r 'V- : . f:'r:r-;- i:zZTX' T T izj- LU C. Thursday , ; ;T , KeadinIs To The 31inLVhat Exerctee In To The Body EVERY IBY W. y. MEBANB BEAUFORT, N. C THURSDAY ' APRIL" 1 ! 1920 VOL. IX NUMBER 13 V it Beaufort News Is Now -A Heck Ccmpfcy, New Machinery Purchased . The incorpofation of the Beau fort News was- completed; last week, a charter for that purpose haChg been granted bv the Sec retary of State'. The' company r was organized with a paid up capital of $4000 and an authoriz ed capital of fifty thousand. Its business will be to publish a newspaper, do job printing and to sell any merchandise retain ing to that line 'of. business. Preferreds sven per cent interest amounting "to $4000 will be issued by the com pany; More than ' half of this preferred stock has already been sold. The new capital provided by the sale of stock will be used in buying additional equipment for the printing plant. Some of this equipment has already been contracted for and will be in stalled as soon as possible. A Mr. Julian Hamilton ' ' Returns To Beaufort "Mr,. Julian Hamilton, a native of Carteret County, and a former resident of Beaufort has " accept ed the position of Assistant Cash ier of the Beaufort Banking and Tryst Company and .will arrive to assume his duties about April 10th; Mr, Hamilton has a large circle of friends here ainl in the county, who are glad to welcome him back home. ! '. , . V The Beaufort Banking and Trust Company is fortunate ; in securing the services of this pop ular young man for aside from his popularity, he has had exper ience in banking that will make him a valuale-additiontd the bank force. ; V;"" '. '. SAW Mia STARTED MONDAY typesetting machine of the latest style has been bought. The manufacturers however are sev eral months behind with their orders for these machines and it will probably be July before the one bought tor the News will be here. When this new equipment has all arrived and been put in place, Beaufort will have as good a printing office as in any town of this size in the State. This means that a better newspaper will be published and that -the job printing department will be efficient. Those who have sub scribed to the preferred stock of the Beaufort News are the f ol lowing: Dr. C L. Duncan,. W, A. Mace, J. F. Duncan, C. R. Wheatly, C D. Jones, D. M. Jones, G. W. Uun canSam Yoffie. Dr. C. S. Max- Services At St. Paul's . Church ' Pays Old Debt m Mr. Richard Felton a wejl known merchant of Beaufort was very much astoni-hed one day last week when he found in the mail a letter from , a venerable Baptist preacher containing a check for forty dollars. The sender of the check was the Rev erend Josiah Elliott of Hertford. More than fifty years ago, about the year 1867 Mr. Elliott who was then just about grown, work edfor Mr. Felton's father, Mr. William Felton who lived then in Perquimans county. In the dealings which took place be tween the young man and his employer Mr. Elliott thinks, that he was overpaid and in order to satisfy his conscience about the matter he sent the check last rweek. r Mr. Richard Felton does Business Life Of The Com munity Gets Boost By ? Start Of MiUslli?r After having been closed down for almost a year the plant ; of the Carteret Lumber ' Company was started up here on - Monday morning. For several week pre liminary worklias been going on getting things in readiness for the big mill to start,r Last-week steam was , turned on and the machinery run a little to - Umber up and findjout if every thing was in good working order. Sup erintendant J. A. Brickhouse and his assistants have been . hard at work for; some : weeks making their preparations and have final ly gotten the plant running ; m good shape, unless some acct dent or' other foreseen misfOr tune haoDens the mill will run now without interruption. ; y It is estimated that the com pany has a sufficient supply of standing timber- to keep the nla'nt poincr for ten ' vears and other lots of timber will ' be boueht from time to time. For qutte-a while insneaors ;, bsen m tne county- going .ovcrj various timber tracts some-ot which hav been bought and This week is Holy week and has been observed in St Paul's Church on ! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by celebration of the Holy Commun ion at 10 a. m. and evening ser - ROAD : QUESTION UP - . - . . -,s 1 r -; Final Action Hoped For At Next Board Meeting f The matter of building a high way through this county to , con- riprt MnfK'.tViA'ifVritral Hicrhwav vices with an address at 750 p. m : W!ii j k, Vnnnrv Tomorrow," is Good vFriday, Commissioner's meeting on next Christian people keep in mind the Mnndav. ' For ftimrt IKKTl ' has; been nkr OUr MJfU. : 1 11C Uay Will s UC , UW mnn n Uee ncornfmn of tV,o seryea oy morning service witn hands of the commissioners and an felddreSS at 10 a. m., and a if ntvH hvmanvthafa Hpricinn sbrt Litany ; service promptly wm reached and " the work at.zra p. m. ine nignc service ltarted at an earlv date list-willbeomitted, as th6 Reo cJJi tor at that time has a service in County Commissioners was held Morehead (mTt Friday. a week. ago lat-.thc Sunday Is Easter Day, the court-nouse, the purpose ot which Queen of Feasts. .The ; services was to consider the matter of others will probably be added to the ! company's holdings. The.re is a probabih'ty that the lumber company will build several bar ges to be used in bringing timber to the mills from such points as are not reached by the railroad. The Carteret Lumber Company is the largest manufacturing en terprise m Carteret county. It wnnlnv ahmit 160 men and has la weekly pay roll of. practically live uiousaiiu uuiwii. , it vui thusbesecnthat.it is 'a very valuable enterprise not only; for will be early Celebration : of the building the county's link of the Holy Communion at 8 a. m., later Central Highway ; Owing to the celebration with Sermon at: 11 bad wp?thr it iv; a. m;v and evening Prayer, and rainy day, a full attendance of Sermon at 7 p. ir : : y, '' the: board was nnt : nrpcpnt -Everyone is cordially .mvited aJrm!1- Woii,- to these services and it is espec r.:n;vju 'iu iauy uircauiaw K on hand and I K Duncan who m any, way oeen meniineu , wun wa 9r.nnn -a mur- nt v . A r.w --c J I Y wyyv'VVU U II1VU1UVI V . k AAV EfiCr.-r. u,c !? iVt' with Chairman Page of the State George WLay nignway juommission was. pres- Kector em ana maae nis repon. I ne question which has been a sub ject of debate and , some . contro I versy for some time 1 that is to say the route of the proposed highway, was , discussed. After talking the matter over . for an hour or more the conclusion was reached that it was the COAST GUARD FLYERS Mr. Arrington Fowards ; Resignation To Wash .. "t ington Not Accepted ' - On last Sundav Postmaster B B. - Arrinaton of JBeauf ort sent , in his resignation to the Postof- i fice Department at Washington 1 At this writing nothing has been ,( neara irom Washington in re gards to the matteiand Mr. Ar- ' . rington is still performing the ' - duties of the office. , Upon .the " resignation ot Postmaster White hurst in 1917 Mr. Arrington took ' charge of the office. From July -. 1917 to November he was acting ' postrnaster.,- and. in i November 's hi? temporary aDpointment was maae permanent I he work of " the postof fice here has increased greatly in' recent years. It was a central office iri July 1917 and V this increased the responsibili- V' ties of the . place. ' Durno. the ' ' war all the war saving . stamps ; for the county ; were ) handled i. through the local office and that junner increasea us wont, a i number of clerks in the office ; a have v resigned r durinz j recent - years and the necessity of break ing in new help has further comDli cated matters. , ' . : ; . The postof fice here pays-$200Q - a year. Mr. Arrington and his clerks have always ,been very attentive and courteous and , in consequence have had the good .will ot the public. , i- , Camo Glenn To Be Used ";' Again , not think however 'that he has any claim- againsV, the old preach er and a he promptly returned j Beaufort for Carteret cbufity arid the check to Jam. Along with there is general re.ioicing that it fhchrk h tent an Invitation lis once more iri operation. The to Mr. Elliott to come down and mill cuts mostly pine but 'also nav him a visit next Summer. considerable gum and oaK.. l ne -..J.u. demands for lumber now is it iq auiri ini saw z 1 11 i ' . well. I. H. Dill. N. H. Russell. A. . n'TZ " III." enormous and the only auticuity T.Gardner.T. M. Thomas, Jr, youngmenhave become minis of Beaufort and S. A. Gaski 1, ters o the . u k evident . O. VjaSKUi, ui oiiaiw oiiu ... t.t i:vM1 Il-rnrHJnff to his . . I LA MAW fv A WAWVBW-A U. Alien oi xxewpon. n IIlccl"faith. ing of the company waa held last week and the following were New Wreck Cornmissloner lrtpd its officiers: President W. A. Mace. Vice-president C R. . On account of the recent deatn wneauy. oevrcuuyiic.ouici. w-K-". r-- w r,;fnpnfUvnMll(nrtKewi!. W. G. Mebane. Directors, W. A. position ot Wreck uramissioner - - : :v.r " Arm r WhMtlv. T.'K. Oun- was left vacant. Frank F. Lon- in Ka ivau nf HicTvxintT nf all youngmenhave become minis- lhc is short age of freight cars. It is hoped however that this condition will improve as the railroads recover from the etiects ot war. Work On Waterway ' can and W. G. Mebane. Hellcn Tyson Greenville. March. 27.- A beautiful wedding was solemn- gest of Beaufort has been appoint led to fill this vacancy. First Fat Hacks Cauht It is a matter of public interest to your readers to let them know that at the request of certain citizens of the town of Beaufort and County of Carteret I took up with the United States District Eneineer's office, and parcticu'ar ly with Mr. H. T. Tattcrson,'the 'o'clock in the Memorial Baptist church when Miss Christine Ty son became the bride of Earl West Hellen. The church was decorated with a profusion of gteen plants, tulle and spring flowers with hundreds of lighted tapers sliedding a sdft glow about the altar. Mrs. Hellen is one o('Gre:n , viUe's must accomplished ..young women. She is popular here A Suprise Party Given Last Friday , night . Mrs., M.', ; Leslie Davis entertained at her consen- home on Queen St. in honor ot . . ,ui tTu-U sua of opinion of the members Miss Mary Clark.Wiihelm.: . SiSSrSiSSiwSSSi present that the road should run ' The Jxme was tasteful Wdecc- v SSSSGlSa from Beaufort to the 'CnvJ . the' i impression was -that this county line by way of Newport. rnlnrld iiaht - . ; i fillot&lina'DS This wiU be a few,mnes-further nlSS play, SnivW terttisandcSe tnr thji nlant " Tht U S Coast lul1 1 I,C wiavcn unc oui u win i ' ; -, , -i . , . Sftd up the eastern and weslj.f Jf 5?KH? .2St?SSS2 ' tne Treasury Department nas era parts of the county and will EVa Toraai Marv Morris. Mae . ZTZlSSZ IW servemore people than U the 3ffiHltoBiS ' rSlKK55 otherroute should be followed. Neal Jones. - Messrs Jim Rum me war a naval air station was t . . ffMvn pr.,,i pi, p,.h maintained there and at , one "rAwttirttfatol. time four or five hundred men .w ...T.ri "1. FTA- At eleven o'clock Jail left i6r were kept there. An immense nwuiy kvcu acm u their homes expressing delight . amount of money was spent by P that work of building in the manner in which they had ' inr.iid the road should atart at the Beau been entertained. . fort end.' Mr. Duncan was in-1 Monkey Rum Still Found Thehrst catch of menhaden WMlm III II III Hnillllllf W Ul HILIIIII I . m ,f,.w , lKp ior ne oprum acdsuu wuc Assistant Engineer in charged nr I, n " last- av. Captain . Bonner Lhe watcr.wav imD;0vemcnt. o Willis, who is ever on the look- ms secti on the queEticn of Lay out for the first liens of fish, ;ntr the Carrot Island Slouch Cut went out in the W. II. Webb and deepened, also the Bulk Head inade a catch of twelve thousand. Channel deepened and the The wind was blowing nrctty Thorough fare &iy project lead i - - - Ltiff th-. daw and th a Avao ingicom ine L,.i,l ert if ".a ni n rrA River cut and made time fur handling seines. are known as Summer fish and r 'r. I "a .17, ,, - 1BJAIT lit. 4IM .WW IV w.re tamer smau. iTeuy suon .h- r.mmrnt will brwnn the wornen. anc . Mpow iarge schools will begin to dpln n. of ,he 'Bulk Ilcad and in other s o the State 1 a lhe Mm h gjg busy. - ' land Slougn Cut "and the Thr oun tare liay proposition, a News wls received baturday 1 0m gl.id to hav been of ter the Federal Government in biiild inn Viinfror c1rin( miartrs. sidewalks and severs and for " u,c . 'ult mh other purpose. again with State Chairman Page On tatf Wednesdav tht camo nu " U1C pnvcu roui a rtrtv -n.. was formaUy Ulten over for the will be satisfactory to th. State rum ttiu Was captured by Sheritf Coast Guard semes by LUit'in an Federal authorities. -The Tiionus-Tuesday morning, and ant Robert Donohui w.k U in plan which the commissioners bjgU to IJeau-ort. Jrnw command . there. Several m;ii have m view is to juna a .nara f; are there ndw assiini him toUurfaco road nine feet .wutejn 1 cet things in readmesj for actual wwth except in a lew. places ie-st l was located about a use. Within the next five or six wnerc snuuiu uc iiccn ico mue a..a inree quaners rom 'i, . ahnilt loo m-n w;ii be sta. wfde. At the regular meeting of Mansfu id with in a short dist weekj about iuu men win s Mm,div It U thought ance pt..i.e home of a whte man tionedatthecampcjnSiStni ol theJxiardMd ayt ught je Morsp- xiie owner aviatorsrmechanics and otners. that a finsj d won can be reach of lhe , i,unkn0wn end -no The air craft will b.' usd lor Mas to the highway and that one wat around there, when it iKr,rtv t,f i.K'itmi i:ii the con'ract will let shortly af- wastaK. . Sheriff Thomas was w.vrt - . . ' t arrnmrv in distreii, reiCJini aej ana iciwaiua. . . ; Sound to Neuse made. Mr. Patterson assures me that . I th Government Dfldce will be what -7 ,. " .. . and possesses a wide ,circ)e ol friends.. For the pnst four yfars Mr. Hellen has been cunnected with the Imperial Tobacco Com nanv o' Greenville, except for the time that he was in the scr vice of his country .'during the assisting in tnicwu gaard wj.ic uetiertiw. T.iev WiM patrol LU coast and ke;p a viiili.it loJ s, out for anytning thic need! tne attention ot tnc service. In caf smugglers , siuutd aUcnpt t ronng liquors inta this country it is thougrit that these flying boats may . be , used to catch tneoi. Another u which they may be put to in future U that of locaani jchouls ot ni.i. la tan man.i accomp.. .icd on the raid by A. L.. Wusc.:, . D. Allen and Dennis v pt Newport night of the death of Mr. T. B. vice to the, people of Carteret they can be ot cjniderabl help Swann. father of Mi. U.E.Swann County in this manner. My in- to the nstiim industry. . ine ofBeaufort. Tlie defeased who teres; in the County is the tame BUtioaat Camp Glenn is theonly w.iriohtv vpara uf atre. had as ever and I am always glad to,, w .k,- t,.mA tn .he United World War. nets a young man vn :n rather txxr health for do what I can lor the ceveiop- of sterling character and is high I ly esteemed wherever . he is known.' Before comjng to this 4 -.city.M was a native ofBeaufort. ; Haw YN NUm4 tw Tm ,wM r fiftt u h several motillis but the end came unexpectedly. -He lived in Iredell county near Sutesville. I AftIM rUU ttUft' af ! mnn la ew vtaC TS irt UiU t fcMV, UtjH M ? p Kit UttmT,"-L. ment of the water ways of Car teret County. - Sincerely youi, Chi r lei L Abe met hy. ti 1 Nelson-Johnson . On Tuesday night at the Meth xlist 'pamnaw Captain Tnos. Nelson and Miss llenme John son were united in marriage by Reverend R. V. .Bumpas.- The bride is the daughter o( Mrs. InniAlnhAcnn rtnA I-n-iirt nn i4 a. we 1 known fisherman nowiuiuiiiy iiTctumcswuns. here. , They will make their This outfit so large that it has home in Beaufort. got the firemen of Beaufort guess ing1 where to hnd a k big enough xind ever ihtwii In, the city cf Beaufort. Carrying about two hundreu pcojl three rides .in cluding the Whip, which have never x!ibited in Leaufort be fore, also .the Merryo-rcund and Ferris Wheel. . Sixteen StetrtatthistiVe. - - - - t LOST-1 roller Skate. Return toChas, Cue andt receive re ward. . . ' nr.Pn:.i i n..fnr for this attraction to put up on. 'iUnft I Ol Firemen' Thedty bf Beaufort is prepar ,nenafit 01 Firemen ; ingldike o( lhCfhrKC Or f vA Wt ftUti tax tu tMkt um tAjUU A mi la AwH4 tw AalUff I The firemen of Be ioort have just finished their contract with the Jame M. Unn-wn s bhtjw i, to exhibit their train. of fdiern cars of show ami concessioni for their benefit In the city of Beau fort. N. C, the week of Apoil the filth. . This Is the IrftA ojtfit of. hi crowds w hich Is expected to" M tend. , : . 1 ' ' .,' ; Press Acer a itirun ftm urn t Wfar' M Sta tavaM a4 r4. r Ua lal a iaC ltc- - ... . . f :Ui.