BEAUFORT.: NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. NUMBER 24. OLUMEX. HEAR COMPLAINTS OE LANDOWNERS County Board Listens To Com plaints But Doe Not Cut ; Value Much. REV. THEO. B. DAVIS TO PREACH AT BAPTIST CHURCH The Board of County Commission ers met here this week to hear com plaints from parties as to revaluing their real estate. ' A : few changes were made but most of these asses ments : were left ; as they were, the Board deciding that no good reason existed for making - any cut in the values. .The 'official report ' of . the proceedings follows:' " " Beaufort, N. C, June 13th, 1921. The Board of County Commission ers of Carteret County. North Caroli na, reconvneV'!: gregur session at it regular meeting place of meeting In the Court House in Beaufort, North Carolina on Monday, June 13 with the following members, to-wit; C. K. Wheatiy, Chairman: Geo. G. Taylor, ,H. 0. Piner, J, L. Edwadrs, and B. F. Small. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who stated that he would be unable to attend the meet. ing on account of case coming up in Superior Court which was in session on this day. Mr. J. L. Edwards was thereupon elected Acting.Chatrman, .. Mr. A. T. Gardner; List Taker for Beaufort Township came before the n I J 1r A J tMMuflAn. . a W.l ..a... . ' the values tq be placed on new build- inn that had been made since the last assessment The Board passed ' the following resolution: Due- to the absence of the Pastor, Rev. Harry A: Day, who is away do ing Associations! Mission Work near Swansboro. the pulpit . next Sunday will be supplied by Revt Theo.- B, Davis, Supt of . Kennedy - Memorial Home, Kmston, N. C. 1 Rev. Davis ha had experience in the Pastorate as well at in his pres ent position.)-; He was a former pas tor of the Baptist Church, Morehead City. . - v" - .'-.: FISH COMMISSION MEETING The. News la in receipt of the no tice given below with a request that it be published..- : A regular meeting of the Fisheries Commission Board, will be held in their office at Morehead City, , Tues day morning, July 12th, at 10 o'clock. - All persons having ' matters i to come before the Board will please present them at their session Wed nesday morning July , 13th. at 'TO a. m. JOHN A.. NELSON, Fish Commissioner. BOAT LINE TO NORFOLK,, RESOLVED, That the List Takers of Carteret County be and the same fchv arc. instructed to list all new buildings and additions ' to buildings that have been made since January, 1st, 1920 at as near actual, cost as can be ascertained. The Sheriff was Instructed to have a toilet built at the jailor's house, u huildine- to be built by contract. Th. mn of. Mr. J. E Hilk of Newport was ordered corrected on the tax bo Vs, and the Sheriff was or dered to relieve him of $2,800 lev ied against him for excess acreage It appearing to the Board that Lere was an error in the acreage ' a t tr A. H. Dennis, of Whit Osk township, the Auditor was instructed to correct same. A motion was duly made and passed allowing the Virginia-Carolina Farms Company a refund of 1291.26 in correction of .their 1920 taxes. The Bosrd heard oral complaint from people from all sections of the County relative to a reduction of the assessed values of real proper. The following written request fer reduction of the values of real prop erty were reviewed, and it appear ing to the Board that the said prop erties were not valued In excess i of the value of other propertietf lik nature and value, In th County, no redpetions wer allowed, vuj Cede Ida'" Tewnsklo. . Dennis M. Goodwin. , ' y Mervtaaa Township. Ceo. R. Jon. Bridgeton lumber Company, J. Cerwrsy, A. J. Martin. ( V ! Satyraa Tewwahlo. v F. G. GlUikln, Homer 8. Finer. Herkare lUai TewaeUo Lo'renso Willis, Charts L. Davis. Hoattog Qwarte Tewwahlp. Melvtn and Clarence Reblnean, L D. . Wed. .? . Strait Tewashlp. J. H. Davis, Wsteot .Lawrence, Um Wra Denials, The woods land f Wm. I. WUHs ws ordered reduced frees $ W V. 1 U 'Villi n toriW tn tart up once more hi. boat line to Norfolk and will make regular week. ly trlpsjfrom Morehead J City and Beaufort to the Virginia port Capt Willis conducted this .service " for some years very successfully . , but stopped it during the war. The E. M. Willi , a 70-ton oil , burning freighter will . be used at . first.' and later on if the . business justifies a 150 ton vessel will be put in service. The first sailing will be next Tues day. - -t V' j arre i rm mA Uiuhi ( loaeell W. Fi ner wa ordered Increased frnt $20 to ISO per acre. . The Auditor as Instructed U In vestigate the acreage ef W. D. Devls f Harier Wand nd to a acreage owned by him thai eea pet pew appear oa U booh. , Th talo at the lead of M. J. Robinson wa ordered rodoced U $10.00 pee T. TH afreag of J. . ! Elr!U township was Ordered lv rreaaed 100 acttl as per hi sUte . asent filed with U Board. ' " ' The Board adjeerned at 130 "cUtk anUt O.-OO 'dock Tneeasy - sserblrg, June 14th, Beaufort, N. C, - June 14th. 1921. The Board of County Commission ers reconvened in regular session on Tuesdsy. morning, June 14th, with all members present to-wit; C. R. Wheatly, Chairman tCeo. GTaytor; J. L. EJwards, B. F. Small, and H. O. Piner. Th consideration of the complaints for a reduction of the values of real property in the County was again taken up. The Board ordered that Henry Pittman' of Merrimon township, be relieved of 100 acres of land, said land havinr been sold, and charted with three acres of land at a value of $100. , The following complaints were reviewed, and it appearing , to . the Board that the property owned by these people was net valued In ex cess of other properties of like na ture and value In the County, no re. ductione were allowed. PerWawatk) Tewatkip, s ' Portsmouth Fisheries "Com psny. Harlewe Towwakklp. J. H. Davis,' C N. Mason, E. D. Hardesty.'A. W. Foreman. Allan E. Taylor, S. E. LHardesty. White Oak Towntalp. R. Trino. C C Dennis. S. B. Meadows. A. M. Weeks, M. C. Par. ker, E. W. Meadows. - - ; Neweert TewaAie, . -The lnterstst Coeoersce . Com pany, W. B. Swsla, C, A. Bell, . D. Mann, John Cannon, M. Mann, Clso ro Mann, E. L. McCain, E. H. Hill. Mrs. E. H. Huj, J. D, Swain, Mrs. J. C B. Morton. , Mrad Twilaw , , Sarah 'J. Eaton. T. C Belt. W, J. Moore, Eat, Morehead City Hospital C W. W. Freeman. T. G. Willi. C. E. Mason. C. L WU1U, W. & Mur dock, T. D. Webb, Mary E. Murdoch, Eat, R. W. Taylor, W. L. Arthur, Tho Norfolk-Keathera RaOwsy Com. pany, Wsllsce Flaherlea Company, Carteret FUh 4 Oil Cowpeny. , . : sWrr Tewkl, W. 8. ChsdwWk. X. J. JCoa. H. D. Smith, Dr. C L. SolndeQ, J. B. Kit llngrwerth. IL D. Nercam. U E. Thmaa, W. M., King.' Thos.: Moss, Mrs. M. A. Haeper, Margaret Net oa, M. R. Geffrey, Nannie P. Gef frey, F. - King. W. F. WUlls, Rich ard Falton,J. 8. WhlUharst, Ckarlee SalUr, Emma .Marks, Km. Bet! Miegvtt G. M. WhKley, J. J. Bkia. ner. J. L Blaeten. Jeeeph Weak. CeU Parkins, W. N. Smith, Thoa. B. MarttnJ4. W. Taylor. Matthew Sty. 'ten. Wilbur Lewis.' Herbert Parkin. U. I aiKina, 4. t. riiiini, n. in U, Dr. J. J. Davis, Mr. 8. L. Ul, CeaUaued en page I) MAY CREATE AN EXPORT COW ANY Senator , From Nebraska Wish es Federal Aid For Export .a. ing Farm f roduct - WASHINGTON. June 1. A bUl to create a $100,000,000' Federal Farmers' Export Financing Corpora; Hon bas been introduced by senator George W.. Norris of . Nebraska, Chairman of the' Senate . Committee on Agriculture. The new " agnecy would buy products in the United States and sell ' them v abroad. ; It would be composed of the Secretary of Agriculture and four other direc tors appointed by the President at a silary Of $7,500. I Authorization. of a bond issue, up to ten times the paid in capital is contained in the bill. The measure is described by Senator Norris as providing "a mid dleman between ' the . producer ; in America and the consumer . in Europe."; '' ' V; ''Svr' ' "We are confronted with a condi tion here," sai" Senator Norris in speaking of hU bill, "that makes it impossible for the farmer to dispose of their products for a price that will pay th actual cost of production. In Europe there ar millinos of people suffering for these products, but tney do not have the money with which' to buy. It is expected that purchasing operations will be formed in th va rious countries of Europe where they are in .need of these products. ( "I have been assured by represen tatives of foreign nations there will be no difficulty or delay In organise ing cooperative institutions, we od ligations of - which will Jn turn be guaranteed by organizations of bank's and in some stances, the guaranty will be further indorsed by the government under which the or ranizations ara formed." "As a matter of fact the American farmer is entitled to' the use of this muchFedral money because in the oneration of 'the grain corporation thef ewss a net profit of $60,000,000 or $70,000,000, all of which has been in effect paid into the Treasury of the United States snd every doller of which wss contributed by the grsin growers of the country." Baa lavMtigattoa Senstor Boies Penrose, of 'Penn vlvania. Chairman of the Finance Committee, has sppolnted a subcom- KB.' M mittee to investigate the subject oi soldier bonus. ' Senstor Porter J. McCumber of North Dskota will di rect the inqulry.'snd associated with him will be Senators Howsrd Suth. erlsnd of West Virginia, and Walsh of Massachusetts. The subcommit tee will concern themselves particu- Isrly with probable costs to the gov ernment of the venous suggesuon. that have been made regarding tne v ... ,...u tVa Tha actual neCd uvnui wv.'w -- of such legislation will also be as certained. ' r.UU Haallk Oa Car Senator Red Smoot of UUh has been made the Chairman of a com mitua that wUl InvestlgsU th Pub lic Health Service. It has been openly charged , that favoritism baa tkwn la maklnc promotions in the service, to' th detriment of It efficiency. .Several oomlnstions w the Health Servk are now pending before th Banta, but It i onder- -a tfc.i th will not be acxeo pos antU after the conclusion of the Inquiry., Of course no sugges tion ef criticism tttachaa At n.riini for making th nomina tion, as ho mast act largely an in formation Zurnunea wm "7 nate ffir. . FORMER BEAUFORT CITIZEN . IS MAKING GOOD The News is informed that the Rev. Geo. F. Ellison, of Palatka, Florida, who is a native of Beaufort, and a son of Capt.- Frank Ellison, a weU known colored citizen here, has been called to a pastorate of a Presbyte rian church in the city of Philadel phia. Over the protest of his Pa latka congregation - Rev. Ellison has accepted the Philadelphia call. While in Palatka he established a school, a church, built a parsonage and edited a newspaper. His " services '-there have been of great Value not only to his own race but to the entire com munity. ,V: :;.'' 'p'ft ;'-'-- SUPERIOR COURT IS MOVING ALONG Criminal Docket Is Finished s And Civil , Action m ' :h StarUrrv,? ;i fm CRAND JURY'S REPORT. The report of the Errand gury filed with the Clerk of the Court this week states that the offices, of the county official wer inspected and records found well kept and in good condition. The county horn , and jail were visited and found clean and in eood condition. The jury recom mended that screens be put in the windows of the county home and jail that a partition be placed In the sheriff office and that a new lava tory and water closet be installed in the court house. The -following were member of the Jury: " C G. Gaskill, Chas. Hancock, W. W. Chadwick, Jas. S. Whitehurst W. C. Cole, Andrew Gillikin, Clifford Murphy, W.yH. . Bamsey .Nathan Garner, L. W. Hassell, Russell Piner, Wm. McCabe, LeonHunnings, Man. tonn Pieott. Clem H. Wade, .WH. Garner, Charlie Fulcher, L. P. Tsy- lor, Mantonn Pigott was appointed foreman and J. G. Hudgins was Of ficer in charge"."". " . . MARRIAGE LICENCES. Licenses hsve been issued recent ly to the 'following named couples by Register of Deed Troy Morris: Dennis S. - Brickhouse. Columbia, N. C-and Velma M. Fulcher, Atlan tic. N. C. Clyde Willis and Edith Bloodgood, Morehead City. David Morgan DeNoyer, Green vl'lle, N. C, and Lillie Belle Skarren, Beaufort Louis T. Bice and Kathleen Mor ris, Beaufort. Wm. Fulford (col.) and'Malvlna Holland, Beaufort The Boy's' Baseball Team of Hsr- ker Island took some of th ."pep" out of the Merehaltburg Boys Team Tuesday when they played them 18 to 1. The game was plsyed on the Eursr's" dismond. ' The score till the eighth Inning wss 17 to 0. An error of the Island boys gave the 'Burs: boys a score Neither made a score in the ninth, lesvlng the score IS to 1. Altogether it wa a fin game. iWftT wiTATO 1TORACE DISCUSSED LAST NICMT A smn "byt Inte'reeUd Mdlenee k i Ur C. D. Matthews give aa m- Wreetlnf lecture at the eourtheus last Bight on the wbjec ev T-"' ..4 mtATtor ' sweet ' potato. Mf. Mstthews ahaoed conclusively proper sUrage el wee pow u Urs-er prafits for the growers, a with trtg f f 1.1 Mrcaat ar lost waoe aao m g them reealta la" tw.ty-flv pvea et mora being lovt A Urge aoer .f iVmi stare haase aa buUt la Nl eaty aad the farsaer there ar highly pleaaed with thee U U erUhle that one ar mor etaf see aouea will Ve racUd U thle vt- 'elalty to the er fulsr, aaaeoaca-. meat f whka UI b sssae " w. 'New at aa early date. ' ISLANDERS WIN. GAME. A two week term" of Superior Court conyened here Monday morn ing at ten : o'clock. An exchange having been effectd between Judge W. A.SDevin and Judge J. Lloyd Horton, the latter is here presiding over the court l s The criminal docket was disposed of with considerable dispatch ' by Judge Horton and Solicitor Jesse H. Davis, it having been finished Tues day afternoon. After tliis the civil dockml was taken up and the ease of Charlotte Wade and others against Julian Brown wss commenced . Juee Horton' charge to th grand jury consumed about half an hour's time and was an explanation of the function of the jury and a recital ol some of the act that constitute crimes against th person, property or this good morals of the State. The Judre laid great stress upon the value of education and. the right sort of bom Influences as a means of rearing up the youth of the land into rood citizenship.- f:,r$.,-JS$ ' ' ' Case on the criminal docket were disposed of aa follows: V Levi Jones u Shep Willis, charge burglary, plead guUty, to forcible trespass." Judgment of- the court that defendant be committed (to county jail 12 month to be hired out Willi to his father and Jones to R. L. Simpson, parties hiring them to pay costs. Dsv Holland, abandonment P'u guiltyrjudgment withheld till Friday week. . ' Jo Elunt violating fish law, ca pias issued. , ' , . B, E. Garner, assault deadly weap on, verdict of Jury, guilty. B. E. Garner, poisoning dog, judg ment withheld. . Luther Lloyd and Tom Noe, house breaking and larceny, plead guilty to fstrothia trMnin. iudsrroent lb months on Crsven county rosds. Wra. Thos. Dsvis, carrying con cealed weapons, plesd guilty, .fined $50 and costs, 30 dsys in jail to bs worked around courthouse. Joel Dowty. assault with deadly w.amini. lurv's verdict not guilty N. S. Belcher and E. W. r odrie, distilling whiskey. Belcher plead ulltv and wa sentenced' to Crsven county rosds, L two yesrs. Fodne denied being a psrtner in the busi ness and wss fined $50 and cosU. ll.nrr Rlddick. carrying concealed weapons, plesd guilty, prsyer for iudement continued on psyment ox costs and good behavior. Claus Hsrvey, Urceny, put under bond of $1C? and continued to next term of court BEAUFORT BEATS PIKEVILLE IN A GREAT RALLY , Qarelv indeed iloea a V.T1 inn, show a greater fighting , spirt than tne ueauiort team did hero last Fri day when it turned what seemed hopeless defeat into a glorious vie- tory. l Pikeville had gotten one run ;j in the second and in the third inning its. heavy swatters pounded pitcher WW' l - - . . . . uudgins unmercuuiiy and this -coupled with several errors by the Beaufort team had netted five mora tallies. At this stage of , the game Manasrer Brooks called . Summerell to the rescue and although one run hu fpjvvea mi ue, want in urn ov v from that time on h had the Pike- , villa better eating out of his hand.' Beaufort s fielder tightened up also snd played well th rest ef the game.' .; Defensive work though no matter how good it is does not win- ball J . . ;- J... t. k. . A. . T . i. amy waa out mucn w vu oeaiuvrk players'' hitting a to th pitching ' and fielding. ' Springle atarted th ' ' fire work in the sixth inning when ho . clouted one of Flowers' twister for three bases. ' Skarren walked, stole 1 second and went to third on RicV ucrific whil , Springl scored. Guthrie drov out a nice hit scoring ' ' Skarren. stole second and cam horn on Whitehurst' i hit Sewell "struck nnt mnA Stimmerall was an easv out ' In th seventh inning Beaufort gath ered in three more run on hit; by ; Thomas, Caffrey and Skarren and . on or two error by. the opposing team. In the eighth inning neither - side scored but In the ninth Beaufort v brought horn th bacon when Sksr ren hit for two bases. Rlcov scored on hit made by Guthrie and White hurst. . ;.,:.. , -Score by innings. ; Wednesdsy. ' - Peaufort ,2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 00 Pikeville , 2 0 S 0 1 0 0 8 110 Batteries Summerell, Rice; Barnes .nit A vi-Arlr. ' T Thursday. ' Beaufort 000008S 0 2 8 . PikevUle . 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0.07 , Batterie Hudgins, Summerell and Rice: Flowers, Barnes, and Aycock. ; Umpire Thomas. - : BEAUFORT WINS ANOTHER C. D. , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Transfer recorded for the past two weeks sre as follows: M. P. Marshall and wife to W. W. Lewis part of lot 47, new town, Beaufort, consideration $060. C. K. Howe and wife 1 scr in Beaufort township, to Bet tie Msr- shaO, consideration $80. W. L. Arthur and wife to R. & Fodrle koto I, 7, I, In block 100 Morehead City; eoneUerstioa $700. W. A iff WUlls and wife to O. D. Bell I f lot 1, f, block II Morehead Qty, considersUon $100. , Frank D. While and wife to Okaa- Ul Styraa lets 4, 5, 11, It In block tt Morehead Qty, eonaideretiea $1400. Jaaaae R. Bell aad wife to Arreae Lt 11 I, ktnek 10. Merakead Ckv: eonslderstioa SU00. F. J. Lacktarsre to Sarah E Lack- Ur lot IS U block 11 Morehead) City., consideration $ I XS. E. C Beyd and wile U sfeu nea ter let I, blank black, Morehead City, eanaiderstioo $. - Jeo Hsll and wife Weeaia Teeto 4 scree la Merrlaaa townahip, coa. sideratiea $3X1. i . J. C. M-en aad wife to J. T. Ma- son IS I S r tn.Mmiato town skip, con4drUi ll.CfO. Aor H. Tinkle and wife to V. Cf Fsrma Co., tract la Carteret town ship, eossidereUea . 1 1,1 10.S MISS. SKARREN. AND. MR.. DE NOYER WED. aw4aw.wawaawB. t. .f uIm tJHU Ball (HI atmtumw . Skarren of this, city and Mr. David Morgan DeNoyer occurred yesterday afjrnooa at S30 e'clock at the Ann . ....... .1 L atreet Mcvoeist caurco. dlng was a vsry pretty one and was witnessed bv a large crowd. Owing to an unusually heavy rush at new matter It wa Impossible to get a fuO account In the New this week. A detailed account will appear la next week' lesu. SECOND TEAM. WINS. The first game of Beasfort'a sec ond team took ptac last Saturday afternoon with Will Creek a Its op ponent The result ef th gsroe was victory for th Jualor taecr being 14 to 4. Th batterie wer Eaanfort, Carl Rk and Carle Con gleteai hi .11 Cretk, ' Culpepper sd Garaer. , The Junior eapect to play a same with Gloucester Friday tornoen and Newport Saturday, both games being way from home. They also have the ambitioa to tackl the Beaufort first toes. AC tO LADY DIES Mia Abbl Wsd died Monday at- toraooa at th aosso of J. B, Jeae. Jr wber she bad lived f a number of tear. Sh waa about 7 . years et ag 11" VeJj wa Ukes back to WHlistoa ker former l-mt, Tues day fet burial ' , Tuesday afternoon the Beasfor club met and easily defeated a com bination team made up of players from Straits, Gloucester and the New. Bern High School. Only six and a half Innings were pissed and the ' score st thst time stood 11 to 4 in Besufort's fsvor. The hitting on both sides was rather heavy Caffrey and Thomas lesdlng for Besufort with four and three hit each. Carl Caaklll on the combination team as tonished his friends " who did not know he could play baseball by get tin a nice hit and also making a good catch of a fly ball. N. Lewis and A. Davia also hit welt l m torka were Beaufort; Summerell and Rice. Straits-Gloucester Ferebeo and Simpson. Umpire Thomas. S1ALEVEL WINS FROM STACY In a slow gam Saturday Sealevel shut out Stacy In the second gsm ef the series by a score of 1 to 0, scor ing S to the first and an la the sixth and one la th seventh. Stacy worked hard for th championship f several ' weak point failed to eor. AD CONTEST CLOSES Onlta a number at advertisement. were submitted la 4 writing eontest in.tituted hr Mr. F. R. Bell aad tb judge, Q. H. Fergaeoa, W. L, Stan- cU and W. O. Mebaae ha oo. erable Job oa their hand Ust sight la making chokes . between .them. After do deliberation the prise erert awarded a follows t First ri..' fit to aald. to Francee W. r ' ' White; eeosad to Ie iPa a -a bird 2 $0 to Albert C. GaskUI. Th advertisements win ppear w later issue f th News, ; . , , - TO BE TRIED TO ASSAULT ; in result at S alterratia Ohka occurred a Ike lOtii f Msy Wtveea W," C. Teteraea aad r. M. EdwsrOa, tk farmer will bo tried ta ?eUe Im. C. Hotland ert oa the eaart 'ef aaassJt with a deadly weapon. It 'is Uftd that Petorvoa aim k Ed- wania an the head with SCM' Tho 'hearing I set fef Saturday the X ilk va aa j 'at t 'chKk.

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