c G C THE HOME PAPER READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY EVERY THURSDAY f VOLUME X. BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1921 NUMBER 23 IS V n (r.f t i r - r. REGULAR MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD Several School Election Or dered, Court House Ground To Be Improved Quite a good deal of business was transacted by the County Commis sioners at their rgular meeting here on Monday. Several special elec tions for school- purposes were or dered and the revaluation matter was taken up and acted upon as stated elsewhere in this paper. County Road Supervisor Geo. J. Brooks came before the board and stated that he understood that there was consider- , able criticism of him as to the way in which he was carrying on his work and that if the board was not satis fied with his services that he would resign. He stated that he had not neglected his work and made expla nations as to what he had done. The board did not ask for his resignation and seemed satisfifted with Mr. Brooks' explanation of the matter. The minutes read as follows: Beaufort, N. C, June 6th, 1921. The Board of County Commission. era, of Carteret County met at the usual place of meeting in the Court House in the town of Beaufort, North Carolina on Monday, June Cth, 1921 in regular session with all mem . ben present to-wit: C. R. Wheatly, Chairman; J. L. Edwards, Geo. G. Taylor, B. F. Small, and H. 0. Piner MAKING PREPARATIONS FOR BIG CELEBRATION Lieut. E.Walter Hill who is chair man of the arrangements committee for the fourth of July celebration de sires to have a numbei of mounted marshals for this occasion and wishes to secure twenty-five horses and sad dles for that day. Those who can furnish either horses or saddles or both are requested to communicate with Mr. Hill. One of the ornament al features of the parade will be 13 ladies' on horseback representing the thirteen original states and dressed in appropriate costume. It is also proposed to have one lady on horse back who shall represent Columbia. It is for these riders as well as the marshals that horses are needed. The committee is going right ahead with its work and they propose to make the fourth a sure enough' big day in Beaufort There will be big parade of ex-service men and all soldiers and sailors in the county are requested to send in their names at once to Lieut. Hill signifying that they will attend and take part in the celebration. Two bands, St. Paul's and the Graded School, have been se cured and there will be plenty of music to hip on the celebration and entertain the crowd. A prize of $15 will be given to the boat that comes out first in the boat race and not for the best decorated boat as announced in the News last week. All boat owners who desire to enter for the race should send in GOOD SCHOOL FOR NEWPORT SECTK Will Erect A Fine Building and Consolidate Several School In That Section. FIRST MEETING A LENGTHY ONE The minutes of the last meeting were ejr names ai once to ueuienam read and approved. AJ l counly 18 e'1- Mr. Geo. G. Taylor stated that'tible to enter the race. Hannah Humphrey had moved from The News is informed that a big Carteret to Onslow county, and upon fireworks display and a grand ball is motion duly made and passed she was 'to take place at Atlantic View Beach taken off Poor Fund. in the night of th fourth. After the The Auditor submitted financial ! day's program is over here all who reports for the months of April and desire to do so will have ample time board to see aboout improvements Mav which were accepted and or- " s 10 oeacn ior sun uiuiuij . wnicn uiey wisn maue w meir The people living in and around Newport are going to have one of the best schools in this part of the coun try as the result of the action of the Board of Education here Monday in consolidating the schools of that community. The Board composed of R. T. Wade, W. H. Taylor and W. Irvin Willis and Secretary L. B. En- nett met here Monday to consider the Newport matter and others that came before it. Mr. Jno. J. Blair, of Raleigh, who represents the State Department of Education in the mat ter of the construction of rural school buildings was present at the meeting, The schools affected by the consol idation scheme are those of Newport Union Point, Holly Springs, Venolia and Carteret Lodge. About four hundred children will be taken in by the consolidation. It is proposed to erect a modern school building at a cost of some $65,000 and to maintain the school eight month in the. year. The trustees of the school are A. L. Wilson, D. B. McCain, W. B. Garner, C. P. Garner and C. Gould. The board took up the matter at the proposed consolidation of schools in Straits township and after due consideration decided that the eW- tion which was to have been held in July should be indefinitely postponed This action is intended to give the people time to think the matter over and come to a decision as to what they really want. Committees from Stacv and Davis came before the Board Consider Many Matters Will Make Effort To Im prove Light Plant. ' The Cxty Fathers held their first meeting Monday under the new plan whereby they receive $5 a day for their services, and to see that the town got its money's worth they made it a lenidswone. They beean at 10:30 in tlramorning and taking a recess fpr dinner7 stuck to the job un til 5 o'clock. Mayor Bushall and Commissioners Duncan, Ford, Gard ner, Huntley and Lewis were all pres ent I One of the first things done was the appointment of D. J. Godwin Commissioner of Navigation. A mo tion was made by Commissioner Ford and the same was carried that a wa ter spigott be placed temporarily at some convenient point on Cedar street, for public use. ' A motion was passed after consid erable discussion that City Clerk Hill be, instructed to advertise in The Manufacturers' Record for bids for completion of the septic tank. A bonding company owes the town $3, 000 because the contractor failed to carry out his contract on this work and the object of the advertising is to place the company in a position where they will have to pay this mon ey or be sued. The matter of adjusting the rate for electricity was discussed and same referred to the Electric Light Committee. A. I. Lewis came be fore the board for the purpose of se- SEA LEVEL MAN KILLED HIMSELF FRIDAY A -very distressing tragedy oc curred last Friday at Sea Level when Ralph G. Styron of that place killed himself. A shot gun was the means used and the top of the unfortunate man's head was blown off by the load of shot. The shooting took place at about 11 o'clock behind the barn near the home of the deceased man's father S. H. Styron. Mr. Styron had been in rather bad health for two years or more and had grown very despondent. This is generally re garded as the reason for his com mitting the rash act which he did. Mr. Styron was 49 years old and un married. His father survives him and several brothers and sisters in cluding the Rev. S. H. Styron ' of Pine Level, N, C. Interment was made Saturday evening in the family burial grounds. NAVY MUST BE KEPTEFFICIENT Ship MustKeep Up With The Times Say Poindexter. Texb Want Tariff SLANDER CASE TRIED. A slander case tried by Justice M. C. Holland drew quite a large crowd to the courthouse Monday afternoon The ease was that of the State against Ambrose Roberta of Beaufort and the charge was that he bad slan dered Mrs. L. C Howland. C R. Wheatly appeared for the prosecu tion and E. Walter Hill represented the dfendant A number of witness es were examined and the matter was thoroughly threshed out ofter which Magistrate Holland dismissed the cat against Roberta. However, he convicted both Roberts and Mrs. Howland of disorderly conduct and taxed them with the cost in the case to be paid half by one and half by the curing a contract for 18 cars of coal lWt $3.75 per ton F. O. B. mines. The Contract was given him. The ordi-i other, iiance in reference to driving south on Craven street was amended so i that persons living on that street who " -."""t " i irt. ui.i-.i--. A V i.Jw. ... m uruio, gi . JJt -SJ J 4 T a U. D. C. MEETING. WASHINGTON, June 7 In the course of the debate in th Senate on Naval Appropriation Bill Senator Miles Poindexter, of Washington, ef fectively disposed of the ridiculous argument that ships carrying 18- inch guns should not be built be cause in a few years other nations may build ships carrying 20-inch guns. "The policy ox keeping the Navy tip to date, of course was set- tied a long time ago," the Senator reminded his colleagues. "One small ship of the American Navy to day could very quickly destroy and sink to the bottom of the sea the en tire United Staees fleet of 1861. But I apprehend that there are very few people who would claim that w should have continued, in the face of progress of the world, to rely upon the ships of the previous genera tion." Frees ef the Biltia. Congressmen Walter M. Chandler . of New York believes that the Uni ted States should recognise at one the independence of the new rpublic of Ethonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. In an extended speech in the House of Representatives recntly, Mr. Chandler paid high tribute to the statesmanship, courage, and other attributes of sovereignty possessed by the citizens of the Baltic states. "They merit our recognition and our good will, our sympathy, and our support," he said. "Their people are literate, their statesmen are able and accomplished, and their soldiers are brave and unconquerable." Jefferson Davis filed in th Reo-ister of Deeds and see the fireworks there at night buildings . . ! tn fpAin nrlv morn till Lata at nieht Tuesday morn in? Mr. Blair made .... ,v- .tree The Board ordered Mr. Martin there will be something going on and1, trip to Marker's Island to see whatLmpted from paying. iicenge tax on w" h.nQped. appropriate exer Nelson admitted as an inmate of the a big time for everybody is assured. WM needed there in the way of a racfount of phyf,ical infirmities. e b County Home subject to an examina-! gchool building and to talk maUewomnli!Wioner Duncan moved that tion by the County Health officer. POTATOES MOVING FAST over with the people there. After the vm appropriate $100 for the Upon motion duly made and passed conferring with the people there it Fourth of July celebration, which the Board allowed the Tax Listers of The open weather this week has was decided that certain improve- WM done A motjon wai) adopted the Ciunty to be paid at the rate of been quite favorable for harvesting ments should be made to the build n t() appy the Secretary of War for $4.00 per day. and $'.'.00 per day for the potato crop and the producers now in use. permission to build a causeway across their assistants. ure taking advantage of it fully. Town creek. Commissioner Gardner The Board ordered that all the Trucks, wagons, and carts are con- Ri.rR.. , Tme WEEK made a motion which was adopted that the Electric Light Committee CUriSed. township tax books except Beaufort, tinually pouring in loaded with po Morehead. Newport, and Markers Is- Utoes and the trains are taking them land be made up in the Auditor's of- away to the big markt. So far fice about 15,000 barrel have left here The Auditor was authorized to buy and almost as many more will follow, a Monroe Calculating Machine to be The prices are low ar.d yesterday used in making up the tax-books. they were bringing around $2.75 a The Board recessed at 1.00 o'clock barrel, the day before they were to meet again at 2.00 o'clock P. M. from $3 to $3.25 a barrel. The Board reconvened at 2.30 O.clofk. DEMPSEY WOOD DIES SUDDEN- Mr. W. H. Kanck, of Wilmington. LY. N. C, appeared before the Board and presented the following resolution. While on his way to Morehead City Upon motion by Mr. J. L- Edwards. Tuesday morning to go on a fiflshing seconded by Mr. B. F. Small, the res- trip Mr. Dempsey Wood a well known .nnted. all members citinen of Kiniton died suddenly. voting in favor of adoption. (Resolution is on file.) Mr. Albert Lewis appeared before the Board and asked for aid from the county for Mr. Sam Tolson, of Ports mouth. N. C. He was allowed a; monthly allowance of $10.00. I Mr. D. B. Gamer appeared before the Board and asked that the Csunty J c. D. Mathewwn, State HorUcuI help to build a fence serosa his farm iurit will be here next Tuesday at an approximate cot of $70. The ,,nlng to deliver a lecture on sweet FINISHING UP BRIDGES Heart trouble was said to be the ause of his dea'h. Mr. Wood was In Beaufort a few months ago and has a number of friends acre. FARMERS MEET TUESDAY NIGHT. A series of three games oi Dan - ' " on tne piano. N have bee:i arranged for this wek be. Swann in regard to securing $10.- twen the Beaufort club a'-d a team vuv io mnicr u.ijMu.r.Mc.n. from Pikeville. The series began plant. yesterday and will lust through to- A motion was passed instructing day and tomorrow. The Pikeville street committee to have map made team is raid to be composed of col- of sewers and survey for completion lege players mostly and are repu-'of the sytem. The committee was . i . i.... . a ,t K.ll Man. also instructed to order a car of IU tU i'ln J 9 J( n i . v. v ... ' - ' ager Brooks of the Beaufor team re- gravel and see how it would do for ceived a letter Monday from Msna- street improvements, also to look sf ger H. C. Willis of the Marshallburg ter the work being done by city carts team wanting to arrange to play The Clerk was instructed to adver Beaufort at Sea Uvel tomorrow, tise for bids for whitewashing trees the occasion being a picnic v.hich is and also to order uniforms for the, to Uke place there. Owing to the police. The board adjourned sub engagement here with the Pikeville ject to the call of the mayor. team the invitation could not be ac- . cepted. Manager Willis expressed OFFICERS CAPTURE MEN great regret over the occurrence last AND STILL SUNDAY lh, wofk on Friday when his team piayeo nere and stated that he hoped to hav oth-1 v D-...f.r4 ! A short career and er wiw w.- Recent decisions of the supreme court have determined some of the U. D. C. Friday afternoon at the res- disputed interpretations ox tne in idence of Mrs. C. A. Clawson, where ome tax law, The Treasury has quite a number gathered to pay aiwn iU clainr-to hundreds of millions tribute of love and memory to the of dollars paid in taxes. Eut, more leader of the Confederacy. tho tht. ne ,1W Dn f,r The exercises were presided overbed nd the principles under which by Mrs. C. A. Clawson, the president. .t was drawn have also been estab Several old Southern songs were ! lished. Not only will Treasury of sung with Miss Emily Loftin and : fel in their future admin- Mrs. G. I). Potter, Jr., accompanying Juration of the internal revenue act Mr. N. L. Carrow "a now in lorce, but i-ongresa win nave wa present and re- the benefit of the definitions and in- lated some interesting stories of terpretations made by the Supreme those days. Confederate flags were Court on various phases of taxation Ufed very effectively in the decora- when the work of revising the income tions. The exercises were closed tax laws is begun in the near future, with singing the Star Spangled Ban. B.rUa Bo.t Marl-.. ner. W. T. Davis, of Davis, and Chas. Congressman Theodore E. Burton of Ohio, is lending his aid, whenever opportunity offers, to the further ance of legislation for the benefit of the American merchant marine. IU .1- - I U . Amt-mt .-!- Hancock, of Marker's Island, wrre in ' , . " ' , . ... . . ... .w-.tmpt to reimburse me steamboat In- town Monday on business with the . . . . . .. rpecUon Srt.ce and the Bureau of county commissioners. Messrs. Da- . ' ; KIvltl..n through fM aaad nd Hancock have the contract to . . . j affainsl snips, nr, Durwn mim - vis 1 I 1 L -U 1. . L. - 1 duiio some DrioBr in u. ... .... i. ,;.. ,.f nart nf th rountv and re nort M at i ; . . . locomotives and safety devices on the work on them is going right , . , , a i . raiiwava i rrmu in ww K - ahead. In a few weeks now the." , . ... bridges will be finished and then just SEND IN YOUR SCORES y .l j l i. ernmen a aoon as vur rvau wi vmi- ed the entire route from Beaufort to , tv- n-..fir Mi la a newsnaDer Board paased the following reaolu- jpouto curing and The Farmers Ex- waf)U -uW1,w M of neVs Uoa: change. He coirea here under me lnUrwt ppi,. For this rea THAT, WHEREAS, It appears to;,0ipictt of th. Chamber of Com-' w... . wm k oublished the Board that the road doe not mmt Bnd )! business men and ""- ! whn ,.nt i from ny part of the ska J. n 11 flatm!". hut I . ...atal lM at trivial tKlai maMil rrMB Vl V lnsjtl VI sr. a. w WT WJ W I tluraTj w ev i " " ..-.a croasea the Unds of D. ft. Sharp. Ueinf whkh wtl, U ,t the county, Uirow off on rvques: of Mr. Garner be refused. Mllrt b0uM at eight o'clock. ' u-m or oth,r. Kmp, tU Mr. J. F. Duncan came before the . ! Mm wJlt Board and aaked that ssaUUnre be given to the wife sad children of Mr. Chaa. Maaon, of 8Ueey. N. C. who Is an InmsU ef a hospital. Mr. Maaoa a A.av. ala. M aJloweq lis per -. . i- rDtaln John Wll FISHING GETTING COOO. Rev. Mr. Cheatham took s party f men and ladle Ashing yeUr ' X i , lis' bt end bad a.ae very-god luck Lr, th Bard and ssked that the HU(UIM W --am.- - - ' In reporting games, howev. on the for what it doe. a disastrous lending was the esperienre of N. S. I P-ls-h.r anil f W FndrU. two vounv .... t . ii i I liUnlli. will Ka nnnd unand the m-n r. r utia rauntv vm are anerea i ' r . v.... .,taj ik.i. iu.i, in tha moan. i whole east will be in touch w v ' - " - - I I . shine whiskey busine-a a few daysinty eL iiusens sown mai ago. Sunday morning Sheriff Thorn- !V "T t a uUphon line aa and Deputy Sheriff W. D. Allen jconnecting up the east and also s went over to the Mill Creek neigh- r mail service and they r.er to borhood. about ai. miles from N " " " . K.r. annK ,w. Kank. nf the ; MIor Ue year is quu ing Industry was carried on' at gov- t eipense, and he saw no rea son why the same policy should not be followed In service rendered to Ovster Creek read U repaired. Th matter was referred to the Co sty Th Board rderd Mr. C. K. Hew to begis werk n th Wards Crk Brtdg anset th atract werded hiss s May, Sad. pig fish, sea Was sitd sbarhs r token In sbaut bar sad aalL HKJtttRT ELUSON DROWNED The bd? f Herbert Dtkasa aka T. ft. COTTER DEAD. Wrd was received bar recently of th death f The, B. Cotter which ccsrrvd st bis boo In WillUmsport Penn., as May tbe 17th. Mr. Cot Ur had been 111 for some vm with heart trbU sad bis death was very sodden, accurriag Jt after b sroee frm his bd about sight 'cUk ( lb meriting, Re was I fly all year f ag. Mrs. Cattor ba was Mia Eaiilff Sanders, at Lycaatlnf cn- r. Psan.. ssrvive kla. Mr. CUr Brady Wade, f Mrbd towa-UM drowsed Batorday kft ta the .hi. mrarTs reiisroai , inisae nswrvsj n .-vm . ,ka lslft. iTsear saarnlnf abaut tv ba4rd Tb Beard ordered that speelal J,,fda free where t accident jwaa st en time roonectd with taa IHio be held In Ba Lev si Softool tarred. When fsnd lb Ud hotel tnUreto st flneburtt snd la dirtrkt In HsnUng Qartr township. 't uneing poorUo. DLaan wh!fer tls condacUd tb Inlet Inn . .k- r-.i9 a nam waa or- a ralorod snan. was mblord n bor. Mr. sad Mrs. CUr are r Lrod to srepar U ptwper r-ls-'ib dredg C.rrltwk snd whB walk- membered by many awopl her who next weak- The two men are y.ung Ton Melvln Willie was sppol-tod Ing n pip lin Ml aboard nd(how feol th deepest tympalh, for b.t both ar married snd bav fassW coKTJKUto on met nvt h on "rwi f h" "MBt Newport river discovered s still and outfit tor making the stuff that is In demand In this country at eight dol lar a' gallon. Operations it ap peared had not rogreasad far aa th plant was Juat started Saturday ana no whiskey bad yet boa made. Artin unon Information which they bad received tb elWers went to th home f N. 8. Belcher en whose placs the still was found and placed kins ander srrest snd then s few mineWo laUr they arretted E. W. Fodrt charged with being s partner la Um enUrprlsa. Tb two ases wer breght to Bafft and placed ia.jelL Meaday eaaralag tb prie, ner wer bresgkt before Jastice f the rVwre M. C Hellaad sad wpoa their submitting to the charge f U lUlt dlst.lllne a ere bound ever to court b blia sneer s $(00 bond. They will b tridln Superior Cr ith the hip- A Taoa Tarlf it CngTeaman H. M. Wsrtbacfc, f Texas was recently elected chairanan of a committee f Repreoentatlvea who ar arging tb Committee an Ways and Means to put bides and voe-vUblc ells a tb dutiable list la FIRST Or SERIES U. MrmMMn Urtff bUL Hearing WON BY BEAUFORT MW Uln9 conoUd bfer the committo. and Mr. Warsabach Is In lb first gam of tb aeries yes terday Beaufort came from beblad In th ninth Inning sad overcoming a lead ef ta ruas beat Plktvllht aut to a. Tb Sitting both aUes was rath er heavy Beaufort's slsggers getting 11 bit while tb PlkevUI sotamea made als. J. Geffrey led off la ta nrst la a ins with s bom rua snd Rice, Sprlngl. Skarrea, Msdgln sad Thomas all did gead work with their war club, rtkevlll seems to bav preparing to make a vigor prea. lelion f bis cssa. . , COUNTY BOARD WILL HEAR PROf ERTT OWNERS la this iasu at U New tbar Is sa sdvertisemewt which calls sttea lioa to tb fact that peraoas wba ar not aaUaied aa to tb way their real estate la vsJood aa tb las booaa ssay rook redreca. Tb Beard st Ca- e. good too as ssd Is evldneOy going sauaUaer all! saeot sett Meaday st to give the boas club s Strang fight the roanbooo to bear lh com for lb seriea. 'pialnu , Hwrer, U caslainU The areie by innings fellows: uat nrat b tied la writing aa ar Boaufert . - I 0 1 t 0 1 bfr aett Mday. Pikeville ...t OltOMI ! futterieo Boaufert, Mudgin and A sia pot eaop aod sb Boa RWe Pikeville, Flower and EoMma for New a wbol yo aU foe IX. o !J- ' Ar, t-r I i 11 11 'S. 'I- I A tj