Reading Is To The Mind Vhat Exercise Is To The llody lhrf. Q. MEB ANE VOL. XV- BEAUFORT, N. C, THURSDAY ' MARCH 18 1920 NUMBER 12 " EVERY THURSDAY VACCulATE YOUR HOB Now Is The Time To Pro ; tect Hogs Against ; -, -.Cholera ' 1 To , the Farmers of darteret County. ' , It is deemed expedient at this fp& to call vour attention to the fact that with thefidvent of warm er weather, hog cholera will be on the increase. This dreaded malady is distinctly a hot, weath er disease although it. has-been present in some parts of your county all through the .fall and winter.; . The fact of its having prevailed, throughout the colder weather is indicative of its furth er spread as soon as spring 6pens Superior :- Court 4 Results .The criminal docket1 took, up most of the time of the court last week and not much in the way of civil cases was attended to.' -The damage suit against the N. C. Shipbnikfing Company Was taken up Friday; ; afternoon, and ended Saturday.- S. C. Davis, ad ministrator of Leslie G.: Davis sued the company for $25,000 on account of the death of the latter who was 'killed :: while working for the company; iTht jury gave the plaintiff .a ' verdict of $5000. An appeal was .taken by the com pany to "j the .Supreme Court Limited lyoites Wef e"granted to two colofed 6uples,; they" being Wjri;:. HeArMaesoo;xshha- up ana m tne opinion oi tne writ- D. Mathewson ml Dell : Smith er vou may look this summer for wv.--eiuv-wJ- -u About TheCommi8sioncreKeal7l Estatci Transfers SENATE SWAYED BY YOUTHS Fishermen Fined March 1920,- r: The voters and Transactions in "rear estate as ?ISS 7bll?? theRegisterotDeeds areas fol- 'tr t rj..i T llI . rr.. .... . county oi caneret, oiaie oi iwin , j n iones ...d Tno For ow to Carolina, would feel j greatly - re- Jx BeVeridge house and lot on lieved if they were put "wise? as Ann street Beaufort con $1800. to the disposition made of ,some m.: W. Fodrie to Amos H. Dud- certain - county: commissioners ley Jot o in square 15b Morehead tiut in office in this countv last cpn.$lw. - . juu. x. i uiciy ftuu vvue w o. E. Dshkr'lot no. 7 in square 160 Morehead con. syuu. c: .; election; ; We the voters and tax payers of White Oak township do sol emnly .believe that- the', entire crew of commissioners have been in a state of lethargy since , the Spring and Summer of nineteen hundred and nineteen; thence Conspicuous . Examples ef rcocity Furnished by the British Cemmena tbfl Mother of Parliaments. , For t lone time It has ben a Brit ish boast that the boase of commons la the most widely, representative -of all legislative bodies, since It Includes not only all social grades, but nnmbers among Its membership men oi all ages, from the mere youth to the octescna- rinn. ............ . . ... ; . . Sd long ngo as the year 1013 there were 40 legislators la the commons -J. L. Edwardslo S. D. Edwards and. c A. Gould tract in New- pot township com $500." . 'V M. D. Mccain and wife to W. iv Fodrie and wife 3 1-2 acres in Newport township con. $100. For violating the fish law is that they had caught and sold munets under eight inches in length ; several Morehead City fishermen were fined $25 each in bupenor Court here last week. The men fined were Nathan, Am media. and Vannie. Willis, Carl-' ton Guthrie and Clarence Snipes. Duffy Wade , a fish 'dealer of. who bad not attained their twentieth Morehead City was fined $50 for jrenrrnd. Incredible. as It may. seem, alike offenre. .' . certain or tnese were only sixteen years of age, . . Edmund 4Vallerr the poet and xomt- tier of Stuart days, was schoolboy of sixteen when he qnallfleQ as a M. P. He was. as Clarendon sars. "nursed Grand Jury.s Report According to custom the grand ndon says, "nursed In parliament." -and Probably fu r J11 i an mspec- hibernated iintii' the pi'effeht time Frederick J. Hester to Florence nished'the onty instance of a man who H9tn ,01 .tne couny ; C0U1, house, ' , and havnot Vet awoke toTtheir or , r !LitJ,.; i.v- -i.ii-.v--.';'je. . ,. ' , '.v -j : 1 Aioreneaq con. ax. OiC, I .r"'"' -'. -"'' , '"z..-"" ",''s : uc - nneoflhtf createst outbreaks of vs yyuiwuuixi. : iie caie oi QUty. ' v 1..-. iinV w;iua i-U IXTiaries James-Fos was bnt .nine- UierKS OIIlce States that thei ' ctoleufknoS rsi1al5rsrin. SISS Ef" fpunty offices are in good "cond" cnoiera you iwvc Kiiuwn in , re . ; - j- ..zW,::-: ----L - . - ... tfta A. HHl lOtao in square-- 70 lament for the "pocket borough of tion and are wpII Icpnt - Th iail i cent, years.:,- V: : TOS-? S? 5ur?.r: gotten their, position-as:county forehead con: $mr c He waVnot many it savs is SSJJ In order to .protect yojirself pwuc.ueitaiuanwaiRiy . uie conumssiqners, soengrossea-are h -Martna W. Meekins and Kitty wr- -ni he made one of the onesi heat, ooor beddinir and k uhani.-: against this disease; there is only piamtmuov Jtr; was -agreed they in the raising of . watermel- w. Bennett to , Carl - U Uanie s JrT; tary. ": The county home was one thing.)r.yotttodo.that plamnff .would.make;no ohs, and. making fish, scrap,; and ?00 aerp",n BeaufortO)vnship I h;a-oVd,B.rJ found "exceptionally bad, dirty is to vaccinate. The serumsim- further claims for alimony and chasing sand fiddlers down the con.100.,, , 'r, m Wi- fSther wrote to a friend, bed; bugs, poorsbedding? inmates iilltanMu'k nr sn r'alprl .MlifA't!mAw that Mn Pinner would surrender Vir 'if tWiimArt arA"-5 tnh Eeatnce: Wi- Foscue and Lee I "and tnrt not a little pleased iritb it.w nail Clothed . Ihe jury recorfl't Mza all riaimt tn "Hi- H,cfnHv fiiAir Jdw -zsMi;A i,jol Kattocks to Alice Koonce 2 acre Lv-cheRterfleid was , JegiBiator at mends.-that I heat and electric :hild. cholera is no longer in; ah exper tm!cirf1 cfrra (lAArA kiMrtv s(f&r. llUVUtOi QVCLKV UVUljk. VUV1 I , v ea tome puDuc- it was expen- Talt.s Sentence Reduced mentea. with by government ve , the custody of their foltfercUveavtio HgS?? j ':yr,- : Jlie public- should know it. . and ; Alice Koonce to Ben J. Irvin get busy to secure,some - honest tract in White Oak; . township to coodness live.-' wide awakel con. $o0. . " : '.'.:'. rmrrticc?hfTp rc It 4 1 most- ya! i uecL w . nner ana otners ; to terinarians for a oeriod of seven . AttornAv P w 4 Hill wca1 markable that the Dresent corn- iift Iui. ' ". ; f1 tor years who. proved conclusively for JoeTaft came into Superior missioners ever think to attend i.w. w. stvmn nri wif tA c.Vl r.. that it would prevent hog cholera, court Saturday and offered a mo- a meetintr of the board, or to Hill fiO font lot nn Pnllnrlr street A AAAA con. zju. ; . v - , - vvr. Jna T. Rose and wife to Fred Since the year 1911, millions of tiontnat ne oeauowea to witn-Fevencaiia meeting.' mun&ed against cholera by this degree murder ; and wbstitutetcf wr?Gl Gillikin 1 acre - Mn. Smyrna nrt attemot to raise thdr hVrds Fea chaned.Tafts sentence, few of his comrade met re- 14 acre in Morehead con. $5?0 er- - i ncraton rr rnn inn nifn rn - r na i witt immnn5r?nr thAm a?fi. w .v prcsentauve irom unsung . o o l riAnif pirlrtr tnr trrm trrt trt tiao . . . . .t i l cr rriA-a WiMwvv PrinA tf ""r"4i'"",J Vv fc f TJl ty at iteua to aetermine tne oesi nZJTrZJZ clan to cross White Oak rivcft at "'mi .w viiyv, iiimvigbiiikiiuu mill , v uw kvuiaT 1 , , - ttJar. owned bv Maurice Bfcck. 1 iA .r a 1 1 Ka f ri,i mi point as uw unuuc u- i v of Scribner Nebraska, is immtm-L i, n..mW -f wwa m centlybeen destroyed,' they; d6 who knew.Taft came into court c,oco w ,nbUU er tne management oi a new mejis; His first speech Is said to have 1 ding, sewerage. COOd water surv . .9 II SS) A 1 I t . .1 a a . rjecinneu me pune.-.,oii inuiujini piy ana IWO Datn TOOmS: was, however, onaiminisnea py me circumstance that as he was not yet, of ase he was liable to a heavy fin speaking In the house." ' - ore nrecodous yet 'wn WlUlom - ivimv mm fiat. nf T I . . . .. . , . twetitr.flrat tilrthdav wh.n Arvn!fh .! PUt 10 the lSll and . neW Sections. seat mm te paniamear, ne naa vrnn-1" cjcs uc uuugni ior me' .If Improvements are not rnry' asks the Solicitor to present the; ones responsible1 for the home UM jury'also. .-, recommends . tlfi rat and electric lights 'be'- K- R.T. Willisand wife to L. K. Pioerand W. J. Hales - lots 1-2-6 in square 31 Morehead con. $200 "LKBner and W. J.vHales to Lucille cherry 1-2 lots 1 and 2 also kA6 in square Morehead consideration $10&c - . . . . a v r na , mnnii ail isnv in xa iikw b . . anl tart fl V!1 n,a w&ll I "A- ' uiwiiw 'T I , r Hrl- A rrt. behaved man up to the time of onogewne wiior ine oa one pen and Kt. U DavU 15acres in th homicid and ihU evidently repairea, was pui in jnc ; uiu meauion townsnip con w. OI tne viuuxci twimy uuiimis, la a few weeks after the taking of Ms seat established himself as the keeav est debater and the ne$t speaker hi tne commons. Upon toe oncmsu er kls -"msldea speevli'' a member of (Be opposition waa reeorted- to have' ok-served-te'reiTltt will be one ef the first men la parliament" "He ts so already," replied Fox. y, : ritf was srsrrely twenty-three. whe Clerk'snd offices. ' Register of; Deeds Dtsth Of Inffitst ized against the disease. Mr. Black recently refused $20,000 for this hog. v The government has placed at iryiv 4ftjrstk 1 v)sa Jrii itn" ' f( e v uu a uiaumoi sliic hli ii.a ui m i . . . i rtr rnn anpm i i hmii v 11 1 ii it . . . ----- . mHA iititsi in imMAceiAfl rr th w v.a- vi"'hi graduate veterinarian, especially 'X ' which from all indications might traineralongth line of swme 'M : ' . waII haVA been sunk fortv fai- horns deep in the White Oak' riv ; William Howard ' Styron the fourteen months old son , of Mr. and Mrs! Geonre " Stvron died , rill waa acirwj iwrniy-mrrw. i r .,, ke ai m..i. chaneeiTor-er fit laf Friday evening after. an ill- ehee.ner.- At twentyfoor he was prime " vc . ayv e DUTUJ , iwjk puce on saiuraay ana was in ucean view cemetary. snloliter. V. Mrs. Win. " -Willis ' diseases and this service is fur. L nisned free of charge to you for ' . a 1. tne asKing. ine wnicr nas vac cmated'a great many bogs ui Carteret County but there are thousands of oUvrrs who will suo North River 'cvrs ; Mclvin Styron of Lupton spent a few davs here this week. . ! 4 er mud. This ferry has been the source i of a constant . expense to the rr-nm count? ' xx txbct the'boat .fiss Alice Willii ia t ..kl.r. t.irtmrr VA nm. I orrm tim tn MnrrtiMrl 1. I which I rAnrAd 18 draWinff 3 SnUf? A.U11IU LU UlUlt.1 sm UUt UJJk saW vwiu sv tia ua 4'twi vsivwvm t " "- - --r v w .a nn Mir' 1 ' . " ' " ' r ' ihnnn for ' th individual who en to protect them against the L Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillikin cf 1 rented it to the county. Instead disease Now is the time to act-m' y ,wc ' of the county commissioners us- vaccinate before cholera reaches I Thm will hA nrAariiin t ng some judgment and buying a you and you will have ho worry Holly Grove Church Sunday , at boat, this same boat that is being as to your next year's meat supr 3:00 o'clock. . used could lave been bought for pry. - If you waitdntil your hogs : . ; .r""7"T" ' less than has already been paid are actually sick with cholera,! . Mcrrimon News I in rent The ferryman is draw you vill not only lose a large . '' ing a comfortable sum tor his du a bl as AAL.a s Ana proportion d your nera out we u, of jauj . . I pir. sa VAiiiimi. iwi.aiiu mta. OOUDieO, - -,it I .:ti t- I t Mt I. nl.J UII'IWII OtU IIHC lift. It llvtlJ . i ne unoemsncu wm uu f w th the bride's moth iQgivc you sisn: i er. Mrs. Joe Hail. Their many lime. Kernemper , were no irienas wisn tnem mucn nappi Sarah V Eaton to the Ocean Leather co. 2 acres in Morehead township con $700 Senia Washington W W.. It Washington lot on Pine and Queen sts. Beaufort con $Uc Simon Hushes and wife to. S. T. Finer lot no 10 in square 33 Morehead con $150 ' R.' f . Willis to J. L: Uwshe lot no z in square, lis Morehead con $1050 fc Democratic Convention Chairman Webb of the Demo cratic Executive Chmmittce has called a convention of the Coun ty Democracy to be held in charge beyond the priceof the ness. - XT ;rc7ri3nd 7t Th- weather keens so bad that through the State Department of . f t rauch Agriculture cost.- r - ;. i the weat her U clear iog up .Tou re urgea o sv Iat ari'ti mnidAration and to late. De avs oun ilsn uocs inssnc time - but Aa4 Ikere It wss, tM. fhst Doa Cartoe. kins of Portnnl. was Introdeeed to ala futaro bride, rrliKeas abmIIo. fcy tke Sunday lu-terrpn Miss and lhe expense and upkeep ui n:ApJlLffi3i,.Ihi! th.w.iori. nsDecameine Drwe on.,.u:- n umvcuuwi w cicvi wks kMi.t . - k a aika aiiim laiiw a ii miiii sir siu in i . . - ' Mr. Asa cannoa Mr. and Mrs. I w. r . ' :r 7 V. " . ; to the btate convention which wnuwincuui m ' rneets in Kaleiah on April the treasury. 7 7 - - - 8th. The Democratic precinct hn rncetinzs are to be held March have this in charge arc merely the 27th in e-ch precinct riArf at at vehn in mtiAttv etnrvi. K ltti.:n ttv. vMin I uc lorvca 10 wan uniu mere En4 te "HUel ef Kinaa." The: Hotel Bristol, nickname! "the - hotel of klncs," and consl)erel the most aetect In Paris. Is now no more but the remembrance of a brilliant and plrtaretque part, r Founded In 1807 by British sublet. Mr. Ilorlock, -whose 1 eon is stnr the Head or the nrm me hotel soon after the war of 1870 was patronised by Klnr Edward VTI, IheB prince .ef Wales, whose - photographs' with aotorraph sttnatom can be sees In the hotere salons, aemo. from bis early yeath when he were a Musrs black leard, and others belonflag te A ister penoo; witn tne snisn pointoa tienrd which csve so md Baesso te tils hsmoron smite. King tleorge of fire ere. King I co noid of Belgium, both dubbed "old Ta- rinlioO Qei Aleiandra. King lhe minstrel ShOW - given DV neorge and Queen llary. the king ef lhe I the pUpllS Of the Oraded tChOOl Belgians sad, msay others bsvo leen I last Thursday Was a b.g SUCCeS. among ihe royal guest e of the Bristol i large crowd witnessed the per The bodv : of . Mrs.' William . Willis of.Southport who died there 1 last" week was brought here for burial- The burial which was in Ocean View ceme -tary took place Friday, - Mrs. Willis ws Miss Edith Mason cf Beaufort and Jias S number fo relatives living here now. Her husband and two sons survive her. . Minstrel Show Afsin The minstrel show given b Derelict Vessel Found formance and were highly pleas ed. As a good many persons did not see the show then it will be reproduced tonight and all will have a chance who want to see it. . - : Fishing Notes. A wireless messaee I rwm a m 1. 1 nere i nesaay-, staiea Lost week and .week before the fishermen of this county were successful in catching s set before It is to are dangerous at any particularly so when you rsmbling rusiust -Aolera. Dr. W. H. Wright, '. Vftenrury Inspector received that thA II C CKifStsjMA lVAeAfl m4 oimof I & . .m ! L. C a aH.... ty's good money heing usurped ZR.VP..reltf csuchtthatitwas hard for the In such a manner and all from w K a prwgr. out i in. a inc vrs.iei.Pti tape. iiacras ana dealers to handk thera alL Many the lack of soVne one.or.fewmen wf W AfL? 'Si-bfJ- ieL the hiBcta TTS1 V who would, or are canahl tJ m. come it with open hearts and re After tow ng the vewel. the f fpcckle and grsv trout, spots wno woiiKi, or are rapaoje oi use- - . - . narre 0 which was the Younger i'w-ra orvt i9t . , ; Solongas the commissioners .rVhim MnS" abmrd L n,,JlLn.a . living in one part of the county , he ship, her crew either , hay- lSJFLta hiti h . demonstrate a desire for the rest inn been or had sbaridowd u-f-vo-M- nd mvi tlav of the county to swim or else-, her to the mercy uf the. sea ing good judgment when oppor i n ii . t - . . iL... . . . t. are I Kaymona ueu w rtcu poix aiuimuc ukc mcsc icxm uirm youiig man twenty ;four ears! selves. old was brought here last week I This Incohvenientwiyofcross- H;&?L.0fMr ct)rnmitted to the county hshed travel and industry In thU ft" k,n men w ,U 004 loxio,w sjciti, 1.1 Ano .ftkm has bAAn nude nrnrt. A nwi;! ,Klrh 11 wiuwiw to get him in the State Hospitallexbted "down East": thess Hon. ".r6 FCQp:c' ,na incn vrancL at Raleigh. . wouW not tolerate for s day Uke . ' ... : frvr lhA r mnrtA rrf travAl wht. rcw row win. ihiwiis mvih. ih v Marriage Licenses 'Cecil Brooks Veft Tuesday for New York where he will engage In work. . . The ;Mrs.G.W. Richardwn spent Ur week at Cove City with rel atives. ! aiM M Wreof . Urg.owi IS l wbi II Wj-i.b ,! f.rlL WlMi n SAOkS IM tavdrt airr of leirfy msslAry, II Ui olMd foo lhe wl, oellW kHM.'.. rain. tne WiS'blxg ! if Oi f oge. " Vse Crua. Tera Crea has the nnUe record of MvNig been twice ttptarrd by Awrt- ra fotro, anee H ISwl wkeo we oers st war with iletU-o, end agsl mi. wbeo we at war with Ifesloo. lUwever, an we aeetn lo lib It a flee get M ts to g1e II sorb er in. Ba Its eltlaeao prloMy fe4 little wrrM si bo virlMlto40e ef ae. - IsM. iko bare mootly I ri4 a a i(a la bter of the a eVfoneere of Tare Urns easlnat Iko tHato whWrb abows tbal lby feel they ere adeeneirly pmlefltd. following marriage U consists mrtlv of mamh' fVmUithis part of the county that would censes have bren issued by Ret' SS.'SS ZZ.'ZE S In pure, tmri with old W ot I Wd. to V ; Wk atirhnthinTntwAarAhavWlrtUc-wl kinds of gaiS.t.lO w . I J t I I rxituowkh. and some of .Ka onvc irwn uur wucr .. y -hm emieiHS.. . f SU TOfn WHO .WOttKl StanO S -v.......-..- y "V v.w.nv. . , . . . I. . .',.1 tn enrf.iro IKU hAmnA tiA m,,. miwii wuwjnm.wwi w ty is too poor tQ pay one half the vuuea cwmy, constructioa of a brkige while Onslow county Is anxious to pay the other, half. West Side. are m foUows; . WUt:e Jones and Madeline liar tVsty of Newport McKinley , Lewis and Eula Guthrie A Harkrrs Warxl F. S.Tsvlnr of North lbrlowe and Va ' tU. i'rof I5raufnrt Asa K. Cannon and UU .Vi llus of KletTirrKm. v ' Darnel Henry and MrcUsus time has been too routn ior ocean fishing. Yesterday the ... Polly and the Edna Brown came , in fnm the b'tck fish grounds i , with about eight or nine hundred r pounds each." They cocld have , ctyRht more but couU UA. ft ay t I on the account vi heavy-'' r either.-A cood tnxf cLams ife iieig - broucht.'tn r-arkct iow and in a snorV ',ue the oft eras season wUlUm v.""' OsVy TfcoofM. . Tla katdra klM thai Ma taik.' We earnestly hope we will not ee uf.r s.-v-o.ifi. .. , Bryant (col) Morthc-id. Staaalao CrO. 1 ItabaWy Iko rslwaWe sd la. . farAattag of oN Ihe iaUo lrll was ie -AO aa4e U ? ' O to U br TWesle, tr A ef V r. sioro i u -ertoe tU fro bs ed si t rtottMi lhe Vsitrs f - i - - ' - .i . I -j

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