; V -f -J --t- , . ..... 7 a 1 - ' I? - -J J -3 -u " : 1 V LL " ;i v - - ----- - - ----- - - - - - . . . . .. . . . : ; : : . : ' ' -- ' - ' '' " ' : " " ; ' : : - ".,, "; -. .-. . 11 r"r -r . ,. . . ,,. . : ..: ::'rT?"","' 1 '" ! rr-. 1 . every Thursday , ' ' " Reading IsTo The Mind AS natExercfae Is To The Body I - - . ' ,U by w. a mebne' t 'VOL.IX J ' . r ; ' ' " c' ' ' " BEAUFORT, N.C, THURSUAX ' APSIL .1920 . ' 1 , NUMBER 14 . ' 'I 1 i - HOTEL ' Work ' Going Fo ward On Hotel At Atlantic : " View Beach L- - After more or lss discussion of the matter for several years a Summer hotel on the- ocean beach will soon be a reality, V. A. Bedsworth 7 of Morehead City who has ru the bath house Real Estate Transfers ; .y, - - . : - i --.;:. . The following deeds have' been recently recorded, t E. A. Council, and wife to A. L. Willis lots 2 and 16 in square 5, Morehead City con.$2700. C. P. Dev to Ja. R. Glover lot 25 by 110O feet in Pine st. Beau fort con. $800. ,'t J. A. Styron to L. H, Smith: 5 acers in Beaufort township, con. $10. - . . ' pVpral vears i? rhft nrimp mvprlKmstracts in. Smyrna" town- in thp lindprta inp. Wnrir start, snia 1 acre ana 0 i- - acers cun ed some weeks aeo and has no v $50. r.rnrfffWfl fsr nniirh tn ahnw C. L. Duncan and Wife to J. 1, what the Diace will look like in orns,l tract?; , ot HYDROPLANING OVER THE' HIGHEST ALPS when finished. l he ? Duiiding wm comprise fifty bed rooms, large dancing . hall, bath rooms for men and wonen, dining room and kitch- . en. It will be lighted throughout with electric'tv and will be ' a very comfortable Summer hotel. It laces the ocean and in tact r is only a few feet, from the water and the guests will get all the view and sea breeze that they I may desire. , , . in, the; rearot the hotel is Bogue Soundnd trom its watef s an abundance of sea food such the A. Thomas $500&c. C: R. Wheatlv and J. F. Dim- can Corns, to Texas Oil Co. w feet on South side of Front st con. S33UU. - : . -: - Chas. S. Bryan and others to D. W. Morton 300 acers in ' Har lowe township con. $500. t - . J Jno. Cannon and wife to Jesse Oannon tract in Newport , con. $400. E. P. Wade and wife to L E Wade lot 12 in square 76 More- headxon. $1500.?,: tk i.'ur , Fred Willis and wife to Carter ret Lumber Co. lots , 5b and - 57 ;4m It ii - " ... -.- -! ' , v Kit .J .... p-. .: UyUroplininj: over ', tli VeUeDBPe."Sw lfWrlni.' One' can 'climb luio hydro on. the St. IorUx lake and to few mlbut'c b circling btgh. above tbo blsbfst jea lte the range. "' v'' r! '.v.',- .'.v ' vf THE ; DEMOCRATS : MEET Small .Convention Praises Democratic Leaders Hamilton ' Endorsed ' ? For Senate as soft shell crabs, clams, shrimp Beautort Heights, con. $iu&c cj - scollops and fish canape had. AJ c. R.. Wheatly and7- F Dun- nne pt.Doats wiU Kep consiani Corns, to , E WiHis 40 communication with Morehead acres of A. Thomas estate. Gal City and Beaufort thus enabling Hants' Pointcoa $387 i ? the people at the beach to go to r S. D. Ford and wife to Willie the towns ana tne people m me Guthrie lot 43 by 100 feet in " .ITi." "TA rr"ruJ The county, uemocratic, con cvaurcjnui.. ' v, . ij. iuc auu WUC Ul I . ;fts n- 2 tyM T i iL.I I T I . . . 1 - ' J V. TCUUUH lltlUIW " -"V us year inc nuicis i bmuwu lreiana ioi on craven ana rinc t,.,o-loef cim ?nH MrtrViari p.itv wr rmwded I ef o - Raoufnrt vm , . Court-house here last baturday. with visitors all the Summer, in ' K. R, Hardesty and wifeto A rather.smaU tendance twas fact they were compelled to turn Joe Rose 1 1-2 acres in Harlowe present and a good many pre- downt many j applications 1 for township, con. $75. . cincts were not represented at k 1 IJLAJ la. .All la ICdl UK Y QIV VA" I LP II UWlrMA I I Il1irnr All. ' UUU1UV VliatlUMUl II Al pecting an the ousiness iney can j in Newport townf hip, coa Webb, called the convention . to handle and already people, are 550. , . . . . .. . order and asked Luther Harm! .-beginning to engage accommoaa- Athony M: Boyd to Wm. ton to nreside. R. T. Wade was 5!S . i?Yi"r Xr Henry Brown lots 11 12. 13. in made Secretary, Mr.Hamihon establishments in the two towns, square 152 Morehead con. $175. made a speech in which he attack T hnt.i will Mn to ac Mary Lynch to Grady White- ed Senator Lodge axl other Re- . commodate the visitors who like hurst 10 acres in Straits town- publican leaders for their attitude to come down here but cannot ship, cori. $150. ..' , ' .' on the League of Nations. He begin to accronmodate all One Claude Garner and ' wife to J. praised President Wilson, the or two inwre new hotels could n narncr80 acres in Newport Democratic administration and m. n 1 1 1 in ni nnKi irwi . i IUIC 1CVU1U W4 iir isUHA.tain cjomodations are offered the r. k. uuuaw ana wue w ocui congress, ineconveniionaoopi r, ,jn mm. Thr H. Willis house kxs 1 and 1 in i resolutions which eulogized is no tinr Summer climate on square 69, Morehead, con; $1900. 1 Senators Simmons and Overman the Atlantic coast or better bath- .Thoa. Collins snd wife" to and Congressman Brinson Res- Annie UHiinsw acres in tJcau-1 olittions were also oassed endors- fort township con. $10 &c inff ur. Hamilton for the : State W.f.and I. It. UaviS 10 1 . ct nA .qtarv Wad for the A.Uzzell and L. F. GranUiam, position 0f State Fire Insurance tract m Hunting yuaner town- Commissioner. A motion was 1 hrA I &hiP' 350 crc, 000 750, : ' made by A. D. O Bryan to. allow uurteret Lodge 10 dauoeuar-i every uemocrai wm sucnocu Wlth vt.wto securinff first hvrfiOacrw in Newuort town- tne Male convemion in naieign ing beaches than this region af fords. As to fishing and sailing. on account of its extensive in land waters' it stands without a peer. - i Methodist Bazaar. I ' The ! Ladles" Aid j Society of AnnSt Methodist " Church will have a bazaar in the unoccupied store on Front . St next: door to Richard - Feltort on 'Thursday April 15th ' -r'-' They will have delightful re freshments including ice 'creaai cake, Scandy, choqolate, coffee and chicken salad , They will al so have for sale garments , and fancy article! " The public is cordially invited to attend. i Mir, G. W. Duncan, ,1 NeW Candidates Announce A Surprise Party Last Friday evening a surprise partywas givea in honor of Miss Grace Garner's fourteenth birth day. As ptatmed Miss Myrtle Simpson called for Miss, Grace to goor, a walk about fifteen minute9 before- time for the guests to arrive. At seven 0 clock the two gins returned home, and found much to Grace's surprise twenty of her ' friends 1 gathered at her-; home;: j; Immediately ' the fun : commenced. 4 All kinds of games were indulged in. also , a number of contests,1-which re sulted in Miss Eleanofi Ramsey, andr Messrs., Pntchard Lewis. Clarence and Roosevelt' White- hurst being the brize-winners. At; about : ; nine o'clock, .the guests,, were, ushered into the dinmg room by Misses Elizabeth Simpson Mattie and . Kuth Gar- a A T If f - ner and Annie narreu. : wno served them ice-cream, cake and ruit.1 After a few more games were indulged m; the guests de nartedfeir their homes, each ae daring theyv had had the . best Ime ot their whole, lives. ..v I Although the guests rere re quested not to bring any presents Imany f them, insisted , upon doing so. hence Miss brace ; re ceived a humbet of ' clever and attractive piesents,- .On, leaving the hostess presented each guest with a little souvenir of the oc V Those, present were:-? Misses Mvrtle Simoson. t Allie ' Harrell, Eleanor Ramsey,' Susie Martin, Irene Garner. . Pearl; and Lillie Whitehurst; 1 Lualle; Scott, and Grace Garner. Messrs. Pritch- : Will -.BUILD- BRIDGES County- v Commissioners 'Decide On , Uoad And , ; . Bridge Matters At , ' Two'Days Session , Pressure of business' made it necessary for the Board of Coun- ' y Commissioners to hold a , two days session here this " weak. A ull attendance, of the board was; present at .both meetings . Men- day nd Tuesday.- On Monday tve usual routine auditing, bills', correcting errors in tax matters and the like - was attended to. The valuation ot Ihe property cf uCs. iB -Hibhs - wa3 reduced 33 j; 1-3 per cent. . ; Corrections were made in' Mrs. - 1 Mamie Barker's and L.B Good- : 1 -win's taxes! -I r'J: ' Monday afternoon there was a hearing on the matter of build- r ' f ing the .proposed hard surface " " l rt-d to-the Craven county line. .:' A report was made! of the mat- ' ter by Attorney; J.:' F. Duncan. . ' ' ' who ivith Chairman Wallace bad ) -been to Raleigh recently to see ' V thcState Highway; Commission.' The matter wa9 then opened, for . i.i discussion and talks jn, favor bt fl vl the Newport route, were made by ? ' , i A: L Wilson,. Cicero Garner, W. W. Roberts; R. T. Wade, and A. - V! D,0Bryan.;' C.R.. Wheatly, ar- ' .' gued against the Newport route" " and W, T.'Davis spoke of the , ' This issue of the -News carries the cards of L W. Hassell and J. present R.Jinnett both ninir for fhe Democratic E.nnett Vr V JViwt nAiwI f Af ffAa in tm icf Ain fwrf rlarkers island asked the board to'do some road Wok'on' the Is-, land. ,A.D. Ennett spoke hi fa- ; vor of load work in -the ; West.,' The ( hard surface 'road( matter was postponed till the ' next day, ; to be considered in executive ses- About thirty five teachers , dcci(Jed Newport lasi oaiuruay at uki tf mnA ; tnr m Ka t Roosevelt and Herbert . White hurst, Clarence Whitehurst, Gil bert Clancy. Clyde Ramsey, Mur ray Newkirk, Ralph Noe, ' and Akxizo Simpson." - i -fr, Teachers Meeting 1 of whom are run- meeting held in the aunty room H5ghway Commission to build ' : t nocraticrnina. &S"d J- the.road by the .Hark.we route . Mr. V?...--- otherwise to abandon the scheme linnhMhnartinff RffistMnterest ox ine Keaaing ciroe - . . . , , - 1 - . . !. L.iJiruiucir. worn ana was similar 10 one nciu 1 tf rWr1 fnr mon than a vir and M'. Hassell has also done wk? coniWerable work around the court house. They are there fore very well known to the peo ple of the county and have a good many friends who will support them In the primary. Planning For Merchant .Marine The most important matter con sidered by the board next to the hard road question was that of building bridges. A bid was made by Guthrie Brothers for Mitt Roy all Goes Commissioners Mtet . today to go as a delegate. Mr. Webb opposed this motion and it was defeated by a majority of one, afterwards a long list of del egates were appointed. In addi- Resolutions of Ketpcct securing hand information regarding au- ship con. $1600. tomobile and general foreign t Autnmohill lOwO Chamber of Commerce, S. A Miles sailed on the Mauretama -.u, Town rvmmi.tion to this, each precinct chair on Tuesday for t trip to include a hort meeting in nun in the county was given au- England. France and Italy, Mr. Qty Hall . Tuesday night thority to appoint other delegates. Je wm rrvrcscm i-rhos orrsent were Mayor liu- ; ne unnswi-Aoemeiny ugnt u ' w.twnf, Anr 7- nat the North River bridge at $21,900 corrwpondence)-An American This bi does notbclude the ap- merchant marine of 12.000.000 W"1 w. "K UJS . X.ui t .,r- tv. nm. i creosote pilmg.. The bid will ShiDoinff Board to the Senate action on the North River bridge To the officers,, and Brethern CnmmlttM on Commerce. The was d erred till the meeting on of Carteret Lodge no. ?, knights committee, under the le'defship Thursday the 15th of this mouth, of Harmony.,' . ft ctnr WmiW L. lor, of Abiatobiild a bridge over Your committee on resolutions Wa&hinirton. is now drafting leg- ISmvrna Creek and one over I low and respect on the death uf our jetton to build and maintain thL land's" Creek was made Sy Chas. wonny-pTOneT r. . m is. vslt amrt.mt . tonnaffe. It el Hancock and W. T. uaTts, The whurftoccuredKiiiiston NjU . , brice oj one was S700 and the on Monday Marcn ist? 1. LrJir'-: other was $150. These bids C at the meetings of the Bureau Permanent Interallie des Con struct curs Automobiles of which the American organixation is member. ' ' -.' With Mr. Miles is Mrs. Miks, .and M Us Virginia Royall After tteTviing these iorelgn meetings In the interest - Mb American Manufacturers of Au tomobitel who are seeking t low- er Import tarriff into Fortign Countries, the party will make aa Automobile tor of England, . France. Pelgium and I Iwand. They expect to be in Europe for six montt.s. ... . . . Marvnckford who cried so when ah ml 'a 'divorce few wirkt asm from her first husb and hxa found, consolation. She Valiant Commlaalon Doane.1 not get into the convention al tw an. Potter and Whitehurst. though tome thought that the hilt. wn audited and or. OTin an resolution was in some dercd paid and a ftw other mat- way connected with this matter. ten attended to. Agent Sethi . Gibbs appeared for the N. & S.I ' Marritt Licenses Diltiradirvl auMtaht allowed! . r v,ii;1 Tro marriage licenses have fish, the same to have a roof and .t7T fwi. f "fe'Tr to be 12 by 30 feet in dimensions. Wy vr,e to Whetlef Uwrence This was referred to the ttiret andrfvdU' of Otwav roufVs to South Arnerican port?. were accepted and a bond requir ed. committee. An order vat pass ed to charge the Graded School 251,400 fsltons of, water during mx months. Two female palm ists wrote and asked ia regard to license taxes. TheCk:'iw in structed to write them Cut cct would be J2S0 paid in. advance. snd to Jas, F. Garner and Elea nors Willis of Morehead pty. , - found it la the person 01 iwiui T lr. in r-uj-w lotjay 'tkM T tfc'M f-r all 15 4 4 trgi tions: 1. iuai we ine memcers w the west indies ana ine .Larrvr. w t-u -- t.i tuum ih, , V'lbean. I he lOiai SniDOini in IDC r.m KnnH KnnerintenAnit. Rrotrbutwe-bow tuUnifStve WOrW today is .40,(XjO.OU) dea rimissloiien Lewis and Gilli- K a vf MZmA avkA VniMa tun I Tl a mmm-v1mJ Lm a! I - . 1 ST f. kin were jiiStructed. to buy a Vium tn: M VlllUk. SIS I"IIBC H)CIlllUH UIC )JI UX Mill ..rl, I,,- rfvw4 WOTK. I fe. m10 ? will place about 30. per centof of Superintendent of County called him to dwell in the House I rh. WQrtv. rommercLil shiDDinff Wtr aii. rvitiaw ttlA not nd" with hands.- eternal m the hands of the United Sutes. uA approved. Sheriff Thomas in the Heavens . " I The eructnnt Droco&ed by thelreDortuf fixes amounting to ll. 2. That we extend to the fam- rnmij!e an Commerr will UiS.17 colkcttxi was approved ... . . .1 . I . 1 t.-U t . ily and friends ;o(. cur. deceased for the; disposal of the "-v .fcS;- iL" Brother our ramej .ympatny entire, shipphoari cwfiertlfcw 1M men mvui w ki, iwirnQ pOviie OWRCrS DUl r CXJCTiU I meM them to him Who doetn control will be maintained in on all thine? well". .' ' ' , dei that high prices may be se- 3. That a cony of thee reso- cured.- VesseUouTYicg AnSeri- lutkms be spread upon our mm- Cia ' maiu ill be kubsidlicd. O ! tmpwtm Siaa. ' Yb MMlttM IM l !vf i.r4 m m . a utes,acopy sent to. his family jj bill row being drafted also SJMS wl tr.-H -.n Ma Ia SKA 1tAllfA rVaW I a a : . . I and one to the Beaufort News for publication. Pnternatly SubmUted. ; CC Guthrie .V , M-tDivis, . E. C. Whitelrtirst. -IUH. W9 wt llMt." i I. provides for the creation or ai construction fund to be. expend- 10 ouua snips pi a lyyc arpruvcut fiW , m '4 i. bt the Shtrwrur . Board. Snio it a buiidert will be rrquired to make k .a. ft a .J. tft Committee in Initial paymeotuf 25 per cen!,u-,,,, Nrrt. Beaufort,!. C tO21921.'outbe.CosXjirw e..';. TCiKxn inwiu; ;. (convention. 1 "r- .