00 r i - HELD FAST TO TllZZZ FISH ) IndlanapoUe Man Y'js Taktffj" , -Chape, ef le4.g the Prneer He Had Secured. No i - - J , wiiiiii'"""""!!!!,. ..iiimmiii""1"!, iimimtlii!"" , , """it.iuiiil1iimii't"i" ... ' Most important among -which is her right to FREEDOM from the hane of woman-, , hood inherited from Mother Eve. Stella ' ' tVitae givab this freedom to women and girls. ; ! - Sold by jwnr druggist on the distinct agree- 4 ment tiat if the FIRST BOTTLE does not benefit, money will be refunded. ' tin. Nettie Smith, Texa. Mrf.W.II.Cafn.CUck. . "I had female trouble nmaugn,Ja. 'It has done - with smothering -spells, wonder for me; wss week ' The doctow had given me end ell ma down, had not tip said I eould'nt posai- been able to do housework "-Ibfygetwell. Aftertaking for aix or seven years; ... . four bottle of STELLA but now I do any Wnd of VITAE I wae up and go- work." , . r : lug about my work." - "' . a, U.S. A." - ' , . - ;- Ctimiiiin.Twi Tom Oenolln, of the railway man service, telle a thrilling story of how once upon a time he was tempted and fell; how in the early hours of morn ing he slipped away to a "posted" stream and drew from thence five of the most beautiful bass ever - seen. The climax of bis story reads thus: r "The glorious day was peeping" and creeping .through the silent " trees when I gathered up tny bunch f beauties and started , homeward. 1 had not goae far when I laid them In a clump of grass while I filled, my pipe, When I started, to pick them up again lo and behold: they were gone. -A slight stir under a nearby bush brought visions .of some prow ling thief and I threw, myself prone upon - the bosh ' and clutched for" the place where the fish might be. Thai 1b when I awoke and gathered myself j up from the. bedroom floor where 1 lay clutching a Jangling alarm clock. Mr. Genolin thus ends the story: "The tragic and unbelievable part of my story is yet to be told. The day after the Incident related I went to the poo concerning which I had dreamed and there I fished precisely Is I fished in my dream and I caught five beautiful bass precisely as I had caught them in my dream and, lastly, I returned home with them, but not once did I lay them down In a damp of grass." Indianapolis News. , NEW Larger Circulation in Carteret County CALL f OR A NATIONAL CRY Attention Mrs. House keeper When you want something for the family Table here is the place to get it. Fresh vegetables fright from the country; v U J j Nice Fresh Eggs, Butter of the best grade, Poultry Fresh Western Meats, Nice Hams and Cheese. Del Monte Asparagus, Peaches, Pineapples, Corn,1 Peas, Good line of Presesves and Jellies. . G. ID). -JONES . . -yTiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiii iin.u iiiimmii: Pullman Service . . . . i . A ' -,. 1 Now established between Newberri and all intermediate points to Waahington D, C : ? Leaves New Bern Norfolk Southern 6)P:M. Arrives New Bern 9: 14 A: M. When travelling lake advantoge of this service . ' - ' . - , .. t Great Need In This Country, TIs Said, for an Explosive, Expres. . ' -slve Yell. , American audiences are charged with being unresponsive and apathet ic, particularly in patriotic outdoor demonstrations. 'Americans are not incapable of making loud, loyal noises, and not averse thereto. But rarely Is a parade staged In this city that docs not move throughout a large Tart of its course between silent lines of spec-. tators. The result Is sometimes so depressing ns largely to neutralise the dotfred effect of the parade. , -The will to cheer doubSess arises all along the line, bat there Is no short and easily exploded yell known to us. "Hurrah," Is the traditional American word for cheer, but no man will Ten ture Its use In public, unless in the wake of a cheer leader who prefaces It with a "hip, hip, hlpr Even then the usual response testifies that this method of cheering Is getting rusty. There Is no lack of cheering on an American football field, nor at any kind of a demonstration on a college campus. The reason for this la thaf good, expressive, explosive yells have been devised for outdoor use. And because they do explode, and because they stand for something, the Ameri can public likes to use them. They also like to follow a good yell leader. America needs a aaUonal yeU. The saan who can coin one will do the , country a great service. Minneapolis ! Journal. , than any other newspaper no matter where published. Special attention given to CoUn ty matters . r. E PAPEK "for. IHE H0r,3E i Republican in 420I itics buthcnest in its opinions and Jair to all ; , J 1 ; 7 . m v. :r. r ,r, jrt the; past, three years the business of the BEAUFORT NEWS' has 1 more ' than trebled and is just Beginning to grow. V New equipment, is.bsing installed and' the paper will 02 greatly improved in --afew weeks. Subscription price $ 2.00 a; year, or 5 1.03 for six nmths SEND US YOU R J OB PRINTING Ihe Beaufort Mevs tmpreved ttereoptleon. A recent development of the stere optlcoo' operates automatically, throw trig apoe a screen a certsla number of lantern-slide views, araslly 44, but 100 or 200 or more by spedsl adapts tioo. The apparatus Includes a 1,000 candle power nltrogen-tuugvten lamp, condenslag and objective lene, and a small motor to be connected to a tamp socket on either a direct or alter nating current etrcvlt The machine shifts the slides automatlcslly. allow, tag each picture to remain on the screen 12 seconds before being re placed by the aext The oeiOt with screen, slides, etc. packs Into a suit case, and is especially fitted to enable the traveling salesman to show goods by picture, though also sdapted for educational displays, home entertain ment and a great variety of other par Haw Bern Chamber Commerce Mrs. A. Block 85 Middle' St. lb km HC. The only cxclu$iTe woman ready to wear store in the city We are now ihowlng the newest Fall ttyka all priced moct reasonably t , - a WHEN IN NEW KERN CALL TO SEE US 11 J I E9 pt 01 1 m n 2 I I 01 tni Hi Valuable Tree. I A giant kaarl treehai lieea tngavd fry the Queensland foreat servlca and the Umber sold for II.OUO. It was kaowst as Bell's tree and yielded IT, 000 superflrtst feet of timber la five hag tora, and the lotting cost amounted lo t-VW. The net vtumrwre aae to twelv feet tnriies per 100 super feet. Had the tree been stnatter a higher prise would here been real ised, i few saw-millers cared to han dle ft. This gtsnt of the foeet ws orTered to a tlmher geiler for tM on the stamp, being at the rate of than SO cents per saner feet, tweire years ago. in r 01 titter's Osy. Charles had bee ffntng te klndei gaHeo sboat two weeks. Daring this time the ehlldrea bod been tst the aong nsbea the aa Wtkeo l at Bceak of Isy." TW IHtle frllr liked It very taarh and tried te elng 1 at bmne. The children bad been Md ab0t lira. fUaker livtag above the hiiwief gsrtea and that she eoald t I Nets aladag. This fan. with the weeds ef the eog Ba4 a deep twiprv Ion ea OarVe. W Vee be reprtMltirsd the song at brnne. this le what be taaixed was reererii "When the Sua Wskea t'p ea BUkrs ivsy." RED CROSS ASSISTS 3 ' . DISABLED VETERANS , The Aasartcaa Ked Cross la carrying e a wide program of service for the disabled World War veterans receireng treatatent la United Statea Publle Health hospitals, and those being train ed through agencies of the Federal Board tor Vocational Education. la each of the rub!t Oealth Servica bospltsts Red Cross workers devote their time to the general welfare of the service ata front the day they enter the receiving ward antll they are discharged. After the soldier's dls rhsrge tha Red, Cross continues Its friendly servica ; threogh be Borne Senrloa Section la his ewa community. The Red Cross maintains a convales cent boose at all ef the horpitats. where patients can amuse themselves after they are well enough ta be op and n round. Psrtleo and picture shows ta the wards are also furnished, with occasional excursions whea convales cence comes. Great service has been rendered by the Red Cross la tnentsl cases la Iden tifying tboee who have spnesred la Biste hospttsls for the Insane, sod help-' tag theta secure compensation due from the Boreas of Wsr risk Insurance. ' la the Federal Board's virions dis trict afflcea the Red Cross worker, art lag with the Boom Servica Section. makes aeceseary loons ta the men. ar raegee soluble living conditions, helps collect evidence end supply facts la the Rnerd. assists ta sppeetlag cases" sad settles various personal difficulties for (be aaea. The workers also follow aa and aid all mea vbe discontinue train ing, " ' The Red Owe t tests tad aven loer la the Hoard, help clear vp delayed rsses aad aid the college counselors ta their friendly work with lbs mea. ilsny Red Cross chapters have 'set ap reereetVoej facilities. stsaeee living dsi-a. sf wsr msy bsra rrs aad the fua which mast te with ffectlva Scbeol wort. Ta the America a Red Creaa laetlfsta far the Mtad bear rtitOMra, bid, aere I has bstf of sli tba Americans blinded la the World Wsr bsva came tot irslstng. Tba iMtllste, thenegb the lied Cross, Mag see cenditrted as eihearilve Indeelrtsl earvey o deter' eilne lbs tersttona for abirh bis4 mee roald be tiled. As a retell It Is petting forth well trained mea etit fed ta meet the aedsl, civic sad ecw sxmir reealremeats af their retpectlva aemaaalUee. PROPER MANAGEMENT OF COW Ration Should ta af Such Kind That . Animal Will Se In Oood FmsIi ; -on Freshening. During' the dry period, the cow should ha given a good ration so that aha win be la good flesh whea aha freshens. This will improve the anal Ity aa .well as the quantity of the milk. Just before., freshen ing the grata ration should not be too heavy and should contain plenty .of. bran. The bowels should he kept well regulated. If necessary, ona to one and one-half; pounds of Epsom salts may ba used ad a drench. The cow should have a pe riod of rest of four to six weeks ta order to give the best supply of milk during the period of lactation. . - G000 COWS ARE ECONOMICAL . , . . - ' i Anlmale Piwvlde Cheapest, Sect and Moat Wholesome Feed No Way . ad Doing WKhewt Them. ... .. ?.; , -. f Tha ftrat reason for having good bilk cow oa tha farm cornea front tha fact that they provide the cheapest, test and most wholesome food for tha family. - Their rslne Is turd to etl mate whea we consider tha amount lib?! IIAKINQ UIU DISEASE-FRES , tRrtvIng ; Vermont Manielpality It - . First Small City te Adopt Strict Regulations, ' Barre, Tt, thriving mnnlcrpaUtw . af shout 15,000, U tha first small city In tha United States which requires dairymen furnishing It with milk ta place their, herds ander federal -state tvpervlslon for the eradication of tuberculosis. Tha result has been ac complished by close and persistent co operation on tha part of tha msyor and other municipal authorities, tha United States department af agricul ture, tha stale commissioner of agri culture, tha local veterinarian. , . , eradication of tuberculosis was be, fan In a thoroughly systematic man ner. Tha regale dons of tba federal bureau af animal Industry and of the state comtnlmdoner of agriculture were aupplemeared by dry ordinance, Tba Its awn expense a saved on the bills, Their produce la city provided at S superior substitute for many foods large barn, la which wort aaaemhled necessarily purchased; st high prices,; u rsct. there is no economic way of lotag without plenty bows ea the farm. of good milk SILO HAS MANY ADVANTAGES - r Wnnw-mnasannnaBB Owner Can Carry Maximum Number of Cews and Supply Neeeeury weeuteftt Feed. amnmmn The farmer whe hss a arte can car ry a meiimasa bomber of cews aad Cm drV- -ill -,. i to, ssd lo some hv anrpty his herd with a palatsbls. rsol im, se these victims rnleat feed of a anlform nsltty at any onrsnlte sarreand- time daring the year, conditions farer with , able te a large milk prod net toe. 'Caves fee Oil JimWhy Willis Windjam mer look eo glsmf TV- II a sharing on! bis stteged rrrtrb foe the family grid the t'rvrM, ti -i'l nlr!iM4 11 far Iloiaa ' V tl e IU. ter. Aid.fer laeelsh Med Creea, Tre Ihertsn chsiKet ef.tbe AmerW-sa Red Cmea, comrnd ef Awe-Irene reetiteitt la Srta, bee Just enntrtbated I ten te i fend being reined by be r'h el (V and the tefse el It, it acinus fe lbs berpesa at t4Jitlb Helena. DAIRY- liOTES Caa rleaa bedding only. e e e . fa aetectlag a sirs itleattoa mast be paid to the average type ef females la ta herd. o e e The old reentry breeders wera ferf carefsl la the fetes les aeiected U ro ffWalah thedr berda. e see Improvement of the herd eemea Ihreegh the stm. Therefore, make f yon rrt s ritt good ooe, e e e A f to :ed birr I la $ dairy cow Mkaiea Isrge capacity for d!gUt,n, Thert sheuld be a good ryrtxg of fit, The Sect af Cew Cenaemned by Dairy ' Saerta, all small VerOa, acattsred lota, and b dlvldual cows, The dry also far I nlshed necessary coaveysncea, . and employed a maa whe devoted his lime te notifying owners when to bring their cattle la for teat, asslgatng thea una aa they came In, and keeping Che cattle moving oat promptly after teats were completed, . Two handred aad arxteea aerda. eompod of 1107 ladindsala. were tested, aad ITS rwicteralTJ per cent of the total were found. Those re acting to the test were promprty shtpped out and eUtfhtered amder federal Inepertleo, Among Ihe Urger cities whose milk ta ohtsitM entirely or chiefly from rabevrslta-teeted cattle that have pa Med Moral and state testa are tlmlnrhM. Ala, - sad Wshlnrton, U. G. Is addition, nmrermis others have ordlnsncea requiring the tuber culin test app'lv n,fP rtptr-