled to know. ftho said that they had sent her tm a fUherman oho had Joined the navy there, and that she would never see hint again, and with that she fell to sobhlng. Her lodger did his Wat to comfort her and told her that penftl came hack, from Ruael n they did from other foreign porta. 'Not from where they've sent him she sold I shall never see him sgslo. not oa earth." -Hot why r ' TThey've sent hlw," said she, "to the Archangela." SHahtly Imbarraeeod. A gowf stM-y wss told to me . fSo other dsy by Illwi Jfsrlo fihr foo eornlrig a maid who, salt ooespeH edlyt t'nr4 a wlah to "give aotlce." sUooewhal aorpiel. 11 1 m Ihr aaked. "la there, any reikis f The, seeing Ihst Ike girl heallaled sad looked en. rd, aho added. "mo( blag prtvsle, per1it.r r"S. ms'sm." wss the as- ooer. "Ii still no brtste. Its a see seoot, lle'e heeo Trk llmeo. ,' rienteUI-ed.- ' -. - t Llhorol Heloee.' lrocti ntr, Bllloo Mrs M laoot si Ste4 la his home teoo,' 1. yea., ho la. gad Si hit tre ealoo. loo.",' Vly do yon think ear hf U were fef Mr. hUMoo's eay aoooer In hsodllog bM oatata two o4 rho-kh4, hslf tho reojpdgoe to rtW aseoey w !! wMii oever t pool loo ke?ate opeerh." Illrsa- togbem Age-HeeshL H Is eoler far 0 o-o to blot hit evorfllert Iheo hit wHo. ' X" - . '- OmmWlin 4oot pay. soakoe tho hard H harder. trtot Iro orlgtnsiee In tho heart heahi e niUof N V with H. " IVloiera aeeeoeo th4f teles tn al i unr twir ire. i ti K:;,uiii:i :; ;: HELD AI BBIO Republicans of North Car Molina Dury Their f Differences - i "f'"" "x ; ) .J'.? 'onaBsnaao " -i J, ;"" - r j. - It More than a ' thousand 1 dele- gatesVttended the . big Republi can State convention in Greens-.. boro last week. Thes 'delegates came from every nook and com- J- er of the State and all showed the greatest interest and enthusi ' asm in the party's wellfare and prospects.; , f The most remarkable thing about- tho. convention was Jts plain desire to harmonise. The factional fighting P which . has characterized some conventions -in the'past was totally absent Four of the loaders among there have been differenence "in the p. st, where elected delegates at Jtfrge t0;tht.Chica26 '. Ccinve'ntrvsnr 'They were John - M. Morehead rranK binney; l: Ltrn uuncin and Marlon L'utler. They were mstruaea to ciisr tneir . votes President, .Of course afteruthey - have paid 'Judge- '.Fritchard the -complihient of volfejfdr' hi:n ' once Qij . twice, they : w.ill 'be at "- lberty tovote for some.'cne else.- i-." '.:' 'r - The alternates elected to the national' convention were J... D. 'arker of Srnithfeild. CXR. Poeh of Flizabeth City. Dan. -W. UA ot Ashvilleand Eugene Holt rof . Hurlington. The convention -alvj - choose a ticket to be ; recomend.- ed to the . Republican primaries -This ticket was as follows: -t . For Go cnor, John J. Parker, of Monroe; Lieutenant-Governor LB. Tucker of Whiteville, Sec retary of State Brownlow Tack- J. J. i Jenkins, of Silver City, Auditor J. Ed, JtM endenhall, ot Asheboro, Superintendant 'bf Public instruction Mrs. Marv Settle Sharpe of Greensboro. Commissioner of Agriculture A. . L French, Draper, Commissioner of Labor and Printing. J. F. Barrett Asnevuie. Commissioner of Insurance G. W. Stanton. Wilson,' Attorney -General H. F. Seawall, . Carthaie;. Supreme Court Justices. T. Hicks of Henderson, . J. - K Alexander, nr: . & A tin . wv insion- oaicrn a. a. wnuener of Hickory was named for United states senator, i ne btate fcvecu-; tive ommittee was named as follows; A. S. Mitchell. Winston Ill ikWUUI IIIUMI, i r . yjm Me bane, Ueaulort. J. J. Jenkins. Siler c ity, W. G. liramham, Dur ham, J. 15. Snoddy. Red Springs, F. W. Hanea. Yadkinville, L." C Wagoner, Statesville. J. Y. KUlia, NewtoryC U. Chapman Ashe yille. ' .' . . ; Stanley GilliklnDiea snssnasos8SBMl ' ,i Mr. Stanley GiUikin who lived near Otway died suddenly at his home there Sunday according to information wh'ch has reached the ' Republican convention at .-i . urcensooro ia wrta ana was apparently In the best of health. Eaa'ern llsr Notca V Beaufort Chapter U. D. cV E. S. held a special meeting Thtirv day March the 4tb at 8 P. M.: in the Matonic Temple and initiated ftwr candidates. Atef thi busi nett e?tlon a very- pleasant so cial was spent,f the rtfreihmcnt committee icrvinj aa ice coune. Worthy of mentioi was a ' c re did address on this occashn Ij Brother J. R. JmnetL - Annie L. Ga'.. Deed )-) Ootoeoti'r A S-el l dMrd em.' ' aoe ! saoay oo freil aiM m oohto ei-k. - . x . i 1 - .

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