'An niiwtaw- - 1 A I J-l u a i I I. L3 U U ; s , , ., , , , , ,.' ' , V ; : ; . ' " ( . " . '- -- - . i 4;.' - - . . U ' every THURSDAY- - ; Reading To The Mind"Vhat Exercise la To The Body ' . . ;BVW. Q. MEBANE : VOL IX BEAUFORT; N. C. "THURSDAY NAY-. 6' 1920 NUMBER 18, NOW MODEL OF DIRIGIBLE HANGAR FOR OUR NAVY JUDGES CF ELECTIONS. a: V ; NEWPORT ROUTE ADOPTED Road Question Starts Warm Discussion, Four "Outfits To Begin Work Theflauch mooted road ques-! tion absorbed about two hours j and a half of the time of the Board of County Commissioners here Monday. The discussion at times was quite lively and once or twice personalities were injected into it. Chairman Wal lace said that he thought that Commissioner Lewis had made insinuations about him which were not true and he resented them. Commissioner Lewis stated that he did not mean to reflect on the Chairman but he stood his ground that some things had been done that had not been authorized by1 the board. Com missioner Lewis and Attorney J. F. Duncan afro exchanged some left handed compliments and al together the session was far from being as quiet as a Quaker meeting. The bone of contention as here tofore was over the question of the route of the proposed link of the Central Highway. A letter had been received and was read, from State Chairman Page asking what the county proposed to do about the Federal appropriation of $173,000. The fight was as to how Mr. Page should be answer ed. E. H. Gorham addressed the board and made a strong argu ment in favor of building roads in general and the Newport, Bell's corner, Beaufort Highway in particular. I. F. Duncan fav ored the Newport route and spoke explaining that and his connection with the whole mat ter. ,C. R. Wheatley argued in favor of building roads fom Beaufort to the east and from Newport to Stella. W. G. Me bane spoke briefly in favor of building a system of roads that would cover Carteret county. There was some discussion by members of the board and then a vote was taken on motion to adopt The Newport-Beaufort route, made bv Commissioner Gillikin. Commissioner Lewis voted no. C ommissioners Gillikin and Taylor voted aye. Commis sioner Pigott at first refuvd to vote and then decided to vote no which made a tie. Chairman Wallace then cast the deciding vote in favor of the Newport Beaufort route. Mr. Duncan was instructed to prepare a reso lution to be sent to the Highway Commission petting forth the county's position in the matter. On the following day the Com missioncrs met axain at ten o'clock and finished up the busi ness More them. A request from citizens of Harbwe that a a bridge l built across the old canal was taken up and Guthrie Brothers were instructed to build a 20 foot rolling draw bridge across it. Commissioners Iwis and Gillikiq in co-operation with Su pervisor Thomas were instruct ed to make arrangements to be- sin work st once on the follow ing roads: Atlantic to Beaufort, Bogue Sound Highway, New Bern road beginning at Beau fort. Straits road beginning at Otway. They are to organue four different forces and carry on all the ork at the same time. A resolution was passed instruct 'ngthe banks holding county x unfls to pay over to uc iwumy V Ve aurtr Sr000 each to I used , uhiiwofk. Supervisor Thorn Times Not Favorable For Sewerage Construction .... Mpn.y Too Tight At a meeti ng of the Board of Commissioners held at the City Hall Tuesday night the matter of finishing the sewer construe tion and doing other work' was discussed. The decision arrived at was that tiiis was not a proper time to undertake any work of the sort. Bonds of all sorts are now selling very low and in fact are naraiy selling at an ana money rates are high. This con dition makes it hard for munici palities to do ay construction work. All of the 'members of they poard were present at the meet ing and there was a general dis- cussion of taxes and tinances. A resolution was adopted author izing the Mayor and Clerk to borrow $10. 000 to be used in paying oi lloatmg mdeDtednes to py on the sinking fund. Another resolution was adopted authorizing the Mayor to employ some one to compare the town and county tax books- back for five years and see that assess ments be equalized. T. W. Davis Manager of the j Home Telophone Company cimel before the board and ask its ap- J proval of a plan to raise telo phone raf.es here the board gave r . .: . . its consent, but the matter nasi', to settled by the State Corpora tion Com misston. The advance asked for s from 25 to 50 .cents on each telophone. Visit Colored School On Last Thursday a committee of citizens in respose to to the in vitation of Superintendant Brooks paid a visit to the public school here. Those in the partv were Superintendant G. ll. Ferguson' Juvenile Court Judge K.J. Kespess, Attorney C. k. Wheatlv, County Commissioner W. W. Lewis Reverend H. A. IVe and the editor of the News. The visitors inspected all the c'ass rooms, heard the pupls re cite and hanally made short talks to the teachers and pupils in the assembly hall. The show ing made by the children was very creditable to themselves and their teachers. The culinary department which has been re cently added wai especially in teresting to the visitors, the sample of cooking making a very cretditable display, flw building shows considerable need of repairs and it is hoped that tr e i will 1 made before the Fall term begins. as made his report- showing the amount expended oa roads in Beaufort, Hailowe, Newport, Morehead, Straits, Smyrna. Whjte Oak, and Hunting'Qnar ter townships. Representing citizens of Davis, Reverend Mr. -erett and A. H. )avis rame before the board and asked for an apr.roriation to pay half the cot ol a dipping vat to eradicate cattle ticks. The bxird agreed to do so provided! thciounty would not have tot pay over jx'tuion 10 change the route of the Mar- shallburg -Gloucester road was prciented by reverend Mr. Gra ham. A number of bills were auoitcd and otier routine mat ters disposed of by the board. The jurors for the June term cf Court were chosen and will be published in the News later C. G Bailey was authorized to make specification for putting in water and ligitts in the Coun ty Home. Sheriff Thomas re ported amou.it of lax.es collected to If $91,780,16. i rfJt? - Is t.i K i - " ' -in ij ill" I'imni. If. ma." A ' v 1 4 . r' -v 1 1 HI lll I i li sgAr. -vf ,iKMt i! t if Wy, trftiwi niwwnniinmniZ'iiiiifii u. ..imi... ?ti tliese days of trans-Atlantlc lllgftt. stations for glnnt airships are Imposing tructurs. A scale uainniotli dirigible hangar to be erected by the nuvy department at Lukehursr'N. li shown U"re will be SOO feet loug, 205 feet wide and 174 feet hlsh. . Glosing ExcisesOf Grad ed School On This Wock. Large At tendance A crowd' that racked the audi torium was uresent Tuesday and , Wln.-cri-w Pnintr in xvitn,. A , me x;mmenceineni exeruses oi 'the'' Graded School. Teachers tnd pupils had evidently -given much attention to the prepara tion for the exercises and they were carried through without a hitch and with a skill and precis ion th.it was highly pleasing to'oneofthe nominees. the spectators as well as to the' performers and directors. Traveling By Airship On Tuesday evening Cindeiel-i h in ' lowtrland, a fanciful and; Colonel and Mrs. K. L. Ireland pleasing operetta was given by! who were journeying to their the pupils o. the himary le-! home in' New York City through naitment. The st aire was taste- ii oir cri ,f i,ru i- Pri. , fully decorated lor the occasion and costume! that were very pi eit y ;:nd ;'piropiia!t U'.v wit., by the .ul!.iul iei form ers. 1 he children went iiiimuku tneir pails spltiidicily and Mtli a naturalness ant! lack ot aucclioii that was veiy charming tol-hold A music n-Liial was given Wed r.esday c.vruv.: i y u;;:!s of the Musical lk paitinciit. Miss Maty .'.lorns the very elV.cient' teacher of this ue!).irtnient had arrar.gi d a piojTam that display-; etl the ability ol her pupils to the fullest extent. Twenty nu;n ber.-i were rendered compnsing several duels, solos and a son "ipniv.time" Ly the Sixth and Seventh grades. Tne numbers were al' vigorously applauded by the large audience present. The comineiicenu nlcoiitnrties tonight with a nroe'rant consist- !ot song, recitations and mstiu 'mental music. 1 wi tned.iU v. ill , be awardi-d for the ix-si lent.;- v 1 V,,,u'rrmr T u v i bj ing the exeieise t a t ie. A force of about fifty men from the Norfolk Navy Yard ar- rived here Monday night for the purpose ol tearing uown me wireless towerson fiver's Island. They went to work on Tuesday and as soon as the material- can fee taken down it wULLc moved to Camp Glenn and erected thei e. Card Of Than!. , 1 ish toexprt-M the sincete thanks of the fanvly M everyone, who sent fl ral ff.r'rwts or rctv. deted assiitaiuc m- nny way the time of Mis Fawn Rum!e'i; dca'. Ann'.o Kumley. ' j The Senatorial Fight There seems to be a prospect of a right lively fight in the seventh district for the Demo cratky nomination for State Sena tor. There are four aspirants and as the district has but two sena tors it appears that two of those seeking tfe nomination will be disappointed i ne candidates tor tne Demo cratic nominations are Senator H. V. Cowper of Lenoir, Sheriff Hargett of Jones' C. E. Foy of Craven and Luther Hamilton of Cartel et Mr. Hamilton's friends say that Carteret county is in titled to a nomination this time and that he should be therefore lilt; U i I OlUpjA J Wll 1 Ik- . IOOL A I I j day and took dinner at the Davisi House. They came from Wil mington here in about an hour and a quarter and expected to reach Norfolk in two hours and a ha'f. The li elands soent the winter in Florida and made the trip to and fro in their hydro plane which they say beats trav eling on a train all to pieces Memorial Services Sunday On Sund v afternmn at 3:45 a Mother's Day program will be given in Live Oak cemetery. The full program which was pub lished in last week's issue of the News consists ' f vocal and in strumental nd addresses. The public is invited to attend and participate in the exercises. Corrects False Kcpart I understand that rc:rti a.e la-intf circulated that I :rn not a lx)tia l;'e cr.('i( :.te ! r ister of I Veils and that I wil o;ne down l"f re the puniatus are heM. renort is I wish to sa that this alsolutely fa!:v and that I am in the race for Keuts ,er 0f nmu and eX:x-tted to Ix lected. W. I). Anert. Marriage License : Marriage licenses recently t-' sued arc as fallows . . Gen. W. WiMis ot Newport and ndie I'inerof Cedar'l'oint. y n Yi umans nnd Stella r-thri IhrKer's Island, Jno, M. Mill and Kathleen Ivc i . Bvniiioit. i earl b:.i.;n m ceJ.ir is.jn.i. j .(; v.-.w- i a e ot t. 1 IK 1 ijST'M.-.M " 'I6 -f Sllllli iiiiMHW "ff'fn --fi lr,i,.iiWifrti jjtUlliijITiia3 41 it '?-'iassa 4 - WWWfc; ' model, of the Tht huugnr Hours' For Services The hours for services at St Paul's church on Sundays ai e 8 a. m.', 11a. nr., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school begins at 9:45 a. m. Mr! Wade Withdraws The nomination of Editor R T. Wade of the Morehead City Coaster for postmaster of that town has been withdrawn. Mr. Wade's 'name has teen before the Senate for a good many months but owing to a controver sy over the matter was not con firmed. It is understood that a new civil ?ervice examination for the Morehead City office is to be held shortly and any one who desires may take a chance. Education Hoard Meeting The County iVmid i.( Educa tion held its regular meeting here Monday. All the members of the lxiuiu v hich is coniposcd )f K. T. Wade' of !or head City C. P. Dey of Benufort; W. Irving Willis of Wi Hist on and Secretary L. li. Fnnettwefe present. School matters of a general nature were discussed. Ives Hill A q lite mirri uj wi; sil mur ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I J. H. Ives Monday night May 3 when their daughter Kathleen became the bride o' John H. Hill of Beaufoit. Owintf to the illness of the bride's grandfather oaly the familyond a few friends were present The ceremony wa performed by Kev.T-Tl Harry A. Day the Baptist minister. Best wishes attend the young couple. Want Cjunty Auditor The IVurd of County Corn-! m.sy.owMs have derided to em-j ploy a whole tiav tounty auditor. ! 1 his issue of tlte iNews firr.es ; an advertsnient tot lint effect. N CH Iwtfr. tlf nrlftiirfit' .lltUr fnurir-"41 1H U rr olfl !ihloirt I 1 ilnf off t" 't llroh frnn my , I trrfxa h r I frmn h-r tnA h J dirhli. it. Slt mlt1 t ! J I M: "WHtil mrr ytm .lmr I I frH. onlf raiti( " d I hmiii hM r. li d ill rigt.r; Unt MT . . ..-J art ' ifir motif; min! ni rT'". H C'l C A f '.miiJ ' fa paii 0 l mj nn in if fiiiur ! lmoiUrrtilf s 3 .1 '..ri-i t m4 !) la laid atria - 'A '? i nt4l . -. rnta rlota la t.WMnJda. Tll Men Who will Hvae Charge Of The Pells In June and November Elections Chcsen . The county'Board of Elections composed of D. E. Langdale Geo. Pine.r and A. T. Gardner met' last week ar.d selected the : poll holders of the primaries to to be held in June and also for the elections. The list as follows: .'Eastward's Creek. Watson Lawrence.. Devard Gillikin. Andrew Gillikin. West Ward's Creek Joel Dowdy. L. " B. Willfs Wilson Golden. Merrimon - M. R. Goodwin. J. F. Nelson. E. F. Carraway. . Wire Crass k ,- W. G. Dudley. M. M, Eubanks. J.W.Lane. , , ,'.S,J.; Long Pine 'W.M. Kirig ' John H. Felton T. L. Piver.. 1 . ;.,.; ' Beaufort M, R. Springle ' ' B. F; Perkins Jno. G: Hi'dgins Jr. , Morehead City J. R. EellJv R. T. Wade Cleveland L. Willis. Harlowe . ". '. D. W. Sabiston Roy Mason W. W. Chad wick. Newport C. E: Harrington Lawrence Garner S. D. Edwards VildwooQ W. Z. McCabe Hugh Murdock Dennis Watson Salter Path Geo, Smith Edwin Willis Geo E. Willis - "Eldorado ' W. E. Smith Damon Guthrie N.P.Bell Sander's Store S. F. Brinsom E. A. Sanders L. 11, Pringle Buck's Store W. W. Buck. J.C. Jones S. B. Meadows SIclh B. W. hvin E. M. l occne Adrin L. Norris Dirthtiay Party 9. . . Friday evening, a! the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Willis, Muss Inez Wniji tieiinhtlully entertain ed a few of her friends in cele bration of her fifteenth birthdat A f te r enjoy ing va r ioy s . games the guest were invited; to the dining room where a delicious ice cream was rmcd amid dainy tlecoratious f nses. The -oft glow ot the candles on the birthday cake adtid tharm to the occo- irn. Those present vere: EsteHe Yoffie. Margaret t.u bs lurtelle iCntfrey. Annie Cv.ll nc. Vary k N :co a. Elm IrJ.i.ul. Loreri illarper. Dick Duncan. Calvin ihnes. Willie San:o;d. Mr. An- jtlrcw English. Misses Ltllia:! ! Morris and Emily Luftm. '.twtull Tbt ttt 00 Yttn. 1ti lwifrl Uul on rronl Ui4 ,.irr Jr It wrt dlTt bwl .mf ImkI In 1'i.Uo'l. tb top' u rirA tln lb HllVta ef Ot ..r, .nd lh Sohllit of rOlw I. i.... I. ). tuaf I4l. ttv lb liilivmtv T Avi r - It 4nr la tlnjlfig btk im U with " I'i" MIm ran tm raxrtilrif rmM t !) .M. mUer H4 Arntt irlk. ft a all. w i N r Ifti ma la t 'M irVr. rfv r.l,lt.g. tt (a l'Jt tf a V,,,lrl M'liMJ tV -ilHA' r t.;il rw f lima aataf 4 a W,t, ol ,f 'taj h tt'MrjVeJ u . y t. !.- ? . ': . i . i