New Garad Now pen The addition to our Building is now finished and ;we are ready to do any work in the way of Atomobile Repairs Line of Ford Parts, Float A Ford Shodk ab sorbers and Spark Plugs Our .Charge For Repair work & . ..... $1.00 per hour Barbour Brothers PAINTS Now Is the time to do your painting and this is the place to get: you r Paints A big lot just arrived. Inside and outside Johnson's prepared floor wax and Stains Copper paints Red and Brown for Boats Our prices are right Hi C. Jones Union Supply Company G. D. Totter Prop; HARDING SPEECH OF ACCEPTA1ICE : A NEW KEYNOTE Republican Nominee at Notifica tion Ceremonies Discusses : problems Confronting Nation. 'HOLD HERITAGE AMERICAN NATIONALITY UNIMPAIRED" New Business STARTED We have Opened a General Supply Bus incss In the Thomos ata maran tw--.We Carry n ull line otL,, .:. , . Shingjfis,: Building Supplies, "Vood, Hay anil ' Grain Call us otl riione 109 when In Beaufort or write ui your wants. , .' - Advocates Party Responsibility at Ds- tlngulshed From Dictatorial and Au tocrtlo Personal Rule In Referring to League of Nations, 8ay We Do Not Mean to Shun a Single Responsi bility of This - Republic to World Civilization Favors Protective ' Tar iff. Merchant Marine, a Small Army, Woman Suffrage and National Dud- set. - - SInrlon, 0. (Special.) Warr-;n O. Ilafdlng was officially uotlfled here of his nomination as the .Republican can dldate for, the presldeocy,,, Ills speech of acceptance is. In part, as follows: Gmlruian -Lodge, members' of Notifi cation Committee, members of National Committee, ladies and gentlemen: Tbe message which you bar formally con veyed brings to me realization of responsibility which Is Dot underesti mated. It Is a supreme task to inter pret the covenant of a great political party, the activities of which are to woven Into the history of this repub lic, and a very sacred and solemn undertaking to utter Uie faith and as pirations of the many millions who adhere to that party. The party plat form hat charted the way, yet, some how, we have come to expect that In terpretation which voice the faith of nominees who must assume specific tasks. . Let me be understood clearly from the very beginning. I believe In party spoosorsblp la government , 1 believe 1- a. 1 1 . w ... rRRErTo 2 ssslwoajioa S .. IS! r j SUITS CLEANED and PRESSED ALL WORK GUARANTEED ' R.M;, JONES . Near lW Office. 1 vt :rrv.:rvrr--r?rrii,frii!f; nr?; ! 1 ' l'L.L;i;;;Li;;;LJ;;; HI in T. 1 I' n to party government ss distinguished from personal government. Individual, llrta'.orlnl, autocratic or what net. No man Is b'.g enough lo run this great republic. 71, ere never has been one. Su"h domination was never In truded. Tranquility, stability, depend, ability ull are assured in pony spon sorship, and we mean to renew the as surances which were rviided la the ratarlysmnl war. Our first committal Is the restora tion cf representative popular govern ment, ondif tit cor,tltutlm, through the agenry of Ihe lU'puMK-nn party. ihtr tlaloa InHuiht more than a rhtet executive, we believe In s cabinet of Bifhcst cspart!y, ejual to ihe reiMH)t- MllllfS which our systein coutrut- plate. In wlio councils ihe vie resident, ecconil offlilat of the repub lic, shall be aaUed In participate. The same vtakxi indudre a cordial under standing and coordinated activities with a house of Cuogrrsa, frenb froro Ihe peopA voicing the convict lotie ablrh members bring from direct con tact 1th Ihe electorate, and cordial cexyratte along wit ia real fonctlut-s of Ihe senate, 01 to he Ihe createst deliberative body of Ihe world. International Relationship. It It not difficult. Ctatnnao liftdge, to make ooreelvte cle-r on the Dura tion of Interna l Miat Matlonshtp. We Republicans of (be scene, row clous of our solemn oaths and mind ful et our constitutions! obligations, ahen w saw the structure of world super government taking vte tooary form, joined In a becoming warning of our devotion lo Ihls re public If the torch of cMsitliotlonal I mo bad not t-n dimmed, the dHaye4 prere of the uorid and h tragedy of diiuipiH.ini mnl and TUfope'i misun derstanding of America easily might have been ovo'.ded. Tte Rvpuhllcane of the arttaie hatted Ihe barter of la dvpendeot Americas eminence and In floence, wblrb II was proposed lo ei rbange for an U-ore sod nnqv! place In the mereed govemmetii of tlie world. Our party aeen to bold the hertiaga of Ainevlcaa nsibwallty en 'mflrcl and titiurmdred. Tl world utrt u mlacewetrue. tT do not tuena lo lxd ahf. We do not mean to hun elosW rrfiH.IMty of Wi rrp'" ve .rld tlv1ltatt.m Ihete la o kste la the America 1ar. We heve ho emy, r.4 nupklmj i9 rt..n fr at-y fpi in ih otU. e lutl vuf rgll, si"' mean lo defend, aye, ws mean to bus- .r ism4h righ t-4wa. naiifiaanajour 1 n dtutens alike, everywhere under ths yi shining sun. let there is tns coocora of amlvy and sympathy and fraternity In every resolution... There Is a genu ine aspiration In every American breast for a tranquil friendship with One may readily sense ths, con science of oar America. I am sura 1 understand the purpose of the dom inant group of the senate. "We ,were not seeking to defeat a world aspira tion, we were resolved to sareguurd America. Ws were resolved then, even ss we are toduy, and will be tomor row, to preserve this free snd tnje pendent republic In ihe call of Ihe conscience of America Is peace, pence that closes the gaping wound of world war, and si lences the Impassioned voices of In ternational envy and distrust Heed ing "this call und knowing as I do the disposition of the Congress,' I promise yau formal and efTecuve peace so quickly as a Republican Congress can pass its declaration for S Uepublicnn executive to sign. It- Is better , lo be the f i wj nnd disinterested agent of itirerrutlonnl. Justice und .advancing - civilization, with the covonnnt of conscience, thnn fce shackled by a written compact which surrenders our freedom of action- nnd gives to "a military alliance the right to proclaim America's Tduiy to the world. No surretider of rlgl! to a world comvcll or Its military al liance, no" assumed" mandatary" how ever appealing, ever shall summon the sons of this republic to war. Their . supreme sacrifice shall only be us'.;ed for America and Its' call of bimor. There Is' a sanctity In that right wj will not delegate. ' Leaving America Independent. Ji Dlsptised as we areii Hie way ia very simple. Let Ike failure attending as sumption, obstinacy, ' Impracticability and delay be recognised, and le us Ond the big, practical, unselfish way. to do our hart, neither covetous be cause of ambition nor hesitant through fear, but ready to servo ourselves, hu manity and Ood. With a senate ad vising as the constitution contemplates, I would hopefully approach-the nations of Europe and of the earth, proposing that understanding which makes us , a willing participant In the consecra tion, of nations to new relationship, to commit the moral forces of the world, America Included, to peace and international Justice, still leaving Am. erics free. Independent and lf-rllnr,-but offering friendship to sll the world. It Is folly to close our eyes lo out standing facts. Humanity la restive, much of the world Is In revolution. I the agents of discord snd destruction have wrought their tragedy In pathetic Russia, have lighted tlieir torches smong other peoples, snd hope to see America as a part of the great 'Red conflagration. Ours is the temple of liberty under the law, and It Is ours to rail the Sons of Opportunity to Its de fense. America' must not only save herself, but ours must be ihe appealing voice lo sober the world. 'ft must be understood that loll slone makes for sccompllshment and ad vance merit, and righteous possession Is the reward of toll, and Its Incentive. There is no progress eicept la the Stimulus of competition. The chief trouble today Is that the world war wrought the dost ruction of healthful competition, left our store houses empty, snd there Is a minimum production when our need Is max Imum. Maximums, not mlnlmnms. Is the call of America. It Isn I a new story, because war never falls lo leave depleted storehouses snd slwoys Im pairs the efficiency of production. War also establishes Its higher standards for wages, and they abide. I wish the higher wage to abide, on one esplldt condition- that the wage-earner will give full return for the wage received. Production, More Production. I want, somehow, lo appeal lo the sons and daughters of the republic, to every producer, to Join hand and brain In production, more production honest production, patriotic produc tion, becnuM patriotic production la no lce a dt-fcose of our best civilian- Una than that of armed force. Prufl leering Is a crime of cnntmlaslon, un oW-vroductlon la a crime of emission We must work our most snd best, else the destructive reaction will roine. The menacing tendency of the pres ent -day hi not chargeable wholly to the unsettled and fevered conditions caused by the war. The ' manifest weahneaa In popular government lire In the temprattoD to appeal to grouped rltUvnalitp foe political advanlaga. It would be the blindness of folly Ignore ihe'artlvltlcs In our own coun try which ere elmed to destroy err economic system, and lo commit ta to the colossal tragedy which has de stroyed all freedom and made IIumI i lia point. This movement Is pot to be halted In throttled liberties. We muK Dot sbrldse Ihe freedom Of speevh, ti freedom of peeM, or ihe freedom f sanrmhly, bees use I hr re Is no r.vMl0 In repression. These liberties are H S-KTd ss lh freedom of rellglous'r-ll-f, as lavtotable as the rights of UN snd the pursuit of happlneaa. . We 'lo hold le the right to crush sedition, to stifle n oteosclng contempt for Hw, to stamp out peril le the safety if the rvpublle or Us twofda, whew erne-. getter call a, hereoae security snd If mewty of Ihe taw are It Bri erniUls of liberty, lis who ttreslet.e dealrudlMi of the government by ' , pf flaunts his eofitenipt for lauful authority. Ceases 14 he S loysl enlwn and forfeits bis rights le the freetma of the republic. ' JVn party Is lodifrf vt to the welfare of I Us teartMT. To US his good fortnne Is fcf dist concern, snd we ecet to mk thai good fortune per manent. We 44 n ofpose bul Sn- tree e.Mrcl1 bsrgsltilng, beriuse font 'rue.' on n?x. j" K? G. H, Bushall . - " Dealerlin J Real Estate V and Insurane' .Your usiness Solicited. ; ' Hot Weather Comforts We have lately installed aINew, Sanitary Scda Fountain of the latest mcdel and relncy " prepared to serve drinks that will satisfy the mostfastidious Delicicus Frutt Sund aes. Ice Cream Sodas, Milk Drinks and many -other" kinds arelserved here. : ' " - . ""!. ' ' '- ; ' ' ' ' : ' , Bathinjj is fine now but before you go look over our line of Caps, and Waterlwings. AU the' prepatations lliat are for Sunburn are kept here aslwell as a big line of pders, per; fumes and toilet articles of all sorts . ' " . " Fi rst Class Prescription Department A COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS itemtfori intg Qlomtiattg - For Sale 200 Acres" FARM e 40 acres uudec'cultivaticn 24 in tfjtuie, .in timber. and, blA and a quAl tK MIL.S trcm : BEAUFORT ON fcORTH RIVER ROAD ' Gocd Dwelling tarn, ard dter CML'.t:-(.VC.?j ..(;rfkhirg and oyestenng third of a mile trcm house ; - Pirt ,Cash en Ey Teems FFICE Jl.CCO Hagood Realty Company Office: Corner Breed and Middle Streets Up stairs ....;' ; OverBradhams . : Phone 115. Second Hand Gars ' Welhave a Few used automobiles which are in good FOR SALE CHEAP, Better'get on before theyjare gone, Cars are scarce Now. . LHy 's Garage Morehead City N. C. ICE CREAM ess 'UUi At Wholesale oc Retail, Dav cr Night Give us a trial and be convinced . ' H. C Fodrie Br : ; ,n I 1 D. M. JONES Dealer in'.M Highest Casfi Prices Pail I'll 0 Repair The Wear Hard Work OUn Breaks Down a Person's Health 1 and Creates a Need for Zlron ' Iron .Tonic EX and wotsea who do ksrl Ubor, such ss huUdlBS. Urnv tDg or DABsekeeplBf, sod those who do eibessUrt brsla work et vsrV sbs ktads, efUD fesl ihe seed of some thing Is belt ftatw fsggvd forces sn4 lose sy the systm. - To he's repsJr the wtar au4 hy DTSf work, to gl rentwed; sirtsgt sad eesnrr,' reaor have ebtalnsd good ' rveoSU from Using I iron Iron Tonls. Kirsa u a rls4 frvertla of trt tnsdlciDSl lrn ssita. fomblnsd with si'-sr vaJusUs strecrhclvtng toaU Isgredlaats, which are Diewded hy Isadlng Dhystetaaa. - Mr.. 1L V. Coaverte, of McEwes, Tsaa wrttsst I had fceeu werklag very hsrdsad u gstUag wh ss4 rso-dowD Irom hard work. Whe I comsirscvd taking tiros, la a few days I ftlt ttracgsr, sad dsw I have Uk two hottlse I feet as strong as ewr, alihongh 1 havener at work all the Urns." To cannot la Soythlag hy slvtiig tlrua a UlL hat very Ukaiy wli) gsia tones, - - Tour, dnifgtat will stt you. the Hrst setWe a iaooy hack fuuaaUe,