: - --- ' , . ,: . , - : -' . - 1 : , - - - . - ' ; EVERY THURSDAY . - - Heading Is To The, Mind What Exercise Is To the Ilody - . THE HOME pahm ' ; ; . -v ... - .- . . . - . . t . . t '. "' ' ! .... vol ix BEAUFORT, N. C THURSDAY " SEPTEMBER 23 1920 v. Dumber 37 L r Large'Aticndance Oi First Day." Interesting , Exercises The opening of - the Graded ; School here this week was quite a successful one, the attendance beiwg fully as large as the capac v ity of the building would care for. The enrollment consisted, of 180 boys and 184 girls, a total of '364. . v 1 The opening exercises were quite impressive Monday mbrn - ing. The student ". body assem r bled in front of the building and 1- after the .school band had play ed the Star Spangled Banner and the flag had been raised march ed into the auditorium. A con siderable number of the older citizens of the town were present ; 1 to witness the exercises. . . Reverend Harry. Day began the exercises with a prayer after which he made a short talk ap propriate to the occasion. M. Leslie Davis then on behalf of Mrs. T. J. Jarvis presented a pic ture of her late husband to the school. He gave a very interest ing sketch of -Governor Jarvis who was one of North Carolina's most distinguished sons. Mrs. Jarvi3 who has been in town sev eral weeks attended the school opening." The picture of Governor Jar vis was accepted on behalf of the school by J. Hollister Potter chairman of the school board. Superintendent Ferguson ad dressed the pupils and . parents )resent on the subjects of regu ar attendance, home, study and co-operation between parents and teachers. He stated that ; a business course would be main tained by the school this vear. The list of teachers for this term are as follows: : - First Grade Miss Eva Thomas, Second Grade Miss Annie Mor ton, Third Grade Miss Annie Mae Gibbs, Fourth Grade Mi?s Lessie' Arrington, Fifth Grade Miss Pansy Gaitley, Sixth Grade Miss Mary C. Wilhelm, Seyehth Grade Miss Bettie W. Parham, High School Mrs. John Chad- wick, MUs Nellie Richardson, - G. H. -Ferguson, , Music Miss Ethel Gladys Gaitlcy. ' rr l j ypeseiung laconic ' 'Arrive! The Mergenthaler linotype ordered for the News office some week. The machine is one of theJatest and most - expensive . A man will be sent eut from the factory to erect it and so it will not be a gtcat while now before 1 the Newt will be set in the mod era newspaper way. In the meantime the good old Guten berg method will prevail atiM wyTuiw UMfl YTtt trlrvoo flrU ' CkUfoniU flod tbrtr irt "lhortwl." tf f7 b 00 or la tttt lr. tor Caltforvl woo4-borlo( brlU ttmt.r thraoch oo4 d4 atM tbroufti atlof. 4 tuhttanr roonI'lrmNy bnrlrf than Iwd. Ttit bnl h wt hutv!r! of ltkftii oirt of fnwml"li hf txr n hul la Uta ciM ltt curry lh wtrra. Walrr entrra tha th, mat-tug- wlra connrcrton -! uotll Iba ra4 rtr ar tmni aal rrpatrH. Tta proMa of control af thta rnal boriof hrtt la'allll unrwi foorH tnf to ba bamia nt ttitmAitoKjr of Ibt fi Hatra drjriwor of arrtmt tvra It l bo difficult to Bo4 0 prartlcvt'lo way. Ntfral'l aa lvtfnoL Too rrr) al!tia go aay frja fcnma." k, r rn ba Ita ti4 acata iH mttr trr'ba" rMW ntr tU4 o' m6.-f'a wwtili a -J Jia," Hma4 O Ibalr Urim Vlrtb4ay Froarao a4 Rita. twin. alao4 wauttag tho laUbing tab Ui pat oo a taao by Uwlr OMHbar, vo fnMM oo f1altt4. mUunt, la'a bao today fua mj blnMay. ai4 wall bavo 0a for Mta tomorrow." ; County 'sj Board Meeting A meeting , of " the board ' of county commissioners was ; held here Monday, the following being present: Chairman Wallace, Com missioners Gillikin, Lewis, Pigott and Taylor. The meeting was a short one and was 'to finish up some business thakwas leftover from other meetings. . :Ah order was passed by , the board accepting the Marshall- bu:g-Gloucester short cut, as a county road, provided the , road shill be built according to speci fications furnished by the board and at the expense of the citizens of that locality. . - An order was passed allowing Guthrie Bros, to draw $5000 on their contract for the North Riv er bridge. Ed Pierce ' and Sail Murray two prisoners having with credits for- good behavior finished ; their .sentences the board ordered that they M dis charged, v ' - ; " ' The board passed an order that the raise in the North River bridge be.' three feet high and twenty feet long with a descent on either side of fifty feet. Ad journment was then taken, . Moving Telephone Cable The telephone cable which formerly connected the wireless station on Piver's Island with Fort Macon Coast .Guard station is to be removed and connected up with the "station at Camp Glenn. The' line will be run along Bogue Banks until it gets opposite the camp and there ; a cable will be laid to the new station." IT Pitt of Norfolk, and E. Midgett of - Manteo and H. C Logan of Ocracoke are . in . ... . cnare ot tne work. , New.Kind Of Egjs A.' T, Gardner of this city is something of a chicken fancier. He raises fine chickens and is an'authority on them. ' I le struck something new in his experience though the other day. It was a very large egg with a very thin, soft shell inside of which was another egg of the usual size and appearance. He is now going to try to raise a breed of hens that will Jay two eggs at . Umc and thu, hc,p tQ I Farmers Hold Meeting A small but thoroughly in ear nest convention of farmers was held here Monday in the county court room to discuss the tobac co and cotton situation. The meeting was called ta order by A. L- Wilson of Newport who called on E. W. Hill to make some remarks particularly as to the State warehouse plan. Mr. Hut read this act and spoke to the'eonvention on this and the subject of low prices in general. The opinion of all present at th$ meeting seemed to be that the farmers must unite for self pres- ervatwa na anion to that end was taken, it U likely that the farmers of this county will join the associotion which is now being formed La Virginia and North Carolina to control acrag i and to keep prices up, , '. Church Notice Reverend R. F. Bumpas who has been in I ftarutarium in Wishincion. D. C. for several weeks will return here soon and will fill his pulpitat the Melho- dist church next Sunday morn ing and evening. - . , CM faaao M Kimaa Latata1r la (to tarty aoraa girta ot ao pUjt aa pogoo l baj kooaaa t UM Kat4 ltatalaro. r Address Was Mainly On Revaluation Of Property Governor T. W; Bickett. spoke here Saturday at noon to a crowd of about three hundred peoJe in the county court room.' ' He was introduced to the audience in a brief speech by attorney M. Les lie Davis. " The Governor spot e for about an hour an a - half " and in the couise of his remarks he ; dealt with only two subjects, the Lea gue of Nations and the revalua tion of property. He - discussed the League of Nations for "about twenty minutes making an elo-quent-appeal for it and advanc ing the theory that it would, put an end to war for all time to come, tie said the Republican Senate had ; strangled; to. death this harbinger of - peace." , On revaluation Governor Bick ett who has been its chief advo cate, came out strungly. - He fcave many figures comparing old values with new and show ing up what he called the inequal ities of the ola system and the advantages of the' new." He said the old plan of assessing taxes was false, Ainfair and unequal. He said that the present- facili ties fqr taking care of the deaf, the blln 1 and the - insane were inadequate and that r the-- State needed more money. The Gov ernor's speech was listened to attentively and received some applause - but did, not arouse much enthusiasm. From here he went to-Morehead City where he spoke that nght ' v , Mra. C, A. Moore Moving .JlrsCA. Moore "will mov6 her stock of dry goods and ladies furnishing to the .second story of the C A.-Clawson buildinsr. The building has been put in shape for this purpose, , a nice stairway has been erected and other improvements made to. it S ot At A Hog And Hit A Man R. W Chadwick of Beaufort was acddentlly shot Tuesday af ternoon bv E. W. Gibbs a friend of his. Mr. Gibbs had. been try. ing to get some hogs out of a without much success and Mr. Chadwick i had volunteered to help. Finally losing patience Mr. Gibbs got his shot gun and fired at one of the ' bogs. . Some of the load hit, Mr. Chadwick, one shot striking him in the fore bead and several others' in the legs. Dr. Maxwell was called to see him and found that the wounds were not dangerous. Sunbeam Hand At The Haptitt Church Quite a few young folks, eligi ble to be members of the Sun beam Band, met at the Baptist Church last Sunday afternoon and reorganized with the follow Ing officers: President, Martha Longest; Vice President, Lucille Brickhouse; Secretary, -Rubv Rich; Treasurer. Sarah Hill; Or ganlst, Kuth Brickhouse. Mrs. Robert Gardner, is the Lender for the Uand which Is un der the supervision of the W. U. of the church. The time of the meeting is the first and third Sunday afternoons AH children of the community are Invited to attend. - CRntim rrttft4a, . frlrata n Vm people t fclln r:i alwar to r of irmiti' DJrvH Two fr . APPEAL FUNDS The Republican Voters And Law . Respecting Citizens Of North s Carolina . - ' It is the opinion of competent legal authority that the absentee Voter Law is in violation of, the constitution of the State and will be so declared by the Courts before the election. ' , -: It is a known and sworn to fact that under this law brazen frauds have mullified and de stroyed the integrity and. purity of the ballot and thousands qf our soldier boys and ' other citi zens were ; defrauded- of their votes by forging C their names without their knowledge.' M , The Republican State Execu tive Committee'; has : employed counsel in the persons ot - "; " Judge W. P. Bynum, Judge" R. C. StrudVick, and Attorney Sid ney S. 'Alierman. - . - - .; These lawyers have : been au thorized and directed to proceed immediately, and to the court of final appeal if necessary, to have removed from the books this ille gar and iniquitous provision of the present Election Law. . The expense of this litigation will be heavy and will: not , be less than $3,500.00 by conserva tive and competent estimate. This is a mere pittance in com panson with - the beneht accur ing to every law respecting citi zen and to the fair nam cf our State.". - "'.rVr'J : : The Republican ; State Com mittee appeals to the. Republi cans and to thqse citizens of the State who believe that the, sanc tity, of "the' ballot is .the only guarantee of a free, lasting ' and .economical covemment" of Taftd by the people to make nossible this all important undertaking and to carry it on to , successful conclusion. ' The suit has been instituted and and the Republican State Com mitted most earnestly asks you tQaidincirryingiton. - Will you" send at once to Frank A. Linney," State ChaiF- man, Greensboro, N. C, just as1 large a contribution as the im portance of the undertaking mer its? One subscription of $500.00 from a patrioticf State Republi can is already in hand. Immediate response is all ' im portant and it is believed your cooperation will have vital bear ing on the result, and. place in office honest officials honestly elected. Ycurs very truly, F. A. Linney, Chairman. Greensboro, N. C. John M. Morehead, National .Committeeman. . i . Gilliam Grissom, . Secretary. fatlafa CoAoomlfta. Taath. Tlirra ro . mrjoua fn'.ca aoot torttt. Ta dream ahmii tA oai fteld to bo a warning tbat aurrow aaa at baad, and It aa ft HI mora UL!uiy to tfraaio of otia'o Wib falling eot llAoy mnto Mill ilrvw aa fitrartoJ looih tnto tho flro for Itt.'k. and Ibla to otiatrrrd apoclally la UiO rat of yaoug rblMraa to anauro that 1ba ro moliMjrr of Ibalf toelb win cmt irvx orl. Troth Uo apart U aakt to bo a,a'r of futaro pruapehty a&4 tup plaraa. , , . ' frono! OMlaaa. rmrJ Coiaoa la il.a pat n-fto Bnnt of Traafa. !t wrfac rlara grad ually tmnt ibo aolH-alifcful roast to (ho pwmatl bnnlaf a the aoota. Only a Hwallspar of ibo rouotry la kaoaio, rttr rtlfUriy yIW frrtf, CwHaiate Iko r m aad Mvo proved m fatal to lrrK m(rte Xhmt hire pcira bav lxig Mt o)MHr. T t da Diablo, off tfeo foot Urmm titpm Itiroiig too kmpflainnl i f A"f" I Preyfoe. CAUGHT BY JUICt BIG WORDS "ei-mul-ta-ne-ouely". Had Mora Effact on Yacht Waltar Than Fat Tip Would Hava. - The caterer who fed the renortera three Jlraea a day on the destroyer Goldsborough at the cup racea.had a staff of negro' waiters, one of whom had a' weakness for words, strange words, remarks thaNew York Evening Sun.. ReDortera warned to reek him out and win bis favor by bringing him "wnoppers. " ... "Unctuoua" must be that 'walter'a name. Tor unctuous he was v aa bo brought tho breakfast milk "cream," he -colled It optimistically. . , - -- "Yob. kin have all ' de cream, - yo wants, ge'men- he said, and soma mistook the Quality of his soul and of fered him money Naturally he took It. And he boomed a thunderous thanks that "called the attention 'of all diners and compelled them likewise to offer him money. : - But the waiting soul of Unctuous re ally flowered only when ho heard gigantic word. ' Solemnly one reporter came In and standing ceremoniously with a hand on ,the back of bis chair before sitting down looked straight at Unctuous and b one Intoning a for mal greeting slowly gave vent to tho single word,;"8huultaneously."- . "Sl-iuul-ta-ne-olis-ly," repeated Unc tuous, catching It, perfectly and sep arating ench syllable with . reversed pomp. "SI-nul-ta-neou9-ly,' he kept murmuringjis h5' bustled exclusively, about 'the man who had brought liira the new word gem. r ; - r - ? STRANGE WINDS OF CHANCE French ; Art I it and English Novelist . Mixed Up In Romance of the . Marquaean Islanda, f In on of the New Tortj art gal leries there Is now on view a primitive. ly-fash!oiia dnor decorated with the figure of a Tuhttloa belle. Tills door has been brought from the far-away lands of. the southern Taclflc. ' , ' And thereby lianpi a tale" a tnlo that tend to one of the far Ilarnues an lulu n(H Where Tool Gaugln "mudlj painted hla very Ufa's blood Into a serlea of astounding canvasea, prac tically living on narcotics at the and because he' felt that he must. Ojt any cost, give bis montage to the world W. Somerset MauglutBV lev tile ondleatt search for the eudlesa micccsslun of plota for his novels and plars. dug up the story of I'aul Gaugln'a trail hot foot from Parle to Tahiti, and eve carried off door from his cabin. Thus wa written "The Moon and Six pence." Gaugln died In bla adopted borne, his paining noted only by a few ar tlsta. Then tbe. playwright's rtalt to the Island, then' tho book and Imme diately there Is a general gathering of arUsta, writers, photographers, ate. on their way to TahlU. Mr. Arena bao made an art Ida of nnujwal interest In tradog tho po- cnllar eourae of thta rather extraor dinary literary oumo. llarpefa 1U sar. Twe DifTtront V)wi . Well." cried lira. Hwipeck. "on? aoat Is engaged to bo married. Wo will prtte to tbt dear tad and congratu late Mm." . Mr. Ileni'eok agreod (ha dare not do otherwise), ami bla wife picked op her "My darling boy," read the aon. "what gloiirfis 'iwwsl Tour father and I rejoice In'yoor bapplneaa,' It has long torn oar grefet wlsli that you shoold marry some good woman, A good woman la hearen'e most prec ious gift to man. She brlnje out all the hmLiu him aod htpa blm to sup an that ta ent" Tien there waa a poalacrlpt In dlffetvul bandwr.tlnn " ' "Tear mothor ha gone for stamp. Keep single, yo yoong neod!e." Catllno laok llrda. In the datatd areas of IWlflam aed Kortberu Ftanco the birds aa en as the bnman InhaMtanta lot ihlr home Thir nia and nt Ing place re octroyed. - , Unm tbey bare been lartled baTki for the matter la a nterrty e ef an tlmont. tnamHi aa tbe blrda ire need ed to eat the ban that devear tbe fe.mef'a crp. . With Ible object In view, aria of woodland are being set S"le end made aa attrartlte aa o:M to rVatbered rre;turea. It la eipie4 tbat by oorti mrana rolonlea of blnla III aeon bo eaUb!lht. and tt.at. with proper protet1o. they art 1 1 Multiply end becoroo aa auuirroue as eer be fore loac . we a tlmpte rwum Ijiirg ojretamtnatton In Kanaaa a (.tuU be erecbee drcUrod thai "A a OlifO may teewte Cttlaee) by Wtog n In tile roan try," Boat on Tra . . . . : HiMl OLLL K Li Li Will Fin sh Water And Sewerage If Money Can v Be, Had, . Increase . Power Plant An important meeting of the board of town was held at the City Hall last Fridav nichf. Tr wits an a4ii-.- " T ' " UilUUjUUtll ed meeting of the regular session ana was to consider tax levies and other matters. Those pres ent were Mayor Bushall, Com missioners Uuncan,: Doane, Pot ter and, Whitehurst. . r?" tmoton of commissioner Whitehurst,the rate of : taxation tor the year was fixed at 85 cents on the $100 worth of property and $2.55 on the poll. 1 The tax was apportioned as- follows: General Fund. 33. Wrr o, layiors ucek bonds 5 Elec tric" light bends 9, making a tot. al of 85 cents. Commissioner Doane. offered a motion that bids te advertised . for ccmpletir.c the The motion canied. ;Then the uiuuer or setting more power at the City's power plant was dis cussed. Cn account of the grow ing demand for electric lights and current the commissioners think it necessary to purchase another fngine and dynamo. The ty;;e of engine was discuss ed at some length Commissioner Doane favored an oiiburning en- Sine ana ummissioners Duncan and Potter .thcught a fcteam en gine would suit bettev A mo- uon was ouerea oy commission er Potter that a Flemir -Harris-burg compound dual clearance sream engme be purchased. On this, motion commissioner TVwnA voted no and - commission Duncan and - Potter - voted yes. Commissioner , Whitehurst did not vote. The Mayor was then irstructed to secure the funds to buy the encine and call on nv of the members of the board that he wished to help him. m. iiouand came before the board and csked to he . r1ivf of raying a milliner license tax t . . O m ioruutnne and Company or have their regular mrchant'ei tax reduced. On motion of Com missioner Duncan the re'ief was granted. CommiSBioner Duncan mnvwl that a resolulion be drawn to of fer bonds for sale to comDlete the water, and sewerage sj r tem The motion carried. "The board then adjourned. . 1 a Bridge Party For Era. Uickctt Mr. C..L Duncan entertained a few ft fends at bridge lakt Sat- urday afternoon in honor of Mrs. T W Bickett who with Governor Btrkett has beeniiere for several days on a vacation trip. There were , two tables those prejent being Mrs. T. tV. bicicctt, Mrs. i, J. jarvis. Mrs. A. J. Cooke, Mrs. Dayard Taylor, Mrs. A. D. O'firvan. Mm- lo. House, Mrs. Grifton Porter ard . Guthrie of Gold.boru The. prize a box of candy was won by? Mrs. Cooke and presented to the guest of honor. , ; ' .- Waanlffte) Knew Valve ef 0lt Tboro naa neon recently ditraorM tetter of Ceergo Waablagion In arbicn be above great lolerat la the poaalbiuty of an 'oil aprlag" la Tie giata. tie railed tbe etcui attention of hie tineiere to U tmporlre ef the Batter. Med tnn Itahte. ? ' Ta retinne rd Ink attlnt from .iM 1vb epread freolily ! mnurd trr ike ota in aad true t. t rr- tail Mw, TWn apooce a3 i4 ait raee of Uk lll have gon. -.

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