j 1920 VOL. XV BEAUFORT, N. C. THURSDAY-, MARCH -25 NUMBER 13 RT Superintendent Makes Re. - port Of Pupils Progress . During February . GRADED SCHOOL The following is last jiionth's report: " ages b-21 enrollment: aoys,-175, girls.-176 total-351; av rage daily attendance: boys-145, girls-145, total 290, absences: boys .350, girls-347, total-697; ; tardies: boys-159, rls-125, L total 284, Ages 8-14 ' enrollment boys-123, ngirls-128, total 25L; average daily attendance: boys-107," girls-i04, total -.211; absences; ; boys-260;l; girls-233, total 493, tardies; boys 60, girls-84, total 164; : - The Honor Roll for the grades 1-6 inclusive is as follows; '! "S. i Firsts Gradac-hadwick, William Jenkins,'"vTroy Johnson, Richard Pinnerp Raymond ' Paul, "t Luther Ricer Herman;:Ausjtin, M'mt . eae m 4 " xseiue wiapiain, jNewe umgieton, Agnes Gopdwin, Eleanor Jones, . Alice . Clyde Mades, : Mattie - Weeks, Braxton. Davenport, Wil lie. Lewis. Mildred Brooks. , ;- - Second 4 Graded. Earl Schhei- der. Jack Willis. Nat White, Eve V lyn Chadwick, Vivian .Manning, 4- Sallie Belle Willis. .. ; ; Third Graded Ruby " Austin, swanme Darlini?. Lnarlie Dar- ; Kng. Prank King, Clarence New- : kirk, Clarence Noe. ' ;' . ; 5 Fourth Grade-Maude Culpher Claudia Edwards, Madeline Ga- hrlpL s Lnren'a " Harrier. Bessie Jones, Ruth Killingsworth, Mar- .mrae -Cnnfnnrl ITW - Willie . Frank Campbell, Albert Gaskill, t Roderick- Parkin, Calais . Willis, - 'V - J." ,' . ,v uouis atyruii. t t ' , , - : Fifth Grade--Margaret Dill, Martha Longest, Ruth Maiming, Vivian Parsons, Glennie Paul, jjcorgi river, mi j vc"w Pearl Whitehurst, Murray New- kirk.- . . - - - Sixth Grade- Lydia Parkin, Ruth Norcom, Clyde Hill, Mar caret Ramsey, , Rufus White, - Sterling '.Chadwick. . . The Honor Roll shows a total of 24 bovsor 18 Der cent of en rollment. 32 girls or 23 per cent of enrollment, total 56 or. V- per cent of enrollment. .' The Newis received this week a communication in regards to the County Home. As no name was signed to the article it could M ISA VkA MilVkltclfeArfl J C Gardner Leayes , J. C Gardner left this morning for Warrenton where he will be . ; connected with a bank In a very . -resoorisable position. Xfr. Gamier has lived in Beau fort for a number of , year and etcrpt for tl time when he was hi the amy has been in ine ser vice of the Beaufort Banking and : Tnrt Company. He made many ' frieU here in business soda wavsnd all are wishing him , much success In his new i home. On Monday evening at, about eight o'clock the people of this Tkrinity were treated to a sight - -of thai great -naturaL phenDme ' non known as the Aurora Boreal jstNfthern Lights. ! The dls- - play began about eight ockxlc, died doyvn fof a wit and about . ten burst forth, again In trest. 'iptendor. Tl whole nothcrn " sky wsl in a glow and occasional ly long shafts of light would Ahoot scroll the sky producing an effect jrnewht like the I worth lights of a ship. Tht cause of tle Auroa BoreaJis not know n t ut U generally supposed to be electric origin,' ' Jno. IC Moore Dies On last Sunday afternoon at 5:30 Captain John B. Moore, died at his home here on Orange street, after an illness of ten days. He was taken with an attack of influenza which shortly develop ed into pneumonia and although he made a a brave fight against he disease and had good medical attention and nursing the dread malady finally, overcame him. Captain Moore was as popular a man as lives in Beaufort. -: . Possessed of a cheerful nature he met life with a smileHe w.as friendly and pleasant with- all with whom he i came, in contact and probably had hot an enemy in the world. ; Having been' in the boating business here for many years he had a large -circle of acquaintances and friend who will experience genuine sorrow at the news of his death.. , iesldes a number of Mherrel- atives Captain Moore is survived by his widow and six sons. ' The sons are David, John B. Clyde, Edward, Cecil and James. The funeral services of the de ceased were conducted by Rever end R. F, Bumpas at - the home at two thirty Monday "afternton and the interment was in Ocean View cemetery. - ,;irf"--Tr- i Church lUlty . f.. -, A glorious successful revivals rally was held on the 5th Sun day in February A. D. 1920 ai Purvis Chapel: A. M.E.Z. church the handsome sura of $10?,50c was realized -with-more to come in for which we take this method Of expressing ourincere jand heartfelt thanks, to- each, and every onev who contributed both white, and - colored for large amounts, and small ones in pro portion. . -' ' . The money. was Taised for the improvement and beautifying our parsonage and church. .' J. S.Bell Pastor in charge. Again we say thank you- Card Of vThankt Ve take this method of thank ing those who so kindly extend ed their; aid and sympathy in the sickness and death of' our hus band and father, John B. Moore. Mrs. J. B. Moore and family. Missionary Program At 1O0 ock:k Sunday afternoon, March 28th, a concert . will be given at' the Methodist Chuth. Song bv Choir and Congrega- twn. , . , Recitation ' f Elsie Nixon. Soni ' Bessie Jones . and Margaret Sanford. , " - Recitation . . Virginia Howe. Prayer by the Pastor. Song by Choir and Congrega- tioa. . - Recitatioo . .Song . . Krcistion Song Recitation i. f Ruth Norcora. Fannie Caffrey. ,. : ' Jdia Parkin. - " Choir.: Jnex Willis. Eve ry cr ll" cordially: invited to !!, ' 1 Z M bs Eit Mnaon sprnt Wed nesday aittrr.oon in MoreheldL ).It'Murr1s of Atlantic Wat here ytstcrrjjy, :. . . . Ux!K. M. Wsddcll of WiJ- minfffon.R C spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs. W, A. Mace. , Mrs. Ittie Wade of Morthead spent Wednesday In Beaufort Real Estate Transfers Deeds have been recorded , re cently, showing . the, following ransactions: Martin R Lawrence and others o George Lawrence 2 2-25 acres of land in Straits township - con. $100.' V '.-.' ; ; - D. E. Oglesby and wife to Har ry Murphy 61 acres in Newport township con. $100 &c. - Harvey Lawrence and others to Martin Lawrence 2 2-5 acres in Straits township con. $100, - " Haney Lawrence and otlvre to Sarah F; Lawrence 2 25 acres m Straits" township ; con. $100. Geo. LaWreilde and others to Harvey Lawrence 2 2-5 acres in Straits township con. $100." - C, TrChadwick and wife to N. W.Taylor house and lot corner of Ann and Craven Sts, Beaufort con, $3300. -:";;v::v,t:;'";v'i-i Watson Lawrence and wife to M uny Lynch 2 acres in Straits township con. $15. A i: " Murry Lynch and wife to. Bed ford B. Lawrence 2 acres fir. Straits township con. : $25. - r C Li Duncan and wife to J iC. Merrill tracts 9, 10, 11, 12. 13, of the AIoiwo Thomas lands con. L C. Blades and wife to Re becca L-,Brown of Forsythe coun ty house and ' lot in Morehead City con.' $7000. ' . ' ' - V Jewish Relief Campaign An. effort is being made " to raise rnoney for the suffering Jews of eastern Europe and the public in North Carolina w;ll4 be askeVl to help in the campafn. There are :said to-be over feix fnuinj&h'Jgws in those' lands who are abolutely, destitute arid many of them have , already perished. , E. Stember .a prominenr dt( len of Greensboro has charge of the drive in North Carolina. Sam Yoffie ot Beaufort has been appointed to look after the matter here. ' t' MFluM IlurU SchooU . , . County Sunerintendent of schools L B. . Ennett was. Wre Monday on a trip which he is making to the schools in the eastern Dart of the county. San itary toilets for thirteert schools : I .i ' - . - - . have, arrived and will be install ed as soon as the man who docs the work gets here. These 4tofr ets cost $115 each installed - and are modern and 'sanitary. The flu" epidemic has dexnOralued the county schools to some extent but the disease has about run Us course now apparently, and coo ditions are getting back to nor mat Colored Policeman Uert Samuel J. Battle of New York City is visiting his sister and bro ther Curtis A; Oderr and wile. He was born in New, Bern andU was the first ' colored policeman appointed to the Police Force in the city of New York. Jleis still attached tn the Ferce doing duty in the Harlem section.' -He is 'pending his vacation with hii relatives, and friends" in New Bern and Beaufort : ' Mrs. L. W. Mebane and oVue! ter. Miss Annie who have been snendinir several dava at the Manson House lft Wednesday afternoon fof their home in Greensboro. ... Kfrm. R tL Ward and little' son Robert, of Baltrmore are spend ing a few day t at the Manson House. m . :;MARNE; MEMORIAL POSTER JUST as the ichool children ct Franc :- tvo for their country's gift to tha United States the Statue of Liberty o Will iwerican 1 school children eohtribul "on cent and upward" for "Amerlca'a. Gift to France," monu mental atatua by Frederick Mae Uonnles, the noted American aculptor. M. MacMonnica la 'contributing hla cervices toward the monument which, Ills estimated, will cost $250,000. . the poster shown herewith, Is by Al- ;bert Ktcrner, noted American portrait painter, it typines ins irinute wmcn this country will pny to. the French thjouch Uie " Marne monument Tlie poster will be i displayed In cities, towns, and Tillages, and will designate many of the places where contributions may b made during Ute - week of Ifirch ; 22 free-will offering, , In wblch numbers of contributors, rather tbatw size of contributions, will be sought from school children and. others, Contributions are now being receiv ed it Rational Headquarters, 150 Nas sau street, yv lork, by Charles H. Sabln, presUJent o( on of Kew York's largest trust companies, wh-is treas urer f the fund. , v i' - Im memorial . will , be erected ; St Cotton Report Accordinie to' the U. S. Census department the cottpn ginned in Nortn Carolina durn.g the year 1919 was 855,455 bales. Of this amount Carteret produced 2551 hales. In 1918 the crop in this county was 2307 bales. . v ; if Permit To WJd 1 0nly one marriage I'cense'has been granted so far this week by the Register of Deeds. This was to Benders Golden of Bettie and Ella F. Nichols of Boland. . - ROMANCE BECKON "TO ALL Aeaatit teTfca aUWil Star. Mia , Wawe Nevee.. Really Ferea. The 1? CkiM1e4 Oreama., v We are all more or lens only grewa p Vys er tmt," Ur. DItrlrtitteis said h an Interview given reentry te New Tort Evening , 8m reporter. The leaa grows up we are the more we enjoy life and the thrill of llvlnr. It Is Ibis Joy of kvuissj erperlenos Bleb tnakee tae stage pooxlWe and wlilrh partlnrlariy aid the actor et elodrsma. . ' Tb Mfe of the Mflg Hcraaeer:r adftar or ttie bm cavalier wltti sis romantli!. cpanvsta ia rimlnl te Met of toa," Mr. HlirlrKlrU said a moat eadly. 1ut iliw Hvmi ht all Ike deelre im it Ine rash. Iuiumlble aad drlljlitful thloya of eur grret he roes if Si'tlon. .The wlivoed, rolurteee little waiv you W om Ihe eomtauters trait, wtia tolla by day ever hU raalc eTArtatnaH vr a lm Ovliote vltkla the Inftnlie rearm 4 his fHHtvraal votaCTuatlon.'- The eh) girl dwriag the durligfct hoars amy he the relu- camatlo .Oeiptra ar Met ac Trey ere a library kwk daring the truing. (She tear practice before her Irror lhewalk tad auiaarr uf t F. rofeaa e.ar and. la mnunt r"r. j here thV tiuagluatUt ha br t Ihe htght v-int. rTa ge m far as le iWInk nf herMf al a e,nei of lH sxttlea. f It le ih4 lon'MW-h te ar. lr. 1MI- nrhaiHH mHI. Willi a Mf t UVh f hta hMraaarrtag eye. "that oven lb faiMMU 11re HualiMa Mtaa' la rre- llly aajM-t hope lba hi smneitilet lHlf mure pmiaaile aad etrlilng Mk the raiting ut rmmm ad wrrr oe The high eoat M at ttgraphrrs m wthee- hadaea eaaa taMttitea." . " ' , ' tMartple mf th geod M days", whra we aad wlae ra frfe; whea daahlag rau'lrre ilai Ihrwaah the gatrdlta SMal t the rat iTt al rarrtrd ih latywf th'r arte' de sire seay thrwagh Ihe allt ! ef the hlpfiaf formis a4 wtred th4r laafe again the hrae eaM the eiay rrre alpl far Ihe af ef a gailaal ight mr te sr rfige laity's SotMtr f ewrh. arvvrdlag t Ihe af' draaile alar, H lW llra af the) vktra attd the fallety wherever aaetmtrawa la lirwlafwd. ' Daaghtef was at hoae rraaa e Wg fee the weekend. She arre ea HkOgMl. etrt4 Ihel aha haa lewnn laaoyt is that her HeNreahoaea gwty h aaldt "le thai hlr ( 1 -"Ml "' 7 ,'! V i '. ( If Pretty New York. School Giri Help ; Spread Appeal . for Pennies '.for "America's Gift to France. ' ilea it. on the Marne, and will rival In s'ze and grandeur of "aesign; the Stat i of Liberty. --Ri - . t 'i DISPUTE- Tenet Of Sanctification .. . Drinks On Argument And leads Disput j : . anta Into Court ' .p.:Congletpn,: -sometimes known as King , David, 1 .was brought . into Mayor , Bushel s court Tuesday and dollars and costs on M.lMae r lifAAH litiSkl uw it the charge of disorderly conduct cae of King David's trbuble seems to have been 'a dispute about relieion. a matter .that has given people trouble a great many times before now.- Accord- ttvtrTTTh-.. mrs t iKa., t rial on" last Sundar ? night a week ago Elder -Jotln beweU ot the rree Will Baptiat chvrch preach ed a sermon in the course of I which he set forth the facts tlrac he did not believe in the holi ness Or sanctification idea which is adhared to by some people. Mrcongietonitseems, ooes pe- :ve mtincl-icatK)?i, ? m tMacanJIct of ideas the trouble arose. King David was not pres- nil m 1 1 mt iiimuiir uul hjiik: uaisr r .r v Tj I -I WilU W9 iiJCIC 1VMU Ui 111 MUUl Ik ABOUT REUGIQil dllU 1IC lillillCUldlCIT UU1JKU IUI .... . ,n the chnrch and arriving just 'as Quit an addition to one of Beau the congregation was , leaving fort's test residential sections. proceeded to . express his views on the subject, lit did this with consioeraoie 4 vcncmcncc . ami rriw-h vntmnt u;o rralA so much so in fact that one lady was thrown into a fit and had to have the services of a pbysicun. As a result of all this comc - tion tome one a day; or f o later ook wi a waxram wi ir.. v n leton first on the charge of in- eiftiirgwith leligiousTworshit Out later this was chanced todis- oiderly condutt J. F. Duncan ard E. W. Hill apt eared .for. the dr frndart but were rot able to o hvirce Kavor BUsl.all that a man should te allowed to e'press his opinions Abcrit religkus mat ten in Beaufort entirely without let or hindrance. So the fine of five dollars was entirely wiihout ouiy assesseoagainwrvinguavra Kaaiatiotlefl.'' ruratce hed eae her vUte rrWtMle la for teerheoa the eHT Uf sad aateag hr talage aha had etlvea, ha aTered them re Se, who aald K did a4 like. Ihea. herpe rtce replied la tepetW faahlil Oh I d1tat like ea.airre!f t $n hat yaa taael aeraaialahs a UJle fee UetaV - . .- 7 tsrrttea Sarheev . I The enllury vyire herhef e KgrH Ware a rertala reaewhtaaj la sa fit, ii kit arafalea foea. ta the har hf-eerges af aadal UaMa. la Caf laadL Ha Is asiheHaH hy tew, sfte Utlag aaaaad sa saataatle. U s" feraa eaerlaeOoa. et!lfatU u herha. eapalag, Slwl4 dxtaalaga. hat la farhMdea Is eras a nreecrthe se laiaaa. LEAGUE FAILSJO PASS After Months Of r Debate The Senate Turns Down The Peace Treaty , , . With Germany On last Friday in the Senate of the United States the League of Nations gave up . the ghost That is to say it was brought' to a vote and. failed of getting the necessary two tmrds whicn was reauired to pass it. The League of Nations was not actually voted on but the thing under consider anon was the ratification of a treaty of peace"-with Germany and the scheme of the League of Nations was bound up in this. The resolution of ratification was known as the Lodge resolu tion and wa? the work of Sena tor Lodge the leader of the Re publican forces; in the Senate. This ; resolution accepted r the League of Nations but amended it in such ways as to make con siderable changes in the ' instru ment.: President -Wilson has stated several times that he did not ' ap prove of thechange and most of the, Democratic Senators voted against ; , the Lodge resolution. A few Republicans" voted against it also because they wert absolutely opposed to the League of Nations in any form. Senator , bimmons and Uverman voted as the President wished, which was nay. , The vote stood fortynine to iinirry live ana as tms was not I .... . u . i..ij Ulli(ed .Siates Is still at war , With Germany, i The dav aftr the treaty, was acvd on it was sent back to President Wilsnn- . 7 . ' . " t Thevwat his nlans'.are ahnut.thrv I matter now are not knbwn-but " some time ago he said that he wanted the people to Dass on the matter in the November election So it may be that ' the League ofNations and rjeace treaty will LtLLi1?1. ues ,n v- Neir Residence Started "SSSaBBSJ Woik 'commenced this week on the handsome residence which is to be built by Mr. C R. Wheat m Frr;t atrr .rrtfr Norcom has a force of men there and the work of excavating and MVma f h- fntmHaticn mm mencea. i ne Duikiing has a tftw Candidate Announces in wis issue 01 we news ueputy ShenfJ J. H. whitehurst an- nounces that he is a candidal lfor the Kepublican nomination (0f Register of DeecsV This is IiKa fnnrth rarvt i.nrv anmwtnc for that office- SPECIALf.'JSSIKIARY FEOGPAM ' - . eassvaasaBBBBaa "At ' Baptist Chuixh Next Sunday ' -There will be a fpecbl Missicn lary program next Sunday at 1PQ ociocx A. h. Among we num- uni nut uc me ivuvwiitv. Vcral Duet, Corre Holy Spun" by FretWkk Jerome, Uirs Mary Clarke Wilhefm and Mrs. IL A. Day. ' ; "Anfhem, f anything Fcr Thee Choir. ' Th Voice otHrrre and For ei?n Mi?uior.s" Three Seniors. Xfale Ouaittte.-Messrs, Dav is, Paul Swarm and pay. ' thrlttlas) Ckrh" MUry With eiarh dietMty af epinloa aa ttanr rfata, there la a gaaerat sgre ataat ta dlvtdtag te hletary al tb rtierr tta thiee great erU4et tw Srat. freaa the hwth l t hf it l th lle af Oawataatrae the eacead. freat that rpch 14 Or rf or tie. al third, fraa the rrfaraiat: ta th ereeest thaa. ( ' ' ' . . l

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