VOL IX BEAUFORT," N. C. THURSDAY APRIL .22 - 1920 NUMBER 16 i;ev candidate appears W. 0 Rouse Wants Repub- ! lican Congressional 4 - . , Nomination :J ;" j It appears that the Republicans 'as well as the Democrats, are going to have a contest for the Congressional nomination in the third district ' in the June primaries- W. B. Rouse a young ; at torney of New Bern has announc ed his intention of entering the primaries and ; contesting with Richard L. Herring of Clinton for the nomination. : Mr. Herring was endorsed as the Republican ' Congressional nominee at a convention held in Goldsboro on the forth of March. Monthly Repqrt Of Beau fort Graded School . The monthly, report for , the Beaufort Graded School is as follows: Ages 6 to 21- enroll ment: boys 153, girls: 183, total 336; average .daily attendance: boys 144, girls 152, total 296, fab sences; boys 206, girls 194, total 400, tardies beys 118, girls 87. to tal 205. Ages 8-14 enrollment: boys 113, girls 111, total 224, av erage daily attendance boys 103, girls 104, total 207, absences, boys 194, girls 91, total 285, tardies boys 46, girls 58, total 104. The Honor Roll for this month is as follows: First Grade-Braxton Daven port. Vireinia Brickhouse. Ethel Blake. Letha Blake, Jack Chad i. j r aKe. Letna a inree names we picscuuju w . . r W:ii:am Tonkin Tames the convention they having been wick, WUUam. Jenkins, james f H.mnfQ.mn.nn W.R Dixon Troy Johnson, Luther Type Setting Machine : Contracts Closed For New Equipment For Beaufort News , ." SPECIAL Ifflilf HID FIRE DESTROYS , ME County . Commissioners Wireless Plant Complete- Rouse of Craven and R. G. Max : well of Duplin. One ballot was 'taken which showed that Mr, Herring was nominated by a large majority. The vote stood, -Maewell 19. Rouse 21 1-2 and Rice, Garland Willis; Herman Austin, George Willis. Nellie unapiain, pieiiie uray v-ongieiun, Agnes Goodwin, Eleanor Jones, Alice ciyoe Maaes. j inie raritin, v m r i. i I . a. a. I verna Mae apnngie, , iviaiue Weeks, Mildred Willis, Richard Herring 51-1-2 and a motion was p;nner pX5JESnK5 Mr Rime Second Grade-Lewis Barbour, nominee unanimously. Mr Kouse r- nuA,.. ;,fi t PiArtnr Bert Brickhouse, Dan Chadwick, , forth district -' JP" Dixon, Jack Glover, Ar- Mr. Rouse was not altogather thurMerrill, Ernest Rfce, Earl satisfied with the outcome of the Schneider, Jr., Jack Willis, Nat convention and has intimated White, Evelyn iChadwick, Mattie o.vpi time to friends that he Day, Aleise Kilhngsworth, Vivian , ninU moi-A a mntt in the nri- Manning. Alvetta, Skarren, Mil- rnariea. He announces now that dred Willis. Sallie Bell Willis. h will maif the ficht but the Third Grade-Rita Yoffie, News has' not learned whether fen iS8"!?. he proposes to. canvas the dis-iwuc nuwc, ri ixuiK, ji. I Fourth Grade Luella , Good fcllfc VI 4 . ' I - . . Several Republ:cns here have win, Bess Jones, Ruth Killings expressed themselves to. the m ef- worth Marearet Sanford. Sarah feet that they regret mat Mr. WilliSf Frank Campbell, Charles Rouse is taking the position be Ujanson, Roderick Parkin, Louis ooes in rann Styioo, Calais Willis. He of course has a. legal right i..XT,Jr.u: toetiterthe primaries, as any 'one has. but they-say that he went into the convention and was defeated fairly and should take his medicine. The impres sion here is that he will be over whelmingly defeated in primaries. An adiourned meeting of the .r. a. : . : : uoaiu ci vxjuniy commissionersi rire oi an unknown origin was held in the court-house last that broke out at two o'clock " ; Thursday morning. - This meet- last Friday morning completely ' mg was to consider some matters demolished the Wireless Station ett over trom the regular meet- located on Pivers Island. Vali- ing. All the memDers ol the ant work on the part of the Lab- -. board were present at this meet- oratory and Wireless men, assist. ing. , s ed bv a number of citizens from Mr. Stallines of New 'Bern town nfevented tht fire frnm came before the board and sub- spreading to the buildings occu- mitted specifications as to install- pied by the Bureau of Fisheries ; ing water and sewerage- in ; the and thus fortunately saved them. . County Home and jail, also, on The wind at the same-time - heating the court-house and jaiL chanced : to be blowing away A representative of the Hvman from the buildinca and this nn Supply Co.. of NewBern came doubt helped a great deal.. The before the board and argued 'the house occupied by the Wireless merits ot tne uoit tractor, ine station, all of their instruments . price of this machine is $4250. and a boat house were wiped out Decorating Interior OI - - lUnk ; Fifth Grade-Glennie Paul, Viv lan arsons. Margaret urn,- Georgia Fiver, Martha Longest. William Potter. . Lucille Brick house, Herbert . Whitehurst Sixth Grade Ruth Norcom, the Lydia Parkin, Margaret Ramsey, Mildred Whitehurst, Clyde Htfl, Sterling Chadwick. Seventh Grade-Annis Doane, Ida Yoffie. Eighth' Grade-Stella Camp- Mi'Arfcnnthe interior of the bell, uiancne uarDour. 1 V w M , ' . I . A m Beaufort Banking and Trust . Nmth urafle -l"et wuns, jraui CompanY's new building while! jonc. Edward : Duncan. necessarily slow is prorreoing Tenth Grade-EsteUe Yoffie. Steaouy. DUiucicm pius.. a ;limrn!irv nf the Honor Roll Deen maoe lO STOW inc iuw .w V,,. tr m, Unnhr appearance that the banwng , ; xir.v !ane an exDerienced 1 23 tirls number on Honor -Roll Herorator hz rharce of this part 41. percentage of enrollment: 23; of the work. The walla and ceil- totals number on Honor kou; b ing are being given a rougn ircentage oi enroumem cx finish of a sort of grayisn color The above is a picture of the type setting machine which has .been boucht bv the Beaufort News and will be installed -some "time this Summer. This wondenul machine represents the' very : acme of mechanical type setting. There is no printing office in North Carolina or any where else that has a better machine than this number 14 Mergenthaler linotype. Gutenberg's invention of movable types in the fifteenth centu- " rr caused a revolution in the world of letters. The invention, of the Hnotvoe in recent times, marks another era. Next ' to"vGun- tenberg's Invention it has probably done more than anything else to diffuse Information among the people. - - v .The Beaufort News is installing this type setting machine and With white panels Owing to the slowness of the roanufacturen jn delivering tl new fixtures it will probably be Kevenl months before the new bank will be occupied. , Sea Products Morin . ... !$cn0ol Prixes A .solid gold medal and a Conklin Fountain I"eu is now on display at F. R. Bell's Drug Store, as prizes for first and second best speakers, respective ly, in a Recitation Contest for the girls of the Beaufort High School. ThU contest will be held on one night during the, closing exerdscs. the exact date win be nnoutu-ed ' latter. The above mentioned prizes are favors 'of I)r. K. k. HelL On behalf of the rhnnl an4 Mnecbllv thecontest ants I wish to publicly-thank the donor for his interest and genoroui giving. : G.1L Ferguson, SupL You can get the Beaufort News from nowtill January the first for one dollar. W hy let such tmall turn deorive you of know inif what is happening in Carte- Pass Resolution . About Central Highway . Route ly Wiped Out Explod- ing Cartridges Whxs. tie Through i The Air Commissioners Lewis and Gilli kirLwhQL had-beejippointed: to buy machinery were continued and authorized to make such pur chases as they saw fit. "They af terwards closed a deal for the tractor. -' ; : v. . , . Commissioner Pigott was ap pointed to confer with the con tractor about the location of the proposed North River bridge. ' Permission was given the Beau rthr mrhnrv at a crrat Mwnv for ft business of Tif arflnn inHirate not onlv enternrise on the nart POlt Witn rederal aid. W-V( ...w w.w. " r W 1 M . , i ne mauer vi ciecung a coun' making a loss of many thousand , dollars. ' -A-rumber of caseaof rifle and-- revolver cartridges were stored in the building and when these caught on fire tbey made a rack- , et almost equal to the battle, of 1 Chateau Thieray. A large crowd ot citizens had collected at the foot of Front saeet to witness ' the conflagration but when the cartridges began' to :. explode their anxiety to get over to the : island was considetably cooled. ThoitumH hf the hnllct 'whic fort IceComnanv to connect with I " W " - . Liu Ull UUK.il L A km Ull UUL J W WL. IAA1 the- wen m the. lourt-nouse iuck none ox tnemiounda human square the said Company to put target. V " ' - in spigott at jail and pay for all A Board of Survey heaoed by water1 used at this spigott ' Lieutenant Commander Ridgley . Chairman Wallace was author- of Norfolk, is expected here to , uuuuiou " ifluu.u. d t examine into the fire and ized to purchase, materials for m?ke a report of such facts as, repairing Steli bridge and have ascertain about it The them placed on the ground. station here was established in . ! A resolution was adopted by llJ03andit is generally under: the boaitf1 which stated . that ; U I stood that it has been a Very use- urn a ennea At tVm .YMrA h-t I tui one. W M lSW 0.1SM V WUW ' WU4 A I a road should ' be' built to the Craven county line from B-au- fort via Harlowe instead of New- ' uunng tne war it was used a great deal and it is said that the service given ships from here was particularly good. For about a year past then has been talk ing ot moving the station to of those who are responsible for this progressive step but also an "c . G,enn citizcna he-e are abidinir faith that the community wUl show its- appreciaUon of ? EyV LUC wlc desirous keeping it here if pos- . " , - ' ' i.umiiwiwmk;ii uj S1DIC It ia first and last their newspaper. If they want to do so they P "u '"Z TZZTZl ' : . incfn.mnfaUtv of .rreat tmorl for themselves and commissioner uiiimm named iu LVJrr.wC. 1 " rr: tail iikuc 1 i tr.J I wren iiMmjk aiiu aii viaiiuii w v. luuuciy. i.IUiuoiw ten(y to the Meaufort Fire their county. The strike of tlie railroad men in big cities North has caused considerable inconvenience to fish dealers here and to the fish' ermen as welL Being unable to ett shipments throuEh the deal ers had to decline buying and so the fishing fndustry has ielt the effects of the strike. The situa tion has improved considerably now though and several ship ments of sea bass for New York ruve cone-, forward. : Quite a good many soft crabs have lefi this point for the big markets re cently and If the weather would star fair for a while conditions here would soon be satisfactory. Candidate tor Com missloncr - The first candidate for Couity Commissioner to announce him- stU so far in the News U out this week. J. L. Edwards a well known citizen of Newport whose card appears in this Issue has en tered the race-w ...- Odd Fellows Anniversary The 101st anniversary of the organization of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows will be celebrated here Sunday after- noon at 2 P. M. by Concordia Lodge no, 11 of Beaufort and Unitv Lodge no. 156, of More head City. The exercises 'will be held in tne uiaoea acnooi building. C. O. Baird of Golds boro will deliver the address and there will he iDorooriate music rendered. The public is cordial ly Invited. Mrs. W. V. a Potter enter tained a few friends last .Tues day night at her home on Ann street . . ti . Those present were Mrs. White. Mrs. C & Maxwell, Mrs. Real Eatatt Transfers , WMf tM tMf T4 hmt ! StU il I S eiecico. LMDartment. atizens and em- nloves on the I&land for tveir , Mrs. Potter Entertains Mrs. Lila Weeks Is Dead quick response and efficient work that night ot the lire. , After an illnm of several weeks M'S.Ula Weeks died all her home on Ann street yester day a week ago. She was sixty years old. Mrs. Weeks surviv- War Risk Insurance For months past the News has receivrd about every week aj. If IIHI, I'lli, v I'HAnm, ling. , . - W. U..-1 J 1 f 1 HC1C llUlll Hit 1111 G. IL Furgeson, Mrs. Jim Potter. hn2 ' " 7 . husband Mf. Jna tureau in Washington re-. Mrs. Edd Potter, MrtWnV I lafc Jusepn weexs,neraiugnier sirs, lativeu soldier's and sailor's In-. sel Mrs. N IL Russell Vfisses Kobert uunn, a sister Mrs. jonn surancc unas maniiesuy Dceu Laura Thomas. Era r Loftin. Uh Mason ana lour Dinners Messrs. m i.-w uaura i nomas, crauy uwiin. tti.-.- Iohn tnA Au d!e all cf these communications. lianMoms, Julia Rumley and p5"ioway,jonn ana Aiex. Moi this insurance mat- Nannie pter- - Mason, runerai services lor tne .-:,,.. wr anA aiw Dv w. rdfi vJ ' Brr u hlrh deceased were conducted by Key who he!s war insurance rjohcies ' .ww. " f"j i . - , . . i . . delicious refreshments were ererw iurnpas ani ine in have.a number ot options whicft terrneni was maoe mucean view they may uxe aavzniage ox u served. Cemetery. The following is a list of deeds recently recorded: L, F. McCabe and wife to Mollie Simmons lot no 106 town of Newport con. flGO.. L, F. McCabe and wile to Mollie Simmons lot no 109 New. port con (85b Amelia J. Smith to S. E. Gas- kin and wife 250 acres in Merri- mon township con. K00l J. A. Hornady Jr. snd wife (to T. K. Lewis lot on Ann Si. East Beaufort con. $10 Ac, -- Chas, L: Abernethy and wife to'Thos. W. Dickinson lot la East Beaufort con. $150. -' " J is. RoUnsan to J. B. Goodwin iracionceoar isuna. . -Jot! S. Smith and;wife to Ernest Nelron' 12 sere and house in I Urlowe township con The Ladies of the Eastern Star will have a sale of good things to eat in the Masonic Hall Friday April. 23 beginning at 3 P.M. Come and bring your friends. . they w ish. For instance they can have their insurance paid all in one sum, it may be paid in a certain number of installments, cr in installments to run during the life time of the beneficiary. There aievarious tther features Birth of Infant here last Satorday. He was for a long time the sexton of the Ann Bo a to Mr. and Mrs. J.F.Owens 1 t rtrt Methodist church and he (Sunday a boy, Jas. Franklin Utso preached at the Congrega uwens jr. Mr. iwens is ineitKjnai emircn. tie was more manairerof the Western Union! than seventy 'ears of ago and office here I except for a number of years I spent in Alabama lived in Beau One dollar. will pay tour sub- fort allot his life. The funeral scnpcionto ine ucauion news tervices ot the deceased were from rywtill January Ihe'firrt. 0 Sjnday afternoon by Send U in and keep up. with the Reverend J. S. V and a- Jarre county. Henry Jerkins Passes : Antral- , ; Henrv lerkins a well known and highly respected colored eh- of this warinsurance whidi can.. ben of Beaufort died at his home K Z2rZ. of, Beaufort who is acting Assist ant Surgeon in the United States Public llesiih Service. .. Lik n iif rstH h whi nits t Marriage Licenses Two' marriage licenses have ttct of the Kegjster 01 Uceus. TVy were to. Koy bimmons and tva Oarrcr of rtewporL - - M.'L. -Tunnell ol Whoncr. vi!le snd Lffe M. i-iwrcpce tf Straits. , ' ' '".,-.. , 'jwvr owi T.' it CliwhMmU. $m - rtMSMt 0 t4 foil ta, '

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