.... Interior of Exposition Auditorium San Francisco Interior of Chicago Coliseum During a Convention -t-m t ' .-. .. 11..- -I t c- - 'v-i; - v wlKv, i-.- -"'l' a , , -u T5$ar, - A lew mt tb Interior f the Exposition Anditorium, San Trftnclsoo. looking toward the speakers' p!ntlprta This view of a port of the interior of the Chicago Coliseum was taken during the Republican national conven tion of 1910, 4- Essentfals. , "A married, woman should see that the has all kitchen requisites as she tarts housekeeping." "Yes, even to a husband who washes the dishes for hex." Judge. Real Life. To work, to help and to be helped, to learn sympathy through Buffering, to learn faith by perplexity, to reach truth through wonder Behold I This is what It is to pnpsper, this Is what It is to lire. Phillips Brooks. Joint Snake's Tall Is FragM. The joint snake, or glass snake, Is a limbless lizard of the southern Unit ed States, superficially resembling the snake. It ts so called from Its fra gility, the tall easily breaking Into small pieces. Exclusively Amer!-n. The production of maple sugar and maple sirup Is purely an American In dustry, Canada being the only country other than the United States where they are made. Light Fire Without Wood. Soak a porous stone In a pnn of kerosene, then place it among the fur nace cools and ignite It. It starts the fire easily and can be used over and over again. Industrial Problem. One nt the n.ost Important Indus Tin I iiruMfm of the dnv Is that of lirnitiins cuke fr''i the so-called "non-" f.k'inr" ii'nN T'l'i fur the mystery' iiv ci'i- ;i ti-t of "oal yield coke vhiiH i!iti.p (in imi ha never been fully solvfd. . Your chance to get good bar- id fiyikins says the moving pic- gains will be at the 20 per cent hJrVe shown so- many different : Reduction Sale of the Beaufort Influenoe of Art. Jud tures . ua . i . . . . pnnses oi me tnni ne enn t get a man : RarP4in Store on Tulv the 1st to hoe corn who doesn't put on airs j arMn store on J"1' ine lsl' like an actor. The Big 20 per cent Reduc tion Sale sale of the Beaufort Bargain Store will start on July the 1st. Miring Glossary. A mining glossary Just Issued by the bureau of mines contains 20,000 terms and 30.000 definitions, covering both technical and local usages In various 7anrajaAo3 pooS d) pin as S pun 'diusuesnp P0 PUB 3u pimq jsptuuqa ;o sjsejajai sin uj B s.vtBi asain J" a3paiA0U3 H juqj SnSjn jninbjp pat)ina2 Aau y "sanoq jooqos til naempuuuimoa naj am ojooj oj Dftjpim:) jo; 3ncn s uois'AOJd unlma branches of the mining and mineral 1 1sUMa ai J JJud lso:tiD m Houses Built ef Ross wood. A church building, a courthouse and forty dwellings, that comprise the set tlement on Pltcalrn Island, In the east ern part of the South Pacific, are built entirely t rosewood. The furniture Is made of the same rare wood, which Industry. t;uiupuBuiiu03 uaj. sauoesx J!duj3 grows plentifully on the Island. Exceptional Values Our merchandise is Bought with the view of attracting customers and also of holding them. We aim to give good values for your money at all times. Our stock is made up of Seasonable goods at Reasonable prices. Mid Summer is Here and in Dry Goods, Shoes QentS Furnishings and Notions we have what you need. Sh oes Men's Low Quarters, from 6. to $ 1150 Ladies Low Quarters from $ 1.50 to $ 660 Children and Mist cs S1.50 to $ 6.50 , DRESS GOODS A brge and well selected line of Voiles, Organdies Silks Georgptts, Crepe De Chenes Mens Straw Hats ,Shirts, p Underwear and Neckwear Parasols and (Umbrellas "O eau fort ... i I a i i i a a a a a . Bl 0 I El El El