; V "3 J! . . t . .. ' ; ' . . 'ill' i X ..:."', 1 - Mil f THE HOME PAPEH j ( READING TQ THE MINP IS WHAT.EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY ) . - v ( EVERY THURSDAY; 1 VOL. XI THE BEAUFORT NEW$ THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922 NUMBER TWENTY ONE 1 l , V 3" K MANY DfflOCRATS ASSISTED MORSE Senator Orerman Was Among Number Who Sought Pardon For Convicted Financier LARGE CLASS GRADUATED , LAST FRIDAY EVENING 'The senior class of the Beaufort Graded School delivered their Epeech es and essays last Friday night to a crowd that packed the auditorium to its oors. Each of the graduates ac quitted him or herself most credita bly and all were liberally applaudt ed. There fcere sixteen in the class which is the largest number ever (Special To . Beaufort News) wisnrKrrjTfiW n r t, Stkli OTBed 0B the. school, . Alter the exercises were Watson of Georgia have been mak ing some very bitter attacks' upon Atorney-General ; Daugberty ' W con nection with his having helped to se- a paraon xor v. w saorse in cure 1312. Mr.-Daugherty at that time was one of Morse's attorneys. There were many persona besides Mr. Daugh erty who asked President Taft to par don Morse ; .Senator . . Overman .' of North Carolina who was one as well as 'other prominent Democrats. . dordell Hull, chairman of the Dem- ocratic National Committee, was one of those who engaged in the move ment to'have Mr. Charles W. Morse released from the federal penitentia- ry in 1912. This is according to the records in the case on file in the De partment of Justice. ' Mr. James M. Cox, of Ohio, Demo cratic candidate for President in 1920 was another who interested himself. in securing a pardon for Mr. Morse. Senate Tom ' Heflin, of Alabama, ; who shares honors with Senator Car away, Senator Pat Harrison and Sen ator Tom WaUon, of Georgia, in De- mocratic floor leadership, was another who joined in the movement to have ; Mr. Morse pardoned. Senator Joseph T. Robinson, of Arkansas, colleRgue of Senator Car away, is another Democrat who Join ,v ad the movement to have Mr. Morte pardoned in 1912. . Senator Carter Glass, of Virginia, conceded to be the spokesman, in the UAt f termer Fref knt Wilson Is anothr Democrat wh urged PVeP tdent Taft to padon Mr. Morse. Representative Joaeph W,. Euros, of Tennessee, ranking Democratic ntmber of the House Committee on . Apprpriaticns, is another Democrat who Joined in the movement to have Charles W. Mcrse re'eaed from the fderal penitentiary in 1912. RepresenUtive Frank Qark, of Florida, ranking member of , the House Committe on Pub'ic Grounds t and 'also of the Howe Committe on War Claims ii another Democrat who joined in the movement to have Mr. Mont relcaied from the fedrral pa- itentiary. . Senator Lee S. Overman, of North Carolina, Senator Du?ican U. r.rtO DIOCESE 51 III Alter the exercises were finished Superintendent Pittman inaroduced Mr. U. E. Swann oe of the trustees of the school, who set forth in a con vincing manner the need that exists for a new building. The building can hot be constructed' in time for use at the next session bu Mr. Swann urged the people to consider the im portance of the matter and begin to plan for building in 1923.' jin ' The following named ftoristituted the graduating. class: Misses Ea- telje Caffreyr Letha Fulford, Annie Guthrie, Martha Pierce, Aliee Potter, Margaret Gibbs, Gladys Weeks, Ines Willis, and Ben Jones, Paul Jones, Julian Gatkijl, Clifford Lewis, Rich ard Duncan, James Noe, Thos. . Pot ter, Willie Sanford. Several mem bers of the class will go to highef institutions of learning as follows: Misses Letha Fulford to East Car olina Training School, Estclle Caffrey to State College for-'Women, Alice Potter to State College for' Women, Margaret Gibbs to East Carolina Training School, Paul Jones to Trin ity College, Richard Duncan to Trinr ity, ten Jones to University to N. -C., Clifford Lewis to University of N. C, Willie Sanford to University of N. C, Tbos. Potter to University of N. C Julian Gaskill to Stratton Business College. At a recent meeting, of the board of trurtces the following nemed teachers were reelected for the next term: , ' i Mlesa ETa-Themas,AnsJf Morton, Important Gathering of Epi- copaliant Will Occur In Beaufort Next Week : I , ; ' l v " t A Summer conference- of the dio cese of east Carolina is to be held in Beaufort, lasting from next Mon day thte 12th to- Saturday the 17th inclusive. n An Interesting program, in which both laity and clergy will participate has been arranged.; If weather con ditions are favorable trips to 'Fort Macon and Cape Lookout wll be riv en for the entertainment of the vis itors. . -..v The 7:30 A, M. services and the Evening Session will be' held in St. Paul's Church, the morning session iri'one cf the class rooms of .St, Paul'e School' - ' '" rj-v The public are invited to attend all sessions and , are especially advised to come to those held at night. " It is expected that nearly all the cjergy and many representative men and women from all . parts of East Carolina will be presents The delegates are expected in, special car , Monday flight and will leave Saturday morning.. The men will be entertained in the dormitory o St Paul's School. The program, in full is as follows: . . '. '- .IJrofrasa Holy Communion7 7:30a in Tuesday and Thursday. Morning Prayer, 7:30 A; M., Wednesday and Friday Morning Seatioa , Tuesday, Wednesday, ' Thursday and Friday. 9:00 to 10:00 The Dis cussion Method: Leader, Mr. Wil liam Anthony Aery, of 'Hampton, Va. 10K30 to 10:45 Church Service League:' Leader, Mrs. A, M Wad- BEAtFORTTOHAVE !ALARM SYSTEM Commissioners Decide To 1 In stall Modern Fire Alarm ' PlantBe Ready in Six ; ' Months ! pAPE LOOKOUT WHISKEY . GETS MEN JN TROUBLE. f I. C. HOLLAND Joh Chadwick. Other . teachers are to be selected later. , ; .' HiCHWAY FOLKS HERE. Chairman Frank Page of the SUte Highway Commission accompanied by Chief Engineer C. Uphara, Engineer t Construction R. E. Swlnney, Dis trict Supervisor R. E. Snoden ar rived here Saturday and rpent the night as guetts of the Davis Hou'e. Others 'in the party Upham, Ms. G. B. Eakinsj and Chas. S Ilvan of New York. The vifbts Beauflirt does not have many fires but. when it does have one there Is no way to tell where it is. The board of commissioners have decided to remedy this trouble by installing a modern fire alarm evutem and in about ' six. months, possibly : sooner, the installation will be completed. - At the regular j meeting of the board i Monday ; a t representative of the Gamejvell Fire and Police Signal System appeared ' and made a prop osition to put in a fire alarm system for 14372 and to accept notes for five i yearly iymenta.lTbftlho8sd discussed the matter among- them- lelve . and with Fire , Chief D. M Jones who stated that the fire com panies, desired the system put in. Fureherhiore the fire companies will pay $200 on the first payment. On motion of Commissioner Maxwell se'bonded by Commissioner Ford the resolution to buy the outfitt was pass eby w unanimous vote of those nvAiotif ' ' '. , ' .'' " The board. 'passed a resolution authoritin'g the Mayor and City Clerk to bolrow $3000 to lake care of some floating indebtftess. '.'An - ordinance forbidding any 'one to solicit alms oa,'the strtets , of Beaufort - without permission from .the Mayor was ad opted, An. ordinance forbidding any one to eonnec with the sewer system without obtaining a jttfmit and hav ing wfrk inspected was also passed, A moUonwas passed -increasing the salary "of Officer Geo. R Styron $5 'month for .'.collecting , water ' , and r ansae r,Ta-1 norovs Anif ""iwui . . - . .. . . j Ual..My; GUl UmAniu.k ' H M&wUblXK R?ift tTzr u-j..- a t- w.kv M tion. Parurb Ccafereacea aiid Steward- creasing, the salary of te City Clerk snip. Lieaoer titr. nunam n. Milton D. D.i Wilmington, N. C. ' . 12:C0 to 1:00 Young People's Work: Leaders Rev. W. H. Wheel er, of Wilmington, N. C., and Miss Rena Hording, of Washington, N. C. Emia Stultu Monday, June 12th, 8:45 P. M Service and Addrerr ei Service and Address: "The Church's Mission and Her Responsibility," Rev W. H. Milton, D. D. Tuesday, June 13th, 8:00 P. M. Service and Addreirei: It U generaly rumored that .con- eiderabe consternation hag been caus ed in blind tiger circles by the dis closure of the fact that two 'detect tives'have been operating in the town for several weeks. ' Th first evidence of their presence ' hereabouts '; was shown when Mr. Billy Holmes Garner and his son Carlton were ' arrested last Tuesday night - at' ,the Davis House dock. The boat which they had brought to the dock had aboard two bags containing ' 48 pints v of whiskey said to be some of the' lot thrown overboard at Cape Lookout last December just before Christmas. About ix weeks . a j man , named Lumsden krrived here from Raeigh, His business was supposed to be that of a real estate man and he y'was thought to be dn a vacation 'trip; About ten days ago he was joined by another man from Greensboro whose name is Brandon, They were pesent Tuesday ighr hen : Chief of Police Longest arested Garner and his son and the whiskey was supposed to have been brought to .them. , The opinion around town now is that they were detectives employed by the town or sent here by the Anti-Saloon Lague, : Whether they have evidence against any one else or not has' not been made public. Mr." Gamer and his son were tried before Mayor Bushall this morning at ten o'clock and bound over to Superior Court under bonds, of $500 and $200 respectively.' vTheir attor neys E. W. Hill and Q. R. WheaUy did not put on but one witners, W, F. Davis who swore the boat used by the Garners belonged to him. Chief of Police Longest was the only wit ness for the prosecution and it was on his evidence that, the defendants were bound over. . , $10 a month on account of increased wOrk in his office.. . . ' The board passed a retoiution" au thorizing Mayor Bushall to inspect and supeivise the sewer and water work being done here now. This is to be done in conjunction, with the engineer and contractor. Ho is also to look after the psy rolls, to do all purchaeig forthetown, keep track of all expenditures and glv epractically his entire time to the tdwn's affairs. Forthis service he is to be p.id $100 ja month. came here from Wilmlrtgton aru on ;na. or.ur " ' cundE. mornin left for Morehead f Florio'a, and senator ten, cf Okhihom or Democrats now in ; acquainted with conditio. is in eastern Carolina. CONCERT TOMMORROW. or, o the SenaU who., ' 7 . ... joinei in w.e rouvcmciu i ' Morse psrdored. Associated with thete lead ng Dem ocratf In the movement to hse Mr. Charles V. Mone reeled f.out t: fedearl penitertiary were John H. Bankhad. United States Senator from Alabama, whoe on is now a mem ber of the House of Representatives Senator Money, of MliwiMippH. . . ,1 I.. t Xtlm. tcr Joshua v. A.n "' --ifiv by xyt Prewill BapU.t orthan socri, aiterwara a mfimrei Went Wilson's cabinet; Keprefeni tlvt Two concerts by orphanage sing ing rle have taken place here re cently and a third will be given to- . " , 'momw night. The next win oe 'are cIsm of Middlesex. It will oe- lt Winn's "WBt fw";',c.r Friday night at IS o'clock in the JohnC.Flcyd ndB.tiC.Cr.v.)Gr3!ed MdtorJoiB d lh; PICNIC AT WILLISTON. I':0 V!: iPW.c cordially inviud to attend. to o yssr, .- BrouMard, of Louisiana; Henry D. Clayton, of Alabama Wftllsm D. Cullop and John M. Adair, ef lndl- 8. H. Dent and Richmond P. Heoon. xh folks at Wltlliton are Making of Alabama; James T. Lloyd na : prrpirttions for big picnic there, William W.Racker, of M souri;01lie.,0 uk rWf thursdsy tho 21 nd u Jm and Swacar Shirley, of tun. ondsr schools and lodges Kentcky: Martin Dies, Oscsr W. GIl-J cttr COsatty are Invited to be . .. t f fi's. ! ... a . a "The Tfcik of the Church in Minions I and Church Extension," Rev. Alex ander Miller. Wednet!sy, June 14th, 8:00 P. M. Service and Addrere: "The Tak of the Church in Religious PRIMARY VOTE RATHER LIGHT LAST SATURDAY There was considerable interest In the primaries held in Carteret county Educfcton," Rev. G. W. Lay, D. C. L., lt Saturday but not enough to in Mr. G V Cowper. -duce a large number of voters to go Thursday, Jane lith, 8K!0 P. M. to the polls. There were no Repub Service and Addresses: lican candidates running and the toUl "The Task of tho Church In" Chris-1 vote polled by the Democrats was a- Uan Social Service,? Rev. J. N. By- bout 1300. isuni, Mr. J. R. Telar, Jr. . The weather was threatening al- Friday, June 16th, 8K)0 P. M. j though the sun came out in tthe af Closing Service and Addrem: 'ternoon. and it may be tht ie Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Darst, D. D.. ittd asy by reawm of weatler WEATHER IN MAY " WAS 'VERY PLASANT ' As- is' often tho case, the weather in tho month cf May was very pleas ant In this locality. According ' to records of Observer Chas, HaUell there were, twenty clear days during the month two cloudy and nine part ly cloudy. The rainfall for - the month was 5.27 inches. The ho. test day was on tho 12th when the mercury ascended to 86 degrees. The temperature figures for the month are as follows: ' Max" Mln 7 ....v.7e' '4 Lishop of the Diocese. Ictnditloni.. The toUl Democratic vote polled WEDDING AT CXOUCESTER, The wedding of Miss Ludie Chad kk cf Gloucester, and Rev. E. W. lef pie, Rtbtrt Henry, Jaires L, R!ay- d, William K. Smltn ano jonn.i.. Sevens, tf Tesasj D. II. Stephen Fparkman, of Florids,' Tr etaie soma of tie wort pronv Iwnt DemocrsU who were associated with Attorney Genera! Daegherty in rte mtvo to obtain ptrdoa for CaarUs W. Mofse.' ' That Denwrat to Jeadm Uv U smirched with U mud whtthSenators Carrawsy, of ArVanaat, and Tons WaUh. of Ceof $om ena sent in a' eoanmanlra. I ttoft frw MarohalsbMg UJa week gU, have Veew'sltnglg IT AttotwnUot fall 4 to l1g any mw. -Uner preent on this occasion and good time Is guaranteed to aH. Tho new rosd in tho eatt may bo In good coo dIUon by that time If tho weather probabe that a Urge crowd will go probable 1st a large crol will go over t It that day. ; f 'JHO NAME StCNEZ). Geaeral DauUrty during: to w few etks. et)r jt a tors Carrawsy and Wel tro a waro that thei'aifcpalgn of owlgtr. Ity ad downright aUndet woold re set against Oe leaders of the party aad. iMf eolleegoe lo 0 Beaait . s .. .. ..L I. , 'llrt . . . ... CSriPrei cour.iy n r-'AQ 'proaimately 2100, so the primsry, I vote was considerably lighter. i22" The Ubulated voU for the various' " Glasa of Raleigh , took place In the founty precincts as fnrnl.hed ' by, ' Methodist church Monday afternoon charimt D E Langdale cf the .' at 20 with Reverend Sam LefTers BoM(J of Eiftioni will be In theLB performUig tho ceremony. The eer- , Bt k !; ' vices Included the ring ceremony) fhe toUl vote gj'.ten by each can-1!,,' ana was quit, imprmm, IUW ""' 1 didate la Carteret county is given i attcndenls of the brule were four ' Ki., dainty, hfJo girls In white carrying! Deeds: M. U. Pigott UskcU of h!to rotes, who preceded j 4Jt jobn Hamilton ' 763; Sheriff: tte bride and groom tp u aiie w;T c wdt 1202. J. H. FeHja 12i. Posrd of ComroWsianerst C T. Chsd wkk lU7t W. M. Webb,. 1210, W. f, Taylor, 1187,'J. M. Carraway 1177 M. H. Davis, C45, A, C. Wluteborrt 2 i.75. 54, 3 .72 eo 4. : 72 64 5. ...I... 73 65 6. .72 62 7 ....... ..76 C4 8 77 60 0. 78 - 68 10.. .'. 77' 61 11. .......78 66 12. 1-: .86 67 13 .. ......84 66 14 : ....88 66 it en i 1 16 .". 80 64 117 75 62 -...73 61 76 63 .'. .70 66 81 78 83 71 84 69 ....86 66 ...86 70 ..83 69 81 69 71 69 ...74 53 ..78 61 ...I ..76 61 DIES SUDDENLY ; .','' T-. ' "' ' Death ApparantTy Caused By 1 T Contact With Live Wire ) ' UstNight .""i;'''' The people of Beaufort were pro- J : foundly shocked' .this v morning to lesrn of, the death - of 'Mr M. C. ? , Holland which took place last' night 1 . in, his office at the. canning factory, : ' The impression here is that Mr. ' Holand's ' death was caused by an electric shock sustained when ho un- ' ' dertook to turn on the lights in his , office:': 'iimA Mr. Holland was seen by several " , persons about seven o'clock on his ' ' way to the office and stopped and ".'. talked to Mr. Frank Longest who has ' a store on Ann Street not far from the factory...- There has been a short ' circuit on Ann street line 'and tho ' ""' current lad beentured Off early in ' . : the evening, Just about the-; time 1 ' Mr. Holland reached his office tho current was put on 'for tho purpose of finding, wbee the trouble in tho lino was located; XU v. "r7i Tho-fact of Mr.! Holland's death was accertalned by his son Gherman . , " and Mr. Don Congleton about ono o'clock, this morning. .They foud his -lifeless body on tho floor of tho office ' and immediately called Dr. ' C. S. ' Maxwell, . Messrs. J. T. Beveridge, ' : Levi Noe and W. W, Lewis. 'An . examination of . the body showed a ' slight burn' on the left .thumb and ' - fcrefiriger. Thero was also a slight ' weend on the head caused by strik- ' ing ' it against a nail when ho f elL Mr. Holland came to -Beaufort bout , twenty years ago and has been , prominently identified with tho bus-loess-lfo of tho community since that time. : Ho had a large acquaintance- i sblp throughout this section and had ' . many .iriends.Jft married jMiss j: Hannah tiubrie'f Beaufvtt and sha" snd threo children Gherman, Lucy and Mary Cathrlne survive Mm, Ho was a native of Sampson county and' ,' has two brothers living there besides other reatlves. The funeral of thf deceased wll take place tomorrow . V about midday according to present .' plans. . ' ; . ' Under the circumstances It was- , thought by the authorities thit ait . inquest should be held. According- ly a 'jury composed of J. n. Dill, Frank King, T, 8. Martin, L. Rice, N. .W; Taylor and C. P. Tyler was ..; iiimmontd and with D. C. S. Max- well sittLig as coroner examined Into the case.. The result of Ihe'r find- .t Ings was the deceaied came to bis " death by the accidental contact with tlectrie current caused by a short circuit. ... . '. RAINS INJURE CROPS. lift. 19. The heavy rains that have prevail ed In this section for shout Un days teem to hove done co -.widcrable In Jury to crop particularly to the Irish poUtoei. It is difficult to tell what djmajie'as boea done as etUmates vary grcaty; some say fifty per cent some My seventy five and a fne des pondent or. go so far as U say that the potatoes arc all rouiei. Tho hesvleit rain vt tr.4 per led was on Mondsy when 2 1-4 inches Ml For- ;unau!y the floods stopped Tuesday nd tho Indications now are tUt tho weitier. dl be gocd for a while 29. 33. 31. tho strains of Mendelsohn's wedding march. The bride was lovely in rich, brown crepo and lace, brown bat and veil and carrying yellow I H.es. The a'tar was a msss. of pa'm,ferns and yellow litllee wlt$ white cot flowers in the background. Mr and Mrs. Glass win atUnd the eassnencement at Trinity sad then vUlt poju'la tho wetter prtf tho state, .-,.- .). Mrs, T. W, Rkkett who U Uavet- tho roW the article roatd not U put In behalf "'tff Ou 'fUU's Child lUhed.' I (Welfarneefent4PfcllttKllHh .4 CIIAUTAVCjUA'Htii;. Th i'g ChsouairM tt arrreed this morning at 11 10 asd was las Is ftl kaowa, but wbether'Uey wre;ed1aUiy rshed laU plaee. , The aware ef It or not that Is that herrUr perfortasste teea sCao U4 Kappeaed. .The campaign of vJU- sfUraeaa' aad the scWduts will o estoa agalast AtUraey Ceaeral Ureuch as panned. The UdkstHm (CeaUaaed oa peg eight are tot largo crewde wtfl alUd. o'clock. Th, congmot)a jlateped visit points la tho WeeUrA Part of the with Intern Idler to Mrs. ticket! whiU ho talked with deep sincerity clearly and(fraakry bslhe prob lem of child welfer. Mrs. Bkkett rsne st tho rte,ut ef U yredent of th eossmsatty clot and w.ll cento agals, she says, If It' Is swewble far her to do so. NOTICE TO ODD FELLOWS. The members ef Concordia Lodge No. II L O. O. F. are requetrd to meet at the Lodge rao.ns on Cu,idy, ... ' . v . iir.i iii. congress, oww.rj,, . . M , . u inon, la. .i.f.i e.i-. r,V AIl.s 183. HcbU S4, lUb WUlms it. Can. 2., . RotUrlUr J. H. Dsvlo 774,. D. M. Clark CSS, Fraik trlnsaa 16. Cor poration Commlwlonei '.W., T. .Lee US, A. C. Avey 80?. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS? . . ' ' Eegtotee of Deed Trey Morrta has eeceatly tecorded the following trans fes la real oetatot a Aneon Davl to Stacy B. Morphy 1 1-4 acres la Hosting Quar'.ot tow sh'p, eentleratloa 1200. Obed Richardwa to Del' II. Prt ckett part lot 124 Od Towa, Beaa fort, eoayraUoa 100. Brother la reoueaUd to bring flowers for graves of deceased raembere, , J, R. Jianett, Secy. ;J V By order of Lodge. Mr. ed Mrs. P. W, Llicke ad family tU Waa' bee hero several swaths ytft'Meaday for Nashville where they wll) raahe the r,f stare hoaao, ' ' 1 , ' . Foresee Ogleeby U JalUa Lewis 1 acre la Morehead towiuhip, coald- ...IU BlB.ll- . Kapoleea T. Hart'eU, to ' Ida C. ItarreJl kt f la block 126, Morehead U.U keae MARRIACE LICENSES, rermheloi to enter the suto of. wedlock hive bea lrued wc.'ry by FIgi.ter tf Ded ytvf Morris Ui tho following cdup!e:,l ' , . LcRcy Dudley of Puue snd Mabel Hesuer, TeSeUer, E. W. CUS and Ludle Chadwkk of, Oloucevter. .a k . 0 . a' Enoch Email icolj ana Jaa ea b. ColMns of resufort R. P. D. Har- rey Carrer srd'Lors C.Cu:k of N'sapirt. rUwuel Wi lis and Lavlelt B. Davis, Hatker'i Uaad Ysraott. Taytor and MHn'.e D. HamKen Sea t COMMIISIONEIt MtEVNC, ... 4 K Tie regular meetirg af tho board f reeaty cer.unUs(ner to yUcO here Monday deplM the heavy talat. Th official mHotes tf tho meettrf tkh u!y spfeat la the News were Set finUhed U t mo to gt Ij Tfcry M be p -hud, City, teaaideratlea $iOO, aett week, i .a.. 1 4