I THE HOME PAPER LEADING TO THE MIND 13 XI II AT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY C EVERY THURSDAY 1 VOLUME X. DZAUFCRT. NCRTII CAROLINA," THURSDAY JULY 23, 1C21.V ku::zzr zi BASEBALL GAI.IE 5 : CECOJIESTRAGEDY Charles Noe Popular 5 Young Man of Beaufort Killed By - Pitched Ball That tragedy ; sometimes '" treads closely upon the heels of comedy was clearly shown Monday afternoon on the baseball field here when Charley Noe lost his life while playing in a game btweeti two teams known " as ."The Fats" and. Tbe. Leans." ' This : game which was gotten., up for the purpose of raising funds for the reg ular baseball dub and ,to ' furnish amusement to the spectators proved , to be, " an " entertaining J farce ; until death came suddenly and changed a laughing crowd into -a group . of shocked and saddened individuals.- :"' , , The distressing accident occurred in the seventh inning. Charley, Noe who " was playing with the "Leans", , had, played with " great , eal all through the game. -. When he came "to the bat in the seventh he was very hot and prqbabTy considerably ex hausted by such unaccustomed, exerr ',clse. ' He ancT G.' W, Duncan 'who was also playing, had a short argu , ment as to' whose time it was to !at Duncan yielded and Noe went to the batv "One or two balls were pitched by John Pake -who was in the pitch er's "box at the time, and then the fatal ball was thrown which-hit the ; unfortunate young man. in his left breast apparently over the r heart. He ran to first bate in spite of the hit and fell there unconscious. Ev- itrj, effort waa- made to revive him and Dr. C L Duncan who was pres- i ent did what he could for him, - The stricken man was carried Into the upper part of the grand stand in the hope that th wind would refresh Lira but it waa of avail and the ' end cam. - - '. . ' A large crowd assembled Tuesday afternoon in the Methodist church for the funeral xrcuje whkh were conducted by ; Rev. F. R. Bumpaa. '. Th Odd Fellows and Knights of Har- mony, to which the dceased belonged, attended the exercises In a body and went through their ceremonies at the grave. "Abfcl With Me,- "One iR.eetl Solera Thought" and "Thy GOOD MEETING OF- New: Cera ; Visitors Address Chamber of .Commerce. At ' Enthusiastic Meeting " , An interesting but not very large. ly attended meeting of the Chamber of .Commerce was held last Thursday evening in the rooms of the Old-Topsail club. 'About fifty persons were present and heard the report of Sec retary W. L, Stancil and th talks made by New Bern , and .- Beaufort n . : , ' - ' The meeting was called to order by President M. C. Holland who star ted its object and introduced Mr. M. Leslie Davis who extended a cordial welcome to the New Bern visitors. Secretary Stancil ' read his report which showed -that the organization had a membership of 80 and stated that it ought to .have a great, many more. ' Some of the accomplishments of the Chamber of Commerce men tioned by the secretary's report were securing a-V mail delivery for' the city;getting recommendations of the War Pepartmentr f or harbor improve-' ments; sleeping car service to Wash ington,1 improvements at -freight de-! po. orgaaj4ng Federal Farm Loan 1 Association;: calling' sweet potato storage'jttej.iir.g.Jaiding in' getting Chauto'uaV having insurance ' rates investigated; fourth of July celebra tion, getting.mail route to Merrimon, v. " . : . . ' . i. woriung. orj.-jeiepnone nnea w ensk errTpart orbnnty, working . on hotel and hospitat project. V Treasurer -G."W. Duncan' report showed-&aM33 had been collected and that- the . organization's bank ac count showed an overdraft.'1 J.-. F, Duncan war called on for a speech and responded by showing that if th citizen! would work unitedly lor any project they.ould carry It out. ' H said the streets' could be paved and other improvements ' mad He called for .cash .subscriptions,, and many of thos present, came forward with checks and eash. Mr. H. Mi Jacobs, a prominent business Riatr New Bern, respond ed to a call for a speech -with an a thnsiastic oration In which he et forth th splendid resources of Eas- V '- LETALLGSPA - S0LDEOS' COhTJS Senator Norris "' Says Money Owed By Allies Should Ee Used for "This Purpose, WASHINGTON, . July 26. As finally enacted into law, the Naval Appropriation ' Bill carried no pro vision for the construction of air plane carriers, t The Senate had in serted an., amndment making appro priations for two such 1 vessels, but the item was stricken out in the con frence between the two Houses. Senator Miles Poindexter of Wash ington, who had charge of the naval bill in the Senate, has announced that he will soon introduce a separate measure providing for the airplane carriers. He has been led to believe from the disposition manifested ' by the House conferees that an agree ment can be reached to build at least one such ship. . There has been some criticism of the Navy that ..sufficient attention was not being given to the devlopmeht of - its air ' service. Mr. Poindexter' is. convinced that our na val "defense will . be-, far- inferior to that of other nations unless the air plane feature is given a prominent part therein, a policy that requires special vessels upon which the planes can land. - ' V"."";.1 ' -! i-: Want Allies T Pay' Bonn - . ' ; Senator George W. Norris, of Ne braska, is the author an amend-' ment offerd to the soldier bonus bill directing th Secretary of th Treas ury "to collect the interest .due on the various loans mad by the Gov rnment of the, United States to for eign governments durin;. the war," and to apply that sum to the' purposes of th bonus act if it shall b passed in th future. - Mr. Norris calls at tention to th fact that on May 15, 1921, tW total amount of lntered due and unpaid was 1922,560,141.22. Although there appears to b no doubt that the debtor countries are making regular" payments of. interest on their own bonds owned by their people, there appears t be little ra- Wijl B Don" wer sung in th,urn Carolina arid th opportunities C0H0N GROVEPtS CAN GET LIOIiEY Federal Reserve Board Decides To Furnish Money For Handling Crop . WASHINGTON, D. C, July 19. In view of the vital importance of the problems incident taHhe harvesting and marketing of, the coming cotton crop, the .Federal Reserve Board to day held a conference with the gov ernors of the Federal Reserve Banks of. Richmond, Atlanta, St. Louis, Kansas City and Dallas, the banks lo cated in or Wought in closest touch with- the member banks in the cotton states, for the purpose of reviewing the credit situation in these states, and determining what further credit will be-needed to facilitate the har vesting aridorderly marketing of this crop. : ; v; ;? ' Tt the pres'ent time the five Re serve Banks in question are lending to helr members $457,000,000 or more than (20 per cent of the, loans of the entire - system,; the Richmond Bank bborrowing from other Reserve ! Banks $20,000,000 and the Dallas ! Bank borrowing $16,000,000 for that purpose.' The total loans of these five Reserve Banks to Jheir member banks exceed their reserve deposits by $192,000,000, whereas the reserve depoBita'of th other seven Reserve Banks exceed their loans to their members by $118,000,000. . The amount now loaned by th Re serve Banks to their members is four and one-half times the amount bor rowed at any on time by all th national banks of .th country prior to 1914, or befor th establishment of th Federal Reserve -System. ''.Th . Federal Reserve Board., and th Governors of th Fedral Reserve Banks announce that th Federal R rerv Banks, in addition -to credits already extended, are abl and stand idy,to .extend further credit for the purpose f harvesting and mar NEWSPAPER FOLKS ARE . MSSION Publishers Are' Seeing Carteret County This Week And Holding Convention V; The North Carolina Press Associa tion convened its annual midsummer session last night at the Bedsworth Hotel "on 'Atlantic -View Beach and a very good attendance of the member ship was prsented. This is the forty- ninth annual convention ' of. the or ganization. ' 1 ; " '- Last evening the formal opening of the convention took place. . Pres ident J. F. Hurley, of the Salisbury Post, called the meeting to order and after a few rmarks called on Rev. J. B. Willis pastor,of the First Baptist church of Morehead City, to offer the invocation. A very cordial and pleasing address of welcome, was then dlivered by Mayor TC. Wade of Morehead City, and a happy re sponse to the same by- Editor Archi bald Johnson,, of Charity and Chil dren, Thomasville. : A ' number of committees "were then named, by President Hurley and announcements CLERK OF COURT RESPESS IS DEAD Popular O.T.cial Victim Of Heart Attack After A , Lengthy lUness given. clination to meet their interest obll- keting tb coming crop, in whatever gations to the Unitd SUtes. Mr. amount may legitimately be required Norris believes that vigorous steps ,jthr' directly to their member banks should b Uken to bring about these ;or witt a ruling now isaued by the - ...... I . J 1 J- W IV . I . .... . ... .... . .-t. w. U icavmenu, nu proviuw tun iui rcderal KMrtt Hoard lndirettiw to church by the '.jni of soldier, bonu.es without oon.raember bnkl .ctinf - throurh conducted a short re n r nd W h! ' , putting added burden, on the jpl. L agency snd with th. endowment srvic. p . .. . .tl!i. Uf this eountnr. ,. W m.mW k.nk Mr. II. E. Kariow wno is mo-wiuB-,--- - . j .in. Oak cemetery. Charles No was th son of Mr. I and Mrs. Levi T. Nee. well known, a-wake secretary of th Nw Bern Chamber of Cumraerc mad an in- -itJins of Beaufort, both of whom jteresting talk living. His widow ; Mrs. vmj are WUHs No, snd two children rurvtve 11 said h thought . Thes loans wiQ Lwr Tha Pays Ral : be made by th Federal Reserve . ' .1 n . .. . . j . l - i : n . . . Congressman J-imei A. Frear, l.ons wpon note, armui mu um. o. The chief event of today's morn ing session was the address by Edi tor Josephus Daniels of the Raleigh Nws and Observer. .His subject was "Seeing and Knowing North Caroli na" and the theme was handled in the speaker's usual vigorous and thought ful manner. ; Other speeches on the Afternoon 2:30 V 'The Railroads Will Help You See and Know North Carolina" R. H. Graham, District Passenger Agent, Southern Railway. . '"North Carolina in th Editorial Pag" Wade '. H. . ilarris, Editor Charlotte Observer. Carrying th Story of Our Stat to Our Readers" Stanford Martin, Editor Winston Journal. "Journalistic Talent for th Fu ture in North Carolina" Louis Graves, University School of Jour nalism.'. . ' . i - , tf v Open DUcuaaion . of , ahova topics. . Th program for this - afternoon land evening is given below. program wer as follows: Historical Address M. L. Ship. man. Historian. Knowing North , Carolina Inti mately" Earl Godby, Editor Greens boro Daily News.' Wi.ftn.ln a member of the sub-1 whang iMued or drawn in accord the Chamber of Commerce here bad committee that framed th agrkul-with t.. terms of the Federal dne splendid work considering its turaj schedules in the tarifT bill. He Rwrve Act and th regulations of Mm also do three brother. Thorn-;ioW Jue4 and th small amount -oj.p.y, that he and nia colleagues were,c .. Inland and' Blythe.' Charley (B,0,y raked. The New Bern or- itemed .ry little by th. speeches .harvesting or orderly marketing of . .. . . i j. -ii..w ' tan : i- .. .v v. i,nmmnA ihm earning cotton eron. . t. k mrt r v tvni"iiii,'nzi on nua , tnu . miua Deioro l.ifiu vj mi ...uc ..- m - Ko. was Knpsrjy jfc""' .'C"' Kan'-'iWV" -body In Beaufort and was a Jewrved-'thotmnd dollars a yes i zonular young man.- The newr of jties in the same pi r" and other wtnn.'-ies who appeared. They took, loportion. H rather,th tetimony that was given In order, however, that the re- difcount facilities of the Federal Re his death sprad rapidly over tha town jrpok4 0f th ajvance in freig .t rites :b, experU of the Tariff Commlsion.i maT nuJe fully ef- whicll tre ranroxii.e-jr -.no rmu if ry.. ftive it will b necessary that mem- Ing to put on and Hated that Beau-4nd rreted comprehensiv Unk, ,n ih fo(ton ,uut pi,r4 frtD.iJ 49 cent a ton more now on, h,rinr on foreign coU of product . r.l mt h coal than New IVrn and M 1-2 cenbj.tion corupared with similar e,abpoMi of cotton producers and deal- Monday and was me v. uln sorrow to a P' fPU here. ; - ' Clerk of the Superior Court Ken-' neth'J. Respess died at his home In ;' Beaufort at about six o'clock Friday ' V morning after an illness? that had " lasted for several weeks. The death of Judge Respess while a shock to his frinds was not altogether unexpected For somejmonths it has been known.." that he had a srious form of heart' - trouble and other complications and- that while he might live for several. . months or even,, longer the chances' :"V were' that he would not do so." : ' Judge" Rcpess was elected Clerk" of the Superior court here in 1918' in a very close contest where the'J . county offices were about equally di vided between Republicans and Deni'-V, ocrats. His success was due to his(. popularity with the voters ol the1,; county which was sufficient to oVer-;t' come a strong opposition that 'de-: sated several other Republican can-,-' didates. . If he had lived until next. ' year Judge Respess would probably rr have been a candidate for reelection ' t and his friends think he would have won undoubtedly.. Under the law . -which makes Clerks of the Superior; Court Juvenile Judge he held that office and always displayed a sincere ,'4 desire to do that which was fair and ' honest and for the best interests of r th child. Judge Respess was born in Beau-' . fort county and was sixty four years (.' ' of age. He was the son of the" late ; John B. Respss of that county, who was a prominent Rpublican politician and regarded as one of th best de- r haters on th stump of eastern North" . Carolina. ' Judge Respess himself was alwsys dewply Interested in polU ; -tics and took an active part la the : campaign in th county last year. .' " He was not a bitter partisan though and his likable qualities mad him , many friends among those who wer . kind hearted, affable sort of a man not of his political faith. He was a who lovd to Joke others snd knew , how to take a Joke himself.. People ; who went to the courthouse liked to1 drop la his office for a chat and his friendly presence will b missed there' for a long time. . The funeral services took place LYNCHBURG MINISTER PREACH . , , 15 HERE . ; . ' . ' Rv. E. G. Hopkins who U a Eap Ort minister from Lynchburg. Vir ginia, preathed a ry Ing moa Bunay morning at th Meth odist church. On ! Sunday corning h will coaoct service, at ih ilaptlrt church. , more inaa. v timmKiu,i. ... ngures. r. r-r un.. rTf jn taelr mpectlv localitie with that Beaufort try to get water trans- r,u, i th, new bill, Uken together,; ,nowJfJg, an(1 M,uran'c" that th portatlon to Baltimore and other b giart below thoe of the former Payn- j p(jprmj Rwm Boir4 tn th FV cities and stated that New Bern nowJxlJHfh u onr recpect, th! Mm W0,Ut th, has this rvlc. Mr. parlow'aj pmfr.phs of fha bill r.laUng U f'nei of MI.deriB, M 9nvtt B 1 . .-. l I, ..J! . r . Ka1iaal" - - 'sieech was along pracucai imn nuns, t,ongrsmn - th rstes sr too nign. . a special study f th dyeituffs tt stion as It U today n this country, snd is looksd upon by hit colleagues M an authority upon th Subject. riXCT NEW JANK PRESIDENT, ., competitloa and th a At a recent rneeUnC at Jf";!inf TfU, freight rsUa. f the Bank ef Beaufort . A. Mae.i ,virg ss ILslenea v iunui'j. next and last speaker was Mr. E. W. Couch who la the traffic manager for the New Bern Chamber of Commerce Hit remarks were on transportation matters and very much to the point, how!jig how money could be aavd on tUimn, th adnUges of wster t.a and th e!ty ef look- REY1VAL STARTS Rev. II. M. McAdama, of Washing, ton, N. C, afrWed a few days eg .totkholder and irsr , f j., .rrred on,-"- " . .1 T. .mVtv . ,i - .Im-lmI rdenC Mr. 1 m j a . rm ropl tent la locateo oa an m,iy Institution ws elects JJ" w and proceeded U eerve lce( -.ftV ..J ..y.m T. A. U..n. f Ntw Bern. ,frMm j wfcWh u. fb!k, lot near lb rt0.4 tSat b?c for several year. . rt-, nJJ Uif fu . sa.ng.1 .UUon. Th. U- S oO.cr offer, sad director, of th. j J" J Tue.l.y ..enlng snd a good Its rard.th, Unk.a. U-g a. crr,ru.tloa will tsk. m- - f-'JMj. .,ce!t .Up coasIdMlnaLthaauIUj lf d c. ..uch u-ful work I " Vt r. f lusine g.n.ralTy snd u ta l?.t r-r.. omtn. .... v ti..aa rt hhek to aor- -! lUt th Uak will mk spl.ud fiAStaAU. HtRt TCOAY f a ' A re rf thre Wl l Arts at U lal rrh toJy. TU . th rui'l t'a j, frvm New J rra. It U t tie l'" lr l J iUtrs It ani It U - r 4 4m a.l U wrn.Iy s mm ftir rt 1 f rm te ad Jed to the! rolls la t e pr future ad t-t -n tig t ; r n t t !et way Uis IV.l t.'.r.wr. fOSTMAS- L w. lusrru. is rromTta turrr.ica coust cinrK r ' t ytr;y j. ij. ji 1: r r.fik. C. 1!. I :i deputy clrik fr rl f i f , , , , I I p.mrX i l t f ' I A ttftl'.'i t t.ti'cn fi U. f l.r,..rl C'i'y U in j , : J m A 1 - t i e 1 . 11 ani it ta'A. IU i ' "' f th W-al ianaf WJ l -' f i-ir-' t r. :m.s now ana 1 St.tU.rg :.e pou th, r.re kh twB fur aor,t. gtte, Im ton. ' ' t f t,r ' sistsnc. to the Important inter its during such abnormal time. Mr. Meyer, Managing Director J th War. Flnanc Corporation, who attended ! th conference, reviewed the aetivitie of th.- War Flnanc Corporate In making loans for A. nancirg eatto for Immedlat and fa tur iprt. Governor Strong, f th Federal Rerv Bank, of New Tark, and repreaenUtlve f certain New York atember banks wer aleo tavlud U th. conferenc. to discus, the aceaalty er adUbl!ity ef having varteu eommerr ial bank through th country ctahlUh a fund for th strrpoM ef making loan, upon cat ten. I view of th conclusions rear h d by t. conferenc a. U th abir.ty ef Ih. Federal Rerv. Bks ff.Uely t Uk car f all f Uv legitiwist requirement. f t t- toft Intrtrta, It was felt t U UiU' t t twk a fane) at U.W tim y n 1 eraarr advis able. Co.j r f trarg stated, hew ;!, r Curt'Tee, l?t t d rffli -uraae, it, ha. ten!froM . fut, ' r af litrttant tarkirg yr. waa'lritt; .ur in New Yk Cty Uat IX Fed- tre Ir,ks an tf.. v. r IV ' rj -t!.t should rto L.- , :, t, j mill eaer'e l 4." :.J.ji.tr.t if 1 otloa loa. furid ).tTtf a.-r-t-wr,! th a'.tuaUo Open Discussion of Topics Pre-;Sund, afternoon at three o'clock sentd. ' tat th, horn and were attended by a 4:30 Open season for fun. . ' 'large gathering' of friends. Judge Evening 8:00 jRwpess had atUlned high, rank in Annual Oration J. Z. Green, Ed- the Masonic order and th lodge her itor Mamhville Home. ' 'attended "th funeral as a body and Annual Poem J. D. Boono, Kilt-lparucp0ted in th. exercises. A tor Waynesvill Courier. 'special choir rendered lovely and an-. Marketing Problems are Hindering pr0priat music and Dr. G. W. Ly, Forces Led by W. C, Dowd, Bbn lector of St. Paul's church, conduct Butler, H. B. Varnr, and T. R. Wa4. ;eJ the religious exerciies at the home ;MaJe in North Carolina Exposition i,nrj the grav. Th Interment was preiented briefly by Csptain W. J.'jn Ocean View cemetery and ther Squires, H. P. Deston, M. E. Murray ! Bft,i. re,tling and pT.yer by Dr. Lay, and W. C, Dowd. 'th, beautiful and Imprewlv Uason- Tomojow morning there are 'ie'ritual was performed and the body, be five minut talks by the following 0f the deceased brothr committed to persons: ' ' its lait rating place. : . Mis H. M. Berry, Colonel Joaephj jh, surviving relatives of Judge Hyde Tratt and Wr. Frank Page. Keipr are his wlduw Mrs. Elisabeth Wetern Division Leaders C. A.'f, Sepess, his daughter Mis Ruby, Webb, Noah Hollowetl, Fred II. May, Mrs. Julian Arrington who Is another UlM Beatric Cobb, R. E. Price idanghter, three sons E. J. Repe, Central Divlsloa Leaders n. L.',f Ilnetown: Theodora B. Refpesa, Dwire, J. J. Farris, Isaac London, A.',f Klniton; and Wmdley Rpe f C. Hentycutt, W. P. Few snd W. B. Beaufort, Mr. John B. Reapens, ef trt."i 1'S from Jtx'e O., ,r' ar.te ii!.rr r : ... r t for the, the fr.'..l. new tfTred It t- Harksr. , Eastern Division Leader Clar ence Po. J. L. Home, Jr., J. B. Daw. soa, Z. W. Whitehead. T. M. Cooper, O. J. Patterson, and 8, T. Mear. ElcUoa f Officers, , AfUmeoa S:40 O'clock. Advertising North Carolina to Ad vantage Leaders N. Buckn.r, John fark, G. Ed. KeeUer, II. Cald Bras- to. J. A. Sharp,, Diacuaeloa f Euggetad Top l-a. Report. f Committee. , Evening I O'shxk Oyea dlacuwioB Si WUl -f Mfnv ber. ... Other deUCa will he give la a.st week's Uwoa. ' - KtW RLJiatKCt COINO LT. Washington, a brother '. f th d r,Med and Mrs. W. T. Latham, ef Beaufort county a sister, al sur vive him. MARRIACE LICENSES License, to awry recently Issued are as fellows! . James Lock aad Mlant. NUon, Morehead Clt. WU!i. IT. Balloa and Ion. Smith, Morehead City. Coy U Trooka and Ceorgla Willis, Atlantic. Willi. Best and Betjlah , Mors,, Willw(M-L '';i:y ltWr ('!.) and Anrl Ntl mttu I -'. it. ' to'eraj T ta take r ar.f r.ai'is "ori s k T. C. tv t 1 . i)fcs -. I U Jo ,ff Ule flff. ef aJ (it 4 ' taaa d. Pr'-e te t dl t'.mf several t V a ..... . . . I ' ' 1 . A, k 1 In I'a.fort and ns.'.!rVl, repair woik U alx ging g. T, U lt rvt'Jeare U thst f l-'r. J. !, tk. bit Li, lvt n Ti-rsf ),t. Th. ! !'h i, V ? 1 t ty Mr, Csrenr, CutKrU h at e,';.t roam itrortur, ar.4 .11 te a vry vo-.farUtle and rrt'.'y dw!:'.ng. ; t: : rscc. ; W. B. I't rr. a l!, l V to- frtint r -.furt t J. T. ' s ft', .. tin U vi 7 -ati-;:. t HI TO r. 1 il

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