-V- . i e 1 - - - ' : i t v: -7-" 7" 1 : -J - - - v - Ul- ,r 1 ' " " "- -y. "V rr-"-T- -r-r h -1 . -7 THE HOIE PAPER ) - ' - ' S ' ' ' ' LEAPING TO, THE MIffP IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY ) - ' ", , EVERY THURSDAY . ) Volume IX. . V ':': 'A A:7; BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBEk 25; 1920 ,f ' ':. ' A A . ' ; SNUMBER 45 r ; ' r- "t ' 5 . T" : j - ; .., ' ry. r r. "r "' ' ' rn -r- : : RED CROSS DRIVE A NOW; GOING ON BIG HAUL MADE MISSING SEAMEN THOUGHT LOST SOLOMON NEEDED MURDER CHARGED SETTLEMENT MADE OF CORN WHISKEY vTO DECIDE CASE V ;:V "SVA' Teams Are . Cover in g Every Part of CitIn' Quest Of T Members. RaiJers Brought In Stills And : A Supply Of Corn Liquor Yesterday ; 1 A Tfteollowing classes of member- : s Srahipa 0 being enroiiea lor ine , en . .- 4Ang'y6aj of 1921: Annual, one doftari half of which is retained'by jk the chapter for local relief .work; i Contributing, five dollars, four dol-,-i',lars of which is retained by the lo ' ";Ail cal chapter; Sustaining, ten dollars, ;ij;htf dollars of which is retained by ' HA. the local chapter; Ofe, fifty dollars; Jl: - Patron, one hundred dollars. Both f ' -of the last two classes, Life and Pa- r ' tron memberships are used lor the vA'Tliviainn anH National work, none be ing retained by the local chapter. The following teams have been ap pointed to look after the territory as designated: Section No. 1. From center of More street, all territory West. T-am No. 1. Mrs. Graham Duncan, Captain; Mrs. William Gaus, ' Section No. 2. From center of Moore street, to center of Orange street, including territory between from the water on North to the water on the South. Team No." 2. Mrs. G. W. "Lav. Captain: Mrs. Charles Somebody is evidently going to be shori(on Thanksgiviag liquor or pos sibly even the Christmas supply m3y be affected by some, raids that Sher iff Thomas and others have been con ducting of late. Thirty gallons or more of Carteret County Corn and two stills were brought to town yes terday and committed to the watch ful care of U. S. Commissioner Bu- Coast Guard Men Find Aban doned Boat. Crew Are -Missing An upturned dory rising and fall ing Jn the surf attracted the atten tion of the Coast Guard men at Bogue Inlet Monday afternoon and Suggested ti them the ever present dangers of the sea. Besides the dory the guardians of the coast also saw a fishing smack anchored a mile or so off shore and when they went out to her their fears as to a prob- shall and besides this another stilUable drowning were confirmed and 650 gallons of beer were de- The fishing boat Endeavor from stroyed by the raiders. Atlantic City, bound to Savannah, Tuesday afternoon Sheriff Thomas jtcame -intoTOIorehead City harbor last Constable H. W. Peterson, Deputy ; Saturday and on Monday morning W. D. Alen and Captain Bryan Ar-j resumed her journey to the Southern thur left here in Captain Arthur's ! port. About five o'clock in the af boat for the land of the moonshine'r ! ternoon she arrived off Bogue inlet which is around Back creek and ; and let go her anchor. The suppo Adams' creek in dense swamps and i sition is that the two or three men Who Shall Raise Little Lucille Hill Is A Knotty Problem :- To Decide Killing Young Lippard Great er Puzzle Than Murder Of Dr. Hennessee. jungles well fitted .for the habita tion Qf bears and makers of monkey rum and the like. Arriving there the officers did considerable scouting and interviewed some people -whom they ran across and got what infor mation ttey could. About sundown, they told everybody goodbye and Swindell, Mrs. Louis Greenleaf, Mrs. j ostensibly started for town. Nixon, Miss Lucy Lay, Virginia Lay, Henry Lay, Ben Arrington. Section No. S. From center Orange street, to center of Tur ner, including territory intervening. Team No. 3. Mist Lillian Duncan, Captain; Mrs. N. F. Eure, Misse Edith Skarren, ernice Wheatley, Margaret Dill, Katherine Norcum, Suth Norcum. Section Instead of coming back to Beau- who were on board started ashore in their dory and when they got into dangerous waters off the bar they were capsized and drowned. When the Coast Guard men board ed the Endeavor they found no one tftere at all and the overturned dory convinced them another tragdy of the sea had occurred. They brought both the boats to the station and fort, as soon as it got drk the; have been trying to get in communl- 4. From, center of raiders slipped back and finding oil x ... . .r gooa piace w stay spent me mgm. Before daylight they dlied owt and located themselves about where the stills have been found and waited to see if they cold catch anybody. The moonshiners -jvere evidently wary though and faid to put in an appearance so the fflceri got the. stills and tbe Ivqnvr and returned to cation with the relatives of the men. Their names were not known but tbe records will show who owned' the boat and who constituted the crew. The Endeavor is like -several of those boats stationed here that are engaged in the sea baas fishing. Most of the men in this work -are Norwegian birth and are good sea men and fishermen. No Turner street, to center of Craven,;,, Including territory Intervening. 0n agt Smnir Sheriff Thoams, J Team No. 4. Mrs. C. A. Clawson, !cnlitaUe Petersen, Clerk of the Captain; Misses Marie Clawson, Court Respess and Chief of Police' Caroline, Ko Din son, Clyde Real, Elisabeth Norcum. jTarnafafn Buy n a still hunt and 1 issued" 'license W marry to the fol- Section No. 5. From center of , were not so successful as they were lowing named eoapies: Craven street, to center of Queen yesterday. They found and de l Jeremiah Jones arid Isora Jones street, including territory interven- strayed eae eatflL eol Wildwood. in. Team No. 5. Mrs. Daisy Hat- The buainesa of raakinr licuor in I wiuie ceil ana mouie jones coit sell, Captain; Mesdames W. A. MacethU county kas evidently been pret- Wildwood. , H. C. Jones, Charles Skarren. ty active f lata but It is thought The. matter of what shall be done with little Lucille Hill, rnetion of which was made in last week'sjssue of the News, came up before Ckrk of the Superior Court J. R. K. JRes pe3s again yesterday afternoon and again he postponed final action on it. The problem is a knotty ojie and as Judge Respess said, might well tax the judicial powers of a Solomon. The. question is whether the aunt of the child Miss Airie Peterson 6hall adopt her or whether her grandpa rents shall take her in charge. The child's father died during the war and her mother passed away a few weeks ago. . According to the fdence the lit tle girl who is a bright an attrac tive little thing, has been raised en tirely by her aunt who is devoted' to her. Since the dath of the mother the grandparents desire to take her in charge. According to the evi dence there has been rather bad feel ing between the parties to the con troversy and neither side seem dis posed to give in to the other, Attomies M. Leslie Davis and J. F. Duncan appeared for the HUls and argued that they were the natu ral and proper guardians for -her. Attorney C. R. Wheatly stoutly maintained that the aunt had had all the care of little Lucile so far, that she and the child were devoted to each other and should not be sepa rated. The evidence showed that the father of the little girl had his life insured while in the army and that hig mother Cta $50 a month of the insurance and that his wife has been drawing allowance of 20 la month. While the trial was proceeding ' HICKORY, NOV. 22 -'Officers of Hickory and Eurke county, following an inve.il ';V-ti,n here mos of tlifc'il:;y carried fiv white men to the, Mwr jjanton jt4J tonight on the charge of c. .sj'ii'. jr tihd murdemw ulo ii I. ; .i -i . t-e : t r whi'.i- nvm rr ly v.;ti f u'd in tin Woods lf ! rke county, three mile west of Old Board Winding Up Coun , ty's Business and Prepar ing to End Te:m. II- o.'i, ? '.ni ty mor. ( Tlio mc i :re.s:cd are. Dock and Cec 1 Hefner, Lo..e Youjigi ' Bill.'Tallant and Uaktef l.i'tletiTnd. Sheriff Alexander, of Iredell coun ty, accompanied ,by former Sheriff Deaton, came to Hickory this after noon and related an attempt, as told by Glenn Lippard, that Bud lippard, notorious blockader' and booze seller, had made threats to kill him Friday; of the statement by three negro chil ¬ dren of two men- shooting a white man in the raid three Jniles from Statesville Sunday morning, and of the discovery by Sheriff Deaton of a The county board of commission ers held a meeting here Monday all -members being present! The audit ing of the Sheriff's books which has ' been going on for some weeks has , been completed and the auditor made his report. This report war" accep ted by the board and a settlement with Sheriff Thomas for the taxes of 9 19 was made. The tax books for 1920 were turned over to him. The matter of giving anti-typhoid treatment to- residents of the county in conjunction with the State Board of Health was taken up and it was decided to go into the work with the understanding that it would not cost over $400 a month. I Chairman Wal lace was instructed to notify ' the physician who' is to be in charge to begin work at once. , , i s ' The board received a letter from the inmates of the County Home thanking them f of, attention shown them. . The letter was ordered filed.' pool of blood. The sheriff tried tol-On account of infirmities Herman MARRIAGE LICENSE Within the last few -days Deputy Grace Duncan. ( ijt wnt into tbe country near i of Deeds J. ,R. Jlnett nhitUe Lkteile played about the rooma entirely indifferent to thjarrangthiff that was going on and unconscious that her future was at stake. As before stated Judge Respess an nounced that be would consider the matter further and give his decision i Saturday, Section No. 6. From center ef that the raiding .Uiat has been going Queen street, to center ef Pol lock, including territory intervening. Team No. 6. Miss Nellie Richard son. Captain; Misses Theresa Hitl, Margaret Skarren, Nellie Jones, Es telle Caffrey. Section No. 7. From center ef l.llork street, to center of Msrsh street, including all territory inter vening Team No. 7. Mrs, Will V on recenthr will civ it a check a while at least. for THE WOMANLES WEDDING Edwin F. Pioer, Smyrna, and Georgia Moor Marshallburg .. Lillingtoa Garner aad -Cracie H Oglesby, of Newport. . Ralph F. Ha user and Lorraine W Arendell. of Morehead City. Jno rreparauons lev xne enienaming port. link this incident UP with the Lippard killing near . Hicksyr but the exami ning physician stated tonight that a man murdered at 9 o'clock in the forenoon would not bleed, for an hour or two. There waa a pool of blood around the murdered man's head in the Burke county woods. Solicitor Huffman said this was a greater ptizxle to him than the Hen nessee murder at Glenn Alpine.. U seems that the murderers had two motive robbery and revenge and that Glenn Lippard owed some Jitney drivers and had Impersonated an of ficer at one time, getting several gal lons of liquor- Mean whiskey it was said, figured largely in the case. . Solicitor Huffman will return to morrow to earry ph hie lnvest'gatlon aad in the meantime has left Instruc tions for tbe sheriff of Burke county to confine the prisoners in separate cells and to prevent communication. MANY . MENHADEN CAUGHT fatbackers could ARE Salter, of Sea Level was allowed $15 aid ' for the month of November. An order was passed allowing Guth rie Brothers $2,500 on the j North River bridge contract. ' M. Leslie Davis was allowed $250 foa legal services In the. case ef T. M. Thom as against Carteret county. Super visor of roads Chas. Thomas was in structed to get up an inventory of -all tools and implements' belonging to the county. A' number of small ' bills were audited and ordered paid. The board adjourned to meet again, next Monday. . 4 TEACH E1& ASSEMBLY MEETS - . J A session, ef the North Carolina -Teachers' Assembly Is meeting In comedy which is to be given by the localUlcnt en Frtdsy December the 3rd. are going forward. Rehears als efthe masic and the mock mar Misses Emma Potter. Section No. 8. From center of Marsh street, lo center of Live Oak street. Including alt territory inter vening. Team No. 8. Mrs. Charles Bnshall. Captain; Mrs. John Chad wltk, Misnes Mildred Jones. Vera Longest. Annie Clyde Ewell, Ltllisn twtll, Frsnces White. If the fatbackers could get as,! Grant and Iva Fedrie, New-'many Ash every day as they did last Friday and Saturday. they would . .a soon have more money tnan wey 'would know what to 'do with. Prae TO THE PUBLIC j tic(lijy tvery ytt, that went out Interested in protect-; brought in a good load. The big- catch that the News heard of inoculated for Cholera the better. was that of the Princess which was I wish to give you the in formation '310,000 fish. The Mcintosh csught If you are B. IV,Ur,C.pUin;-Mrs.Jo.i.-Ch.d the sooner they ar.ige.t . . ... ' ' ., . ... and the managers say they will give inoculated for Cholera the better. was ment The full east of the charac- tht t cholera is now rsging in a 276,000. the Culver 180,000 and the ters will appear In nc it week's Issue m.nT sections of the county eaufort Fish Scrap and Oil Compa- of the News. by spring it la likely to spread jny's boata caught close to half a mil- !over the entire county. N Jlion on Saturday. .The weather has TELLS WILD-DUCK FANCIERS v I have beert licensed by the De-: been rather unfavorable aince S-tur-HOW TO RAISE YOUNG BIRDS partraent of Agriculture of North Jsy unUI yesterday when they were Carolina to use the serum and virus ,11 out ROOK PARTY Mrs. C. S. Maxwell, delightfully en. tertained quite a number of her friends last Wednesday night. ' Three tables of rook, were plsped and at eleven o'clock a delicious course of bot chocolate and wafers was served. All present enjoyed a very pleaaant evening. ATTENDED BAPTIST VENTION Rev. Harry A. Day, pastor of the Baptist church here attended the Baptist State Convention last week and renorta that the. occasion was t very Interesting one. One of the most important matters taken up was that of establishing 'a .Baptist hospital. A number of cities are CON, '" ' iW-l Asheville this week. 'The meeting began .Wednesday . and will last through tomorrow. Quite an ex-' tensive program has been arranged which will be participated in by well known educators from this aad oth er states. Delegates from Carteret j county to the meeting are as follows: County' Superintendent L. B. En nett, of 8tella; Superintendent of Public Schools In Beaufort G. H. Ferguson) teachers Misses Annie Morten, ' Annie GIbbs and Nellie Richardson. Superintendent E. P. Mendenhall, Mrs. Mendcnhall and Mrs. Hattie Edwards, ef Morehead dty, are delegate from that city. Uncle Sam is the best friend the In the inoculation of o large caicn were maoe . -- - unimr ... . . . . . i HsiiiiAa ar ha vrea a w m m b m ni . - - hnn whLrh thonrh The menhaden viw" ..v-.. --r- MRS. MIDYETT HAS AN AC- 1 CIDENT t - During the rata storm which oc curred Wednesday night ef last week Mrs. Belle Mldyett sustained a pain ful Injury to her right band. , While lowering a window It fell and caught ber hand crushing it badly. She baa physloli ... i sines tfen and is now ratlins? lan . L .W- Imun. fnr .U. ... Urwm nd , OUnflaUOn incorporaieo WW fiUB- . - - - - - - .inn wti uv f - - --- ut ia" - - - i . . . . . . .v.'verv well. life. My seAlce n thU work U free f.t but the prices of oil (and wrap ; tor u ' , - I . .nnlaved br the county andl.r. M low that there b not much wnonng o. any iruw i.n g.., wild ducks have, and It follows that' Section No. 9. From center of he has s wsrm spot In bis heart for Live Oak street, to center of Gordon the wild fewler. too. In the Inter- street. Including territory Interren- e.ts of both be has prepared a Itaf-; . urt)m j ,rua (IMd In the ti-'nroAt 1 1 them for the factories. ncoursgement of peaople In. Team No. . Mrs. Clsrence let on the propegstlon ef wild ducks, ..MM ina,uUtiti t.tmant U! tv- . k. A.K.rm.n hrouaUt In to make such donation to the church. Cuthrw. Ceptai! Mr. C. R. Mas- whch may be had from the BureauJ fc . f sUte... Bict l.i of flsh Monday. The well, MiMCt Annie Guthrie, Ruth of Biological WU1 is. Department of CROWING POTATOEJ Carteret county W te Hevtion No. 10. From cenUr of on Gordon street, all territory East to Certertt Lumber Co., mill. Tesm No. 10. Mias Immogene Stewsrt. Captain; Medsms W. B. Guthrie. W. D. Guthrie. Jsme Rum!ey, Mle Lydla Tarklns, Ines Willis. Tbe teems begsn their work last Tuesday morning aad are meellag with good succees up to tbe laeee ef the News.' The campaign will cloee ... ... . iiurounea ai cos irvm ui pm. .a ntre ioi oi nan ni7- " , " . . . . . Survey, United Slates, ft desiring to have mytches In pounds were at follows:'," klndaesa of wnvi mem-, potatoes, r Agriculture, by any., wJ Morm ma by m,u lt poUy 8 000 AnB,t , 800f hniMibers of the ebureb who made It poe- better be rho atks for It . . . . .s. i a v. -Jl. Mslisrd sre me essieai u unnn, , With wood duck coming nest. Blsckj ducks need more space than either! of the because they are mors we-' tla a bit -wilder." Widgeon and teal need winter shelter, if grown in Straits or see me In person. C T. JARVIS. GARNER -OGLESBY At three o'clock last Sundsv if- the North, to a greeter eitent than : ternoon, November II, a quiet wed-) ... ... M .. . . I . . . L - . 14 m . their couslna, out we provisions lor oing voos piece oi u pro . 3.600. Mollle 1,000, Edith 1.000, John Leonard 7.000. These boats went out, to the fishing grounds again yesterday and will be In todsy or to morrow. :j- ; NEWS FROM ORIENTAL Mr. Day acknowledge bis spprecia- piece in the world fortff Tbey grow i -- - .- i here than most -; c i toaUend the conven- . A few days ago Iff. Auc - Ws1e a well known fenmr uaa lives f W .miles from Bsufort brought la Vi sible tion foi pit shelur need not be elaborate. For moat docks and asost climates alav pie. three sided shack ta suftrlent. CU and toberro are coming In Elijah Oglesby neer Newport. Mr. .ify, nly about 400 bales ef tbe Oglesby's youngest daughter Teacle former have been lnned to date In J t HUnminn C.mrnar vara married ik. i larmtmA Kara At tbe A . pta, inrfwwni wm v. w , - w a - - f sa tmm f ltlr'f....M ffvK.en nrkatfta ! r It la hoped that the entire number of fM nUmu frln(. ,a reUUons. tM twkt . wtk. Tuesday and Fri- button sent for the keel chatter f lu u gof j Mf c a 0mlsUng. 1Uy. Allogetber about 400,000 Iba. m wui ne reuirea lor e eirou- M . M f M n, kr,4, WM Uautlfly dressed Uen dU posed ef, with prices ent tnia yeer. ii t wue fn tins to Urn If Is blue allf and looked very sweet I favoring the buyer, probably ewhg U M at t n i nn la l likai 1 a Ba St I i a ai ...... tort WUI inrvil v in m rvai r let this year. tbe birds ar to keep their i)d eon. land youthful when eh entered tbe rather poor grade, very little bringing om holding tbe froo- S arm and'vvr the grvs . . . . . . . . . ivi nwew-i l u w"wr- we use w FPn.nn, tr. MMteOy kaUb- pl.gly took D l Htm itpuint ami ftatavra mi adtance ler tbe splendK wcik which , that are Celng In behalf ef tbe greatest orgsnltaUon for bumsnlty and relief ik Ii eur nstioi. II A CRY A. DAT, ' Roll Call ptalnttf. greater part selling be tbe eolemn vow of! CeUbrstlons ever the eWcCans ed la an IncebeUr. - Broedlag stotk matrimony, wearing a sw.le all Ue vcra .0. Tbe DeavwraU had f vkatevtr specie bo14 b ebUl-j whle. ,Ubelr Inning on tSe night ef the tid, ed In the fall so as U be settled la Ita Tbe groom is the yeunffvet son f ken It wss k town tbe Slate, county quarter before tbe breeding see sea, Mr. T. T. Garner, ef Newport, andand Ux-.l matters went tSelr sy, wkcb eomee rslber early In tbe ell known. He Is nineteen years 'but on tbe night ef the Ird. when tbe spring. Tbe leeflet describee tbe 'of age, and tbe bride sixteen. cere aad feeding of tb young birds After shower ef eongratulaUen ..... .1. at every stage In tnelr development Uie yeang eeupie were motoree np THANKSGIVING SERVICE t1"1 Y T 01 ' (grown on his farm Tbere were Special Thankagivlng service will en ef them all on oe vine and all take place today at Ann street Metb- good sited. They wer ef the Hsy odist church. Tbe pasUr Itsv. B. T. man variety. Bumpaas will conduct tbe'servktsf , end will preach a sermon appcepri. (REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mturns showed that Cot and compa ny bad hardly react ed let beee. while Hsrdlf and CoolMge bad vf 7 A aeod CWUlamai mmI lee. a, from tbe yWw feia of tbe durklln to lb groom' fslKers where Ctey rrowed t ie bone plele, tSe rv)oi ......... . l TL 1-1 J 1 .ltl -..ka V.I- 1 k 4 -1 if ...t a ITiM'.i. : mil iiia.v to ike t the gleaming Iridevent their borne. ing we:e heart'el; If t.mI so noisy aU to the day. Tbe member ef tbe Maaoal order and the EeAern Slat wQI attead tba sertke In a body. An. offering will be Uken up for tbe orphanage la the State. ' i REVERLND R. F. BUMFAS . I RETURNS' Memebr ef the Ana Wl Metho dist cburck kere a4 rongrateUUng tkevsaelvee that trrnd R. F. Buss pea a bo km ierved thee ae ccp- ubly In tbe past wilt be lVlr pla ter again. The list ef ppoia'tmeti re-td by rubop Darllntto at Rxky Mount Monday abowed "that. Mf. fumpaa wetttd again be In rV-tt f the Iocs) cberth aad this an isdcemeat was teeeivad bre w lb jetetel saUsfartn. v p . . . . . . Tbe real estate market baa been rather quiet of late. Tbe feDewing ar . th deed filed for record re- Uys ' A Roland :ren and wife to Kilby Baiter one acre In Hunting Quarter township,' consideraUea tISO. ; C G. Austin and wlf to Jao. f. AusUa tei an Turner street. Beiu fori, raasiderftiea 1 19 Ac 1 C B. WbesUy and wife to a. U. Wbeetiy let on Ana street, Befeit, .OBslderatiee 11.000. . R. a llodfe to J. C U.Ui Wt 'sr Msreheed City, cnslderatto M50. . , Mias Eul aad Fansy 0U went KhVtoa ye4erdny to p-nd r- 1. t A I .! i ; e grestert .-J. J 1 :.'. T t s .1 ! i I friee4 a yeeJs sekri4ls Beeefeft H of tbe matur bird.. A FRIEND. ' D." rhankflvVg day. T i " "I i i I a ' n r . 4 . a a. . .

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