7, - -.. 7 I- I V. J. y ii u Li Li X ;,THE HOME PAPER ") C READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY ) I EVERY THURSDAY Volume IX. BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1920; Numler 33 1 VI ri I Dnterest In Politics Dn Carteret County Republicans Hold avNumber of Meeting! in East and Are In- Vading the West Women Are Registering Fairly Well jgVThe Republican and Democratic Tickets ' -; " At the campaign draws to a close, interest in political matters increases V v.'ln Carberet county.;.The menare already pretty well aroused and the fem- inine sex is manifesting considerable interest although not of course as t much as their fathers, husbands and brothers. The Republicans have been ; conducting quite an active campaign, having held a number of. meetings, rJj mostly in the eastern part of the county. Last week they held meetings at .Wire GraAsOtwayr Bettie," MarshanbuStacy and Harker's Island in the T ' ast, and at Mill Creek, Holly Springs and Venolia in the west. The Demo crats held a meeting at. Cedar Island. c-v.v-';:.. . ' Friday night there will be speaking at Eldorado by Lieutenant E. Walter ' ;thil and Jildgs K. J; Resp95 at Pelletler by Sheriff TJiomas and C. R, : jWheatly at Bogue by Hon. D. M, Jones and W. G.' .Mebane. -': r t Saturday will be a big day with Republicans in the western part of the county. Former Senator Marian Butler will speak at Newport at 11 A. M., and the same day at Marshallburg at 4 P. M. On the day before Senator Butler will speak at Bayboro and Oriental. .. . .,v ..'.,i ; In order that the readers of the News, may know who the candidates of the two parties are this year a list of them is printed herewith. It might be -well to cut this list out of the paper and keep it for future reference: DEMOCRATIC " President James M. Cox. " Vice - President . Franklin-, D. Roosevelt."1." , , ' t ' For ? United States Senator- REPUBLICAN President, Warren G. Harding, of Ohio. v Vice-President Calvin Coolidge, of Massachusetts. '-. . j . . .- United Spates Senate A. E. Hol ton, Winston-Salem. ' , ' , ' . Governor John' J." Parker, , of "Monroe. - , - ; Lieutenant-Governor I. B. Tuck er, of Whiteville. . .. " 1 Secretary, of State Brownlow Jack' on; of Hendersonville. " Treasurer J. J. Jenkins, of Siler City, ' Auditor J. Ed. Mendenhall, of Asheboro. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Mrs. Mary Settle Sharpe, of Greensboro. Commissioner of Agriculture . L. ; French, of Draper. ' Commissioner of Iniurance G. W. Stanton, of Wilson. . . Attorney General Herbert F. Seawell, of. Carthage. Supreme Court Justices T..T. Ilitks, of Henderson; J. E. Alexan der, of Winston-Salem. ' N . " For Congress from Third y Con gressional District Richard L. Her ring. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET ' SUte Senate, Seventh" District J. M. Mewborne and W. G. Mebane House of Representatives D. M. Jones. ' Register of Deeds Trdy Morris. Sheriff T. M. Thomas, Jr. V Surveyor R. Hugh HilL ' Coroner Brady Willis. County Commissioners C. R. ! Wheatly, Henry 0. Finer, B. F. . Small, J. L. Edwards, G. G. Taylor. Magistrates, Beaufort Township L J. Noe, W. W. Davlm, A. B. Pow-' 11, J. A. Lupton, Clyde Foreman. Constable Hansford Peterson. LINOTYPE BEEN ISTALLED BY THE BEAUFORt NEWS COURT CONVENES HERE MONDAY -Lee Overman.. : ; - ' . : For dovernor-7-Cameron Morri son. - For Lieutenant-Governor W. "B. Cooper.', ; . Fpr Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes. - ; ' : For SUte Auditors-Baxter DUr- han-;- - " For State Treasurer B. R. Lacy. For Superintendent Public In struction E. C. Brooks. For Attorney General James S, Manning. 3. x- j For Commissioner of Agriculture' W. A. Graham. ' For Commissioner of Labor and Printing M. L. Shipman. For Commissioner of Insurance SUcey W. Wade. For Corporation Commissioner A.'aJ. Maxwell. For Asaocfat Justice of Supreme Court W.' A. Hoke, W. P. Stacy. For Congress Third Congressional District Samuel M. Brinson, New Bern. : . DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET Member of Stat Senate Luther Hamilton, Carteret; J. S. Hargctt, Jones. ''. Representative J.' B. Morton. -- Sheriff W, T. Davis. Register of Deeds J. R. Jinnett Surveyor . ' Coroner Dr. C, S. Maxwell. Commissioners W. F. Taylor, J. T. Norria, W. W. Lewis, M. -M. Pigott, J. R. Morris, Wonderful Machine Will Set New Type for Each Issue -T- of ThU Paper- BETTER PAPER IN FUTURE issue of the Beaufort News is somewhat different in "appearance from any that has before appeared in its eight years of existence. The reason for this change" is principally due to the fact that the typesetting was done. by a machine instead of by hand asalways has. been the case before. V As stated before in this newspa per some months ago a No. 14 Mer genthaler linotype was bought. "Thig t. chine arrived recently -and last week Mr; D. E. Grlffln, of New York, canfe here and installed and tested out the jnachihe. It was found to.be in perfect order and runs as smooth ly as a firstjcla3s watch. , Electric current is used as a motive ' power and as therejs no day curtent here now, the machine can operate only Mr. Ben II. Nelson, of New Bern, an expert linotype operator " and newspaper man, inhere 'this week helping the News'to get started right and its improved appearance Is largely due to his skill The adver tising matter in the News as well as the news matter in .its columns is now Set mainly by machine and bet ter effects can be had in this way. Mr. K.-C. Hawkins,, a. native of Mdrehead City, recently -employed in Lsurinburg, will be .here" the last of- tho week and -ill-eperaU. th linotype. Other members;. of the force will also' leara linotype work. The News force will consist of the editor, W, G. Mebane, Mr. Hawkins, Miss Elva Willis, William , Hatsell, and last but by no means least, Cham. Clifton: ' This forcl will do its best to give the. people of Carteret coun ty a first-class weekly newspaper and l the patronage received justi fies doing so, will bring it out as a semi-weekly. . ' . ' A good; many visitors have been around to see the linotype perform and an Invitation is extended to any who would like to see it to call any evening after seven o'clock. Judge W. M. Bond to Preside Not Many Criminal Cases A' one week ; term of Superior Court will convene .here 1 Monday morning. Judge W. M. Bond will preside - over the court. There are not many criminal cases on the dqeket and they will probably be disposed of in -the first two "days. the calendar for civil cases has been arranged and is published herewith; Monday and Tuetday " " ,7 Oct. 18th and 19th, 1920. Crimi nal cases. t , n Registration books close at sun-down October 23rd. Election day, Tues day, November tnd fc , ' ANTI LEADER WILL REGISTER dictates of principle. Such action i .... cannot trumruiiy be construed , as yielding to the Inevitable,' of as aa eager desire ta win approbation. A. .. , . , . and voUng admlU a change of opin Misi wary tiuuara ninion aq- bttt ffgru ,g(rr,gt M ,he did , u:i uiner nejecnonuu 10 utw SecreUry Colby issued his Do Likewise proclamation. On the contrary she ... . . remains unchanged and uachangea- Miss Mary Hilllard Htaton, of RaU'vU - , )gn, preMdent or the Norta Caro lina Branch of the Southern Rcjec- tlon League, yesUrJay A BASKET PARTY There is to be a basket supper at the Core- Creek Sunday school on October 15th, for the beneSt of the Sunday school. Every one is invit ed to come and bring a basket. . REGISTERING WOMEN Morehead City, Oct 4th. Editor The News: I want to say oa the 4(a of Octo ber Mr. Sam Lilly worked all day and carried in his car one hundred women, all Republican womenx Sam is a live one and his wife helped him like a brave woman. Mr. A. B. WU lis I a great kelp to pur cause. . . . . ' ' . . ' J. A. D. and vote myself and urge yon to do likewise. - (Signed) MARY MILLIARD niNTOX. Pteidnt North Carolina Branch ef the Southern Rejection League. Mldwey Plantation. Raleigh. Octo ber f, 1920. "I appeal to you, In the name of LkSUed a " yiuivtwii) w HisKw win statement announcing her purpose ', . , n ' .i to rUr'and vote and urging oSer " ,doJr' 1" 9 P!m l" j- .r.-i Old North Mate. ! shall register anu-aunrafiiM io v iuiwim, ;; Miss IllntoR waa active In opposi tion to woman suffrage but now that It has Come she feels that it Is the duty ef anti-euffrsglsta to register and rote. Her statement follows i Through no action ri or fault ( ' North CaroHnaT the wonten of this State aha opposed suffrage by Fed eral Amendment . have' the ballot forced sipoa them." We fought suf. frage as a matter4 principle. To . day we are fjclng the stern reality that the' s de Arable,, conditions which e fortaw, even at th!s early date, exUt Ii some sections of the Fouih. To ImfiMve tiie situation and to avoid further trouble It is the duty of every antl eutrsgUt In North - Car ell-a to rrf!ter at once and vote at the KovemWr election. ' Ey so do ing il.e UI cor.tt.ue to follow the ' INTERESTING LECTURE . A very Instructive and Interest- Ing lecture was given here Wednes day night a week ago by Dr. Chaa. E. Low and Mr. C II. Bell, of Wil mington, en Health, Sanitation and Good Roada. Very striking pictures showing the benefits of drainage and CARTERET'S POPULATION The detailed figures of Carteret county, representing the last copnty In the state to be reported, accord Ing to the census bureau. errM lows by townships and Incorporated towns, the first figure given being for 1920 and the second the popula tion of 10 years agt k Township 1 White OalT, 181 1,000; Morehead. Including More- (head City, 1.8571,109; Newport, Including Newport. 1,0931.211 Beaufort, including Baufort, 4,099 1,459 Stralta, DOS 1,445; Smyr- na, 194 1.W4J II snUnf quarter, la- eluding Atlantic, bUnk 1,701; rorUmouUi, 174 IPS; Merrimoa, lift 419; Carteret township, blank; Harker Island .township, 481 blank Harlowe township, 404 bl8nlL,,i'',",r, IncorporaUd places t - . v-- AtUatlr, iUnk A24; BMufert. 24. 93. B8. 8. 18. 20. 1 Wednesday, 20th :" . . i'A y Wade vs. Brown. ' , . Howell vs. Stokes. v Salter vs. Piner Bros. Newby et ala vs. Wise et al. Sabiston vs.. Barker. " ' Chadwick & Caffrey vs.-Dey . Bros. : . .., .,; '-. IN POPULATION New Census Figures Puts This State in 13th or 14th Place '' Washington, Oct. 13. North. Car olina's growth - in population irom 2,206,287 in 1910 to 2,556,486 in 1920, as announced by the Census Bureau today, gives 'the state new prestige among ; the commonwealths of the country, . . " .The gain was . 15.9 per cent, or 350,199 souls, which .compares fav orably with other .states and .'Sirith what is expected to be the increase in the country l.as' a T whole. North Carolina forges ahead of Kentucky. When the states are finally an nounced itv may. be found she has gone by several , other , states. In 1910 North Carolina ranked ifith in population. This will put her up to 12th or 14th. Thursday, 21t 22. Jones .vs. Maxwell. ' 23, Gibbs vs. Maxwell.' 31. 'Cash vs. Willis. ' - , 43. Norfolk Southern Railroad ' vs. Town of Morehead City 47. Jones -t jal. vs. Davis et al. 55, Elanchard vs. Weeks. 4 54. Ellerman vs. Hoffman, Friday, 22nd 55.' Guthrie et al,vs. Suck et al. 57.- Wade, Realty Co. vs. Willis. 6'. Spencer vs. Gold. - ' V . 59. , Mfg. Co. Vs. Hale et al. 70. Star Fish Co. vs Manson. 72. Lewis Vs. TeL Co, - 1 73. Taylor vs. Stock. . ' . Saturday, 23rd '. V Z''-'y, . Motion Docket. , . ',"'' Munger vs. Bennett. - 2. Pelletier vs.' Parker. - ; ,L:: ' S.,', Eaton vs. Macon.- vll. Howe vs. Ramsey. ' Hancock L Co. vs. Williams. 26, Hancock A Co. vs. Stanley. 40. Fulcher et al vs. Booen. Davis vs Ship Building Co. 61. Thomas vs. Carteret County. GOOD CATCHES OF FISH IlEREKOW X RED CROSS HOLDS MEETING The local chapter of the Am'ci'ican Red Cross held a business meeting last Friday in the rooms of the Re publican Club,' elected '.its officers aud made arrangements for -the Red Crsa roll call which is to take place soon. Alias Emily Walker front trie Atlanta headquarters was present and advked with the .menibers as to the roll call and other things. 'II. ,, , .The matter of securing a Red Cross coilnty nurse was discussed Considerably and action on this will be taken later. Reverend Harry Day was elected chairman of the roll call. The following officers were elected: chairman, Mrs. XJ. W. Duncan; vice chairman, Miss ' Lillian Duncan; treasurer, Mrs, Chas. , H. Buehall; secretary, Mrs. G. W.-Lay. IMOIC RESCUE 0? IIEN FU0;;i D2ATII IN STORMY SEA Eleven Men Taken From The . Wat - Ship Sinks '. a tm. . - NEW BAND ORGANIZED :' A new musical organization here bearing the euphonioux name of the "Orange Blossom Jazz. Band," has taken the field. Last week they went to Edwards to furnish music for a lind sale and barbecue and report that they had a big time. Those In the band are James Noe, Alvin Con- gleton, Clarence Whitehurst, John Hill, Vernon Harrell, Richard Rice, Floyd Johnson and Leslie Rice. The new band is open for engagements to furnish music. . Anglers Having Good Luck Not Many Fat-Backs. Being Caught The fat-back fishermen have been having rather a poor time for sev eral months. Occasionally a boat brings in a small load but most of them haV,done little or nothing, In fact they do not often, go to sea. Their season will be opened bp now In a few weeks and then they hope to make up for lost time. In the meantime those who catch food-fish have been- doing very well. Many good catches of mullets, trout, spots, blue fish and other aorta have been made In recent weeks. A few days ago Captain Tom Lewis brought la a catch of 4000 pounds of blue fish that he got off Diamond" Shoals and other . good sized lots have been brought to the market - Dealers here say that the prices they are getting for fish are not sat isfactory. In some Instances they claim to have lost considerable mon ey on shipments, having paid more for the Ash than they received for them. It appears that the Urge atarkcU are rather ever supplied at prevent or else the demand has dropped oft. A good many fish are being sal tod here now and there la fairly good demand (or them. Oys ters are coming In freely and e scal lop art rather plentiful. The qual ity of the oysters Is fairly good, but a little later as the weather geU cold thy wUl b cf fins (juailty.. DRAINAGE FIGURES FOR EASTERN CAROLINA Washington, D. C, October 13. The director of the census announces subject to correction, the following combined preliminary figures for or-' ganised drainage enterprises in Cam den, Carteret, Chowan, Craven, Cur rituckGreene, Jones, Lenoir, Para-1 lico, Perquimans, Tyrell, Wayne and Wilson counties, North Carolina: se shrdletshralcmf cmf cmf pu pu mt . . t . J . soiai area in orgsnisco orainas; rnterprlses, 127,183 acres.. ' Improved farm land, 34u3 acres. Timbered and cut over land, 68,- 857 acres. 'Other unimproved land, 83,473 acres. - Total land area of counties,. 3, 139,200 acres. - Area of counties In drainage en terprises, 4 per cent .. Swsmpy or wet or subject to over flow. In orginlied drainage enter prises, 17,800 acres. Coft ef organized drainage enter prises, total 8395,848. 1.9CS 1.483; Morehead City, 1,958 2.09; Newport. 404121. KILLED RATTLER WITH CAR , Abbott Morris kills tnakee with an auto, at arty rate be did kit) one last Monday In that way. While running aloft tti mail miv I Via itul kr(.la ...m, ,.... wm.mr, . h ntne-butto ratlUr J i .. a proiounq imprwn was male ;m4 hnU hl, wtUtmf.m hM owm wnv pw wrm. tutu ivciures ... ai.v . ..i.i tl- ww - - 4 w-r w m m m vv ism brought the nike to to rn to prove J the story. ttara aliA lvan at V.nir 1T..'i krr's Ms -id and Mtrih&Uurg. "PEE DEE" LOST IN STORM Eleven men struggling for their lives in a stormy sea and yet not. one lost "was the thrilling :, tale ' brought to this port last ' week by by members of the crew of the Cum berland. ' ' . ' -Some days ago the snag boat Pee -Dee left Georgetown, S. C, for Nor folk, Va., "being towed by the U. S. tug Cumberland,, All went w61l as a marriage bell till, Thursday night about midnight when a sudden and violent storm arose. At that time the vessels were ; about twenty-five miles off shore and some fifty miles from this port. The' wind blew with great fury and the. waves were of tremendous pize and the Pee Dee, which was 'built for -. river and harbor work, was unable -to standihe strain and in, short time broke' nto two parts and almost im r.lftdiately . went - to the bottom 'in' about ten fathoms of water. Just before she went down Captain Doug aUs of the Pee Dee sounded the dis tress signal and every member of the crew -except one put on a life ' preserver and just before the craft sank, leaped overboard.' - f ,r" The Cumberland came about and . within a few minutes had reached " tV.e spot where the Pee Dee went ; down and wHere' the struggling men' were crying for help.- A small boat was launched and went to the task. kf picking up the swimmers, but un fortunate lyshe capsized and three more men were added to the eight already in the sea. The Cumberland picked her way" carefully, through the darknesa and threw lines to the me.i until every one was found and brought safely aboard. : Two of the met were bruised up considerably in pulling them out of the water and when the boat came Into the harbor they were ''taken to the hospital at ' Morehead City. The crew of the Pee , Dee lost all of 1 their personal , belongings but their lives were saved and they are now not much the worse for their remsrkable experi ence. , ' - , HERRING HERE MONDAY Honorable Richard L. Herring, the Republican nominee for congress, will open bis campaign la this county next Monday with a speech at noon la the county court-house. He will subsequently speak at the following times and places i Morehead City, Monday night at 7.30; Sea Level at echool-houee, Toetday at 1 JO p. But Atlantic at school-house, Tuesday SUNDAY PROGRAM AT BAPTIST . CHURCH i- Next Sunday, morning ten o'clock special servicesjri.I Le held In the Ann street Baptist church in aid of the 75 million dollar cam- !gn. The program which is Quite an extensive as well -is 'Interesting one, is given herewith:. ." " ' rrraaa . Orchestra prelude. V ' '" Song-M43ongrrgation. :'" Prayer. ' - ' ' ' Scripture. ....' Eong Congregation. Primary. Recitation Two boys. t . ( . Song Five children, . Duett Two girls, y Sang Five girls. Song Booster Choir.' ExcrcIkO -Our SUU for CI... Announcements."" Class Period to raise 1300. Orchestra Interlude and Reasoero bling of Classes. Anthem "Where Is Jesusj" . Senior Choir. RcriUtlon "The Missionary Ilea, Florence Pykln. Secretary ' report. Song Booeter choir. Male quartette. - m, . Benediction'. , - AmiUur fishermen have had gcod sport lately. The winds have been! lifH and conditions for angling have been good as to tides and weather. Some nice catches of shevp's head, sea base, flounders and trout have bee.i made. A. J. Cooke of the Davis House and C II. Burlner, a guest, went over La the bulkhesd near the Fort channel and rantUTd tome fine sheep's lvi Mr,dsy. . TLey got MARRIACE LICENSE! Permits to enter the state of mat- night at 7:80; 8taey at school-houe, ' rlmony have recently beea granted Wednesday at 1:30 Davis at school- house at 7 -JO p. Everybody Is Invited to come out and bear Mr. Herring, and ladies are gives a special invttatfon to attend the meetings. 1 . V- t 1 - L !-l -1 J 'A. to the following named couples; Cyrus T. 8 TO HE CONVERTED INTO . OFFICES The store room owned Vy Dr. C. L. Duncan and occopied by for sev eral years by Mrs. C. A. Moore, Is e.ght or te-i, revcral of thent weigh- to be converted Into offlces. The ing tea to twelve pia.jda. Anders room will be conveniently arranged wha have beva dowa-t Cape Look out have been meeting with conrld. erslle eoctese also. Lilly and Dolly. F. Cur rier, of Newport. . ' ; Jno. Wetherlngton and Vina V. Wlrxlas, IVIUtitr. M. R. C ll kli and Emna C. GtlU lie, Otwar. IE L'JZ TO IEGI3TER IF ; YOU WANT TO VOTE UUe fr Mate U I We and when finlnhed win be occupied re:ltrat'e k-oek yee . by Dr. Duncan acd Attorney C. W. e.i NeeemUv the l.d.' . '. ADuaean. J . i ' 1 . t 1

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