4 ' ' -1 T 4U W 11 li 11 3 ' Lj "..J ' THE HOME PAPER . - ' : READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY") c EVERY THURSDAY lVOL. XI THE BEAtJFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1922. ' NUMBER TWENTY O:;: r . i EXPORT BUSINESS GETS ASSISTANCE Secretary Hoover Lending Ev ery' Assistance to. Those Engaged in , Developing -v Export Business ' ; .,: WASHINGTON As1 a result of : an appropriation by the Congress of, approximately 30 pere nt more mon ;. ey for the foreign trade .vision of 'V the. United States -Department? of - Commerce the activities ot that di v vision for the coming year will be appreciably expanded, ' : - Under the administration of Sec retary Hoover the foreign trade bu reau of the Department of Commer- ce has been given the emphasis and prominence which it deserves and " r which is necessary if the United States is to remain a power in world and keep pace with her competitors. As evidence of .increasing interest 7 among American ; business men and j concerns in foreign trade problems, the daily umber of inquiries address- ed to the Department ofComjherce has increased three-fold within the last year." j At present from ,800 to 2,000 questions of this character are, received at the Department of Commerce every day. " As evidence of the degree ' to which Secretary Hoover has "speeded up" his foreign ., trade work it may be stated that the daily number of reports from - the ' consular service abroad receive by . the foreign trade bureau has in creased from' an average of 70 to an average of t20. The increased appropriations which , will be available for this work will be devoted largely to the stregthen , ing of existing organization rather than addition of any new units. An immediate stregthening will be made in the foreign field service A num .ler ,f high grade specialists in Am- ericas expert commodities wH be .immediately assigned to such hnport - ant world commercial centers as Lon don, Berlin, Paris, Rome and , Mad rid. . . . In response to requests by Amer- lean interests-and foreiign trade an office, will be opened at Athens, Greece,' for the purposo of making first hand close range study of opportunities for American trade in the Mediterranean and Balkan sphere The far East, wi3 be given addition al atentloa by an increase in foreign trade expert at various points in China. East Indies, the Malay, States Slam and the Straits Settlement, New offices will be opened at Calcutta and HongKorg. The personnel now. at Shanghai,- China and Melbourne, A us tralia, will be strengthened. Particular attention will be paiid to Latin-American trade. Addition al trade cimnUWoners wjll be sent to Buenos Aries, Rio de-Jeneiro, Mexico City and elsewhere In Cen ral and South America. A new post will be establish in the republic of Columbia and the offices at Havana, Cuba, will be .Increased in Importan ce so that the trade commissioners located, tbete will have charts of all the West Indies. The personnel of the rsrious dl-. ' visions in the home office a: Washing tort which come In contact with for-' elgn trade will be strength"1. This .'will Induce the division of foreign,', tariffs, the statistical division,' the trade information divslon, which em braces the publicity work, sad the the specialities division. The latter will be considerably espanded un der an escort whoie wide experience In export business will make hlra au thority as an 'adviser, to the whole bureau on matters ef export technl, que, aierchandislng problems, etc. All told, the Department of Com merce eipecta with the-additional appropriations to not only Increase . the ouality of serves which It new fomUhet American eoncern later ested In' foreign Uade, but Urougb this Improved serrke It expecU to ae- slst Amerka te capture Ut rlghu ful share of, foreign business. , RIDUCTION tALI, , Te ftrtt teJ action sale of ha iusx sner la Besufert is advert'sed la thf Ktws this we.k. It U he eondocW .4 w. tv. ruaufert Barfala Store us aialmes evsry "thlag their Urtt Lok Full deUOe et the. wJe eaa be seen In their doable P aJrrtietet)t JURY'S REPORT." The News did not have room last week for all the matte; which could have been put in it. Among other things-the gnd jury's reports omitted. The renorl in a fnUnwc'l omitted. The report is as follows: "We ,tie Grand Jury drawn fojr the June ,Term of 1922 of ; Carteret County Superior Cdurt, beg leave to make the following report: ?. , . "Ve have acted, on all bills of in dictment presented to us to our best judgement " We have made presentments of all cases of lawlessness that have ben brought to our attention.!.. . .,. : "We' visited and inspected " the County Home.- We found the Home well kept and the inmates well taken care of. . -:d''pxX zZi- ''' r "We recommended that the three orphan children now being cared for at the Home be placed in an Orphan age at as early (a date as possible. We also recommended the removal of Penie Hamilton, a feeble minded in mate of the Home( to some Institu tion better suited to one in her condition----; -J-. J. 'I i I..... U.. "We inspected the county "JaiTand found it well kept. ' Tfie sewers show evidence of ; poor drainage and ' we recommend that JthejJrainpipes be regraded to correct this trouble, "We are of the opinion that the jail itself is out of date, and recom mend that it be replaced by a more modern structure, t ' ' " " "We have inspected the various offices of the Court House and find them all clean and well kept.; "In the Sheriff's office we find a need for a wicker enclosure to keep the public away from the private papers and files.. Also a large safe or vault. v-' ' '- .' In the Register of Deeds office we find fourteen books badly in need of rebinding. '" , . "In the Clerk of Court's office we find them in need -of a cabinet for filing of papers for which no provi sion has been , made. , , . "In the cloak room adjoining the Court room we find the' locker doors, in seed of re-fitting. . "We recommend that these Im provement be made." t Wo with to thank the Judge pre siding and the various officers of the Court 'for their courtesies to us whle we have been In session. , POTATOES NEARLY GATHERED The potato crop in the Beaufort section has been rather a diissppoint ment to producers and the public at large-x Still the results show that it has not been a complete failure by arur means. The records of the railrcad company show so far 18, 000 barrels of potatoes have been hipped this year and there are still few left. I( the heey rains hid not occcred at plantiryr time and and then again during the, harvest, ing season the crop would probably have been fully double what It was and the potatoes would have been of a better quality. On account of the damaged condition of some of the crop aM Pxr grading, prices have been rather low. One advantage the growers here have is that a good deal of the potato lands will be used to product a 'second crop of some sort and this will help th sltustion consJdrably. ; ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. Only one msrrisf I license Ut been Issued so Ut this week' by Register of Deeds Troy Morris. This was to E. Arthur Mason of Biaofort .sAd Msry K. Piver f BeUle. ' W1XX WORK FOR THE NEWS. Was. Dabnejr White of Beaufort (1 Worn a member of the, staff of the Beaufort News seat Monday. Mr. White will pay special attention to gathering hews of a local nature, that la of town and eoanty. It has bea the pvrpose of the News min agemeot a 'J the time to make the Doner as laUrestirg to Its subecrib- W m - r aa H uoa.'blr eaa and developiog Its local news department sesna the way U taect uta reeuiwair. White ai a stsdeal et the Carvenrity and haa takes a coarso a jrouraatUat. I Ab news Items give alas of aay sort will be appreciated all eoacerwed.' ' . j w trM vXK aad three chU4-'. r of Walagtoa, D. C are here a vWt to Mrs. liUa WUJ . CRAND BANK OF NEWPORT WON ITS SUIT Verdict of Jury is That Bond - Cornpany Must Pay $5000 The Bank 'of Newport won its suit lT5r , l8:amEt the fidelity Deposit Company accoraing.,tnd Ge0 w. Rhodes, in Superior jrvBvciuajr. . iu sniuuni award ed by the verdict was $5800 but as the bond given , was for$5000 no larger amount than that sum can be collected;? The suit ' grew out of aj transaction whereur one E.' B. Troy fraudentfy "secured several certifi cates of deposit amounting to $17,- 000 some of which were recovered and the amount due the bank wis fi nally brought down in that way by payment i by Mr. Rhodes, who was cashier, of the bank at the time the affair occured. ; The case was closely contested by Attorneys Guion and Guion for the bonding company and Messrs,:.!) uncsnr;. Hill and Wheatly who represented the bank. "" ' The court has been working on the cjvil docket for about a week and quite aood-many-leases have been settled or tried. . One case that took up considerable tiime was 4hat of . Blackle,dge and others against Newby and White. This was a dis pute about the titles of certain lands; The jury decided ' that the lands should be divided equally between the two parties to the suit and that the timbef tha had been cut should be paid for by defendant. The de fendants took an appeal The case of the Norfolk and South era against Morehead City wis set tled out of court by the defendant agreeing to pay $500. J.,B. Morton against the 'American National In surance Cot verdict of $303 and. In terest for plaintiff. Blades xMotor Co. vs I. C: Stalllngs verdict for plaintiff, $1320 with .interest .... Two divorce suite were tried in this court. - The first was that of Maggie GUlikln against Jesse J. Gil- likin. The complaint alleged aban- doment for five yean and the plain tiff rot the dvorce. Zither Foster of .Onslow county against J. J. Fos ter, charged infidelity and plaintiff was granted the divorce. Harrell Guthrie of -Morehead City who plead guilty of trestpsss was ' . . t in fi ordered sent to tne j season irauiims; School ehd has been carried there by Welfare Officer 3. Wallace Mason. FARM AGENT ARRIVES! The new Farm Demonstration Agtnt fon Carteret eounty arrtveai, here yesterday and, will enter at once upon his duties. The new mairjUx raU wUi be considerably lncreas- U Mr. A. H. Harris of Psmllco coun-f)J tr. He was raised on s urra anai,L . hs new eaulproent. . In so can plow as good as any body but he has also had .the- benefit of . four years Instruction af the A. and E. Collea-e hi Raleigh. Mr. Harria win snend some rays retting around the eounty for the purpose of emgLj1.eaa'7' been auuxtd the property conditions and getting . acqualflUd j icien 0f this town by the Under wits the folks. la the meantime he ssys wool la bringing very good prices now and If any one haa some;,, to y,, neW water -system bow wool for sale he would be glad to be V proctM 0f completion. Ai to rais- notified and ne win neip sou u. ATTENDED B, Y. P. U. IN NEW ' BERN A number of young people 'mMtjon on 0f the Board, 1 Beaufort attended the B. Y. P. Cjthat H really offers encouragement meeting In New Bern last week snd- pTtMt file company to or report having a very")ojsble trip, , tfflclent organliation that TV hot to a tend the next meeting' ... . m . in l rf f L. tv(M wnlcB wia nt nesa m m iwi.. Those who went to New Bern from Btaufort wero jMrs. W. U PsoU Misses ITorence' Parkin, Margaret imi, Clennlo Paul, Reverend and Mrs, H. A. Dsy and Newman Lew ls w-- FARM PROBLEMS DISCUSSED ; A meetiig of a few bualneas men ronaldcr nialn farm probleass ws held lst night to the office of 'Amdlar Btaaclt ' C. C. 'girkpatHck of New Bora end O. F. McCrary 01 WaaWngioa wr at and dlacusoed Ht stock, cooper- . i MtUHnf. tnick erowtnff snd ika the. An sffort wiJ bo snade to syjgyt the farm deasoasUtloa wott la ' I iwu eounty started ea cerUla altU ttaee. ? . Mrs. J. t. Bareeety Is rpeading arvrel days ta OrtestaL REPLY MADE TO fflJNTLEHIIARGES Mayor and Members of Board Resent Criticism of Com , misiioner Huntley Editor of the News: ' 4 ' i In last week's issue, of your paper an article that reflected . somewhat upon the Mayor and four members af the board of commissioners of the town' of Beaufort signed by Commis sioner GWr Huntley was published - We ask the privilege of replying to the same. . ": -'' Mr," Huntley's indictment carries two1 counts; first that salaries of cer tain officials bad been raised, second that we had contracted for a fire alarm system We, not deny either charge and state that in both instances we acted for what, in our judgment at least, was the best in terest of Beaufort - As to the ncrease in salaries here are the facts, Mr. .'Hill the. -Town Clerk has i been receiving a salary of $75 a month, we raised it to $85 a month ' The duties of clerk are on? eroua and-the responsibility of - the position Is considerable. ' The salary paid Mr. Hill is not . excessive and we doubt if there is a town is the State the size of Beaufort thatv is paying less than BeaufdW It' is certainly difficult to find a capable conscientious man such as Mr. Hill is who will do this workv f or less. The allowance to police officer Sty- ron for collecting water and light bills haa been $7 a month it is now tlV. Does Htnybody think this is a high price to pay some, one to walk all over town collecting these bllsT -On May 9th the four commission ers whose names appear below id a written request, which is on file at the ' Clerk's office requested -Mayor Eushall to have oversight of the very.' important work of laying 'the tewer and water mains.. He was narticuiarilr charged to make out the pay rolls and look after all ex pendtures. He also looks after all purchase for the town in all depart ments. He will give practically his whole time to the town's work and will receive for thin $100. Would Mr. Huntley, take the job for that nriem or less: Mr. Huntley la chairman of the Electric Light and Water. Coramitte. That department of the town's business hss. been run ning behind for some time. It is evidently necesssry for some one to do something to get It on a paying haiia and the Mayor will do what fc ... vunr about that conclu- The statement was made that the ta order Mrt cf the pur- far as this goes, the statement is correct.- The tax rate will -be increas ed br a verv small amount, but this will be offset by W aecreaie in ui . flra imurance. which have ; wrltri Association, upon the Install- ' Uo9 ot Bew equipment in addl- In, jv, U1 rtte we can sky wiw confidence that It wJl'not be neces sar to advance It more than t cenU tn the hundred If that much. ; One . (V. nrlnpin! reasons for this . nn. v. cr asiittnce In I . T . ... . i fighting fires but at (ha same time will bring about the organisation of a volunteer fire , company that will bo accredit U our towa. We know of nothing that should require tho attention and consideration of the Bosrd, more than the protection of the Eves snd property of the peo ! which we represent; and we feel that It wou'.d ) crimlral a;lect 05 our part to fall to provide ths pro tection. . ... Mr. HostWy stated that he did not attend the meeting of tfto noaro becaute be wss told tiut RotMnr of ImporUaos weeU come tp. We leave H to (he pobH to '"1J hether oTr.rr.i6nr snou.4 frosa ssaiegs' " f'0"4 not, but be that as ft assy Mr. Beat Wy knew Out the board ti M gagaiweat at X JO l 0",M wlta the rtpreaetiUUve of tho Cease- (CoaUaed oa peg Be) STORMY TIME AT . ' CITY BOARD MEETING ' A rather low barometric 'pressure at a special meeting of the board of Commissioners Tuesday evenng developed' into a storm of Some real proportion peiore tne v sitting was was to consider the town budget for the next . fiscal year. ,f .The trouble grew ; out of discussion of . certain items of the budget, : , According to the new municipal fi nance act Incorporated towns have to prepare a statement of their propos"- ed expenses and after displaying it to the public ( adopt and stick to " it erthere'tiier,?At';tbo!:V:Tuesday night meetng City Treasurer W, L Standi read,; over -thevarious, items of expense and 'the members of .the board decided what to'. ' do r About them. Those. present; Were'.Mjyor Eushall, Commissioners Ford; Hunt ley, Lewis and City Clerk. HMv The trouble began when the. items of salaries was reached. Commis sioner Huntley stated that he object-, ed to any increase in salaries, partic- ulary. the Mayor's.; He also objectr d .to "paying;-the detectives bill for getting evidence against bTnd tigers and also the purchase - of the . fire alarm system. . He was very emphat ic 1n his , protests and stated that these things had been done in a sec ret and dishonorable way and that he was tired of such actions. Mayor Bush all and Commissoners . Duncan .and Lewis responded hotly to Mr.' Hunt- lw and order restored in our corn ley's statements and for a while 'it munity, Mr. Day and myself prepar- looked like the Chief of Police would j have to quell the disturbance. Howev er the storm blew, over after a while ad the work was finished at about 10- 80. A public meeting will be held on Monday July the 3rd at which time any one who desires to say any thing about the budget will be permitted to do so." In the meantime any per sons interested in , the .matter can see the budget by calling' on City Clerk- Hill.' . V ' .' MAY ORCANlZE ARMY UNITS. . Major. John, H. Birdsell of Atian U was here last Friday la the Inter est of a plan V organiser two reserve unite for the army. .'-The units art to be the Headquarters and Service platoon of the 759th Engineers' Bat talion and-Ambulance Company noi 818 of the 806th Medical regiment 81st division. These reserve units are purely war orgsnizations and are to be: ealled into active service only In case of war, and after Congress has called, them out. Reserve officers In this vicinity are to be assigned to those unlta during peace times and , , w c t also a certain number of non com- missioned officer, and are ipecisnsia. vvukui( ed to have drills, parades or other sctual training, In peace time , but every year enlisted men will be given ,an opportunity to attend a training Camp for nften dsys. GETTING READY FOR PRIMARY. i ' . ' Chairman D. E. Langdale was en gsged Tuesday in sending out not ices for the next primary to regis trars and pollholders. Tth primary will take place on Saturday, the first day of July. The object of It la to decide whether Chaa. L. Abernethy or Matt H. Allen will bo the Demo- eratic nominee for Congress. -Tne wtrv any other, way thin pualsh friends of both men as well ss the , mtn of Ce guilty, whereby ; the csndldstes themselves are active in , homes of our beloved town mi ght be for their efforts to get out their fail strength and It la expected tha - large Toe will be polled. Both sMes are cUlmlr.g that they will win. but the general Impreulon around here seems to be that the election will be close. . BEAUFORT TEAM WINNING. The Beafort baseball dob wine games whenever it gets chanoe to play but rala has Interfmed con siderably with playing. A game waa plsyed last Saturday wi.h Eurgaw which the local oauU won fcy a score of t U t Monday lhv c!ea.d up the Msytvt-le club with e store efjbrotgrt home at a UU hour of th 10 to 0. Yesterday a game wse acoe ;B!gt "dosd" drunk, then b R net the doled with Morehead Cty 'bat ajUtln.n of sows one e'.Mt Account of 'rala tt was rsneetted. I fte law' aV -IHrg eJtiMSM of the OKor HBM are beln arrrJ and ... r - ilrwl, ihe '"t l"rwilf Uo weather penaiU wiU be frUy- Prof. C. W. E. Flttiiun, Mr. and Mrs. M. U Wright aad Mrs-N. F.j Cere were at WdWorth'lWacsa fer a tea day casaolaf trip, J BAPTIST CIILTtCII ' POSITION SHOWN U. E. Swann LxDlains , How Resolution was, Adopted by Church and What it j , Purpose Was. Mr. Editor: .. ' ; f There has been much misunderstand-; ing concerning a resolution or me morial submitted . to' and passed. without a dissenting vote, by the , ' Baptist Church, June llh, 1922, iin .conference, that I wish to submit herewith an exact copy of the paper," ' Several men and women have made' t their business, either ignorantly or maliciously, to go about 'town rv quoting the paper, and making-it say many things that were not contain ed in it and many things which were never thought of by those who drew ; the paper. A large number of peo- , pie owe to Rev. Harry A, Day an J, humble apology for th vicious and v venomous epithets and slanders they, have heaped upon him in connection with this matter. ' The facts are as follows: Prompt . efl only by bur love for the' boys and girls of our towi and the welfare of an law abiding citizens, and our earnest derfre that we might have ec ni PaPer. Mr. JJsy dM not pre sent it to the church, but he call- ed in. conference t8 consider It as well as to transact some other bus iness. The writer read the "paper' slowly and carefully that all might hear and understand and then offer- ' ed a motion that It be adopted and ' a copy tent to the Judge, a copy to , the Solicitor and a copy to the Ju rors. ' The motion was promptly see- ' onded by some one in the congrega tion and Mr. Day, acting as modera- , tor of the conference, asked for die cutsion,. waiting longer than Is cus tomary for any one to ssy anything': they wished before the vote was tak en. No one offered a single objec tion and when the vote waa taken, it . was practically unanimous not :a -.' Single vote being recorded against It. ' ' - -. When ths psper was prepared and passed, no one knew who would bo foend -guilty - of selling wViskey. ' There Is absolutely nothing in the paper that can be considered ai per- ' sonsl In the leat. The only pur- pose end the, whole purpose of the - tit. r-u-j-A v . . 'pie an opportunity to. take an open . m'V V.j th.'e;mmonItv, lt tllM come when church people cannot openly express themselves against such things when ' their ' Immediate ' surrounding comun'.ty is vitally affec ted, then-the chuKhes should close their -doors -la shame, and ,d.sgrsee , and meekly admit that they cannot cope with the forces of the Devil. For these who srl found guilty and who were later sentenced by the -Judge, we all have the dee pert sym pathy and we believe that every law jab.drg citizen of the town, would go out of their way, If necetsary, to do them a favor, If by favoring them, the peite and safety of our town' mlffht not be threatened. If there iprottcted, then all law abiJT g and I Christian people would scy give us 'tke substitute, Tf.o deepest sympathy gves out to tie loved one who are. In aoeent but we mut not; In our sympathy, forget the hundred of homes of our twos wheie trouble, mirery an4 evea death lUelf ha been the result ef the terrible liquor curse. The syaipsk tMser with lawketfiats says lifts nobody's bus'neee a hat the ethrr fU low.iiv Wbej the-t nd tr mhlsltry runner, uoder t eewr ef , Bight, 'ia!t:ny n'1 ' J!-'; tempts yeirr b y r I r '. -t to tV ex tent whtr t r tt tni la fre ef cr UcUm, Iwt I te eon, if our offl- t tVe m '-hs i 2 b Uoe, a ' ele 'the conrtnt.iitf ' - 4rwj t:.em U, E -(HA. nhst M ,f"w " (Cor i J V pc