ggggMBgMBMBawaMWiaaMMWaMWWMMWMMBWMMaai ,, ., .. ..i T i-,-. i ii n .n i ' ' -ji P' ! ii l -n t - PAPER 1 1 V ; r -1" , f- READING TO THE MIND IS "VVHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY , ) ; " .1 V . (' EVERY THURSDAY " c THE HOME NUMEER TWENTY ONE VOL XI THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, ;M AY 25, 1922 REPUBLICANS MAY ENACT NEW LAW HIGH SCHOOL FINALS BEGIN NEXT SUNDAY Preparations ' for the Beaufori Graded School finalg have been un- -. . . 1 ' ; 1 . 'fi der way for eome time and the indi- Party Pledged m Platform to cations now are that the commence ment this year will be one of the Prevention of Evils of Child Labor WASHINGTON..With the decis ion of the United States Supreme Court declaring unconstitutional the present Child Labor Lw, the whole evening with the graduatibn exerci best , in the history of the school, f eglnning Sunday with the sermon to the graduating class which will be delivered by Reverend W. A. Ayers, a well known Eaptist minis ter of New Bern and closing Friday subject of child labor legislation is reopened in Congress. Sentiment a mong Republicanmembers of the Sen runs strong for th iniation of a con stitutional amendment, baning child labor. Republican leaders feel that the child labor law crusade has from the first been an essentially Repub lican fight, and there ig no disposi tion to abandon it with the present setback.. Impetus is given to the movement for a constitutional amendment, ow ing to the fact that the 1920 plat form of the Republican party de clared" explichy that 1h ojuse 'the present lawaw is found unconstitu tional or ineffective, we shall seek other means to enable Congress to sese the entire program will befill ed with interesting events. No doubt the capacity of the auditorium will be taxed to. its utmost to take ENTRIES CLOSED FOR PRIMARIES No Contest In Republican Ranks Thr$e la Demo craticSome Fa' led to Qualify At midnight last Saturday the chance to become a candidate for a county office in the June primaries ended. Several who had announced themselves several weeks ago fail ed to send in their entry fees .there- care of the crowds that will attend, i, ,x , ' , iexi inemseives out oi , me race. Mrs. Bickett widow of the former Governor Bickett will speak Friday evening. The order of the com mencement exercises will be as fol lows: Sunday morning at 11 o'clock ser mon by Reverend W. A. Ayers Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock High School Play "Just For Fun," Thursday evening 6 o'clock pageant by Grammar and Primarylgradea on Courthouse green. Friday morning at 11 o'clock ad dress to graduating class by Mrs. 1 A meeting of the County Board of Eectiong was held at the courthouse Tuesday and final arrangements made for the primaries. Where candidates had no opposition they were declar ed nominees and as a result of this action there will be very few contests There are no contests at all among the Republicans and only three among CANDIDATE HOOD SP0KESAT11DAY Republicans Endorse - County Ticket And Listen TO Speech Ey Candidate For Congress As was duly advertised a conven tion ..of Republican voters was held in the courthouse Saturday at noon the object of which was to endorse candidates for the , various county offices. The convention was .called to order by Chairman Clem H. Wade who. called E. Walter Hill to act as chairman and Julius F. Duncan to act as eecretary. Chairman Hill addressed the con vention in a short speech after which on motion a resolution and plat form committe composed cf J. F. Duncan, A. L. Wilson and W. G. Me bane was appointed. While the com mittee was out Reverend Thos. J. Kood who is the Republican candi date for Congress addressed the con- CANDIDATE ' FOR HERE CONGRESS IMPORTANT DEAL ; IN REAL ESTATE crowd ,of ; men and women. The meeting had not been advertised and probably not many knew it was to take place, ; Mr.. Hobba , makes ft different speech from most Congress- tfce democrats, those Detng ver tne vefition. Mr. Hoodis a fluent sneak prevent the evils of child labor" The; Thos. W: Bickett only difference of opinion now exist ing among Republicans members of Cogress is the question of the most effective manner of re-enacting leg islation which will stick: The fight for chid labor legislation was origin ally iniatiated in Congress by former Senator Albert J. Friday evening tt 8 o'clock grad uation exercises. office of shefiff, register of deeds .and board of commissioners. As it now stands the following is a list of the various candidates: Democrats, er.and hig talk was highly enjoyed and liberally applauded. A motion offered by G. W. Duncan that all the Republican candidates in the pri- . " Mr. S. H. Hobbs of Sampson coun ty candidate for the Democratic nomination for Congms spoke in he I , - ';- . v' courthouse last night to, ; a "small Bank 9f Befr , Acquires Valuable, Front Street Prop erty --May Build One of .'the most important real I J. .a ii a : ional candidates. ' He bases his claims wansacuons wiat nas occurea m t t the nomination on - hia intefest BeauI" While tOOlC in the farming class of people. He P'c " saturoay wncn we BanK , fvnr. .': Mitral extension of credit I 01 a Peaoforl acquired , a yal'libla to farmers and has seveal suggestions PSec of treet property from ; as to how this may be done. He is ? wwawrcsv ne property to fluent and entertaining talker and which reference Is made is, the two I -A- l 1 (.' L..J1JII XI. iL had no difficulty in holding the atten-1 wry Dr,c. l'uu,nK n , w . tion of his audience. ' id ?"ront M occupied by i Ithe Bank of Beaufort, Rountre and CELEBRATION IN ..,v ' i m a i An m a- . : i . i . .. nrmcADT htvt vrii ironwje is pa -z xeei.; i is unaer- property war 118.000 and the gen- The directors of the Chamber of I eral impression here seems to be that' Commerce held their regular monthly lit is well worth that figure. The build meeting Tuesday evening in their nOT aione wouid C08t at present prices headquarters.' A number of patters I that much, or possibly more. - were discussed f perhaps "the ones oi I ., The News understands that the- most interest to the public was that! bank people will make for the pres-, of getting the eastern papers con- ent BOme minor imnrovements to the verjtioh hee this Summer, th fourth 1 bulidlng they have just- bought, but r of July clebration and the Bicen-1 that they have in view , some very ter-nial celebration for next year. D. I neat' improvements to be made in M. Joes was appointed c.iairman of I, year or so, . The idea of the di- ARRANGEMENTS BEEN MADE FOR BASEBALL CLUB At a meeting of . baseball fans held Eeveridge, who: Monday evening arrangements were' V... has ini hoon nominated in In- started which will result in putting! ' .7 .. ... .... , . . . coroner diana as tne Kepuoi)can cana-.aaie a eauiun ven u iu " D Hardestv for TTiii State. Senator. Success early date. Two payers Charles .. y came slowly owing to the bitter op-'Thomas an Oak Ridge' student who ! slaved here last year and H. E. wouce oi Representatives, ies- on for each offlce wa8 carred. A lie Davis, Clerk of Court L. W. Has-!T iGardner offered a motion which sell, Register of Deeds, M. M ott. John Hamilton, Sheriff T Wade, J. H: Felton, Board of Com-1 -,iP.tlnn w r. m.b uJa- Hornaday Jr, and W. G. Mebane town needg a first class offlce build- Chadwick, Alfred the committee to ascertain if the bus-1 rectors of the Bank of Beaufort is PiK- iwal nassed that the .nt hnrd nfiiness en here wnted fourth ' that the bank needs larger and V.C,!countycommigsionbeendorBed celebration. U. E. SWann, J: more convenient home and that the mission ers, C. T. C. Whitehurst, J. M: Carraway, W: M: Webb, W. F. Taylor, H. H.Davis, H: D: Norcum, Surveyor, possition .of southern cotton mill op erators and their Democratic Sena tors and Congessmen. Investigations dkcloeed the fact that tote of 9and 10 ' years were being worked long Coward of Kinston who was one of the catchers on last year's team, were signed for this season. Caffrey, Skarren ad Guthrie, local men who night shifts by southern mill own-! played last year, will probably wear rdtat authorities were either I Eeaufort uniforms again this season. powerless or indifferent to cope with , The organisation was perfected by j tv Lcmlno th fallnwinir officials: D. M. ! . . . m i i u i !j.B D. fii Jsu v!r. I 3 1 6y a manoatory ieaerai iaw tumu joms, prcsiuou -. . the root of the cordition be reached. J president, C. H. BujhAll, secretary- Th aeiUtion finally culminlited ! treasurer, J. V: Caffrey, temporary Republicans, House of Representatives, -E. W. Hill, Clerk of. Court, Charles H. Eushall, Register of Deeds, Troy Morris, Surveyor, Hugh Hiil, Coroner Elijah Whitehurst, Sheriff . C.. G. Ga&kill, Commissioners J: ' L: ' Ed wards, H. D. Piner, B: F: Small, C: G: Taylor, C: R. Wheat'.y. ing administration and - Congress. The platform prepared by the com mittee was read to the convention and unanimously adopted. Tke plat form reads as follows: 1 We the Republicans of Carter PAUL'S' COMMENCEMENT EEGJNS NEXT TUESDAY. Tuesday May SOth 8 o'clock P. M. in the enactment of a first Child Labor Law by Congress on Sept. 1, 1916. Although Ihere was a strong ; Seeley J:.E: Ramsey, W. A. Mace, manager. The following were elec- Piano an dOrchestra Recital, School ted directors of the club: F. K. Auditorium. . Democratic majority In both houses , ef Congress in that year, the rec- ords show that In the final vote the . House only 2 Republfceni voted against the measure, as eomflired fith 44 Democrats: in the henate W: H: Taylor, C: Si Marweii, J; v: Caffrey, Nathan Cimer, W. P: Smith, C. H: Eushall, D: M: Jones. ed on and spoke for about fifteen !were PPoJnted a committee to con- nc. mile the matter has not been, mittutes on the record of the Hard- fer wit the Community club ir i re W determined yet ft may be that . gara to me oanKers convenion. i , combination omce and banK duiw- year, unless something vey remark- Vz wju be erected on the present site - mDie snovua va&v jmcrf win w i jj mc pans na in ttor next . suuin oinnuay ot wie wwu wi n account OI Its location on int , fort. The Chamber oi Commerce water front an ofiWe building here diectors think this occasion should I WOuld be delightfully cool in Summer L. . 1 - V -A S . ImmahSu .nf1 I . ... m 1 . et -county in convention assembled v" na witn ooutnern , esposure Vw , at Beaefort this 20th da yof May, PP-oprUte manner. A sub commit- ;nt b, Winter' It Is generally rec-- 192L do commend the admlniatra- Ue mk M p?"mi" Tniied that Beaufort needs .tood, ' tion of-.the.IaUon's affrs. . being -ngements, composed ofG.Kunt- trn offica huiilpt wlth heat end ele- now reflected In the substantial sv-OM""-" "'"-"Mvator service ana realty men acre tegs' in all departments WV PPolnted by President Seeley- y that if the .bank erecU such a 2We do heartily approve and u 11 coKniu iv "' puuatng It win nave no aimcuiiy in . . . . If r.UVir.tion that will be fittinr tola.jt.. .it w. ..AA t 11 . commend to the people oi v;srteret " 7 ... - : . """"i w , the etructure. , ine unprersion mong business men is that the deal !ut consummated will mean a big '. improvement to Front street wlthiq .he next few years. t .v i in - a I ccunty without distinction as to poUjine - us A ., f f work and time and that tat gen- th ecounty's affair, by it, present tP hou,d U Uid tooa " officials; and do submit thut an exhi-.""'1"- bition of their official acts is a su preme endorsement of their efforts in behalf of a progressive a;.d far seeing people. 3. Upon the prospect of a .con- IN POLICE COURT. 'Luther and Bert Lloyd were tried before Mayor Bushall on Monday Thursday, June 1st, at 8:30 P. M. Band Concert, on the Law.i. Friday June 2nd 4 o'clock P. M. Clats Day Exercleg School Aud;tori- Already several players have wnl-iUm. ton here and made application fur! Stturrl y Ju-e 3rd 8 o'clock P. M. harth on the team. As soon ss the'j.jnjop end Senior I'!t.y "Merchan of jeofle of the couity, we do plJg disorderly Saturday night 5 RenubUcans and 10 Democrats are :0i-ffanization is completed dates iH'YenIf ep tc d,.te, School Aaditori-to ell Xb.f people an honrt, tfflrient, Cr imposed a fine of $15 and cost- . - a t . a ... - .....i.l J"a hii t ( r k is A ftT f .. V . . MHft t 1 A m A r m . Alt .r,i..,i affainiit it.. Or the menioers , will be aans:ea witn vanoui m, imhiuh.., iuih. i,v.. ........... on mucr . f rmit on Labor in the House Un the eastern part of the State for SukI.v Ju 4th 11 o'clock A. M- of a!J public matter. In this con- tr.d Bfl they did not have the imicy ti.rjance of the confidence of the last on the chage of being drank and The May- LETTER FROM SUPERINTENOT TO SCHOOL COMMITTEEMEN e 1 - County SgptntM4ai el Ed'jcatiea Wriest recently seat tar te tke Sckeel Cemmi.taiea Whicb read as follewst TO THE SCHOOL COMM1TTMEN which reported out the meaure, games. It is thought by tte bacK- Cc:pr e-cmet Sermon by K?veren ucw we k me peopie in i.ic required tr.ty were fer.t i? ja.i. o. ui m,vrv -v. K. rubluan member-support- - 0f te team that games Alewr.dr-r Miiler, St Paul's Church. campaign, anured of the regi-Ua- en they have ben takn out and wK .P CARTERET COLNTY. ed the bill, v.hile 3 Democratic mem-';;! be played here in t.e ir.jn'.h of. jfa idr.y 5 o'clock P, for nino.d it and rtumd a minority 'jnn.. Scert on tv.e Lawn. M. Band Con- tion of a righJeuu e.dict at the poi!. ie given ai opportunity to work out the fines. Teport. Tri'. measure attenqilca to em! child lH;r by barr'.rg the po- MARR1AGE LICENSES. MonV-' Fth 8:30 P. M. grndu.-.tintr REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. dact ofyr fl fonjaiM-.. i i v lexeriUe. All fire corlial'.y invi ed to b? Rcciitcr of Dcc.U Trty Morris has fnon rttilion of Nurlh Carolina recently granted rnt t: e M-i mill owntri", the conslitnt'onality of lowing couples: COUNTY SUMMER SCHOOLS VU -r.t Uw was thrown Into court! Thos. B. Car Jr: of Scuthport and) FOR WHITE TEACHERS T' e fi!lo'.vi:.g ru'.ty t.-an actions i.uve been tecored at the o.Tee of the Register of Deed.: ALLECED ELOCICADER CAU- IT. a I vlh t) call your attention to . t t J &ome new rg ju'i receive by tLe State Eonrd of Educatlo.i. ' 1st. .All schools making an aver- re 4iiy atteadante of less than Lee West a co'.ore Craven county was captured at a . . i... thirty' eight t38) pupils durirj the SCfiuoi year imr . v w " to o.'t tescher next year. The nonv II' O rt...V.I.L l t'.nl. n.a.l. .! ..... II. .1...... Ui,rHaw h u..:1.i- I ... .l..u(l.u- n, ;..-. W n Allan kr.A ltt hit beM Wtif ln UM pa t. i -H" iS Has eventually declared uncon-j Ceortie Wade ef .Mo.ehend City ; - - - " Vv'OO. ' A LMo of Kw Port. Ke s T .mutlonal b, th. Supreme Court af- Thos. and Margie Mason of j Tlicre wi be ven County Sum-, r w 11 and fcy uffecU yur school snd be g,.rn. fiY niU,a n,y 273 d""-' N'PrC A,",: T,C w,, ,errimn m" 8ih0nU fr f ' G. Kn. Z , I . rf-rt U. S CommU.ion.r C H and "'T riV'll Schoo's or two Thexond child labor law (which and Georgia Wad. of Wilhston. j. Nortb,,rpa .ection of ,h. Su. " con.u:era:ion 2609. Lnd over to federal cert. h ih JTworV Z, 'v t ... m.i a aimilsr fate) was en-1 - this year. All profpett ve tarhers K . , n .... T,lin.- schools doing high .school worn, may l.l9..n POTATOES AM MOVING. L testes below th., W-C -'"ll vnuVfS. not U ecUb.iah.d In th. m. tewn- ' amendment to th. revenue bill. imtiiJ to end child labor It by tarv should attend a County Summer Potatoes have been on the Wl gchool In order to secure or aie i.l ration 12500. . . . . . I . .L . Kiif . . . . 4 11 . . V " m , V n f I Ul 1 w fcj ' - - I . . 1 . w mn m - i n t,M9 I4 iiiuiii inn tap iivtm wvkv vi;ir.f rn nriiri. tii tvai.iv.a . . ... . . ' . i . j r""0. v r:v:. : th. ..ninctes , ... ' iB.rwpon wnv.ra,emei,t m tw, iu. of . . wM, kt . children under condiUons mark.U left here y.Uerday . There cur, rrncwal credit by attend ng a r .w.u i ... w . .. j - t..l - for law. A-! , c;;r. shipped and the, went C ount, Ser JS s. I.V Wh.U Oak'- Ter:'T;. do gain' this measut was thrvwn Into Norfolk. holding on f"" " llwBaWp, con.ld.r.t on 110. " nut llkf lhU Ui u,. Chief say. th, ,out. at th. InsUunc. of Dem-j Th. day. wh.i, g rowers got Summer Scool cit-dH thU nJ w,ff . XMn U .nford. ocrstie mill owners of North Car. flO a barrel sr. over but the New. . 0k . under.UndsU.tth. present prk T.aeU, frcrr , sny county may a - 0,w,r.UeB 2:5. , bic'tVmTin NEW EWN ' t. ,k- n-antim. the lUnubLcan f 14 00 for th. beat grades afford ,.a , ont of th. Summer Schools w , . in ntw frt A Dram moor iru iit . . ... . .. i ...... J . ,VT-'.. ... '. . .W nttf Sll.I pert, had be.n cepmg wiia uie emio . profit te me Pro-rr. Mwe., r v..-"- " wu,u d .,lhm trart of hnd In, v r,rB It ar pUnht u Uber.tU from enlh.r angle. Du-U.ek It I. prokeble that the sh p. lBWfnt or lfrm.t on corl- C(niJdertlo "" Blt - , w m 'at w . - - - - ---- ring the Taft adnlalstraiion, R-jmenta from this lection will k. quite pvbkan Cengreas esUWished Uie t ea heavy. The toUl yeia wis yr eral Children's Bureau, which has j round here will be less thae U - done-much to awak.n public oplolon va, l,, eccordlng U all reports., ...r.t uAtv. twelve: Demoeratk ' be held et in '--- ... , - . M . 1 . .... . .. J.. etate. prohibited IL Tweety an. e i ar.d will negin on ww t th. need f action. This burtae, wUa IU exstance Srae threatened la It 1ft 16, by the falure ef I. Dat ecreUc appropriations conVnltte. In H'ause te Provide funds for lis c en- tin banee wee seved bf the sggreee pad,; only nine Democratic win Ua fia-ht hkll the K.pebHcaa no- l,d this pohlbitlett. Tweni, e.g cernlng boarding arrsgementa. a...a Hrhaal um la Bi . j ...-.v.- .M .im-mI to bes AmajiiU E. ess .n. . iBut pree.nt on w. op-.n. Mh con,u,.allon $70.11 Cow.l Summer Schools iot , : .... ... .v . I 1.. ' A Vt.vw Hl .,!!, atataa had lews rroMb'tlng -lvafl. children from workW over boere j Waihlfigtott, N. Ma, Vth, 1921 Tmias. N C June IX'. n. lvzi. aaHt, made on the 0oer ef Ue . Ilevae, eo4kr the leedenklp ef for Mr RapretenUUre Coed ef lewe. At the 'sarue time, the Republican child UWf pregte f"haa been eenlln eJty In the sUtee- Oe Jae I, 3I, the rlVorJe ef, the OuUrvn's Ceresv showed tUlt Twenty eight Rt pub! Wan tt... Md mSblm.m age laws proMblJlxg the RapeUkan sUUt had lew. forbid ding the employw.t of chlldrei tin der ! nl orkrlf tw.We Democratic itetee bad icb lawa. Or, te Uhe enetb ang'e, ttlrt, Ue Re peblkan state, bed cimpeleery full f tm echeel Jaw, while ont, !a Detn ocrstlc suite had ewch. Tnty. Rapublcan ttatee b4 "itt shx-l 'Aarn Raolre the caopeftie r.uik E. Tuler to RobTl Smith t4der U to speak there, A basbe ln 400 acres in Merrlmon (e moc), ,p.aking will constitute the program. Farmers and business men from .Carteret sr. Invited l aUend. ' , pIRTM OF INFANT. LOANS FORi FARMERS. The Certeret Coentf. National . a" . . . . . i. Mantee. N. Ct June IXtk, Devl of Washington, ut v ,. V " w. Chowan Celleg. (Mrfreeboro) Elisabeth City. N. Cs Jane Mth: Tbf.Kews to the recipient of card annoenrlng the. br.h of a dauehter U Mr. end Mr. Craaem Jue. inh. JatVaeam., Jen. 2th. OrlenUl, N. C June 17th, Ml. Hettie Parrolt, feperlntendent .f Treinlng. Mr. Moeetervin. Ta,lor at lea- Mf!cyoent et ihildice Mtfr . 14 sech laws. tows; oel j foer Democrat. tUtes had Level was a buin.m vUlter b.i. Infant has be chlet.aed Celhrln. Ing applk.llesM.ta . MmtU. ornbet t..iJ t-v t.i. fat loan, from the Federal Lend Tank . '(hi, AeaoelaUoa to limited In U aV lotm.nU which are made every three menlhe. Appneatme. will be CARD OP THANKS. t .u n t r. . a UU fm. Wrnl ea received sad handled In the ny UfU win to tUnk the ptcple order In which they ere trwJ.. for ef Ptesfert ar.d o htrs f or their further Information erT'y U klndnM. dering the IllneM ef Dr. Pt.-Lncll, fec-Treas., leeuf.rt, N. n p. Is no ehing W It. hedul. for th. comlrg year the sam. that It a this year. , - The School Law of North Carolina .e,u!rea t'-t Die Supelntendent end '. .khol Comir.ittce.-n.n meet la Joint -tessioa someUnie la th. Sp rg or ear!, If untmer for th. pupoe of elect- ing Uechr and dlKOsJng t ;teeds , ' of the school for Ce coming year. tci at earty at pdite. . 1 wl l send ' you s notice a lit:. WUr as to wheo , " ard where the meeting for yoar die- trkt WUI ee Ud. ( I am sending you herewith e Kks- U e vu'.e l Uacher selariee for . ttlrth. reining year. Yett will oli from this schedule that eertaU cer- ' tiftceUe drew certaia saUrwv accerd. . ng U'.lpeiMee, ,"Y.f w-l frmeas.-. tnr that t beard ef fcdeeatie eial menlhe ag,' pomeJ r.setotke - lat bo teacher wov'd be b red lor the cowing yeer wbe hold bt low Stat. CerUflcete, . , With bert wlhes I sm . ' To or. eery tnly . . . M. L, WrlgLv 'Wedneeda,. St Leftist Mr. C S. Ceir.pva ip t Tu-ly la Met.beed C.ty.