1 11 -:'. -T .'. V '. , J ' V- ,iiiIE2:lllW 3 THE HOME PAPER G READING THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY ) EVERY THURSDAY - i r BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, iteO. NUMBER CO. - . - . 1 ... - .' -f- : i ., r- . - ... f. . ' r FATAL SHOOTING CHRISTKIAS DAY 'TW0MEN11ILLE Emplolt Of Lumber Company Enfftfen Fight With Tragic Results NESMITH IS UNDER BOND Tb&t which would have been nor mal Christmas in this vicinity was quickly changed into a tragic one when Gus Carter, eolored was killed and Louis Carter fatally wounded just as the ran was about to go down. The shootirrg "was done by James Nesniith awhiWman who is a logging ADULT SCHOOLS ; OPEN IN SUMMER Effort Will Be Made To Wipe Out Illiteracy la Carteret County The effort which the News has been making to get an anti-illiteracy cam paign started in Carteret county has met with eome. success but it appears that the actual work will have to wait till next Summer. Besides try. ing to enlist the support of local cit izens the editor of the News has talked the matter over with Soperin tendent L. B. Ennett and has had some correspondence with Miss Eliz abeth Kelly, of Raleigh, in regard to CELEBRATION SATURDAY s TJ&-CoIored people of the commu nity have arranged for a big emanci pation celebration her Saturday. The principal exercises will take place in , the County . Court . Boom. The Mayor of Beaufort, other officials I and other citizens are invited to at tend the meeting. WILLIS-OWENS. Belma Louise Willis, of engineer for the Carteret Lumber the drive. Miss Kelly has charge of Company. The two colored men j this sort of work for the State Board I were also mployes of the lumber f of Education. Miss Morehead City, and Mr. Matthew T, Owens, of Beaufort, were married Monday evening at seven o'clock at the home of the bride in Morehead City. The ceremony which wns one of elegant simplicity was witnessed by relatives .'and few friends of the couple. 'Rev. F. R. Bumpas per fgrned the ceremony which united the young couple. After January the first Mr. and Mrs. Owens will make their home in ROOK PARTY r. C. M. Willis verv deliarhtf ullw entertained a few of her frienoa at her aome Monday evei!ijr, progress- tft'tiok being the trame played. Mm N. F. Ewe having made the highest score was awarded the prize fhile; the booby went to Mtaulcla iL 'rhose rJavine and enioviwr Utk Willis' hospitality were Mr. and lira N. F. Eure, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dickinson, of Wilmington, . Misses MaiUe Duncan and Lela Wade, Mrs. Erneit Duncan, Mr. Levi Wheatly ind Mr. D. C. Lewis, of Suffolk, Va. Sandwiches, hot chocolate, fruit cake and candy were served, with attrac tive tittle geskets in Christmas colors as favors. Har fflg Will Hav Able Men InA Hit Official - Family Hughes Secretary State relating to Harding's Cabinet f S9atfc.iniS?esting news is coming from Washington now President-elect From these reports it appears that Mr. Harding has about made up his mind as to who will be appointed to these important places. First in WILL ORGANIZE Aii Enthusiastic Meeting Held Tue. Night Much Inter- Jest-Gooi Attendance ' FRIENDS ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neal entertain ed a party of friends at their home here Tuesday. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webb, Mr. Beaufort where and Mrs. Dan Bell, MrsjrVEj.Hed- MrOwensHS in the mercantilrlms- iden, Messrs. Theodore Webb and John G. Bell, of Morehead City and iness. SJ of Mr. Everet Smith, of New York. DEATH OF J. W. WHEATLY J. W. Wheatly died at hts home here last Thursday afternoon after an illness of nearly a year with Bright's disease. Mr. Wheatly was 61 years of age. He is survived by his widow and one daughter. Two brothers of the deceased Charles and William Wheatly and a sister Mrs. Matilda Springle are also living to mourn his passing away.- The funer al services were conducted by the Rev. P. R. Bumpas and the interment was made in St. Paul's cemetery. company and -worked at the mill. As better teachers can he had in The affray took place in the village ' Summpr thnn street just in front, of the company's ; er is more favorable at that time, it I COTTON REPORT commissary and was witnessed by sev-; will probabhy be easier then to get a According to figures of the U eral people. igood attendance at the schools, the I Census Department 1,179 bales Mr. Nesmith was interviewed in decision has been reached to defer ; cotton were ginned in Carteret coun- the county jail where he had been put the campaign till that time. In the ty up to December 13th this year, by Sheriff Thomas shortly after the 1 meantime it is hoped that teachers At the same period laBt year there fight took place. His statement to j and others who have the opportunity had been 2,000 bales ginned. The the News was that he was getting'wil inform any who might be inter- fee of the whole State were 681, nome wood to take to his home which ested that the schools for adults will99( for this year and 755,526 for was near by and that the two negro be conducted ner.t summer. Ihe,'ast year, men and a woman approached him, Nevs will be glad to hear from any i that Gus Carter asked if his name nrvn who msv Tp1 a MISSES WILLIS AND DAVIS EN- was Perrv and that on his reply it in riT vax in this cininnirn tn ahoM TERTAIN. was not, used a.rough expression and -fghllliWracy. , Mis9es EWa will-,3 and Hilda Da- siid that he thought he was the man As Miss Kelly's letter on the sub- vjg delightfully entertained a large he was looking for and began to hit jwt is one T general interest it is number of their friends Monday even-j ..,REV. J. S. BELL RETURNS mm iui K...i....K. r- repnwraceo nerewun: i ing at tne norae of Mr. mnd Mrm. Ko. j fi Bel, pa8toT of the Ar M .n.v " ... . na-,gn. . v... iv,.jUnd Davi8. IE. 2ion church here will fill that re- and fought him w.th his fists, thati -Mr. W. G. Mebane, The home was artmtkhj decorated .tionah- ir another year. At the ix.u v-rvcr jo.neu .n ...u urK... vu . a. -K.. for the occasion in colors er red and (District Conference held last week he " " W 3 mcMT green. Many lnteresimg games r wivoeiwed the Eeaufort anointment ten his right hand free he drew h "I mnw A seems that I have . pl.yed, two tables being arranged fer j-ajn. j.. j. h. Anderson was made pisioi ana nrea iwicr pwun - uu.. ki mnajvnecianve oi win your iv-1 Rook and a prise awarded fer we residing Elder for the Beaufort in each of his assailants. Nesmith er and the uplendid editorial in the owet score Miss Hilda Wills Wing 1 dififcrict. says he had never had any trouble paper whiA you kindly sent me. 1 1 the winner. with either of the men before and did hjrve bad mo time for the past sev- j i the center of the roera was hung JOGE CAUENDAKS not even know them. ral days ior letterwnting other than I a large bunch-of mistletoe ander After the arrest was made ahenn .the Irtters which xould not wait. which some young man shswll stand. Thomas asked Clerk of the Superwr .have keen nking a seport of the Mr. Julian Hamilton en the on Court K. J. Repe to appoint an iceaitaeniry acliodl work,.and this re-tchosen for this position. emergency coroner so inat tne mauer vort iwaulm jnuch .time. I appreel- Refreshments were reived at ten Calendars are scarcer this year l-V .L L. t . 1 . L tuu lik lurvv in m ,e the hiews eeasiders itself fsrtu- nate In having two nice eses pre-1 prominent financiers there. mportance is that of Secretary of State and for this post it appears that Judge Charles E. Hughes has been selected. Mr. Hughes was for merly Governor of New York, was a Supreme Court Justiceand in 1918 candidate for President on 'the Re publican ticket. He is a man of recognized ability and character. Henry C. Wallace, of Des Moines, Iowa, and editor of a large farm paper is said to have' been selected for Secretary of Agriculture. The present Secretary Mr. Meredith is also from Des Moines and is editor of another farm paper. It is understood that Will H. Hays of Indiana will be made Postmaster general. Mr. Hays is the chairman of tbe Republican national committee and a man of great executive ability. It seems that Herbert Hoover is to have a place in the Cabinet and will be either Secretary Labor or Sec retary of the Interior. Mr. Hoover is well known for his war activities and his appointment will be a popu lar one. Harry M Daugharty looks like the strongest candidate for Attorney. general. He is very close to Mr. Harding and if he does not accept the appointment may have something to ssy in the selection of a man for the place. Far Secretary of the Treasury two men are prominently mentioned. They are Chas. G. Dawes and George M. Reynolds both of Chicago and In spits of the fact that there was a drizzls'of rain Tuesday- evening there was a good attendance at the meeting called to organize a Woman's Club or Community Club as has been suggested it should be 'nimedVTThe promoters " of the undevtaklng ex pressed themselves as. being well pleased with the start made and they now feel confident that it means suc cess for the neW organization. !' ' " The meeting which was held in the Moose lodg , rooms began a ,7 ;30 o'clock. M Leslie Davis acted as ' , chairman and Mrs. Jas. Caff rey wss made secretary.- Mrs G. W. Lay explained the object of the meeting The principal address of the evening ' was made by Miss Bettie Windley, of New Bern, who has, been active in club work- in that city. , She ex plained in an interesting manner what a woman's club meant, told of i its irrpat otinortunitiea for service to the communityand dwelt upon. the . inspiration which comes from mem- V , bership in such, an organization. At the concfusion of Miss Wind- ; ley's speech the Chairman called a' ; several who-were-present for expiw"""' sions of opinion about the matter. ' Responses were made by E. Waltef '. Hill, Miss Lucy Lay, W. G. Mebane, . prof. Homaday'and Dr.'- G. W. Lay. All of the speakers re- ; ' f 1 - 5 , V- I , ' r ! 3 thirty after which the happy .party dispersed declaring they had spent a most enjoyable evening. could be investigated. Judge Res- ate rore than 1 can say the interest .peas consulted attorneys about the y,a have taken in -thin proponed work matter and decided that be had a fer yNM- count. Einee Mr. Ennett right to appoint a coroner and named do,. nat. think it best to ibegin until ' L. J. Noe. A coroner's jury was mcamrr w will look forward to -tken summoned composed of the fl-'arranging for as many good teachers llowing citiiens: Bryan Arthur. W. aa jrta ssay he abW to use profitably. R. Longest. H. C. Fodrie, R. H. Hdi, We un NCtN the .teachers for Sterling Ramsey and W. S. RoWrt- wrk faring the months of July and son. The jurors went to the plsce ef Aegert- 1 have teen Jor several the shooting at about eight 'clock rrt wetting ov s -plan lor next and proceededto hold an inquesL Hamster's wric The jury examined the body of the am SHnng o selert 100 or dead man and then called the f olluw- .jbr tW Seschrrs from the ing witnesses: W. L. Perry, E. F. KKuh Bt hav in the state and to Perry, W. E. Nesmith, John Hun- galjwr then together After their Jtlnr end Goldie Carter wife of Louis ha dose, and gv them ten days Carter. The, four white men tesU- r tw mrt training and then send ' ""' v"" TV ...u .k- - thin ... -j'th sughtown PresbyUrUs chares sensed to it by the Beaafort Banking and Trust Company and U. C Fod .STATE NEWS Fire in a snv 1'. ; re assjev f Meredith col'ee o-cvn rd by sness bers of the '. 'ty, resslted in a loss of about r.tJl. The posts of Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy and Secretary of Commerce seem to be still in doubt. The friends of John M. Morehead, of North Carolina are Cabinet position VELVET BEANS GOOD CRAZ- INC FOR CATTLE AND HU&S pushing Dim lor a TeflMet Wans are an important rrai 4ng crop for cattle and hegs in the Seoth in autumn and wiater, accord ing U specialisU ef the United State Department of Agricultare. They are net rrated well br hoises or ferred to the needs of the community, and the possibilities of getting them sccomplished. In order to perfect the organiza tion the Chairman was- instructed to appoint committees to suggest nom-, inees for officers and to draw np'l constitution and by-laws. Tha com mittees appointed are as follows! ' On nominations Mrs. Guy Potter. Mrs. A. J. Cooke, Mrs. W. R. White; committee on Constitution and By Laws Mrs. Graham Duncan, Mrs. Bat Pottef, Mrs. 11. M. Hendrlx. Mrs. G. W. Lay was named as ghalrman for the next meeting which Is to be ' held- in the Moose rooms tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock. Tne I .VII- t. InwU.jI - ka nut. I ing which will perfect the ergsaita-' '.' i ' A ition. 1 ' and if a Southern man is cMbsen he may be selected for Secretary of i N. C. Press Association. ' v.: - " ' The North Carolina-Press Assocta- f tlon will bold its mid- winter" meeting ' tn Charlotte en January the 6th. and, 6th. While there will be social fss- . The road commission is holding iU D1UII j,r ,ny iXt ptotk until af- Anal session in Raleigh to draft the good roads bill for presenUtiea to the general assembly. tor Ibey are weil matured or frosted. As the Wave, vines, and pods decay Commerce. The indications are that the next Cabinet will be a very strong one, 1 U . IL.in. k.. nlant, .1 m.tart.1 ' from which to choose and he hM re. th. meeting will be ' mainly i .k n.!s business' one. Conditions In BVIIBJ SB V IHV IliakWI W IIIHII I. He has held many conferences with Rev. John R. Hemdon. paster ef Wlnstea-SeJew. the business world -affect the ' . L i f . 1:1 - hot eWwhj -when subjected U weather prominent men from an over the ""'P l j.,.. 1 k-.. .in r.mi.h r.i.t!. t im. .ni tK thing else. By conferring with each of wiw ... ,k. .k. ... mnA thm . .w . l ..a -.'ln w" ar"a '-r--lm X9 lnr . was knocked down woman came inrouen xne it. nmrairtv, scneois oonne inee feed estd esrhr srrine. It is ssusl- hy setter to let the crop stand until U is well rsatared, or until it is I questions. nrwarty Carter .csrrying s piece of Ksntling montv, V can Vy this swans get about :fle feet long' and two inches ielt Un wvf-k frsts the tlikk in his hsnd. Thst he made s Uschers In the sUU. leschers wollon as if to hit W. L. Perry but4whom mw ran not esspWjr daring the , moved on when told to do so snd thst fc spproarhed Nesmith, had a few' sseda with .him snd struck him with , the scsntllng two or three times that the men clinched, thst Louis Csrter Jolted in and thst the woman said C-ry to him ". They ilJ that after a short ecaffle Neimith gut his rig' it' hand teose and ftred twice hit- cnM B gressd. ting both ef lbs men. Gus Carter -g,n Irt me say I appreciate fell dead and Louis walked off s your f,Ur )0ur pPr. snd ml of fieoe and was carried to his home. b)) yomf nureU la this work. . Coldie Csrte sUted they she snd -Very slneerely. tM Mhd started up Uwn to. ELIZABETH KELLY, picture shew, thst Gus csrrled mrrfur aUng a piece sf acsntling ssd ihsl Uf - tat Un bs msde a pretense or Billing . Mr. Perry, thst when he met Nesmun rvf ular school teres. I would like fsr ya U think ever this piss snd gWe me any suggestions that may Vs helsfsl tewsrd ferrying It out. Of reerw. this plan will mean that the cetinty mest be pretty well pre oared fur the coming sf these tesch .. Thi. will be the eart of the by s super-six kffled by frsst. ss the leaves s 131 be Hudson driven by ttTree negroes, and 0ff the slsoli st thst lime sod the insUntly killed at 8:S0 o'clock Wed- corn which has been planted at tbe nesdsy morning. The negroes were nm tisse mny he gathered with lest csptared sfter a long chae. Tbe difficulty. car was owned by Charles Mays sad The araoant of grating which will was driven by his brother Juhn be afforded will, ef c urse. vary with Meya. Charles Mays and another ; the growth ef the crop ami the Uan negro were In the rsr st the time of Uty of corn net gsthered, but it U the acridest. the cotom with many ratUrme.i to - ! allow one third to one half acre a Mai Albright. It year old son of 'month for each steer or cow. The Mr. snd Mrs. J. Ed. Albright, Of ' usual period fur pasturing vrlvet , Greensbsre, who was Injured Sat- beans Is about three months, but thi rdy at o'clock by the explosion rtuy be shortened or lengthened s of s toy rssnsn. wss reported yes- deemed sdvUable. When the period terdsy to be Improving. It la not t longer beceuse of Urge acreage in I thought new thst he will lose his eye. proportion to the number of rsttle i there Is necessarily some loss of feed REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following deeds have been recently recorded: i ' L. F. McCabe and wife to Elijah1 Jamet lot in town of Newport, con ideration H3. . Wilbur W. Willis and' wife t Richard and Monroe Whitehurst S acre in Strait township, considera tion 12.000. laatah D. Wade and wife to Isaiah E. Wade 12 acres in Hunting Quar ter township, consideration flOO. Jas. B. Adams and wife to Iva lwta SO acres In White Oak town- chip. ronsidersUon 12.500. Lf lis Phlpps, of Philadelphia, other the publishers hope to be able to solve some el their problems, SUrl the New Yes right. Ssb erike for the Bsssfort News asd -PrefrsMivo Fsrsser, 11.21 a ysse.. . , We srs, Ufimf so glee Csrterot sewsly s first slsss aewssepee Help ss do It by ssbetvlblag foe the Bess fort News asd Progressive Fars.ee l.tl s ysse. , Yee csasot know whsl Is bsppow tsg Is year ssesty silm yee tshe " fosr eoesly paper. Sektstise-foe ike Bossfevt News. . 1 Yee ess set the Besefert News sod TrsgreMlve Fsessee fee s whU . ysse for $2.2s. tetMselhe wbOe ikU slob rsle Is sow X . . . j ARE YOU DRIFTING . , if Cessmunity Schools " In s wrtling match st Shelby through decay. Wedsesday. Jse Turner upheld the , Hogi should be permitted U follow middleweight championship against the tsttls, as they will consume prsc- j , . Frits Hanson, one of the spectators ticslly all tbe besns which the cslUe Vnt Chu MTisI sUrlet by notes, I. is tiwo rins he tKs e.ii ... a U the UUr said r -have been raising ulH4ir, ,rf tun The lrogre4vs ! antjfj ln blo beck U tha U allow one of tWkwrs' U sdd.tion hsD around hsrt sn osy v- r-,rir,er. los gei umo m,t BfUr XU wreUlers bad rolled i to hold Jst. court under eeeded to W Cos, thst they then got journi ,nd the Bessfort InU a ftfW with the result Ust the ptWw f t.2S. twf . aegrsts. were shot Kht d that aebody strsc k Netwlth with s tick and that Louis her huibsnd. did Hot strike I'rsmllh. Loils Csrter was seen l hi home i bf atUsf eorsner No.. I t. l-f-s Un'snd W. a ytbane " a eute taent e tut leeai him. lit 4 , issllher bs nsr Ous hit Nmttb with Mkk sad thst whi C.u and News for andrr the front row of spectators. to the tattle fsr sack aere of beans. A good eUnd of velvet besn ihould s redoes about ISO ooOnds of beef .'n.r due drl.berat'n It ws decided ' William iMssoswsy. sevn Bsonths al,d 1C0 pounds of Potb per acts. Se.mith for Hsperlor " mf" ; ? rt ' t ' J . ' - r - . im k.K luk. sotssy, of New Bern, waabbroed M 1 The. hsid. a eomrsiaalonsr sf i ....... i,k.n lo s kseoiUl Is ew " " i,reefltDoro of.'iota at rr - - - ning and d' k i ssm . . i a a ... i i . . . . - -k ss sv eisa r s w ss w n sv ss v rss svs m asw . A ess . a a k . a am. .aMass Bern Sunday morning and dies mere--" '-"V -J " wif vy .41 . . I I nissrsa a Suras S-SSSS BBkOBBBlBk BBS SB BUITV. a XSBBi as IliBlaSsi.s - - - - atV B B. I LB Ik. nail daf. At tS Wriung ns ss - - . T. v..w y w-. lak.s about hi d..tk.;wMter was sadly urae trying UW ni " - i ..J Uuls BPPesred W be betweea' and otnsrs to lasisn is. n mvw stres le Hunting Qssrter township. Aw y drifting dswa life's river. ronaideratWn 1100. To a land where an mast go. ' Stephen M. Willi and Gilbert F..To a r,u that's tailed sUmsl rest) ' Willis to Gilbert F. Willis, Jr.. It Art yo- prepared to make the Usdlsg . seres la tmyras township, ijwhen o reseb It's walUng shore, terest rsaerved, considerstioa tl00. j, U's plessarss with the W. H. Wsde snd wlfs to Durwsrd' Havloar bWit! : . ' , ' Dsalels 1st No. 4 In wjusre 10, Mer . , . y head City, onuiderstlon 600. t your tonM lento be year ea plain, Ceorgo Rigfs and wife to 1(4 f", tod Us eowpa 'r T9 ratt,", , . . & a a4 I. i I aw . Rtggs and wife lot &u oy iwe y,tt iu male the harbor never Ie.f ; sear Morehead City, considerstioa ;Wy Wrlble with the utora. Ii0. Whss the MARRIACK UCENSES. f , cV.r. .Let not the chance to act 4 past, 'ku Iks ws U eslvslien Is NsrrUge permit were "" , - the BegUtet ef Deed, offlce me.llyT.bs a tefJ staffer Je.es, . U the follewHg ..tptes: ;T- ? Charles D. Suw.rt U Fs.ale AUltoa wilt be a Wee. ha the e .4, , . . . ... . I a. lainiv-Ift Bfiu U got U fghUeg tns, ne '"'' . ... Urtt ,Mrt tf irpiiMi'i i Hrt thsra Snd thst Ne.mith .hot Gus sd blsvself. Tha U tfias rontlnued UiUl we thirty ytart sf M-i We ... .d hai s wife snd two ehlldrea. i f ri?t10 came here about leer mosui agw us -ti. n CARD rr I .V f s i IT i , 1 Union reports a decided rhsnge la the times h Ue celebrsUen ef IANKS Christinas. Instead' .it drSken Our minv boms, reelli g an r4 dews C rvdntli shown streets, C e cturvH thoir P't on the He from Marion, 5ou!h CrolUa. s ulci' i- jmw. eert hfate steps a-id ssng r j 1 Family 'mas sogMht dHpstch says. CriH- wood Willis Gloucester. Matthew T. Owens, Beaufort, snd Celms Uui Willis, Msrshesd OH., Js. W. Robert, Arspshee, ana" Jt. phi. Iloovtt, Cesufort. Cat yea desrsscr pspsrs resde, per that great accounting day, VWen Ged rails Hi aaU Him. W. l. L" s i! 1. t t'tlKk Sunday m-irnhg t; t: