' - " , . . " .1-' . IJL.. - r?r:' -.r;;-T,7 A-r - --. - Vy;. v ; r ..j T" ! t 1 v r t y f y I i ' f jx..ii".ll, -J. ' V N ' I every Thursday - - Reading Is To The Mind What Kxerciw? Is To The ody ! . .--- ;byw. o. mebane . , . , i. i ' j) i ii .. t, b-, ... : : ' ' ' " ; '' ' "' ' " 1 "'-''-.T '' J:' i ' ' I.-! ' !:' ', ' '- , M ""' ,' - :' ". "; , '" ' ;' ." ; -;; : - rr y, . VOLIX ' ' , . v - ' ' - feEAUFORT,N;C THURSDAY APRIL f29 J92Q ' , . - . . , NUMBER 17 ' . . HIS Mentally Unbalanced Mra. Neva Spencer Of Lup-, ton Commits Desper- -' ate Deed' 9 Perhaps the most pitiful tfage--dy .eYernacted in Carteret coun. ty occurred yesterday" a Week ago when Mrs. Neva SDencer of Lupton attempted to take ' ber own life and the lives of her two children.- r - - " ' Mrs. Spencerwho was about twenty five years of age, lived in the little village of Lupton on Gilgo of Portsmouth. Three sis- Hog islana in this county. A ters Mrs. Henry Smith, and Mrs. little more than a year ago her Holloway Mason, of Beaufort and husband died of influenza leav- Mrs. Milan Willis oi Portsmouth ing th6 widow with a little son, are also living. tdward, aged eight and a , little Miss Fawn Rumley ; .DEATH NOTICES . . Miss Lydia Gilgo , Miss ' Lydia Gilgo &ed Mon day morning at the home of her sister Mrs.. Holloway , Mason. She was forty-' two years old. Miss Gilgo was , a victim of tuberculosis, j For about ; eigh weeks she had been confined to her bed. The body of. the - de ceased was 1 taken to Cc'ar .Is land Wednesday for burial. She is survived bv four brothers, Warren Gilgo of Davis, and George, Monroe and nomas LARGEST SEARCHLIGHT IN THE WORLD The body of Miss Fawn Rum ley who died in a sanatorium m GreensDOTO-apesaay wao ncre yesterday - for interment, Miss Rumley was about seventy years daughter Mildred, about, five years old. Mrs. Spencer had been very despondent since the death of her husband and accord ing to reports-had-showa-signs of mental aberation. Some four or five' weeks ago t : i a I nf are and was a resident oi nukA.mk k. k..- i:.t Keaufort oracticallv all ot Her Mrs. Spencer accepted' it when 'jjfe-. Sj had .'iSSSf it was offered her. This result- health for several monthsJ; uner- ed very unfortunately for her. al services for the. deceased (Were About a year and a half ago the conducted at Ann Street Metho- postoffice at Lupton was robbed dist church by. Reverend H.A of several hundred dollars worth Dav in the absence of the pastor of stamps and money and this of the church. The nearest sur- Jtm hnH rpmairwl n a rhaiw vivinff relative OI - MlSS Rumley ,;nr tum . Mre Cnanwr I is her sister Mrs. H. W. Fuller . i. .v.. tu.t u n.iij I now Hvincr in Greensboro. 1 he j.... - t;-i.' Interment: was made -in Ocean nave 10 pay uus aencit wmcn w ir: " rAmfrv course she.was not responsible v,ew cemetery for at all and brooding over this - -ve , .- T and her. other troubles real or . 5?n T C ar ner imaginary she decided to end it JohnT. Garner, of this city all by killing her children and died at his home here Monday herself. w - - . ' evening. He was ; fifty years of He had ben -a sufferer for Spencerput some concentrated sw tmie with ky:trotble.t lye in some soft dnnk or other Be tuneru was i conoucoa w and gave it to the little boy and the Baptist church by Reverend girl. She afterwards drank some Harry ' Day and the interment of the concoction herself and was Jn Ocean View cemetery, then went upstairs in the house The surviving relatives of the where she lived and cut her deceased are his widow Mrs. . throat. A short time later she rvtii Garner, two sons William was found by her brother. Luth- anj Charlie, two daughters Mrs. eruasKiuwno is me man earner, m B, Daniels, and Miss iner At the time none of the unfor- four brothers. P. D- Wm. li terate family were dead and 'so Nathan, and Alexander Garner arrangement were made to car- and two sisters. Mj Joto: M. I WIN .-. :;. ..-v ..V 7 CHILD. LABOR IAWS Superintendent : c Outlaw Makes Statement As To Employing , . Children . Chapter. 100, Public Laws of nineteen hundred 'and nineteen, provides that no child under? the age of 14 years of age be hired in any enterprise except it t be shown tto 'thetJountyTSup'iriri tendent of -Public i Welfare that it is not injurious to -the health of the child. 'When ; same has been shown to him a certificate will be issued which will make it legal and no other procedure on employment will be legal. Mr. Outlaw has received a visit from Hon:E. F.:.,CaYter, of Raleigh who is Executive Officer of the State Child Welfare .Com mission, and they ; have jointly looked over the conditions of child. employment. Necessary forms have been received and BURIES BiDED v !ThIa,.th Inrgest searchlight 'In Ui .world. Is . the' invention. 'Of Elmer - JL " Sperry. - It has 1,280,000,000 beam candle power,, nml la mv powerful that Its roya will light cigarettes and melt lead at distance o(l2 feet."-- y Farl Duncan Smith LtttlirEarl the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. lack Smith died at the home of his rjarrnts Thurs- head City. ' Edward did not like the taste of the poison and drank only a ' little of it and so except that his mouth was bmed he was not senous.y injurra uiueMuarea monnz two 0'doclc The drank all that war given her and waa five months and twenty thoutrh everv effort was made to twodava old- He had been sick iiv h lif she was so terribly with stomach trouble ior five burned internally that she died weeks. Reverend 1L A. Day con ' Thursday .morning. The dis- ducted the funeral servicts acd , traded mother recovered con- tne intennent was made in Ocean sdousness after'receiving treat- yiew cemetery. ment at the hospital ana was able to talk a little. Her only thought was for the children mA aclxl .-hrthr thV had aa r n eh nn nsd in- After an illness of onlv a week to unsciousness tgam and on luhus Dudley .died Sunday morn- FrUV h mwH awav line at one o clock at the hospital Frwaysnepasseasway. - n.ArhMf. c.tv -.here he had Supenntendentoi weiiare a. . . fortreatmtnt. Mr.1 rears of is looking cut for little Mward. -- .r. Mrt JaiT Dudley Application has been made to ofHcaufort Besides his parents trt him Into the Free Will Bap- hi surviving relatives are t o . A J Jl . . k . Mm tist orphanage ai MwajTsrx nnu ulsters Mrs. Cecil Parian. Mas Exercises Will Begin Next Tuesdays Program Of ; Much- Interest v - The Commencement Exer- - . r S a cises ot tne tJeauion uraaea School will be held In the Audit orium on the niahts of May 4. 5. 6. fievth. me exerases wm De iriven in the following order: t j r i a 11. r tata-Xinderella in. Flowetw- Pnmarv DpnartmenL ' -. WedrsdarPt' M; o'clock Re atai or music uass. ; Thursday P. M. 8o'cloeK-Kect tation Contest Bv Ilich School trirls-Drizes iriven by. Dr. F. R. bell. Friday P. M. 8 o'clock-Band Concert. . . The public is cordially invited to attend all the aaove exercises. There will be no graduating ex ercises or , address, due to the fact that the tenth grade will be held over another year for elev enth irade work. There will be an exhibit ot tne scnooi worK in the lower corridor and it is hop ed tlut all patrons of the school. especially, will iook over tne work on display. Julius Dudley Dead K Beaufort Needs T To finish its sewerage, sys- tem. ' .' To improve ' its ' streets; "To build more sidewalks. ' To install new engine and . .. To furnish day current - ... . . To improve . the . harbor. . To. fcuild a .new - hotel. certificates for child employment during vacation and before arid after school hours in order, to prevent the indictment of any person for illegal employment. , The law is riot designed to force any hardship : upon employersrl but primarily for the welfare ' of the child and its future develop ment: It . is sincerely hoped, therefore, that much . real good may be accomplished. .; : Any person desinng to hire a child under 14 years of age will first apply to Rev. A. H. Outlaw, of Morehead ' City and will be given employer's' application which will be -filled out by. the employeyer togather with a- Par ent's statement of age blank which" must be pr jperty,, filled out and signed by the parent or guardian of the child to be em ployed. : Both should be sent to thi Stirxrintndnt of Wilfare. Our annual Mothers Day pro- then a certificate of emolovment gramme will be rendered on Sun- will be Issued will make it entirely day afternoon May the 9th in legal Any person employing Live Oak cemetery at 3:45 P. M, children under age without cer- This cemetery is situated on tificate will be liable to be dealt Mothers Day Programme Candidates For State Offi cers And Congress . Are All In ': x Saturday last was the final day. for candidates to enter fheir -names for the State, congressiou- al and "Presidential primaries ! which are to be held in June. For ' President the Democrats have one entry,- that of Senator - F. M. y Simmons. 'There are , three aspirants for' the Republi can; endorsement for President in this State. They are Judge. Jeter C Pritchard of Asheville who was endorsed not long ago . by the Republican State conven tion General Leonard Wood and Senator Hiram Johnson. for Uovernor there are thrpe Democratic candidates, Ex-congressman Robert N, Page, Lieut enant Governor O. Max Gardner," and Cameron Morrison. The Republicans have but one &snir- ; ant for this office. -f lohn T. Pari ker of Monroe was named by the tteguoiiean-&tate con 'ention for (Zfmarrtnr' nri1 Vi A mill .U ... t- ty candidate at the polls. W. Irving Tucker.is the party's can didate for Lieutenant-Governor. The rest of the ticket for State officers was" filled out and will be given in the News at a later date. 1 here are two Reoublican can didates in the" third -district for the Congressional i nomination, v Richard L. Herrinsr was nomirsa-. ted by the Republican conven tion at Goldsboro and he is enter- i ed in the - primaries and W. Rouse of New Bern is an inde pendent candidate for this place. The Democrats have three can didates in the field for congress. ,' They are c L. Abernethy and congressman Brinson . of New Bern and Dr. R. Lcarr- of Dup lin county. '. The candidates for. the State Senate in the seventh district are Republicans A: R. Wilson of Jones and W.G. Mebane ot Car teret Democrats Luther Ham- ilton of Carteret and G. V. Cow-1 per of Lenoir. .-, .- ' By the reason of the large nun ber of candidates there will prob ably be more interest shown in ; the primarier this year th:n ever belore. Winners In' Essay Contest he wiU soon be taken to that stHution. in tinder the ausoiccs of the Landowners' Association of Wil mington an essay contest on The Causes and iTevcmton oi Malaria" was held throughout the twenty-three countws of Eastern North Carolina. Three rizes were given in each county or the first, second, and third best essays. All three winners in Carteret County were students of the Beaufort Graded School, namely: Stella Campbtil-lst prize Estclle Yoflie, 2nd prize H, Thelma Garner 3rd prize 12. Corrects False , Report I understand that reports are Ann street between the Metho dist and Baptist churches. The programme as follows: 1st Three selections by the Graded school band. 2nd. Star Spangled Banner by every one. 3rd. Prayer and address by UReverend R. F. Bum pas. 4th. Song- Nearer My God to Thee." 5tb. Address by Reverend H. A. Day. with with by law, and will be compelled to suffer' the conse quences . In Charge Of postoffice A temporary appointment as postmistress here has been offer' ed to Miss 1 Lillian Pierce of Beaufort and has been accepted by her. At a later dale it is un derstood that a civil service ex animation will be held and some 6th, Quartette bv Messrs. Day, one given the place permanently. Swann, Davis, and Paul. . Will Mire' Wireless Ola and a brother, Jas. Dudleyl being jri'SfSl'JiL"?1 Jr. Fuitrslsenictsof the de ceased were, conducted at the home Sunday afternoon by Rev erend R. F. Bumpas; and Inter- 7th. Address by Mr T. C. Wade of Morehead City. 8th. Quartette by Messrs. Day, Davis, Swann, and Paul 9th. Song- Amerira. ; 10th. Music bvthe Band. lith. Benediction by Reverend II. A. Day. Every one cordially invited to attod and requested to wear a flower for mothers sake. Committee-Mrs. Thos. Dun can, and Miss Lillian Duncan. Senatorial Convention I - ( nm fJnrfrtTV kvm .Mir if th fxirriose oiliK,f nxvlng the wireless station from here to Camp Gknn. Lieuten ant Sandiford was here Tuesday looking over the jfround and making necessary prtpart-tions. Marriage Licenses recently hnn fu randidite for the Reg' isttr of Deeds and that I will come down before the pnmaries are held. I wish to sav that tnis rrrt ts - absolutelr false - and that I am in the race ior kws ttr tJ lm!i and expected to be elerted. . Mrs. llurbcrt Hancock and daughter Miss Add Willi o Smyrna re spenoinK .sevenj dashere the guttt of Monroe Gillik In Marriage licenses arr as follows: F. M. Chftdwick of New Bern arid Hazel Hawkins of Morehead O. kCulpenerof Oriental and Nannie Dowdy of Newport F. R- GilhVin. ad Jcnnette I iwrrnrr of Olwav Mrs .! Olivia f Mur.dwtc and Irene E Hall oi hewpoit f 'Commissioner- J. 9. Whltchurst Candidate A Mr omurl Lilly whoe card appears in this issue of the News nas anrKKTra inai ncn, vir didateforll KeDuUican nomi- rutio.1 for County, Commission er. Mr. Lilly l I well known business man of Morehead City. The name of jrsVWhUehurst was Inadvertently omitted from the political announcements ' in last week s Issue of the News. Mr. Whitehurst Is an active can didate for the ' nomination for Register of Deeds and expects to be In at lie finish. ; Ci4 Tll M4 Mh1 ' Urn r ttirM If by t4 via The Republicans of the seven th district held a convention in New Bern last Thursday for the purpose of endorsing candidates for State Senator. Those who went from this county were Ueutenart E. Walter Hill, judge K. J. Respess, and A. L. .Wilson ofNewoort The convention or eanized by selecting Lieutenant Iill for Chairman and J. L Phil ips o Klnsion, Secretary. The aame of A. R. Wilson ot Jones county was presented as one oi the candklates and that of W. G. Mebane of Caiteret for the other. Both were unanimously elected. Tre convention made iti tem porary organization permanent and elected executive com mittee as follows: Carteret K. J. Respess, Craven, J. S. Basnight Grren, D., W Patrick. Jones, KfcCytdiin. Lenoir, J.'. T. lpe. Onslow, A. L Jarnun.' Hrad quarters for the district will be opened here by Chairman llitl and a vigorous fight will be made.- : Real Estate Transfers The following transactions in 1 real estate has been recently re corded: - .. lulius Willis and wife to Thos. G. Willis lot in Beaufort Heights, con $00. v ; . Geo. F. Duffy and wife to K. - IL PriJgen ,400 acres in White Oak towuship con $4500. , , . r Bertie Salter and wife to Maltby Taylor 5 acres in Hunt- ing Quarter township con $50. Bert S. Taylor and wife to C W. Smith 25 acres tn Whice Oak townshio om $1000. T. B. Hall to N. H. Garner 271 aaes in Newport twnship :- con$73v. C F. anncn and wife to N.1I Garner 1-4 acre In" Newport township con $5. . - W. J. Fodrie and V"e to Chas. S. Chester 200 acres in Harlow e township con $2000. Chas. S Chester to Chas. S. Reising half interest in 200 acers tract in Harlowe township con. S1UUU H.ILHamlio and wife to C. rCHowe. 3 tracts on Taylor's Creek Beaufort - towi ship - 93 - acres con, $10 &c 1 L F. McCabe and wife to Jas ' Watson 2 lots Ui Newport town ship con $275. " . r J. L. Edwards and wie to M. Mann lot in Newport town?h':p ' con m. . . - , k , , 4-aw I H -m iV nu Mfwr ldllM. Tk4 tpar voull TrBcrlpC . . , j s f