r, .: -. ; if '; - . . . ; - V e - - - . .- t. .. t v.. ' M .. A .77- c i -r-r ,7 '7 ' THE HOME PAPER ") ( READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY ) c EVERY THURSDAY VOLUME X. BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY JANUARY 27. 1921 NUMBER 4 1 '"" " 1 1 iV'" Il.il .1111- . . I 1 II . ,' V I I i' III - V. A I II II I "X.'-l I 1 I : I If 1-11,1 I , , , ' ' - " - ' ' ' ; ' ' - ' - ..- , . . .... ...... hi i REDUCE NUMBER OF JOB HOLDERS IN WASHINGTON Committee Lopt Off, Nearly Eleven Thousand Office Hol ders From Federal Payroll VALUABLE RECORDS LOST WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. (Spec ial correspondence) Senator Frank B. Willis, appointed by the new gov ernor of Ohio to succeed President elect Harding, who resigned his seat in the upper housfi, is not a stranger to Washington. Mr. Willis was a member of the House of Rep resentative in the C2nu and 63rd Congresses, from 1911 to 1915, and will enter "Upon his new duties in the Senate with the benefit of the ex perience' gaiaed in his earlier service i the legislative branch of the Gov ernment. For twelve years Mr. Wil lis was professor of history and eco nomics, and later professor of law at Ohio Northern University, and for two terms yfras a member of the Ohio House of Representatives From 1915 to 1917 he was governor of his state. Senator Willis is admirably fitted to be a worthy ruccessor to the President-elect ia the upper houxi of Congress. He will 11 o'.it Mr. Har ding's unexpired term. to March 4th, and then will begin the six yeai teim to which he was elected in November. FISH BUSINESS LIVELY The mild weather that has pre vailed here for about ten days up un til yesterday has been iaken advant age of to the fullest extent by the lo cal fishermen. Many loads of fish scallops, oysters and clams have been coming in and the' wholesale dealers have kept a steady stream of them going away by express. The netters have been catching more trout and croakers than any thing else but they are also getting some hickory shad; rock and other sorts. The deep sea fishermen have brought in some very nice catches of sea bass lately. Way Brothers handling some 3,500 j.ounds Monday. Prices are staying up pret ty well for the, best grades of fish and also for scallops. ! SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ENTER TAINED Mrs. Esther Wolcott entertained her Sunday School class last Wednes day evening at her home on Broad street. Every member came accom panied by a friend, which made a jolly party of girls and boys. Those present were: Edith Skar ren, Bernice Wheatly, Margaret Dill, Kathryn Norcom, Margaret Noe, Lovie Mason, Ruth Killingswortb, Lillian Ewell, Inez Simpson, Letha Mason, Virginia Moore, Pauline Chadwick, Violet , Fodrie. Charles Skarren, Guion Barber, Richard Whitehorst, Dorsey vMartin, Walter Truitt, Calvin Jones, Charles Man-son. TAYLORS CREEK TO BE DEEPENED Chamber of Commerce Recom mends Improving' Impor tant Waterway A called meeting of the Chamber of Commerce took place Monday night in the rooms of the Old Top sail Club. The chief object of this meeting was to make recommenda tion to the enginers in charge of the dredging operations in this section as to the Taylor's Creek channel. It seems that three projects 4.re un der consideration as follows: First to make the waterway all the way through to Core Sound 100 feet wide" and ten feet deep at low water; sec ond to make it 100 feet wide ten feet to the Carteret Lumber Company's plant; third to construct it 75 feet wide and seven feet deep all the way to the sound entrance. The matter was pretty throughly discussed and then resolution adopt ed which asks for a 100 foot wide depth channel to the lumber plant and then 75 feet wide, seven foot depth the rest of the way. .It was thought by the meeting tki, .this sort of channel would meet fh 4' mand of commerce at the. present time. Besides the lumber mills 'and fish factories there is a large 'volume of transportation through this water way. All of the eastern part the county uses it and thert is aa im mense quanity.of potatoes, cotton, Eia TbowcaaJ Lovpaa1 Off LOCAL ITEMS Congressman William R. Wood, of Indiana is the chairman of the sub committee which prepared the legis-im08t enjoyable time lative appropriation bill providing money for the salaries of most of the Federal employees in Washington. In framing that legislation he was constantly reminded of the need for a budget system like that provided in the bill that President Wilson vetoed last June. The appropriation bill as reported to the House reduced the NORTH CAROLINA GETS HER SHARE Work Now In Progress Will Be Carried Out Through Riv er and Harbors Bill WASHINGTON Jan.' 25Appro priations approximating $185,000 for rivers and harbor improvement work in North Carolina are carried in the annual rivers and harbors bill, which that committee of the house has vir tually completed and will report out in a few days. In addition, there is more than a half million dollars re maining unexpended from an earlier appropriation,' i which North Caroli na will share, as well as an appropri ation of over $3,000,000 'for dredge work for the' Atlantic coast, part of which will be done on the Noit.li Car olina coast. North Carolina items approved by the rivers and harbors committee and written into the "bill are: Manteo Bay, $4,600; Pamlico and Tar rivers, $8,600; Neuse river $15,- 000; Swift Creek, $1,000; Trent riv er, $1,750; Contentnea Creek; $1,. 900. For. water way connecting Core Sound and Beaufort harbor, $2,500; East Branch Cape Fear river, $3,000; Black River, $2,000. None of these items it for new pro jects, but all the appropriations are to continue work that is already un der way. Previa1 Far Faar DraJg aa . In addition to the above appropri ation the .engineers recommended an appropriation of $695,000 for dredg ing the Cape Fear river at and below Wilmington, of which $600,000 was intended to be used in the construe- MARRIAGE LICENSES ' Only one marriage license has been issued at the office of the Register of f Deeds this week. This one was to Lawrence Sanders and Gracie Jones (col.) of Morehead City. COMMUNITY CLUB MENT ANNOUNCE- The Community Club of Beaufort will hold the regular business meet ing "the first Thursday in February at 3:45 P. M., in the Old Topsail Club urged to rooms. All citizens of the town are urged to attend. STATE NEWS MUCH DISPUTING ABOUT -ROADS BY LEGISLATORS i Several Plans For A State Sys tem Of Roads Being Advo-" cated By Lawmakers 4t NO ELECTION LAW YET Tlttt nlaVAil VMttnv vomam .ft.. ..u ..n.Li. fish and other nroducts broueht here wnicn siones were voiu, auivaote i - . f, v,. i for rail shipment. Merchandise of At the cW of the enin. Mrh "rt crried fr0m here doWn th one left declaring to the hostess, a! sound- uctMj all of which goes inrougn me layior s vreea coannei. I A committee composed or M. u Moi-' tion of a dredge and tbe other $90, and, J. 5. Duncan and F. R. Seely 000 for mt'ntenance. Instead the was appointed to take the matter up committee will recommend the con- Mayor Bushall has informed the,at once with the nKnePrs- istructipn of four sea-going dredges News that he expects to be a candi- The due of the Ch"mber of Cwm for u- on the Atlantic seaboard, fn date for re-election to the of f ice ! merce wer fixed mt f,fty cenU Eluding the Cape Fesr river, and with he now holds. The News has not'montn Pyblequarterly and a mem- their construction provision of a heard of any other candidate for bhiP committee composed of G. W.- ..pial dredge for the Cape Fear waa this office yet nor of any prosnec- Du1cn Geo. J. Brooks, J. A. Horna- deemed unnecessary. The committee number of employees to the extent of tive candidates for the board of dav "" Leslie Davis and J. A.- wji recommend an appropriation of Fourteen divorce cases are before the Guilford county civil court . Su perior court for the trial of- these cases was convened Tuesday. Will Hopkins, 'believed to be the murderer of Louis Ramsey is in jail at Clinto. He was arrested in Golds- boro Monday night. Higher prices and a general wil lingness to sell characterised the opening of the tobacco market throughout central Kentucky Tues day. . ' The Wake County Red Cross have announce they will use their influ ence to keep the county welfare or ganizations throughout the counties of the Stats. All Cuban business of the Aladin company has been turned over to the local plant at Wilmington. They will manufacture all readicut houses sold by the company in Cuba. RALEIGH, Jan. ; 26. ThV first1 month of the General Assembly's ac- 1 tivitiel is drawing to a close and so far very little legislation of. general interest has been enacted. The 'bill increasing the salaries of some of the State officials which was passed early in the session is about the only piece of legislation of more than count wide interest. " - So far nothing has , been done about passing a modern election law for the State but several counties have had bills introduced looking to the establishment of the Australian ballot in their particular' cases. -'"' The road question has attracted mors attention here of late than any thing else. Mr. Everett, of Durham, has introduced a road hill and several others ars in soak ready to be taken Lsut most any time. , 'The N. C. Coed ' Roads Association wishes to have measure passed bonding the State for $20,000,000 for reads and providing ' an ad valorem, a gasoline and auto- mobi!stax to take care of the bonds.. and maintain the reads, without any county aid whatever. Governor Mor rison does not approve of this plan' and wishes to substitute therefor a" $50,000,000 bond issue without ad valorem tax and wants the counties 10,985. "That is the greatest num ber that we felt we were justified in reducing," said Mr. Wood, "in view .of the information we had, or the want of information. This demon strates the absoluto necesMty of hav ing a budft system where it will be somebody's business to know what the situation is. The way it is now, we hear only one side of the case, the other side being absolutely voice less. Nobody who appears before the committee wns in oppsition to the granting of these increases. There is no way of finding out we have no one whose business it is to find out and it is only by prying and by inference from admissions made, or by facU which he commit tee thinks have hetn kept from it that weare able to make these de creases." Irraaarakta La I 1 !.! ft 1 . . . . - .. . . commissioners The election is still : "csnouse appoint, n rvw.u ja.UUU.UUU lor these dredges, but the some months off and there has not tion ws Plsred ?ndorinK the action item 0f 95,000 for the. maintenance . B .1 r a "M ..L 1. .1... m a m ai been much discussion of the mntUri01 " -onimun.iy nuo - vu 0l , dredge at tape rear wui stay as yet. Mr. Chas Gould of New York who' has been here for some weeks took a ' party to New Bern last weekon his handsomeyacht Chinop. the follow-1 ing were in theparty; Mr. and Mrs. Uayard Taylor Missis Helen, MaeBell and Georgia Neal, and Elliott Ewell. The trip was made in a day and wus 'found very enjoyable. up day. The matter of freight train service was discussed considerably but no action was taken- regarding it. CAPTAIN DICK MASON DEAD Ceptain Richard M--n, of Beau fort, died at his homf i.ere last Fri day night ut te.i th; y o'clock after an illnes of seve-rl months with Uright's di.s.'ase. The funeral exer- in the bill Fdi the fnland waterway from Norfolk to Beaufort inlet there is an appropriation of $50,000 for mainte nance. The engineer did not submit a recommendation for a further ap propriation for this improvement be cause there is an unexpected balance from pt appropriation for this work amounting to $552,000. The total appropriations carried 1n the Present day thoughtlessness and lawlessness were charged by Judge Frank A. Daniels in his charge to the grand jury of the Cumberland county court at Fayetteville, Tuesday. to help maintain the roads! " " "' 1 The Republican members are said to be preparing a bill which will pro vide for $100,000,004 worth of bonds M and it will carry ad valorem and other ' taxes sufficient to make the bulWlng" of roads surs in every county in the -State., The Republicans of- course cannot ret anv measure through be- ' The people of Greensboro are ex-jc,0ge they h-v- onfy 40 mBinberi m ' pecting to vote March 1 on the pro- brancnei of General Assent posal to change the city government s, Btiu wil, hjve a dea, t A petition signed by 1,010 citiiens do wfth the flru, ou'tcom. of th, has been presented, asking that the!roi(j majtr ' - government to be changed to the Two work'meni. compensation, bills managerial plan. havf been ntroduce but tBt jlbor , unions are said to be opposed to both , Reports of ths Child Wei fare W0f them and it is doubtful if either . mission are to the effect that there paMeg. Several prohibition bills are have been 670 violations of the law m night. within the past 17 months. Thisi . number was found in the 3.935 in spections conducted by the' commission. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS R. Rumnis at the home Saturday if u , ternoon and the Interment was in The dredge Croatan came n about , . Ocean View cemetery. Ht is iur- ten days ago from down fie sound a'a mM in cutting off' , aren Mrs. tri omnn, m i . it.j cises were conducted by Reverend F. M M virtually completed by the and is buttly engaged in c mt snoai inat oosirucis .navigation, ..i n i w r.- .v . w w... Guthrie and M.m Pearl Mason. Three A considerable basin will be dredged brothers of the deceased Messrs. Jno. Twenty five cotton warehouses are now operating under the state ware house law G. Ed Kestler writes the News and Observer at Raleigh. These warehouses represent 17 coun- proximately $11,000,000, hence the; ties. Four warehouses have applied consideration $5,000 committee s recommendations tnis for license to operate. year are for more than double the committee and as it will be recom mended to the house, amounts to about-S25.000.000. Last yeir's bill carried appropriations of only ap- As shown by deeds fled with the Register of Deeds ths following transactions in real estate have oc curred In the county recently: M. L. Willis and wife to Mrs. Me rena Whitehursl 2 Story dwelling nd lot 60 by 100 feet in Morehead City, out there and it will greatly improve Ho"W,y "'!A,'Ct,1SI,Wu mounl "" md ' Representative tobacco growers of Amos Dudley and wife to Alex. Dudley 12 interest in tract of and .v. w..w. ..nii ..n .. v. in pt. f " tn s work last year, mis is in line was one 01 me oew anown nmermrn 1.1. th committee s policy 6-10 acres in Morehead township,,' )f tn- j ftkat aaArl k a II a ah An fkf mA ... a a a m i i i ".ws stwtaj aHviw I sh U a.aiUa a.Ml V.m.A MSHV fr.atnHa a . a . 1 I. .1.. 1 r in w... -wv.. .... .-.., lareing mt scopt oi mt w9r on "tto .,! two men who deeply regret his passing awsy. fyrrs and harbors following a period RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT The recent fire in the storerooms It eaaier for boats to go in and out. of the Census office has brought rt-, ntwtd inslsttnct among Senators and members of the House that an arth- . On Monday ias. Ntsmith waived Ives building for housing govtrnmtnt examination before Justice Holland document r duiii witnoui ettay. l0 the ttvarrt or amine Louts un-' . , . ,w. . . ' . t . . . , , M . ,., nw inr nimnn vt " an UttlT ntctsaary was OOnt, no new It appears that tht ctnsus records tr on Christmas day. Ht was held ' ,i.i f iK. Ann Kt , . i . l w - . . . i . . , Missionary society oi mt Ann ri. nro ,.. btlne undertaken. Ntvtr tbat wtrt burn had betn stored by for 8pror Court under tht samt u p r.' . - . . r ProJfU Mln " ... mii f .v. . . lt . . . . i M. E. Church, Htauiort. ft. c. sauiy th, vtn tn tht new bill, no pro mt Democratic officials of tht Ctn.b)Bi which he bad glvtn aomt . tk, trntll, f , , , , L ,w. ' . i. ' ... and ttnderiy pty in is last iriouie or la m.d for new work, tht ao- .tia l ii,..ti in nnn.nrin rod l nu u'ml. . . mm..iaH k a mnmnmr m . . - ... -- - - r l m ww mm aaw - il- . . . .. . . - - r - - - - prvpniuvn. . rwt . a Wakt county meeting Satnrdry in conaideration 1160. a resolution coun ii. B. C to Bullock canvass the T. D. Webb and wife to W. S. SwlniJal! Ut Na. 1 In uuifa BO Mora. of Raltlgh . , r. canMA.rmtlon tl .c Eddins, of Zebullon, were ..,,., . . W. S. Swindell, Jr., and wife te . , . ! 1 - I .1. . ! ' I several years wntn oecauaa vi nw nj p war anpropriations were heavily rt-i , mj ductd and only such work as was ab-; Jnt. Guthrie Ut S ia suart 90 Mart- v head City, consideration $71. ... V Tht French Broad river in Madinon , . e . n .. W. B. Hancock aad wife te Jno. T. tounty near Sandy Bottom, was a in v i . ... i ..wj Hanff lot II In sqeare I, 10 by 120 dragged Saturday for tht bodits of i . II U.' . 1 ... ...J 1 ' ll''l"M i 1 w w niiti wji., v.. . K - , to conl. nut Geraldint Oaksmith Waddlngte j.J a i. .it A L. a...Maa ' . BnQ IM Dinf T W IPirL i Dl DUII .loved alsttr Mrs. tmi.y . sane.r prwB, projrctf, ,n4 compared . ' ...rnooB . to C,0. Hendersea, Jr.. and wife let lib tstimatt. tht appropriations tat i a u .j ...r Morehead City, eonsidtratloe A I. " "" - . . . ibo pasted from us TwtMlay mora- Ing January II, 121. committee has incorporated In the Though fteblt and net silt for 'bin ,fcow , cenaiderablt itdtctlwn. LOWER ELECTIICITY IUTEI idriftt'i out in mid Usm. Tht boat Uapsitrd and tht beys ftll evtrboard. II ic. Geo. fltaderaon, Jr. and wife te, Derweod B. Willis above lot, consld- Dr. Carta fi.dborg. of Wilailogloa tration IIS. 'baa throw a a boasb aetong tbf tick Chas. W. Scott UCG, AaUa lei contrary to advlct. Many of tatmJury for killing Cut Carter. were dtstroytd and can atvtr be re- j , placed. Had tbtre bttn spacs avail-( ' akla in a Aranroof archives buildlns' County SuptrinUndtat L. D. En- li I I a... a. . I . . - ka. kaaM aMalMaT Mat I VlIavKl fre barm. "As a result ef this Us ht.afort tbta weflt is making t. "j",'' artetee," Stnator Mile. P.in. a 'reand ef the kWooU i. uo. -!.. htate an CVfitU. . dtsttr tf Weshlagtea, dtciaredi'.atctioa and Is taklnf advaoUgt tf.wwr"- rlctltst records that ntvtr CSS be Ut fiat Wtsthtr Uat has prtvallte ..... j TV. .lr. af ika board ef com- '....(.n la laa la-a!alura. Ilia 2a hm 40 faat a Cadar SL Btatiftri repUrtd bate bete dtsUtytd. TblijrtetnUy to do tklt work. .rlftcial Ut sssffpU e alt aMoners tf tht Uwn tf Btaefortl baasb at Infant wtrUllty tfalietc. consideration tit. tt. J' (vtreastiit sUnds stent among er. ' ffl . . M ,n Informal mteUng Monday (Ht ctalsss that bad ssilk la rtspoasl-, Jaa, B. Adams te la Uwla 1$ Ultsd tomstAt.U ef Us wtrld In ; Ufbrmatian to de ktr Ms.ttr's bidding, sight In tht oflWe tf Mayer B.sbaU ;bl, ft, tbe death ef many babies, snd ,cf. WWu 0ak tewa.nl., f.s.id- sting wuaest a pronny eovtypte i elldlo for tks storsgt ef sn kites," the a. . . 1 Ut Btaaftrt Ntws sad she U tht stmt ei ist ty wmrw, --j Tht lrS emew el le seasts see Ntrtk Caretlas, CkrUtlas Advtm'"ktd aad It was at deldtd i q,wb srWa of olortrs rtmer;la (act th first la akent two yn , , . , . . , . .. for etklkaUta. '' tM.rste. otrgee itr ;uf Alfred Btsntt. s atgrt. frssj isrrtvtd Teesday etjU er early Wee- tu "irr i i I HIVE. tf ALTER KILL J. The rats see kiitwatt wbifb ka. W-rw prevtaltd wkat Urtattatdiatadey t-ersUr Vkee tke eeople stvtath birthday 8alrdy by w, , u- a r. nnikis .beta for aomt' manias 17 I t etau',. v. . Irhln. Ta.adat. Beaaet.h.. ta atie aa4 toeurdar tkti MIA. II. C JONLA 'M kt rttrtd le II reaU. a rates4j. ti.rf wUh Msrdtrlng Uwla t fesnd Ut gfeeedeered wttk atarly , , , , ia srtpaitita. If tht prta-a ef ttal, .,,. . aaerrhant of aiaUa. Gov. ,aS lack ef aeew aae) wkUe tks fkO- AN APPRKCUTION Alikaeb ear be arts art ktwtdi eVes with strrtw, te wtvld net ftr pit u tisrase te tke set pit ef tklt 4ear eld town, ear drip stprtclatiea fee ththr kladttsa te esr attcUst aaaUer darlsa her Its rtars tf suf feh. sal at ker dtatk. far anaey ktsarlftl ltro , sent frieada ketk fsr asd atsr. . ' W. A, tAVDCRA. MM. W. P. SMITH, MISS LOTTIK SANDERS, MRS. W. U CELL. a from tks Naty Desariasen that Win. ITbat te Ue aeteavH faetfif, son saot e '- " . TT 7 toe. rWb FUtkt ef aUssfort kstl.s e.le.d etr slactre sysiaatky. V" , 'I. rvHr . . !T V w',,fl " bete treetrrtd frt. the rettiviagl I. -That tklt uik.U be wrKtta la rtgsUr mtetlni T.tsy s kyt. Tbs,be sttoedtd te htftr. there la say , SNOW .via, . W v-.k iV- if t? a.r Mlaata aad a cast stal I Steatite is rtotct i-t ! ma ra Cece ntlt. Canal Ztat, a urf at ltSaa a f aWaal hit age. A fur having a akt time' k. s sete ride sad eessd op ky tak t COUWIIJlONtlJ MUTING Htf la Ut pietars skaw. ttsUnst te decline tbe rattt ftr i,-,, CsastttS Mtrrtsea was sreeatd dse were altaaed wHa tke shjht Ut tlttUkt Juice will ft still lewtr. S-t-; fr.M pU te give a special elder felbt did att like H te tU la A sstrlal -setting tf tht Beard ef 'f u 11 1 ' U' '.order ktftrt Btaatt cestd be Ukta oat er two places la Uwa rot sre Cosaty Ctmssiasltatrs bet beta i '" la U print. Tke shVtrt kd U still la bUeta aad H waa raUtr a at. Master Wedt Noal kad aa accident tailed for Umarrtw. I at If yea atit t'l.ngt printed Ii taia'saaks tkelr gtUway te ksrrlediy Uty tl aigkt te see tbe besktt eevtred braa.lfio hie arse last Wedneedat ' Uhed haatsese eaaltfi ara La La uk. aaotr tte bad b-trbr ) Iter aaate'dld att kevs tiase U t ctwssKmeal with tnew ekjlt tke "UH rat ef hilt est tkstlrg. ita v te tht Ntws esdtrsUsd. tt the am. rpsp. Hvmmft' etill adtraed Uve , : ... ... V 1 t I

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