VOL. IX BEAUFORT, N. C THURSDAY .JULY,,. 1 1920 NUMBER 25 RUSSELL'S CREEK PICNIC Large Crowd Spend En joyable Day At The , Picnic 4 $ The picnic at Russell's Creek ; last Friday was well attended and a big success in every way. " Tf tfrac orivan vtrAar tYta euctiirec! , ui - uie ounuay. ocnuui ui uje Christian church and H. W. Pet erson. Superintendent and 0. L. ' Davis( Secretary who had charge - of thevaffair, made every effort to make it a successful o:casion , and they did it On the day before the picnic it rained but this was a benefit as it copied the air and packed the roads then too it . made the far ; mers feel "good for they knew L.! tu-.- I ' uieir crops were wing ueueuueu. A large crowd of people from the surrounding country ' and ' from Beaufort were present and it was quite evident that they all had a good time. . The Beaufort Graded School band arrived an the ground -ear ly and whije the crowd was as sembling regaled them with - a number of well played selections. Shortly after eleven o'clock Mr. Peterson called the crowd into the church and there they listen ed to addresses by Lieutenant E. W. Hill of Beaufort and W. G. - Mebane editor, of. theNews. : Mr, Hill gave a very - interest ing account of his experiences as a soldier and the things and sights he saw in France He east "STAR Installation Of ' Made Last- ii . Officers Week Grand Worthy Matron,': Miss Mary Louise Allen of Wairen ton, C M. Setzer Past Grand Pa tron and Mrs. Setzer of Charlotte were official guests of , Beaufort Chapter Order of the Eastern Star Wednesday . . evening June 23rd.f for the purpose of consti? tuting the Chapter electing and installing officers for the ensuing year. . , " ' - .. Officers elected for - the ' year are: - - . . -: Mrs. Margaret Bushall-Wor-thy Matron. J. R. Jinnett ': Worthy Matron. -Mrs. Addie Maxwell rtsso. Matron. - '-ov'-.. ; Annie B. Loftin Conduct- RieS AND HARBORS,... Inland Waterway To Cape :-ht. Fear River.-May B Held Up Mrs res. - Con- Mrs. Judith Willis Asso, ductress.. r. " Mrs, Annie L. Gaskill Secre tary. ... ', ' .. ' Miss Lillian Pierce Treasurer. ' Appointed . Officers Mrs. Susie Moore-Adoh Mrs. Lillian Fulcher-Ruth Mrs. Elizabeth Dill-Esther Mrs. Lucy DickinsonMartha ; Mrs. Ella Vought-Electa r Mrs. Jennie Bill-Marshal ' 'Mrs. JJessir O'Bryan-Organist . Dr-P. B. Loftin-Chaplain John A. Dill Warder John Dickinson-SentineL At the close of the business session Brother Jinnett in a few spoke about three quarters of an well chosen words on behalf of the hour and his audience greatly en- Chapter presented a corsage of joyed his discourse. Mr. Mebane Sweet peas to the Grand Worthy spoke for about half an hour on Matron, Mrs. Mabel C. Mace the the subject of the Problems of retiring Worthy Matron of Beau- Reconstruction, particularly the need in North Carolina for improved health conditions, bet ter roads and better school facil ties. After the speaking was con cluded one of the best parts of the picnic occurred. A long ta ble qad been provided and this was soon groaning under the .weight of fried chicken, hams, cakes and pies and other good things that the good people of the country had piovided for their friends, everybody had a fort Chapter and Mrs. Setzer. Ice cream, cake and mints were served on the lower floor where hydadrangeas and evergreens were very effectively used in the decorations. Picnic At Marshallbuf ' .Washington, D. C- The River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1919, contained provision for preliminary examination ,: of "Intracoastal "Waterway from Beaufort, North Carolina to Cape Fear .River.'? The- required ex aminatitn has been made by the District Engineer, and his report thereon is favorable to the ex1 tent of recommending a survey and ss estimate . for an inland waterway 12 feet deep from Beaufort, N. C; Cape Fear River. In accordai.ee with law, the report has been referred tot the Board of Engineers., for Rivers and Harbors ; for consideration and recommendation. 'From : the information presented, the Board is not convinced of the advis ability of the United Statea under taking this improvement at the present time for the . following reasons. This improvement would - be an extension of the inland water way front Norfolk to BeaufQrt now under construction. While work upon this section has been in progress several years ana is making headway; it is only about 50 per cent completed and there fore a. similar, number ot years may be expected to elaspe be fore it is fully completed and its efficiency tesfed. It, now carries a tonnage of considerable amount and importance, but this is orrty a small fraction of ; what ' most develop to justify, the ultimate expenditure involved. Untill this J; . i - J . I f .'. ...V....T project -nas auvau-cu. lunwci and the wisdom of the under taking been more definitely de termined, it'is not deemed ad visable to enter "upon another section of the waterway involv ing a probable expenditure of several millions of dollars and C53 SUBSCRIBE" NOW ' -" The subscription price of the Beaufort News is still $ 1.50 a vear but unless I conditions Improve it will probably goto $2.00 before r fl tne year is out. buoscrip tions at the .$1.50 rate for , one year or for "several years, will be taken for a while longer any way and those who want to : be on the s?fe side had better ! subscribe. The News will certainly not be any . cheaper and and the" chances now look od for it to goh.gher. , ; Get on the band wagon. Picnic Galore This is the open season for picnics and quite a number of them are being pulled off now adays. " Yesterday . the Sunday School of the . Methodist church here had a big one at Atlantic View beach and today the chil dren of St. Paul s school are al the same place and having a big. tune. - .: : A - Real Estate Transfers I FT WITH STRING ATTACHED WW BEAUFORT HARBOR Harbor To Be Deepened And Other Waterwav Work To Be Done Soon A big Masonic picnic - was nossibly causing the work al- given last Thursday at Marshall- rea(jy under ray, to progress burg and a large crowd of Masons I R?nwlv throut.h smaller and other cmzens were present . and had a- very- enjoyable day. aypruiMMui. The weather was father threat- AH parties interested m the eninz but this did not keep the nroTosed imorovement are in r cood appetite and full justice was crowd away and the r came from v;ted t0 submit. within a period done to the dinner. After d E"" ZmSXZ f me Dana piayea a wnue longer Cnjej future of the oc- ms notice, staienicma anu iBu and then Ihe crowd melted away, casion was the installation of ments bearing upon the neces- newly elected officers of r rank- Uitv for the improvement m the lyn Lodge number 109. Interest- interests of commerce and navi 55amnier School Ilert hng.and appropriate addresses were made by Reverend w. A teachers' Spmmer bohool Graham of Marshalihurg an evened in Beaufort on Monday J. R. Jinnett of Beaufort Tlie morninir. Those in charge of Beaufort Graded School band the school are Miss Mamie E Jenkins of the East , Carolina Teacher Training School, Green - i t - 1 .... . uie ana miss isan i-acy oi The following oil icers were Raleigh. Miss Jenkins teaches stalled. - ..... the tipper grades and Miss Lacy n y Rcspess Worthy Master, looks after the primary work. jnaC Rice, Senior Warden W. County Superintendent L B. p Longest Jnnior Warden. J. S. Ennett was here Monday tohelp Uyhitehunt, Treasurer, C ILLtDapUt Church Sunday Eno'ineers for Rivers and liar. bors. Southern Building. Wash- iicrt nn TV C.H 3ioukI a hearins furnished music for the occasion, be desired, this can be arranged The installation exercises were by , corrtspiSndence with the ncia in me ivicinuuM cuuiwiu ine iouojving iranscations in real estate have been recently recorded by Asistant Register of Deeds J. R. Jennett; .; m. Willis and others to Elisha J. Authur interest", in 30 acre tract in' Straits town ship, ' con $4. Ambrose M. , Fu'cher and others to" W. W. Freeman lots 1- 2 16 in square 80 Morehea 1 City con. $1000 S W. O. Noe to Kathrue Parkins lot 161 and 13 lot 161 Old Town Beaufort con $1000 W. L. Arlington and wife (c town of. Beaufort 60 foot strip tf land north of sea wall to town of Beaufort same to be used as Front street con le'ease from sea wall assessment ' W. L. Arrington and wife another strip 63 ft front Jo town of Beaufort 0.1 sjitij terms also Geo. R.-StyTon and wife 66 lect on tne same terms E. II. Gotham and wife D. and F. G. Ha'ris lot m square 143 con $650 , Wm. Willis and wife to V ft ana t. b. Harris lot no square 143 in Morehead con . l l -f.-ri be addressed to "The Board oiy ,i,,.w ,c u vt I :..irvl- o: if,r. : acre in Siraiti township -con Wed far On to Think Tvvlc If Offer. I cd a Billion Dollar Under Carta (n Condition!. : Euppoe a fairy ahoulil comt along aiicl 8miu at you and ask, "Would 70a care to bave a billion dollars?" You'd think b,)r a rather nice fairy, even If abe added, "Well, you may have it, alll: As wasannnnri ,'r. ffc M,W in new dollar bills, provided you count rprpnHv a Tr JuZ It VMHcK aa t . am tnn htiav V Tnil 7. ' . ' "'a ' rJ hu.v n. mi I auspices ot the War Depart- " . " I rrtAnf tirnrj hAiT ifAnUHJ.. i j.1 of the money until sou hate the whole ",u csiudy in uie billion counted.- .. .. court-nouse by Major J. R. D. Probnbiy you'd et to work counting lameson ot Wilmington and at a great ratebut, in case that fatry I waptam il. I , ratterson Of New mould really nnppen along and maKeicern. i ms meeting wniCh was jhat offer you bad better atop right attended Dy ; very few citizens. now and consider Just bow you would I was tor the purpose 01 seeing if mere were, any persons wno ab ject to the building ' of ; a bridge an u&3 iNoiiu river aoout rix mi efl tfnm Muxnfnrt nnrl 1 hnvA In nn hnn-' tflrtOO n1 If vnn 1 "VV aiSU a. eat or rest for ten hours you would W1C ayycucu uciuie uie Doara tO nave at the end of your first day $00,- object and SO the War Dennrr - 000. At the end of a year of contlnu- ment Will no doubt conspnr nnrl" oua couuiiug, ten noura a uuj, . uj lo me DUllOing 01 tne DrirftV! ft week, you would have $18,720,000, Th Npw mjin nKfJn0 auu juu iuiii i vciu turn n. vui un- i U . - a. JU a . .11 1. Ill I I . thf,..nr.d tlmP million, nnd to aDOUC ..u ..." other matters that win be of in. which ica had been making, would to the people of the county. . require 45 years, 241 days, six hours ne engineerings Department and 40 minutes. 1 " na3 oeen recently authorized to No human being could monotonous work for anything , ap-1 lor S creek Channel from Rpnu. preaching this period without losing Jort HarbOT to CcfTt fsnnnH his mind or having a complete physical Thia channel is nnw fifi breakdown, even If he was willing to hfe an(j fjve fcet) at jQW ' f I wait half a lifetime before spending flml fhil R11 "te l water. any of his earnings.. But asmimlng that' one could keep on counting until the end one would have to have a cap ital of at least $30,000 to live on mean a-hlle. No, that would be a very ma licious fairy In disguise. . Triumphed Over Dlfflcu.ttlea. - . Undertaking t build a molern mrv Hon picture ln'Hrntory In a strange and empty hind, wllbmit mnchlnes. diemlrnts or expa ts, di'man In the ge nius of a Itolilnton Crusoe plus the pa tience of en American buslnem man. and this survey is to be made with the view of later widening aiu uccpciiinK me cnannei. The dredce boat Cioatan at work m the Cape Fearr river will be brought here in a few wecKs aiHi wm proceed to re move obstructions at the bulk- lead thcals " and in Tavlor'a creek The drcdcewill then co 10 i norougniare uay wnere the canal between there and Neuse nver will te deepened. Later aayt Pan! Norton to PopwUr Mechan- in me fail Jine Lroatan . Will ic iiRgnsin. , Y-t a complete plant proDaDiy return to iieautort and . . . II l r. . o buiit u operating ttow m vindivo- ao some worK m tejuiort har- stoK, iheria, ana ta king grrai DOU. lliesumct U appro- io acfjnaini me jiusxians ' wun works, purposes and genera! charac ter of unkeowji America. When films are to be shown to an, alien people, Ihe first and most vital requisite Is the translation of all titles, subtitles and "leaders." These art parts of the film, and the nrocess of making them is jut as technical as finishing rue pf. Celebrating The Fourth run" inpinwiTen. r.vrr iiw i hhihh, thererore, has to Re leuereo in nusMinn a t . . . if It with a regular motion ptcttirv camera, the ncgailve deveiopn, ano posltiTe prints rondo to cement Into the 1 Sim. priated several year aido.by Con gress will now be available for that werk. This sum will not be sufficient for the job but it will Mail it and do considerable good. . to U A 1J A. in IX in in- Board. - The Board Of Engineers Rivers and lUrbors. ORDER OF- SERVICE For vet the school under way. There are twelve teachers heie taking the full course which wM last tlx weeks. Then there are four or five teachers who in and out and are doing special work. That there are not more teacher present is due partly to the fact that a good many of them sre attending other Sum Bushall, Secretary J. R. Jinnett Senior Deacon. J. N. Dickinson Junior Deacon. Albert I. Lewis Tyler, G. W. Duncan and J no. A. Dill Stewards. Nlht Juljr4th Catchinj FatUackt After several months of dull ness fat back fishing has taken iLV.VK'A on considerable life about here. . . Captain Bonner Wi me scnooi is new mint ik-ic. Prelude Doxology . Invocation livmn. "Come mighty King" Script ion wssorc Evenin? Prayer Anthem - " Announcements Offertory Vocal Solo, $30 Annie II. Styron and husband to Lula llowbnd lot 13 in square b Morehead Thos Bragg lot 12. in squafe b Morehead to Lula uowiand Though Al- Choir Carrfain Ilonner VVi lnol the W.I M Us Florence I I . mm..- 'Ikiatft ItAM I a - ai I W ULill kJflUt m new umim wis. u W(bb uartrc" something last It- $ fltv'N. Y v- It Is expected tlut the - school Friday when he went down near sient Prayer wi oenewnererrgu.y-cvery lW Sermon: The Patriotic yesnromnow on tna wm caicn oi k.c iwu r?r t-r:: u.rraV a nav. pastor. and mmr..-wim ana tince intnut. ...,... . Of orn grow to large prrponKnv. h; hat vcra KfXXj catch. Eumrner schooli are being held Tudy nizht four of the boat new in every county in the State lne Beaufort Fish Scrap and and more than ten thousand nil Comnsnv came In wan an teachers are attending thetn.Uv-rre two hundred thou- This movement will result in an nd each. The fun are what is iTrirrovrment in the standard of known as Summer fuh. They th. imc hinir Dmfemsion Ln North are rather small but they at Carina. - ' better thao iwif. - :. Invitation livmn 4 Benediction and Response, Ordinance of Lord's Supper Ilirthday Party baturday aiternoon oi jne 2Cth Miss Ruby Respess gave a very dsTghttful patt at her home on IVUock street in. honor of Edward Taylor Arrington celebrating his third birthday. Quite a number of his little friends wer- present and enjoy. ed the' occasion very much. Games' were played after which refreshments of Ice cream, cake and mints were served. Those present were Mise, Martha Longest, Bessie Jones, Francis Mason, Nellie Ingram, Helen Jones, and Master Jack Lonror. Hugh Jones, Fletcher Eure. - ' i , Many presents were git en and all had a iolb Jime. Only aaemaker. in (llwunslna the DilO-mlle sp-elvka rare and the prnlmble winning (f the 1020 clnilp. Mrs. Know-It-All tn net old Fs tor lie, IVirnrr OIlfllt, tuid S mod rhance to pull down first sooner. A friend, Mrs. So-and-5o, said ahe did not understand that OtdAeld would be a drlw this rear. -Oh. r', he Is." said Mrs. Kw.w ll- All. "ha-rsuM I Sate read so mora about Urn recently, and bis picture bat wn tn ihe nitrs. I saw It la group wun an ine omer unTera, lira. S-aod-So prodore4 the papei and. pnlnUog to th group picture. aid: that! Otdfleld Is ooly peacemaker." Indianapolis Keva, of July celebra tion will bf held next Monday at wricr.iai. i re louun ccrr.ts this year on bur.cay so the-ce!ebra-tions will be held on Monday at most piaccs where they celebrate. At Oriental there will b a big ' parade, music, speaking and games of all torts. 7 Morehead Gty is also to have a big time next Monday in com memoration of the glorious fourth. A program of beat races auto races, aeroplane perfor ma nee 5, music, speaking and so o i premise to make the day a big one in our sister city. Every b Kiv i invited to attend these celebrations and so whether you ddde to go to Oriental or More- head Liiy no coubt you will have a big time. , ' Alt Wrett tocae people Mm f trpauy la to beet a poor latsihf tat a forae M lU bias be antMrablt be It bx. Uav-Do1o TraaacnpV . Vo Is Whste.lM Use? ' (bnlaodl Bleerber. the KfW Tort Huh-nan. Mid at the nits i "! bare lutt come from a spring pie of Beer gowns. Tbo l"H nr aUPrH blaring, toa inew, doi aupere 1-ha mnnia!iis ho wore them er aire ttperV-toeel girls eight r ntneteea summ-m. Dut the wowee k Looihl iboee suoerb.' lbo aar Wit rowae " Mr. tUeecker made ge-tart or iaoae and Att. rahaw. bataltb ." be mM wf old beas sieartog ebl dotbesr He Mtt Care. tawrerw. are aloV-wss aeaaatng ... . .a eao - e . al - . an eeiir euiliee) t ine rewi wwoai for Inforwatlwi on tb prefTees e tbt raM ajw his nxxhef asked a) wWiboe snrooe bad bee bort Tee. l bse be-ej bUl-4 s rsf." ar.a iaa uinlliit emit. Tweotr Cf oelered tbe race e4 e'y gne'sn till ruahlag r la4Uospot:a Kssb Deal Callsd Off, , Tl e deal spoken 'of last week in the News is hereby a newly organized company, which was to tike over the business of Dey ..j ti .1..-. . i l . "r-.. Creek Fish Scrap and OU Com pany failed to be consummated There was a cisigreement bout certain details of the nat ter and so after the company hsdbcen organized the stock holders desided that they would drop the whole thing. The two factories i before. 'ill re- ale by Catue, Cattle wUI X let fo3s baaet, eofe aa4 aseal Mbee tree) a4 abnsbe see. He la ea' V rTe bvebea are aafeg See to Uel abarf IberaA Mte TreaWf. . . "We bate eerb a goo4 ) bfa te Wbat la MT I pvi(m tw "v ir - i be eaa ae smjM e a tfolUrVM riket ' ta fe lt fcrst re wi'V.re ' . a, a ..istall. operattd as Officers On next Monday t'J ti-w rersof the Knights .IT-rr millle inUalkd. A.i ' ; Hi-r;.m -Aftef be i-errtM that rVb eM ewrtrper fwiU b f ened. . ! e af fair kiU take t bee in rtcrr.i. t:

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