READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERGBE,1S TO TUB BODY) G 1 THE HOME PAPER BEAUFORT: NORTH GAROtlNATHURSDAY, JANUARY 1?. 1921 NUMBER 2; N.C. LEADS ALL GIWW1PT0BACC0 The Golden Leaf Crowns North Carolina and She Leads the United States RALEIGhTN. C, Jan. 10. To bacco is king in North Carolina, and it entitles her to first rank among all Rtatea for this crop in acreage and value. Kentucky has long held the fifirst place, but the 1920 crop has put her in second rank, by $27,000,- 00 below that bed by North aro Mna. North Carolina's total of 582,00 acres, produced a $97,182,000 tobac co crop. The acreage in the state was increased 11 per cent, tbt pro duction 11.8 per cent, and the total . vajue decreased 44 per cent since 119. The quality was, poor, it being pa pery or devoid of wax, quite Spotted and irregular in color, with much ev-. ifence of unripe cttfllng. The color was variable but fair. The Alamance ad Caswejl counties area produced the best and about the only good to bacco in the state. Quite a slump in prices occurred late in November nd December, excepting with the best qualities. ' The United States crop ' was in creased four per cent in production sad yielded sixty-five per cetit less in value.' The national average for this crop was 79ft pounds, valued at $168, per acre at 21 cunts per pound. The state's tobacco crop averaged $17 per acre, while the average of all crops was S4 5.0ft. This means that the tobacco value is equal to about thirty per cent of the total vnl- u of all crow, while it ha4 Unt twelve per cent of the acreage. NORTH CAROLINA'S SOURCES. Nearly all the states now care for their game resources, and enforce their game laws, through State Game Commissions, having found that en forcement through the usual chan nels is always unsatisfactory. We do not konw of any state reverting back to former conditions after once adopting the Game Commission plan. There is no compilation oi- tne game laws of the State now issued by any authority, nor is there likely to be with our present voluminous, in cate local laws, now on the statute books. As a consequence, these laws are frequently violated through ig norance. A State Game Commission would cost the taxpayer nothing, the ex penses of the Commission being paid from the funds received from license 1 j jieos. Ev treaty between the United States and Canada, proclaimed Au- mct, 16 ifilK. followed b.v Act of Congress approved July 3, 1918, and Regulations under the said act and treaty rigned by the President on July 31, 1918, uniform close seasons now prevail in this state and all oth er states on all ducks, geese, brant, eertain shorebirds, snipe, woodcock, mils and eallimiles (marsh bens), and doves. A remanent close seas? ' i -1 . 11 miiTVofim in. 1H lu xurcc uu , j TWO AIR MEN jN.C; PUBLISHERS VISIT BEAUFORT VISIT CHARLOTTE DEATH OF MRS. MANN. New York Men On Way To Favorably Impressed With The Havana Stop Over Mare For The Night Queen City -Business Prob lems Discussed on aectivorous birds, and on swan, wood duck (summer duck), most of the shorebirds, and all of the sea-birds. Ooen seasons for the above may be shortened at either end by legisla tive enactment, but they cannot be extended at either end. Nor can the 1 State remove protection from any of I those for which the United 'law allow no open season Beaufort had a visit last evening about sundown from a couple of oorini visitors. Thev came here from Norfolk in a Curtis seaplane,! making the trip in about three hours. The visitors were Messrs. A. P. ne- lot and J. M. Miller, of New York. Mr. Pielot who is the owner of the plane is a New York business man urm n fancv for flying. He has made trips to Canada and other parts by the airoute and feels quite at home when he is a thousand or so feet uo in the blue sky. During the wnr Mr. Pielot was in , the Secret Service Department of the Federal Government and had some very in teresting experiences while engaged in running down Epies and enemy aliens. Mr. Miller is the mechani cian on the airship and is a sure enough sky pilot. He was in the Na val Air Service while the war was coine on and for many months sailed around-New York watching out for German subs and guarding transport and other craft Since tne war ne has been connected most of the time with one of the air service companies and spent several months In Florida last winter carrying passengers to the Bahamas and elsewhere. Messrs. Pielot and Miller came to Norfolk from New York and after spending a few days around there ran ud to Richmond for a day or so and ggj then "returned to Norfolk and came Comintr down over the The meeting of the North Caroli na Press Association which took place in Charlotte last week was not so large as the Summer meetings usually are but nevertheless there was a good attendance present. The Beaufort News representative trav elled about as far as" anybody who went (there although there. were one or two others who lived as far away. Charlotte is the seeond largest city in the State and without doubt one of the most progressive. It has large manufacturing industry, many fine stores, strong banks, good hotels, dailv newspapers, splendid churches schools, residences, well paved streets and picture shows a plenty. In fact all that is needed to make a modern thrivinff city Charlotte has. Automobiles provided by the Cham ber of Commerce took the newspaper folks for a ride over the town and there is no doubt but that they were greatly impressed and that as a cbn- Charlotte will eet some ood advertising. The Press Association was in ses sion the better part of two days and the -time was taken up mainly In con sidering the many problems of the publishing business. The testimony 1 of those present was that except for allght decline in the kind of paper used for printing newspapers mere has been no decrease in the cost of the publishing business. The ex penses of publishing newspapers are n hifrh. a hundred per cent Mrs. Henrietta Mann, widow of rt,a intfl T). L. Mann., a well known farmer who lived pear Newport, died last Saturday afternoon at her home. Mrs, Mann had been in bad health for some time and while tier cnu deeply regretted it was nbt entirely n,otA. She was 66 years old and the mother of 13 children: eight of whom survive her. , The funeral services ol tne ue ceased took place at the beand the interment was in the family Durymg ground nearby. ENR.ETTA.nUippPJfrDn uiui i urn ivj CALLED ON FOR A FyLL REPORT, Four Billions Invested In Mer chant Mrine And People . Have Right To Know " A BUSINESS PROPOSITION REAL EJSTATE TRANSFERS tlv recorded? Regis- MVVwn " - . tcr of Deeds Troy Morris are as ioi lows: J. P. Dickinson and wife to Jas. H. Dickinson 6 3-4 acres in Hariowe township consideration 55 As. EH. Gorham and wife to G. D. Can- field and C. L. Aberncthy tract known as Horse-Island, Morehead township, consideration $500. c T7.,scll and wife to D. W. n. aw u .7trx Smith 10 acres in White Oak town ship, consideration $10 &c. D. W. Smith and wife to Mary E. Weeks 46 acres in White Oak town ship, consideration $1,000. Letha Garner, of Mantee, Fla., to Arthur Smith 12 acres on Bogue sound, consideration $60. C. K. Howe and wife to U. E. Swann lots 14, 20j 21 in Hammocks Beaufort, consideration m ( fecial ,i;prsasponienff3sa " . WASHINGTON. Jan. U.-Sena- tor Walter E. Edire. of New Jersev is' the author of a resolution Calling for a : complete accounting from the ' Shipping Board "in a concise report, ', devoid o arguments at!4,JntelHglble to the average citizen," Informa tion tobe contained in the report would include the total amounts ap-' propriated, the profits and losses, the disposition of profia, the number of ships now owned, thoBe in operation and those idle, and the losses In idle- ness and depreciation. "ThV resolu tion is a simple business proposition," , said Senator Edge in a statement re garding it, "and not at all an in- quisitorial or muck-raking request. The people have invested about $4, 000,000,000 in their merchant ma rine and as stockholders they are en-. titled to fiscal report from their board of directors, the Shipping Board. Japan Acquiesces, j Congressman Julius Kahn, of Cal ifornia, is convinced thafJpan has withdrawn opposition to the recent law of his state prohibiting acquisi tion by Japanese tf title to real es- auridiviidon . f.2,000. jtate. After a conference with Amer- 'j. (7. B. Morton and wife to J. D. Ambor Morrlsjrom Tokyo, Swain, house and lot in V?? i i .i .v.... k.j .tt.iiif mm ii nun. . or more nignr man ,nvj - ;iuiu"i":i"" t-. CHJB .MEET1NC. t . . t - 11 A a.U AImMB maw Is not this an opponunuy xor .e- . ducL, isiaoon io0ilu.k , wsm- TM. avia-iCorc the war. txv irus reason in.j w rspns for our other game Diras anu an- hiim aKrw.d that it would be gimmonil and wifc 12 72-100 acres .imais. ana ior proviair min;i ... ,via i imft,ihl for them to niaKe lower ran iiiin n nus mi iu ica,b - I esration for the. nurnoM ef dlacuulnsr K. Garner and wife to M. Mthe negotiations now proceeding be. in ! ,... v. iiu.j c. ..j . t.. - . , , . , a fc.rr ; . . I i lor me e-niorvenitm , . ... . .... o f tv. : rnt atvrtitriff or UDHcrii-i W- K.-n' imiI Rtatnsr . .... -V U -n h " . . ' ! ""l -" ---- v----iawm prv".-uu.j m. 1 r.harlpston before nieht- tions. in laci even as le w iaai nircuus . aone ai me txwnw i . , . .. . tu-m ;n n.iuwn will have all mey can ao "' . . Clubwillbe held in the new quarters hunt gamt. !. ! . r it davs'to keen ln. at all. ur lot on Turner Street Keau.on, , Th SwlJ ,f fc nmfMUmm U,A - . . Da i ... . it. to iaj uMuiwu. .... riavorinn &iu alc. I tne ciub tomorrow BveHinK. Our game U a vaiuame assei 10 ine ...: .u Plm Th. nt r.ieetinir of the Press As- on oy ivo ivri., w Newport !$125. township. t.wciin tKji llniUri StatM nl Jinan consideration WekM,. u treaty wUch snail d- rka i.Ura lr,Hana.. Ua .iiisc lira ifgiikB ui eiiiiis:pv in rKa. W. to Edw. F. . ... si . j nUnUliK H"Q Will HIV u av vv - , ;ai n.isiij v wi w av mi biiiciiv Biiif ddes the election of new officers and Stat, nd it Khould be preserved and , nctoton will probably be in July and j... w nBrrl8 to E. B. White-, c d RoarJ d CemmUslon vner unr - ... - . prou-cia ior m - win tQ HaVBnll where , will be held at Wnghteviue tveacn or hurst j acre 5n straits townsn.p, cun-. .t WlMlhlntt4,n (, grgentIy demanding - iurc " V 'hr will b for some weeks. at Moreneaa i.iiy. u i-uimu.e alteration liuu. RED CROSS MEETING. . v. . u. itleV will Or ior wnit f nmnint nn aa aeems bert in thetlnr w. I" " I F- ' , case of each species. This work can i ' i k. rt.trinl out under a central-' nv and township restrictions, There will be a meeting of the Red Ued State authority clothed with the ;W)me tVen relating to districts lea Cross Friday evening at 7;30 at the nt-ceiwary duties and powers. than townships, to the sale of game, flice of Mr. G. W. Duncan. All As conditions now are. the enforce tw dipping game, to trapping, and members are urged to attend as there ment of our game laws in many coun- to cther features of the subject, is business of importance to be trans- ties is a farce. How many counties So far our laws are c.,n- in the State can repori co-in nm rerreu, we imvi- . . !. i--for infringmert of the game laws of ioc pnme lg:sLr.j.i until North during the past hunting season ; (.., ri-lina .las ru ip'h i the very unen Our game is st-a!ily decre.slng in vj;l,)P Vi;uUtio.' uinong tho fticub u unl.ii a.inuthinir . ......... t'.n in nthiT Kt.ltl'S (. at Morehead City. If suitable hotel ,idcration $100. Harrer appropriations, each of them accommodations can be had the w-her M Willis and wifc to Wal-! pointing out that the public welfare chances are in favor of the latter 2 erci j ; j, .ufrerUlg or the national safety In pltce. - 'straits township, consideration $25. danger because of lack of approprla- n tions Irom the federal ireasury. MISS SABISTON ENTEKIAINS 2 tracts. 6 and 1 1-2 ac ted. M US. G. W. LAY, Secietary. BISHOP DARST AT ST. AUL'S J.nif to out the whole of our hin7 bv far tne most intricate, o.i Thomas C. Damt. l. ... n l.uaineas hasi. I .lmtn.u iranie laws of the outlook is gloomy imlerd. n. tnU- in the Union, with an al The vital prianp of conrvatio.i n)osl eqUal amount of non enforce is well applicable. to our game. No nuIlt. interM we have in the State needs Wfon the Audubon Society of t m0re nad none receives le". We orln Carolina was incorpratrJ in have more game laws in North Carw ,,,n3 the game interest of the : ,k.n till In nrobablv half of c.i. under its supervision, it una .." r - iiwit ".v' ' . th rest of the Xmte coinblnfd. but prhhp the heit iwlutiun of thr ... m . . II . . . II. it The 1U. Rev. D., l'.ishop of Kat Carolina, will visit Ht, Paul's Church next Sunday, ln uary 16th. and will administer the rtte of conlirniation at the morning aervice. The services will be: Ho ly communion at 8 a. m. Morning ervicc and sermon at 11 a. m. Evening service and sermon at 7 p. m. Everyone is cordially Invited. There was a social at the home of straits township, consideration $.V0. Mi.-s Vera Sabiston on last rriday night. January '7, J92I. H honor of her couin Miss Vivian Dickinson. At alxtut six-thirty the guet be an to arrive, thi-n out door games were played. Alut ten o'clock c in dies wen- n.nM-n around by Mi-es f Stephen I. Harm to fc. v,n.- .... . 4 , foolish", is acres in . , . . . . : . tne epunei tnese money snenaers I'oindexter l. Murphy to Van P.. Willis 0 acres in Hunting quarter township, consideration $200. Uilliv I'iner and wife to E. B. Whitehurst !H acre in Straits town- f T.i. BANK STATEMENTS. dlculous. features of our pn wni juced tevenue oi w f,nt ,w,j work has Un ewrt-tiled to the point av. A..r ,K. Slat, has thirty-is ut little can be eceemplUhed. ( V I V - " - - - w difftrent open seasons. Inline con The Nw ' tarrying this week the statement of the two banking In Stltutions of Beaufort and they are veil worth the perusal of the public . These report show Ihst notwilbsUn ding the dull times the banks sre In a remarkably good ihapt. mere -r cunlls In the eastern part , few banks In th. State thai can niaae end(lion,, as good showing and this Indicates hlivt ,.,. different seasons! lhal th. local bank, are not only well m of ,M( Mnnr,rry. ,mannged but thnt cond Uon here are far better than In the tobacco and rer p.rlridg or quail, y are ,0U U t L lines, he, . Is not de- kU witb ftf .... pies and consequently the P' , of tebscee and celton do set affect Beaufort as other town are affected. url at Congress whenever there Is in attempt at econorriy, Each De partment, Pureau, Hoard and Com mission con figure out on paper In the mo.'t plausible and convincing manner the absolute necessity of the funds f which it :i1;. Farts are nfesented to show that for ever dot. Vera Sabiston and Vivian Hickman. Van Willis and wife to h. B. Uf ..Hhugj, thr governmental Those present were: Misses Vivian whilehur),t acres in Stra.ts towa- .n ten or twenty or a hundred Dickinson, Vera Sabiston. Minnie Mp consideration $H".. 0 . thousand dollars will be saved SabiKton, Eynome Ungdale. lleulah. y whilehur(lt , the f lh country through Dickinson, Annie Sabiston. Edna townwhip roniu. the pMk rvir rendered. These Foreman. I ena and l.lttie Ann Nor- Q f.cU, or aJeged facU, are submitted ria. I.ul. and Dollie Morton. Messrs. ' nt only to members of Congres but Lel.nd Morton, CorWtt and Leslie Walter M. Davis to an B Wilis Norris. Marvin Foremah. Ashley rod- 2 acres ,n Mra.ts wwnsn,,,, Mrlll.u,,r .pprcrbtlon dem.n. J : . f I . i . ior the cotton fety In mines, the Taylor. i Cert, farts ar d nominated thro u eh the At eleven the guest departed each r.. . dlaUlcU. If it is an appro m - ..a. 1'iifitiaiffi lot u r . - - ' drclaring rharming. near Morehead City. 2" by ir Priation for the Department ftf U- AN ENJOYABLE EVENT be killed. Te add to the cwnfu-ion caused ty Ue feregoing.'aeirte counUes provide for a hunting license fr a no.uel ef the county, and In one ca t lMt there l a license requited by a tiiniynt ef the township. This Is Rocky Point township, In Pender munty. A roan may he hyMing for in Mre county M, If he should lnd v.iti,tlv rruaa the line Into Hoke and the time has now come when the officer of thy Society desire to b r-tived of any further woik In gie conservation and protection. NS'ltn the whole werlJ awake to the nes aity of handling all public mattets In a broader and mere efficient manner than heretofore, paitlcularly nMttr p, pool. relating to conseivation of our na- Iu of the JUraita seopU "were i:i lursl teourre, we beliefs that North berg attending the meeting, last Carolina shoeM Uke the plae rgbl- i wek. Glad to have them with a w i...!.,- I.. tr amone the r.i.l Kntdjll Yromans made his HARKER'S ISLAND ITEMS Kev. J. M. B. lh- Georgia evan gelist has had a fine meeting the pwl week. He asalsleJ by Rev. Y. bor, the facta are given cirrataUen In ranks ef union labor. If It is an appropriation for the ren.irlar serv ice, the literature goes U atanufae turers and esporters. The par pee ef this distribute n of arguments la favtr ef various appreprUtleas ht to In rl luwiiila .IkA mm imtmrtA la Urfr. K. D. rfartio and Frnk iny pirtUular sabjeet to arge Con vim kav bouehl the business ef erre. l make the dealred approprl- Ihe lerlaa (Irwery Company and m. Tho. there ie v-tablisbed systematic prnparnda hi favor, ef . Increased publte etpendUare pre. i-oiif iderntion I&00. I A. tiarner and wife to Mary J. Carraway houe and lot in Newport tonsid'tst'"" l'00. NEW CROCEBY STORE A rty pleasant psit Teely night by Mr.. C. M- tis.kiy. . f llarktr s Island M her Those present were Mi"" H'n ti..-k. Vtt;. Willis (ieorgla ' - - - pre,. ?. - - . .. .. mi c n.u Netaon Thel- county, he woulu oe itaoie 10 a con. fculhority and auty r.eaiy m c H iff Willi sJ .Or,l. f- -f ty Wla! remplM, thing. and by tSe 9 . . '. .i..j. WkUI.M Then, there are the varying bag lien of tnif.rm S Mr Uasbill. . I' o wnm- anions these Is the probibitiea ei killing more then teenty fcre - lid tetktyt In a Jy In Msdben teunly. There are net only confusing gsme ens e4 bag BmlK theie Sre rntdutt s-iwery store la lie fully blolH'g ner amona , apv. , , " . .... prvtre-lve Mato. ef the Un,e and!, bird trip to the Uokoul Light Ship- -tore formerly occupied by Ul sen treat her re.oor.e. at a State It Friday to carry the mail and sup- m. M-rs. Martin and Klag have w7de Uu. and not on. of only coon- plt,, m.ny friend. I. ic-ufort and ty or townip ImportaiHe. , Mf. M. V. Willis, er More-il i uy througnoui in.. This cn enly he done by the ere (w he-e Monday lo see hi. sltr who I kely they ill make a very e.i-er- lion ef a centrslltrd call ,k. PfW" fir"'- it a Came Cmm...ion. or a t enser Mis C.eorrf,- Uis of Davis, -a. lUvertnd J. TL mipp f 1 n""r valion IJ'.ard or any olMi nnr r" sere .kiur 1.7 -, ri. . -.-. " ' " " ' ,j . orefer rl..the,l ilh the pwef and nether Mr.. ha. Hancwa. mingion wer- nr. --7 " economy um -'' " ......... 1 .. . . . iIuIVh, a u . f . . .-,1 a m m f . ... . 1 . .. .. 11. iu An huiiAiH in 1 uriiiri imn wi.. ... . . . ni arw nritawi, i" ' v w.i w pagada which makes mote di&c&H. the task of Congres In petfernd"; , Its Imperative djty ef catting gev erement eoo'e. The RepuSlirsa Cengt . ret la half snsne ef the demands nU by the Wllaoi frnln- Mratiei. Prhle who belkve , i VI. Culhrie. (tf Hamilton, ldin K. Tom Davla, of " u.rJiallbnres Rof ngett, ana .1 r-v.a.i af Clour ester. All , rt.Bv - - . ----- . present eneyd very pleaet even- Mmlt for h of our differ it ait etle. of gw. U. n. LK IS Pre-.. Ajdebon Koiely f N. '. ' M. II. :klMl.s . Pte., AuiiuWii H 111 . 4. Ktttui.liy on buii"-. Mr, t.f lU-klll U home for a short , time a.iting fr SI. three brothers to .onie from Cuba, t . . . ... . .... . i Tbe -biSd' d l oie ef t'oogte mmn llsakil ; -Jl t I'o'se was le.Uerrd by ff Hetiirday iiM. 'bylerlin chu'eh. CHURCH NOTICE Kevertnd J. M. Anderson, PnMJ rg IH.!er ill 1 vah et Pervts Chsp el Fndaf eet.trg at t P. M. Tt.e publlr i li.tlt.-l i attenJ, - woid of rommendatlwn. MARRlACE UCCNSCS. ' Only one marriage agrnilt haa baei taaued this wek at the elfte ef the Celstet ef Heeds, The llr eeerJe were A. La Iifrtr. afed.Vaiia. iu r.tll, f Ka prtri. til- i i