. .. . : - - : i A - v ? -A ' j--. - -T i , .-I 7V f THE HOME PAPER V - -' : . BEADING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY 1 ' V 1 ' ' f EVERY THURSDAY 1 V . 4r ' J:. . Volume IX. BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA,; THURSDAY7-DECEMBER 9; 1920 NUMBER 47. r n M" ' ' " """" "" rv--- rt. GEW; OFFICIALS. WERE INSTALLED. - ON LAST MONDAY Many People Were Present To .See New Admnistration T Go In Office COUNTY FUNDS ARE LOW CONGRESS HOLDS BRIEF SESSION Harding "Answers' to Roll And Makes Brief Speech. Many New Bilk WASHINGTON, DEC. 6. Con gress reconvened today with the, cus tomary brief and routine opening ses sions which were attended by great f There was a big crowd around the court house here oh Monday. The officials chosen at tlfe November elec tion when the republicans made a clean sweep of the county, were in stalled 'that day and y they and a good many of their friends and well wishers were on Jiand for the occa sion. 1 The retiring Board of Commis sioners had to wind up their affairs and as they had considerable to do they did not get ready to surrender the reins of government until about two thirty in - the : afternoon. At that time they went gracefully out of office and the new board composed of J. L. Edwards, of Newport; H. O. Piner, of Williston; B. F. Small, of Sea Le vel ; G.: .G. Taylor of Bogue,' and C. K. Wheatley, of ' Beaufort, were duly sworn in. '' j'' Shortly after their installation the new board went into executive ses sion and after completing thefr or ganization and talking matters over adjourned till nine thirty next day. They elected C. R. Wheatly Chair man; E. W. Hill County Attorney,,', The' proceeding of the- two meet ings will be published next week in 'the News in full but one or tw mat ters will bt mentioned here.. There V-", ' . irsre several applications for the po " sition of Keeper 0 the County home they being H. W. Peterson, Harvey Kke and Mr. Wade who formerly had charge of the institution. ' Mr. Peterson was elected to the 'place. As the offiCe of County Treasurer was abolished by the old board the new board had to make tom ar rangements about the disposition of the county's funds and after bobm discussion it was decided to put the business in the keeping of three of the banks in the county. The banks chosen were The ank of Beaufort, the Beaufort Banking and Trust Company and the Bank of Morehead M. e.li. Davis, former HOLDS MEETING Superintendent Ennett Re signs 1 But Is Induced to Finish Out' Term , . crowds and marked by an address in the Senate, by President-elect Har ding, as unique and historic feature Senator Harding took his seat,. ans wered his name Iwhen - the Senate roll was called and made a brief ad dress from the rostrum. - - ; Other featsre3 of the opening of the third and final session of the Sixty-sixth Congress, weye receipt of annual appropriations estimated ag gregating $4,653,000,000 and intro duction in the House of an unusual volume of new bills and resolutions. Senators held op their bills until to morrow in accoxdance with the cus tom of limiting the first day to for mal convocation. . . V More thanr 850 new bills and reso lutions were dropped 'into the House .hopper today and a flood of similar proportions is expected tomorrow in the Senate. T The new House meas ures dealt with almost every conceiv- able subject,' including proposals for repeal of war laws, lor appropria tions, of millions of dollars for a .1 . . . myrid 01 purposes, pensions ana many, measures for farmer's relief. ILLITERACY MUST BE ABOLISHED Well Known Attorney pffers His Services In Aid of Night , School For Adults. SEA LEVEL NEWS What will bo a great benefit to the boatmen of this section and the entire state is the deepening of the thoroughfare which is a shallow channel connecting Core sound with Neuse river. The appropriation for this project was passed by Congress in 1914 snd not until a few weeks ago-was operation started- to open this channel.' Tbo people are look inr forward to Its completion with tbo assurance, after it U completed that they will not have to sweat, curse and cry tryingL.to get the old boa off the mud flats and rocks. .We are very glad Indeed to think that we are going to have better roads from now on , but thinking about It donl make good roads. We County ' h always wanted good roads here At a meeting of the County Board of . Education here on Monday the resignation of Superintendent L. B". Ennett wns tendered the board. Af ter discussing the matter with Mr. Ennett he was persuaded to stay in Office until next July 'itfter" which time a new man will probably be elec ted. Mr.Ennett has been Superin tendent, for a number of years hut has never been a whole time official. The salary which he has received has never been sufficient" to justifying' in giving his whole time to the work. At one time he got only fifty dollars a month and lately he has been re ceiving one hundred. The Board ad vanced his salary to one hundred and fifty ami the understanding 1s that after the first of the year he will give his entire - time to his duties.- In some counties superintendents re ceive much larger salaries than this amount . - ' At the meeting Monday the Board made a settlement with the manufac turer from who mthe sanitary toilets for the schools were bought. A man will be sent here to install them as soon as. the necessary, work can be done to get ready for - them. Re pair work on a number ... of school buildings was ordered done and the matter of consolidating some of. the schools was discussed but. no action taken.' Some routiire matters were dis posed of after which the board ad journed. All the members were present t the meeting. The article on '.'Abojishing Illiter acy which appeared in the News last week has attracted , several favorable comments. One of these which is published below ' contains a concrete offer of help. : "' y- 'f r'' It is hoped that other citizens will display some interest in ths-important matter The communication of Mr E. Walter Hill is as follows: Editor of The Beaufort News: I was so much impressed with the Editorial "Abolishing; Illiteracy". that appeared in this week's issue of your very valuable paper, that I have re-read it, and I wish to express my hearty approval thereof, and to give to it my full endorsement. ' The statistics therein conveyed are very illuminating as well as most ap palling. It is very hard for me to comprehend that in this wonderful age of endiglitened civilization that there are' so many of our people neigh ghbon and friends, groping around in the darkness or illiteracy "like children crying in the night Like children crying for the light, with no language but a cry". Mr. Editor, you have clearly de-" fined our responsibilities, as citizens, sharply, emphasised them, and pointed the way whereby this deplorable con dition may be rectified. Illiteracy is no longer excusable, It is a thing that can not and should not-be pal liated. It is the Duty of every cit izen to get- behind a movement to radicate this oviL It can and should be eradicated at once. . We should no must not be satisfied with any thing but complete eradication. Nover rest ntil every man, womaa and child has mastered the rudiment. Shall at least bo able to read and write. Personally I'am willing to teach a night school without price st RED CROSS ROLL CALL CONCLUDED Total Membership Of 139 Se cured. Will Meet Next Week. After a thorough canvas of the city and faithful work on the part of the team captains arid teams the lo-(TREATMENT FREE TO ALL" CAMPAIGN STARTS AGAINST TYPHOID IN THIS COUNTY State Board Physician Will Give Treatment to School ' Children of ' County " Treasurer came before the board Se' Lew " WB01 ,ot for the purpose of having adjusted ajyt having them. We suppose matter which was In dispute between .that we got our share of the county him and the old board relative to hia f onda for road building bat our commissions on the road bond ,U rosds are not completed by sny. sues. Ho had received one per cent I nais, so we want some more of that on dif bureVrnknta and claimed that he ' stuff called money snd some one who wss entitled to something on the re-! " something about road build ceipta, stating that he was willing to ling accept one-half of one per cent) Mr. E Edwards, of Merritt, ts After getting legal advice and con- this week Installing the Delco-Ught sideringthe mstter for some time the srt In b M.' E. Church, This bosrd decided to sccept Mr. DsvU'im compleU the church. .. proposition and close the matter up.1 Quits' Urg numW of young The road question was discussed jop' rom Atlantic Including the considerably but as the countv has' high school' teachers spent Sunday no funds available for btilding roads evening hereJ NEW REGISTER. OF DEEDS Troy Morris the newly elected Register or Deeds was duly inducted into his office las Monday. Mr. Mos ris who is from Atlantic, is a nephew, of the former Register of deeds J. R. Morris. -.Sheriff Thomas was also sworn in to succeed himself on the j that any one desiring max gain same day. Judge su J. KespessiieMt the primaries of an educstion. Clerk of the Superior Court did not j would like to hear from others. . have to run, this time. The office of ! iB conclusion Mr. Editor, I wish to Tressnrer having been abolished by eay that I have been forcibly im- the old board of commissioners there ; pressed with the appearance and news is no one in that office now. W. C. puality of your paper since you have Stanclll, of Johnson county, wss elec- installed new machinery. Teu are ted by the former board to the of- getting out a good paper. One of fice of County Auditor for a term of which the county may well be proud six months and has entered upon his 0f, snd I wish for you that measure of duties. success you tp generously deserve. ' The editorial referred to above is well OFFICE SUPPLY MAN MERE Owen G.Dunn of New Bern, the well known dealer la - office fur niture and supplies of all kinds was in Beaufort last week on a business trip. Mr. Dunn's trade covers prac tically all of eastern Carolina. He aaid that he has been n a number of good towns recently but n none of them did bo have as good a trade as in Beaufort. This probably Is due to the fsct that Beaufort Unot depend- Wt welcome you end 'ent upon any one crop or product but worth the price of subscription. Beaufort, N. C. Dec. 6th. E. W. Hill now It wss the consensus of opinion i ak you to cesne again. that the work had better stop for a! Mr. B. F. Small left Monday mom- ihss a variety of them. WILL HOLD BAZAAD. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church will hold Its Christinas Bstaar Tuesday, December 14th, ll20, at the corner of Turner and Front streets, the store formerly oc cupied by Rountree A Co. There will be something to please every one. The usual fancy booth to attract the older ones, the mystery cal Chapter Annual Roll Call for the ensuing year of 1921 has reached a total of 126 members' all of which are annual memberships but two, one of these being a $E contribution and the other being a 1 10 sustaining mem bership, The total , amount, contrib uted, not including auxiliaries, which are yet to report, is 1139. While this ' amount is not as large ' as we wished it would be, still we believe that under the conditions fit ..read justment this does well for- Beaufort. None' of the auxiliaries, which in clude the colored section of the city of Beaufort, Davis Shore," Atlantic, Marshallburg , and Smyrna, have re ported 'as yet. We hope these, re ports will bring our total at least up to the 200 mark.' ; 7"r" 7 In giving the following report by teams allowance is made for the fact that some territory is better than oth er, and tne teams oeing limited to their respective territory in some! cases have done better than others in territory expected to do better. Due credit is hereby given to all for their faithfulness in this great cause. The Roll Call Chairman t tn behalf of the' local chapter and the " Red Cross Organization, wishes .to take this opportunity to thank ever yone who has worked so faithfully and those who have contributed so wil lingly to this worthy cause. 1. Mrs. G. W. Duncan 10 mem bers, 110.00. 2 Mrs. George Lay 15 members, $10.00. it Miss Lillian Duncan 10 mem bers, $10.00. ' 4 Mrs. C. A. Clawson 18 mem bers, $18.00. 5 Mrs. Greenleaf and Mrs. Swin dell 12 members, $21.00. 6 Miss Nellie Richardson 14 7 Mrs. Will Potter 22 members, members, $14.00. $22.00. 8 Mrs.. Charles Bushell 10 mem bers, $10.00. 9 Mrs. Clarence Guthrie 8 mem bers, $8.00. 10 Miss Iraoiogene Stewart 7 members $11.00. ' . ' k Total number of members 126. Total s mount received $189.00. I Respectfully submitted, ( HARRY A. DAY. Dec. 1, 1920. Roll Call Chm'n. Since the above report was made last week- additional members ' have been enrolled msklng the total num ber of memberships 139 and the to ut 'amount received to' date $1(2. On account of She Public Welfare meeting in New Bern which will be attended by Red Cross delegates from Besufort, the regular meeting -1. The anti-typhoid campaign which has been going on for some time in various parts of the State will begin ' ' in Carteret county next Monday and - - will be Vigorously waged till the T 5 county is covered. The, work which will, be done by Dr. D, R. Schenck under the direction of the State Board of Healthj will be among the school 1 - children and others. Dr. Schenck, . whose home is in Rutherf ordton, has j been a practicing physician for many yeeara in the western , part of the State. Last winter he was sent out " : " by the State Board to help combat ; ' the influenza epidemic and for some months past he has been engaged in ' administering the typhoid vaccine. , . ' During- the past two years thirty , two of these' campaigns against ty- . phoid fever have been waged and' -.. some 80,000 persons have 'taken the treatment, 'r At first it was 'a little - . -difficult ' to ; get people J to take the ., treatment, now they are not only'. willing but generally anxious to do ,. so. Since the beginning of the fight -, ; against typhoid in this state the death 'j rate has been cut In hslf and It is ? hoped to lower It still further, v " Vt: Schenck; came here front Co- -r - -. lumbus county where he has Just . , closed a very successful campaign, -having administered the! treatment to about 2,000 persons. As a rule' . ' most of the .school children were ea ger to take the treatment At one school 98 percent were vaccinated. The campaign In this county will begin next Monday at lower North .. River school at f ocloclt, theh Bettle school will be next at 11 o'clock, then ' Otway, Straits and Marshallburg the 9 ' same day. The full list of appoint, menu appear elsewhere In' an adver- tiscment in this paper. In order , that the work shall proceed rapidly Dr. Schenck sUUs that ths children must bo on hand promptly ready to f Uke the treatment. He has a lot of work'to do and must not be subject- -ed to unnecessary delays. ,Uble for all, the grab bag for the! 1 children, also delicious eaU to please 0f the local chapUr will be postponed ANSON WILLIS DEAD Anson Will Is the young man who accldenUlly shot himself while on a hunting trip Monday a week ago died Friday morning In the hospital at Morehead City. An account of she. accident appeared In last weeks la- sue of the News. Mr. Wllllaanda coropsnlon Brt Lloyd were " In a boat and in passing the gun to Lloyd it waa accldenUlly discharged, the passing throughltwas. etsoln eUonla losd of shot psmlng through Willis' left leg shattering both bones sad severing the principal artery. He was Uke:t to the bospiul and there the limb wss amputated. It was thought at one time that he would was .KIU until .rnm.iit roul.i b Iflf Mr BeSUlort M StUQd Wlmli- WIL CARET 9VTn.ll IU made to get money, except that cer-i sloners meeting and attend other LIGHT SHIP all consbting of chicken salad, san-i till next Tuesday. ' The meeting will (recover but he proved unable to .n -,k .lr..4 i.rt,l will b business. ' CapUln Eugene Youmans and hU -he. coffee, chocolate, cake and.K held in the Graded School at Und t'.ie trying ordeal through finished. A complete sUUment ofj Mr. D. E. Tsylor, of Greenville, Is son E. .K. Yeumano of Hsrket's I- candies. ( (seven o'clock. 1 which lie passed and succumbed tka C" jumtv'i Anaaraa will k nuH. tsDendlnt- the week with hU parenU lUadhave the contract for carrying L ! !h Injuries. Mr WW la' body 'mall and supplies to tne tape l- NEWS ITEMS FROM MERRIMOlt. a JOYOUS OCCASION oroJgni oaca nere ins wwn " out light ship. They have made one , (Omitted last week.) I - The Womanless Wedding at the;-Vrn V'ew cen.etry. KJ Is sor- trip and were here Mondsy getting t , p. Carroway has a little girl j County Court, House Isst Friday ;vved by his widow and on cW d. supplies for another visit to the ship. MriaUy M with diptherla. We hope Venlng sttrscted a very Urge crowd1 11 ' ' CapUln T. G. Willis of Besufort .w. w,ii recover. of women, men and children all curl-1 CHRISTMAS SALE AND SUPPER. llahed In an early issue of the News. The board will meet again on Thurs day the 16 th. S. W. Allan- Mr. and Mrs. Maltby Taylor. Mr. Wm. M. Hill and Mr. Robinson two young men, of tic, spent Sunday here. Mr. Chas. Lewis of New Bern, was Mr. Wallace Willis .returned home It remarkable i The Societies of St. Paul's Church That tbey'will hold a Christmas Sale and 8up- AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT. Hush Pake an eighteen year old a business visitor here Friday. .formerly had this contract but gave Rtv j M Carrswsy has returned 0us to know how this ntk h liv.. In is.'lUtila n.lak. Mr. Wallace Willis .returned home It on last mouth. fm B-k Mount where ha aUend- i.v.nt tuA uke olace. borhood has a painful and dangerous Mondsy after a business trip to! 1 the N. C Conference. 'were highly entertained was shown per st. three o'clock on Friday, Do- - accident lt Sudsj evening. He Bee a fort. j NEW MILL MANAGER HERE, j Mrs. J. M. Carraway Is In Graham, by the applause and shjuU of .laugh- cembr the tenth. Many practical and another young man were Uhlg Mrs. Edward WU1U and Dorothy F. R, Seely of nolilaur, N. C ar- N c.. vlsltlBg her dsughter Mnu'ter that part'elpanU as snd fancy artklee for gifu wlQ bo on a Joy ride when the ear which Pake Willis returned homo Mondsy after j rived last week to assume charge Don Rodger. jsoon ss they appeared and laaUJ to sale and also chicken salad, tea, hot waft anvlng ran inloa uitcn. ine iiiwsihtwu ifiww. 1 wt varrw vr- 1 uoooing, 01 norm toe end 01 toe periormnc. -,cnwma., , The young man was thrown clear through the wlndsheitd and head fore most Into a wire fence. The result of the accident wss that he was pain folly scratched and bruised but' not dangerously hurt The other occ pent of the csr wss not hurt. ' H Mr. Willie se who has been on GentrsI Msnarer. Mr. Seely for the sick list for several weeks la lm-mriy had charge of a mill at Hoi proving. ! lister. Mrs. Soohronla Salter wss token The ftmber plant here will will be ar la .Banrfin a few dars with Mrs. burlasaue en a swell wedding the and Ice cream. The place id 1. Carraway this week. Isffslr wss a great success. All of the store on the corner of Front and V Mrs. M. R. Goodwin left last week i those who took part U Um ceremony Tarter streets. Come, bey your ; Cloae .a.i, La, k.kat.i kn la In Ika ...... III. J lkamaa e WflL The Dirt eif La. SOS VOur IrleadS and , ... . . ..-..!. .1 J 1 af ins niuaiunsT dcipo wm piaa- - 1 T..sr irpir. later news la that she 1s Improving., Idars and l( business conditions Jus-i f. rortod Mondar that Mr. lha wU known fish desler Jake Par U Mn Lather Taylor had i busy day tify H will mesne operation (Ut r-ctin was deed, lie left homeliWand while ktws not exattlf ' -CHRIST AS HERO .... . . . i ... I in viiit har nuihana wno is in uie,aau 1 W......"e.-t...t. lit S..H ' At.rn.rn tr.lkaM-l far1 Ika hot. ' I. . -.'.rti . -k - . WJ v-aiiia p-aiH ." 1 h - - - - ISSntUinunl St t IfHUITUH, .. Mjy ... . . . A . . . I . . - I . k. . . . t . i .. . 1 . I . . .. Ll ...wa. i 4. .L. ...Vlt .f ' inonoir usMPonini nrs sse vtiati im uni , -.. , Kainrdav inianuin to a u l soiDil. I ihlnc el Minn if wh i"i - iih wm vm -. FREE COURSE IN ACRICULTURE.beth yoong snd 'old from Atlantic to pUnU a!l over the country ere shut-l-j. hvt the report has not been con- The part of groom was acted by C. theme of the sermon at the First Dep.. sm . - - a - .1 1. 1 m ' a- a. a-t.u.sV a Caklo ealovsVt 4 r Tbo Agrlcultursl snd Engineer- Sea Level In Mj. S-mII's car and In ting down and this one or we lew nc.Collie In ftalc'g . will giv aaetim trying to attend U his da. free two weeks course In agriculture ties at homo. la isnusry beginning on the ltnh.1 Mr. Alton Taylor had an attac This eer k ppei ti, farmers any the blues Sunday but Monday ssorn t are still operating. tkofj I where In the Bute. Ing wss very mweh betUr. CspU'Dsy has duxMrgod another That Big Cteb offer of the load of oyilers. . fol News asd Profrestlve Frmt U goo4 Belter sead la yooe ib atirtUo wbllo ll U SO. Mr John Lit Taylor, of Reaver Dam, drove duwn to Bee Leved Bon day. , ' . Male aM frUod 0 ' CWUI aaaaool el loo SVaart rfews prereaaie Fare, both m f fee 8IJS. , . , 1 1 kra 'h ) ! S ka fi- alisiskl k--lllt SI due sot wsa eea d. tt . t.. . . a a atrtkln fan. l; . rLaa..k . Kanita ftLrkl (at 1 H'HII ' " " . --- j . , (... la aia la Via chartf.'nr bride v. - aVUck. The dLcaion Willi NO QUORUM. NO MEETING .but neverttelese esmo up . to . the;tfftJ nh the question -ihy religion j .Tuesday ovealng wss1 the regular sundard In other reapocta. The com- '1 does not appeal to yaung peopls." j meeting night for the board of town plete cast of characters was given la; The subject for the montlsg tr'. commissioners hot a there wss not I last week's lease of the News. Tbo mon will be "ChrUUaalty aid T4 !a quervu pretent, t meeting wss sum of the $1460 wss rtatlaed from ;aatioB.M I peel-1 si oak- will be iti ' not held. Yhoao proaent were Msysr the performance which willbe ur,dtf-d at both,' servKee, Male qur ) Puhall. ffiim!f!trrl MiJe d'by the Parent Testhar .WUtloa 'trtt UI slr.g. - and for beautifying ana" Impr v g the Question to oh yev!f "Sk hf d WhlUhurst, Cork M. A.' Hill 'ChMf of polkt W. R. Lange-L i Graded School ground. 11 Jnotatled,cNuth;-! 4 - ! 1 i : i! t i 1 1. i 1 t ' 4 I I n, L; w ' 1 ; .IS v fi i" J 4 . . . v vM l ; v -

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