3 " w w w 4 il: 7 Li VJa THE gOME PAPEK ) ' ' . , ( HEADING TO THE MIND 13 WHAT EXECIS 13 TO TIIS DOPY J , JU XVEIIY TIIUIICDAY "1 VOLUME X. : 'A -iSO: ESAUrCIITe. KcilTXI CAIXLINA, TIIUDAYi r?T. 12, 1C21. - . r- - - - KV"ZZ1 CT. .I i , . i . ..I' i . .'ii' ', i i , i ...I . WOOD'S S3ICTI0U IS SATACiC?xY A ': Goivcraor r Central ef . Om PkClpiaet Wood Will . FiUTheElU . WASHINGTON, Sept 19-The ' announcement that Major ,., General - Leonard Wood weald accept the ap- - pointment of Governor; General of tiie PhiUppmes Islands afforded the - Administration a vast "C amount ' of :itenBtoe';;iatiafacn Everything conspired to male the selection of Major General Wood for thii poai- tion a moat desirable one. Ilia es- aerial talent at an administrator plus hia first-hand knowledge of con . ditions In the islands made, him an ideal man for the place. Moreover as bis' reception in the Philippine Is lands, wherever he went on his on- cial Journey of Investigation, showed General Wood is very popular among the Filipinos and no one could hare been selected whose appointment . ' would have more nearly pleased all - the elements in- the Islands a very , vital factor at the present Juncture. Need el Capable Eactive -" " v Probably no. other .1 appointment 4i administration more " con- - ra than that of the Governor Gen ml of the Philippine. Ia the first ' place, buslneea, banking and commer- ' cial Interests in the toianua were in '' a wont conceivable shape, due to MltriM which have been ' in effect during the last eight years; or more properly speaking, 4ue to any lack of any administrative policy during that time. The actual administration of the islands which include control of - the PhOippint Bank and through it i the financial and business affairs of the islands, wer turned ever to FUi pino politicians of which' there are . , many varieties and factions. The re--' suit was "things went to pot" v " '.The Philippine bank whkh con tained practi5Hy al the funds of the ' Philippine go v'ernemnt,. financed J all ' sort, of . speculative- enterprises .'and ; I3M1lye:.gvij UssrkaV-3 Cacsr . Cf Lira. Lewis a-J Ctly Tro ZzlZz Dtaii. . - A verr tarrow "escape from drown. inx occurred last Friday when Mrs. James Lewi and her baby fell over board in the ocean while coming to Beaufort from Cape "Lookout Mrs. Lewis is the wife of James Lewis who is a member of the Coast Guard crew at Cape Lookout. " . . . i At the time the accident occurred Mr. Lewis was running the engine of the motor boat and Mrs. Lewis with the baby in her arms was sitting In the atern.V.'"'lv -vr;vVf';' v-C'-. Desiring to go forward Was to be with her husband. Mrs. Lewis at tempted to walk around, the narrow walk-way on the side of the vessel. When about half way a wave caused the craft to rock violently and she and the baby plunged into, the ocean. Two or three minutes.", possibly lonrer. elapsed before Mr. Lewis no ted their absence. Finding, present ly that they had disappeared ' he elaneed back and saw . hia wife struggling in the water, still holding her baby. As quickly aa possible he reversed his engine, drove the boat backward at full speed and; when near them ran aft and Just after Mrs. Lewis had come to the surface alter fearinr twice rone down he grasped her by one shoulder and managed to hold on. i, - ' 'V:'- The headway of the boat drew the struggling woman and her child be neath H and both were bruised ana cut bv the propellor but were finally hauled aboard by the almost panic- stricken husband and father. Botn were brought to Beaufort and their injuries were given medical. atten tion. . ; . - .. Ltercatlsaal I.!lLt I! I Ctra Lzr-jxzj Lit -I became hopelealy Jnvolvf dPn-i-J Carollaa C zr cf Cera- i FT1 ? (01 'DAL133 CI S7AT WASHINGTON, Sert. 19. It h a matter of anrpTiseed corftses.t among - those associated . vri'-h C preparations for the forthcomir; lv ternational conference that it shotU be referred toi so frequently as a conference on f disarmament' Cer tainly no statement that has been given ut by any. government oScial with regard to the meeting has used the 'word "disarmament", nf the in vitations extended to the powers to participate contain no such language. Its widespread adoption by tome, ed itors can Only be attributable to a misconception of the purpose of the conference or to gross carelessness in the use of words. . - Caa &cn TliAt u VtmZuLl ty Crcr- t, csv3 "real wtats TRANSFERS.' On July 10th the State Department issued a statement to the effect that "The "President ta 'View of the far reaching Importance of the question of tiariUtiea. f eresaaMato" oad asked the powers if it would be agreeable to them to participate In a conference on the subject - "It is manifest'' continued. the statement, Jiat the question of Ualuti at immu has a close relation t) Pacific and Far Eastern problems," and it was siiccested that those sub jects be also considered at the meet- Favorable replies - to the Informal invitation were received, whereupon Secretary Hughes despatched formal messares to the five powers asking them to attend a meting on Amistice Day. Those messages began aa fol lows: , "The ( President ia "deeply (gratified at the cordial response - to his suggestion that there should be a conference on the subject of ki- ,. .r etc "In pur suance of the proposal .'which .has been made.t concluded the, InvitaUirnJ GoUabpco; flV. Bcott,, ef'Wpsonj ness of all kinds on the islands w prostrate when the Harding aaminia ' tration came into power at Washing ton. .Immediately American bankers were dispatched to Manila to take ' ' charge of affairs and to prevent the Philippine bank . from; . dosing ita ' doors and foreigners from "gobbling up" local Industries, Until -permanent "relief could be afforded by the Con " gress. This has been done, hut .lt will take several years for the busi es interests of the Philippines to get 'v. on their feet - - ; While this waa golr.g on tn , we , ' buslneea and financial world, even worse conditions were being created ia the political, world. Crafty-and ynscrupulua leaders, some of them noliticlans and some of them ) repmenUUves of foreign powers. vho have a eovewu "- viii..inM. We. during the past few years, been aaaldloosly stirring up ' nnrett among we "" " V . - ..Mt of Msentment agalnrt " the United SUtea government ot only hate these agitators bean corn . n the Wanders a r caaipaign at propaganda against the wi.ua RtAua. but they have been ar- i ,n tribes aralnst .each other and end-vorlng to.bring about state of why. Miiih .11. eondiUons ta the Phaio- nM when the Republican Admlnla- tratlon came bate power were worse than at any time since ue unino gtates took thtm ever from. Spain. . v.ut thines arkht requlree aa as- 4 m!n(irtor wha ta at HllfHt.. ' - eace, Uetful, aad irwpalheUe, but " ,1-1- na la whom the nUee caa have the atmott confidence but whe at the same time wUl admlnmer ?Vr wllh a f-"n hn4. It has Wtn j iv.t tLa r.:!tlne k e.!j gn-itJ and U a vtry at ar.i wllllr.g tu.' -r. t Arr.ttkaa govtrn ssoaUt 6if.j'vr.i ana prattleea pre vUtd those Amtrksns who are st evw hla furmkh h'.m tke proper e ample aad a4Ue. With the Far Etn prUews atin M the lap ef the rod and tht fa . tare ef the rhU'rne 1.'- ntl saaUly bvaWed la the t ef .Umm peoUema, it U I . for last U have a very eapalle iuUtt r- taharge ef the hUad at U!s crlU caJ tlae. For all ef tfce rao. the Admtn'.irUoa wsa vvty iirtMt ai aecarlr l Ue srU f Uj t Ceneral V, eod ad H le ; gTatlf t)t he baa eoeweavUd ikdttUii U4 tok The foUowinir are the real estate transfers recently recorded by the Register of Deedst . .. . Mrs. Armesa Robinson to Mrs. An nie F. Mason 2 acres in Hunting Quarter townahip, consideration J50. Bni. F. Willis snd wile to unarne Pake aerea In Smyrna township, consideration $15.. . . ; Van B. Willie and wife to P. D. Murpby 2 acres in Smyyrnn' town ship, eonalderatlon J100. . , ' t . Wm. Fulcber and wife to T. V Murphy 1-2 acre in Smyrna township consideration 115. M. J. Willie and wife to P. D. Mur phy S acre in Smyrna townahip, con sideration $500. . - U L. LewU and wife to P. D. Mur phy S 1-2 acres In Smyrna township. consideration I HO. J. IL Rorere and others to Leon A. Mann lot 0 by 190 In Newport consideration f 350. , - . wlt P. Freeman and wile to v. A. Edrworth lot IS la square t. Morehead Oty, conalderatioa 4.000 Delia WhitUngton to C, t tlngtoo lot 100 by 45, Morehead City, consideration 7S. ".' ' T. M. Thomas. Jr. sherlfT, to J. U R Uarfen. loU t and 10. equere 10, Morehead Oty, consideration 60. T. M. Thomaa, Jr ebertir, U . v B.lma lot 15, square It, Morehead rut Antldcratlon S225. J. M. Willis and wife to Cape Look out Development Co, Interest U tana f Jbo. Roee deceased, consideration t50. . - t - and in the Ueht'.of the gracious in dication "of 1U accepunce, the Pre- ident Invites the government ox to participate in a con- GOLDSEOtO. .:t 18.TU Sacretariea of the various Chambers of Commerce and rfSTesenUtives of Ce..varied interests in E:r.tira Caro lina including Eoadrs of Trade, Mer chants association, '. bankers, ' land owners and manufacturers, held . an enthusiastic meeting in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce today and made tentative" plana for the forma tion of an Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce.' W. C Denmark, sec retary of the local Chamber, called tse meeting to oroer, ana staiea we object - Kenneth Royall. president of the Goldsboro chamber, was made temporary thairman, and took occa sion to accord the visitors a warm welcome. Mr Royall sounded the keynote in bis opening " address tn which he stated that the representa tives present should have free and frank discussion of the matter and if it is shown that we need a central or ganisation to combine our efforts, then let's organise ' an association that will ha a millitant factor In the affairs of our state and nation. W. A. McGirt , manager of the North, Carolina Landowners Associa tion, endorsed the . movement ;. and said such an organization would fill a long felt need and would prove ox neat value to the farmers, mer chants, bankers and manufacturers of the coastal plain region. E. W. Gaither, of the .North Caro lina Extension service, explained f.rminr conditions in the state and appealed to the commercial organiza tions to -organize a unit wnicn wouia iinsure the success of the cooperative market effort now being advanced by 'tha extension service. fiM-Mtariea N. T. Chambllss, of f&ckv Mount:' W. 'C Denmark, of EALCSn. Sett IS. Doll wee- vita and dry weather, army worms. and red spiders; poor fertilisers and labor costs may reduce the .produc tion .of cotton and corn and peanuts and tobacco, and frost may kill every apple in the State, but North Caroli na has a bumper crop of babies this year breaking all records. :' And on the other hand, folks have been too busy to die as much as they used to. Eirth and death statistics for. the first six months of 1821 compiled by the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the State Board of Health, Dr. F. M. Register, director. Indicate an in crease of more than 8,000 births over the same period last year, and deaths have decreased by more than 2,000. The same ratio for the year will give the State a net gain in popula tion of SlSlft. :' ."---t r; During the first six months, there were 44,268 babies born in the State while 15,610 people were dying. During the same period last yeearhe board accepted Mr. Bell's offer ferenca on the subject of lisalUtUa f araamaat in connection witb which Pacific and Far Eastern ques- tinm will also he discussed. - to be helj fa Washington oft the 11th day of November, 1821." .. There is' no hint of "disarmament" in any of the negottatJona that have led up to the conference, but so prev alent has become the use ox ue term that Secretary Ilugaee, in a recent Interview with Washington newipe m eorresDondenta. thought It neces sary to remind them that the meeting waa officially known as a -comer- tnce on the subject of limitation ox armament", and that the use of the tarn "disarmament" conveyed a w.na f.iaa imnrcwdon ef the ob jects whkh the conference would seek to attain, , n EL B-rlow. of New -Bernt . . Price, representing the Southern rail- ...J ..I Mr TTnderwood. OI UO I U.U . MAfniv Southern railroad, made in Keresting remarks and endorsed the mamcnt for the organlzaUon oi an Eastern Carolina Chamber of wm . Tha sneakers referred to the natural advar.tagee of the Coastal pi.u and declared their determine An alst in any movement which would hasten ita development ' Ref erence was made to our ideal climate iMn. rainfall and sod ' condK tlocs which art Unequalled, by any viIah of the world. ttan1ntlona were adopted at ue ..k u-.ian whkh seta t amotion the I creation of a real militant organiza tion which will be known as the cast- am Carolina Chamber ef Commerce snd which wOl Involve an the eom- and e-ricultural interests W this section when- the organisation to completed. B. Y. P. U. TO BE ORGANIZED. . A cord'.aflnvlUUon la extended U the yoanf toU ef the c-munlty U b.t wiUi aa at aloee el eunasy ht rreattlng aervke . at ' S JO a'c lock for Uie urpoe ef argnlpg . Ynnnm I'tPtU'l Unlofl. It k at aeceMery that oa shoald Ve a soUf ef out eerrrtgsUoa U work with ke la UiS rfalaUon. Mr. G. C PriJgn. ef Nrw Eera, wul Ve here le hVo In the argenltaUoa. A Uans frees the First Baptist thurth H, Y, P. U. f few Bern eota pocW f all sUra WUI he here WednawUy a!M SepUmhef the Jf.h at I P. M, U glre a dwntra tloa prefTaia. Tkle tnwlea hoUs Ue rule B. T. T. U. Utr and ym- s a good prtxresn. L-V. It A. DAY, , Paetor. HEARING SET FOR TOMORROW. W.ltaV Rack. Staaly. Dixon and John Sanders of the Newport section were arrested recently on tM rg . t..(n m kw ef wiae'on a pnblk hlghwaj and then- trial war set fer yesterday before Justice ; iv. v.r4 a aerre waa alee te be UA if arktraU Gould yesterday n the cUrge ef retailing and trans porting liquor. Attorney A- waiter Tt -m . ttaaafart went VO rtewpw 4.M . tj. ta veBraecat the delta O- anU and had the eaaee moved here. They are set fer trial for tomorrow before magistrate M. U Meuaae- PIEAC1UNC AT METHOOtST CJlUfClL ., . . t la the afcnce ef the pastof Rev. R. F. t? re wl he services at Ana et t !' ' '' t churth Be- aaJu. ' !.. J. A. Korea. dy, ef I'ittvn. Ary reaa who axay d!re t jia Ue tfcvrta at thai timm wUt he r !! Inta sssshT ship. - -.' MAKX1AC2 Uttnlti At a meeting of tha Doard of ed ucation here Tues'iy the contract for Newport's handsome school build- tns was let and before a great while work on the structure will berin. The successful biJiers were Hancock & Davis, of Beaufort, they having made the lowest among a number of The contractors are required ' to " give a surety bond of $10,000 for faithful performance of their con tract which they will do. ' Accord ing to the terms of the contract they must complete the building in six months from the time they start work For every day over six months if . they fail to finish the work they must pay a forfeiture of f 10. On the other hand they will receive a bonus of $10 a day for completing the work in leas than six mouths. . - Wm. n. Bell of Newport came be fore the board and offered a site of about 8 or 9 acres at $150 an acre. there were 41.052 babies born while 18.070 people were dying. The de creased death rate for the present year is attributed party to the fact that no influenza . epidemic was abroad during the early months of the year aa was the case in 1920. Juno appears to be the month most favored for birthdays by the newly arriving babies this year, with a to tal of 8.106. but last year the new citizens preferred April, andt in that month set up a yet unbroken arrival for births- 8,63 8, February, of last vaar ao far' holds the record for deaths when 4,002 people died during the recurrent epidemic of influenza. Deaths this rear reached their btgn- est peaks for the period in June, with a total of S,SM reported ROD Y OF SOLDIER : BROUGHT BACK HOME The body of Private Lloyd Harris who waa killed In batle In France in tha World War arrived here last Sat urday on tha way to his old home at Marshallburg. Friends met the body here and escorted it to IU last resting nlaee. On Sunday morning funeral services fer the young soldier who died for his country, were conducted by Rev.. Willard Graham. a Urn crowd collected io " v - V M - J J . i t Crr. "i iri 7 1 i ev at a . ea. iPl fL - rrt O and the and will be surveyed and the school building erected there. The plana for the building, which is to be handsome and modern tn ev ery respect were drawn by Frank B. Simpson an architect who lives tn Raleizb. Mr. Simpson will ' visit Newport from time to time and see that the work is carried on according . to contract no is said to have had considerable experience tn making plans for school buildings and hia plan for the Newport choot has been approved by the State Board of Ed ucation. ; The list of those who bid on the Newport school and their respective bids is as follows: Rhodes It Underwood, $61,123. J. W. Jones, $65,C0O. J Walter F. Hay, $58,600. - V. B. Carrowm, 1547431. ' ' ; J. W. Stout ft Co., $55,030. :V' W. T. Shull, $62,100. ' Pynum ft nunt Co., $50,474. Hancock ft Davis, $43,860. ''. N. F. Euro offered to take it on a ten per cent commission basis. - W. J. ADAMS APPOINTED TO SUPREME COURT their last respects to tha memory of ta vnnnsr snan. Lloyd Harris was the son of Mr, and Mrs. David Harris of Marshallburg who survive him. Ha waa a popular young man and bis death was greatly resetted by all who knew him. After havine kept a number of aa- W'olranta and their friends on the CATCHING CHANNEL BASS There has been considerable fish ing for drum around here ef late but up to the present Baell Cooke holds the champiomthip. Last Thursday aQ unaided he drew ta on hts trusty line eight of the big base. They ranged In weight any where from alrfet to thirty pounds each. Tala catch waa made on Willis Lamp oa an Incoming tide with a southwest wtad. Oa Tuesday another party went oat te the lump but the wind, tide or something of ether waa wrong and enlv fear drum were taken. Three ef these were caught by Harry CQhert the king ef cere fishermen, who was trying his hand oa dram for the first time. . - GOOD CATCHES OF MULLETS w awawmeaawwa 4er Mar ran At nulltti AbOUt ftUJ uin a e - - here thla Fall occurred last Thursday week ago, Beaidee a quantity of fish taken by the Betters several 01 the menhaden boats made good ! catches. Captain Jack Parkin ia ue Balater brought ta 89.000 , pounds and Captain Randolph WUlla, ax Morehead City brought In 80.000 pounds la the Madeline. Other catches that day were Captain Boa- wrmia af the W. M. Wefto. xw 000 pounds aad Captain Wm, Willis ... a. a al AAA of the Wallace who eaugu Am fh, Monday Of uia weea Captaia Bonaer WlUla brought ta about 8,000 poueda. For of these catches the fishermeo received about three eente a poand. The fishermen are now waiting xet ue .J a la faa north agala when they thlak there wiU oe aour mullet run. , TENT REVIVAL CLOSED Or.ty one wJ.:.rf rrJt kae beee) Imued la tie hut ftw days by Rf Utev ef Deeds Trey Merrk, Thia waa to R. J. rrry. Meaakk, aad Rheda Lawk, Marthallbvrg. The revlTsl ten whkh for e!gbt weeks has Uea the scene af a eerie of ssaeUngs tiat have greatly areuaed thk community was tern down Man day aad started en Ha wsy te Meuit OlWe. Revtrtnd Mr. aad Mrs. II. M, McAdama eondacted the aaeUng but srxxt af the preathlng waa Jowe by Mrs. MeAdams who po so . deahud ability as an evaaffflkst As a result ef the meeting the News learns that 'here were Scmetlinf l.ke K0 coaveraUme aad a Daa-ber ef ac M4on to the verkee charchea ht and araaad Beaufort COOO PRICES FOR TOBACCO. Mr. J. A. Uptan, ef the New Ba roU a-etion waa ta town Satardsy aad called at the News eflce. Mr. aptoa ts trying bis head at raking tobacco thk year aad k pleased with ak first experience. He carried e ua af aaad late to New Iera Uat week aad sold them at ea'averego af IS 1-2 cents whkh to good foe that aualitv af tobacco. Ilk better te- hacce he haa fret said yet aad will ratably get a very flr prke for that whea be sells aa the wtktt to Strang fee gd gradee. anxious bench for more than a week Governor Morrison, on Monday, ap pointed Judge W. J. Adams, of Car thage, to the seat on the Supreme court bench made vacant recently by the death of Judge W. R. Allen. It waa reported that there were twenty one-candidates ' for the post-' tion la the beginning but they finally narrowed down to only two that were serfoualy considered, namely Judge Adams and Thomaa D. War ren of New Bern. A few days ago reporta coming out of Raleigh were to the effect that Warren would cer tainly be appointed. If the Gov ernor did Intend to appoint Warren something or. other caused him to change hk mind. Mr. Warren had strong backing for the place but there was alee a good deal af oppo sition te him. Many Democratic aad independent newspapers ap- peeed hk appointment aa well aa a good many saen who are Influential ta the Democratic party. Judge Adams baa been on the So-' perior court bench alace 1918, hav ing been appointed by Governor Ciena, He bears the reputation of being a wan ef "fine character and aa able Jadge, He had maay( en dorsements for the Supreme court jadgeshlp. Solkikr Walter E- Brock af Wadeahore sweceede Jadge Adams en the Superior court bench and be to succeeded aa Solicitor by U. W. Nah. af rM. Oa account ef the death t! : . Allen Go- raer Mori' .1 t r' n made three" appelataaenta la dy. rk co:3 ccrrvEMTicre A national eone".! it tve Tel Croea to to te 1 ' 1 in Columbus. Oklo, ea CkUUr t e 4.k f .h, Aa erteaalve j-rt r'tn 1 t li trrrJ Pfe!4r,t IUr!.! , l'r'..rg ad mary tQ.tr ro.!nr.t p' : 'e wi'J atlead the gU f r'.rj. 4

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