c 3 THE HOME PAPER READING TO THE vMIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO -THE BODY ( EVERY THURSDAY ' , VpLUME X. BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, THURSDAY MARCH 10, 1921 NUMBER 10 4 BOARD MEETING HELD- MONDAY Commissioners Inspect North Rive Bridge Merrimon Cit izens Ask For Road The Board of County Commis sioners of Carteret County held its regular monthly meeting on the 7th day of March, 1921, at its regular meeting place in the Court House in the town of Beaufort, North Caroli na, all members thereof being pres ent Mr. E. F. Carraway, of Merrimon township, appeared before the Board and, requested that the Old Turnpike Road running through to Merrimon townshio be not abandoned by the Commissioners, and also that the j Commissioners proceed as early as possible to do such work on said road I as to make the same passable. The Board assured Mr. Carraway that the matter would be given consideration Tht Interstate Cooperage Com pany, through its attorney, Mr. J. L. Duncan, appeared before the Board, and asked adjustment of er ror in the appraised value of lands in Newport township, 1920. The Board was of the opinion that in this matter it had no jurisdiction. The Board, no other business ap pearing, adjourned until 2:30 o'clock p. M., in Arder to give the Board op portunity to visit and inspect the bridge over North river nearing completion. and ordered a , voucher drawn for j $25.75 to pay the interest. i The County Attorney was in-1 structed to draw resolution regard ing dag tax, if resolution necessary in order to have dogs ligted for taxation. Mr. C. L. Abernethy, representing Seasongood and Mayers appeared be fore the Board and submitted the fol lowing bid, and amendments thereto, for the $150,000 worth of bonds, au thorized at the December meeting of the Board, to-wit: Beaufort, N. C, March 7, 1921. To the Honorable Board of Commis sioners pf Carteret County, Beau- i fort. N. C. ! Gentlemen: I At the representative of Season- Igood and Mayer, of Cincinnati, Ohio, land the American Bank and Trust lUHIII ENTRY inn OF llfl'l PREIEIH WARREN ,& HARDING DELIVER SHORTEST INAUGURAL AD DRESS ON RECORD. 'SERVICE" WAS THE KEYNOTE With the Induction of Womanhood In to Our Political Life We May ex pect Our Social Order Exalted. prayer for America is for industrial peace, with its' rewards, widely and generally distributed amid the is Us Spirit and add to the resolution with which we take up the task, let ms repeat for our nation, wo shall give no people just cause to make war upon, "us. We hold, no national pre judices, we entertain M spirit of re- vongo, wo do not hftto, we do not covet; we dream of JpA conquest nor boasf of armed progress. If, deJplte this attitude, war is again, forced upon s, I earnectly hops a way.majr be found which will unify our Individual a4 elective strength and consecrate all America, material ly and splrtually, body and soul, to nstional defense. There is something EDUCATION BOARD HOLDS Ml Will Probably Select A New Superintendent At the April Meeting The County Board- of Education held a meeting here on Monday at which all the members, who art C. P. Dey, R. T. Wade, W. Irving Willis and Secretary L. B. Ennett, were present. The usual routine matters inherently i wrong, something out of were one throu8h but one thing of accord with the ideals of represents-1 general interest was discussed at RAIDERS CAPTURE : SEVERAL STILLS Officers ' Spend Several Day . ; Here Chasing Moon- T ' shiners. . -.r tive democracy when one portion of Washington, March 4. President Harding In his inaugural address said My countrymen, when one surveys the world about him after the creat Company of Wilmington, N. I ; storm, noting the marks of destruc- submit to you the following bid for tion and yet rejoicing in the rugged- your 1150,000 Carteret County, N C, 25 year 6 percent Road and Bridge Bonds, Denomination $1,000. Dated February 1, 1921. Principal and semi-annual interest payable at the Hanover National Bank, New York, maturing January 31 1946: I will pay you par, subject to un limited tax to pay principal and in terest, snd the legality of the issue to bo approved by the attorneys of Seasongood and 'Mayer prior to the delivery of the bonds and provided further that the funds derived from the sale of the bonds shall be depos ited in the American Bank and Trust sented st sfternoon session and read company ox " "- to the Board of Commissioner,, by 1 1140.000 .for a period oi m month. J, L. Edwards: rlthout ,nteres d f 6'0?0 oi Be it resolved; That the Board of to remam in said bank without County Commissioners of Carteret ierest for a penod of. mne month. County, that The Newport-Western ;" $50,000 of same to rema.n ,n Carteret Telephone Company, be and 'or P v k.. k- nrivilpcr. riod of twelve months. and right to erect and e8t.blUh a! Pjjf " b' T.LnW,. Iln over anv of the oublic CHARLES L. ABLKNt fHY. ""i . - .t Since submitting trie Did as aoove I will so amend it that the deposit ar rangement shall be that $125,000 to remain in the bank for three months without interest, $100,000 of the same shall remain in the bank for six months without interest and that $50,000 to remain in the hunk ni.ie months without interest and a id $50, 000 to remain in Vie bank without in terest for twelve month. Very truly, CHARLES I.. ABERNETHY. Motion wa miule by Conimiiwioner Small, womled by Commissioner E1 wards, that bid be accepted, ami said bond be wld to Seasongood ami Myr of Cincinnati, Ohio, and American Psnk and Trut Co., of Wilmington. N. C. Motion wim lu !y carried all the Commiwioners vot ing itfavor of arreptinft the bid. It wa ordered that the Auditor's rep irt be flld in the oflire of the KegtKter of Deeil. The following bill were audited nd ordered by the Board to be paid : General Fund Vonch.r. Paid. J. A. Hornnilay, f'arhier ex change on interest . . . 50 II. W. Noe, ho for County Home ... 35.00 Wenley Godwin, keeper sal ary Stella bridge 60.00 (;. A. Wilkina on well at t'o. Home 350. US W. I- Stancil pUmpa and supplies - - 10.13 Bank of Morehead City. U.an to Koad Fund l.f.00.00 Dr. P. B. Uftin. viul uti- tira 1 00 ness of the things which withstood It, If he is sn American, he breathes the clarified atmosphere with a strange mingling of regret snd new hone. Wo have seen world passion spend its fury; but wo contemplate our republic aaahakea sad hold our ctvilisatioa so on re. Liberty liberty wlUla the law and clrllhMtioa are laaeamrable aad fkough both were ehroatsaod, we fad Otesa bow secure, and Uero eossos to Amoricaas the protease: sasaraaeo taat oar roproseetatlvo govorasaoBt Is the hlgliost oxprossloa aad surest guarmaty of both. Standing hi this preaeaco, mladfut of the solemnity of this occasion, fool- teg the emotions which no one nay know until ho senses the great weight of reiponsibillty tor himself, I must some length which was the selection our citicenshln turns its actlrltv to private gain amid defensive war while of a new County Superintendent As snother is fighting, sacrificing or dy- stated in the News some time sgo Mr. ing for national preservation Out of such universal service will come a new unity of spirit and pur pose, S new confidence and consecra tion which would make our defease impregnable, our triumph assured. Withythe nation-wide iaductioa of womanhood into our political life, we may count upon her Intuitions, her re finements, her intelligeaso and her la flueace to exalt the social order. Wo count bbob her exorcise of the full privileges aad the portormsae of the duties at cltiteashl to ilsoi the at talaveats of the highest SUU. I wWi for aa America a less alert ta guarding against tasters from wlthia thaa It IS watchful against eaemtos frost wltkoat. bar funda mental .lav recognises ao class, so group, ho Section. There must 'he none 1a legislation or administration. The supreme Inspiration is the com mon weal Humanity hungers for in ternational pace and we crave It with all mankind. My most reverent highways owned and controlled said County; Provided that the said Company, shall be liable for any damage to any individual, the proper ty of any individual, or to Carteret County, in any way or manner. With the further proviso, that the said poles shall not be erected or the wires going thereon, in any manner Jhat might block traffic or interfere with the use of said roads by the pub-4ic. 4 Xll poles shall be erected on the ride of the road in such a manner as to not block the road in anyway, with a further proviso, that the coun ty shall have the power to require any and all pole moved, should the name be so placed as io interfere with the roads, or use of the same by the pub lic, with t' e further proviso ns n consideration for this franchise, the County of Carteret, shall have the privilege to thw uie of the sui.l line for Its official business without oharce with s further iToviao that should the Newport 1 Western Carteret Tele phone Company, fail to comply with the proviso's as herein et forth, this franchise or permission to be null and void. On motion duly made and earned t authority was granted to the Newport Western Carteret County Telephone 'Company to erect poles along the right of way of the public roads of Carteret the said poles anil wire to be so erected and maintained a not to Interfere with traffic over said toads, and that the said County to have the use of aeid telephone sys temvwhen Installed for official bust- Ennett has announced that he would not care to serve any longer after the first of July when his term expires. , The board has been looking around for a man to succeed Mr. Ennett and has had several applications. Those who have made application are Mr. G. W. Rhodes, of Newport; Prof. S. E. Nelson, a native of this county now living in Chattanooga Tenn., and Mr. Melvin Robinson, of Teachy's, North Carolina. It used to be the custom to elect the Superintendent in July but it seems that the board now has the power to elect in April and it is understood thst this will be done. The News is informed that the salary of the Superintendent of Education which is now $1,800 will be raised to $3,000 a year. The reason given for the increase in salary is that all coun ties are paying more now and that it is hard to get a first class man for less Prohibition) agents have been hot v: on the trail of the booze makers in . these parts this week. As a result.'1 several stills have been put out of .;- business, a lot of mash sugar, meal , and some whiskey seized and I one -, . . man gathered in. Agents Ramsey and Shore arrived here Sunday night and accompanied by Sheriff Thomas , snd Deputy W. D. Allen went out i ,- Monday- in the region north of the steel bridge over the Inland Water way and captured two copper stills of 80 gallons capacity, 1,600 gallon . V of beer, .five or six gallons of liquor, ;. some mesl and sugar and a negro . named Eugene Frazier. Three oth- : er men who were at the Still caught . a glimpse of the officers and proceed- .r-u ed to break all the speed laws in the , 'ri books. They escaped. On Tuesday . the officers went en another raid and ; this time they penetrated into Craven county in the North Harlowe section ; which is somewhat noted for its booze, ( making proclivities. On this trip, they gathered in three' stills and va- ;' riuos accessories but did not get their men. They hsd information about a v man though whom they expected to arrest later. Tuesday night three, '. more agents srrived and with this My inforcement the raiders took to the woods again yesterday. ,4 The negro Eugene Frazier was., tried yesterday before United States Commissioner C. H. Bushall on the WARREN G. HARDING CALVIN COOLIDGE na free of charse or toll and any and all benefits provided In said re- Jno. W. Willi labor on sur oluUon. Alao the said Company to vey Court House tuare . be re.pon.ibte fur any damage. Fred Ch.dwick vital static., agaln.t the County in connection Bank of Morehead City re- with the erection of said pole, the fund of loan in.Ulatlon of the system, or the llirsm Salter p" allowance maintain. nc. thereof, and the said i William Salter poor allow- Company to rarry out faithfully all ance snd Singularly the other agreements Hannah Humphrey poor al and proviaoe. Mt forth In Mild ro- lowanre jution. F- M- poor Mr. W. E. Skarren sppeered be-! Serena Bell poor allowance fore the Board and offered B pump-lKlnie R, Golden poor el i.. to ika Countv Home for lowanre liU AO. Thl. amount to cover all Peter luenbrry poor rosts of material and Uve In.talaUon i lowanre thereof. This proposal was taken Joseph R. Uwle poor allow under advisement to be acte4 on si I ance ...h.r s...Uns. 'HenHetU Wilkin, poof On tnoUn of Commlwiioner B. F. I.nce Rmali, seconded by Commissioner J. Atly Glllikln poor allow- L, Edward., du!y carried, the Board anre authorised the suditor U renew the Nsncy Aalter poor ellwsne note of S,1$0.00 due March nd, otAbble Willie poor ellowsnre the Beaufort Bssklng snd Tru Brittle J.ne Belter poor aL Company for s period of thirty day. los.nre I- S 00 14.00 100.00 IB 00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10 oo 10.00 I 00 10.00 10 00 1.00 11.00 loo ....... I uner my m ,ier in trie oivine inspira t!on of the foundlnc father.. Surelr thnr most have b-en Crid'a In'.elit In the making vf this new r cirid rrpi!l lie. Our I. In orntnlr law which had but on amlilKulty, and we .aw th' elerl In a lap!tsm of m rl(l( ami blood, with union maintained, the n.t lion supreme The re onl"d pr rri of our r pulillc. materially and sp'rl'imllr. In Itself prove the liV!n of the heriled polii v of n m lav oNrrornt In til mor'd affair Confd nt of our al'llltr to work out our own dtlnr sad Jealously suardlns our right to do so. we aek no part In directing the delist, of Iks old world w. 4 1 sot masa ta be estasgled We 1 I'V .crept no respoaslbltlty eirept a our own ronarlenre and Judtemeat Is each Instance mar determine Our eye. never III be M nd to a 4lopl.f mes.es. our ear. seter ' deaf to the cell of rldlliatlon We rwrofSlte the sew order of tb aorld. with the rlooer roatarts which sro t res. ha. wroeikt We .esie the , sell of the Amerlt.s pnple Aai.rlra I. rw4r to ..siart ester to Isltl.U. t.ilou to paiilrV ' pate Is ssr seemlr pmtrsm llk.ly lo eMa the sroWsMlttr of war ssd pre tote that brotk.rsond of sa.sklsd which at be flod'S hliHeet r..ct tls of hsaisa rel.ttoa.blo. We But s4rt.s4 tfc.t ties ef j tr4e Wts4 BSllos. la rlooeet latlss.ry a4 boos sasf rwrelve eirest St se is. We have not sirestkes4 ears la .rror4aa- wllk or reeorre or ssr oles. Bot.bly mm ssr sa eea'lssst. where s ilt se rslie relort the glory ml sew world 4 trf. bet to the sew ordsr of Isssro BM lr.de we bsm. to promote ea Urg'd srtlrttlee ssd seek stpss44 eost4oo Osr eesrseae t.sk lo tbo reis splratlnns of ebal opportuuitlns The forward course of the li'islne cy p l.i untiilii.iUalile. IVoplos ar turn'.nn from Obstruction lo pnUj' tlon 'mlitstrv ha. sensed the chm ed ordir an. I our on people are turn ing In r nine their normal onwaid ay. The tall Is for productive Amer. ra to 1:0 on I know that conjere and iti- ;i.lminUtrailon .III for ev ry l. ivernnifnt pilli y to aid th' resumption and en curare iimilnui'd prof r" i Sr li e Is the supreme r.irnml' meet f life I would rejoic e to ar claim the era of the foll' n niA aB(j rrwn It with the autocracy of .or vtre I plede as administration 1 wherein all the . senile of govern meat are called to serve and ever pr mote as und-rsiaed-nc of govern men! purely a SB eipreloa of the every week will be s little clesn up popular sill wrrk snd so we will keep our town One cannot stasd Is hla presence i .ii ,. rnul,ii I . II .WW... Mr. G. W. Uy asd be nnmlndful of the tremerdxi rwapossllillltr The world uphea-al hs. added heavily to our tasks put with the realliatloa roaie. Ike surs of htih rlve s.4 there I. rB .sr.Sc. In lellef IB th. Ood (Ives deailsv of osr republic If felt th1 there Is to be sol. rospusslblllty Is the eiwutlv for the Amerlcs of lo ss orrow should skrlsk from the Burdsa l""t here sre s hssdr-d asll Hobs, with rum moo eo seers ssd shsr- SLANDER CASE CONTINUEO ternoon st 4 o'clock, conducted by Dr. R V. Pumpaa. of the Methodist '"f- church, snd Rev. Hsrry A. Dsy, of the lUDtwt churth. The deceased ws s loyal member of the Beptlst church. Interment look place la On account of the prevslence of rjceen View Cemetery, where the msll poi In the Bettie. and Utwsy mviribr. of the nighu of Harmony community the slander rase which ,dm(ni.trd the last rights of the ws. to hsve been tried here Frid.y trotherbood. by the Juvenile Court Judge K. J.Re. tv mf mber( ef the Immediate 4 rs.p.s.lHlif. asiwsrshle U O-l pea has bea continued indefinete- f,miljr .stly grief stricken Bret ly. The esse ta which Nr.. recoia wfv Mn Bishop Garner, aaugaur Gilllken snd tuvins Gilliked sre f r Mrs. W. J. Willis; father charted with hsvlng sl.ndered Mias vsther, Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Myrtle Gvuiden was tried som wests Garner, and three staters, Misses sgo before s justice ef the peace and tt Hgth and Grace Garner. A large the action dismissed. As the parties rrwd wss sttendasre at the fsaersl sad resstry. Tie resskllc sanaasos. Ik eta is their dsty ss4 I latlte ro srsttoB I accept my part lk .lBglel4 dsass of psrsseie ssd k.m.alty r spirit ss4 lasslor. 'he favor ssd fn'4 -aJ rL,t tm III- li m-llh lkee. .is ss.fr.i4 ssd cosMeoilv concerned sre sll under sliteea year td many are the friends who eyas fsee the fetors ef age an effort will be made to have psthlse with the bereaved family. I have lakes lbs snletsa seta ml of it tried In the Juvenile Court. There 1000 tloe of oar onward, a-vrssal ft oroa. I rr tte resdiesttaeol. retr aad lo love merer sad walk tloe ell th--e Mlow I wosld .wlth thy UM Tbi. I plight Ilk lo bat- them If It will HkMea'ssd roes try than the figure mentioned. The mem-! charge of violating the prohibition bers of the Board have had a little j jaw an(j held under a bond of $1,000.' raise in pay too. They formerly re-, He wa8 unable to give the 'bond and ; ' ceived $3 a day for their services and , wag taken to New Bern jail. Fratie'r now they get $5 a day. This of ! admitted that he was at the still on course is just for the time they Monday bat that he just went there " actually Berve. Mr. Wiley H. Tsy-! get wnil Hquor and had nothing to' lor was recently elected a member of (0 wjh making it. the Coard of Education and will go - nto office on the first of July to sue-1 RADIO STATION INSPECTCD ceed Mr. C. 1'. Dey whose term ex: , The News is informed that Lieu pires at that time. : tenant J. D. Burke Jr.Naval Radio In- 'spector from the Norfolk navy yard CLEAN UP WEEK j inspected the Ktation at Camp (Jlenn BEGINS ON MONDAY condition. Mr. Tuike states that this station is one of the best equipped The attention of all citizens of rajj0 tatioris "in the district, due to lle&ufort is called to the Clean Up lt.fcj an, ability of the Officer In , Week March It which is to he carri- charge R. J. Luter and tthe co-opera-e:i out by the Civic Department of Df ne radio pet sorirel. The traf the Community Club with the ht'lp of f;c at this aUtion is said tj be con the Chamber of Comn:crce ad the gtantly. incrensing a.'id de present in to wn autnorities. dtallation gives better results than It is hoped that all people will help ,, formerly- located on Piver's Is- -' to make this a success. If each ynrd ttj,J, ( and street is made clean and order- ly.the.i the whole town will be clean JUL; C EN DEATH CLAIMS BISHOP ami our streets will pieent an N paar GARNER ance which will attract instead of On Wedresday night, March 2nd, reH-l as is now unfortunately the Harold Bishop Garner, 31 years of case in some localities, age, who was in the employment of It i awell known fact that clean ine Government Service in connec- surnundir gs make for healthand tjon wlth the dredge, Tiow dredging it is doubly Important now that the ns inland water way. canal . near warm weather is rear that our prem- Beaufort, was missed about bed time ise s should be clean. By keeping 'an(j upon a M-arch with lanterns by . clean -e will help to make our town a number of the men including the more healthy and attractive to our fathrr. wan fuund in a cross path selves as well as to our summer vis- cudi p to the camp. From t e poai itors. Beauty and order are of great , ion jn which he was found, death of value in a community. th you'jg man was due to heart It is hoped that the Clean-Up trouble, while he was returning from Week will include the inside or our a ,lr0 slong the levee of the canal, houte ss well ss vards snd that it will x0 indication of a struggle was found be convenient for house holder to do in( tt (, thought that heart failure house (leaning the week of March occurred while walking. We may be so delighted by the jhe body wa brought home that succesa of thl. Clean-Up Meek that , ht an(j prepared for burial at the home of the parent. The funeral . wa. held at the house, Thursdsy af- rs so thai ps.Mi. 'of holy fi arf WWi s cording U reports five Uv. II. M. North of RaWIgH fcereia M Is s.k-4 nsk.t 4nm the . Bm.i so. i. the B.lrhbor- nr.orbsd si Asn SL II. C Church sBl4 reoeiro of thee sot do )sily 1 m Jaft f, 4M r9 a,t Sunday. Mr. North wse thai it ws. best not to aavs a he.r- here la the InUreot of the Method, . Ing of the metier st preoeaC edoreUenel csmpolgn. - - , tlBBsbl to Q4 ' 'I . 'By v 4 ; s t I1 4 t

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