.. .1 - 4 M THE HOME PAPER - ' READING TO .THE MIND 13 WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY ) ' ( EVERY TIIUIISDAy") VOLUME X. . k . DEAUFOIUY KOIlTIICAIlCLIIiA, TJIURSDAY. AUGUST n 121 : i UVl.lZZZzZ II j TARIFF is v-l;: , SMUT II Predicted Southern Dcsaocr cy Will Split Oyer TarUJ -, - " . Schedules - WASHINGTON, ; August An analysis of the votes ot the House upon ths Fordney Tariff bill Justin A the belief of political observers that the "Solid South" iOon "the rg el dlslntergTstlea. In fact, the record shows the process of dls gelatioa has already started. " On the (est' vote for protective tariff, II of whom are from, tbe . "solid " South." The . record tote shows these Democrats to- have been AewalL.La.; Blaaton, Texas? Bu chanan. Texas; Dupr. 1.; Favrot, La.; Garner, Texas; Hayden. Ariso , ma; Humphreys. Hies.: Lankford, !,; Larsen, Ga.: Laxaro. La.; Lea, Caltti Lee. Ga.; Martin, : La.; Over street. Ga.: Park. Ca.; Parrka, .Texas; Eaker, Calif.; Sanderlln, la.; Smlthwfck. Florida; Wilson, La.; Cf these SI It will be .seen that ' Louisiana eoatrlbuted aeve votes, Inertia, tve; Texas, four; -Mlasleslp-' at and Tlortda, ene each, la other wards, the solid Democratic Louisl- . ana delefatloa. with the exception t ene. voted - for this protective scaedale. Oae-loarth of the mem Hers from Texas voted for it - and tve eat of the Georgia delegation of . twelve.' On U test vote for protecUva du ty a bides, II Democrats were re- corded In favor ef s protecUve tariff, - ae fellows: AswslL, La.; Dell. Ca.: ; Klaatoa, Texas; Buchanan, . Texas; Deal, VS.; Dupre, La.; Favrot, La.; Carser, Texas; Ray den. Aria.; II a .strays. Miss.: Jones. -Texas; tank ford. Ga.; Laxaro, La.; Lea. C Maaeseld.' Texas; Martin, Lr Moor. Vs.; Padgett, Ten.; Tark, ' CLi ParrkhT Texas; Raker, Calif. Caadlla, La.; tmltawlck.-Fla.; WU- 1 son. La. T Louisiana 'again 'came 'within owe of casting her solid vote tor this protecUve schedule. . Texas Increased Its Democratic support to ." six which, added to the Republican rote ' Ot Congressman wurabach mads seven Texas votes out ot the total IT. Geortla cast one-third ot Us total vote tor the schedule. Mla- BUNDAV CLOSING NOWaIN ' FORCE ' As-. a result of the appearance oft committee of ladies beiore toe board of commissioners here at their last meeting Beaufort bad a modi fed' blue law Sunday .in the one Just passed. The ladies .who were-Mrs. Thos. Duncan, Tlrs." 0. ?W. Lay and Mrs. M. L. - Davis, asked the board to enforce an ordinance which bas been on the boards here for s long time as. to' closing ."but which bas not been- observed., to any apprec iable extent. No new ordinance was passed but Chief of Police Longest was Instructed to carry out the or dinance as It now stands and this was done., The hours at. which to bacco, drinks' and so on may be sold sre from I to 10 to the morning s4 I to 4 in the Afternoon. FIBII illiSTRY IS LEW CIOL D Several Factories Have " Re- sumed Operations After Long Period Dull Times BELLS CZZX. JIXGIXS Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Caraway spent Sunday at Mr, J. IT. Norrls. Miss Llthlaa orris spent a few hours with Miss Dollie Morton last Saturday afternoon. Misses Tbelma Wade. Lillian Pi- ver and Myitis Fiver were vtb gaesu of Ruby Lane Sunday after noon, i. - Messrs. Ora Davis, and Corbett Norris made a ulck trip to New Deri Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cam pen were a -visitor at the home of Mr. sad Mrs. Charlie Paks Sunday. Messrs. Ora Davis, B. 1L Russell sad Rev. David Tyndal spent a white Sunday" with tdr. Dora Merrsll who has bsea very sick f o the week. -; ' Misses Versa Morton aad. Laara Dinklns speat the week-ead at New Bera. - ' Miss Ytrglnto D. Lewis spent Sun day with Rolle Last Miss Matt is Las Taylor . went T to Beaatort Saturday "shorplagT Quite a crowd atln d the e.ar terty eoafereace at te M..bV Church last Thurday. , ; Rev. Joe Caraway tiled hie regu lar appointment Sunday at Tuttle'i Grove M. E. Church. RHIPMKNT GEORGIA rBACnB8 . GlUt A TEST OM BECORD V Atlaata, Ca., August I. Ship ments ot peaches aad watermelons TO HEliVE iTEACHtnS ENTERTAINED ' . BY COMMUNITY CLIB THE EM RIVER (Communlcated.) ',; The Summer School now ' in ses sion in Beaufort was entertained by the Beaufort Community Club Dredging Starts Soon On New ,t Thursday afternoon in the V R?ut.erWul -n,ta" . VW " rooms of the Old Topsail. Club. - - uaa aeiier arawunage from Georaia for the It XI season sisslppL Florida and. Tennessee eachjj,,,, Mrpa all-previous records coatrlbuted one, and VTrglnU eos- Accorfliar BfurB complied by trtbuted two Democratic votes. Thls.lfc gouthera Rallw.r Br.tem from ntakee a total . of II Democrats frpna the "solid South" who tup parted the hide schedule. - Congrewmaa Wurtbach (Rep.) representing the Saa Antonio, Tex as district. Is coavinoed that the efflctat sources, 10,1(1 . cars ' of peaches had been shipped, from Georgia up to July It, and the crop Is eipctd to rue ' above ll.ltl eira. In 1 1 tO. Georgia shlppad I lit cars of peachea With a great Republican party wUl. la the aar;,8rt of tBt wrmt0u ,Un t0 u. future, ehalleage Democratic eou-j,h,pp(L corgi, has already pmaMd trol U a very Urge part of the1,,., tot,t tar ,,, r lo ..i- ... South. -It msy seem as exserat-!GwrfU ,hippe4 j,np ears ot a staiemrai. says uongra-smaa ,triatjop, id ,hlpmeaU slrce Wursbach, "but I believe It expreee-j lhel fctt nm abo, l0 r as the exact truth that per eeBt4,r Tle wu,u ,bow tntt iUn of Texas peopls firmly believe la s ' M grouad for spprehensleas protective urm. ia ise iat iewtTpftlw4 Mr,7 ta u mM that After a period of .stagnation which .has lasted since about the Urd of last December, the menha den fishing industry, which is one of the chief businesses of the coun ty, is about to start' up once more. Way Brothers sUrted their factory located on Core Sound "oil day last week, a !d the Wallace Fisheries with their factory. located at Smyr na.', On Monday f- CapUin f; Bonner Willis went Out to the Convoy tor the Taylor's Creek Oil and Scrap Company and had pretty .fair suc cess. -The tuning ny mess concerns is being done mainly, In the sounds and rivers. ; At this time of , year the fish In the inside ' 'waters r are fatter and more productive of oil thaa thai those la th oceaa and are betas: sought tor that reason. La ter on the ocean fishing. will begin. The Beaufort Fish Scrap and Oil Company which Is one ot the largest concerns in the county engaged to tbs oil aad scrop business will start operations about the ' first of Sep tember. For some months this company has had Its hosts at anch orage loathe Trent river near New Bern.. The vessels were token there to escape the ravages of ' the - salt water worms that are very destruc tive to wooden boats. .The vessels and their gear have all been .over hauled and gotten to shape for the Fall fishing. . la a, few weeks Cow their keels will be ' plowing the wavee n suest of thelr prey, i the ally tat backs;: "' V The bottom dropped out of the fish ca bustuees last Winter, the de mand and the pries going down to where tt could not- be- pro: ced profitably. Otl that had oU-s high as I.2f a galWrweat down to around It centa, aad to fact tt Is still at that figure. While the good times were' on "the factories, made money bead over flat - aad paid the Crews and workmea good wages, thru the collapse came and. nobody j&tde aay thing. Th manufactur ers are' hoping that prices will ad vance to s few month and those wh1o are starting up will accumulate a SIOCI wiib ins nop m pn will go sp to whwrs they can maks a small profit at least As a re sult of the dadslon of soms of the manufacturers to begin operatloM a more cheerful spirit to beginning to manifest lul( in this vicinity.. , We were glad to welcome over , A new channel 260 feet wi4e and L , ia h. with . thm rll? Sn,m "Jfiuwrlntendent. Mr. M. L. Wright, i w r l con8iruCtd to New nd, Mrs. Wright, To our regret port river. The hew waterway x,r pn.rtn leaves the . old channel at a point "0"" " " V " . ; , . ' ,Tne . rooms were decorated by the no tar from the factory ri tti H pnterU,nmBt committee with beau port Fisheries and goes south tc- the ufu, nowere. rrult punch wa. Norfolk and Southern railroad track - 4 . - S i- 5? I mP a UUt or -ub-tantlal refreshments, ent Morehead Ci y drawbridge. A .Th, Board of Dlrector, Mted M TZ S!ZW 9 an informal receiving party and all tailed and the old wooden on now ... . , . . . ln use will be abolished. i j:; y . , Ths new channel will be cut I.L r. B thm nt ... 200 feet through s shoal sad thence . ... ..,w . t . . ' i . . . wiuiuisuiii en at as jui a j, MJimtvm it connects with A natural channel I . . . .v. JT 7 T T 8amm, School, told in an insplr- f 'V4 efP'J A .! ln V work dons by tie routeors direct thah it Is at tn Wak Count Betterment presem aaa win avoia ..in.. tn . ,.tia . th-t ... . truly , remarkable I record. Mrs. Blalock was formerly Home Demon- NORTH RXVER IUTXES currllnta. Which how often hinder boats from ' passing through the I orfeheaddraw. Th old , rout wlU itrfttloa AfWt ror Wak- r w. r . TT. . " It was a delightful occasion and a u win teas a gooa wnu w con- u ..,i sjract the hew drawbridge It f M rnnma . ... fcft.M.hU ft!2l uncersiooe tnai b riuirow cvuiy-1 Tr,-MtI v " , - ; . mABbun M T ,.Th srtdg Curritack to about . . v&a through with th work ot deepening of M ,B tb chanae! now ta , sn sad will stop o4 emw of wort tor severs! weeks to order to R ngnt aUen4wM have som aecessary repairs mad mBbers wss comparatively to her machinery. After th re- ... , pairs- are man tao wmww wiu start' cutting oat the channel re ferred' to abov. Vil MM ""! 1. mA WJal nnl . . .. -.. .... .ill I - " -r wwra in in nearer "'"....j.. . .'m a m. t , . .a I sajnstsaj sja ayvi 'wi a as airit Le take to Hyde bounty where she I k..b. m a ah that win tost tour or Mr. Chaa. Maaoa and daughter Is Ttu work la that of spending this week la Morehead euttmg js'canal 40 feet wide aad 11 City. fft 40 Sine long. ZI miw oi wnicn Mra Eugene Dudley, of Unos- dkiaacvto jthrouih ntore-sr ' villeT'sid unU sjut TS,JM olid grouno. This canal to "own Urm tha Allicator-Psngo . cut TDS . " " ' ' . . . . .. I waoa. him drada .Tabor - wnicn pmw t- vear la at work Mr. Charles Mason spent a few to Croatan sound deepening the hours-to Morehead City Saturday . . . .til ; -'. hannel there. - The ohject or n Mr. WUlle Edwards Is viaitlng to this dredging le t construct, -ws- u,fW Btn thl- wek . 4m.mM ruaMfort inlet saa rVr::.'.. .ha.l Mra Ales Wad spent Saturday to afford a safs to.lds rout, to tss- U.l Besutort, seto that wish to use it. J Mime Lillian and Myrtle Ptver, and Thclma Wad speat a few hour JCLY WEATHER REPORT . Creek Snudsy the guest of Mlas Ruby Lane . A . - ABA MAv4 fAP i The omciai wsaio r.v unium E1IU l.rt Mosdar Jes BAY VIEW NOTES Oil 1110 Tnistees Decide That Ti. I. "gtPropUi ou. reVcV1 V.. On Conds For C:i:3 The board of trustees-'of 'the Beaufort Graded School at "meet. S held last Friday electeArr c W- E. Plttman. 0f Rakish a. eZ ' jertodentorthe... "- J a graduate of the University. U bout tLlrtr " . sge and is marrlii i.... children. II. haa tanrM ."r-!r . o m b m . ww iia nungton. ijattleboro and elsewhere ' and comes wen . . " , vviuuicuneu.' uo expected to arrive "d tak 4ip th work of. ttta; will be i about the middto of Septem ber. . At this writing two more teachers, on. a whols time and the ther a part tlm teacher are to be ' selected. .. ' . . Th. board went into discussion, st its meeting Friday, of th mat. tcr of holding an election on a' bond , lesu for a new school building aad wMia sss th board of county commissioners to rescind IU sctloa sad call of the election which warf to tak plac on th 12nd. The reeolutloa of the trustee, follows: "Whereas the County Commia. sioners of Carteret County, North Carolina, did, at th. request of the . Board of Trsstees of th. Beaufort Graded School and that Count Board of Education, call .ad order a special election to be held Au- gust 12. IIJI, to Beaufort Graded V School District for the purpose of voting on a bond istu. of not more thaa 171,000 proceeds of which. 'to b used la erecting a fcich school building la the Tows of Beaufort. sd- -V -.: - - ; 'Whereas, It. now c:;etrs to th Board of Trustees cf th Beaufort -OtMd. .Schoc'v.jtst, aeco'irt cf the gvneral 'Cyikloa la tu...1L(,j" " and th chaotic condition of th bond market, that this is not an op portune time to hold such election. Therefore be it resolved that this Board of Trustees, to rtg ular meet ing assembled this 6th day of Au gust. 1121, do petition the Board pf Education to request the Board of County Commiflsloners to , reclnd . their order for the election aforesaid and that all actions sppertalning thereto be deftrrej until the busi ness conditions and the money mar ket will warrant'further action." Jsly kept by Obrver Charles Hat- seu saows n. " ' ..was called to the he4slde of her son slur record tor x y fa 4..ra M th 21th. Th IOW. - st decreee. waa Mra. Jesa Wsd aad daughter Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Orakam aad' .,. ...w ,nd 17th, The figures , prat tost week-end la Beaufort. ysars the Southern popl ksve be- ross converted to the Rpubllcaa tariff policy. Southra farmer, stockmss and business aea who un dersusd the tariff are today almost t h maa la favor ot Its cardinal doctrine ef Repabltraatam. Jedie Wsrsback says-the Democrat who voted against a protective Urlff os erttea aad kldee are going to ksve a vtry serious time eiplalnlng their the Georgia peachee and mtloaa roald hot move this year. Price recelvtd by growers have beea oaHe satUfactory, Th Atlanta Jos real (llmatse tha retar&s, received' by Gtorgla growers from thw two crop so far st. Us mlllloa dollars. Fsvorahle nilr. ceadUkma, liw piovd trsssportatloa fcIUH, ssd btur methods of taarketlnr are among tee faHors which ksve con vive to thstr consUtssoU. II alltrlhutsd to tUe suews of the Ceor- atuatlo to th fsct that th Ford Sty Tariff bill prolans practically eery prod art la th'ottth ss, for i am (!s, rir. nkes. citrus irana, rattl ea hoof, aad ail varlstfaa ot atvst prodstta aad all veftatls ens (urh at eottoa td ell.'r8t c;l aad sr bo oil. 1!4 a ttw more Dnrrtu la tts lo rw.i'y rr?rtB!4 ll.'!f ''.'wiy r,4 v!4 for tte w:rr tf ti;r t.tr fi tie lit woui4 i t j f tf!'' a tf a tsr t r t 1 e4 IUe. gta prodorra. r rr. o. r. r m i t " v. G. ftfwli!'liaj: -i- . ' , . 1 lr If I'l I ' 1 t : K f l!ili':f C: i-i I XT' ' f 1 . : : " r ' jr lt . tut I I ft l k ! ! t! I I ' -.-. l u r ' i f i J SO I.I.I.T.lit tTf A coll to It eUrtrlc gn;ov St the pwr koiM lurt,t out Moaday attkt aad ss a ra!t tie loan has ae lw-trK 1!S rr furrt-r.t. Tfce t-S ur4r ur.ti ttat it wUl be Mtsral r, r. bt s wms bore tte i.ntl'. will N Is worilng r4r r ii. as ear (j;- wtticg eyt (kit. U rua Yj tlKlrHiy sre c m r : ' -1 lo ! yrt f lte rf fr 'i. or tie Nws dae la J ? ft this wk. tr. P. v,'. I ' . . i Tudj afttmeos 1 r 1 " ' t gl tie wars , I'r. J. It. Dawaon. tu.4!y I r n tie aaa at cr, rf I I fit l ! rta m. I ? f't l' t l t t riuk i i t 1 krk . ry p '.' y tta l'ort lM taf S family speat Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Allen . Graham. -Mlas Clsdys 8mltk wss tbs guest et Mlsaee Laura sad Mary HaskeU Bundiy. . Mrs-'Cladys Small aad Miss Mat tie Conaer were th gacst ot thslr slater Mrs. C. W. Sueet Sunday sf- teraoon. Mks Lata Crahsm was th gseet of MUe Raby La a 4 Allan Saaday. Mlas JslU and Albert Weeks were tbs guest of Mlas Lets Graham Sunday night Mr. aad Mrs. W. A. Weeks wtr th g nest of Mr. and Mrs. . J. T Graham Sunday sight Mr; Waltar WlllUms sad .Mms Emms llaakett wtr lb gut of Mra. C. M. Garnar Saaday Mr. sad Mr. Alel Graham wer the tnaat of Mf. sad Mra i. T. C;ri.m Saaday Bltht 1 Mr. Pbilpolt of Arapaho la vto iiina ir daachtae Mrs. C W. Gr- ksm. i Mr. Ir Cslpappaf was th gt 'ef Mlaa Atu Joaaa Saaday. i Mr. Arby Wmkarry speat Saaday with Mr. aad Mra. W. L Fodrtc I Mr. aad Ura. F. Celpap .a li saaat f Mr. d Mr-,a 1 ft. C!pirar faaday. ! UtM Mary Crtaaow of Arapaao. Is vuit-g Mr ad Mra B. W. Ora- i I Mr. B. F. Calaaraa. SpaOl f.4.v with km sd Mr. CHkt CW day by day are given h'w; Date Max. 1... 1..... ....... .,..... 11.. It.... - it..... it ...... ii.. " II........ 11 n... ii .... . it. ..;....:..; !!::::!::;::;::::: It , M . ...... : It... ........II II ' II. tT.........,, ii. t ..' u 10 II... i M CT)CU,TT I S ARTKTJI uiaa LsthU Maaen tsturned'to in. i - a' i l . n..-r fl.fn.i. ar, m IJiWT Mini w wmmiw - a ... .1.. 1... V.r. V I Mia Al latins Slmpeoa spent, at TharaAa alaht la Beaufort tbe ' j 4 guest of Mlas Rath KlUtogsworth 71 1 .Mlssas Lacy Bscbm. Lillian Pl- ver ssd Georgia Wade speat Tksr- day la Beasfort. 'I . . A II A I I j Mrs, a.. aaarTaai Beaufort, spent the. past -weekad at with bar motser, mra. , w at li RJtAL UKTATK TRAXHrKIW 44 1. Th followtag real eetol tranaaa- l . 1- . . V. j tloas bsv See recoroeu hi waek: 71 Ilsnry N. Marshall aad wife t C. fl. Maxwell 111 1-1 sere la Dea ' fort towaahip. eoaaldsrallo 7 1 i. L. RW sod wlfs to Bartle WU- Its. part lot 1H Old Tewa. Beauron eoasldaralloa 1,0 Cao. W. Rhodas trana l L. C 1 fArrt.ll II arra 14 h'twport loww- II k1o. aonaldaratloa tll C It T. fCUiaoa W W. A. Pll lots 11. It. II. . . ta t!Kk il4. eal4aratloa II0. ItMhal Taaalay to Elmor T.-'y U4 I to snaare 1. Morvhaad Cy. II 71 t7 lit. Mrs t. VT. fadrte asawttrg aS : .iwi4(f atttl with Mr. W, IL Pew- ir ! Mra l Wlebarry aad trill iciMm srat l4y wnb Mr r AUa GrskaM. . Th- tUw rrei ratio Ut Ttrdf lw MarahaU ki,k kit ajwoeai ot S tU ge ktwei Marahall- Vsrt.ae twy. laar. wars aa rra ty tie artuvs wae SH rtllakd. ' baaaa tKtre SO earn a!aad W it sad ktaa H arrlva sfUf the par had baaa pttatod. tad a eemmaaW Uaaldaratk ll. O fUyrow aad kaabaad to Leraaa Doardy lots 4. I, 11, II, sqwere i. roaaidaratkia IIS. IX HONOR OF BRIDK ELECT. An. lborat card party was glr- n st ths Atlaatle Hotel tost Thurs day morning by Mrs. D. T. Reel In compliment to her niece, Mlae Elo di Webb, of this eltr. Tbe tffalr was th announcement cf her an. pioachlng marrlag thU Fall to Mi. Cecil Aithur. The hour wer from ll;l ti II o'clock and at th condition of the games a salad course was ned. While being served the piaso struck the first strains of Lokea- grto's wedding march aad two lit tle boys. Masters D. G. Ball. Jr.. ssd Jama. Wadawortb, ot New Bern. ela red the ball room bearing kugb beakate ot old faiMoned Bosegsya which they preavntad to Ike gsesta as eoareaira Attach ad 10 these wer mlaalsr photograph of the bride-elect sad Mr. Cecil Ar thur', a farmer Morehead City boy. with a tew vraa tailing of their pllted troth. The wedding will take plac ha ths Fall at Shanghai. Chios, where Mr. Arthur, is stationed for three rears Is the liAerast of the LtfgHt A Marvrs 'To Corapaay. The hrMe will J irry . the OrUnt ear ly ta t. ralL . l!!aa Wtl b n the rmt gaathtar ef Mr. aad Mra. W. U. Watb sad k all kaows r lie ute f r htr tlrm ar.a t-raatr. Mr. Artiar ta tka a s tf Vt Mra. Eut Artkur. ef it :a acd ku;s s rj. r:.:s r with the Urr"t A Mrar i, Cavpany. y. Mra L X. i;raB:' f tit Anale Ctrde Evall t . t 1 t i r Un Aiaa Traltt aad ehUraa wha le ftaw Barn whara . ( ' ; .1 fcav kaa epaadmg evarai dr t,wal to meat her iWn r Merrtmoa WUb raiallva. rlerad ' Waaks, of E;!tf.,' ' : o la hoaui gaadar. SW ll!Ug bar. J S