"7? II 11 FBI W7y : - ' ' ' i i i 'I 'I 'I '1 i imm r -' -f . : II 1 mm mw m s-st. as h w sr .assa. mm sjswsj 4 I That F. R. BELL "The Druggist!? Always at Your Service : With A Complete Line of Everything Usually Found, in a: First Class Drug Store' . . ' '.Telephone-? " " r ' r. ;; BELL:;:;: I SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PARCEL POST ORDERS t 1 Pfsonalsl Misses Mattie-Mae, Ruth and Grace Garner returned home Monday from' Newport Nws after a two weeks with their -sister ; , .TV ' ' ' - : - Mrs. Chas. Owens whn has 1 been spending some time in bouthport returned home Mom day. The many friends of Mrs. R. A. Bell will be clad to learn that after a serious operation at New . Bern hospital i3 now re covering Mi. and Sirs. Earl Corgleton and children of New Bern are here on a visit to their parents. Mrs. Edward Jones and chil dren of Morehead spent the week-end with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Geo. of Washinzton D. C ing some time here the guest the Davis House R. Brown are spend- of W. F. Howland and two chil dren of Henderson who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs, D. F. King left for their home Tues day - Miss Neya Chadwick went to iGraensboro Tuesday where she -will teach in the public schools. Mr. and Mrs. M. Leslie Davis -and children returned Saturday from a trip to Black Mountain. . Otis Moore retuan2d Sunday from an extended to n'othern cities .' 'Lieut. Commander J as. S. Day who is a chaplain in the U. S. Navy 6pent "Sunday here with his nephew. . Rev. Harry Day. While here Chaplain Day de livered two very able sermons t the Baptist church Misses Libbv and Delia Pond of Davis are visitine friends here this week Miss Lena Chadwick of Gloucester returned to her home Saturday after a visit to Mrs. E. JYI. YVllilS Mrs. Stanford Fulcher of Manns Harbor is visiting her daughter Mrs. Fred Jhonson j. l. ueiamar otbausDury ar rived here yesterday to attend the funeral of his father ' . W. S. Chadwick returned last week from a trip to the western part of the State. Mrs. E. C. Duncan, William and Charles Duncan, left Toes- day for Raleigh. CLUB GIRLS TAUGHT TO PREPARE SUPPER . r . ,.,,,.., , J Each Member Is Assigned Certain 3 : Part of the Meat v M J. S. Duncan of Greensboro re turned to that ciry Wednesday. R. A. Godwin of New Bern, who has been spending several days here returned home today. Mri Chas. Ramsey who has 1jeen visitine at Craddock Va. returhed home. Saturday accom pained by her neice , Mrs. C A. Moore left Monday for Richmond and Baltimore where he will buy her Fall merchandise. J. H. Dill returned Monday from Norfolk where he had been on a businers tnp "Mrs. W. L Bell of Dover came down Tuesday on a visit to relatives and friends here. Miss 'Mattie Humphrey Dover spent Sundav here. of SPOILAGE OF BREAD . PREVENTED BY CARE Cover Lightly to Keep Out Germs and Dust. Constructive Critlciint Found to. Bo Valuable In Making Each Repast Little Blt-Bettsr Than the ' : -' Preceding One. To make sure that the girls la the home-making clubs, supervised bj the United States department of agricul ture and the Connecticut State Agrt guttural college, are able to put to practical use what they hate learned in the clubs about buying, cooking and senrlng food, their leaders hare orgaxv- laed ."lappet etatNk ,s.?.;ip.' '-. .These cluba meet tvlce a'monttrat the local leader Mae.. At the ftrst meeting of the mooflt a wen-balanced meal la planned wfta the uW9 of the leader. - Each gtl H aeelgned a certain part of the meal; ft which she U re- ponalMe. . , . I At the second awednfk brings the matrtal and - ptwtwcea, cooks and ervea her part-of. b topper. Adults are asad to theae joppert, and the n Tltatloos are hichry Drtttd. The usual menu consists ot mpatj potatoes, dot regetabaa, hot bread. SBmstlmes saisd. dessert, and t hut drmk. So far the average cost per person served has been 24 to 28 cents, - - . : j mht- uie pra uw ciuo ciru mew h a group and discuss and criticise the various articles on the menu and the serving. This construcUve crltl- cUra has been found to he very valo ahle In making each supper. a little better In every way than the preceding one. .. . . . . - ' " ' ' ' j ' ' 'j'"4 Guion Motor Company i Manr Uzzcll who has hwri visitins Miss Gladys Chad wick has returned to her home in New Bern. Dr. and Mrs. Powell Stevens of Athens, Ga. after a visit to Mrs. Lizzie Chadwick kit for their home today. Miss Esther Rosenthal of Chi caco and Esther Uppman of New Bern are here on a visit to the family of S. Yoffie. Mra. F. M. Clark and ' daush tcrs Misses Msrsaret and Llizt Tirth and son Francis of Middle- tnwn rr her gtODDinif at the Davis House. They formfrly lived here, . . ' James Stewart of Washington. D. C . who has been spending the hre with his aunt, Mrs. t ha Csrrow returned home Tuesday. ' . ; VvrMu1 Harr- A! Day will iA iwimry.ih this week where h. will preach In the Cal- cry Baptist church bunoay.4 Mr. and Mr. . Stokei" Adams Irft Turlav f.jr their home in When Cold It Should Bs Places m Close Receptacle That Has Bees Thoroughly Aired - reed Is Easily ConUmlnaUd. Whllt cooling, newly baked bread should be lightly covered with a clean cloth or paper to prevent mold grnu fwi dust from falllns vpoo It, but should hot bs tightly wrapped to thick rMtt, as is th prsrtlcs la ws tuMSKkoIda. for unless It Is aired, when taken hna.ia oven. It Is Ukely to tfc corns "soggy- and damp, and tboj tmr an Mcmfleot medluni for ruttha Hrmt r mttam. met food speclalfcts of tu Uoited Jltates department of agrV cxaturs. Whra cold ths bread shousj rhMd In a Moss rerrprarto thsl has been thofwoghly sralded sud stred. If bread Is ts bs kept for mjm fhsa two of thref days In damn, hot wsb rt- tar or hoc should ds tssra oat end sunned for a short time ftow and then, and sgKtu Braided and drlsd, On so arcoeot should pomms of s former taking be stored wltB s mw dmcs. f.v. mnA endklea should b eooM anr msklag sod krpt In flu or In eartlware )ara. which. TTkv bread VniA alwuH h raldl lmI oftn. Even If lhss tw4a are to bs Miea at ths next meal, H Is ' KMp theta la some urh ncn. M It lnnres prwen'oo inun uww. -rake, puVilng. or ps that, has been lft to cool unprotected fro dust or fltlMI is sumething tnai so wnm he Hopped to thlok how easily ths food may hs cowtamioaiea. GROUP UTENSILS IN KITCHEN Equipment Should Bs So Arranged That Everything Is Handy-Put mall Things en Hoeks. i Group your stenslls so that you can reach tbera fastly. Put those most fre quently used In ths most convenient plsces. Small ones may be bung on little hooks fastened to the wall or ths edge of s shelf. fll:4ioim.d 2? House . Iiergar4 eocrahis nearly as much food valus as butter. - . e e e ' PH end soda Is exceUeat for bes rmge aod solder bHes. , Ooufesd dried apricots served with gsoriMisIss and grafed chssss make a deilctosjs as aid. ,. . . . . s e , Old llmm dresses can be ripped apart sod ths best sections mads p into domes and tabes Itoeos. , 8tasrb ths Isnntng board tovsr and K wUI kerp dsss- longer, ths clothes win slip ever K mors easily, making U real ptaaaore to tron. 64 S Frontt New Bern N. C, ..'. t ATTRACTIVE TERMS AND PRICES . ' -; - - -Used Cars aiid Trucks : Bargains in Rekuilt Cars New Cars For Immediate Oaky Bearings For ill Gars . Philadelphia Diamond Gird Batteries Diamond Construction Eighteen Months Guarantee . : ' Dur Service eptrtment Will Render Ex part Service Let us baft you for a thorough oveahaul td put your car ia the light ihaj e for the twy Write wire or Phone 5 Newbern N. G. Nrw Um fee Airplane Esglns, ' A !mlrt fsrtory owner believes klmn-lf lh flrvt t use ss airplane tine as as snlinary power snu. tmiy a mutt! part of the ralrd seres power 1 u-d. GGGIuimore rmitattons than snv other Chill and Fever tonic on the market, but no one wants Imitations They are dangerous thlnii in the medicine line.- adv Th1 , V T .. Vi' eenleol lhal Ihls H rttini T 4:itiM" po4 .y as tows sf eenh.-W.awses Begls- It see's Tins fee ilees. A Utile girl sf three, seeing a rtsud of amoks enveloping I he moon. aii. "Auntie, the. moon I grlng to fleep row; see 'em pulling Ihe sheet up onr ur . ' . Ts Enllgntsn ths Paseeegee. A mlu la a att aitrMne baa hem Invented by an rncllahman Is enable uwnr to lesrn at what epeed M It traveling lu a train. ..; . f ' .. , Napsleen'e Marshala, Ki4on Ia4 tea aumha'a. They mm mm . ... . . . - were aiaserna, iwrminni. hip BKiot. kl-trst. Darwt. Houll. IWlie, Aogrrrait nd tnns. - " HtrwsHMS kv Hishlnery. Ths Vno ng ef pr1l""' welhlg tm the (!lreiiln of harveffsr I f sua cherry sal set S3sls uttill 1UL , Plwerd ef Duty. The rvssid ( os 41 la the pewsr ss fifl:l anwhef 41oits ftlsC MITCHELL FOR SALE r One Mitchell car with one piston ring, Two front wheels one. front spring . Has no fenders seat made of plank. Burns lots of sas hard to crank, , Carburator busted half way V thru. Engine missing hits on two, Only three years old four in spring, lias shock ib- sorters and eveothing. Ten snokes missing front axfe bent. All tires puncturid ain't " i worth a cent. Got lots of speed will run like the deuce. Burns either al cr tobacco Ju'cc Helluva good Mitchell for the shape its InT For further informatioa ca!I at R;i Coji Barb r Slop a i vtWh thy are etplainini thi gd m;rits of the car he' will cut yrj- h.ir f,:r 43 c And whUehe Is tellingyou what he knows about a car he wi'.l shave you for twenty cents and , that wont take him long You may also se Mr. Dickin nn a: Core Cr. k as lie s ens 1 r t w : all about it .- : We are also opening uo a first class PAINT SHOP We wi!l pafr.t ChaJm, Pvtv:,, , d all house furniture Automobiles a Specialty We ate naw sMtio.id in djf r.w v f.'d rz lot- ' merly oocupiedby Voujhts Laundnr on Tollock St. ' . : F. C. DICKINSON MANAGER ' V r Jeth Siil9, . . The ssiftsriet lHm Joak tHIIlnc." WUef SAaw.1 lie llM frewi ISIS Is !Si lie inrtiW seay shrewd srlig hits st ssaim rM p"1' J.ea, wt 0 tf er rslher lUnwged ky Ihs lart.y had epr"! " l.lrb iky see srlttes. This aiyls f ksaKtriMM sriiit-s saiss poimltt s Ihs L'tet m kf s eeni'iry ar. k( aii sx vt vegss. Trfjf ok (ujies to Wile ssi thee a saas. . " . Hiking OIS f M ae Hwtks t. prltarnt !. t-n rarnH Sl1 Is UsrsMi slib tie Mrs sf siiiifief lb Slllrs ronirf.i f pa.1y Mrs kae. Is tre sassfatisrs of g'M kmtn tSnut IS pf rvtti of sMi la vt tsr, et sitb ts.-k ak rtin eMal a.uanumn of lrH, H has tores pnned Is he Miuhls fur IM staflsfariMre gfnst hiring a pa's gts sr yellow roiwf. Is ksrsisg ihs hsaka HifTJcVai si Mfied ts eerry est us rWu prxv ' ' Piualr ltad Wemev The orf.n r I'liraira uisnd. 4 STfArd fmm r.n(1h saline ssd Ots hi(4S mmit.nx are drrrthe4 a bs tng snsntlfy grarvfal. aa welt at ' Sfssa ft ts s rositss aljnt ts see the young women sf lh lilted gs sa aa4 4mm ts t'rp, rorky har cut rjieg htrtvls ef sater e etkee kvy her4os e lke!f sfcaslilere. srpavth ly wilt sa Mrk ess as the r t ds. -t I Union, S. U

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