- a e ' ' u TT , , - f 1 4 "1 Li ii'zra Li iJ;' 4 y i . . ,V ( THE HOME PAPER ) ' . - HEADING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY, ) - . EVERY THURSDAY VOLUME X. 7. '-' BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY AUGUST 4,1521 NUMSCl'll 1 IIARDINGS CALL EPOCHAL EVENT NEWSPAPER FOLKS PAY VISIT TO BEAUFORT Characterized Abroad - r 'Turning Point In History" ' a : WASHINGTON, August Pres ident Harding's invitation to- Great Britain, France,. Italy and Japan to bold a conference in Washington to discuss limitation of armaments com pletely changed the face of the diplo matic world. It is variously describ ed in foreign newspapers as -"a turn tot point in t history"; message ,STpassing in importance all , other .current doings of . whatever conse quence"; "an appeal to the human race to have done with wars"; and an act of first historical signifi- With clear insight, President Hard ing, in, this Invitation, went straight JO the heart of the thing uppermost .today in the thought of all peoples, as ' well as tn the council rooms of all governments, " namely a desire for lasting, world wide yeace. The Pres ident's action appeals to the common tenet of the world because it is prac tical rather thae academic. Philoe 1 ephy and fine words may peruage ' tome men not to tght Fear of pu- . aiUve laws may deter others. . But both philosophy and fear of the law fall far short In a lameatebly large number of eases. - The practical -way to prevent individuals from shooting each other' up la to ' disarm them. The tamo is largely true of nations. The Pesident did the simple effective, . workable) thing called for a confer ence to discuss disarmament. - The The civilised world immediately sensed the tremendous import of this action.''' - " World. Will . Head Owe Call 9J. Other conferences have been held 'for' a like porpoe. That they, have proved futil is not to bo taken as criterion. They were held prior X914. .The world Vsi pot sick of war or groaning under- war debts. 1 Moreover in some cases the powers Instrumental In caning the confer enco were weaker in armament than some of their conferees, which dulled " the edge of their insistence upon gen era! disarmament In this case the power issuing the call is the second strongest m the world in actual ar mament and in ability to increase her On last Thursday afternoon Beau fort was favored with a,, visit from a number of the newspaper publishers and their families who held their con vention at the Bedsworth Hotel last week. The party about fifty in num ber arrived on two boats . at a few minutes past five and were met at the dock by several citizens of the town ," and taken on an automobile- ride around Beaufort and but in the country across the new North River bridge and back. Very few of the visitors had ever been to Beaufort before and prac tically none of them had ever been out in the . surrounding country. They expressed. themselves as. being greatly Interested in what they saw and went away with a different idea of this section and its possibilities. They, saw fine crops of cotton and corn growing where a few Weeks ago crop of potatoes had flourished. They also saw soy beans and tweet potatoes in abundance and met carta bringing in watermelons and canta loupes to town. The visitors1 were from all parta of the State and those from the West were especially inter ested In thia eonntrv which la ao )if. x ferent from their rolling hula, . . . 1 tw niwi m anaoia to get a hot oi those who were In the party of vis itors but a few of those noted were. Josephu Daniels,, of i the Raleigh Newt and Observer; Mr. and Mrs. W. C Hammer, of the Asheboro Cou rier; Miss Beatrice - Cobb, of . the Morganton News-Herald; Mr.' and Mrs. I B. Weathers, of the Shelby SUr; B, H. DePriest, of the Shelby Highlander, G. Ed testier, of the Concord Observer, Jne. B. SheTrill, let the Concord Times; J. F. Hurley, of the Salisbury Poet; Bion H. But ler, of Southern Pines; E. B. Jeff rest. of the Greensboro News; Clarence Poo,' of the Progressive Farmer; Santford Martin, of Winston-Sale Journal, O. J. Peterson, of the Simp son Democrat; A. C.-Huneyeutt,- of the Albemarle- News-Herald; J. L. Home, Jr of the Rocky Mount TeM erram: Dr. J. Y. Joyner. of '.La Grange; Anrew Joyner, of the In surance Department, Raleigh. :, SCHOOL BOARD IIASI, i777-T7Mf! Minutes Of The Meeting Of The Doard . Of Education ' - -. Held Monday. - WORK START SOON AT. COURTHOUSE Contract And Let - For Around . Squar Paving In Court The Board of Education of Car teret County met Monday with all members present, A committee from Straits ' came before the' Board and asked for-' a truck to bo furnihed to bring , the high'school pupils to Straits from Williston, Smyrna and Marshallburg. No action was taken on the matter. - The following school committee. men were appointed: . .' 1 District NWIO Mr. James E. WilliT to take the place of Mr. H. S. Finer, ; Mr. J. M. . Wade was i; reap pointed. ;- i ;:i ' District No; 13 Mr. C. T. Jarvis was reappolned. -i ''Ca ' Beaufort Graded School Mr. U. E. Swann, for a term of C years; Mrs. 1L C. Jones, for a term, of 3 years; Mr. M. L. Davis, for a term of 9 years; Met. .Will Potter for a. term of 4 years;. Mr, C. C. Guthrie, for a term of 2 years; Mr. J., H. Brickhouse, for a term of. S years, and Mrs. P. B. Loftin for a term of 6 pears, .v'ir''" '. ;-.".y--;,-'-; Mr. J, J. Blair came before . the BoaH for the purpose of discussing with tie Bosrd and the Chau maa of the trr 1 :s of Newport School plans for the Newport School -building." A committee -of citiiens from Bogus came before the Board asking for an additional school to be located aT the Brotherabod JLdg Build.r It was agreeei ana pa&setf .-ty i: e board to allow them two teachers j t the Lodge Building for tho.cominj year as a temporary measure to tike care of the district Intil a new house NEW WELFARE OFFICER ' CHOSEN HERE MONDAY At a joint meeting Monday of the At the' regular monthly meeting of the Board of ounty Commission ers which took place hero last Mon day the bids - for --concrete : work around the courthouse were -opened and contract let to Hancock' V Davis. A number of matters of considerable importance' came before the board and are mentioned in the official re port which follows: r - ------ V -.; . s -. AUgUSt i, IVil. The - Honorable Board of County Commissioners met this" the 1st day of August, 1921, at their regular meeting place in the town of Beau fort,' Carteret ounty, North Carolina, with all. members' present, to-wit: C R.' Wheatly, Chairman; George G Taylor, J. L. Edwards, Henry 0 Pi- ner, B. Frank Small ; - ; The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. It' was ordered by the Board that a .Voucher be drawii to refund J. W. Gvihrie the taxes he paid on a mort gse of $706. Said mortgage be did not own. ;;sci y' K. v. : Mr. Joe Carraway came before the Coard and asked that work be done oa the roads in Merrimoa Township. Ho ftated that the roads were almost impassable at present and would be entirely iinfcaasable before winter unless they were improved. . It was ordered by the Board that th County Er.gineer inspect the T?ds in Uerrimon Township and re port to the Board at the next regu lar meeting. It was also ordered by the Board that the County Engineer could be built to case th White OtJt Uu for bids for the - necessary lm- Townshlp votes for consolidation at revementa oa the roads. in Herri- aa election to be held in. that town ship, soon, in ease the election fails then the matter will bo open for fur ther consideration and adjustment. - It waa-saoVraflA, carried that no High- School Instruction be attempt ed In any schools of the county with less than four teachers. RECITTER FOR SCHOOL ELEC TION . U1"'"" 7. ,:" Education and county corn armament la , immesurably stronger man may nuicr nauwn. i-v. !T. I . ! t!.. tomey - of Eeaufort was chosen the United f". kI;; tioa wrL ot md itlf.t oiipo-dtleni "'"n;ktomt. First, motion to post very .foreign chancellory. ,Her la,, a , vilation to discus. '-"iSu of 5 o 2. Meun, Wade. and T.y utierly devoid df aolfishaM er fear. , . . ii inereioro camea vdvsiui aye and W. I. Willis of the - same board and Commissioners Wheatly, Edwards,' Small and Piner voting no. A motion to abolbh the ofTice was . J M it- . V - 11.. intzi maoa ana m oitmiren Under the InviUtion the confer ence will also endeavor to reach a common understanding with resect to Jar Eastern policies, .which at Pres-; I. ( a..k J - L.ma am -arsiv ? Ueni Jtaram. ..... 0f eJucaUon -voted solidly for r ... , - -- - ,,t whn- fouf comB1ill.ioner, Y0U1 lS!aiM)n oi aTm...,p - , proposiUon. AftC this cant that the invitation was preceded , "J .,4 ,a ord ty a xtw aa7. Bj 1 . th. ef Rev. a 11 OuUa and Mr.' Mason were put in nomina- ab tha Moin door ' la the . Orient, which served notice on the world there would be no raore com promising or surrendering of Ameri can rights In foreign field. . . . n ! letter cl.arl, IndlcaU tfce t, ,0nnrm.Uo Ufore he -tales win BO. n -y ,v- .m, .nrf at . this Can IUUIIIV -'W wa-i-fcw w"- - writing this step has aot bee taken. tlon. - When the ballot was taken Mason got four votes and. Outlaw Ihret, the board of education voting u. for Outlaw and the commissioners 1 rwuciik 1 (fat Mason. Mr ..r,l.ns American right abroad,; that it intends U se they are re torted, but that it would prefer to aiu'.n th'ia through amicslle arr , .t with all powsrs and U that end c".s a conference. This maiks a t!com return U the old dsys vt ri.d-l!ofeJd, fu'.l sutured Amrksn moa Township. : It was ordered by the Board that 1 10.00 be paid to the 'Children's Home Society of North Carolina. 1 P" It was ordered b the Board tthat Cicero Julford (colored), Beaufort, N. C be paid 5.00 per month from the Poor. Fund. -: . Reports of the returns of the elec tion beld July 19, 1921, in . Sucy public school district wa'"Wpened, esnvassed and the result found td.be as follows: TqUl number Voters re;iitered 121: total number, voting tUl number voting against Bond Issue t. The election was declared duly carried as voted upon. Report of the rettfrns of the e!ec- Coopcrage Co., and asked that cer- Uin reductions be made in property valuations. Upon investigation the Board ruled that the valuation re main as they are.: But that error as ot listing 120 acres purchased from W. H. Bell be corrected, and the Au d'tc; was instructed to correct the er ror. Mr. lu W. Hassell who. had been appointed by Judge J. Lloyd Horton, to fill the unexpired term of the Clerk of the uperior Court of Carteret Couuty," North Carolina; , appeared before the Board presented his bond of 5,000 and took the oath of office. Mr. D. B. Garner came before the Board and asked for instructions with reference to settling a dispute now existing between him and D. Sharp oyr a certain road. , It was ordered by the board that D. B. Garner and D. Sharp get to gether and settle the dispute now ex isting betwen thm. 7 , v It was ordred by .the Board that uoouson ana waiaer ana oiner own' ers of Carteret Lod. be notified to repair the property across the Mill Dam and . aso repair 4 the ; bridge across the same. . "Unless this is done the County Commissioners will pro ceed to 'do it and charge them with tame."' -?- -' It was ordered by the Board that the efice of the Veterinarian in this County and All Time Health Oflcer bo abolishcdeo fsd-ected-rho6;hthAs be discontinued with August the 31, : It was ordered by the Board that all road forces be dropped except road force Beaufort Division which shall keep up the road from Beau fort-tar Davis Shore. - Newport road force shall keep up the roads in the Wetera part.o fthe county. - It was ordered by the Board that all men on the road force work sixty (60) hours per week. It was ordered by the Board that a typewriter be bought for the Clerk's office. . , ' - It was ordered by the Board, that the Auditors report be filed in Regis- ter of-Deeds office.-" " ' A petition -was presented by eiti s&a of ealevel requesting that road be built from Southwest corner of W. C. Mann't fence to J. I. Taylors gate.- This matter -deferred until next meeting and petition ordered CAPELG0X0UTTO RSAGIiEATFfl'l'f Plant" Under Way To Make He tort and Port Cf Tamous : Cape A new registration was ordered for the school election to be held in Besufort township on August the'for Bond Issue 118; 22nd and all who desle to vote on the proposed $75,009 bond issue will have to get theljf.narjnes recorded bo- fore they are permitted to voU." The Idea is to issue bonds for he purpose tion held July 19, 1921, in Newport of building a house in Beaufort and! ConsolidaUd School District was consoliatlng all the schools tn the 'opened, canvassed and the result township. The regintrar in Beaufort 'faund to be as follows: . Total no ni ls L. A. WhiUharst and ho is to be Der 0f voters registered SS7; toUl found at the Beaufort Shoe ShopiBOmbr voting for . "Bond Issue every day except Saturdays when he is?: toUl number voting against filed. ' DEATH OF MRS, 1. . ' . .... SEELY Mr. F. R. Seely received the sad It seems probable that the long de- . f erred development of Cape Lookout ' is now about to take on new life and . that it may yet realize the hopes fit ' those who have desired to see a sea-' port and resort city established there. I A concern called the Cape Look-; out Development Company, in which ' C. K. nowe, Of Eeaufort, is the mov- . ing spirit,' has recently secured -.a charter from the ecretary of SUte , and b now engaged - in advertiBirig J and telling property . at ' the cape.' Quite a number of loU have been ) sold and . before next Summer it Is i expected that a good many . bousbs will be erected there. Besides sev-1 era! cottages, indications point to the -erection of a club house and possibly a . large hotel, , . Last Friday the development com- pany secured a f.ihing boat and tcbk , some, fifty or more of the newspa, -r folks who were .holing their conv tlon at the Bedsworth Hotel, dowa it ; Cape Lookout and . gave . them , a ; chance . to tee the magnificent bar' r there. Some of them had been th re ,' before but othrs had pot and were , highly pleased with their trip. It was the opinion of many who went on tv.e ' trip that Cape Lookout It North Carolina's best chance to build up a seaport of the first grade, Acce i- ' bllity to the ocean, depth of war ; and security make it perhapt ' t'ie most .available site for a port al 1 '.' the Carolina coast. ; ' ' , - Cifford rinchot, of rennsylvar'a, ' and Dr. J. Russell Coles, of Danvl le, 1 Virginia, are two distinguished men.' who have tpent tome time recei j at the cape. These two men, v o were friends of the late Fm! ' t Roosevelt, have expressed ther- ' . s : as being greatly impressed wlJi tbe possibilities at Cape Lookout both as a place of retort for recreation and as a commercial port. Dr. Coles haa been going there for years on fishing 1 trips and is thoroughly familiar with the conditions there. . A great vari ety of fish are caught in the waters around the cape and it is regarded as ; one of the best spoU- for angling, along the Atlantic coast. Those who are developing the Cape Lookout property hope that at Intelligence here Monday . of .t";no latent date a railroad or some death of his mother Mrs. Horace aort will be operating between Beau eely at Asbury, Missouri. Mrs.'fort and there. l the Norfolk and Seely had been in rather feeble Southern road does not see fit to hesHh: for some, time, but the-end build a line there, the promoters of the enterprise hope to be able to organlxe a company and build a trol ley line like the one from Wilming ton ' to WriehUvllle Beach. The We Uke this method of thhanklng . gut highway to Beaufort will prob es nie suddenly and was unexpected. CARD OF THANKS 1 our friends In the town and county.. bly be CnUhecTln a year or so and ill K- .t ih. rounhn,,... Tha UliL. ' a !..... ss Ti,- .WUon was for .their many ' kindly auenuons, , wSen thli ta dont MI an eiecinc or . . , - r nvnu bmw , -- - , j dose on . Saturday the 13th. Other ;aclared duly carri registrars are Wire Grass, J. W. . Report of the returns Une; Long rine, A. Z. Casey. Theitio,, n(ld J0ly 2th, . 1 s s t a 1 t i . . . - . b v . 1 election wiu oe neia ai mo-regular Public Kchooi uuuicx wai polling places in the. three precincta. (opened, can vaaaed and the result Total nana , lit eicn .. . , , - ed as voted vpon'J courtesies and floral tributes during !itMm 4 omit to Caj turns of the elec-1,the illne'sa, death and burUl of ourjj, eountry will become th, 1921, in Sea-huband and Father. . ' for 'sportsmen from all 0 Isr about ZZ5 aave registered Besufort. . ' In EEAUFORT BALL CLUB CHAUXNCSE MOREEAD CITY AfUr rvpaUd effarte to secure rtum rsmes with our neighbor NEW TRUSTEES CHOSEN At a meeting ot the County Board of Education held in Morehead City Tuesday the following named persons were chosen aa trustees of the Beau fort Graded Schools: Mrs. II. C Guthrie. Mrs. P. V. Loftin. Meant C. C. Guthrie, M. Leslie Davis, and II found- Iscroiw the water, we the undersigned . ' . I' V... .w. si.. Uerely Usue an epen challenge Xor Arrrrvraa rir. B - i - ... . . -,..-J ta r.va rI' i v - r Ugrtha4 City and Beaufort, as mm may be atrt4 te, ea accept, anra ty U. WorV.d City Club, ef llts chalUrta. Ve trort that this UHengo wwl tMtve the yrrri at Urtlos af the t.'ureLad City Ao f'aCon, 1 tUt Uy will Pae fa Tr! l ' ' t tr,r. i t. r.n. t '.TIG AfOClAN found to be as follows: ber of voters registered ITT; total number voting for "Special Mainten ance Tax" 14; total number voting against "Special Maintenance Tax" It. The election was declared duly carried aa voted upon. Elds for the Improvement of the Courthouse Square sulbmltted to the Board by the folio Ing named' Pr aona were epnd and read to the n.l! Hancock A Davis. Clarence U. E. Bwann, At this writlr.g there U one va-liajp.,, Charles White, EafU Co, X. Howe, N. F. tore, .lUjJtoaa m Paris being the tldJerv' the them. t ilsjed Ue tltraUn. yauenre 1 f. t'nk tLaracUrtse tie m . . 1 ,1,-i.r.f UH Strerjth la ed U equity and jottice. ACTION tFOE ILTlTrZ. A elvil arton ee-Utlad CiVin vr .... tk Itut IjVe was tried Nr Monday, tefore M. C Il!'nd cancy oa tha board yet to DC Ciiea. The former members of the Ward were Mrs. U. E. Sann, Mrs. W.y,;,, i awarded te B. Potter, W. B. Chadekk, J. II. Tot ter, tr, Thoe. Duncan, A. F. Doana, C R. Whaatly, Eamul YofSe. Of thhete Mrs. PotUr and Meeara. Yef- snd Doane are on the new board. Cape Lookout e the Mecca over No'rth Mrs. IL J. Eespess and Children. Carolina. - . , , - . . . ' There are many persons who be- . ; . " . 'lieve that important as the posibill- CONV1CTED OP ASSAULTING jtiet of converting Cape Lookout tn IfE to a big Summer resort that lu eom- . . , mcrrlal poasihili'ies are eve.t greser. ' Tom Lawrence e whlte'man who (The nsterally fine harbor there has Uvea In Beaufort and apparently been greatly Improved by the break .bout IS yesre of age was tried' oniw.t.r which the Federal Covemm.ot Monday before Mayor Bushall on started there some years ago snd on the charge of eing Indecent and pro-! v.hkh more than a R.wa . dollars i-JL.... .Pi af auaoltlnr his has beaa spent already. heo the Hlwlfe. ' Mrs. Uwrence swore that bo'railroad U finished the harbor can be c'choke4 her because she did not buy wed for a coaling sutlon. A foal Claire 85 c.nU worth of snulf. Uw. ell suUon ma, also be ..UhJUh.d rence denied the ault but said ao there and t Is poasiwe tnet a cowon thouxht aho outht te have bought the port busln-e may be b.Ut up thr. tfcou,Mane o t iha'aome d.r. It will of course lake .. frrca. J.ha Ci-! t In tf-e artwa s Swir-g the l!ut Ute for tl,2C0. Wrt. 1U-7 ttn.W.m litttis f!J a roter eli sir.t 1; ,;;,iu fit ll.M. Atlorrere Wpv ! rn, Jr.. and J. t. Durc.n rpf4 ,r tha .Ut Sr J G. W. I'unraai for Ut. '. ' i'-i. Tl-e refre rtri ! 3 ' re ei.' ' Jul 1.1 ftfffij H I 6U 4 it. Th; A LIT ItAF tIACt LICtf2tS T r tr Cif d(l Itorris i f- t j fi .'.s te wed, rcerl'y, t- the f g ect . C. Vv", VI. ir-T, lynn, L'm., ar.d vry . t..! ; r:ut:r. 1!.. J. r "s sod t.v If. r- t. f Cr a. rtAurcaT WOH TWO A MrUs Of threo haaebal gamae hr lt week Wgtnnlnf a lh-rc!y l!r the local elub tnd a lsm ftom Nrw Bern. The S'w Ltra out't -n the first game iih a cere ef S t tatUriee Nra rrn, Jntt and J-tUrthwaite. Tte ' valoatioa. tide Ut building approachea te OyUr Creek -and -Maria t-rees br;s and bUs for aa wall at Wl- ltoton. were reircted. County A oa- rur was butrvtUd te aak for tw Vbii. t The IWl ,J ra to meet at I, -CO eclxa. Tie IWard reconvened at fO a'cWnk with :i aoembars present Ut. Thomaa . Martin appard be fore Ue Poard and asked Uat hla laad be vlud according te iU raal Ta natter was 1J snun. pr " - . . . . . ..n- vldenee agaln.t La .rente and naee lime to cev.p v-p a.u.. ..... l( ,A ,o.ta In oae caao and but the men who are Interested In the :0 and tU In the other, same te.prcjt tr-eaa busineae an, ..t a. tha atrveU OI r- wr. L..rnco la a drUcate some cg reuiw vo aew i.r . " O) ntit r aa wi n ky Caufor jer" 1 nv.i rt . air. e. -trore 4 te t, battrla tufprt I-tl-iEd.arJs and B- Irsrk fmall were WW mA r... t r.rm rr.r4.arwlRtd a eemn.ittee te Uretgate rrvbea and f attar U-.vra't. f-aUr be wr te Ut the to have their arv 1 omaa and U the asoUar ef Irt to or three months old. a a 1 f. 1 . ee a litUe wny ey ui In km work for tve OrUe Enlttlng M.::s. '. v ' bpe and actlviUe. CRANO LOOC: At a rotaat Lodge af the Oat ; : rriNS t cf the Crand tie Frothrihood DtatCTORS MEETING A short averting cf the d:retton cf , the Chamhtr af C'; 'rtrxA '.I In the 4'-i re b"t r . ' t. A mattr c-f gnil 1 '. tS.wawad ii t- t f i V it 1 n days ss a a!kovr for r- fwtt the cere blrg tO te . Ut tf r.e Famrtll and Co.tr f, f.'ew lm Jf r.t'l,- trte, AlUn; fat t.iU.a.i a4 ft a. fU,hald at runce, I Taufort Count jr. 0n VWw n4;Neal P. rvis, af Mereh.ad City was '7 I"'1 ta Una tl 1 roniM B. nariin eUrt i:h f.f.rvrvce oo U e rl ,!fUd rtUrl ar.d A. L. Vi.(u' 1 nation snd irrt te U e I '4 at ,cf ,wpt,rt M tWted rWrreUry. 4 le r tit it!ar r.t!rf. ! Carteret ccur.ty with a member.! r '' '9 rf'- L-r'aa came tT. re t: e tf -ta y (U Uener d1rWl cf t' 't n attar C "J I'r. J. F. fvsrd U tta!f af tSe 1 mi'' , ,;,r t I ''1 t t uiug ttt tlthjr. rrt.. I f. r t

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