1 . 1 I- The Beaufort News J- PubUxxi ery Thursday at Beaufort : Carteret Cxntyl North Carolina. WILLIAM GILES MEBANE. ' . ' Editor an 4 Psbliaher On. Year... $L50 - - - - . "lx Mentha... .75 Three Month .r .40 Entered as second-class matter February 5, 1912 atthepostoffice n Breaufort North Carolina un der the act of March 3, 1S79 Last year North Carolina stood fourth in the Union in the value of its agricultural products found time to study the political questions of the day and to take pairtr in political activities. has filled the offices of State Sen ator, lieutenant-governor and, United States Senator. He is a forceful writer and an eloquent speaker. He is a member of the principal Baptist church of Mar ion and for many years has been a trustee of that institution. Mr. Harding has always been deeply interested in the affairs of his town and state and has been an, important factor in their development. Marion has. grown since Mr. Harding's early news paper days from a town of few thousand to a bustling'1 little city of 30,000 inhabitants. He bore a conspicuous part in that g'owth. Senator Harding wiU carry I1RMEMIOIL IRISH QUESTION RYAN FORCES ARE DEFEATED JN TEMPORARY BATTLE IN PLATFORM COMMITTEE BOTH WETS AHD ORIS ARGUE Unfortunately it was no where j with him into. the-office of Presi near that figure in the matter of public education. Governor Bickett was very dent the common sense of a sue: cessful business man, the con- Anti-Saloon League Paid Bryan fat "Only Four Months" of Service tm Behalf of Prohibition 1- ' ' ' SeiSs It Cheaner Pi KlJtl AJttJJ r XiJU lLm x AyiN Shirts Hats Shoes f 1 1 and the patriotism ot a sincere uciwccu ivicaatS' muiuouu iuu i , . r.orHnorminht hr tfe rw American.- He is no super man. .San Francisco. Open wrafare OTef prohibition, the Irish question, and j other troublesome Issues of the Demo- j cratic platform began today In storm swept committee heading while j In private the leaders continued their j negotiations for a settfement to keen victions of a Student Of political ; the hostilities from spreading later to uwivM.ul ""--i .v. V the floor or the contention ltseir. i fearful that the proposed debate j ProWems. the charm of an crater A momentary d,eat wa, MmMa, tered the Bryan dry legions in the fall platform committee when a pre liminary battle for position on the speaker's list was decided in faror ol the wets by a Tote of 27 to 25. When the drj s were forced to go ahead, Mr Bryan took charge of the Um&allot-' ted to that side, but divided all ot V among other speakers representing I . i the Anti-Saloon League, church aaso 1 ; ciations and other prohibition organ- izations. . I For the wets. W. Bourke Cockran,' of New York, was the chief spokes ' man during a debate in which. Mr. ' Bryan was called upon to explain h! , connections with the Anti-Saloon League. He denied that he ever had received compensation from the ' leaguev except for "Tour months ol' teat year, for eertala. pablte speeches." j Western The Uee was argued m ewch mill fashlom that tae erowuea comma tee room was tm almost eossUat . roar. Opooseats of the KOpossl fM reeocsitkm of the Irish repvoUe were kept der a hsJS of hockiisc sad rtskM. tram Irish sympathisers. cratic party. It looks as if the controversy he started with Judge Clarjc might also do a lit tle harm to the sacred party. Maybe though he does not value rus anajucue uancs ettotts s highly as he did those of the gu bernatorial candidates. ior wnicn we snouia an give thanks. He is though a high class American dtizen whose ability and character are a credit to kirn his party and his country As a matter of fact stock in the Building and Loans Associa tion is a good investment but ev en if it were not, every citizen here ought to be a stockholder. This "organization has already of the right sort ought to do what he can to help a thing that he knows is a benefit to his town. REDUCTION SUMMER KOUND TRIP EXCUR SIONF RES VIA TO txkivayi d - j i-ll Asnvme ana otner esrern helped Beaufort and every htaerrf North Mountzin Re. .t sorts.. Gouvemment Schedules: Through Service. July and August are Delightful Mcn'hs To Spenb vour Vacation in The Und Of The Skv" rur iuiiiier lnijiiiiaiiwii, ap- J. O.'Jcnis, D. P. A. Kare.gh N. C. Notice Service by Publica ' cation Summons Before the A meeting is to be held in Ral eigh on August the ICth which ought to be of interest to almost piy Ticket Agents. every Doay. inis is a gooa roads meeting and its object is to get the General Assembly1 to pass a law looking to the build ing of a State system of high ways in North Carolina. These j proposed roads are to be tuilt North Carolina, by the State and kept up bv tTie Carteret v.ou ity. State. The scheme we think jr. In Superior Court meritorious anti deseivts care Clerk. ful consideration. E'i-a Fais n. Rurh Harris and ' husband Jas. O. Harris, George Bru'.ty, by next friend D. V. Mur ton, Charle3 Bailey, Isaac Van?. William, Hattie, Christiana, Neta Jack, and Anna E. Vann, Infant children of Martha V?nn, ceaswl wife of Iiic Vann. Ta Charles B&Aty: The defendant named will Te Senate of, Geargfa Rejects The Womm Suffrage Aatawdmss AUaata. Ge The proponed meat to the State eoeedtatioa gtrtM women the right to vote, was kTTled In the eenate II to II Record foe Oeecent in is Broken by Aviator Dayton. Ohio. Sergeaat BottreefTJi Of McCook Ceil a4e a parachnt ecent of what was said to be JLIM feet, beilerd to be a new record. The successful construction of an all metal aeroplane seems to foretell a levolution in aviation. I This type of machine, which was invented by a German, Hugo Junker, has also , been built in this country and gi7en a thor ough test. A trip in this sort of machine from Omaha to Phila delphia was made, a distance of 1200 miles, carrying several pas sengers at a speed of more than one hundred miles an hour. This is th longest continuous flight ever made jn this country. A Business President Congregt;oJ!sU Frem Matty Lands Arte! Ovceemel Ceoaef Advertise rent U Senator Harding should be elected President 83 Re probably will be, he will be the firs! news paper man and the first real bus ir.fsman to hold that office, st of the twenty i?ven preai- c! a" 5 ha'.e teen lawyers, soldieri State cf North Ca-otrna. Ccun i (je. . ty of arteret. Eeju'crt. 1 TimVr Bnjeand Cartway1 Con5rUrtion In Cartfret Cou-tv. taue iri; and erectire aT! material re-; above quired for the following . hrd-ip notice that an action as titled ha3 been commenced in ana tr?useway. the Sunerior Ccmt rf Cartprer Newport River County North Carolina, to sell for division among the parties ntietled hereto part lot 1S3 Old own Beaufort N. C. where Eliza I feet. Bridge lCQO Newrort River bridge cause way 4CC0 feet will be received by irw Board of County Corr.rniwion ers f r Carterrt Count v. Nnrthn raisor. now resides, and tne sa.d Carolina at the County Court1 acicnudniwi.i kc nonce iur-: fxuse at Beaufort. N. C. until I ther that he n required to appear o o'clock noon on the 2nd., day at the office of the Clerk of Su : of August 1920. at which time1 peiior Court, at Keaufot N. C' and place thy will be publicly at the court house on the 26th, opened and read tion, or the petitioners will apply to the Court for the relief pray ed in said petition. This Jut 24th 19. K. J, Re3pess Carteret CouY.ty; N. C dav of July 1930, and answer or : rl inters. George Washington ; demur to the petition in said ic ia civil er.gbeer, a planter arxl a foldicr. e Whea a verv young man Jess than t yenty one, SeTlatof Hard ing with the help of his father br.uyht a little run down news paper in the small town of Mari on Ohio He helped set type, i tin the press, solicit ads, collect ubi rripttons, edit the paper and do all the many jobs that the publisher of a small town ' news; paper does. ' By his energy and intelligence Mr. Harding developed that lit tle one horse newspaper into a .modern daily paper tlwt carries the news of the world and is a power in tlie teiritory where h circulates. His Hale plant of the crly tlavs has bren succreW by a modern establishment that poocsseieihttypc t-.-ttlng ma -1 Bids in each cae must b mide urym the blank proro-a form?, which with t copy of the , Pctif.cations, will be furnished tbv the Commissioner upon pay ment of $2X, this amount to be ! returned to the bidder upen re- i turn of the specificatior.?. in wA Clerk of the Superior Court, of accompanied by Una . r tm hp bin on the work. I NITRATE OF SODA- We will unload a car laid ot soda this week. If in need" of any call early and get what you want. HANcOcKHUNTLY.Ca JGG6 cures lever; Bilicn Malaria, chills and liouf ' Fever, colds and LaOrippe. It kiils the jara site that causes the fever. It H a tplended laxative and general Ton'c Adv. h:nc a fme Uni and other r j rpnient, a three f lory build-i.-- and ernp' vmM IVvdes dcvelopint a newspa j r taking r.y interest In , r !-;i;ne?f la L'i corrvnuatty r Hifimg h alwajs Terte'ee SMB. The best ef UtruA brt wtll fH dell la flme, tat s rod Jeweler sleajs knows how te brief rr the iettB toette. Gomhe, terettte and Hat that ears peeotet rtveileil and Jlntr riwt tortoiee ehett, of eweree wiU we back frem a elf wee si4r(aat hi beateeea Invklng as irl a new. Te hrtchtea the Imliailoe iM! hair tit ln( wash them Bret with tittle water sod thee pnilah et'b Ut 4 Aamota dlTed w ctlrt oil. fide bid on the work No bid will be considered ur.-( less accompamed by a certified' check in an amount c.ual to 10 per cent of the bid. j Bids must be made upon a; unit basis, ar.d the Board of Our.ty Corr.roUiioners reserves the right to let icparate contracts ' for bridge ot . causeway. The County Commissioners re ( serve the right to reject any or , nil lids. ; CS, Wallace. . S Chairman, Board of County Com ' missioners, More head City, N. C. j J. R. Morris, j Clerk of Board, Beaufort, N. tf. Young Man you should have a Hat for rain or shine. We have both, a nobby line of felt Hats for young men and men. An up to date line of Straw lids. All Straw Hats reduced. Mens Palm beach suits Mens Suits v Mens Felt Hats k 2 00 t ' Mens Shoes 5.00 12.5 H 'j;orv to 2X0 $10.00 12 jQ 15.00 15.00 45X0 Straw Hats 2.00 6.00 Worr.ens Hosien 23c to 3XD Underwear Mn, Women, and Children w We have the right sort of underwear for the weather now existing. Beautiful Line Piece Goods RICHARD FEL TON & SON Diamonds and Banking Buvintt a Dtanwrwt 4 tfMitn just like banking. You wouldn't walk into a hank and dryif U wnnus - wtthout first knowing some rhmd about your bankrT Av yi buy a diamond -find out something arv;r your jewlpr. t What .wjrnwv ha ' ')ui he really knows diamonds? Knaw sonvrthir.j tA hit repirarion an 1 hs ziarantee snd then know what stands back of ha guaranty. Here, back tA v.t srwrir.tee ttand s-venty three years of construct ive merchandising - a f.utm of hcn?sty and fair dealing earned thru over a quarter of a cestui tA Diamond merchandising. DR. J. 0. BAXTER Largest Jeweler in Eastern Carolina Aeolin Vocallon phanorapht and records NEW BERN North Caroli ina d rlia Mijt st Msd ismiw b mimS sill "VfiS m tiS 9 Sl m us joj iwsaja tl Q I'd lail . Try An Ad- In The News. It vlll Help