f - .. B3GM3a33 if"- 1 'f V-r iN -i v w v - PAPER i ) WSs-l 5l S LiHEADING.TOHE MIND IS ;WHA!5 IPSEIS .THEOpY J " &B&mfe9M '&WmQWl& r 1 ' U THE HOME i t r v ( .t i -w- t 1 My MAmENJOYpiliP Do Some SightSeeing As Well - ; Conference r-r. , r .., .- ' ..? The BU To the Taxpayer of Beaufort: paaev,,J,4Wn,mcTalt their last Bjey mixing : piseej si salaries in favor n pat cular, hixt.00.Cpr''-'';moat)i in- .rfhey ala'bdug-tfcatre alarm eye- Itis .Etiiigpt lstf'.;t4an $5000.00 fiufthed, faking i itothl of not less i,i ,!.,'' j .'1 -. r- ;ruan vvvv;wvo u tuibb nni year fraffee our tax rate about 36 cents on toe nundred or about 25 per cent a bove present taxes. : The fact that the Board has publicly made the would not be raised Beemsto amount to nothing. Some of the officer might tell you that it will amount to very little, as U will spread over a term of years. .But that 86sen't, justify the action, I Holy Commutijori! i t, Aboii I 80 clerical and jay; leaderi of this diocese were present at the onaninfr uc ui ran im gtatement that taxes aucomoDiie ,uie previouB vvemng. Several arrived later on during the Irogress the0.jronfrence. .Jhe Rt, Rev. frt&;&Aitiiufo Bishop of the dioces. ferriyed Tuesday eVejfi. J lnp; tcOaki, par th LfHand as a matter of fact it would be itev. Li. u. wooa, neia secretary ji the Nation Wd ; Campaign of zone, leaturea tne weanesUay meP- j j iil. - ' i .' - " wu,u wnHitonwew.:.JH afnxwxipio mc "as 'ridiculous to . tTT 1 1 ... . . T . r, ltf 1 ! .-- 1 u neuneBaay en;iui.K. up wuJiamthink of buyin? an eaborate alarm contrary tt.tbalaBm,saunicipal finance. ; Leaving .out all other arguments, REASONABLY GOOD Rainfall has Been Exceunre 1 vBut Chance for Crops kre i fuian rr H. Milton, rector of St iaines chtifch; .Wilmington, and executive secretary Of the Natkjr-.idQ Campaign, spoke at the opening, lefision 6f.' the con- evert "tnonrtnfwr- partsft ftrgtinlxa lrti-tti,TAnfyBiiaiit--ifjwit.- ship, r ThtRer. Wr ,.R. Noe,: ,cbair man of the Nation ' Wide' Campaign for this diocee, and the Rev. Theo ' dor Patrick', Jr., editor of the Mis sion, Herald, of Plymouth, to had prominent places onfth "program. The work of the cbfl Terence jfwas brouitht up to date' in-'art adrfirrable address Wednesday night by Rev. system, when we have nothing with which to fight a fire. '-There .has; befent n "fontinyed effort to have the entire managmnt of the f erenc. , nd J?IIe.din . .Mlu"d WneA-ifcllKwh'tJwMls. Just after the present Board wasl elected a proposition was made to thj ?ec;Jtfy"o4fc'Un was positive, on the" grounds that it should be decided by the voters, RALEIGH. N. C' June .10 Prac tically all cirdjps have an unusually good forecast for June 1st conditions, covering .IwA-iiiiiate'-' todnatbii'ireV ports i&;ttpiii&Wlfiop Report ing Service. The ecVnt rainfall ii North Carolina has been tod heavy and interrupted and delayed the need ed cultivation. Grass is getting .' start., . .. .: ; r While the southern states have an excess' of rainfall, the ' northern ones wee better favored with : fair and warm' weather. The ' Weather Bureau finds that prospects of fair conditions for this state will follow the present wet wave. Small grains, cotton and some fruit will be damag ed by the wet conditions, but hays, grasses, , pastures, some truck crops, and corn will benefit thereby. ' The rye, clover and other hay crops show a 02 per cent condition pros pect for both North Carolina and the averages. Pastures average about 94 pe cent in the same way. Apples ere reported as very good in the Surry.- Wilkes, sections and , variable eOOditionTt around J 90 . per - cent" Con ditions in the lower mountain apple counties with the state averaging 74 ?WS J'JF 400 hM compared with lasi regular uifcvmsi " given absolute control of the business George W, Lay,retor of bt.-J'aul s , . fi. tKvWh's ScfinlhiltraOgn.ri Chiirch, jd , this, city, using ; a.i' eUtUnd that waion sW Maji .Mbject, "The Tak of the Church in I ent me word Mthat tbm W0UJd Religious Education." . Jbe no need of coming" and I natural- MThe session today and Friday will , .UBBO that there was nothing Urt several features of great in-j fomt Ajk Wot th 2eLrd.TjIt is tcrest to the public here, espcially to a iwth wh could for local Episcopalians. At 8 o'clock ; weWe eniomraent f more than "Uhlght, the Rev. J.. N. Bynun nd i fcif i,f the voters of the town, would Mr. J. R. Tolar, Jr., will lead in the methods f that kind, even for . . . e.L ail& W . X. ! . . i " aiscussion oi tne suojeci, n inono n-.'vear. MANY NATIONS T- Sf v t1 JIJ,,t"jFVl "" .k.V -;- u4 J mitt I All I! t'At .!); til'! 2. either the noli, or by ; pflti tionl compiirwl. ith ceat oi A I was f ot alone in this objectioil ,, .: v . , . 1.1 VrV-eT'i " i jZZ Ti T the,tatel J The national agriculr in ma.iei5wasarofpeq-w. .?Ttral t. oreca.ted .t igo.000 89r f Ihe Church in Christian.! Social , Service,,. The conference will be , closed Friday night by the Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Darst, Bishop of the Di ocese, whose address will feature the service at 8 o'clock- Tnesday afternoon the .conference enjoyed Fort Macon and around the harbor her- for several .hour.. Wedrvssday afternoon the wen Personally I am in favor of a city mahager, hwtrst except to cut, do" expense in other directions and re ceive an expression from the Tax fiivra before mftkinc an effort to r 000,6M)1ast year when the condition averaged but 89 pepent ( he S Sandhillsi pech Section has afi extra good crop of peaches about the best in the country. They may almost double!' last year's shipment H they get 1200 cars, as indicated by the full ornormal crop prospect there. Large- increases in .-young orchards Other Nation ftaW Hastened to Write Tariff s Protecting --it: i Homs , . Markets and .-, . , WASHINGTONA'. vast '.amount of pressure is being Jbrought to bear upon the Congress, to; abandon" all ef- to&Sfil writei,' t'new:rtariff :;atv this session. It is argued by those hack of, this effortthat this is no!;' i prop itiou time to enacfc nev .tariff lavr because economic eohditioifs through out the world are unsettled and this nation should, wait-until .normal bnr aipons prevail. Deiore, attempting to enact a, tariff ;law;; - It Is also' urged by thi sained interests ' that ? for this country Us : enact a pfoteefve ' tariff would invite reUlitatlon .bj the oth- er t.atitns..; :f --- -;f -ri In this connection It Is interest ing to note that the United SUteS iis practically the only nation which tas not written,' a ' new tarift-since the armistice The claim that alew tariff for thU jeotmtrvlroo1d: invite retaliation by other nations iis com pletely '' refuted ' by ' "the fact that other nations have ;already en acted tariffs which discriminate a gainst the United States.' ' Tlie "fol lowing, is a brief chronology of tariff legislation the world round since the armisuce. ,inese new. tartiis, .with out 'exception , make , stiff .advance In rates and without .exception,; have been enacted to, protect . thi home markts and inidustries of the' nations Inactinr there " :': ) ! ".n' : The- Unted 1 Kingdom1' (EriglandV Scotland Wales and Ireland), Otto- ioii.-''v. V-"H-" AuctralU, March 25,1220: July 13 ,io2i;v' ' ::; EritUh Domiion of New Zealand, November 8, 1921. Dominion of Canada, June 4, 1921 0FFICIALs.MINUTESOFiS BOARD COMMISSIONERS IeAuf'i Il.i'l.-W' paufort, n.;c; JUNE 6th, 1922 ROAD'SENTENCESv l J iii'i l . . . ; Mf s Joy I: 'ttendiTrial of MeilAeduai The Honorable Board County Commissioners" met ,'tbs., Jhe ? 6th, cjay. of .June, 1922., at , their, regular meeting place .in the Cour House! at Beaufort, North Carolina, wiU I all members present, to-witi C. R. Wheatly; Chairman: Ged. XirTavlor. J. L. Edwards: Henry 0.rPiher ind ,Th . eminutes' of the last meeting were read and approved,: Mr. Roy D. Louk appeared before the Board. and. asked for damages to crop caused by ,the nevf roadjsross- ing his farfi.(.Hertated.Jtht the road had taken about. 1 1-2 acres of, his growing crops, and that dam age - amounted ,to j 100.00,; The Board promised consideration..-, i Mr. B. Bv Lawrence appeared be foe ilia Board and'said ,that: the county had taken ) 1-4 ; acre' ot his Wnd t6f the road-; Damage $25.00. The Board promised , consideration. Mr. Roy Dickinson appeared before the- Board and asked thai he be granted peddlers license. "" The Board gristed ithe iequestJ O '!, 'J. i 0 1;1 0 .The B&ard ordered that Gordie Willis be relieved of, his taxes from 1916 to 1922." - ,: ' - : ' M, . John Harvey came before the Board and asked to be' relieved of his 1921 taxes. The Board ordered him relieved. j ; Mr. Dookmanl came before' the Board' and" asked for permission to bridge the . old canal, The matter was referred to the County Engineer. '' f Ordered by the Board that 8. H. Styron and W. M. Webb be reimburse ed the amount they were overcharg ed by the Register of Deeds ort entry of land. " t . , -i', '., ' No other business appearing the i Rrrl tnnlr rmrmum tn mmi arralri . Jttdsre Cranmer and akcused from anr further attendance at eoutt. " 1 were made last winter. .The general j September 1, 1921; October, 1921; 7. 1 r A . geWnerand wotild rrotrbean fator "TCf .ofV.yione W Vuld W,?bV loyed a vdp m methodl to obUin the job. Fearing ound the harbor, methods might prove lasting. STToT IreedoHrTFSnTl u X pt u, give the bertT' state peach crop averages 90 pr cent, ahd Is the best in many years. Those who failed to spray for rot, are suf fering now however... ' It now looks like a bright outlook for crop productlpi with cooperative marketing in prospect and so geat- My, needed,, i Ja, hoped that the mar fkeing.ef, the'blg crops may be so k:l.i. i ' A i . j nanuiea as vo renew in uie proaucers more encouragement than they hsve had for, three yseft 4 TJiesa. weatial ueers have-done eiVeftlriieGoat" and J should have the "Hood 4 h -.. 11 nri The wli.Joid'n'tneVhrngoflf,pul af Mna riurne their 071 nours. several :.:i Vnnr. I mav be . ' atreruled ball games here and others ( mMAm a ,y ideM .nd effortajb lnettgatei ine -wiy 01 vu rk Vekitlvfc eipreM.dn, ftoOi .Wf V still hlghertarff law now pending be fore Canadian' Parllment British Dominion, Union ot. South Africa, May 6, 1922.. , ... . , v ' British India, March 1, 1922. Newfoundland, May . Pritiish, West Jndiesr, including, all the islands, British Guiana and Brlla ish. Honduras September 1. 1921,. ThrParba,doea (Brit,iUi), .July .1, ; Brittah Togotad Afriea July 80 f-w tittim Court liave' teen -taken up mainly , KtrW of or7jelling c4ses .jJ"il'Ji - '.". ..a.-'-V : Hf interest i Jtne,. toeonle al tyT In the trials has fceea very grjat ,i In fact ever'sinde the'airests of, nu,m!r ,! B' . Beaufort rori"evV dehce furnished by "detectiyeii Sibt , . Lumsden and WUliam randin of the Southern Dettl IV A-M.H w1- - tp matter has heen one of the lead- - : a s jrj --' - mg suDject ordi!j?Mwn..Some ha.ve condemed - the city" officials for em- , ' ploying the detectjves while , othere is a matter",' of . common,' knowledge ': that much lfquor ras been' sold here' , and elsewhere ln'$ ?countyT ever ' ' " since a lot of 'ooze 'was thrown overboard st( Cape Lookout Utt'.'De-" cember by a rum turnups Cjty "ofl-ci-als 'say 1 they ' could not stop the "whiis-J i key1 'selling without outside, help. . ; . Wm. H, Garner and his son 'CarU ton 'who is ' about eighteen years of ' age were the first of the; defendant, ; in the liiudr cases to- receive atten tion. They entered a plea oi guilty and'after having be,en told In' force- ful language of the evil of their ways y by Judge Cranmer they were senten ced to the jail to W workedTon the i roads of Craverf county'' TbV fAthel-r 2 received a lentencr ftf 15 moathf and tjje son got four months Tka , next case triea was that of .George- Garner another son of Wm.'H. Gar-' 1 -'" ner. He was tried by Juy and acquit ted. The Jury was reprimanded b1- : 20 o'clock P. M. , The Board' reconvened 'at 2iS0 o'clock P. M. with all members present. U1U. 1VI IMU1IWIIB HW ' VVU111I , Home were opened and read to the t entered pjeas of quUtyj Their ;'. , The end el the liquor" selling eases was a .dramatie on and came Wed-i nesday afternoon. All of the dsfa-. . danta, except three who had run a- f Bids were attorneys Walter Hill and Clau R. T board by the Chairman. as follows: ;- ' H. W. Noe, bid 8235.00. W. J.- Chapin, bid $207.00. ' H. M. Marshall, bid $175.00. " Dora Merrcll bid $233.00. , E. VSkarren, bid $349.00. Ordered by the Board that . the Contract for nalntlnar ' the f-niinf llome be awarded to H. M. Msrshall "or se'ling and announced his Judg upon entering upon a justified bond: tirl .t I . i m imii nnut tv picas tor nuien. . i stating that the men had never been v In trouble of the sort before, that they world not violate the prohibU tion laws again .and. asked .that they- J not b sent to-4h- reader-Tee Judge had each man to stand ud . before bimf ancTUld. item' Jof; tie Uvkls-lof , - Fiji- Islands (British), November mo"nt 150-00' to be.approved by They hve been having a real Holjlrr - -fj tKsJ ftrtV-r Is Wcked by Intelligent and hatd fcFVlJiiJhr befog the causaf 'Wctien. dartng the ie.lons cf the cMfrri-i-t. u of tfcf f-ct thtl wt u It has been surprlting to t.ia..y to . -s rt enjlnefrt, ,t an a- . a a ait !.. ..J a m lallAa I . f iL. sole We nne nuaniy v ' roount already -fixed to supervise n NEW-BEACH RESORT OPENS. 7k 1 ftjl report for those who wish to 'dance or go surf bathing will soon be opened in this viclnty. The name of the new place la Asbury Beach and in about two miles of Beaufort ahk, evidenced by .11. .The folk. Uck " 'f ' ' d t Uln about two mile. of B.sufort , i .t vilrioua: Mint.; Vould.ehHVrX ILU-I a. iU. Contractor. fH P.higft. "e town, h bwmw - - rr-i trm sviisni. i . . , Jo, seeing their minister, .nd other. .,.fw. a,, possibilty of losing located out m dw.y teiween jof seeing tne.r mm.er. - oniyfce leaders here enjoying mfn" .v .r much like a xawif - - nine . . I 1 i . . vk I Vufich of . w r.A U -...' J lk. A,..n L '.". 1 t. a " I . . m J . ' - r sf-ianii - imtm - v.' r n a wnn n ni up the cost. A. the iowji " " V" . J n..ln for all ma- "" money oj h'vi""" 7 . cost. AS tne iown w ..J n.ln. fnr all ma-1 cm. after a logWtady peri; ej VWt fcieo aa-ijahthn.tfghithe, ( TV., fcl'owlaa are In aUendsnce at"' a a the contrac the management by Ceo. S. Mender the aonfere-icet Zb are vfde.cl'.J2VJ0.00 bond H f'f V .f, J 1 v. r..,t,vnie..Jv.' Thomsk Ki f-uf lob'Tbat M buflHng has been' erected. The 1;, Aurora; R.r.J. N. IJ 2. by hav.ni an In.sper-j lower ,.rt U for bsth roorn. and re .uh; Edhaven 5 try, eTranekj JT-J WL OfBclsl 1kM M Ah. work f reshn ?d d a . . .room The fiOlnston; Rf. Walt K. contrvctlon th. prot.c -PPer Pt of the hlldbg 74 b, 84 WaiUmrton; R-v. iB. Cook., Wil- J- 0 f2so0.00 boo g" N U B7 rm- Vf ! wlf.gton; Rev. HarVfy A. tot, W Jj; cUpi.Uon 6f a perfeetjclas. areUtra has been cured for wligton; RU Re. Thomas C. Darst,! ,t C0U1J ,.d to Irregular- Summer. A. good wharf ha. been Wilmington; R.. K. B...Prane, afe jtf toluh tow. OftcUl wttH ab-.r w..n p.-ce - -m . a a M l . .m a 1 "w . ; . ,ka.l J(1eil th II 1 M lit5iie, wi'niinawHi uh wbom th. eonirac-ii -'a- - ! R. . , k l-.l ' man.giimt ite.ds tftepen t. nr. 1 . e.....l. i..a.l arlth a h e teri: Rev. J. D. vEef. J. W. Hey... New tern; ..... iVfci deal 1 W; It ldUtea. N.ew York; Rev Al.x-. rf f(.cU M m lbtin, aDd ail Mil'.er. Wllmifigten; Rev. D.L .iu,ai- ,BBt. hot th.re 0.;McKlneo9. "fy.jeaa.bt nothlj.fyr.ng, In. placlnf th.m C D. Noe, FarmvlBei BeJ W. FJ r . Mll .t.tVoa my be aejolnU v - , .a. ltd with eond.tlons.that y.u sy r arprove er drpro.. , u a matter ef serious contern 10 we 1 '10.1 , fiitlsh Honduras,' Ikfarcch 31, 1922 i SwiUerlnd,',Way 19?1. . , :. lYaneeJ, July, 14. ,1816; Nocember 7, 1919; Mach 29, 19il. Italy, July 1LI921A . " Ciecho Sl4v.liIarM.rch -10, 1920; Aoguit. 6r .1V21,,-, . r .- r4 ' ' Jngoslsvla,uJu!r 1.'2 ' ' Polapd, August ,11, J921.. r, .. . Ecuador, ptcmW'r 122L : Argentina, JjIjjJ, 1120, Chilly Kebruiry 23, 1921. Peru, December 29, 1921; Belgium Jane 10, 1920; March 81, 1921 1 November 7, 1921; February '. 1922. . ' ' Findland, January 1, 1622. Mtiico, January. 1, 1922. Sweedert, June, 1921 March 1922. DenmarWXevember 28 1921.. Ubngsiy. November 28, 1921. FpaW, F.bruary 18, 1921. ' Boumania, Ju!y ,1921. ' . Bulgar.'a. April 1. 1922. Aestria. Jay 1, 1921. Japan, March 8., 1122. ball to when the pubfe i. Invited. Noe, Wllmlgton; Se. Tfcoma. r, OrL.' F.d frringst Rev. A. R. r.rsh. Wy. ClUtonj R.V. Theodore P.trkk, Jr. nymocthjRev. JohnIanderi f uw who WlMoat F.t. Alfred Tsy er, IIV, wn 4 ortU we ford; Rev. W. H. Wheeer. w,mlnf'l-- cf our preeenl tadebtae-a, m n enA 3 m.m YAsrb " .. Ua: Rev. U u. v iw rrenotiUon. will only mean were Ree. F. N. Skinner, Bart.-'. , fcUfc,, Uses, with oth.if le- tease icnM f ntley. 'ROAD WORK COJKG' AHEAD. 87. the Count atm . -. . 1 Ordered by the Board that in the event H. M. Marshall falls to enter In io contract and give bond with in ten days from this dste W, L. Stencil, County Auditor Is hereby Ordered to award contract to the next lowest bidder. . .,. Ordered by the Board that An drew Gillikln be Instructed to pro reed Immediately to Cedar Island and make the roads passable there. Special' Election ordered held In Harlcw. Township to ascertain wheth rr the voters In said township .re in favor of consolidating the school district In said township with the Newport School district. . Sperial election alto ordered he'd in Marshallberg School District for the purpofe of ascertaining the will jof the voters therein on the ques tion 01 levying a apeviai annual ias meitsj ' A large trowd of x:en and wometi.cre..prcscnt. as ips-Lstor4 and! for an hour or. more sat psying as close attention as if they had been witnessing the production of a great ! tragedy la eeme theaUr .When' the Judgement, were finally announced! thetsobe .nd shrieks of female rela-' Uvea of the accused could be heard. ftilling the court room apd th. balls ' of tie building. 1"" . j Those that plead gu!Ity of leOing . 4 liquor and were sentenced we., the j following:. ; r. Price Johnson, judgement suspend-. ed, Iput under $S00 bond to show I goo behavior twr ye.r..' Ghjy Whltehurst, same ren.eice .. Johnson. ! ' ' . John D.vSs'(coored) $300 lo show good behavior two year. j - pan Smith (col) eight mo t In ; Jail-to be worked ovA .on county ; roads. 1 - . . : . : : i Cecil Crooks, 12 rooavh. h jail to. , for the malnten.nce of the Khooljte worked out on roads. In said district. No other business appearing the Co. rd adjourned. MARRIAGE LICENSES. e ' e ' ' Qeorf. Styron, 12 months In Jail to be wcrked out ea county rads. Howard WHHs ef Morehe-d 'Cify who csught some time sjo with 40 gallons of whikj; la a cart ple.d entity .nd t'rew a sentence of 18 Rrglster ef Deeds Troy Morris has monlh on the roads. ; I Luther Leyd , I a .!. , . l. 4r 4 a ' been taming marriage pemiU at a 01 Mwrn wu m - BALL SEASON HAS OPENED. " J 1 '.a . 1 ' M. ' Tka rAllnwlr r Mnud nun m rot iu ru hhmuvvh r , .-. B . - .... . . ,, led in u. Mayer s veurs recnuj v Ree. F. N. Sklnaer, Bartoii 1 ' Uivs wth ot g, C. Rev W. N Com) Go,d'bowU u f& t 'lHttsi Thedere r.Ukk Pr., Clntf t-jrfW Mr( . . K. Mathews Wlntoit; J. R. ToUr. (,tantd) . a W. II ctnteata,.a4 wen, (wo out, .t the Mr. H.M.' Lilly af the Bute High I three. A game with Burg.w is In ..' t-!. IK.. 1. Mm wroerea. as the JNews goes 1e, press. tern was a visiter here Teeeday. j the ftrsl game wa. pUyrd Th,' tin- rf.1.1 ikat atvcDt tkiwe tte ia wnn riaevii.e Jr., fsyeWVJle B. Frf Noe, Farmville; Ja-nes M, l4rd, ' Wilmtngwa j mr. A. M. WadJe l; aad Ml-. Roa De.il. Hew Per.. Jt M K 1 - - 1. Cept, II. HarrW and Mr. II. It. !T& tJ af VraMka a iraed throoch tn Tucsdsy enrowte U Norfolk w4H"d- ,r rtt bereavrmM. A CARD OF THANKS. , . . . 1 W. wleh to espreee t sinter. thaaks to the people ef 7eafort and aWrwhers f.r their sympathy and stort at .ne'e and In a few day. this part ef the read will be opened to traffic. It ( .spectol that thl. ee trart will be flntah4, by early fall aad there U1 thea be toe rolls, ef hard sartace road Wtweea th-e sec Uo a.ad New Bern, aaraaaare Bermtta! r- . 1 . . ... ... ' Stacy Willi, and M.ri. Willi. tfrutjK ar.a otroroeriy WllUton. Roy G. Fulford, aad sentenceo oy we uoge ... .... 9 . I . a WO a ?l.i.l.M m Lela Rose HarkerV Island. JnO. en we roeas.. .mwi.m T Garner and Laura J. Fpringle ef negro from Motehd Oty wa. eoa Beeefot I. V. Betto Sr. ef Mere-J.kted If a Jury ef secret assaa I and head City and Mr.. Ably Rennette.wa. given'. Mnlence ef two ear ' . . . . . .. . n t... o:.a Mii ua Mamaniiarr. . illllaat Saturday wimn.evuieag.ia ana ( 9 ' . ed it. wo.k Ureenaeero ano s-imb iu, an- . a a af V. . a . w .. .a.j !.. r..iJ c.k rii jAj-kaA. Ltdif ina wu oMarurm 1 iwviw- nefa V'tts t iwwsetww w t m - ville. and France. M. Jacksoa el aao er tne.jary Mere head City. Urn -.. T " . I . . . a .. ...- wllee ef concrete erk had beea we ait oy ine score v. ... done ea the highway raanlng from and Cewsrd were the Uttery lor J.mee Cite to Crtietoa. The work Bee.fert The weond game was ea .f petting eh", the asphalt top Cart. J. R. 'Emery et Maatoe pasted through town Tveaday enroot. attend to tu'ifl Mrs. M. CTnotUnd end famty, to Upton to visit hta parents. was wo. by P.ktvlUe wtth .were ef 4 to I. Ltoehaa piuhed for Beee fert and Coward ee.ghu The gae TVtsdey we. with Ferg. and Eeaa fert took thl. with a acre ef 1 to 4 Petto and Coward were F.aefert. bellety ea thss erraeUn, .-. Mrs. Raaa Blwpeoa ef Ocraceke Is the tvert ef Mrs. Efi. Hooper this week. .WEDDING AT CAMP CLENN. was cnsr.es a., fjf-ala of Moreheed Citf. . 1- Cerrew ef Beaufort w. .ppilatod H.if la cr.aree ef the Jury. 8 " ' . .. . r i . ..,..! l iV... A quiet wedJlng took place Teee- ucner jee v. s. pr. - day evening at Camp Ciena at the criminal dkeU kore ef tr. bride. , ' : W rn.l. u The cen tract Irg pnrtiee were Mrs.' Mra w. ii. i.iaer v,t - 'Abate PeaseU aad Mr. Z V. B.tU. ,vielUf.g Iried. l-ti. this k.

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