1 "l"- J' .-, T. 9 '" ' . : -v, - - '- TTrTTZT,' .-rr-z-r-r- T. i , . , , . ., ... ... - ' ....,.. ,.. ... ..-.-.. ...... -- " - - - - -".:':;-'r-. '" " '."''.- 1 i j A A ' r' ' -V Ell Walter Hill y?7"" ..iiiTTTTTTnimiMmiiMMii . ,m.iirnnnn . . J . 7 aTtcrTliir Attorney at Law Practice in 'State and Federal , .. Court 12 years experience Office: Next Door Real Estate ' T - Si Western 'TJnion Telegraph Co Beaufort. J. C I I : : 1 n . Decials a . . .J1 i I u ni J l in oVl ;? Dr. C. S. Maxwell GENERAL PRACTICE Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m. and by appointment. HIES L SWINDELL Physician Corner Front and Craven Sts. Office hours: 9-11 and 2-4 and by appointment Office Phone No. 9. Residence Phone No. 38. Pale Children .mu.g, with rosy cheeks, hearty ap petites, vigorous digestion and ro bust health. Give them a glass of ' this delicious digetant with meals. i Shivar Ale 4 ich PURE DIGESTIVE iROUATlPC with SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing like it -for building blood and solid flesh. At all cers and druggists satisfaction or your money back on Erst dozen. V, o- Ce. . -r U1 If your reg ular dealer cannot supply you, tele. j'hone EAUrORT GROCERY COMPANY rjlSrRIiUrORS FOR BKAUKOR T INVENTIVE GENIUS ROBS CALOMEL OF NAUSEA AND DANGER Doctort' Favorite Madicine Now Purified and Refined from All Objectionable EJecti. "Calo Ubi" the New Name. Vhst will rii. isn lnremiity dt nft? rnrnkricwi powder. whvIphm tHt rratiny. knmrlii carrtaK. cnlnrl'i lodln. ta.te W quiiilii.. u.iff coniM iiaitM-alm" calo wl. Tb iirw lmprviiieiit ral'.ml "I'alo- um i imw on mlt t iftn. For liiliuumin, iutlpatiin ami Indi li"n the m-w c irl tablet in a prac tically iMKrt m-. r. evlilen.k br the fit that the iiisnufactiirr r have au- ""rii.il all itrimlrta In rvfiind tl.e nrlro t j i rii.ioiiirinii cot "iwrfert r l lUted with ul.iti.ba. tablet at hedtir.ie with "-al!iiw of xr that' all. No tate. i uau4a. no " ilnr. m n!t. Hv inorn- your itrer I tbo il r r -nnil aa1 JOU an- fp. llnr fine .'h a henrfr ame- P'te. Fct abut jou pb-a-c no ilaner go ..iir liiKineiMi. Bll.talMI am lint .M In I n'k Crl an fntnial park ace. sealed. I'rice, thirti- peaufort Produce CO. FOR SALE one lot 60 by 198 on West side Gordon St '8 room house inclosed wire Cost 500. to furnish 5 rooms Price $2200. . - " One Lot on corner of Marshland Aiin St. 79 by 110 This is one of the best building lots in town southern exposure price 1850. 1-2 lot on east side of Pollock St. near N. S. R. R. Pass enger depot size 60 V 198. Price $1000. Part of lot on Front St between Live Oak and Gordon Sts. size 35x150 good location for summer home price $600 For sore complete discription see ' Carteret 'Realty and Ins Co. D. VV. MORTON General Manager Notice Qf Sale North Carolina, Carteret County. Under and bv directions of an order of the Superior Court of Carteret -County made-in the special proceedings entitled J. B. Jones vs JosephCFisher et al, sameheinc No. 439 on Special ProceedingsDocket, undersigned Commissioners will on Monday, August 2, 1920, at 12 M o'clock at the Court house door Beau fort, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash -that cer tain real estate in the town of Beaufort North Carolina, de scribed viz: The Northern half of lot! numbered on hundred two (102) Old Town; same being (55) feet on Turner street, land one hundred (198) feet on Broad street, excepting that part of said half lot sold bv Chas. H. Bell to Rosanna Fisher by deed April 7th 1870. book EE, page 89 beginning at N E. corner of said lot 102 on Broad street run West with Broad street 22 feet, thence south 55 feet to southern bound ary of said half lot thence 22 feet east to east boundary of said lot thence North to the be ginning. Sale subject to the con firmation of the Court. This 29th day of June 1920. Julius F. Duncan Commissioner of the Court. 7 29. the Deceiver. "It was simply heartrending 1 They were eirtwrtnlnlng a party of friends with a tmljfl lrfmrd seance. The con trol had liiht ensured them In the moat nnmlMftkalile manner that they need tmr no 111. ulifn a noise was beard tn the la.seiient" and they got a fl&thyr gllmpHe of throe robbers making off with 'he la.t of their liquor. They not only MiITerednhe material loss, bot then nnd there they parted forever tilth their faith In oulja board." Kansas City Star. Big Game Increasing. Hlz trnme animals are Increasing oa the fonr big game reservation! tinder control of tlte Ui !:d Stntea depart ment of asflculttftp- "i heT-eport 6t the chief of the bureiyi of biological survey shows a total of 3rtS bison. 274 U "4 nnt "pe and 21 .deer, an In crense In each species over the num ber reported last year. The number of visitor to the big game reserva tions is also growing, says the re port. Fishing. To dream of fishing Is a sign of hsp- Plnesa. If with po' and line, small lr degree; If with nets murh greater. !f you catch any dsn by either method It's a sign of success. In proportion to lh.' manner of catching. To dream ef a flh pnnd Is a algn of god fortune; of a fih Im.i., of Illness, of a On, of poverty. To he surrounded by many fi pbemien signifies gr'flt good luck and renarksble success In your undertak ings. Chicago Herald tod Ex miner. Ancient Hunger t-trikere. Hunter striking Is nl the modern divelopment most proMe think. In lh, arrntetnth centurr. nnjn " dlsrist. discovered csts and made i.f them. "I hsd the curiosity ts M.ine Quakers here In prison." .. . t-ialt he made to IP Ich in July. IC'O. " " ""1 rb,rh no rrspeti to say man. msre- -ale or other. . . . eaid lo hare fasted twenty dsysj another, endeavoring lo 00 tn rn.Kd no the tenia, ties) Bt ould have eeten, but rould nC" busl k Mil, Managei HAVE YOUR Films velooed at if woonEH-Mopip notes r.l he ho tUl like. That Egg Episode.' This egg." said Columhus, lllos trates the fact that the woild Is round." "Tes," put In King Ferdinand can-tloti-ly. "but how about the egg which dmpp1'! ri'.hlle ago and smashed V "That llltitrates what Is liable to happen to thr svorld If some of you au tocratic rulers don't shosr a little mora pn'dmre nnd foresight." Minnie Duly Warned. A little friends of ours had Jnst Ived a bicycle for his birthday. which he greatly prized, and was rid ing np and down In front of the house on It. The msld was washing and lesning out of the window when she heard a little voice call np to her: "Be careful. Minnie. Pont fsll ont of the window and break my bicycler -Cnlcago Tribune, Change Necessary. "My doctor saya 1 ooght to ride a borse." "What forr "t don't know. Oueaa he'e tired of my dyspepsia and would like to treat me for a broken collar bone Instead. Boa Ion Transcript As It teema te le. "Wkat does the critic aay about the ahowF "Me aaya ire a good, clean, whole- some little play and ought to be nn porttJ." "Oh,, dear, let'i g aotaewUre Jsn." laHy Isample. Midas had lust seen another ban andwtrb turn to gold as his fiogen tonrhed It. This profiteering." be enarke nsdty. "Is something last cat. be car rted entirely loo tar." He Was AigM. -Can any y me fce three fnnds rrqulrs.1 to 'P hettlthr nre ess a silence In the rises till on youth hd op hie bend snd replied: "Voor breakfast. Jhi dinner and you urr-l" "realng Qiesetlen. "Is your candidate a good meaT "On. yea, be ta a food esn, alt rlgbt bat I in not aura be le one ef tb elect." Chinese Deereie Heef ite, Tl.e rnf ridge of a CM-e ( I usiisH omrsled with elahorats fla.lef Irnsmetit 10 the form of a d ten. roilodvlna rhsrscter "f sia-tilfying hsM-ioe-s. To prejent the (t.aneot he-log dmsg-l hy Mfls ths ; mrfer of the l"i-' stlrka aiimre.-i j enlinsry lrg needl"" -!"' .j Ute tl.e mft laste I A'salln rra-. PJsh. Im(v-red (blag enSHlltlona boss mode the pnri of Crtsrsty rrf of lbs rVletn trni of Ita atsa ka EudatxJ An Obeecvaett Victim. T oa say yon were held up hy a f--pad with a revolver this morning. At what timer "Five minutes to one." " rsn yon ft the time so pes fWlir "Wraari 1 eon.4 see the etcrefc rWI and I notlcvd Ibe bands ec la the same plllo at Bi1ne."-Lobo Til lute. .iNkvN J3awJr 1 It is the man with punch and vigor who accomplishes the big things in life. Sound health gives him a force that sweeps all before it., ' Back , of his health i$ regular functioning of the pnysicat organs, souna nings. a gooa.neart regular bowel action. ' Nuiol will give you punch by keeping the poisonous food waste moving from your bodyand by an en tirely new principle. Tnctcirl r inwlntt nr irritcttintt f svetem it tirnhlv tnffett AIlUbWWM VA. -SVA a-Aaa -eV al S iSkfA D J Ul,V4l WW f J V 9 V e-eTV ' food waste This enables the many tiny muscles in the walls of. the intestines. 'contracting andf expanding in the'ir normal way,' to squeeze the food waste along so that it passes naturally but of the. system. 1 ' .' . . " Nujol thus prevents constipation because it helps Nature main tain easy, thorough bowel movements at regular intervals the healthiest habit in the world. I Nujol is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. Try it. Nujol is sold by all druggists in sealed bottles only, bearing Nujol trade mark. Write Nujol Laboratories, r Standard Oil Go. (New Jersey). 50 Broadway, New York, for booklet, "Thirty. Feet of Danger''. The Modern Method of Treating an Old Complaint Fbr Constipation V n sa.wa. sat. sr. HOT WEATHER NECESSITIES A good Ice Cream Freezer will do a great deal towards making life pleasant in hot weather. We handle one of the best makes, The Frost King in sizes from 1-2 to 3 gals. REFRIGERATOR s . Bay State anb Siberia Clean Sanitary and Odorless . They range in p.ice from $ 22,50 to 50. ' Let Us Show Them To You Gaskill Mace Comp'y 1 - i OO