r-rit-j : 1 1 -.-.nn fee3, o av- i smmswwmmmmssmwssmwbmMmmssJws ' THE HOME PAPER ?) " ' , ( READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EjXERCISE IS TO THE fiODY ) - ( .EVERY THURSDAY ' ) Volume IX. V 1 BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1920. . ' NUMBER 46 t - l .ROAD MEETING WILL BE HELD To DiKuu State System Of ! Hard Surfaced Roads At Conference In Raleigh TO TEACH MUSIC IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Course Is To Be ' Extended Throughout Schools in Coun try Districts. - ' CHAPEL HILL, NOV. 29. The North Carolina Good Roads Associa tion today announced plans for hold ing a good roads coherence in Ral eigh on Wednesday, January 5th, the opening day Of the new Legisla ture. To this conference will be in- I '.yited all members Of the Associa- tion, of which there are now over (; 16,000 representing every county in ' tJha State j members of the Legisla- lurej.M'aTf county and road commis- jluQers; representatives of boards of trade, chambers of mmerce, rotary and . kiwania clubs, women's clubs, motor clubs, automotive trade asso ciations farmers unions, as well as the -"public generally. The local State Highway Committees of the The Craven county board of edu cation1 at a recent meeting adoptedL . 1- . 1 1 . .i. T ior me scnoois 01 uie couqiy m course in instrumental music. Tne object of the board's action is to standardize the teaching of music in the various schools of the county. There . are several music teachers at work in the county and they were consulted before action was taken by the board. AH the teachers agreed that such a course on the part of the board would not only result in better teaching of music but would also give greater prestige to this subject in the sthdols. , 1 ,The course is the same as used in the Bourdelais School of Music and has the endorsement of the leading Association in the various counties mulcal instructors or the country, will take an active Dart, as thev are 14 is credit course that is, a pu- In close touch with local conditions j Pu who finishes the course secures and sentiment in reeard to the m-o- cred,t toward college entrance. ENGINEERS WANT MILLION DOLLARS FOR WATERWAYS Will ImprovevBeaufort Horbor. ! A voicm.iie improvements . At Cape Lookout. BIDS TOO HIGH Bridge Discussion Brought A Number of Citizens Here 9 Last Monday gram for a State System of High ways,' ' -Indications now are that this will be one-of the greatest meetings not only in numbers but in potential ac complishment ever staged in North Carolina. .-Fully ninety per cent of the. people of the State, realizing the importance of an adequate' transpor tation system in the State's develop ment, are ready and willing to pay The most interesting feature of this arrangement is . that Professor Bourdelais becomes supervisor of music in the county. The course of musjc and all supplies. will be han dled through his school. He will at stated times meet with the music teachers of the county and assist them in any difficulties they may have. He will also visit occasion ally those schools in which music is for the construction and 'maintenance ibein taught and will assist schools of such a System. All they ask is in securing music Xe.chers. a fair deaj in raising and apportion. Tne board in taking the action it m the funds, efficiency in expending "d only n object in view; the money, and nrotection of the in- ly. to make it possible for the vestment It is also being realised Lchildren of the county to secure as that delay In providing the necessary fr000 course or music as possible. Washington, Nov.26. An appro priation of more than one million dol lars for North Carolina rivers and harbors Is recommended in the an nual report of the board of army en gineers made public this afternoon. Of thii sura nearly, $700,000 is. pro: posed for the improvement and main tenance of the Cape Fear river at and below Wilmington.' Total appropriations askefl for North Carolina streams and harbors amount to $1,073,810. For the Cape Fear river it is proposed to expend $659,000, while the waterway from Norfolk to AUiemarle is listed for n allowance of $274,3 A year ago the army engineers pro posed appropriations of aproximate- ly one and a quarter millions for North Carolina projects and the house committee recommended sub stantially this amount Under . the economy program of Congress the $40,000,000 river and harbor budget was cut down to only $12,000,000 and North Carolina naturally, re ceived only a pittance for waterways. What fate awaits the estimates of the army engineers this session is pro blematical. ( How Ami I. divided. Thl retiring Board of County Commissioners are putting in some strong licks thisweek in ' order to finish up and be able to turn things over to the new board next Monday. Thy met Monday and Tuesday and ' will hold another session tomorrow. All members of the board were pres ent at the meetings Monday ' and Tuesday. Perhaps the matter of most gen eral interest considered by the com missioners this week was that of the proposed bridge across Newport river.r Monday afternoon quite a number of citizens were present to hear and discuss this bridge matter. Those who favored the project and so stated were E. H. Gorham, L. L. Learyy Will -Currier, J. B. Morton, Mr. Oglesby, Kenneth Hardesty, Lu- funds for the rapid construction tf a State System 'pf hard surfaced roads will only retard the State's progrewL There will be but few aet speech es of the inspirational type at this conference' at If is called primarily a course that shall be standardise and a coarse that will give some rec ognition in the way of credit to those pupils successfully cottpleting it The principals of schools in which music is being taught are delighted with the plan, and they feel that the for A thorewgh diacassiM ef an ade-juchin of music will be given .a rat rose law by dtlsens from all a boos. Craven county Is the walks ef Mfe flr,t in th ,ut 14 tfv diflniu rec ognition to the importance of waste in the schools by adopting a stan dardized course of music. DESPONDENT MAN C0M1TS SUICIDE ' Vt'"' K' 11 ' Maddened By Melancholia A. B. Garner Ends His' Own, ..... - , Life. A. B. Garner a well known farmer who lived about five miles west of Newport in a moment of desponden cy took his own life yesterday morn ing. Mrs. Garner, his wife had gone over to her sister's who lives nearby where a hog killing was in progress and on her return at noon found hex husband lying in the floor with t wound " in his temple and a pistol lying by his side. How long he had been dead she did not know. Mr. Garner had been in a melan choly state for a year or more and friends had suggested that he ought to be sent to some institution for treatment but he had never" gone. There was no particular reason for his rash act other than his . mental condition. Coroner H. D. Norcom left for Newport yesterday on the ther Hamilton, W, J. B. Shull, and afternoon train and went out to the rmcs BOOK! FOR schools and COMMUNITIES (By Mary.B. Palmer, Director North Carolina Library Commission.) The rural book service of the Ll ' brary Commission, Raleigh includes Briefly, the detailed estimates of the army engineers covering. North Carolina projects for the'next fiscal year are as follows:. Waterway from .Norfolk, Va. to the sounds of North "Carolina, total distances 68.7 miles between. Norfolk sound, at an estimate cost -of ?274, o. . ..... .. Inland waUrwsyfroni Norfolk, Va to Beaufort inlet a distance of at an estimate cost of $S44,900cmf at an estimate cost of $8,443,000 ex clusive of $344, 890 already expended on this project The engineers ask an appropriation of $50,000 to be expended on the next fiscal year. Roanoke river, North Carollnajm provemanta now underway will, it Hi is estimated cost $169,000 for new work, contemplated on 129 miles REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Deeds for probate filed recently atjnow bet,,, dredged and snagged. the office of the Register of Deed., yor y,. Msnteo (shallow bog). traveling and package libraries. A sre as follows: North Carolina, project the engineers community traveling library con- J D. W. Morton and wife to Jas. R. j recommend certain modifications, tains. 40 volumes of which one-third , Bell lots 8, 9, 19 In square 126, More- j They would-provide an approach chan la children's books. The remainder bead City, consideration $950. jn ven feet deep and 100 feet Includes good stories and popular I nviJ Anderson and wife, of Mon-iwde with a small basin in front of aonfictlon. The traveling libraries trose, N. Y., to D. W. Morton lots 7,the marine railway and thence a for-schools art made up' entirely of'. 9. 10 in square 126, Morehad channel or basin of the same depth children's books arranged according City, consideration $82S. land 200 feet wide to the upper limits to grade. C. w- Mason and wife to Mrs. D. ,0f the town of Manteo,at an estimate, A ease of books is sent free of G.-Cell tract of land In Morehead !C0lt 0f $28,000 for first construction charge to a community or a school township, consideration $3,000. jtnij $2,000 annual for maintenance, upon application to the Library Com- J- W. Wiggins and wife to SalliejAn immediate appropriation of $4, mbsloa. It stays there three months. V. Banks 3 6-10 acres in Morehead kno for this project is recommended. At the end of of that time It may be jtownship, consideration $50.0.' j No appropriation Jor the fiscal renewed . for an additional three! W. S. Moore to Elbert M. Chad-;yMr u asked ofr the waterway con' moatW or It' may bo returned 'to .wkk 6 1-2 acres In Straits township, ! eeUng Quarter Bay, with Deep Bay, ialelah and another library secured. (consideration $159. ' N.C. Tho enlv osoense to the community i i An appropriation of $8,500 is Is the cost of transportation and If 'Editor of The News: 'asked for the Pa mile and Tar rivers 'hat exceeds one dollar, the Library want to say to all who saw the1 project Commission pays the excess.' Issue of license a few weeks ago fori The engineer prepo to um$26 AH except four of the counties ef Bn Buck and Maggie Adams nd' $57.61 now available for continued Dr. B. F. Royall. L. T. Noe said he favored it if the county had the mon ey. P. D. Garner presented a pe tition, signed by about 250 citizens who desired that the bridge be buil at the Narrows instead of the site proposed. - They claimed if built at the site originally specified that oys ter beds there would be ruined. On Tuesday the board met in ex ecutive session and after ' delibera tion decided that the bids of Guthrie Bros, and Bell and Shull were too4 high, being about $70,000, and re jected thorn. - They stated that bid ders might .submit amended bills to morrow if the choose to do so. At Monday's session E. W. Hill csma before the botrd with a peti- tioa which he asked ' the board t6 sign, asking the Governor to keep Haswey Merae la' this county instead ef taking him to work an the Craven county roads. The board did aa re quested. Dr. E. B. Whltehurst asked the board to arrange aa soon aa possible for holding a stocklaw election for Mart hall burg and Smyrna. ! This matter was referred to the county attorney, M. Leslie Davis. Henry G. Lockhart an. ex-Confederate soldier was given permiasion to peddle goods In the county. Guthrie Bros, asked for an exten sion of time on the North River bridge. Aa conditions for which they were not responsible had de layed the work they were given sixty days longer in which to their contract Garner home to investigate the af fair. Upon his arrival he soon dis covered that it was a clear case of suicide and decided, that there 'was no necessity for holding an; inquest He advised that the necessary ar rangements for the funeral be. pro ceeded with, which was done. Mr. Garner leaves his widow and four young children to mourn his untime ly end. ' , '. .' A REMARKABLE MARRIAGE . An event of interest to the town as well ss to friends of the contract in or parties, is the Womanless Mar riage to be solemnised in the Court House on Friday night, December i. The musical program of selections by the graded school band and solos, which proceeds the marriage, will begin-at 7:30 sharp. Cast 'of Characters Bride - J. W. Parrott Maid of Honor E. Walter Hill Brides Maids.. Vernoa Harrsll, Ju lian Hamilton, Howard Jones, L. , E Greenleaf, Claude Felton, Gray don Paul, John Jones, Guy D. Potter, Jr. Flower Girls.. Ellott Ewell, Oliver Springle. Ring Bearer Will Sksrren Groom .. G. W. Duncsrt Best Man J. A. Hornaday, Jr. W. V. B. Potter, 1 W. Hassell, T. M. Thomas. Jr., Joa Douglass, John Hill, Roland Davis. complete Soloist M. Leslie Davis WHILE HUNTING -.,.. 1 ' . ' rt -.'.v..'. j A Deplorable Accident Hap- pens To Anson Willis On . Hunting Trip.t, , J . '' , The first hunting accident of the season, around here, occurred Mon day, morning.- Anson Willis :, who lives near the Carteret Lumber Com- ' pany's place and Bert - Lloyd, two' young men decided to go hunting that day. They go a skiff and rowed ' down about Cart island where they proposed to go ashore. .Willis took his gun by the barrel and handed lt. to Lloyd and in doing so the hammer , of the gun struck the thwart n and caused it to fire. The whole load of number four shot went-into' Willis' " left leg midway between the Icnee and ankle, shattering both bones and severing the principal artery. ; Aa soon as possible Lloyd brought his companion back to the lumber com pany's wharf and there an automo bile was gotten and the unfortunate young man taken to Dr.. Swindell's office who gave him .much needed at tention. . The flow of blood from the wound ' had not been stopped ' until the physician's office was . reached and as a consequence the wounded man was in an extremely weakened and dangerous condition. Dr. Swin dell thought that it, would be necesia sa'ry to amputate the limb snd-so ly ; idvlsed that Mr; Willis be taken to the Morehead City hospital. He was-, carried there that -' afternoon and . Tuesday morning the limb was amputated.."- - '.- ' . According to information that reached the News yesterday, by, tele-. phone . the . operation was successful and . the patient was getting along fairly well. It la thought now that he will recover. Mr. Willis la a mar tied man and has aae child. . - ', REPORT OF BEAUFORT GRADED .SCHOOL FOR SECOND MONTH .Enrollment Boys 188, girls 191, total 879. Average dally attend anceBoys 176, girls 181, total 887. Absent, Boys 179, girls 190, total 369. Tardiee Boys 130, girls 92, total' 222. Percentage of enrollment attending dally Boys ' 94.8, girls 95.5, total 95. The Ifonor Roll is aa follows: First Grade -Harry Daugh, Math, ew Chaplain, Ernest Ford, Howard Hil. Louis Hooper, Msthew Mar shall. Robert Perry, James Potter, David Modlin, Lanie Smith, Majorie ! it. a f ae-a. eo a rcone, atarcei jonnson, tsier Law erence, Evelyn Mason, Beatrice Ma sen, Susie Grey Norris, Lorena OU sen, Peggy PorroU, Annett Toffle, Ethel Blake," Alice Clyde Madges, Annie' Ball Darling. James Dixon, Winfleld Fodrle, Ren Parson W. E. Swann The board visited the County Brides fsther M. C. Holland I Home to see about locating a deep (Brides mother ... Chas Maason well there. The committee locating Grooms father Wiley Taylor j the Marshstlburg-Gloucester road re- Grooms mother D. M. Jones I ported and their report was accepted. Brides baby brother.. Lionel Arthur -..v.... A-.KU Mojn. n. County road supervisor C. W. Thorn-. Colored nurse Roland KingC,jn UU)n Uarr cng Ewell. Ellsa maw nis iTjmi. n v . i ilia ruwiMiiiiiiciii tm i.vii j ww cepted. An arrangement was made Psrtnt-Teacbers Association to ae with Mr. SUncill who has been aud- curt funds to build walks on the iting the county's books to act as au- fded school grounds. ' ' ditor fir six months longer. A Tickets, adults 60c; children JSc, will be sold by the school ehiMrtn. I number of bills were audited and or dered p.id. both Green leaf, Eleanor Jones, Verna May Springle,' MatUe Weeks. -Alvelta Sksrren, Bailie Bell Willis, Louis Barber, Joseph Dixon, Earl Willis, Nat White. Charlie Dunn, Clarence Guthrie, ST PAUL'S CHURCH tvu ls kava Kan Drivllrrrd to i he. state are being reached by the'tKink we are married is a grand mis-'improvements In the harbor of Beau-alUn1 tn poaching M'muIoh which1 oral book service of tfce Ubrary Uke. He purchased license for me fort N. C. He asks 96,600 tor main- . . . rondurted this week by the It is requested that every store M'CharUa Howe, Frank King. Bennlo town close'at 7:00 P. M. Friday pe- prUcUi. rjoane, Ruth Morris, Hasel cember 3rd. No. Rlts Yoffle. J" IwJFlfth Grade Madeline Gabriel. COMPENSATION LAW. , Jonetf Ruln K,illnBworta. Mar RALEICII, NOV. JO. For the Caret Ssnford, Helena Willis, Sarah ComBlsalon. The appreciative l" without my consent and It waa quite tenance for the next fiscal year. ,Rtv r j j c0ffiffin, Rector of St F JJ tin received at the office of the surprising to me to know that thai For the waterway connecting Core yry',' Church. Kin.lon. have been V purpose oi giving an pernes wier- "wiil's, tuudia Kdwarus, jona liar- In a Workmen's Compensation bour, Frank Campbell, Albert Gas- i. . k . . .y4 1 Lill J . ff ...I. tl.M. " ,k 7 .uu- M " mTW9 T . mt dln, 'na un,tt"l, """ (or enlightenment as well, Cha'rman Wlndley Respesa. f thee books. One enthusiastic I llk lu , ,. ony . frt.nd to mk.d. k ,rt f0ntinued Thurvl.y and Und Q Wirr, of th. (p(ui .Sixth Crad Ruby Rich, CUnnl. rerian writes. -I "j to real- w, .nd , h-w just treated him nice The urep.ndd balance f$l rr1d.y .tl.M. Th. public U cor- Ur)i,.lWt CommiU... has called a .t Dill. Willl.m Potter, John Jenkina. im wt t-i s,T- r-""' wnei ne csme w my Mint, i sup- uju.o ior uun w-.. invited. leasing It U In the lives of our peo-pwM 6, thought prwbably If be twee4 Beaufort and Jacksonville, N.j g,,, ,tt Sundsy are Holy Is here to have these splendid books W0B,d t lktnM for TO, ut ,C will be expended ta dredge work. lComwttnk)ll with Mrmon at 11 A. M. furnUhed.by aur State. May Cod.y u compelled to marry hlm.;No additional is ashed Evening prsyer and sermon 7. P. M. Tosper the great work. I tool glad to know that t haven't vt ; 1 1 . it to do. I want ; say to tho Reg I WIRE CREEK ' ' 1 jUtor of rWeds that ! forbid re Well Ue farmers are by ' this laewlng.llcease for Ben Buck and mj ol weather gathering rice ceuon. session tfr Tuedsy. December 14, Wade Neal. t II o'clock. The meeting will be 8eventh Grade- at Insurance Commissioner Young's yawnd Jenkms, loffice and the committee invites sll wUk. Lydia Parkins, Ra Ruth Brick house. their Ksit Sundsv afternoon, December . k. ...ur. f . ... . L " -'"- ..... w r f '8' lh nn" ,",VM 01 . attend and prent their views aadjYoffie. Uurs Qibbs, Thresa Higglna. . will do maoe in cnimnn w, i j0nnudations. The folia a . , aV II I - 1 .. - I . ill. YJ:.A i rttMnsUfiaiiioni. a nm iwiivwtfiM nu mini. niiDn nirv. lciii mvv US ttt ft) ...k f Ik slflyaawUl rHIMlaW , Vta,lW HwrnA PlaiirK-a IUf4hAft1. PfV piMirfri v a ' w orw- wa w -w 5 i sea vso vo aww w - - - e Aa additional appropriation of $,- 100 ia iesufort Extensive ImprevemonU are eea-;Mt,a. wU. ..mB-irt. ti low seir. I ao aol know waewer Be Ml iemp.ai. .ox -9r .i r-.-p. ,. Mp u U, workers If all taoae . . .Kam win .,u.d. e-B. s.n,M WklU. Edith Kksrre-i. StelU retaraed them bach or whether he, Lookout. Tne aaexpooae oaianee,. Bl-rtd u ,uport of the . n... ..in" k.n n " " .... . .t. ' ( in Ml Llll k. .4 ...l. IK. . I T.. . . .... n Mr " "i..., . . - Tho tobacco from tble secUon wui aaa aem oui i cea wu.y soy ij -r. "" 7 -'Parisli will suy at some aiier a r.i Thow?M,m ,t tdell; Repre-I Tenth Crade JulUa. Caaklll. o ha sold and the farmers have re- of La service to aim if he keeps them prtaUoa la asked. The amount fU. Mtt .fumoon antU ,nWi, K a fud.u,, of Vatoa. Alice Pottor, Bet Jeaea, Rath White, iv4 a very lew price for ll Lasa ;fa? tver. Ha had better'token theiaest fiscal year., Na aeve appea-K,,w mpmn and they, are hrgaaUy Ukf y,, f BttM0Wb, and'Dkk Duncaa, laoa WUlia. Paul Joaea, nsoaer ae speni ior icero sn w m r-1 aa root of making. I gaesa that some ef the people bought something that would ha Ito of the -listing project to $2,131, lnk; that Sheriff Thomas sad hla 'beea of service to his little children. 000. a will eeosj get all Ue whiskey! I feel sory that eewe has gone to . m 11 .. . ,sny friends end relatives that 1 am; NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Mr. Dudley . the road mas la Buy married. It la aot aaytmng inai 1 g la every dsy he c.a (9 get the -tave done, bet throegh lgnoraf.ee of .j 1. w.f. tm turns ll aver isomeone cite. 1 11 iS hjsrd. Costwent to tha bat and got struck 'limit 01 svtg a nerve, t ah.le Harding made a home run. l5o! irniM- C 1. Col 11. eaavti, JH. v. ;aked ta da so. '.Brownlow Jackson, of Headertea. 1 EMelle Caffrey, WOlla Saaford. BAPTIST CHURCH MARRIACE LICEN3E. ' Oolv one marrutft Ikease Eleventh Grade Lacy Lay, The!- ma Cerner, llalsey Paul, Bet tie C.bbs. hss Nellie Jones, R chard Rice, Theresa guess . 1 1 .. ... ,Ntl ruTOJT morning at ui ip- , . . ... ... .1. C ur.h ,h. P-stor will areh .. wtek. that hsring Hill. Ucy P.cham. taJl. rUce. Oa account of the rush of holiday lK- -n,. f.,tr of Monsr". SUtkey MeUey. Jr. and , Eatalla TeBe. s.. to .11 who the Sews force ha. all It can At to ev,.,tr. hour the theme will Alma Hill Id! ef Moreheoa City. k - Te summary .1 ne , ro-or e. read this that Let Bock oU fie,0 u kP w mu,t 4,,r' be "ChiMs Coming snd Coming to kit rs tAere.ete 10 aave mvirrepy m cirtl -. The f Itowing ma! quor. , (ms ort.ee iioi uur wia mi eenxa ,!-,ia, he rendered at iiwe-d.y eveg U. Uy wiaj H toitni( tth-i, -K.Me-. brr Me Ohv vleH his ports, Mr. ad Mrs. II.) Mr. Pea Lflty, of New' Sera, pel .Ui ti Ue iur,et ! ot Ue p-,Xihty One." .shows: by 1 -52. tlrls 61. tot-1 Mr. IIn.y Norcom who has beeal' , . j Sfnplnjfs l at I soar ceme isi wt , 'P. TTetrom, '- - Mondiyrera an baHnete. ;A fc0R :: Url nd j; t . I . ' .'. 1 ; B .... ; ... . . frith-' I ven a I 1 -.-t - NA it VOOL ! TurCo CINIA , t rata. i i : 1 my. ? . .. I i 1 p. I t I 1 1 s. w'.ll all gel sttack out. t : 4 ". " 1 I

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