1 -AT 'i:LL 1 C 3 THE HOME PAPER READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCL5I. IS TO THE BODY ) k.. -a. . VOLUME THE DfFpRTNWS THURSDAY, DEC 2Sih 1S21 ' J WIIO WILL BE WB0fi lilE FIRST PRIZE IN JVS CONTEST , -'TT i ' SIAKING RETURNS jMERCIIANT LIARINEILIOUOR RESCUED TIMlir n OF INCOME TAXES MUST BE STRONG -FROMlM mrjr.rnr1 Campaign Closes promptly at Four 0 w-be Made Known and Prizes awarde k P.M. Winners Will Six O' clock. it AND -..600,500 HOW THEY S Mrs. C, G. Gaskill Roy Fulcher - - - Dan Chadwick ----- Mrs.' James Gaskill --w Miss Ruby Lane, Rt ji. 425,000 Mm. Georcre Brooks J.L-- 400,500 Uts. Robert E. Gardner 599,500 t L--1 11599,006 I 598,000 I .. J U . 399,000 i At 4 olclock Friday aiwrnoon u.e Beauroft'fNews Subscription j Cam ' paign whl end. The final "count will be made and the prizes will be award ed before six o'clock. - A word or two to the Candidates A car worth $695 Is YOURS if you go after it, for . . , ,.' You have few opponents . You have no strong opponents -' It makes -no difference where you may seem to be In the standing of contestants, if sufficient enthusiasm and determination to WIN be brought to , bear NOW if you show- your friends that you wish to win, must win why you WILL' win. V - The safe -plan Is to win by a BIG margin. For if'tyou take a chance to win by a few hundred thousand votes, you may expect the race to be a dangerously close one. ; be alert this last day, take full advantage of your oportiinity f or.fail - are' to do' so will bring regrets for your failure to act ' : h; ' To Fjrienda of Candidates ' Your "assistance is; needed NOW. Glance over the list of 'Candidates in this issueselect your favorite, and then .help that favorite not only with your personal subscription, but help her to secure a hundred thousand or votes by speaking to your friends in her behalf. . Those Other Prizes Do. not forget that second place ( wins a $125.00 Fathe, and third place .Wins a $40.00 wrist watch. Either of these prizes is worth having and; hod YOU can have one of them If you de- of iermine to da so. . ' ienq Ea an eleventh hour winner! Du MCI fort the 1 a nU emp gift cha oni ploy Tru Mr !a 1 SOCIAL GATHERING OF.YOUNG . PEOPLE , .-. . .' Numbered among the social gath erings that have characterized - the TuleUde in Beaufort wu .the' rook rarty at the hotie of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Tones Wednesday evening. hut., ' ' s ' V : .... Misses Annie Nl and Nellie Jones entertained the ytanger set in honor of their house guet, Mrs J. J. Wolfe, of Durham, N. Quite a umbel sf friends gathe ed to pay their refects to Mrs. Wolfe wtto ie well knowi and hs a host ef friends In BeaLfert Progressive rook was played, fi songs and mu sic whiled away Itfce swift evening hours until daintli dad asaldens ser- ved a delicious eokte ef fruit salad and kes. 1 When the evltlnf drew te Its (Use the happy t'ti reluctantly ' bade farewell slyvrcty eipreaslng to the charmus; their appreciation ful gathering ere that have made tplesunt ChrUtma rat thr th rof til to fu 3 w tH TiTlMONIAL PRESENTED !U. E; Swann of the Beau ng and Trust Company was ped yet pleased recipient of imtfhial Christmao from the n of that Institution. The u hansoms loving cup pur- ira B. A. Bell which bears J inscription 'fU. E. Swann, 1 testimonial from the Eav- the Beaufort Banking and Cpany, 1321." . , . NONOR OF CUESTS . ting lady hosts s most delight. ng a long series re joyous this SMS. MARIIACK LICENSES During the ChrUhaa holidays aev rral copl have elalnvd the sary ptrmlli to enUI ihe Ute ef mat Jiy evening, December 27th ins. H. C Jones entertained 3 of their friend at their iueei Street in, the honor hests Mrs. J. J. Wolfe end nd Mrs. C L. Hornaday, of r . ":, , : t . . Jtlful home had been dece- the Christmas season and 'oe and holly added to the most delightful occasion. lore were thrown 'ipen to who were escorted ta small bered In series. ProgreMlve ,-ed the attention of all un ( early the signal was given louncement ef the succees 'ants. The older members up were youthful ones once youth and Jollity mingled happiness ef the season meeting one long to be re rloae of the evening's de- Mad course with Cafe snelr , te was won by Mr. Jsck ef Wilmington, N. C and nation by Rev. H. A. Day. James C. Msrd rimony. They we lilUa Gladys 1 atyj , Iroy Willis snd 1'lllUto. James Cei (eel) I'.e.efort IL F. D. AfUius Laweie G.'.l.ke.t, of Otwsy. . Wild wood, and 1 the fallowing! . . . wlejf, Moreaeau va-May Pin. I ! ! Minnie Swa.n, Collector Gruaom Issues Direc tion As To Filling Income Tax Returns. Raleigh, N. C.Dec. 2G The fol lowig statement of the collector of Internal Revenue Gilliam Grisom, District of North Corolina, for release Sunday ..December 26tpJv'rr,'ii-:' ' With the approach of the period of 1 to March 15, 1922, taxpayers are advised to lose no time inthecompil ation'of their accounts for the year A new and important pro vision of the Revenue Act of 1921 is that every person whose gross income for 1921 was $5,000 or over shall file a return, regardless of the amount of net ; income upon which the ta.' 1s assessed. Returns are raanireH of every single person whose net in-J come was $1,000 or over and every married person living with husband or wife whose net .income was $2,000 or over. Widows and widowers and persons seperated or divorced from husband J)lLWif eare regarded as sin gle persons.'"; f;;', - ; V" ''. "y ':. Net income is gross Income less certain deductions for business ex penses losses, taxes, etc. Gross in come includes practically all income received bythe taxpayer during the year; in the case of the wage earner, salaries, wages, bonuses and commis sions; in the case of professional men, all amounts received for professional services; in the case of farmers all profits from the sale of farm products' and rental or sale of land. ; ' ( In the making of an income tax re turn for the year 1921, every tax payer ahould present to himself the following questions: ,', ' , What were you profits from your business, traded profession or vaca tion..'. . I:. .-. "Did you receive -any interest on bank deposits; v V ;" Have you'any property from which you receive rent? ' . - T Did you receive any keesi In lie fvim of ' dividend or interest frdm stocks or bonds? ' - Did you receive, any bonuses du ring the year?4 Did you- make any profit on the sale of stocks, bonds or other prop erty, real or personal? . tsa.dnturned shrd taoi etao ee shr Did you act as a broker in any traduction from which you received commissions? ,-; Are intererted In any partnership or other firm from which you receive ed any income? 1 ' Have you any Income from royalty or patents; ., . Have yqu any minor children who are working? ' Do you appropriate, or have the right to appropriate, the earnings of such children? If so, the amount must be Included In the Income., Has your wife any Income from air source whatsoever? If so it must be Included In your return or reported in a seperste return of Income. Did you eceive any directors' fees or trustees' fees In the course ef the fear? .'.' . Did you hold any office In a benefit society from which you received Li come T w Answers to all ef these questions are necessary t determine whether a person has an Income sufficiently 'large te require that a return be filed, land may be the mesas of avoiding a . - (the heavy penalties Imposed for the transactions recorded In the failure te do se within the time pre the Register f Deed thla'ribed. as fellows: . x . 1 . " C.rrsw.y to S. E. Mans STOCKHOLDERS MEETING OF loi In tewa of Newturt,' ratiFOKT BANKING 4k TRUST C '.-.lam eno . , y 1 a . ' rnr. ' s vain ane wire u d. l. ur In If The Navy Is To Be Reduced Must,Have Largs Number Of Commerce Ships. ' , (Special Correspondence) ' -Washingto, Dec, 27, ' Chair man Lasker of the Shipping Board Is pci forming a national service in im pressing upon the people of the mid- ing a stronr merchant marine TheL v vi. . . , i-v7Rf"1 need for a Merchant fleet will, be come" more Imperative if the naval ats proposed by the Disarments Con ference are adopted declares Mr. Lasker. In case of war, the country that has the biggest fleet of convert able ships will have a tremendous ad vantage over the others, not only in vessels themselves but in yards and trained men for the construction of more." The ecoribmic necemrffv fnr Wn adequate fleet of merchant ahina is even greater than the military re- quirements. Mr. Lasker' stresses the fact that the immence debts ow- rr-vmT; -r --- , . aaww muuuKU . mil ESTATE TRANSFERS Newpert, cenldralloa and Bethel Mr. Julian nmlU 1! r at AUant-C i(Ht the holi- t parent. . fhe annual meeting ef the steck. holders ef the Beaufort Banking and kill k ktl In tk . . 1 1 ran uiwiwii " - ' iman and wife te Asa C .... . t . - m.w...! !bak bufldiag the 10th day ef Jan .ration $150. ' -7. Wing the mond Ts jesdsy In T. Etll-onto W, A. Ball lot 'J"7. at X 0 does T. n (d City, eonsidersUoa $275 8tyrn to Joseph Smith 4 Cedar I-land, eontideratlon XI NOTICE 'uiuaaauu..- ( Club a ill hoU IU regular ; rtU.y, Jt th .t U0 t the htftue ef Mrs. Ceo. W. COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING The reruiar monthly meeting If the Community dob will be held Thvrvday afternoon Jan. (th at 1:30 'clock In the rooms ef the Old Top tail flub. Every member Is urged te he present Mrs.' U. E. Swans 1 Cor. Secretary. exchange of goods, and that if big imports are received from debtor na tiona we must find other marketa for our surplus products. In carrying that ocean commerce, ships are as es sential as tallroads are in our Inland transportation. 1 . , Smoot's Scissors - Under the aggressive leadership of Senator Smoot, the Republicans have made an enormous reduction in the number of magazines' published by the government. This will mean not only a saving in printing bills, but a saving in salaries of persons who pre pared the articles and edited the mag azines, stenographers who did the cler ical work, clerks who kept up the mailing lists snd addressed the mag ajtines, and, supervisors' who" employ ed alf these people, keep their time and paid their saaries. For every magazine discontinued, . there can prviMVTy, be an ultimate reduction of fifteen or twenty in the government payroll perhaps more. '. Public OpiaUa President Herding has announced that he does not Intend to rush the new Four-power Treaty to the Sen ate for ratification. Statesmen ap plaud that course, saying it la a mo mentous document, and there is every reason why the people of. the coun try ahould be made thoroughly ac quainted with its principals and be given an, opportunity to coinrnvrraj; cate their views to their Senators be-' fore m vote Is taken. Mr. Harding's methods, it Is pointed out, are at wide iterf tprob-ey vYf i enf wypel itlaf DeaUraU DabU . sq-a ca PatUa A at-itia of the CenublTcan Conrre ' II I. ri .i nci 11 I - , complains heaae,.Us...iirSt a,qV saora extensively sreduoed Frightened Smuggler's Throw ' WhUkey Overboard, Much Of It Saved From Waves In the days of old Captain KIdd, Black Beard and other famous, free booters, according to rumor, had the habit of hiding their illgotten1 gains in out or the way coves, deserted day the whiskey smugglers are' imi tating their illustrious predecessors. There is good reason to believe that many boats are engaged In the business of fetching liquors from the1 Bahama Islands and elsewhere to' ports in the United States. - A great deal of this smuggling is done on the Florida and Georgia coasts because of their nearness to tbje-sollrce of 'Subi piy. some liquor has been smugyiid til manhoaIYtir7biMrr4H into Wilmington and other North Cak to m35 e4tieiS Dan- onna ports but probably not tf'pfeat' deal. ' . ;'?'" Jcenrf. On Several occasions there hav?j reports that boats passing Beaufort! h j 1 rs a ht s a , r - ' Trury, Stokes county and lived there 'about a" year, aftes whicht Jie mov- d to Loulsbur'g andli'yed.ther A GoveFnor? sjee hlfem . one of these liquor smuggTerTele'al generous supply of CheTdrblfld'tiWI fluid in the watess of apV'rJoWouV that- had gone into htirbW-ot the waves. How- mteh 'wM-'thiWn seems to know idefinltefW! Th liqUor was put In tag tonttllilrtg qukrts1 or twelve. plrttsikrfJiiKte'fe?oll over; others' say theti wiln,Iy i few 1 .. i. .. I .:J 1,. J nonarea wigs.' 'Avany rate con-' siderable Jqugnlty'Wae th'wwn' oveW board In -thai wktYr about tight feet1 deep sndt-Miueh-Of di'ValfeUld'ahY After ' Came C. ' cz s To iy"I 1:3 Former Covernor Ti '.- -. 3 - - rj Bickett died n his homo Li I: J yesterday r.ioihig et 0. 13 o'clo. At bput;9 o ick 'i' a n:.;U lrJi! Governor,. LkLtlt suUIncl .!! Mrs. Bickett. He ind tf bough? several phyijeiana, who were summoned did every thing poiu' siwe ror mm tt old not avail.' Gov-; ernor Bickett was 52 years of a.cn.1 Tin is survived by his widow and son who ' Is about 21 years of ag-v U : IW ? ToldTadrroiiOo tmtwy shrd! hrocj 'J.Thds.lV. Bickett was hnrn In . j 7T- mm WJ.vasr-' 1 roe. Union countv and Hvp1 tAra - 7-..' il : i t- I Bvtp4;pi - f of their contrabrand stuf? W-m tmWVAmn Bngajred frtii'ei. 4 pie in, this community but!flls,8aule1tfcawQflaw.theratt ;th f,ttamf,i .1 . ..... i ..i.... i - v..-. . , iney nave carried tnelr golds' dtt- td cities north of here. Reentry mii1 -iti 9 c Bcvn v fr. time fiR03iaras" lsi MJben)imfttleIairehmUiUrrfi A A'shjleydoJ fpnthe9Dem.otioJ?,!,T joqtr, GOYfcwut This wimtet'tiW'Ji a I . I I narDor. . S5Ul,01(l "1 1 oris convention whfrh r.mln.Ainf.o-rt Unfortunately or foTtunWelyW.he'F WiKiicliiw Jmomor n-nrlT case may be the cafAsSA Wll b'SiAfffkthakstfdflarnidst aLTa'JThjj''' i a . ei t .'a , r, a Ul, . w 'eechf'hstiCickettiblmsa dwthi'ttJi id ."I 1 ) Cape Lookout- a :f6W9laV:9BeVortiiaikw-,a1i!em aad.it wlicthaJrinaiil. Christmas decided hacft Wletis-tof b5oJbeirr('nuhi4nlaof(irf,fA,l-.'Jc3- sary to get rid ofChll'carrvhMiteiwraJwtflllat waaielected: lavbf si key and he at ontnsIgnetf tt IfllAbsW lhat cdSteVsitlrt'lsl UlstincUohii l-.ia ibod Hj nlnSntam overboard is a'matter tMVWdniW QpvernbtiZhUlkwZ l;one of tlie betferpolir,;e.lfciT"'( thatorthaCTulind has,'ptodiid'Hi7 Tceat Jeait.iilLe mkb k-ftlgtdhiVjill'it that i600 of these bag'WeeftnVowltfc1ti.Band aheJiliortTrky tie LIKhi w ...... -.V.-J v'X"! c6uld:.tot advaness ladi iaieVeJf kivri ifativdi&tatet.icileSwasitsdntenlily'top.s ufar-ibeeauAeilel hlis abfeeaUe dic.r, tiUaa.:f)Ak'GovemaB'eds kmdriottTof Wait'naBsediiaimJtadpordart f i gkti.t . i ..... 4 . J ...... .1 . J 11 . L I reKuefl iroM tr waiery' gtsve? WSPmarfx cbavIcUandiharo1acfclisi3t.fiii l a result ef this capture th iupply ofta!oicItiban,bf.hijriftJraias itttmt.jn m ii J- tfI L 1 ... I. .' . .. . . k At Ins isymevthJierieH maaJa'J great W'J mairrieiids.aHd.!ttMre ilrajthdus! uor.was rye thi8AhinibjrVWnie'ahetdttMIit ilUi mBtaic4y aoatU -madellnaSlwS igVeiWyT -Rmikhiid andsB-pfie la NoTtKittrblirmHo'-ci wltjh toe result, according to reports,! thsjtitlisrprSc x.1 la '-UtlssntPlmf ' a tsphli leotlaailBoms leldaaceriof Die twenec-f.a oiiaidsraWj.lqujr1 o Sodle Jdays hga.aydevHasonaf At-l . .lini -V.'Jiiki ... ....... f-ywrr ""' -wj w, --'uw','"' ianiMoaugauoaa wntca aaa tntoae i 4rttnksithat weeS)eerojlhs srevf & Mgs js.isils bkod thafchad oni. -i Still edhsldervftff tlvesnUyislttquSjrj ft ue kaii$UnrElMb&riXkni',.-,l mm to nave ben.neretlerjrwt.nc4'Xee E lit. -vtd ia on fiii.L it atinnovti 9 ') !ANDEOiBUlDlCAUCHTv i vsriance with tlose of his predecease or Hn office. Mr. Wilson arrived la the United States with the treaty 0fi July 8, before ha body and, uljftd speedy ratification. Fortunatejy jiie debate . that ensued caused a ,,delsy hat gave ample time to the-Yoaple to make up their minds en thee subject, and he final vote of objetelon Irfrrese-- ed the conviction of an everWb'elring sought to get his treaty ratified wih- inajority ef clUxena. fr,;,.yUson out givlox the people . ssy 'johanct whatever of ezpresalngi their "VWwoU Mr. Harding takes the opposite oare' and intends to get the tt'pre&oJr eH puoue opinion oo v f y,j'r, Treaty before rstiflcaUon U s-Ved ol the Senate. A T I CX? TL'( AiTTs'd tee waae naoar ilrlna- tbnl .! HanvUireD'wUna2.1tO.'rc?Ut '! agreaVdeal pf usVvmkirhes hr.vidr JlsTasfstwi wroto llie youagiUdy ndlniaM ln:e,.iis u rf ''dtrh.bnd'a the idVlcgin ho V.'f na. J iSEAUFOftT cJu- 'mu M'..',.j,i-ii uf. ?-,,.. i;o i! no 11.6. d Joi Ltul u..... k,..v. v. . . .WiUi ApototWer ktr' Robert; BornsJ iui w;iunr .t-viir,t I I . t .'rh i.Hl I-m'.. . . . . .. , To see-oursHvesis ithers aee ws. J ' v ' belie, to' the wJd sky, fW.ii-i-i Ltu1.. j '.1. t W-w t - ? fl4.!?!, YPoiS!tolliyPM .(a tUafghtjy ' ,J 2. ' . . . .o;ui Ullng.putawUd. bells, and Ut him dje. , TheMutshvcksWneathaurfe.r'--7 yf ' - ' ' 1 MifU vUfvRtng bAppy Mb aoooae the aiiow;-' t. i.rtoi dear old Beaufort' . J 'M Jw"""1' And the.slds .tet VMirWl TTa. i7l"f. Y rtilPmt odwlM fh'tf il1ihifi?V.v I We'dUty S3 mtrto tuok tarttM f!J,vrRlngUte.grkfI that sp the mHdJ , U.tJra,.oueSscraW go;highanw F tho.tbtfre.wteof ; AiutMteckoras)tJl4iUaaiwsistb4 i irlw JiVo fa.d Mfb .J "TJruTai'ltt.iWuUl.liikkula !hrbn f not .. i t . rt?a prorortioBf thotaatt BToaafi 4 , . . u . . . .i u . . . . . . . " . . ..- JJ lately necetasr'1 v,h.t weulAtMiwJsMi J'Jw.lWe .b.Ji. ,V,le .rfj iAtUwaedtol.,lilefm4Pf.itV.eyt , repodUte dhbUW, Tyk?l t?y 4 V 4Wt U4 SnlfJee 1. m, .11 I . ,1 i0UmjtSafs . ' miss AJSw:HERE.1Aja HiKiJv J T,;j tf Je,Cfl V.-iij ;A.v V SalTte r iU all tilfpl.r,U'rfe tfsr 4 WW Jt W , rr,.. V.- . I I i '..' . L. ..',. v.a r ' at a. Moiiroa Cilliken relataed hon Miae lamp' eie Is a aUter ef Mrs. T. aturda frew Smyrna wher she .rV ,, Ll. M, Thomas Jr. ef Lejefort. S e has 'railed on the account ef the dth of ;fr Smyrna visited here several tlir.es and has ber uncle, ' rsl d-ys with V ( . ''! 7

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