V r . . ' , 7 :.Z"X"" --ri..' 4.-- t ; ( -. ...... i. .., . i ,... .1 ' v. . The bemjtoot imews 7 ; a i i i " hours. . THE HOME PAPER t) ' volOme X. CABINET MEMBERS ABOUT SELECTED BY MR. HARDING Chaa. E. Hughe To Be Secre tary Of State Hoorer Secre tary Of Commerce MAY BE SOME CHANGES ST. AUGUSTINE, Fia., Feb. 22 Presidentelect Harding has" reached a tentative decision for even nloA IJ? I ministration will be 'bidders showed olninlv. enoujrh that ' ?SS e?T'S.' . th wished to'obtain theS. HuAes o?N. ' rIe9 Evanai 6 "dv-tisement called for an H m ,u,rem-rt rities .which were. serial bonds run- Idency M?U"H f Pre8- ta,r tt,rt' yea" and te inter, c ;.".. : . est ,at the rate of six per cent per toecretary ,i of treasurv injran, w. .... . 1 W.Mfl!.fP.ii. ? arid financier, member of a family re puted to be among the wealthiest in the country. .' . ' . Secretary of war John W. Weeks of Massachusetts, former United States Senator and in 1916 a candi date for the presidential nomination. Attorney general Harry ' M. Daugoerty, of OhW, who managed , the pre-converitlon campaign result ing4 la Mr." Harding'a nomination. Postmaster general Will H. Hays, : ' ef Indiana, chairman of the Republi can committee. Secretary the navy Edwin Den by, of Michigan, a former member of congress who has served as an enlist .ed man in both the navy and marine . corps, -i Secretary the interior Albert B.j - Fall, of-New Mexico, now a United States senator. Secretary of agriculture Henry Wallace, of Iowa, editor of farm publications. . :. ". oanKer.iwo o'clock and a record mH. beereUry -of - commerce-Herbert Hoover, of California, former food administrator and conspicious leader i i . various movements for Euronean releif. . . Secretary of labor James W. Da- - 1 . . ui, ax rennsyivama and Illinois, a hi various movements lor Knrnnn;H awarded trie xko.ouo uim f former union steel worker, who haaivcucher be drawn for S835 tn Bvid'vidual citizen. This was readlv as-L become highest official of the Moose for a Ford car for th- county. i'ented to on the part of all, and by ' KKutr of Deeds Morris are, as fol-f-.t...ii. i .. . ... .t.- . . , . . i lows: ElavantK Hau, ' If changes are made they are most t likely to affect the appointments for j navy, commerce and labor, all of I Which are understood tohave come to the point of decision in the last 24 la regard to none of these has there been an exchange of formal invitation and acceptance, but in every case the expected to be his eloseset associates selections, made by Mr. Harding are to stand, V Assignment of the navy potfolio to Mr. Denby. who is a Detroit law yer, funlshed the first real urpri' f thecabinet situation, for his name j : had not been mentioned publicly in ' Connection with the place until today.) . . It la UnAmrminAA llia fmm Ik. (m i he ha been vmder consideration, how -- ever, and waa hold in reserve for Just f such a eontina'ency aa Ur. Hardin last week when former . . ""ipvi rnni kj. . liuwurn. oi III " . . . ) i . . i ... . . fT -a ... j feels, declined to be considered for 1 . the navy ecretaryship. ft Is sspected that before the Pres-i Ment-elect make formal tender to wfllia house and lot No. lo in square Mr. Deaby he will call him Into con. S3, Morehead City, consideration Vlutioh and go ever with him the'$i 260. aval problems f the coming admin.) Istration. today Mr. Harding waa In resjaunkstion with some of the Michlgat) members of Congress ,r fardlng the appointment and It la un stmtood prevfl. to have secured their an-: fver since the esrly day ef the I . eaaiMign utf Hoover' . aaasa bet e ef th etorm center ef the ' fmblnet list, assay republican erglng . at aetointasent a secretary of state, loMtle'a ca mm or labor aad assny psMeeiac. I f hi aeclded ftaad I fsvor of th league ef a.' ' ties. Whether he win accept th teirt pertJfolle la net deflattety ; ksew her, bet the geaeral pecta ' tloa h that a witL A formal lavt taiiee ta tetei to go forward with few hear. . ae laMrda geoaj Mf aeils Jae edeaasaji ef eae elee to ed lb teeesW Mew te I Wens akae teiUfnlf-4 WewUtslhe!urf th crlsse. An sfftnae ef this aae efee this aUteWef ) B Alnd Is rarely eoramitted la Beaufort be weal tlae fft h4f Uinf ule 'end considerobl surprise end enter tairasUfe ef sUs'skaoee. - .-- lent waa caused oa account of the deed DnYO 17 An nnirnn WERE REJECTED However, $50,000 Worth Re fundinf Bond Were Sold . To Pay Off DbU .. Considerable ' interest in Carteret county's proposed ' bond issue "was ahown here Tuesday by the fact that about half dozen representatives of bonding houses in various big cities were here for h T)"rpo of bidding r""M".-. V'" D,as were opened at them. After this the board went in to excutive session for the purpose of considering them.' After delibera ting, the bidders and public were in vited to return and then Chairman Wheatly announced that all the bids were too low being less than par and tnat the bonds would not- b sold. He then asked the bidders to make an offer on fSO.OO worth of refund ing bonds which are to be used to pay off certain debts of the county. A spirited bidding contest took place between the bnvera for thla ln f honda with tha Manlf A.. m sold to the Provident Savinrs ank andoTrust- Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, at $97.97 The Official report of the meeting follows: Beaufort, N. C. - February 22. 4921. The Honorable Board of Countv Commirsioners met in a continued meeting all members being present. Bids for $200,000bond issues were rejected. It ts ordered by the Board th,t th Provident Savings Bank nd i Trust Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, . . funding bonds at $97.97 and a de- posit of $1,000 be required. It is ordered bv the board that a j it is ordered by the board that the '.ii : i s j . n a i. ' from the mmr fund - Capt. Pen Pigott, colored. Sarah Chadwick, colored. E. D. Hill, colored. Clinton Johnson, colored. ) Maria Perry, colored. Lawrence Hazel, Sr, colored. I I , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS . Realty transaction! recently re- . . , , 'J corded by th Register of Deeds are : , t . o -,, E. H. Hill and wife to A. B. Willis undivided rirhts. title and Interest in lot In town of Newnort inherited from Wm. Hill, consideration $10. A. B. Willis and wife to H. C Ed- J- I.. It'll i . 4, & a. wirui tot on lima lurri iivwpon lui by 216 feet, consideration $75. I. T. Fodrie and wife to W. W.1 llardesty 100 acre at head of Oyster j aa. a f i . i aiAj. Creek, consideration $2,500. !, 1 r oone ana wue to v. w. H.rde.fy tract on west side of Oyster I. T. Fodrie and wife to W. W. Creek ." acrea, consideration tS.600. n T wtnt. ir. Unllia H. Van B. Mason and wife to Jno. II. Mason I acre In Hunting Quarter townahls). consideration S37S. R. T. Willis and wife to E. 8. Net- eon lot 14 in square $1, Mofehead CI t. consideration 19. N. R. Pure Toy and wire to fc. 3.ei- sen half lota 1 and 1 in square II haajiiorvhend City, een-ideToUoa $Uv.Kh door nd asked f of liquor. Those Rufae Lewis and wife to W. D. Psk I acre in Smyrna township, consideration $240. THIEVES ftlEAK INTO STORE. Seas tiase tatards alsht or San. 11 sworn Ing a thief Mr taajrh thlevee ferted th front door f the HeeafoH targets) Store ea Freat street and eeaaasiued hargUry v thsrsta. Fear drawer ef the eh register were penee and assail saMurt f asoaey Ukea. It lo saihl that fw ar tktes of ser(haadlse.wre also ste- len. Thre I ao clue to the perpetra READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY V . " BEAUFORT. NORTH , CAROLINA, NEWS HEMS- FROM WASHINGTON It It Rumered That Congress man Each WniBe On Cor- " : poration Commission. " ; SyASHINGTON,Feb. 22.(Spec- ial correspondence) According " to worts at the Cap?to!f one of the Va cancies on thi' Interstate Commerce Commission will be filled by Presi dent HsMinfif throuffh' mnru. wenf of Congremin John. J. Ech f Wiconsin. RenreRentntiva vv. was defeated for the inntion in his district lat-year. and will leave Congress on March 4th af ter twentv-two years of continuous service. His fnendi are urging up on :;Mr. Harding that he is a most suitable man for - the Commission. They cite his work as Outirman the Interstate' Commerce Committee or tne House during the framing and passsage of the Esch-Cummins trans portation act, which is now naw. Pays As I Goes The Senate is being urged by ex porters to restore to the DinlnmaM and Consular Appropriation Bill the items stricken out in the House on points of order raised by ! certain Democrats. Representative Walter W. Magee, of New York, a metnhev of the Appropriation Committee is leading the efforts to have the Senate restore the items. It is declared that while the Consular Service has buflt up American export trade more than $9,000,000,000, the' total cost f maintaining the service is only 4X 000,000 peryear. . ; . Chamber Pro taatt United States Chamber f The t Commerce has prepared a brief to be fi,e1 with Congress against the coal ,Vd packer bills and other measures imilar Import It is a protest bv bu,inSB men rinst further Federal I corUro1 of industries. "The war in-' U 1.. i j . . . . ieu io vasi increase in rrt. I eral Jurisdiction and control," Kays the brIef, "not only of the freedom of Business but of the freedom of the in. u"c man me Dimness, interest, in view nf t.a n.t;l the national . . .. emergency. We believe, however .w are voicing not only the business. but also the popular sentiment inlter 01 bUcy- this country' in favor of the quickest ossible liquidation of this overhead control so repugnant t American In-i, stitutions. Swlna I , Uae " A new member of the . Sixty-Sev-1 r, . enth Conrresa who ooMessei an . ..fr. t ' . ' i irri- tion problems is Hon. Phil D. Swing. if E,dor,d0' California. Mr. Swing i la nam liifir t y 5,,.i r . ' -' ut imuwriai coaniy, saving woraeo vp i to that position through practice of .- . t a . a 1 the law in San Bernardino, servine as District Attorney of Imperial county , and as uiiel Counsel for the Imperi al Irrigation District, the largest irri ration district in the United Rut. During the war he served on a num- . in the success ef American arms and In lk iiuvau af lnurlaaa a ran. mwtA although given a deferred classifica tion by the draft board enlisted In the army. He was elected to Con gress by a majority , of 17.(00 a .. .. . . strong testimonial .to hi popularity among the people who know him best Judge nwisg will succeed a Demo crat Reports from Morgsnton say that the killing of Pink Britain la another due to liquor. He called at the home of Dirk Williams In company with hie on and Dug Mitchell and knocked en Inside bearing only two voiens and ! fearing Dug Williams, whom they testify was their enemy, fired through the wall to frighten these wsf. Th bullet took effect la Pink Brit tola. i ' . N The Wholesale Grocer's Aseatla ilea In eesaiea at th 0. Usary hotel last week decided agalnet any to crease la Interest rst. They passed resolution eeaclng the new rvte ef the railroad which provides that al bill of lading I sarrendtred on't cartel shipment before the er rival of th car a charg ef $LM weald It a eased against th car bV tor It would b placed for unloading pan th Instruction f , th ignee. , THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, : ' DRAWS NEAR Many Important Rill.'A. n ing Considered Last Day Of Saain Not Many davs are left nn- in w&ch the legislators at Raleigh can do any work. The sixty day for a'toch they are allowed pay will end )rt March 6th and it is not considered likely that they will stav thera Inner afer their connection with the pay roO ceases. , 1 .The most imnnrfnn'itia...i.. acted by the lawmakers . last week wa the enactment of the no fence la. This act passed both houses of the body by larare mainrkia inj u Wi go into effect next January. Sonie twenty two counties in the eastern part of the State are affected bv Tit. '' Another very' important, act the Stae Highway law, which proposes to connect up all the county seats and important; towns by good road passed the lower house last week and is to be! taken up by the Senate this week. This measure nrovidea for a fifiy million bond issue and that not more than ten million shall be issued r except under certain condi tions and that they shall bear intereit at toot mm than five per cent Several very important matters r being considered this week by the-General Assembly and some of mem win oe disposed pi very soon it appear. Among ' other proposed acts are the eight per cent interest law, that pertaining to retiring judges on three-fourths nay under certain conditions, the constitutional conven tion act, the tick eradication bill, the workmens' compensation and the moving picture censorship acta. jJaUny. local matters hat been al ready disposed of and others will be rushed through before the legislators ta!;e their departure. MARRIAGE LISCENSES. . 1 orm,u to wed recently issued by "n'P" jonnion ana Mattie aor-1 ' ' OI B"u,on' nam i.n i rr u..i.rA " ' vl " " wltr B. Jones and Julia Mandy .Edwrd". Beaufort, R. F..D. A' !2jD U-d'ey' Fe"Lfort' ndi Lenh Xdna Guthrie, MoreTiead City. t -T- ' i SMALL POX 1 . . i - ' j. ,. . ! i. . -PP.r.nce m iwo pru oi the county recently. A Mr. Uwh. who lives In the Otwsy (neighborhood ha it and two Jittle l . . .. r' i, uaunnurra Ul jara. AUUie uklbj derson of Newport, have it It U ' now in order for people to get v.ccl- nated if they wish to be on the safe a. STRANGE BIRDS IW.....L V. V.k. 11 U'..iL.. ...... puttied by the strsnge appearance ot the Chlncotague Island shores of flock of rstor-bill auks, a North Are- tie Klrd nrknaa) unusual AlarM kaa tnr ' w. fi. : j ! I we um lime o? !lh.m m Uf fmuth v-oww a so as v. r eii vivuiii Uta in the fall. Just previous to a .... rv severe srlntar 4ha kaulifu white owl from the Arctic regions, Is occasionally seen long th Maaaa- chuwtt and Long Istsnd coasts; th -a . i. . ii i I appearance oi inee greai oiraa, , aLanina? tnra fMt klek and kaavll I coated with, white feathers, spotted" with black Is sure sign of extreme cold weather In the far North, Foe- slbly th comrng of th Auks, ferr to above, might foretell eea - IdecaUe reef wiatar weather befet February aaa It vill be recalled that the severe bllsaard the Eaatara I statee-ever had cane March 12lh' lift. , ! tnewMraeed he the recent saild . weather, eessf farmer la the heigh-1 weeveer, V m f iwswn n wan nva herheed sr, Htiug IrUh petaPm, ! meetly native seed- fo-iWty the a r. D I l?rfCiI A mnnn 1VH LliUWLAlUltO rtrsi or (a aa aaa no. eosne to,. . s r their Petke. OrlenUL N. C R.nae.Wne W ehaaee' to gel t'-' Bennleet hews In mUm saonike fee lb seseJI sens ef $1 0I be ee ear lf. .. . . .. .i ...er, io 1911 BARGAIN DAY TO BE REPEATED On Saturday Good Will Again oe uttered 7To The Public At Attractive Prices " While the crowd here last Satur day was not altogether Tip to the wishes and desire of the . Dollar Day Manager : still it was considerable and brought a good deal of business here. One of the leading grocers of the town said that Saturday wa the dav he. had had since the- Christm vplfdsv. ' . ' " . . ,Pv"- ;-.re-"rfed " -HrtTn- !H fame"a tlj -ffd' . : wm no,"n-fdd in 'fhi hvrfn Ht. Mrv of mnvynf, ve rwfoced nHcon T 0f -od that w not adverted. . They wanfi ed tofriv- the people o chance M do ome ,re-llv advantaflreou t-dina end decided ' to cut en evarrtbln aold. .; ,. .. , ' . - . ' A was advestised the Dollar Day Sale will he repeated this'eomln fiat. urdav and nawknl -1. Ji J -- nut came last week 'will have another ehanea to' get good at th redueed prioea Many of the earn articlea Will k on sal, and aW a lot f new one Every store in town will have some thing that will be raal tndueaman and the thrifty 'buyer had better on hand as this will be th last day of at. . Some of thhe ahoDDer had the impression that they could buVNonlv a dollar's worth at the reduced prices. feucnj aot the case as the merchants wUI fell any quanity.at th cut prices as long as their stock of such article holds out. It i their purpose to make the. saj attractive U UteebMe and they are not hesiutinar to cut their prices down to the .bottom. Some merchants sold new good here last week at cost and others, sold stuff i they had had for some months at far J lees than itcost them. . ' j A two page advertisement appears in this weeks issue of the News j which sets forth some of the articles w uc i win pay we people " -r" nwr"a w reao it over - ..v. ... ..,. . lU e w mrchanU will offer many owers at bargain prices.' : - CR,M,NA CASES ' - W,h" SUperlor Co"rt, mtia h',r on th 1 ith of next month It seems likely that most of iu time will b. ul. ul . -r n tb trial f ka rir.u.i i " m nnunai cases awaiung trial, ganging all the way from sell- i,'wr to urder. Most of the ...... ... r i.i..i . -wm isiwa, jas. jvesmitn is lo oe tried on ' h"tt of kill ng Cu. and Ujuls),, Carter, the shooting having taken place on Chnatf s day ory the grounds of the Carteret Lumber Company. These cases are set for Tk rmA t n a ! i i " - - culminated in a religious service en Fk I tern lit eaaanl anlnLnn Ml.. - . .. . i.l, ,U- A La COMMUNITY CLU1 MEETING ine regular vustnes t meeting of - s Uir i-ommuniiy ciuo i iteauiort will '? r'- "L ' ... 1 1 i i . . w . an . v. i"P" viyo room a. f i OTvmwvra fr mrfi BrwTlL ATTENTION ODD FELLOWS 8. M.; Crouch U spec ted to be present at meeting ef Cencerdl lad( Ke. 11. to be held Taesday. March re-jlat, Ifll, t 1J0 P. M. A Full at - Uadanei k, requeued. tf order of Udge. . 4,'t7' 'mtobeglve.. aecreury... Utnk lk , ta be eenaec rated to EASTERN STA ENTERTAINS 1 . I. Tv. r...;.- .... -m . . I - , ,.M-.- dnA a tariateoifl to ta rnday. Febraary tHh, t, the UJSn2 vr.-taf t I r. M. sMMltJ - . ' ' ot Cowoly Ceassslnlsasrs and eth.se ef --see as--e tf-A.-tf to the aWefeef rtowe. Thee sis as eaeAe tU pmm woeth she pete mm a . . . . . , sen wa wnnu le anew nfcnnl wknl EVERY THURSDAY: 1 NUMBER 8 SPIRITUAL SIDE 07 INAUGURAL Special Church Service On v dunday Followmg Inaugu- 1 . ration of Harding - ' WASHINGTON, Feb' 22SneJ - ' ial correspondence) The inaurura- 1' tion of Warren G. Harding as presi dent of the United States will mark not only a first step in theVeturn to -normalcy, in the political and Indus-. ,' trial life of the Nation, but ; in the fvui nim as, wen, on the. Sun. -"""t ma . inauguration Mr. r 11 awena djvine service in America's Memorial Church' ,i.r-i. pending the. erection of he erfin,. konsecrnted to the memory of thoss wno served in th World War; is hold ing its services in the auomKi.. l the Wardman Park Hotel, Wash. uigton. . . . y - ' I . - The religious spirit exhibited'1 by Mr, 'Harding sine hi Elevation to"! leaaersnip ot bis party and of the N. tion ha made a profound impression on all believing men who in Novem ber rtruck for God and. their tuUv land. On th dav folia win hi. ... whelming election. Mr. R.ri4i poke-humbly; "It i all so erius., "ww.'lthl Pbllgition are so sol-; mn,"" that instead it erultin I an mor given to prayer to Cod to make m capable of playing my part? And in taking the oath of office he will place his band AM thai fifta WaauA o! the 6th chapter of Mlcah:' "He' hath shewed thee, O man, what la good; and what doth th Lord of thee, but to do Justly, and to love mereyr and to walk numbly wfth thy God?'!- , r Mr. Harding ha expressed a keen personal interest m the success of Ulrica's . Meiwr-Chttrclu- Ills -5 an institution pansectarian in ita' scope. A member of 'jany other church may become a member .of this national church without withdrawing fromhla own. The idea appear to . have originated with George Wash ington. for the first map of the Dis-' trict of Columbia, plotted by Major L Enfant under Washington' direc- i-ori, maoe provision lor Just such a cnurcii which, In the words f - the (,ur v, out wuniry, wu to oe "a vigned to no particuUr sect or denomination, but equally open to (H." It is particuUrly significant 'Hat Washington's purpose, which for (over centory hae been Ignored, Is 'f way of fulfilment fol-t 'wi.,,, a sreat nolitiral .mnafn u .l '.f-1'- ,P? ..V C'P ,n wiiKn mi spiru oi vi asai.isTion . . r . : ,H'" .P1! important part than in any campairn sl.ic his dav. It1 was to preserve the national lnda-j pendence gained by Washington In, 1783 that the epl elected Harding' in 1920. and the solemn admonition. formtr werf dtcUraUoM oi iaiia oi me latier. Thla will be. the first time in history ' of our country that' th jreremoale' a . i i i .. . a i . . . m ul a a . a . . P inaugurawoB oi a rresioent .aaann. if niiui n m n naM itw r 1 t"WV Wavi 'has characterised past inaugurals will be uldud by Mr. Herding' re- ' JltlaWt tnm avlafMnla a OI a SSVll J I atXl TVal ! ' w, v w i "'vis . a sww nt nr. ... -.m .,lnni..t ,w. follies of displsy. The pasUr .of the church. Rev. Edward Uwreace Hunt, will conduct the service, and Sena tors A ties Posserene, ef Ohio, and James Wadsworth, Jr., ef New York, win deliver the addresses. 0 facial Washington will be present and the i ni l. . i ai.. a.uk. VifVra wm wm ytwwwm r aaiw ywr- lie. Oa the aaase Sunday It Is pro- ,th At- tf Asaerka s Measerial fcisr - in maay town and eltie ithroughe.l the estry-4h aarn j Hoture rsWtsn. and pref I one inr Man rn v . .. i 1 . . L . ft.. .L..I wsi in tae cs-e - -v - u wW iJOt aa- tBj,f rJ mg smpetoase ilka freodoss aaa UdMn4eaW ' of the freed. f Ilr Herbr eat ha beee mo c,tad at Mergaatoa hi eana-lUi eiO-Lua Usstrs asttrder trkd. "He ' .;i be tried ea chaff t t 4' - i -it It: ;s " Ur Day, Is eUg oev. jsha tighter. i V

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