Vi ... AJ, ....... ;,f j T ; r-r-t 1 : ;.ff V " onng us your - f . --trr- SITES OF HISTORIC INTEREST When in Need of repairs Many Placet Around . Dutch City Doom Should Be of Interest ta the Kalaar. "' We Guarantee Satisfaction Will work by Hour or Contract All kinds of Repair and Machine Work Solicited Located Near Carteret Lumber Co W. J. Moore & Son "M'iilii;iH;niiliii"niiiiiiiitT Doom, the little Dutch towB now the home of the former emperor of Ger many, is surrounded by sites that may give the former kaiser cause for re flection, says a bulletin of the National Geographic society. At Rhenen he might find an historical companion IB misery. Frledrlch of Pfalz. the.cxUed king of Bohemia took refuge 'there. Perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of Rhenen Is Its tower, which, bears the name of KOnera, after the daughter of the ruler of the Orkney isles, who ac companied Ursula and her. 11.000 ylr gins .on a pilgrimage to Rome Upon their return, according to the legend, now known to have been based on a misreading of a Latin text, the maid ens were coming ashore to Cologne when Huns killed them all except Ku nera. Later she leaped to her death from a castle parapet. Prom the Moravian settlement of, Zelet the former kaiser might learn of humility, virtue and genuine piety.. Considerable property Is held In com mon . by the people. There widows. married women and girls are classified by their attire. At Maarshergen the Pyramid of Austerlitz was' erected by Mai-months soldiers to commemorate the crowning of Napoleon. At Utrecht the treaty was signed which opened the way for Britain's present great com mercial power, as it gave her Gibraltar and several colonies. Want ' Ads Let your rent money buy you a home. Start now by tfuying some Bailding and Loan Stock. FOR SALE: Used . Columbia Grafonolas, Victrolas, Pathes, Stars, etc., at half price.. Also, real Hawaiian Ukeleles at $435 kith instruction book. For: in formation write The New. Head-" quarters, Grafonolo Shop, Inc. 450 Granby St. Norfolk. Va. 6-24 I PURPLE DYE FROM SHELLFISH Possibility That New Industry May Ba Developed, .Sine the Supply Is Inexhaustible. f OR SALE; 120 acres of farm land, located on the Norfolk & Southern' Railroad, six miles from Morhead City, N. C. build ings in good condition, five acres of fruit. One half, mile from Wildwood Post Office'and school For information, write George B. Nelson, 4507 North Christiana Ave. Chicago, 111. 7-1 au l u i-OK SALL a brand new Ford Sedan which I offer for sale. These machines'are hard to get hold now, so better speak quick. W. P.Smith Beaufort, N. C. WE HAVE THE COLUMBIA RECORDS. YOUi WANT 78557 -Abide with Me (Ptfnselle arid Maurel) '$1.50 A2772 Tell Mother 111 be There Work For the Night is Wonderful Word's of Life Beautiful Isle of Some- . - $1.00 ' A1305 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say. When the Roll is Called Up Yonder" , . ' - $1X) A1990 Brichten the Corner Where You Are. If your heart keeps right $1-00 . A2801 .Silent Night, HsBfowed Night Oh, Holy night 1.00 .omin A985 where Between Us There has been many a soiled garment that has passed into the discard befoie its usefulness was outworn. Don't enrich the second-hand clothes man. Our process of dry cleaning'works wonders in restoring the newness you thought was gone forever. Send us something "to ejuvinate' You have a surprise in store for you. WILL PERRY Newbern. N. C. WAN 1 ED-MAN with team or auto who can give bond to sell 137 Watking home and farm pro ducts. Biggest concern of ki"d in world. $1500 to $5000 yearly income. Territory in this coun ty open. Write today J. R. Wat- kins Company, Dept. 112 Winona, Minn. 7,1 mnnniiiii!Himuuuiumiiiiii ESTABL1SAED 18& IlilllHl JOHN O. GAM AGE ; , .Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BuildinJ A nd Agricultural Lime, Cement, Piatt: Lathi, Drain. Tile, Sewer Pipe and Coal Tar FIRE BRICKS, ETC. 200 Water St, NORFOLK, Va FIRST CLASS SERVICE Is The Main Consideration With Us. We want your pataonage and in order to deserve and keep it our aim is to do work Just as good as any Laundry can do it. Our plant is equipped with Brand New Machin ery and so we are prepared to do work in a clean. Sanitary and Satisfactory manner. We have rnay Regular Patrons who will testify as to the kind of work we are doing. Better Still OlVc Us a Trial Or dcr and be convinced. Visitors at our plant will be welcome at any time. PHONE 86 , Beaufort Steam LAUNDRY FRESH MILK: I am prepared to f unvsh nice rich milk, fresh I and sanitary. H. C. Jones. . t.f On the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, especially in the region about Cocoa bay, there abounds a kind of shellfish called the "nacascol," from which a fine purple color la obtained. So far no way has been found for preserving tl)ls dye, and the Industry has remain ed In the hands of the few old people who take the . trouble to dye a few ounces of thread every summer. The process Is very simple. On picking up the shell from the beach or detaching It from a bowlder, the gatherer blows her breath Into It, whereupon a few drops of a greenish liquor oose out. This liquor 1 collected in a clamshell and after a sufficient quantity has been collected the 'thread Is passed through it, soon after assuming, on ex posure to the sunlight, a beautiful rrnmla viln which la ahatlntelv fast , ..... , , - .. after It has turned purple. It V UTOUnflS, BeauiOTC tfiAaitrhw vwvaolhl A thaw A Vat turn I UIVUBjUt pVMIUIV Ve WW w v fast only on expoanre to the air and that the liquor could be preset-red by keeping the air from It There la little doubt that this Industry of dye ing thread could be extended to greater proportions If an extensive de mand at good prices could be found for the dyestuft. FOR SALE: Three Pure Bred Big type, Polland China male Pigs. Priced right. Write or phone, Ernest Bradford Open 2ts. WANTED: A furnished house on water froi.Mn Beaufort for four to six weeks. E. H. Gra ham. Goldsboro N. C. 71 General Weed's First Battle. When Geronlmo. the last of the great Apache chieftains, began mur dering American women and moat hideously torturing American children In New Mexico and Arizona, Leonard Wood, then an army surgeon, exchang ing his .surgeon's scalpel for a rifle. became one of a famous little com pany which chased the monster over the sandy and burning plains of the Southwest and northern Mexico, and did not desist unUl the enemy surren dered. Thereporta of Generals Law- ton and MIlea witness to the neauny- minded seal which Wood manifested toward the barbarians who wreaked their savagery' on American women and children : and the fart that Wood received that greatest of all military distinctions for his efficient bravery In this campaign the roelsl of con gress Is testimony of the same kind. Burton J. llendrlck In the World s Wart. ENGLISH TERMS ARE ADOPTED rin Trunk Lines In the Air. Long distance air transportation b a common i! arc. The fa! trip from London to Australia re cently completed has encouraged Oreat Britain ta lay ant a number of great air route, connecting England by great trunk tinea with Its poeaeeojnn. The service will be maintained at Brat by alrablna and later doabtleaa by air- pUnea. , The first of thee trunk line will connect London with Canada by wsy of Newfoundland. Another Una Will operate between IahhIuh sod EfXpt and will be extended to tooth Africa. The air line will be barkei y Urge gererament auUldlea. Hcyt Trained Nwree Pesvlar. Tfcat trained tar are being eea bloyed In In (Tea ting aambera stows that employers generally are reet Kiting their aerrlera. Previous ts 1919, ely M Industrial ns emplorei trained naraee. Today more I ban tTl kedeMrt Mlng rrk"" The Industrial aura has nmved ta be a rood taveetateei. She Is a teacher ef hygiene, sad health edacarloa Bneaaa preveailns) of acctdenta. which ta rears go by have "Ml laauatry BMttf thousands ef dullsra. Otvw TfceveM U Bs WeMhleea. The shark ta foand ta farnleVahoat 111 tef real af hide, M of adibt food, and 4lt af fertilise anaterlat, and a -lea pmp4 llvef yleloed three nana rf The all, fsr"y f fmta Bby "dor. Is w-U a'led ff Unnl' l aad palnta. The dried fertll- ! ai.atavial riuala Sl-MI 30 nef efi ef t. .-tsl -eight of in sharh. and lX tare ek-nt of lirrt . The atamarit y U atlllied lar, Franeh Take Kindly to a Number ef Ennresalone That They Learned During the War. We all know w,hat an army of French words hss billeted Itself per- aion'ntly upon the Knglish language. Not so many of us think of the Inter change of prisoner, so to speak, be tween French and English, of tbe na tueroua English words naturalised In Prance. In sport, of coarse, this Eng lish contingent waa to be expected. "Champion," "ring," "knockout," "com ing man," "singles,4 "foot ball." "tour ing Hub." "skstlng rlnk."-r-long hi the list of soch English words la French. Even tbe French labor dialect hap suffered some English lnfu4nne trad anion," "loetout" "leaders." ! There la even the lovely verb "lockout-1 er." "Whisky" and "pal ale" and , other exported name of sin mas meet ly remain anmentlnnshle here. The war bat Introduced "boy acou"," hardly to be recognised In Its French pronunciation, "acoota." Tanks" and "nureea" are famlHnr words In con temporary Trench. At a theater or rail road ehV yam are almost as likely to get a "ticket" as a nrfllet." "On th gnlt llnka." wrote aa English collector of French Anglicisms lst year, "ob may hear 'J'al dropr ae ball.' h etesd the clumsy 1lsa tomber.'" Lavatory" soffrred ae rhang. la Farta It means a barber shop where yea cat get a thampan. Pewerftrl tuha. Th aubmarlnea of the English X alaaa ar salt) lo be the fasteM aad, wast tfwrfa soberibl rrafl hi If world. They are propelled oa the tarfar hy strata tarblae al a tpord 94 kaota. ahlrh la about !gM knots fa tier I ha a h speed of ardL ary submarine. TW are "MO feet ag. aad dlt',, J-670 7V hoals hate uaososlly long pl-cope. neaaurteg f-t "from top to bettor. Their fanaels are mad to hinge hack before lb h"t a"'- Lucky Strd. "I weaM I re a MH." alfhed lha Iter: ra. "Ju1 lb'"k of coralag heck to teat ymr'a neat altboal har 3g tl rsstl ralaed." Grafonola Shop Inc. 450 Granby Street Norfolk ' Va. BATH I NG S U ITS . .... 1 . ---.- ' r"s ' - 4 ui n- ,f n '' .n " f' f i ' '' A nice selection of LadiieS and ChildrenS Bathing Suits in jer.. sey, mohair and cotton. Assorted collars. Prices from $2. to 10.00 ' i range We also have a good line of; Bathing Caps, Shoes and Slippers. 1 Caps run from 25c to $ 125 Now is the time to make your selection of what you need .for the summer. Mrs C. .A Moore Stallings and Hill Plumbing Heating Electrical Contractors Full line of Plumbing hnd Electrical Supplies carried. New Perfection Water Heaters & Oil Cook Stoves Come to tee ut before buying Not a Speculation ' Offers no opportunity for large profits but A Safe Investment Paying 7 perc Net . Tai Exemyt in North Carolina j - 7 par c Cumulative Prefem-d Stock Of The j Tidewater Power Gnipany Wilmington. N. C Has paid its dividends regularly for 12 yeirs Dividends payable monthly we recommerKl Ims stock for tnmtrrttnt f4'I Circular upon request. Price $100,00 Per Share VK ' First National Trust Comriahy DUVUAM NORTH CAJtOUNA 4 - Investigate and order through your local btnlc 1- Waadsrfwt SKahaeara. AaMog th Btigtleh aether. Fhak Tr has lcoarrahty rr.ll4 aS thWa. That aoU attrangaac af fsacy. which M had ha great tr thereaghty ualiSed hi ta ln(h th weak. MperaUllewa art at his readers' tsMgtMtle) and aaad hlai retbl af sucreodlsg hr ha had aothtag ta awpfwrt hies heatdea th strength af kll ewa geclaav Adllaaa. Oorjr fertly Afraid. Robert hi att afraid af 4gV. sot's dog. ftereatly h was aw ah nrhed with his playing that ha failed I imKWw th sprmarh af Tlge aaUl h ss at th rhllra hta. Th hoy rv arreaai, and whew aaaU hee tied ta his rear h tried to be bra lad treanWIaglf eartalaedi .1 teat' Sfrsld th laakt where an? heart. h It s jat mt In ' T'aJd. I, it ;:. 1 ' ' : 1 . . .' t