(Mi . V;- . v"'"-.-.:-.r-,-'- . - - - -r- --7-- , . . t. . , , --TT... .... , . THE HOME PAPER .)' ' ( HEADING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY J y -- - , EVERY THURSDAY 1 .. 'y - ''-"'t"'v-; '-i-- ' -y t, . - l JLI1L1L J ... 'l VOLUME X. , - ' " ' " T BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY APRIL 7, 1921 ' , , f .-; NUMBER 14 '-V .; . , . , 1 , m ... .. 1 . - r . L '- 1 ' ; : 1 "t ' " " : r : : 1 1 ! 1 : : T- : : ? i " : 1 ' s FARMERS'; MEETING -HERE0NMURD4Y A Farm Loan Association Is To , ' v Be Organized-WiU'Help I Develop' County. ' On Saturday the 9th at 11 o'clock I " , a meeting will be held in the office of County Auditor WIi" Stancill the object of which will be to organize a f ftm Loan ' Association Already enough prospective members have secured to make the undertaking a . success. ' A number of farmers have y been here to see about the matter and others have written and inquired - into it'.:;-" -I:ririr-Trr - , ; As before stated in the'News Farm , Loan Associations are organization! which Have for their purpose the se curing of funds from the" Federal -r- Govenvmeht wherewith to buy or, im- prove farm lands. These loans are - intended to assist in the development L ef the ssrieuitura! resources at the . country. "They- must be used for buying farm property. The money . will not be furnished to buy automo b!le or phonographs and the like. ; . A tenant farmer who would like to . Own his own farm can by joining the association and meeting its require ments, secure money on long time , thus be able to acquire a place of his own. Money can be had for im provements to farm property also, ' such as clearing land, ditching and ; bo on. v-.' :''l': T -; There is a farm loan association' in - Craven county wSiich is said to have ' . - ;. been of great assistance to farmers - there and there are many of them in i other parts of the country and a great many new ones now' about to be (r- - ganixed Any f armer. who ..wishes, to do so can attend the meeting here Saturday whether he joins the asoci- ation or not HELD FOR COURT ON CHARGE OF ARSON '' '" f" ' ''' ' i 7 MMk" ; 1'"-' ' -'i ' ' ' ' RALEIGH, April 2.Deputy Com missioner' W, A.-: ScOtt after investi gating a suspicious fire in the grocery store of A. H." Harrison, at Wades- boro, had Harrison arrested x on a charge of burning, the evidence seem ing so strong, he was bound over to court in bond of (2,000. . : . Insurance Commissioner. JTade, hat notified the Belt Automobile In demnity Company, that on account of-j unsatisfactory methods in aeanng with North Carolina' policy holders, he has refused to approve .their con tracts for issue or their application for reinsurance, of license, April 1st. Raleigh municipal authorities, aid ed especially by the Civic Department of the Woman's Club, and the Safety League of the fichools, have made this week a notable Clean Up Week, de spite the intermittent rains following a flood on the initial day .Monday, "But the. test", said" Mayor Eldridge to. flay, - "i ;iha . idump pile, and the number of, wagons and motor trucks kept busy all the week, Judging, by this, I should say,,' that I can , only hope ?that V.! over North Carolina, next week, April 4-9, which to the official state clean-up week, as much useless dangerous trash, rubbish and litter will be moved away as has been done in Raleigh this ; weelt. Arid none of us thought Raleigh needed a general all together clean up move ment so badly, tantil everybody got to doing it and the result is splendid in every way." i '2 s l.;;! 'v ; BEAUFORT BALL CLUB a : ;Vf ; WINS FROM ORIENTAL CUT IN HALF Board Of Review. Recommend That Value ShaU Be Re duced Fifty Percent.' . -.: '-y ... i . . - ;' 'V-, . st-t ;- (-.;;: "i v.. : ,'. ., :-. ';Vv R;,, . Beaufort, N, C, pril 4th, 1921, CARTERET COUNTY . , NORTH CAROLINA : V: The County Commissioners of Car teret County met in regular session on the 4th day of April, 1921, at its regular meeting place in the Court House, in the town of Beaufort North Carolina, the following members be ing-present, to wit; C, R. Wheatly, Chairman; B. F, Small, J. L. Edwards H. O. Pmer, and G. G. Taylor, "and selected band went along last Satur- none absent " The minutes of the last Iday and they and the official rooters. The Beaufort baseball team is making a record for itself- Satur day a week ago the boys cleaned up the Morehead City team and last Saturday they went tover to Oriental and took the measure of that team, k The game' was played on rough grounds and ; consequently it ; was hard to put up first class article of tall.' ; The" final score was 14 to 6 in Beaufort's favors Captain Geo. Brooks is the manager of the team and is working hard to put out an outfit that will be , m ; credit I to the town,'; He hopes that the public will make liberal' contributions;,; to the club ks considerable 'expense ill in- vqslved in keeping It up. : A spacially WATTS NAMED FOR THE REVENUE JOB "Appointment of Revenue Com missioner Shock The State' The News and Observer TWO YOUNG MEN , ' ADMIT ROBBING STORE REVIVAL AND EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN TO BEGIN APRIL 17 AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday April 17th, will be Mission Rally Day" at the First Baptist Church. A special effort will be made to raise $300 through,' the various classes of the Sunday School,' which amount will practically bring the church up to date with its 75 Million Campaign pledge. There will be "combined" service beginning at 10 o'clock, with a specially prepared pro gram of exercise by the various de partments of the Sunday School. With the enthusiasm of this great cause at iU height the church ex pects to launch a Revival and Evan gelistic Campaign which shall be felt throughout our community, not only during its progress but after its close. To this end we invite the co-operation of all interested in the cause of Christianity in our community. All arrangements have been made with Lt Commander James S. Day, Chaplain Corps, U. S. Navy, Charles ton, 8. C, who will present the Gos pel message during this - campaign. Chaplain Day has had larg experi ence ia the ministry, having served both in the Baptist pastorate for number of years, and In the V. 8. Navy.' In the latter capacity ae aae done service overseas en the U. 8.' S. Tom Noe and Luther Loyd, two young white men were tried Tuesday afternoon before Justice of the Peace M. C. Holland on ' the charges of breaking into store, stealing goods and carrying a pistol. - The two defendants had no eounsel and admitted their guilt Attorney E. W. Hill appeared for the prosecu tion., Magistrate' Holland bound the two youths over to Superior Court under bond of $500 each which they were unable to give and they were sent back to the county Jail where they had heen since Monday morn- tng. , ' Several . weeks ago robbers broke Into the store of the Carteret Lum ber Company and since then officers have been on the lookout for evi dence that would connect some one with the crime. It was learned re cently that Loyd and Noe. had sold a pistol In' Morehead City and as there was suspicion that they had stolen the L iL- I V.. weapon irvim m inww 4i r . wii .. storT. warrant was taken t and N. 1J. during the W.rid War. Sheriff Thomas en Mondsy morning arrested and put them Inf jail. Tom Noe who appears to be about eighteen years ef age i the so of John E. Noe, ef Beaufort The Loyd, boy is about twenty years old and Is a son ef A. A. Uyd, of Beaufort Be en Ustod la the army during the war and ' went to France where he' is said to have made a very food record untl the end ef the war whs he got into trouble ef some sort with sn officer nd was sent to prison Mentha.' - ' and ta new in cnarg i v.mi Corp of the 6th Naval District Charleston, 8. C. Chaplain Day. la -.untie of the local pastor. Rev. Harry A. Dayl COUNTY SUPERINTENENT : NOT YET SELECTED meeting were, read and approved, V : Mr. Albert I. Lewis came before the Board and asked that ; WUliant Robinson, Miss Cora Robinson and Sam .Tolson, all of Portsmouth, . N. 'l Kj., he allowed Some amount.'frpns the County Poor Eund stating that they were in need of -County assistance. He also stated 'that these persons all owned their own' homes and for that reason it would be less expense to the county to give them aid from the Poor Fund than to send them to the County Home. . On motion duly car ried William Robinson was ordered paid the sum of $10.00 per month from the Poor Fund. As to . Sam Tolson. the matter Was left open for further .investigation." . ' , -' ', W.'Ev Fulford, of Morehead City, came before the Board and stated that he had been charged , with poll tax for the year 1920 and had paid same, and , that he was .beyond the age - limit - for paying- pools. Th Board thereupon'' 'ordered 'voucher drawn, reimbursing Mr. Fulford for the amount of poll Ux paid by him. Malby Taylor, of Sea Level, cam before the, Board and stated he was charged with $2,490 solvent credits on the Ux list for the year 1920, and asked the Board to relieve him of the taxes thereon as he did not have any solvent credits at the time" of listing , taxes. 4 The" Board left the matter open fof further investigation Attorney J. F. Duncan appeared before the Board as representative of the Interstate. Cooperage Co. and presented to said Board a resolution asking a reduction in the taxes of The Interstate Cooperage Co. On motion duly carried the Board refused to adopt said resolution. Dr. Loftin came before the Board and asked the Board to allow Mary Washington, of Beaufort th sum of $5.00 per month from the Poor Fund. Upon motion duly carried the amount of $5.00 per month was ordered paid to her from the Poor Fund. Dr. P. B. LofUn,' County Health Officer, filed his report showing that he had vaccinated 1,465 persons for small pox and 35 person for typhoid fever from March 1st 1921 to April 1st 1921. k .. Mr.' A. D. EnnetC Cedar Point came before the Board and stated that the roads In, his section were in need of repairs to make them peas- able, end asked th Board to have said reads worked as soon a possi ble.' r . ... - ; It was ordered by th Board that voucher be drawa td re-lmburse Abram Willi ef Morehead City for taxes paid by him for th year 1919 and 1920 oa account ef hi Inflmi- tie and poor physical conditio a. No other business appearing be fore the Board a recess was taken On- J. W. Parrott, G. W, Duncan and N. F.' Euro did a lot towards making things lively for the' Oriental team and fans. 'The trip to Oriental was greatly1 enjoyed by .the Beaufort 'crowd and, they are looking forward with interest to the next game to be played here soon between 1 the two teams. The line up of the Beauf ort team last Saturday was at follows: "John Springle, R. F.l Tom SewelL L. F.; James Coffin, 8. S.; Bill Skar ren, 2B; Leslie Rice, IB; Luther Loyd, SB; Robert Guthrie, C. F. L. Whitehurst (t R,, Whitehurst C ; R.-Hudgins, P. j ( G. ; HudginS, . P. ; Dan Caffrey, coach.' . REVALUATION REVALUED f . About ' 1wnty-flve land owner were present Monday morning at the meeting ef the Board of County Com missioners with' the avowed object of having the assessment on their prop erty reducedl "As stated in the News last week the board did not Intend to take up specific cases at Monday's meeting but merely to consider the i question of assessment in a general' way. However all present were m: vttoe to state - their cases. , Among those who did this were Thos. S. Mar tin, Nelson Smith,'-David Sabiston, Guy Sabiston, Baker Gouldin, Wat son Lawrence and A. B. Powell. No action was taken by the Board con cerning the matter untl Tuesday af ternoon. At this time sitting as a Board of Review the commissioners and D. W, Morton and A. L. Wilson Appraisers took up the subject of re valuation and discussed it at length. Finally a motion was offered by A. L. Wilson that real estate values be cut fifty per cent A vote was taken which resulted in the motion carry ing by a vote of three to two. Those voting in the affirmative were A. L. Wilson. B. F. Small and J. L. Ed wards. D. W. Morton and. H. O. Pi ner voted in th negative. " RALEIGH, April 4th 1921 After spending some week apparently In deliberating . th , matter Governor Morrison last Saturday named A. D. Watts, of Statesville : for the newly created, position of Commissioner of Revenue.. This office was established by the recent session' of the General Assembly and has &a its job the col lection of the State taxes which now amount, to many millions of dollars. It is regarded : as a ; very . important position second hardly to that of the Governorship iteelf.? Al'Jv Maxwell who is a member of the Corporation Commission was also a candidate for the place and had strong backing for it ' His friends claimed that on ac count of his familiarity with and long study Cx t& Jimttera that he was the beat man in the State for the place. .'.''. r Mr. Watts Is regarded as a man of considerable , ability but hi talent have been exercised mainly along po litical lines. He has been a life long follower of Senator ., Simmon v as Governor Morrison has also ) been. Watt is considered on of th smoothest politicians in th Stat and thoroughly partisan Democrat It is being said through the newspapers and privately that Governor Morri son hopes to succeed Senator Over man some fine day and that Watt will build him up a strong; machine by the time it, becomes necessary to use it .The News end Observer strongly Democratic but sometimes anti-Simmons criticises the Walts 'a j pointment scathingly. It' used the following language: TOWN COMMISSIONERS t f HOLD REGULAR MEETING -The regular monthly of the Board of Coramisioors was held at the City ' Hall Tuesday. ! No business of special ; interest was transacted, what was done was of a routine natureJLE. Robbins representing the State Board of Health came before the board and made a statement with reference to, the sanitary laws, Resident will be' given till May the first to camply with ' the sanitary privy regulation. Per sons interested in this matter can get information about It from, the City Clerk or the Chief of Police.' - -; ' The Cnty Board ef Education found that It had a considerable job lor ome, p u matter ei maaing a cwki ivr County Superintendent A result jm j j0 o'clock P. M. ef advertising la twe er three aauy newspsper flood ef pplIctlons for th place poured la, something like 149 having been received. It MEDALS FOR SOLDIERS Shecks the State. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following real estate transac- - tlons have been, recently recorded : " Edward Willis and wife to David H, Willis 3 acres in Hunting Quarter townships consideration; $800. ;; Randolph P., Fuicher and wife to . Timothy Willi 1-4 acre in Hunting t Quarter township, consideration $75. h tJ.'. A. Frfsbic to R. L. Davis i acres' in Hunting Quarted township, cormMM oration $25. ' ' ! Jesse B. , Bullock and wife to Jos.' f Rose 1-2 acre in Hunting 'Quarter township, consideration $35., . ; ' - M. P. Marshall and wife to C S. v Maxwell 111 1-2 acres in Beaufort , township, consideration $61.- ' , 1 Solomon Wilklns and wife to Jas. Collins 8 acre in Beaufort township consideration $500. . . - . 1 H. W. Fisher to Chas. A Fisher lot . on Craven. street Beaufort, consider ation $100. " - ! C'fL How and wife to U. E. Swann 6 Iota of "Hammock'! proper ty, Beaufort township, consideration ' $iase. :'.,v ' Alvin W. Fulford to Debrt Chad wUsvltlMrBBInjStrait township, conslderstion $200.' .x e r ' J. M. Holland and wife to K. N. Bell 3 1-2T acres in Whiteoak town ship, consideration $19. , , ' DEATH OF MRS. IRELAND, (eturday algbt March 26. 1921, Mr. Mry B. Ireland passed wsy at' j.m-uit t. -uke a decision from th hem f her trotter Mr. T. L.! Mny t.pltratior)S and se the beat Fiver. Eh had bee sick for several I wbW d wu to sift the p senth but gained enough 4rngth ,,k4U,B1 u U,re aasae which for her bretter to v her to hi, u, u 44 fcl a sUng to b heaM twe asontha age. Mrs. Irelaad ! fcJ xf asemlag AU the was l r"s'id. was aauv wT ; m.km ,f th Board were present Beaefert all her arTlt4j ilf and had 1 1,, Biinf Mr. WBey H. Tay. 1 snaay inwst wae regm aet Mr of tk9 Mtv taewber h seeceeda tar Faersl servVe wsr coaUr a f p,,. r. p,T s preMnt dacUd by Rev. T. R. BopM aid U fa Ult 9f,nt f the aweUng. H Utormsnt wa made ia the family ' k. fsJUtf cl Member fer twe Jet bid hr fsur Wrs. IreUnd le survived by her fcwUnd Mr. J I. lreUAd. three bretber Mssar. T. U Plvet, Erastea Fiver nd WlH fiver, ef Kiastea, N. C- Editor The News: While the Army recruiting Service has ceased to function as such as a result of recent Congressional action prohibiting enlistments except In cer tain limited eases, sufficient fores ha been retained on duty, with offi- ceo In the new Gallford County Court House at Greensboro, to continue the distribution ef the Congressional "le tory MedaL All men wha were mem ber ef the military establishment during the World War, whether their service was at home or abroad, are entitled to one ef the medal and eur records show that some seventy theo- iaaod North Carolinians are entitled to receive on ef these medal t and only twelve thousand hate made ap- War Depart- "Th appointment of A. D; Watt. of redell, as Commissioner of Reve nue, shocks the State. ' , There had been gossip that his name was under conslderstion, but it wss not believed that Governor Morrison would seri ously consider appointing to that im portant' position a man whose only calling is that of machine politician and whose only equipment is that of organizing and directing factional political agencies. "The News and Observer said yes terday that the man who should be appointed to this important position should possess the following qualifi cation: ' 1. A thorough student of econom ic questions, capable by study and judicial temperament . to administer the great office without fear and with out favor, without even the suspicion that he could be swsyed in bis judg ment by personal, partisan or fac tional considerations. "2. A man ef such known upright ness of character as to r.iake fry tax-payer feel that he eoald aafely trust him under any and all condi tions. Clean living and sobriety and uprightness are not on! necessary In this official, but hie refutation must be such that no criticism cuuld justly be made ef his reputation la this re g4id. ' - 'I. A ma a devoted to hvestiga- MARRIAGE LICENSES License to marry have been is sued et th office of the Register ef Deeds to the following couples: ' Earle Moore and. Alice E. Willis, Beaufort ' , . Clarence Wilson (col.) and Ra chel Collins, Beaufort , Wm. Henry Sanderson and An nie May Swain, Newport Arthur Forbes Joyner, Farmville, and Bernice Cree Leary of Morehead City. Alex. Erickson and BetUe Congle- ton, Be'sufort 4 Edward Carlson and Alice Clancy of Beaufort . nllratiea to date. The Afl4WMa Ist.Ue i . Aln aver veteran to have Auditor' Report ' mad to th nc 4 all those entitled to it nd Boerd wa ordered tied la the office wb i t yet applied are urged ef th Register ef Deeds. , u wriu u th Victory Medal Officer, It WSJ ordered by the Bosrd that cuilferd Centy Court Heos Groeaa- Elle Warn for, ef PeHIUer, be sl-'re, N. C LOAD OF FAT BACKS CAUGHT ..- Th, menhaden Industry showed some signs ef life this week. Ona of the boot ef th Newport FUherie went to sea Monday and came In with about 100,000 fat backs. Agood many fish were sighted to it was said to catch some ef them. As there le and n eTort assy be made practically no demand fer scrap or oil at present It la not likely though that there will be y real revival of Interest en the part ef the manu facturers In this locality. The gener al opinion I that It will Fall before the demand will be sufficient to ilewed 416.90 to be paid Peer Fand.' tress the 1 .Ue to thl service will gladly t to th limit If lu t.pabltW Mr. C P. Dey ppaeed be fer Ue M B taree Peard and asked that aid be give by the County towards ta asaUUlnlng ef th road and repair ef same from Beeufert to Lenaetvllle. ' ' . H I ordered by the Beard thet A area Everett f Stella, be allewed tl.O per meath frea th Pear Fund. W. U tlac(L Cawaty Auditor, wa appointed Ceuaty Bupervfeor to ty yeare sad while still Uu rested la edatsUeaal.snaUer feel ttl ha has aarvsd kaa eneuah and did aet there fere care to remala umber ef the have general supemeiea f Ue yt Beard ny longer. BpT4ntondet jUg f personal property la the sev EnntU' sueeewer will ge Into effiee fsl 'townships f the etunty. . Th Teh reee.ehadrea the raadle;tt rt f July. As stated U th foOowwt -d Peraea wer fo ot Information e lu.tif tka fmr Lories In storting eper tlon and research. Industrious and diligent with no polltksl er factional ' .. connections or alma which eould dU!s.t r FOR DISTRIBUTION vert htm fren alngle-hoarted deve-l . - mmmm'mm u "The appointee doe not poeeeo t rJT ' , tr-i ji alngl n. ef th ,..tten. enu lUT mertod bev. r ..y tnrabec gtort for penence ar qua r-fawpr tor w . . A-lrim them pertont posiOon."' m f mt t th abeva MISS RICHARDSON ENTERTAINS ! .fSJ! ui M uAMr.. n uiee ,tiiriM.idWidaaIloagalhupply last. iw m ivi v w v a p-aesvwr vsssim s sxievATM UtffTINfl Mies Nelli Rlchardaea eatortotoed . vers nteaaaatir last Thursday ven-i The Beard ef" Director ef lac at her hen a Ana street le matter pertalel l to Ue military ,anf ef Is lea lata GUlikia el Green. sertW. eaeh a allatmenU, War IU bere, Th guest wer received' by Insurant, ete. Year vry truly, ' , CM. BUNKER, LL CeL U. 8. A. Ret'd Vhtory Medal Office-. Mrs. Jee. Caffrey and M Us Rich ardson and ashered tat the hall and sitting reoat abkh wer attractively Beaufort Chaakber ef Commerce will betd their tegular sseathly saeetiaf la Dr. MartweU'a office aert Meeday alghtatTJOe'etoc. , decerstod with fie were and petted . . . . j ' ptanta. varoa ae stwrina- rw lladslged, la by the wha wer Preaaat as made ta evearag very enjeyseie. Um Mary Clarke WUhelsa, and 6 NOT1CEI, TEA ROOM NOT OPEN THIS . , . WEEK. ' The Community Club Tea Ream Ethel CateUy added very saaeh to th will aet be epeaed thisekr thelveelyMsur ef the occasion by reederlng are being Installed la the kilkVe and eber ef songs and snstrasseaUl I JTWW ,wnrn w wmm w v uJ p, VI ' r w---m - - I ' ,,'S ..i-.- - -w mm ----- - bUt..SekMrthe leV tl Wf NeaS sfor 1 b tofreiv a a cerefeee made h, the j aelecUeee. Delleleue refreehmenU Ktrt wew, 1 le a twe yW e.bef $1,000 a yea and travelling en-1 township ad city and town, to be uriftl. V F""- .,. MCoellaeed n Pag Cgbt 1 , 1 NELLS RICHARDSON. leaaslMlng ef salada. Ice cr, coffee 'and can dies wet served. .", ; CUb isailcea, caurcls re- V Uoa. tecWty tks fra- tral ardor aatlc bed Uk BetUe pasut VeUUU aCca set later tka Taae day a'tereMs ba ardar la get ha Ike evtrramt Uaao ef Use Hew. : a ,. if,'. . f , - ' J . ... rf . . ..I..