..j... .-... ,3 , - , -,,,.VJ . ,. ..., mm.: n n m .THE HOME PAPEfi ) V .' (; JIEADIKG TO THE HIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THe" T30DY ) ' " ; ' ' v - . 'pEVERTTHUBSDAY 1 toj NUMBER SIX .: ' THE BEAUFORT NEVS THURSDAY, FEB. 16th 1922. 1 I ' . . ' X' ; - - V t SW BOND ISSUES ' WILL BE TAXED, IF LAW PASSES Opinion Almost. Unanimous -That All Public Bond Js- sues B .Taxed. TRUCK CROP PROBABLY LARGE THIS YEAR . ' WASHINGTONr-Hearings be "ore'the House Ways and Means com initwe "on the constitutional tmend mint proposed by Representative McFadden. io make state and muni cipal bonds, subject to taxation have Qilosedl ' The. hearings were attend t3 by farmers, bankers, lobor repre eritatives, wpresentatives of public utilities, treasury offlceials and others. It appeared to be almost , the unan imous ouinion that future issues of 'such securities must be subject to taxation. jOtherse all federal sources of revenue will dry up, bus iness and industry will suffer acute lv andm-actically the, entire" burden of taxation will be shifted to incomes from labor and to real estate Conserative estimates place the amount of outstanding tax exempt securities at $10,000,000,000. Many reliable authorities say the amount ' is louble this. Newtax exempt se curities in the sum of $1,000,000 were issued in 1921. Evil of Tax Exempt Sscuritiet The evils of tax "exempt securities issued by states, counties and muni cipalities are many. They may be ; briefly be set forth as follows: 1st:. The exemption of such prop ertv from taxation shifts the bur den of all taxation to real estate and to incomes from other sources, most ly income from labor. 2nd. The ease with which these securities can be issued and market ed is a constant ajid irrectible temp tation for extravagance upon the ppart of municipal, county and state authorities. Srd. The fact that capital can in ' vest in such securities and obtain a tax-free Income of from three to five !pr cent prevent its being Invested "in industries, commerce, public util ities and other enterprises th , in come from which is taxed. 4th. It is drying up the natural The indicatiorHtare na there, will i be quite a bit orfrjjiick grown .in Vie Beaufort section iis year. ..W. C Willet formerly a lea'rge truck grow er of Craven County and elsewhere land who had a cro ' here - several years ago, has returned and "will put in a considerable crop this year. Mr. Willet has leased some of the Han cock land near town and expects to raise lettuce, beets, celery and pos sibly other crops. He thinks the cli mate and lands around here well ad apted for these crops. -----The outlook now is that a large crop of potatoes will be planted this year. The farmers have been getting their lands ready arid just as soon as the rains stop long' enough for the ground to dry "out tKey will begin planting. Many would have- plant ed this week but for the rains Monday and Tuesday. A dealer , in. seed po- i.- Al .:iv lL - A A Art untuea bay a were win muiiu tuvu barrels or seed put out in tms sec tion this year. The white potato business has grown rapidly hereabouts in the past ten years. In 1913 only about 5QJarrels of seed were plant ed, now the business runs up into the thousands. If conditions are fav orable 50,000 barrels may ,be raised and will bring a large sum of money into the Beaufort section. CONFERENCE MAY ELIMINATE WARS NEW POPE I Eight Treaties Completed All Looking Toward End of All War. MRS. FEARING VISITS SCHOOLS Mrs. J. C. T sring of the State Insurance Denartment was here vea- tefday and visited the schools here. She also visited the school in More head City. Mrs. Fearing while here addressed the student body on the subject of Safety Education and or ganized Safety Leagues in the pri mary departments and the higa school. She Intended visiting the rural schools but did not on account of the hod weatheT and. the- condition of the roads. SHOOTING OUT Of SEASON. WASHINGTON.-JIAn offirUl high in the United States government declares the conference for the lim itation of armament to be "the great est single move ever made in . the world towrad an end of all war and the setablisbment of concord among nations. ' mis unusual tribute is based upon the list of the accomplish ments of the conference. It was in session twelve weeks, and ' within that period it entered into eight' treat ies, agreed to ten resolutions and gave utterance to ten declarations of na tional policy. Some of these decla rations were issued jointly by the powers in attendance and others were issued by single pow.ers. , . , ; By the major treaties of the con ference the five greatest powers of the world agreed to radical . limita tion of naval armament and pledged themselves to a naval holiday, agreed to abolish the use of poison gas and other chemical warefare, and to ob serve, the rules of international law regarding the use of submarines Four of these great powers enter ed into a treaty guaranteeing peace in the Pacific Ocean region by an agreement to submit all differences in the future to a discussion of the representatives . of the powers con cerned before taking any. steps look ing toward actual hostilities. Nine nowers asrreed to "open door" in the Orient, and gave to China aew hai of rirhts based upon its. territorial integrity. Japan and China settled the Shantung question, apan ana the United States settled the contro versy revolving around the Island ' f Yap.TA five power treaty- allocates the former German ewned cables In the Pacific so that all nations may have fair play in ths use of these ca bles... . ";" ' . sven of the resolutions which the fconference adopted relate to affairs r r TRAINING THE:BLINrj.- - :iIIIITV fll? A rTTflM MARKED MEETING Am.' ? Cardinal Achille Ratti.0 Arc' bishop of Milan, has been pi claimed Pope, taking the name Pius XI. His Holiness was be in Italy, Oct 12, 1858, He ceived the Rid Hat ss Cardinal 1, year. Previous he was Papal Num .. in Poland. .- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds have been recorded recent ly at the office of the Register of Deeds -as follows - Denard W. Glover and wife; to S. P, Hancock lot . on east side of Turner street, Beaufort, considera tion $175. - 'Annie Parker to S. P. . Hancock, part lot' 41, Hedricktown. v - E. H. Gorham Com. to E. W. Lev ering 3 acres at Gallant's Point, con sideration $1700." . i E. W. Levering and wife to Caro lina Ffeh and Oil Co S acres at Gal lants Point, $2500. ' J. E. PauT to Clem Elliott lot on Orange Street, ' Newport considera tion $150. T. F.Mann and wife to Romey Through a wilful disregard of the , - . li ! J VI law or ignorance ox n wng. . - .. . - vi,v duck shooting ha. been don. ound ,i Chin, and look forwaH toe wHh-f-4.i w. r.-j.i i.- i.iJ rawal of foreign troops from Chins, - 'T, V tlZ ZZ irwlirgeth. relinquishment of all unautho, and b kined .fter F.bruiry the Ued foreign r.oW.tst ions lnChlna; avenue and compelling the Congress, . mion of eitra.UrritorUl Isw are exposing themselves to dan ger of being haled into Federal court rightiexercised by some of the powers in China the publication of all in- to devise other forms of taxation, which are Irritating, to say the least. and odout and burdensome in miny i" " - : ' . - - . 'hJ uh wtd ta i Kfirv fl.ii. Since '..(!. .,. 1 rt i and guarantee 'l.'.e.ui.rthete.'vbgkq vbgkqcmfw! -'osed wUd duck. hav!nf beUer protection to the Chinese ... . . , . , .i.-. .'been ouite Dlentlful and many ol p. V ration of Der- H l meviaiaoie urn u am muum i - , . . . . n of tsslfree securities by the .Utes.!' "un Beaufort harbor M o( fcrence to con- conntJ. nd municlpaliUe. conU.iuc. the other waters here al V ng undef th open the Concre.. must begin to levy uxr.,tehitm cmfwyp vbekojitftflff vbgkqj , ilw.y provi.lon.'cf the upon occupations and upon the con- ;th tim'- J Far Eatern treaty which was lgn- awnptlon of necewitiei. such as a! OUARTERS. cd b th nine m tax on coffeju sugar and salt. In or-1 W,LL HAVE NEW QUAR11.K3. , reMlutione unanimiuly der tocsin enough revenue to met 1 1 Adopted by the conference provide ; the W,m,ate requiremenU of the. Parborr Erolhers. whore machine tf0B . of . fpecUI com. United Oovemment. jtnop w.. urur,c - - tht Dwerl Mann 8 acres in Newport township, consideration $400. T. F. Mann and wife to J. T. Mann 16 acres in Newport townsh'p, con sideration $800. T. F. Mann and wife to J. T. Mann 13 acres In Newport township, con sideration $1000. T. F. Mann and wife to C. R. Mann 18 25-100 acres in Newport township consideration $800.- T. F. Manrf and wife to Kama Mann 11 acres in Newport township, con sideration $400. T. F. Mann and wife to C. R. Mann 14 acres In Newport township, con- siderstlon $800. Hardy Willis and wife to James CV....11. 1.2 6 ft 7 in As a nart of the State program, of Industrial Rehabilitation , being, con ducted by the State Department of Education an industrial class for the adult blind of the state has recently been opened at tne new wuson coun ty Horn Here blind ,men from any part of the state beyond the age of which they can enter the State School for the blind will be taught v such trades as mattress making, chair can--insr and basketry, as well as reading by raised print,; writing and" type writing. The purpose is to-rehabilia- te those who have lost their sight after maturity, and make' them inde pendent, citizens. - , t ' - The class has no connection with the County Home. It is quartered there because of the excellent acco modations furnished to the - blind people. The men live and are taught in a modern, steam heated ' brick building, The county is paid for the use of the room and the board of the men by the State Department The class is domg splendid work. The men who have already enrolled are very happy and .contented and making excellent progress As most of the instruction is necessarily indi-vidualr-only a small number of men can. be accomodated, however, there is still room for a few more men. This is an exceptional opportunity for those unfortuhate residents of our state who have, lost their sight and because of their misfortune are unable to earn a livelihood. Those desiring further information -regard, ing the school or wishing to enter shoud inform any County Superinten dent of Public Welfare or Mr II. L Stanton, the State Supervisor of In dustrial Rehabilitation at Raleigh. Vocational training for the blind is but one phase of the State Rehab ilitation work. Men, women and children of employable age, handicap ped by various types of ' disability resulting from accident, disease, or of cements! nature,, are being aid ed in their struggle to become inde pendent, self supporting, and self respecting citixens, by this Department MOREHEAD CITY NEWS. OF COUNTY BOARD Large Delegations of Citixens ravror Uond Issues For Highways. i:''X ,.,"-;'i..y' 'i ' - ; RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. L If unity of action counted an v. thing the nthe result of the roaot all that could be asked. Beaufort and Morehead , City forgot all past differences and nulled tmrethn Hlc the proverbial lion and lamb. There; was not a dissenting voice to the prop osition that the county should issue bonds to pay half the cost of the Morehead : City, ; Newport-iCriven,, county road. . . :; :' ' ,V ' As stated in the News last week a meeting of the Board of County commissioners was held in the court house . here yesterday for the pur-' pose of acting ori the matter of build ing two highways Into Carteret coun- -ty from the Craven line. These high ways are to run through the eastern and western halves of ' the county terminiating at Beaufort and More head City. The hearing before the' board was attended by largo dele gations from the Chambers of Com merce of Beaufort and' Morehead City and the Womens' clubs from tha two towns. There were also citizens' present from Newport and other parts of the county., ; Before the commissioners met a resolution was passed' jointly by the representatives of the two Chambers of Commerce and this with resolu-' tlons from the . tVomens clubs were " laid before the hoard. Mr. Chas. S. Wallace nresented the resolution on behalf of the men's organization and Mrs.'D. H, .Rdf Morehead City and Mrs.' C. W. Lay spoke for ' the .clubs. .Speeches of endorse ment were made fey Messrs Luther HamOton, W A.: Maee, J. C. Helms, M. Leslie Devls, J. E. WodI.J, G D. Canfleld, W. 6. Mebane and Mrs. C H. Bushall. ' ' After the Tarlous speakers had expressed themselves In enthusiastic terms favoring the bond issue Chair man Wheatly made a vlgoroui talk An aerophsne tanker came into port Wednesday morning with a crew t about eighty... w.s enrou vo - Cub. accompanlng tW Ua , tn- reM,u0on the bo.r8 and stopped hers to wait for them to , nn.B,motM,, .dooted. -The , ,m , U " - J . . , t mi . o.j,:! matter will -now be referred to the The funeral servke. of Mis. Sadie Commission and del- Rivers Wsde took place here from t,' iU 9 Rll. Methodist Church Monday 'toni? . . . -. ..i-v :'" : ' ' mectrng will irpesr In. next week's issue of the News. . raztelle 1-2 loU 6 ft 7 in bioca, . '.osiUon. The official minutes of the 23, Morehead City. Consideration . I'a. ' '-tin, ouw - WPP Weeks to Fred r. ssnaers . iy , i 1 .c're'in'MoreW townihip. cbn- The deceased iei at J'r hn' (f.jpROVEMENTS PLANNED.BY Lderlf-on $75. 'Jth .CHAMBER. OF COMMERCE D. W. CiUiken and wife to I5rya-t orcuK,.. " In r.v View Cemetery., R. Gi l ken Z7 in oir - . - k.v .f. wfv v.:- u.r-ii... $30. jnemta nducmfwy vbgkq cmfwy mfw TtH mo.itflly n.eeting of the direc- . . i . . 1... . t PAmrnvrri wniia f thi. city -w .w"- s 'clock "WM te:a wonuc t ,,t.i tv Hontft cum. week, airo are arranrinir to ojna a ... . T . ... " , tt ., wnii.m L.r.:7K. ftfT.,lai. ,a .a.'ncw house for their use. They have '".u,v.0n .r. w.m Thos. R." w' , .' AA at six 0 7.. ' . ut - iv. .nus ef meeting hal be n the mar future, I ReUben and Saum wiun " - , , oily cno or two exceptions n. u.t...- ly the ditoon 01 capiui nio ux- ir.i .- -v . ' . . r,f,, & ecrt in White-.from ne nome 01 w .n. fniwin named rwporw cd: ILrpt ..carities: on. The r.ew .hop wiU adjoin the vides tkat this ommissioii "shal not Ro -.1 ration 1350. 2:30 Tuesday afternoon. Betides fo1 ? .."'JS, J, WJiigs Iwi. r.r..v'B.,H Vtfi 'lot on which the burned building ;rtvicw of orcn th. .ubm.rin. and oak township, cons.d.r.tion $3,0. Another vft waiting from .r.tood. Work will commence on the'p,,, f al lM down ln th, VOCATIONAL TRAINING. .leaves four daughters Mrs. John ' t?-t eUUeas think a- empUng th lnrmt froni such seeur- new building about the first of Much. LJ on thost iUect," V Willis of Southport, Mrs. Edd,,.L,w-. lh, TOBttr wiu, a view to mk- . Itles. theret-y iiviUng Capital In such . irrw,r. j Another iir.lJilmcusly agreement gUnton of ElleiBh who.l. Mrs. Stanly Phillips and MUs Mar- ft MnXt whB ble: Dr. jecuritle u to push the Interest MARRIAGE LICENSES 'which was supplemenUry to the naval fUj lh voc clonal tra ning(MU WUIIa, and four sons, Mers Mwe!1 iUttt payir, waling . nit up on si other sorts of secur- . .liroiufions treaty found the nations)", .... .nd -rfpnlcd peop'.e f.r tSe Ransom, Edward, Roderick and John.. . rt. r. B, wheat- ., .. ........ ... I. .j m-A LteenMt ta enter the state of mat-'.,i .u . ji . ,.oi Dna . ... i. . u..p w. Educational ueparunen, ,1TVn nn rrws narDor cornmllr' lun" " I listed in the ff . , -Twy on bu.lne s en- COMMUNITY CLUB NEWS. MJ Mm- wonfy necUd with hU work. As stated h The monthly business. meeUng I . primlnary work: W. V. Sm.;h. I --. .sianins; vim wvaiy nut rimony have UengranUd at the office othfr BUcnt ny Wp) ;o( the Register of. Deeds to the fol-.trftly. fof ippU,, . Rowing couples: 0fiier rti0uUon Augustus CUMken and Mabel La:'.0pPitroury to th i v hand IuuikI by public corporations. Statisticians Howed the House Com m.n W.vi a'nd Unbi that farm . . i ts eonntrv tmHiti Atttustus GU.lken and Mabel about $8.0O0,OO0,0OQ, and of thUvwnce e( Otwsyj R. Bonnie Rice amount the federal land hanks are Ut-exempt srrertUee laud by sUUs intaUly'l per cnt. ..The to come from earrylng only 1 18,000,000, er appros ad cities Is son-UsaUe. As a rs suit Urn Bioitgsgee .vast pef. Brace Dall of Mqrehcad City. BEAUFORT TEAM WINS. the basket UU Uam ef the Beau fnrt H!K RrWil AtttMliA the Mor- iu im m iwi . " . . - - - ; holds r frem $ pr sa p Jn order. kad City High School Uam yeater to enable him, after he Km paid bis oVy by a score of tt to II. This wss Uiee, to have a set Income to e quit' th third game that the tom have to what be would have 'were ha, to ln-lplyf aad Ue filrst that Beaafort vest la to s-iP aecunpsa,, in aas wt rrern vereseaa vy pwy- homeland are excluded from the pre- u M,f ppoHJng 'Visions e maurvavy. The majority of the declarations of atlonl policy, were related to Far Eastern , auetuona. Amona Uds wsy the fsrwtt et dWy penaKsed by Ue eiUuace ef tos etempt biada He te Mag allv w4 by barii. kMriet tos lvUd aa hie lend, ta srdsr J f4 the . peases ef gsTsrnweet, X4. 1 Mvlrg te py Wf UUrsM rate tKaa be elierelM weeia were est,, fsrm awortgates epr!4 to com-1 went po rcH In fsver RETUBLICAN CONVENTION. f . . n nj.f . hi. a ww- - . - I , W W WF W uj, i"ir wnKB nr" '- waysmsy e bm i --'" - reury snd Trtaiwr-r were read and - , - Iwnds. approved. Letters fross Mr. T. R- resolsCion was pawd Cat t! re and a turn at Oteea wsnsmg j iirtiori .id attend the mum era. The tw terdy wee r- aape vow y, fmjmi mm i wm . mS snneei BMve evenly .eonUtUd- '.The J-ei Ue famoaa ran imh aaa mnrtna rmur , mum la tAjw sbls.to jrivf a good accant ef rUelf with sao-t say tost ef hlgb Wktl plsyers. - ir 1 IU t--- -e -r --. - - - w Sj i sssVr 1 . ' .. vl.-' t.lA tot a meet- iK nuh for the tf Christmas b- ,.. m .OUntv eomi-!--ioars Wdn thm Jspan declared It to be her poLI !' p-oublicaa tiKeUve C-'ee, were r.ad. . ! Ay. Secretory Fuatll In.tnKt- tcv to withdraw her troops fross S- .dnesdaT. Rort from the Chahrman f V t i.V. io with the rpor- . . . ... as.Hia-1 in WLMtmiM w - w . . w- htrla ss.eooe as staUe eendiUeSS'- . Tl-la ees-a-Utoe wOl Ufpertaento were mad. It was. u wsrrant ,sech wlthdrswalj efflcksl ,""" 7, fee hoU-l-oUd to gie $10.00 additional to the disavowed any territorial iesJrns e bMcW ,uu ewatU. UUim Boathaa Cotton Loa Twi and o . , ..MarMj War ahandomest ,T1a . ... .vi- ...t .k.' y In-tmctad to seadi -II D-maftds- which eh had fClra. eidoe candldatoejeftcers at th March bmdnrss saertlng , wvre tUt CL-xln tf .son atns, China. Bled 4 declra- f snd attend to otter ! was elKtea ee foHows: ' ' ' Comm-rfe she. mL ev. r, . . . t Demaid,,, The Uijltoi Stat-e filed , a oVlrsUen f Its policy ia refaUen. tlM aj,. deeUraUen ef f l f toj fVeetdent then tntreda-ed Kra , ei stepping t Chins end the "II Demands" U jt ,ff that 1 hH J,DB Thos O'ltorry ef CeWshore, ef1 rae eimea ae iom-wv; Corarce anon"! .Mrs ft. A. Ny. Chairman, Mr'-.vu u Ue . . . I XI - Iff ff I A. I . . . .-j. T." A. Mac,, tar. - to pas as soon as p n,u. farm swnrtgsgts eop' egra-jwent pb rrq m isver ei vppn to cams aaa ue fe erc-i mi so-- Me. with tot-eiempt sUto snd c.ty :Ue toiueare ef tos-eiewpt secuitee-Uhe eject that she would aot reeaf- j.uti la tdmp'ylnf rvm.li. ' ', ie meat farm eotifemre went en;pte any of Ue JipuMM f I diavsnds withdraw all Jt I rifUcry eAtf'y farm offtnlts- record against further eitmptlon ef ppon China which Interfemd with tHa as the United ' . . . I . iW. L (...' I lit.. 1..... 1. ... . J . II.. . t. .Iu4 J V. .t1fl.- 1 a rr.nr'Hd at the bringt Income front exuritles Ivued , I.?o8t sy seirepCen, theytiUUe snd munlclpeHUeS' j 1 sos u iverry i -,m.-r, tir-ng apr y - with her prrnn- thf pLtHti IWdeato af the 8UteiftuKr !!- and aU ' trooos r n Id- r-U-,i. irn.n'a flah. Fiveu. .n.u iWj. . f'r V t t . h Interfemd with sh. ( the United States des at tT fc .try 1, and lnstc,itrh,e aid hot wr 1 policy or abridged regard isrb mlllUry eecupatloR with'y., i, or4 the varioes objects ef the S EnUrUinmc-t Cm . ft. I I 4 . m . 1 - - i .i i.k .1 . !.!..' ! ei uw 1 tafriiwn, cweing wiia oa pieMfl aui-i , jj t' 1 by the "roe door American rights. The United States favor. I,

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