t- Announcements POUTICAlr ANNOUNCEMENT.- To The Republican Voters v of Car teret County: . ' . , I hereby announce myself a, candi- date tor nomination for the Office of Register of Deeds for Carteret Coun ty, at the Primary to be held June 2t 1920, subject, however to the wishes and will of the Republican Voters. If nominated and elected I promise to give the very best service possible to the duties of this important office. Respectfully, Troy Morris, January 15th, 1920. , ll,-" Atlantic,' N.. C. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS Or CARTERET COUNTY. I hereby announce myself a candi date tor the nomination of Register of Deeds tor Carteret County, subject to the action of the Republican voters at the Primary in June. W. D. ALLEtt. Newport, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office, of Register of Deeds f Carteret-county subject to the action of Republican voters of the county in the primary. I will appre ciate the support of any who may see fit to give me their votes. 1 i Very Respectfully, N. L. CARROW. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF CARTERET COUNTY I hereby announce my candidacy for the position of Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Republi can Primary to be held In June. If nominated and elected I will do my beet to render service to the people of Carteret County. ; Respectfully, J. S. Whitehurst. 4 1 April 15. NOTICE I hereby announce -my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds subject to' the action of the Demo cratic Primary. If nominated and elected I shall give to the people the best service of which I am capable. Respectfully, J. R. Jlnneft. To the Democratic Voters of Carte ret County. f hereby announce my candidacy for the. office of Register of Deeds subject to the action of the June primaries. Respectfully yours, U W. Hassell To the Republican Voters Carteret County: I hereby announce myself Of candidate for the office of Coun ty Commissioner subject to the action of the Republican primar W"3. J. L. Edwards. Newport, N. C To the Republ;can Voters of Carteret County: I hereby announce my self as a candidate for County Commis sioner subject the action of the voters in the June primaries. If elected I will use my best ef forts to get a good system roads for Carteret county. Samuel Lilly. of 6-3 Announcement I hereby announce myself candidate for the State Senate, atbject to the Democratic Pri mary. 1 do so in accordance with the established custom o: this district to give the nominee a second term, and upon the as aurance from each county com posing the district, that such conceded to me and that the friends of the other candidates do not wish it to be otherwise. The interest and activity of the Democratic voters win be appre ciated. S27- G. V.Cowpcr, Announcement I announce myl candidacy for Commissioner . of Labor and Printing in the J urn state-wide Dfrnocrstlc Primary to succeed llcxt M. U. Shipman, incumbent, and i will appreciate your vote and support at the polls. Ask any or who knows of my labors In and about the legislature since , David P. Dellinger, r Castonia, N. C, April Zc 1920. 5-27. - WISew FsrMtMre. WW eillew faraiiafv wirj eebtet t whits ekVrTt4 sHis mIi S'vf H mat b irH IS a treat tew !' Hme. A FREE GIFT By GEORGE ELMER COBB Copyrlcht, lilt, Wsatsr Newspaper Union.) "It's now or never, girl. The train goes inside of ten minutes. It's come, or good-by. Now Rachel, decide and be quick; about It" "Oh, Jake! love you dearly, but the baby here? Let me run home with it and leave it with mistress." rve said my- say, It would delay me six hours to miss this train." "But I can't leave the baby as If It was a piece of luggage !" "Yes, you can. Put the baby on the park bench beside that innocent faced young fellow yonder. Ask him to mind It for a few minutes. I'll scribble Miss Dole's address ,on a card. Slip it into the baby's clothing. When yon dont come back he will And it." "But wnat win they .think of my abandoning the little dear In this cruel wayr "Save your sentiment for ojo, if you've got any to spare." "And my two week's wages?" T got plenty of money. Don't fret on that score." Thus" Rachel Mine and Jacob Pal ter, the former the average nurse girl the latter a young man who had worked as a barber when he worked at all. His flashy ways had fascinat ed the comely maid, he had courted her briefly, but persistently, and nw with the prospect In view of a new and better Situation In itnother city he put the qmwtion plump of immediate mar riage. The young man. they had Indicated snggesttd an easy; accommodating per son of a kindly nature. Alvln Stanley was not much experienced in worldly ways; He was reasonably fortunate as to means and position. When the artful Rachel placed the sleeping babe en the bench beside him and said Please mind the child for a feiv mo ments, will .your' Stanley readily re plied: "Certainly, Miss," and beamed down at the serene face f the Infant. He treated his Involuntary charge as daintily and cart fully as though It were a precious piece, of fragile brlc:s brac, as at the erMi of five minutes It awoke. It first stred at him steadl lw than 1 f a HfrtlA vMAtitti m,fttAj4 j , .in ii im iiii'v u.iru.u Y i i. i . a k v. with a seraphic smile, and then as he cooed to It and dangled his watch be fore Its daixled eyes It consented to remain quiet for a few minutes. It was when It began to whimper that Stanley grew alarmed. He picked It up snd moved It to and fro In his arms, snd ss Its complaints grew loud- he became decidedly concerned. -r don't see whst keeps its mother t nnrse. or whoever she Is," he solll- oquiieo i unesany. out m vsm puiunu his nv iu miv uiiviivii iiwm nnrs hsd gone, for be gained so fur ther night of her, and never wonld, The baby grew more and more de- soon stra tire ss the minutes wore on. Stanley took to wslklng with It. which sofoewhst soothed Its hunger and Im patience. Aa hour went by. The babe began te make a violent outcry. Peo ple passing blm staring, others Indig nant 1 rant stand this!" declared Stan ley, "but what am I ever going to dor" Then he turned cold all over as be recstled newspaper stories he hsd read where children had been alien doned to the merry of confiding strangers, Stanley waited another half si boar. Then he formed s derision, Til lake It home." he reaolred. "Mrs. Morae will know how te rare for It sad tell me whst to do. airs. Morse had been s rm k of ref use ever since bla mother hsd died Wtr SO years a fsvorlte ftmlljr srnrsnt be hsd retained her lo srrvlrp at the eld home, and balling s tail he was soa4i relieved of the strain of the ee raaioa. 9be was a motherly, warm-hearted rreature sad the hies of s hahy Id the boose seemed to brighten up the old Soel magically. Ate Ueard Stanley's story. 1 don't see what yoe ran do but ad vertise, er something like," she ob served. "Maybe maybe we row Id keep the little rberobr timidly ssgieMed Stae ley. earaptared as the Infant. Its want attended. Hasped him big tager raresslogly la Its little band. Morse aptesred from the Improwrrta sry feiabiisbeeuit, etcitH: eierbiog.- sue reperied. -it reedst rke ibe eh ud to Miss Msrris Dole, tio wsveriy usee.-- tar,; i;.:uv.L" i rioting fae Sooe 4sHI ef the psre ls itcaieeV a sensot eeiee te the aw. .,,,,1,::,- - ess Planter etessbiimiy, "Ob, Mies pole. e,nVt J e.Uk I Hsve were sneni ine sa,anieg nine ewe. s4 ft yeenf Jsdy with trarea of leers Is See eyes harried fe the npet. Hear tart Utelloees made Ptasley .eeibep - rsaaed. bet be managed to I ell hie; story. Mies Msrris Dot loelaied thai fWy go of ones for Ibe eblbt, htrft leetl le her aetev one bed left kef to charge of Ibe Is fa si eh lie she veal ee s visit le soother r!r. ' to rsptoreea )ey Miae Dote tent the ebntf to her arms was they rxrfeea the Stanley tease, -rVe." she sold, ss He tittle1 o siaeeeed If erase toeftree Sisn1r. wishes le klae foe." SfshUy ntss d bla Hr te ibe news rboHi. tltUe dresMler then Ibsl eefem s doves) eeeks fcH pesd by be we ild dssMcste ibe an tre ibe weH red I'l Of IIS lerel tMSt. REDUCED ROUND TRIP FAKES r VI." : ' TO WATHINGTON, D. U.- Southern Baptitt Convention Tickets sold daily May 8 th to 14th inalusive Final limit of return May 14th. ' - ? BLUE RIDGE v N. ('. -Railroad Station Black Mountain, N. C, General Assem bly Association of Boy Workers Tickets on sale May 15th to 21st. Southern Students Conference of Y, M. C A. Tickets on sate Jtrpe 1st to 6th, . Southern Siudeuts Conference of Y. M. C A. Tickets on sale June the 11th to 17th. ; , Missionary Educational and Inter- church World Moving Conference Tickets on sale June 22nd to 27th . . Southern Summer (School of.Y, M. C. A. Tickets oh Sale Julv 2nd tc 8th. City Conference of the Y. M. C, A Tickets jm sale July. 20th to 2Sth.- Southern Summer School of Social Ser vice and Christ ains Workers. Tickets on sale July 30th to August 4th. Final Limit for return Sept 1st 1920. MONTREATN. C. Railroad Station Black Mountain N. 0. Students Conference Y, W. C. A. Tick ets on sale June 1st to 6th, Youniier Girls Conference Y. W. C. A. Tickets on sale June 10th to Kith . ' Young Peoples Work Tickets on sale June 21st to 20th Special Bibie Conference Ticdests on sale July 2nd to 3rd Wcman s School ot Missions muets on sale July 9th to 10th Sunday School Conference Tickets on sale July 16th tu 17th Profireasive Program and Officers Con ference Tickets on sale July 23rd to 2Lth. Education! and Home. Missions lick-. ets on sale Jsly 30th to 31st Fnrpidn Miaainii Cnnfprrire Tickets nrk sale August let to 7th Christian Life Conference Tickets en sale August 13th to 14th Final Limit August 29th 1920 For detail information apply to your near est Norfolk Southern Ticket agent, or write toJ. F. Dalton. G P. A N f Va No ice of Sale Under Execution North Carolina carceiei Juniy In the Superior Court Cape Look Out Land Company vs C. S.. Maxwell Bv virtue of an execution di rected to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Carteret countv in the above entitled ac Ujon. I will on Monday, the 7th., day of June 1920, at lZo'qlock M.. at the Court-house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, alright, title and in terest wnicn ine saia cape look Out Land Company, the defend ant, has in the following describ ed real estate to wit : Situate in Harker s Island town ship on Shackleford's Banks, at Cane Look Out. Beginning at the mouth ot an inlet near the "Hall Over" running South 25 degrees East 320 poles along the side of a ridge of sand hills, where the old fort stood, to Lazy Hill, tnence South 30 degrees West 500 poles along the sea beach to Cape. Look Out point and thence the meanders "of the meanders of the sea to the first station also the adjoining Fulford land as shown on plot made by W.-T. Shull recorded in book 16 at page 368 office Register of Deeds for Carteret county Ndrth Carolina. . This 15th., day of April 1920. T. M. Thomas, Sheriff of Carteret county 5-20 0 r Executor's Notice Having qualified as Executor of the estate of 1. C. Leffers, de ceased, late of the County of Carteret, North Carolina, this i$ ' tO notify all PCrSOnS having claims against the esUte of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, in care of, Mrs. T. 'CWillis. Straits. N. C on or be . -1921, or I this DOtlce .will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All per sons iodeUed to said esute will please makeimmedUte paylnenL ,J R, 5, UHtot, ExeCUtOC of 1 C. ... Lnef1, , , 1 1 t. - . leaetief Me Ceenst. 5-27. My IMtte hea4br Jlasniy ess wsls- fe eotewo eee day. Me Nspeoed Nee nmo eney to rertstn bask. Wbll poMtai It be eodeeery retnart ed e sset "That s sere my Is tied B.s7Cbksffe. Assertrsi. Nalere end Weeen. bs'are eFrrs as iewer as nsreisl IMieore. '. II bseefcss;HWf to ss; oMt-taH w1e. Ottlleg e Hsoe. trvn4Ms7 t ore hi dsrvl it dlnaeraopretwing laetr nrt siurise ! a bit. Cartwmt MagasiiHf, X By EVELYN LEE 8 voboooooooooooooooooccocog (Copyrlcbt, JW. Western Newspaper Unles.) What was that-th wind? V i Wilson Brody started up from his cozy arm chair before a blazing lire in the grate and bent his ear toward the window past' which (he tempest was sweeping with vibrating brce. -t .. "it sounuea like a shriek a wom an's acreain-replIed-Euiiices-hU -sister. . - -. Brody hurried on hat and coat and hastened out Into the yard. . As he came fully ont into the gtreet he waav startled to observe a girt In the reful gence of a street, lamp, her hand, raised bewllderedly to her head, Just arising irum me siuewHiK. "Are you hurt? What is it?" he 'ln quired sol icltousty, and caught her by the "arm to steady her, noting, a sweet,' Innocent face and gentle eyes, but Just now filled with fetrr. "A ninn !" gasped the girl breathless ly. . "He pushed me and I fell, tie f tore my satchel from my hand." "There It Is!" excluimed Brody, as he noticed ten feet away the object in question. NIt lay open, some of Its con tents being scattered on the-sidewalk. Brody went to pick it up and the girl elung to the Inmp post as he gathered up the articles. "I must have been followed. I feared It half a mile back Xrom hero but why?" "There were valuables?" questioned Brody. .'" "No, only my few belongings and some papers. Oh, see, sir!" she cried In- poignant alarm, as she groped nmnng the contents of tho bag. "They are gone!" . "tf yowwlll tell me where you live I w'll see you safely home"," suggested Brody. kindly. "I am a stranger he.-e," replied the girl. "I came to seek my father. I locnted his office and explained to a man In charge. I told him who I was and about the papers I had to Identify me. He said .that Mr. Robert Fair, that Is my father, was absent. I am almost sure that he followed me. Brody was puzzled, for the girl's statements were unusual and strange. But he read the truth In those Inno cent affrighted eyes. Bothsympathy and Interest were aroused. Just then Eunice came to where they stood. "What Is It. brotherr she Inquired and Brody repeating the explanation the girl had given, 'warm-hearted Eu nice caught her arm and red the way to the house. "Poor dear!" she murmured, "you must come In out of the storm." The girl wss faint and drooping, .but she revived magically as these good Sa maritans placed her before the cheer ful Are and Eunice brought her e steaming cup of tea. "I am Myrtle Fair." she told them. I have lived with an old aunt, an Invalid. In Kew Mexico since my moth er died when I was an Infant. My father was sway In Alasks at the time and never returned to see me. Through all these years he has trusted roe to Aunt Cella. sending each year enough money to provide for both of us until lately, wlien she wss dying she told me to go to hi in. Her only clue ss to his wherenlKtuts was thst she had heard that he owned consider able property In this city." "And you found hi in?" "No, I only located an oTW bearing his name on the door. Those I In quired of said he had Ihmti here for only a few weeks." Ton must remain with us nnfll my brother looks Into this matter," de clared Eunice snd after Myrtle Fair was comfortably Installed In a ops re room they discussed the singular event that hsd brought this stranger te rbeir tbresnoM. "I have seen Robert Farr st his of rice," reported . Brody to Myrtle two dsys Ister. 1 told blm of your rlslm He shsoto'ely denies bsvlng a dsugb te. It of ever besrtng of you before." Myrtle Fsrr was fairly crushed at Ibis dertsrstle. Wte waa Inslsreot on seeing the man who disowned her and sked Brody to scewnpany her te the office be bad Just left. , That Is Robert Fsrr." spoke Brody ss thy neerly resebed the building be bad Just before visited and he pointed eat a man entrrlng It. . There came- Into lje ) rs of bit eempenton a glow of sudden revelation. That Ibe Robert Farr." alio ehla. pored, strangely a g Hated, "who says I em not bis daughter? Oh. Mr. Brody I there Is 'seme mystery bore, for thai man Is oof say father. Aunt Oils bad s plrtnee'of blm be sl bet two years age, and Ibis a I a does net to any ap reeemble .bits. I fcs 4 II mee g my pa Prs.",'' ' .. ' There ' wss more than sayerery. There was jSArttng bsdvtrkednaM.'Ss Wilson. Rredy osrertslsed sfter week'f llfoe deleted le breveting Ibe Identity of the pretended Robert fsrr. LTkrongh dltlseet Spot lest too to the rasa" snd 'deVertlve re-operetta, to teemed Inst Ibe Impostor snd fellow reelrslers h4 kidnaped the reel Retort rsre. who lived to.anelber place, snd Ibe pried pal srbevsf bed reme le the rify Intent ee saewmmg bte Meagty end rlalmls sod .selling ble property,.. A meetk Ister Ibe plotter snd cfif were to Jalt, end Ibe reel Rert rsrrv renewed fevea forced Ine prlenement. wsl s ite St Ibe Tlrndy basse, glad end preed of the rtasbtrt be hsd neier sees) before. And Ure they betb rwnUed. Ibe rebrr V welcome ntrmher ef ibe hensehotd. and fair lljrUe ss the nUs os WHsosj rrody,. J Mnaf. mnortant amonfT which V. to FREEDOM from the bano cf woman hood inherited from Mother Eve. Stella - Vita gives this freedom to v.-oineu and girls. Sold by vour druggist on the distinct agree ment that if the FIRST BOTTLE does not benefit, money will be refunded. Mrs. Nellie SmUhT'TcSsT Mr7 W-MrSainrsT Chiclt "I had femala troublet amauija, Ga. Ithasdouo with smothering spells, wonders lor The doctors had given me tind all run down, had net np said I oould'nt possi- been able to do housewor bly gctwoll." Aftertaking for six or seven yean; four bottles of STELLA but now I do any kind of VlTAE I was np and go- work." ing about my work." THACHER MEDICINE CO. ChattsjMOsst TssswUi S.- Ai 1 I PISSsssWSsSsWSsWWlllsS t' Wmni,'fmmm''m " D. M. JONES , Dealer in Junk. Highest Cash Prices Paid v I a' ill BARGAIN You can get Big BARGAIN STANLY BROS Alcomplete line general merchandise Thty Sell It cheaper for!cash ISUITS CLEANED and PRESSEDl IUJ ALL WORK To Automobile Owners Do you carry an Automobile Fire, Accident, Collision Tlieft, or liability Policy on your car? I Do you know the ratea of this class of Insurace hat been CUT LN HALF. , ' V ' . . Protect your Investment as, you Pjotect your . Home by carrying Automobile Insurance. . , For Futher Information See) G. W. t T" ... v , J v i her nztt H ' 1 fff"; I lHU. . - me; was ... 0 B 0 1 GUARANTEED IK r. 1Y1. 1LU Near Post Office. jlj Duncan 1 c